Written- involves any type of message that makes use of the written word.
Different barriers to communication
Language barriers- Language barriers. These are barriers that occur because
of language differences. There are many languages in the world, making a
universal language .
Cultural barriers- Different cultures have their own way of conveying messages.
Besides language, people convey messages using gestures and symbols.
Ask questions- There's nothing wrong with openly asking how things are done in a
different country or culture when done respectfully.
Maintain etiquette -Many cultures have specific etiquette around the way they
communicate. Before you meet, research the target culture, or if time allows, do some
cross cultural training. For example, many cultures expect a degree of formality at the
beginning of communication between individuals. Every culture has its own specific
way of indicating this formality: ‘Herr’ and ‘Frau’ in Germany, reversing family and
given names in China and the use of ‘san’ in Japan for men and women etc. Be aware
of these familiarity tokens and don’t jump straight to first name terms until you
receive a cue from the other person to do so.
Avoid Slang- Not even the most educated non-native English speaker will have a
comprehensive understanding of English slang, idioms and sayings. They may
understand the individual words you have said, but not the context or the meaning. As
a result you could end up confusing them or at worst, offending them.
Types of Conflict
Relationship conflict- is a conflict resulting from either personality clashes or
negative emotional interactions between two or more people.
Task conflict- Task conflict is a difference in opinion on how a task should be done.
Man vs self- Man vs. self literary conflict usually involves the main character's inner
struggle with self-doubts, a moral dilemma, or their own nature.
Man Vs. Society- Man vs. society is a type of conflict that is commonly used in