Codetantra Protocol
Codetantra Protocol
Codetantra Protocol
Table of Contents
Know your Email Id and Password 2
1. How to install CodeTantra SEA (One time activity) 2
How to attempt a Non-Proctored Test from SEA 5
Step 1 : Run the SEA 5
Step 2 : Search and select your institute 6
Step 3 : Login 7
Step 4 : Open Test 8
Step 5 : Start Test 8
Step 6 : Answer the Coding questions in the test 9
Step 7 : Answer the MCQs questions 10
Step 8 : Finishing the test 10
Important elements of the Test Interface 12
Feature 1 : Alternate Navigation Buttons 12
Feature 2 : Jump to navigation panel 12
Feature 3 : Viewing General Instructions(Test Instructions) 13
Feature 4 : Zoom IN/OUT 14
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) 15
Login/Access Issues: 15
Test Issues: 16
Other Issues: 17
Dos and Don'ts while Attempting the Test 19
Do: 19
Don't: 19
A detailed guide on installing of SEA and Attempting a Test
on CodeTantra’s Secure Exam Application(SEA)
Your official institute email ids have been registered on the portal and OTP mails have been
sent from . Kindly search for this mail in the inbox/spam folder and
follow the instructions mentioned in the OTP mail to set a password for your account and
If you are not able to find the OTP mail or OTP has expired or you have forgotten the password,
you can reset your password by clicking on Forgot Password option on the login page of
4. Click on the Tests tile on the homepage.
As you are now aware of the installation of the SEA from the steps mentioned in Section
1, this section will guide you through on how to attempt a non-proctored test on the SEA
○ Go to Start Menu
○ Find and click on CodeTantra SEA
Step 2 : Search and select your institute
Click on the drop down and type to fetch your institute from the list.
Note : In case of invalid Login id / Password error, ensure that the logo on the login page is
the same as that of your institute. If not, then you are on the wrong login page. Recheck the
login link.
1. If you have selected a wrong institute, On the login page, click on Not Your Institution?
2. Again follow Step 02 to Step 04
Step 4 : Open Test
Select the Tests card and you will be directed to the test page
After that click on the open test button as highlighted on the below page
Important Notes:
If you want to execute the code in the terminal, you can click on the small play button on the top
right corner of the code editor
You can resize the text of the question and answers by clicking on – and + button.
If there is any image in the question or option, you can click on the image to zoom in. After viewing the
image you can click on the minimize button available at top right corner of the image.
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)
Login/Access Issues:
1. Unable to login (Wrong URL)
If you encounter an "invalid login id/password" error, ensure the logo on the login page
matches GLBITM's logo. If not, you are likely on the wrong page.
Double-check and use
2. Unable to login (Wrong Password)
If you have forgotten your password, click "Forgot Password" on the login page
( Enter your email, and follow instructions to reset
your password.
3. Unable to login (Forgot Password)
1. Visit
2. Click "Forgot Password"
3. Enter registered email and click "Recover"
4. Check email for OTP from
5. Follow instructions to reset password
4. Unable to see the test
Verify that you are using your official GLBITM email address ending with
Personal emails may not have test access.
Please note : The Password for your GLBITM Email account and your CodeTantra
account are different, you need to set your Codetantra Account Password separately.
Test Issues:
5. Unable to go to next question
Check your internet connection. A stable connection is required for the test.
7. Stuck at code compilation
Check your internet connection, as a stable connection is needed for code compilation
and execution.
8. Reloading the page
Avoid reloading or refreshing the page during a test, as it may lead to issues or loss of
progress. Contact support if you encounter problems.
Other Issues:
9. How to install CodeTantra SEA?
1. Visit (Chrome)
2. Login with credentials
3. Go to Tests > Take Test > Open Test
4. Click "Download" for your OS
5. Install the downloaded file
6. SEA will appear in Start menu
10. Selected wrong institution during login
On the login page, click "Not Your Institution?", then search and select
11. View general instructions for a test
Click the "General Instructions" button during the test to open the instruction panel.
● Refresh or reload the test page, as it may lead to issues or loss of progress.
● Navigate away from the test page or minimize the window during the test, as
it may be flagged as suspicious activity.
● Copy or share the test questions, answers, or any other test content with
anyone, as it is a violation of academic integrity.
● Use unauthorized resources or materials during the test, such as notes,
books, online resources, or assistance from others.
● Attempt to bypass the proctoring system or engage in any form of
malpractice, as it may lead to severe consequences.
● Run any screen recording software, antivirus programs, or other applications
that may interfere with the test environment.
● Leave the test window idle for an extended period, as it may lead to session
timeout and loss of progress.
● Attempt to install the CodeTantra SEA using a locally sourced file from
another device, as it may not be the latest version or may contain
unauthorized modifications.