Or Aditi Khanna

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Faculty Details proforma

Dr. Aditi Khanna

Title Dr. First Name Aditi Last Name Khanna Photograph

Designation Dr.Assistant
Aditi KKKKKhanna
Address Department of Operational Research
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
New Academic Block
University of Delhi
Delhi – 110 007
Phone No Office +9111-27666672
Mobile 099111007707
Email dr.aditikhanna.or@gmail.com

Educational Qualifications
Degree Institution Year
Department of Operational Research,
Ph. D. 2010
University of Delhi
Department of Operational Research,
M.Phil. 2004
University of Delhi
Hans Raj College, University of Delhi 2002
UG Hans Raj College, University of Delhi 2000
Career Profile
April 2013 – Till Date Assistant Professor, Department of Operational Research,
University of Delhi, Delhi, India
July 2007 –March 2013 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Keshav Mahavidyalaya,
University of Delhi, Delhi, India
August 2005 –Nov. 2005 Lecturer, Department of Mathematics,
Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of
Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Administrative Assignments
2017-2019 Member, Anti ragging committee
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2017-2019 Member, Anti Sexual Harassment committee
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2017-2018 Member, Holi Hooliganism Prevention committee,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2017-2019 Member, Board of Research studies (Mathematical Sciences)
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007

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2017-2020 Member, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2013-2018 Deputy Superintendent (M.Sc.-OR-Sem I and III)
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2014-2018 Member, Departmental Research Committee
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2014-2016 Member, Board of Research studies (Mathematical Sciences)
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2013 –2015 Member, Committee of Courses for Post – Graduate & Research Studies,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2016-2018 Member, Committee of Courses & Studies for Under – Graduate Studies,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2016-2017 Member, Academic Activities Committee,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2015-2016 Member, Committee for preparing Ad-hoc Panel
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2015-2016 Member, Departmental Technical Committee, (XII Plan Allocation of funds
under GDA “Non Recurring” Head), Department of Operational Research.
2015-2016 University of Delhi,Assessment
Member, Internal Delhi – 110Compilation
007 Committee,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2016-2017 Member, Admission Committee,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2016-2017 Member, Student’s Activities Committee,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2014- Till date Member, Departmental Research Committee
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2013 – 2015 Member, Committee of Courses for Post Graduate & Research Studies,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2013 – Till date Member, M. Phil. Committee,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2015-2016 Member, Departmental Purchase Committee,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2015-2016 Member, Departmental Hooliganism Committee,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2013-Till date Member, Admission Committee,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2014-2015 Member, Antardhwani 2015,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2014-2015 Member, Internal Assessment Compilation Committee,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007
2014-2015 Member, Departmental Sexual Harassment Committee,
Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007

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Areas of Interest / Specialization

Inventory And Production Management,

Supply Chain Management

Subjects Taught
Teaching Experience: 12 years
M. Sc. Operational Research (Main Campus) (Lectures/Guidance)
1. Inventory management
2. Queuing System
3. Scheduling Techniques
4. C++ and UNIX
5.Project Work
M.A./M.Sc. Applied Operational Research (South Campus) (Lectures/Guidance)
1. Advanced Inventory Management
2. Scheduling Techniques
3. C++ and UNIX
4. Project Work
B. Sc. Mathematical Sciences (Lectures/Guidance)
1. Inventory Management
2. Marketing Management
3. Linear Programming
4. Mathematical Programming
5. Optimization I
6. Optimization II
7. Project Management
8. Statistical Quality Control
9. Case Studies
B. Sc. (H) Mathematics (Lectures)
1. Optimization
B. Sc. (H) Computer Science (Lectures)
1. Operational Research Techniques

Research Guidance

1. Supervision of Doctoral Thesis, under progress: 4

2. Supervision of M. Phil dissertations:

Awarded: 2
Ms. Prerna Gautam
(Title of the Dissertation: Inventory Modeling for Imperfect Quality Items)
Ms. Shikha Yadav
(Title of the Dissertation: Imapact of Integrated Strategies on Vendor-Buyer
Inventory Systems)

Publications Profile
1. Gautam, P., Kishore, A., Khanna, A*, & Jaggi, C. (2019). Strategic defect management for a
sustainable green supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 233, 226-241.
(Indexing: SCIE, Impact Factor: 5.651, SNIP:2.308) - ISSN 0959-6526

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2. Khanna, A., Gautam, P., Sarkar, B., & Jaggi, C. K. (2019). Integrated Vendor-Buyer Strategies for
Imperfect Production Systems with Maintenance and Warranty Policy. RAIRO – OPERATIONS
RESEARCH (Indexing: SCIE, Impact Factor: 0.562, H Index: 22, SJR: 0.3) ISSN 1290-3868 (Online)
- ISSN 0399-0559 (Print)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2019029
3. Khanna, A., Kishore, A., Sarkar, B., & Jaggi, C. (2018). Supply Chain with Customer-Based Two-
Level Credit Policies under an Imperfect Quality Environment. Mathematics, 6(12), 299.
(Indexing: SCIE) ISSN: 2227-7390
4. Khanna, A., Kishore, A., Sarkar, B., & Jaggi, C. K. (2018) Inventory and pricing decisions for
imperfect quality items with inspection errors, sales returns, and partial backorders under
inflation. RAIRO – OPERATIONS RESEARCH (Indexing: SCIE, Impact Factor: 0.562, H Index: 22,
SJR: 0.3) ISSN 1290-3868 (Online) - ISSN 0399-0559 (Print)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2018102
5. Gautam, P., & Khanna, A. (2018). An imperfect production inventory model with setup cost
reduction and carbon emission for an integrated supply chain. Uncertain Supply Chain
Management, 6(3), 271-286. (SCOPUS Indexed) ISSN: 2291-6830, 2291-6822
6. Mittal, M., Jaggi, C. K., & Khanna, A. (2017) Retailers ordering policy for deteriorating imperfect
quality items when demand and price are time-dependent under inflationary conditions and
permissible delay in payments. International Journal of Procurement Management. 10(4), 461-
494. (H Index: 14, SJR: 0.38) ISSN: 17538432, 17538440
7. Khanna, A., Kishore, A., and Jaggi, C.K. (2017). Strategic Production modeling for defective items
with imperfect Inspection process, Rework, and Sales return under Two-level Trade Credit.
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations. 8, 85-118. (H Index 14, SJR: 0.64,
SNIP: 0.986) ISSN: 19232926, 19232934
8. Khanna, A., Gautam, P., & Jaggi, C. K. (2017). Inventory Modeling for Deteriorating Imperfect
Quality Items with Selling Price Dependent Demand and Shortage Backordering under Credit
Financing. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences.
2(2), 110–124. ISSN: 2455-7749
9. Khanna, A., Kishore, A., and Jaggi, C.K. (2017). Inventory Modeling for Imperfect Production
Process with Inspection Errors, Sales Return, and Imperfect Rework Process. International
Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences. 2(42), 242–258. ISSN: 2455-
10. Khanna, A., Kishore, A., and Jaggi, C.K. (2016). Impact of inflation and trade credit policy on an
inventory model for imperfect quality items with allowable shortages, accepted for publication
in Control and Cybernetics. 45(1), 37-82. (Impact Factor: , H Index 30, SJR: 0.17, SNIP: ) ISSN:
11. Tiwari, S., Cárdenas-Barrón, L. E., Khanna, A., & Jaggi, C. K. (2016). Impact of trade credit and
inflation on retailers ordering policies for non-instantaneous deteriorating items in a two-
warehouse environment. International Journal of Production Economics, 176, 154-169.(Impact
Factor: 2.752, H Index 100, SJR: 2.786, SNIP: 2.475)ISSN: 09255273.
12. Khanna, A., Gautam, P., & Jaggi, C. K. (2016, March). Coordinating vendor-buyer decisions for
imperfect quality items considering trade credit and fully backlogged shortages.
In ADVANCEMENT IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2015,) (Vol. 1715, p. 020065). AIP Publishing.(H
Index 34 SJR: 0.15) ISSN: 0094-243X
13. Jaggi, C. K., Khanna, A., & Kishore, A. (2016, March). Production inventory policies for defective
items with inspection errors, sales return, imperfect rework process and backorders.
In ADVANCEMENT IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Proceedings of the 2nd International

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Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2015), (Vol. 1715, p. 020062). AIP Publishing. (H
Index 34, SJR: 0.15) ISSN: 0094-243X
14. Jaggi, C., Khanna, A., & Nidhi, N. (2016). Effects of inflation and time value of money on an
inventory system with deteriorating items and partially backlogged shortages. International
Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 7(2), 267-282.(Impact Factor: 0.131, H Index 8,
SJR: 0.8, SNIP: 0.994) ISSN: 19232926, 19232934
15. Khanna, A., Mittal, M., Gautam, P., & Jaggi, C. (2016). Credit financing for deteriorating
imperfect quality items with allowable shortages. Decision Science Letters, 5(1), 45-60. (H Index
2, SJR: 0.2, SNIP: 0.402)ISSN: 19295812, 19295804.
16. Jaggi, C. K., Pareek, S., Khanna, A., & Singhal, N. (2016). Optimal replenishment policy for fuzzy
inventory model with deteriorating items and allowable shortages under inflationary
conditions. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research. ISSN: 0354-0243 EISSN: 2334-6043, 25(2).
17. Jaggi, C., Pareek, S., Khanna, A., & Sharma, R. (2015). Two-warehouse inventory model for
deteriorating items with price-sensitive demand and partially backlogged shortages under
inflationary conditions. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 6(1), 59-
80.(Impact Factor: 0.131, H Index 8, SJR: 0.8, SNIP: 0.994) ISSN: 19232926, 19232934
18. Jaggi, C. K., Pareek, S., Khanna, A., & Sharma, R. (2014 NOV). Credit financing in a two-
warehouse environment for deteriorating items with price-sensitive demand and fully
backlogged shortages. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38 (21), 5315-5333. ( Impact Factor:
2.251, 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.326, H Index 55, SNIP: 1.816, SJR:1.283) ISSN: 0307-904X
19. Jaggi, C. K., Mittal, M., & Khanna, A. (2013 Sept.). Effects of inspection on retailer's ordering
policy for deteriorating items with time-dependent demand under inflationary
conditions. International Journal of Systems Science, 44(9), 1774-1782.(Impact Factor: 2.1, H
Index 46, SJR: 1.06, SNIP: 1.546) ISSN: 14645319, 00207721
20. Jaggi, C. K., Khanna, A., Pareek, S., & Sharma, R. (2013 April). Ordering Policy in a Two-
Warehouse Environment for Deteriorating Items with Shortages under Inflationary
Conditions. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 4(2), 27-47. IGI Global, ISSN:
21. Jaggi, C. K., Khanna, A., & Mittal, M. (2011). Credit financing for deteriorating imperfect-quality
items under inflationary conditions. International Journal of Services Operations and
Informatics, 6(4), 292-309. (H Index: 7, SJR 0.18, SNIP: 0.304)ISSN: 17415403, 1741539X.
22. Jaggi, C. K., Khanna, A., &Verma, P. (2011). Two-warehouse partial backlogging inventory model
for deteriorating items with linear trend in demand under inflationary conditions. International
Journal of Systems Science, 42(7), 1185-1196.(Impact Factor: 2.1, H Index 46, SJR: 1.06, SNIP:
1.546) ISSN: 14645319, 00207721
23. Jaggi, C. K., Khanna, A. (2010). Supply chain model for deteriorating items with stock-dependent
consumption rate and shortages under inflation and permissible delay in
payment. International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, 2(4), 491-514.(H
Index: 10, SJR: 0.51) ISSN: 17575850, 17575869
24. Jaggi, C. K., Khanna, A. (2009). The retailer's procurement policy with credit-linked demand
under inflationary conditions. International Journal of Procurement Management, 2(2), 163-
179.(H Index: 12, SJR: 0.25) ISSN: 17538432, 17538440
25. Jaggi, C. K., Khanna, A. (2009). Retailer's ordering policy for deteriorating items with inflation-
induced demand under trade credit policy. International Journal of Operational Research, 6(3),
360-379.(H Index: 14, SJR:0.41, SNIP: 0.75) ISSN: 17457645
26. Jaggi, C. K., Khanna, A. (2008). An integrated production-inventory-marketing model under
inflationary conditions for deteriorating items. International Journal of Applied Decision
Sciences, 1(4), 435-454.(H Index: 7, SJR: 0.29, SNIP: 0.600)ISSN: 17558077, 17558085

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27. Jaggi, C. K., Khanna, A. (2008). Impact of inflation and credit policies on a production lot size
model. Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2(1), 243-249.(Global Impact Factor for
2012 =2.657) ISSN: 1920-3853
28. Jaggi, C. K., Kausar, A., & Khanna, A. (2007). Joint Optimization of Retailer’s unit selling price and
Cycle length under Two-stage Credit Policy when the end demand is price sensitive as well as
credit period sensitive. Opsearch, 44(2), 172-182. (H Index: 6, SJR: 0.26, SNIP: 0.317)ISSN:
09750320, 00303887
29. Jaggi, C. K., Khanna, A., & Goel, S.K. (2007). Progressive Credit Policy in a Supply Chain model
under inflationary conditions. Mathematics Today,23, 1-18.(ISSN: 0976-3228)
Chapters in Book
30. Jaggi, C. K., Gautam, P., & Khanna, A. (2017). Credit Policies for Deteriorating Imperfect Quality
Items With Exponentially Increasing Demand and Partial Backlogging. In Handbook of Research
on Promoting Business Process Improvement Through Inventory Control Techniques (pp. 90-
106). IGI Global.
(Release Date: December, 2017
ISBN13: 9781522532323, ISBN10: 1522532323, EISBN13: 9781522532330,
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3232-3)
31. Jaggi, C. K., Gautam, P., & Khanna, A. (2017). A Study on Imperfect Production System Under
Maintenance Strategies and Warranty. In Handbook of Research on Promoting Business Process
Improvement Through Inventory Control Techniques (pp. 371-387). IGI Global.
(Release Date: December, 2017
ISBN13: 9781522532323, ISBN10: 1522532323, EISBN13: 9781522532330,
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3232-3)
32. Jaggi C.K., Gautam P., Khanna A. (2018). Inventory Decisions for Imperfect Quality Deteriorating
Items with Exponential Declining Demand Under Trade Credit and Partially Backlogged Shortages.
In Quality, IT and Business Operations (pp. 213-229). Springer, Singapore. (Print ISBN: 978-981-
10-5576-8, Online ISBN: 978-981-10-5577-5)
33. Jaggi, C. K., Pareek, S., Khanna, A., & Sharma, R. (2014). Ordering Policy in a Two-Warehouse
Environment for Deteriorating Items under Inflationary Conditions. In Analytical Approaches to
Strategic Decision-Making: Interdisciplinary Considerations, (pp. 320-338). IGI Global. (Indexed
In: SCOPUS, Release Date: April, 2014,
ISBN13: 9781466659582| ISBN10: 1466659580| EISBN13: 9781466659599
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5958-2)

Publications in the Last one year

1. Gautam, P., Kishore, A., Khanna, A*, & Jaggi, C. (2019). Strategic defect management for a
sustainable green supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 233, 226-241.
(Indexing: SCIE, Impact Factor: 5.651, SNIP:2.308) - ISSN 0959-6526
2. Khanna, A., Gautam, P., Sarkar, B., & Jaggi, C. K. (2019). Integrated Vendor-Buyer Strategies for
Imperfect Production Systems with Maintenance and Warranty Policy. RAIRO – OPERATIONS
RESEARCH (Indexing: SCIE, Impact Factor: 0.562, H Index: 22, SJR: 0.3) ISSN 1290-3868 (Online)
- ISSN 0399-0559 (Print)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2019029
3. Khanna, A., Kishore, A., Sarkar, B., & Jaggi, C. (2018). Supply Chain with Customer-Based Two-
Level Credit Policies under an Imperfect Quality Environment. Mathematics, 6(12), 299.
(Indexing: SCIE) ISSN: 2227-7390

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4. Khanna, A., Kishore, A., Sarkar, B., & Jaggi, C. K. (2018) Inventory and pricing decisions for
imperfect quality items with inspection errors, sales returns, and partial backorders under
inflation. RAIRO – OPERATIONS RESEARCH (Indexing: SCIE, Impact Factor: 0.562, H Index: 22,
SJR: 0.3) ISSN 1290-3868 (Online) - ISSN 0399-0559 (Print)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2018102
5. Gautam, P., & Khanna, A. (2018). An imperfect production inventory model with setup cost
reduction and carbon emission for an integrated supply chain. Uncertain Supply Chain
Management, 6(3), 271-286. (SCOPUS Indexed) ISSN: 2291-6830, 2291-6822
Chapters in Book
6. Jaggi C.K., Gautam P., Khanna A. (2018). Inventory Decisions for Imperfect Quality Deteriorating
Items with Exponential Declining Demand Under Trade Credit and Partially Backlogged Shortages.
In Quality, IT and Business Operations (pp. 213-229). Springer, Singapore. (Print ISBN: 978-981-
10-5576-8, Online ISBN: 978-981-10-5577-5)

Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last three years)

1. Conference Co-Chair in the Ist International Conference of “Emerging Trends in Inventory, Supply
Chain & Reliability Modeling (ETISCRM 2018” held during December 21-23 2018 at Department of
Operational research, University of Delhi, Delhi.
2. Conducted a Workshop on “How to Write a Research paper” organized by Association of Inventory
Academicians and Practitioners, during December 17-20,2018, at Department of Operational
research, University of Delhi, Delhi.
3. Delivered a talk on “Inventory management and control, Modelling and Optimization techniques”
at Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP), sponsored by Department of Science and
Technology, Govt of India during 11th June 2018 -13th July 20-18 at Amity School of Engineering and
Technology, Bijwasan, Delhi.
4. Attended and presented a paper titled “An Integrated model for Deteriorating Items with Price-
Sensitive Demand and Preservation Technology under Partial Backlogging” in Vivekananda
International Conference VINC’17 on “Building Research Analytics in Sciences, Technology,
Operations Research & Management- BRAINSTORM” held at School of Business Studies,
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi, on 16-17 March, 2017.
5. Organizing Secretary, Workshop on Business Analytics and Intelligence, Dept. of Operational
Research, February 24 -25, 2017.
6. Attended and presented a paper titled “Economic Production Quantity model with Defectives,
Inspection errors and Imperfect Rework Process” at the National Conference on and Optimization
Techniques (NCSOT) organized by Department of Statistics, M.D. University, Rohtak, India, on 11-13
February, 2017.

Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)

➢ Principal Investigator, R&D project sanctioned by University of Delhi, Delhi, during 2015-2016.
(Research Grant No.: RC/2015/9677)
Project Title- Strategic Inventory Modelling for Imperfect Quality Items with Inspection Errors

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➢ Principal Investigator, R&D project sanctioned by University of Delhi, Delhi, during 2014-2015.
(Research Grant No.: RC/2014/6820)
Project Title- Inventory Management Of Imperfect Quality Deteriorating Items

➢ Principal Investigator, R&D project sanctioned under a scheme for strengthening R & D
Doctoral Programme of University of Delhi, Delhi. (DRCH/R&D/2013-14/4155).
Project Title- Study of Inventory Models in the era of Globalization

Awards and Distinctions

➢ Awarded “Kusum Aggarwal Memorial Merit Scholarship” for a period of one year [2001-2002]
➢ Secured IInd position in M.Sc. Operational Research, in Hans Raj College, University of Delhi
➢ Secured IInd position in B.Sc. (G) Computer Sc., in Hans Raj College, University of Delhi

Association with Professional Bodies

• Life Member of Operational Research Society of India

• Life Member of Association of Inventory Academicians and Practitioners
• Member of Editorial Review Board, Amity Journal of Operations Management.
• Reviewer, Applied Mathematical Modeling (Elsevier)
• Reviewer, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications
and Practice [IJIETAP]
• Reviewer, OPSEARCH
• Reviewer, Journal of the Operational Research Society.
• Reviewer, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences.
• Reviewer, International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience (Inderscience)
• Member, Board of Research studies (Mathematical Sciences), Faculty of Mathematical
Sciences, University of Delhi.
• Member, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delhi.
• Member, Committee to Review and Revise syllabus, for OR papers in UG courses (2013),
University of Delhi, Delhi.
• Member, Committee to Review and Revise syllabus, for M.Sc. OR papers in PG courses (2018),
University of Delhi, Delhi.
• Coordinator, Committee for Revision of UG courses of the Department of O.R. on the basis of
LOCF (2019), University of Delhi, Delhi.

Other Activities

➢ Attended Short Term Course on MOOCs, E-Learning and ICT (15th June, 2019 to 21st June 2019)
being organized by the CPDHE at University of Delhi
➢ Attended Refresher Course in Computational & Mathematical Studies (29th August – 19th
September 2018) at UGC – HRDC, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.

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➢ Attended Refresher Course in Mathematical Sciences (24th November – 13th December 2014)
UGC – Sponsored at CPDHE, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007.
➢ Attended Orientation Programme OR-76 (9th June 2014 – 4th July 2014) UGC – Sponsored at
CPDHE, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007.
➢ Real life industrial project guidance to final year M .Sc. Operational Research and
M. A./M .Sc. Applied Operational Research students jointly with other faculty member,
Department of Operational Research on various specific fields of Operational Research

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