5.4. Functional Modes of Digital Signal Processor: Rohini College of Engineering & Technology
5.4. Functional Modes of Digital Signal Processor: Rohini College of Engineering & Technology
5.4. Functional Modes of Digital Signal Processor: Rohini College of Engineering & Technology
within the CPU. In Addition the pair CAB, CB and DAB, DB are used to read from the
data memory, while the pair EAB, EB; carries the data to be written to the memory.
The ‘54xx can generate up to two data-memory addresses per cycle using the two
auxiliary register arithmetic unit (ARAU0 and ARAU1) in the DAGEN block. This
enables accessing two operands simultaneously.
Central Processing Unit (CPU):
The ‘54xx CPU is common to all the ‘54xx devices. The ’54xx CPU contains a
40-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU); two 40-bit accumulators (A and B); a barrel shifter;
a 17 x 17-bit multiplier; a 40-bit adder; a compare, select and store unit (CSSU); an
exponent encoder(EXP); a data address generation unit (DAGEN); and a program
address generation unit (PAGEN).
Accumulators A and B store the output from the ALU or the multiplier/adder
block and provide a second input to the ALU. Each accumulators is divided into three
parts: guards bits (bits 39-32), high- order word (bits-31-16), and low-order word (bits
15- 0), which can be stored and retrieved individually. Each accumulator is memory-
mapped and partitioned. It can be configured as the destination registers. The guard bits
are used as a head margin for computations.
Barrel shifter:
Barrel shifter provides the capability to scale the data during an operand read or
write. No overhead is required to implement the shift needed for the scaling operations.
The’54xx barrel shifter can produce a left shift of 0 to 31 bits or a right shift of 0 to 16
bits on the input data. The shift count field of status registers ST1, or in the temporary
register T. Figure 4.3 shows the functional diagram of the barrel shifter of
TMS320C54xx processors. The barrel shifter and the exponent encoder normalize the
values in an accumulator in a single cycle. The LSBs of the output are filled with0s, and
the MSBs can be either zero filled or sign extended, depending on the state of the sign-
extension mode bit in the status register ST1. An additional shift capability enables the
processor to perform numerical scaling, bit extraction, extended arithmetic, and
overflow prevention operations.
Multiplier/adder unit:
The kernel of the DSP device architecture is multiplier/adder unit. The
multiplier/adder unit of TMS320C54xx devices performs 17 x 17 2’s complement
multiplication with a 40-bit addition effectively in a single instruction cycle.
In addition to the multiplier and adder, the unit consists of control logic for integer and
fractional computations and a 16-bit temporary storage register, T. Figure 4.4 show the
functional diagram of the multiplier/adder unit of TMS320C54xx processors.
The compare, select, and store unit (CSSU) is a hardware unit specifically incorporated
to accelerate the add/compare/select operation. This operation is essential to implement
the Viterbi algorithm used in many signal-processing applications