Resistance Thermometry 1
Resistance Thermometry 1
Resistance Thermometry 1
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................................................................Page 3
Resistance Thermometers...................................................................................................................................................................Page 3
Resistance/Temperature Characteristics ................................................................................................................................Page 3
Platinum .......................................................................................................................................................................................Page 3
Copper ..........................................................................................................................................................................................Page 5
Nickel-Iron ...................................................................................................................................................................................Page 5
Nickel.............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 6
DIN Nickel ....................................................................................................................................................................................Page 6
Temperature Coefficient of Resistance ...................................................................................................................................Page 7
Comparison of Element Types ...................................................................................................................................................Page 8
Effects of Leadwire Resistance and Bridge Design .............................................................................................................Page 9
Two-wire Temperature Transmitters .................................................................................................................................... Page 11
Potential Sources of Error with Resistance Thermometers .......................................................................................... Page 12
Resistance Thermometer Types ............................................................................................................................................. Page 15
Where to Use Resistance Thermometers ............................................................................................................................ Page 18
Understanding the principles of resistance thermometry as they apply to resistance thermometers and
thermistors will help you achieve consistent and accurate readings from your temperature sensing instruments.
A resistance thermometer consists of a metallic element whose resistance increases with temperature. Their
designs range from helical-wound thermometers for laboratory use to industrial thermometers that consist of
several designs which allow it to conform closely to sensed surfaces. Two key benefits of the resistance
thermometer include accuracy and stability. A thermistor consists of a semiconductor material whose resistance
decreases as temperature increases. Key benefits of the thermistor are high resolution measurements over
limited ranges and low cost. This white paper describes resistance thermometers and thermistors in detail, and
will help you accurately calibrate your temperature reading instrument by performing calculations regarding
resistance/temperature characteristics and the temperature coefficient of resistance. Details are provided
regarding factors that can influence the temperature/resistance ratio such as element types, leadwire resistance,
electrical noise, vibration, self-heating, and exposure to temperatures at or beyond the endpoint of a specified
Resistance Thermometers
Resistance thermometers may be called RTDs (resistance temperature detectors), PRTs (platinum resistance
thermometers), or SPRTs (standard platinum resistance thermometers). These thermometers operate on the
principle that electrical resistance changes in pure metal elements, relative to temperature.
The traditional sensing element of a resistance thermometer consists of a coil of small diameter wire wound to a
precise resistance value. The most common material is platinum, although nickel, copper, and nickel-iron alloys
compete with platinum in many applications.
A relatively recent alternative to the wire-wound RTD substitutes a thin film of platinum, which is deposited on a
ceramic substrate and trimmed to the desired resistance. Thin film elements attain high resistances with less
metal, thereby lowering cost.
Resistance/Temperature Characteristics
Resistance thermometers exhibit the most linear signal with respect to temperature of any sensing device. Small
deviations from straight line response, however, dictate the use of interpolating polynomials to calculate
resistance values between fixed temperature points.
The resistance/temperature characteristic for standard platinum resistance thermometers, as defined by the ITS–
90 (International Temperature Scale of 1990), is a complex set of equations beyond the scope of this document.
A good reference for understanding the ITS–90 is NIST Technical Note 1265: Guidelines for Realizing the ITS–90, B.
W. Mangum and G. T. Furukawa, U. S. Department of Commerce, 1990.
t(°C) Equation
-200 to 0 [
R t = R 0 1 + At + Bt 2 + Ct 3 (t − 100 ) ]
0 to 850 Rt = R0 [1 + At + Bt ]
The A, B, and C coefficients, which can be individually determined for high precision laboratory thermometers,
are entered into the Callendar-Van Dusen equation to generate resistance vs temperature tables.
A 2 − 4 B 1 − t
−A +
t =
For temperatures below 0°C, the equation is too complex to solve, so successive approximation is employed:
t1 = (initial approximation)
A + 100B
1 + At n + Bt n2 + Ct n3 (t n − 100 ) −
R0 This equation typically converges to
tn + 1 = tn −
A + 2Bt n − 300Ct 2
n + 4Ct 3
sufficient accuracy within 2 iterations.
t(°C) Equation
-200 to -50 [
R t = R1 R 0 1 + A1 (t + 200 ) + B1 (t + 200 )2 ]
-50 to 150 R t = R 0 [1+ A2 t ]
150 to 260 [
R t = R 3 R 0 1 + A3 (t − 150 ) + B 3 (t − 150 )2 ]
Rt = Resistance at temperature t (in °C),
R 0 = Base resistance at 0°C, and
A, B, R1 and R3 are constants that describe a given thermometer.
Note that copper resistance is linear with temperature from -50 to 150°C, and nearly linear over other ranges.
t(°C) Equation
-200 to 0 [
R t = R 0 1 + A1t + B1t 2 + C 1t 3 ]
0 to 204 Rt = R0 [1 + A t + B t
2 2
+ C 2t 3 ]
Rt = Resistance at temperature t (in °C),
R0 = Base resistance at 0°C, and
A, B, and C are constants that describe a given thermometer.
Individual manufacturers have developed proprietary curves for nickel elements, working from direct
measurements, but there is no simple formula for direct calculation of resistance. Figure 1 shows the nonlinear
behavior of nickel in comparison to other elements.
DIN Nickel
(200.64 − 120 )
Nickel: 120 = 0.00672 Ω / Ω / °C
(138.50 − 100 )
Platinum: 100 = 0.003850 Ω / Ω / °C
(139.11 − 100 )
or 100 = 0.003911 Ω / Ω / °C
(139.26 − 100 )
or 100 = 0.003926 Ω / Ω / °C
In one sense, TCR expresses the sensitivity of the resistive wire used in the element, as it defines the average
temperature change of a hypothetical 1 Ω thermometer. But end-users normally use TCR to distinguish between
different resistance/temperature curves of the same element material, such as the three curves platinum.
Platinum, with its wide temperature range and stability, has become the preferred element material for
resistance thermometers. Furthermore, advances in element construction have narrowed the price difference
between platinum and base metal thermometers. Nevertheless, nickel, copper, and nickel-iron do have benefits
for many applications and should be considered. The primary advantages of the four element types are
compared in Table 1.
Because an RTD is a resistance type sensor, any resistance in the extension wires between the RTD and control
instrument will add to readings. In some cases, one can compensate for this extra resistance with adjustments at
the instrument. However, this only compensates when the leads are at a constant temperature since variations
in ambient temperature alter copper leadwire resistance.
Table 2 shows resistance values of common copper leadwire sizes. To approximate error in an uncompensated
system, multiply the total length (in feet) of extension leads by the appropriate value in the table. Then divide by
the sensitivity of the RTD element from Table 1 to obtain an error figure in °C. For example, assume a 100 Ω
platinum element with 0.00385 TCR and 22 AWG leads, 100 feet long:
Total resistance = 200 ft × 0.0165 Ω/ft = 3.3 Ω
Approx. error = 3.3 Ω/(0.385 Ω/°C) = 8.6°C
Resistive networks like the Wheatstone bridge represent a passive solution to the problem of leadwire
resistance. The 2-wire temperature transmitter, in contrast, actively amplifies and conditions the RTD signal.
A transmitter, which mounts at or near the RTD location, converts the resistance reading to a current signal
proportional to temperature. This current travels over two extension wires to the control instrument. Unlike
voltage or resistance, current must be the same at both ends of a signal loop. This means that temperature
signals can be sent thousands of feet over two wires with no loss of accuracy from leadwire resistance or
electrical noise.
The standard process control transmitter produces a 4 to 20 mA signal proportional to temperature over a
specified range. The signal current also provides power for the transmitter’s electronics. Allowable resistance in
the signal loop depends on the voltage required by the transmitter at the 20 mA level. Hundreds of ohms—
thousands of feet of wire—are usually no problem.
The disadvantages of transmitters are price—typically about twice that of a resistance thermometer alone—and
the need to periodically recalibrate zero and span. On the other hand, cost savings result from the use of
inexpensive twisted-pair signal wires over long distances. Also, the linear current signal easily interfaces to
voltage input instruments through the use of a load resistor.
Most transmitters mount in a connection head attached to the resistance thermometer or in an instrument rack
nearby. Some types of transmitters mount in the same enclosure as the thermometer. This arrangement requires
careful attention to the problem of temperature rises induced by heat from the transmitter.
Resistance thermometer systems are susceptible to three types of errors: The inherent tolerances built into the
thermometers, gradients between the thermometer and the medium to be sensed, and errors introduced along
the path between the sensor and readout or control instrument. Some sources of error are electrical; others
result from the mechanical construction of the thermometer.
Potential sources of error include:
Interchangeability and Conformity:
Conformity specifies the amount of resistance a thermometer is allowed to deviate from a standard curve (such
as the curve produced by the Callendar-Van Dusen equation). Conformity has two components: a tolerance at
the reference temperature, usually 0°C, and a tolerance on the slope or TCR. Figure 5 shows that a resistance
thermometer conforms most closely to its curve at the reference temperature, while the resistance fans out
above and below this reference. For example, IEC 751, Class B, requires calibration within 0.12 Ω (0.3°C) at 0°C,
but allows TCR to deviate from nominal 0.00385 by ±0.000012 Ω/Ω/°C. Thus, tolerance spreads to 0.8°C at 100°C,
1.3°C at 200°C, and on up to 3.8°C at 700°C. Interchangeability between two thermometers is no more than twice
the value of their conformity.
Commercial platinum resistance thermometer elements are available with extremely tight tolerances, to within
0.01 Ω (0.026°C) in some cases. When interchangeability is an overriding consideration, you may consider other
means to achieve it. For example, manufacturers may alter their calibration procedures to fix the reference
temperature—and tightest tolerance—at a point other than 0°C. Or if the difference between two thermometers
is more important than absolute temperature, matched pairs—measured to agree within a certain tolerance—
may be less expensive than calibrating each thermometer within a small range of nominal.
It is important to note that conformity and interchangeability specifications only denote the relative accuracy of
two otherwise identical thermometers mounted side by side in the same environment. They do not include
errors acting equally upon both thermometers.
The resistance change per degree change in temperature is a function of base resistance and TCR (Temperature
Coefficient of Resistance). Although a thermometer with higher sensitivity is not necessarily more accurate, a
larger signal simplifies output electronics and is less susceptible to leadwire effects and electrical noise. In
addition, a larger resistance produces the same voltage output with less measuring current, which helps to limit
self-heating of the thermometer element.
A resistance thermometer is a passive resistance sensor; it requires a measuring current to produce a useful
signal. Because this measuring current heats the element wire above the true ambient temperature, errors will
result unless the extra heat is dissipated.
Self-heating is most often expressed in mW/°C, which is the power in milliwatts (1000 I2R) required to raise the
thermometer’s internal temperature by 1°C. The higher the mW/°C figure, the lower the self-heating. As an
example, assume a 5 mA measuring current is driven through a 100 Ω platinum RTD at 100°C. Self-heating is
specified as 50 mW/°C in water moving at 3 ft/sec.
The amount of heat generated is: 1000 mW × (0.005 A)2 × (138.5 Ω) = 3.5 mW
The self-heating error is: (3.5 mW) / (50 mW/°C) = 0.07°C
The generated heat increases with higher sensor element resistance (when a constant current measurement
device is used), or with increasing measuring current. The resulting error is inversely proportional to the ability of
the thermometer to shed extra heat; which, in turn, depends on thermometer materials, construction, and
environment. The worst self-heating occurs when a high resistance is packed into a small body. Thin film
elements, with little surface area to dissipate heat, are an example. Self-heating also depends on the medium in
which the thermometer is immersed. Error in still air may be over 100 times greater than in moving water.
Time Constant:
A time constant indicates the responsiveness of a resistance thermometer to temperature change. A common
expression is the time it takes a thermometer to reflect 63.2% of a step temperature change in moving water.
Response speed depends on the mass of the thermometer and the rate at which heat transfers from the outer
surface to the sensing element. A rapid time constant reduces errors in a system subject to rapid temperature
The degree of accord between two successive readings with a thermometer is its repeatability. Loss of
repeatability results from permanent or temporary changes to the resistance characteristics of the element and
may be caused by exposing the thermometer to temperatures at or beyond the endpoints of its specified range.
A repeatability test cycles the thermometer between low and high temperatures; any changes to R0°C are noted.
A typical repeatability rating for an industrial platinum resistance thermometers is ±0.1°C.
Stability is long term drift in thermometer readings. A typical specification would limit drift to 0.1°C per year for
rated operation. Normal service at points well within the temperature rating typically cause much less drift. Drift
is a consequence of the element material, with platinum being the most stable; encapsulating materials which
could contaminate the element; and mechanical stress placed on the element by expansion of winding bobbins
or other supporting structures.
Examples of commonly available resistance thermometer types, with an emphasis on the design features which
take advantage of the benefits listed above, and which avoid the sources of error, are presented in the following
NIST specifies the standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT) as the standard interpolating instrument
used to define temperatures from -259.35 to 961.78°C. According to the ITS–90, a standard platinum resistance
thermometer must meet one of the following criteria:
R29.7646°C R −38.8344°C
R 0.01°C ≥ 1.11807 or R0.01°C ≤ 0.844235
This requires very high purity platinum wound in a nearly strain-free manner.
The unsupported coils of a strain-free element are quite susceptible to damage from shock and vibration. Even a
slight tap on a table can invalidate an expensive calibration.
Resistance thermometers could not have migrated from the laboratory to the industrial plant without the
invention of rugged, low-cost elements. The need to encapsulate the resistive element for protection from shock
and corrosive environments, without unduly straining the element, have led to a variety of technologies for
constructing elements.
Copper, nickel, and nickel-iron may replace platinum as element materials for lower temperatures, generally
below 260°C. Moderate temperatures also allow the use of organic materials in element construction, enabling a
wide variety of styles. Resulting benefits include lower cost and faster time response.
Thin-film elements (Figure 10), more recently developed, are LEADED
comparable to wire-wound ceramic elements in performance,
but lower in price. They consist of a flat substrate with a thin
film of deposited platinum, laser-trimmed to proper resistance.
Thinfilms can have high resistances, commonly 1000 ohms SURFACE MOUNT
or even 10,000 ohms, without the expense of extra platinum Figure 10: Thin-film element
wire. Naked elements exhibit very fast time responses,
although they will respond more slowly in probes because of difficulties transferring heat to the flat element.
Also, the user should be careful to limit measuring current as the small size and high resistance of thin films
invite self-heating.
The encased probe is the standard resistance thermometer configuration for industrial process control and
machinery protection. Most probe cases are stainless steel or Inconel to withstand high temperatures, although
other materials offer advantages at intermediate
ranges. For example, the tip-sensitive probe of Figure
11 has a copper-alloy tip which conducts heat 20 times
better than stainless steel. This design improves
thermal contact with sensed surfaces and reduces Figure 11: Tip-sensitive probe
errors from conduction along the sheath.
Standard probe diameters range from 0.125 to 0.250 inch. Smaller probes respond faster when directly
immersed, but larger probes may fit more snugly in standard thermowells. Probe lengths range from a few
inches to ten feet or more.
Figure 12 shows the construction of a high
temperature probe. The element fits in the tip,
surrounded by high temperature powder or
cement. Extensions leads, normally un-insulated,
extend back from the element and are
encapsulated by powder, cement, or bored ceramic
spacers. External leads, often insulated with Teflon Figure 12: High temperature probe
or glass braid, are potted with cement at the entry
point to seal against moisture.
Probe Assemblies
A wide variety of mounting fittings and accessories aid probe installation. Selection depends on the nature of
the medium being sensed and cost requirements.
Direct immersion of a probe into a liquid requires a fitting with a pipe thread, which may be adjustable or
welded on the probe. Figure 14 shows a typical assembly, with one thread for mounting the probe and another
for a connection head. Connection heads provide a transition between probe leads and external signal wires.
Mounting in a solid material is best accomplished with a spring-loaded holder, which may be fixed or adjustable.
Spring loading provides good contact of the probe tip against the bottom of the hole and dampens potentially
damaging vibration.
When liquids are particularly corrosive, under high pressure, or fast-flowing, a thermowell may be necessary. A
thermowell is a tube, closed at one end, which protects the probe and allows its removal without breaking the
liquid seal. Many materials and styles are available to match application requirements. Thermowells drilled from
solid bar stock provide the highest pressure ratings, but welded models cost less. Figure 15 shows a typical
thermowell assembly, including a spring-loaded holder for enhanced thermal response and reliability.
The encased probes described above do not adapt well to sensing flat surfaces. Unlike thermocouple junctions,
which can be welded directly to metal surfaces, resistance thermometers present a certain amount of bulk; and
heat losses to ambient air may affect readings. Small flat elements, such as thin films, may mount on surfaces,
but fragile element and leadwire connections make installation difficult.
Figure 16 shows a flexible resistance thermometer with a
wire-wound sensing element sandwiched between
insulating layers. It conforms closely to sensed surfaces, and
has thin insulation to readily transmit heat to the sensing
element. The wire element may be wound to nearly any size
to average out temperature gradients, and the flexible
construction can withstand extreme shock and vibration.
Specification of the covering insulation depends on the
environment seen by the sensor. Polyimide is popular for
aerospace and medical use, as it withstands both chemicals
and vacuums. Silicone rubber features a higher temperature Figure 16: Flexible resistance thermometer
rating, to 220°C (428°F).
Resistance thermometers readily adapt to most process control and thermal equipment designs. The user may
specify cases with axial leads for circuit board mounting, flat packages for clamping to surfaces, miniature cases
for embedment into metal blocks, and any sheaths and fittings which can be produced by a machine shop. In
addition, wire windings may be configured to sense over large areas.
In summary, resistance thermometers offer the greatest benefits relative to other thermometer types in these
A thermistor operates through electrical resistance changes in semiconductors rather than pure metal. The base
material is a mixture of metal oxides pressed into a bead, rod, disk, wafer, or other shape. The bead, with
embedded leadwires, is sintered at high temperatures and often coated with epoxy or glass. Beads may be quite
small—down to 0.01” (0.25 mm) diameter in some cases.
The design, construction, and characteristics of thermistors vary widely among manufacturers.
Typical properties are:
1. Thermistors exhibit very large resistance changes, but usually in a direction opposite to resistance
thermometers; resistance drops as temperature rises. This is called negative temperature coefficient of
resistance (NTC).
2. Base resistances, commonly specified at 25°C, range from thousands to millions of ohms. Thermistor
sensitivity dwarfs that of resistance thermometers.
3. Resistance/temperature curves deviate widely from linearity, except over narrow ranges.
4. Thermistors tend to drift more than resistance thermometers, although they stabilize over time.
5. Temperature ranges are moderate, with 300°C (572°F) the common upper limit.
The combination of nonlinearity, high sensitivity, and instability has generally limited thermistors to high-
resolution measurements over limited ranges. A classic example is medical thermometry. Physicians are only
concerned with a small range around 37°C (98.6°F) and thermistors can be chosen to provide a large, fairly linear
signal in this area. One-point calibration is simple and sufficient.
Some manufacturers of thermistors offer special models with these characteristics:
1. Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) models, which are used more for current limiting in electronic circuits
than for temperature measurement; as current increases through the bead, self-heating drives up resistance
dramatically, throttling the current.
2. Thermistors which are closely matched, and therefore interchangeable, over a specified range.
3. Linearized thermistors or thermistor sets which produce a highly linear output over a limited range.
4. Glass-coated thermistors, specially aged, which may maintain excellent stabilities over moderate
temperatures, e.g. ±.005°C per year over the range 0 to 100°C.
As a general rule, a thermistor acts as a single-purpose sensing device. The designer must relate temperature
ranges, resistance/temperature characteristics, and output circuits for each application. The reward is a high
degree of resolution and accuracy with a relatively inexpensive system.
Figure 17 traces the resistance curve of a typical thermistor, referenced to a platinum resistance thermometer.
The thermistors resistance/temperature change is far more dramatic, although less linear and with a negative
slope. In general, the log of a thermistor’s resistance is proportional to the inverse of its temperature. The
following equation, called the Steinhart and Hart equation, is valid for ranges up to 100°C in size:
1 = a + a log (R ) + a log (R )3
T 0 1 e T 3 e T
T is the absolute temperature in K (t°C + 273.15)
RT is the zero-power resistance at temperature T, and
a0, a1, and a3 are coefficients which describe a given
The lack of linearity in thermistor curves has spurred the development of many types of compensating circuits.
Two of the simpler compensating circuits to linearize voltage and resistance are described below.
Figure 18 shows a simple voltage divider circuit. The output voltage is given by:
E O (t ) 1
= = F (t )
ES 1 + sr (t )
E 0 (t ) = output voltage at temperature t,
E s = source voltage,
R = a fixed resistance,
R (t 0 ) = reference, or base, resistance of the thermistor,
s = R (t 0 ) / R , and Figure 18: Voltage linearizing thermistor
circuit (Courtesy Thermometrics, Inc.)
r (t ) = R (t ) / R (t 0 ) (resistance at temperature t referenced to base
F(t) is approximately linear over a selected temperature range. The user should specify base resistance R(t0) and
fixed resistance R so that the curve for s is centered over the temperature of interest. The output voltage tracks
temperature in a reasonably linear fashion over a limited range.
R = R1 [1 − F (t )]
R = overall resistance of the circuit
R1 = a fixed resistance and
F (t ) is the function defined above.
Complex circuits, with Wheatstone bridges or other resistive networks, can further linearize thermistor output
when necessary. Most employ matched sets of thermistor beads.
Most of the sources of error listed for resistance thermometers apply as well to thermistors. Thermistors remove
one worry: Leadwire resistance is normally negligible in relation to their high resistance. Three or four-wire
circuits are rarely required for lead compensation, although they may be needed for linearization with matched
Self-heating can present far more of a problem with thermistors. High resistance generates more internal heat
and there is little surface area for dissipation. The same current through a thermistor and RTD will produce self-
heating around 100 times greater in the thermistor. The user should carefully read self-heat specifications and
limit current accordingly.
Because of self-heating error, the reference resistance of thermistors is specified at a zero-power value. This is an
extrapolation from a series of measurements at different sensing currents. It gives the ideal resistance assuming
no current and no consequent self-heating.
• The application is an OEM device produced in sufficient volume to justify the design of special
linearizing circuits
The superior sensitivity and stability of resistance thermometers and thermistors, in comparison to
thermocouples, give them important advantages in low and intermediate temperature ranges. In addition,
resistive devices often simplify control and readout electronics. Resistance thermometers are specified primarily
for accuracy and stability from cryogenic levels to the melting points of metals. They are accurate over a wide
temperature range, may be used to sense temperature over a large area, and are highly standardized. While
normally less stable than resistance thermometers, thermistors offer lower cost and higher sensitivity over more
limited ranges. Thermistor sensors can be relatively small and are well suited to product or equipment
applications where quantities of use justify the design of special readout circuits. As is evident throughout this
paper, both sensors can vary in terms of element types, leadwire resistance, electrical noise, vibration, self-
heating, and exposure to temperatures at or beyond the endpoint of a specified range.