DLL Q1 Eng W4
DLL Q1 Eng W4
DLL Q1 Eng W4
A. Content Standards Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using text clues.
B. Performance Objective
C. Learning Identify clipped words Identify clipped words Identify clipped words TO GIVE WEEKLY
Competencies Identify clipped words TEST
( Write the LC code Write the original words Write the original words Write the original words
for each) Write the original words where the clipped words where the clipped words where the clipped words
where the clipped words originated originated originated
Give the clipped word of a Give the clipped word of a Give the clipped word of a
Give the clipped word of a given word; and given word; and given word; and
given word; and
Infer the meaning of Infer the meaning of Infer the meaning of
Infer the meaning of clipped clipped words based on clipped words based on clipped words based on
words based on given given context clues such given context clues such as given context clues such as
context clues such as as synonyms, antonyms, synonyms, antonyms, word synonyms, antonyms,
synonyms, antonyms, word word parts, and others. parts, and others. word parts, and others.
parts, and others.
I. CONTENT Inferring the Meaning of Inferring the Meaning of Inferring the Meaning of Inferring the Meaning of Inferring the Meaning of
( Subject Matter) Clipped Words Using Clipped Words Using Clipped Words Using Clipped Words Using Clipped Words Using
Context Clues Context Clues Context Clues Context Clues Context Clues
II. LEARNINGRESOUR Quarter 1 Module 4 English Quarter 1 Module 4 Quarter 1 Module 4 English Quarter 1 Module 4 Quarter 1 Module 4
CES English English English
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages
2. Learners Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from LRDMS
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing past lesson
or Presenting the new NEW LESSON What are blended words? Give examples of blended How are blended words
lesson Begin with classroom words? formed?
What is blending?
( Drill/Review/ Unlocking of routine:
Difficulties) a. Prayer
b. Reminder of the
classroom health and safety
c. Checking of attendance
d. Quick “kumustahan”
B. Establishing a purpose Read each sentence Put the two words below Matcing Type.
of the new lesson carefully. Look for the to form a blended word. Match the blended words
(Motivation) meaning of the underlined with their original words.
words from the choices 1. smoke + fog = Match column A with
below. __________ column B.
2. friend + enemy =
3. car + hijack
4. breakfast + lunch =
5. web + log =
C. Presenting Examples/
instances of the new
lesson( Presentation)
D. Discussing new Look at the words Most of us like to make Words like math, burger, To give you better idea
concepts and mathematics, hamburger, things simple. In speech mart, and pants are what we about clipped words, you
practicing new skills and market. What happens and in writing, we often call clipped words. Clipped need to be familiar with its
no.1.( Modeling) if we remove or omit some different types
shorten words to make words are words that have
letters from these words in a
certain way? them easier to say, write, been shortened or “clipped”
remember, and understand. so that they become much
Instead of saying “I want shorter than the original
to wear pantaloons today,” words. Clipped words retain
one would always say, “I the meaning of the longer
want to wear pants today.” word. The process in which
Likewise, you often hear a word is reduced or
Can you still recognize the
words? Have you ever heard people say “math” instead shortened without changing
of or encountered the words of “mathematics.” It seems the meaning of the word is
math, burger, and mart that people prefer to use called clipping.
before? If you were to use the shorter and simpler
the words, which ones will version of the word.
you choose? What do we
call these words that
become shorter without
changing their meaning?
E. Discussing new Directions: Read each Directions: In your
concepts and sentence that contains a notebook, write the original
practicing new skills clipped word. Figure out word of the underlined
no.2( Guided the meaning of the clipped clipped word.
Practice) word using context clues
and match it with its longer Example: Their company
word found in the spends a lot of money on
bubblehead. Write your ads. Answer: advertisement
answers in your notebook.
1. Our barangay distributed
five kilos of rice during the
2. My lab results on
__________1. Avoid going COVID-19 came out
to the swamps and rivers in negative.
this area. I’ve heard that a
croc lurks somewhere. 3. The copter forces trans
__________2. Every high ported soldiers and
school girl dreams of frontline workers to the
attending a prom or a field hospital.
formal dance held for a
school class towards the 4. Jeepneys need gas to
end of the academic year. run.
__________ 3. Manny
Pacquiao is the only boxing 5. My sis waters our
champ who won titles in vegetables twice a day.
seven weight divisions.
__________ 4. Check the
mike before starting the
live broadcast.
__________5. To avoid
getting sick, the children
eat their lunch on time.
F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3.)
( Independent Practice )
G. Finding practical
application of
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making Context clues like A clipped word is a word Context clues like
Generalization and formed by shortening a
There are three common synonyms, antonyms, word synonyms, antonyms, word
abstraction about the longer word without
lesson( Generalizatio types of clipping: parts, and others can help changing it meaning. parts, and others can help in
backclipping, foreclipping, in inferring the meaning of inferring the meaning of
and middle clipping. clipped words. clipped words.
I. Evaluating learning Directions: In your Directions: Identify the Figure out the meaning
notebook, rewrite the shortened form of the of the underlined blended
sentences using the clipped underlined word in each word in each sentence.
sentence. Write only the Use other strategies as
word of the underlined term.
letter which corresponds to well as such context
your answer in your clues to further unlock its
Example: My classmates and notebook. meaning.
I are going to the cafeteria. 1. It is convenient to save
Answer: My classmates and documents in a compact
I are going to the cafe. diskette.
a. diss b. disk c. diet
2. He brought a very
1. Stay in the automobile. expensive motorbike.
2. The music coming from a. motor b. bike c. mike
the stereophonics is pleasant 3. The athletes are waiting
to the ears. at the gymnasium.
3. A co-operative has been a a. gum b. gym c. gym
4. Father rides a caravan to
big help to the farmers and
work every day.
the consumers. a. car b. van c. can
4. You have to see your 5. Kids love hamburger.
doctor once a year for a a. burger b. booger c. ham
5. The earthquake lasted for
about a minute.
J. Additional activities
for application and
remediation( Assignm
A. No. of learner who
earned 80%
B .No. of learner who
scored below 80%
( needs remediation)
C. No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal /supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share w/other teacher?