Fungicide Guide For Homeowners

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Elizabeth Little, Extension Plant Pathologist

The following is a supplemental guide to fungicides that are readily available to homes. This guide is not intended to take the place of the
individual product labels which are the best resource concerning the use of any pesticide. Most, but likely not all, of the current brand names are
listed here. Follow label recommendations for application rates, methods, and safety precautions when using all pesticides.

aluminum tris Downy mildew on roses; Pythium and Apply as spray or drench. Do not apply within 7
Monterey Aliette Phytophthora in ornamentals, bedding plants, days of a copper application. Test small area of
conifers and turf and fire blight on pear, plant first for phytotoxicity.
pyracantha, and hawthorne.
bordeaux mixture
(copper sulfate + hydrated lime)
(May no longer be available as a ready-mixed
captan Broad spectrum protectant fungicide. This is a
contact fungicide.
Ortho Home Orchard Spray,
Label indicates control of difficult-to-control
Dragon Fruit Tree Spray, diseases (i.e., root rots, petal blight of
Ferti-lome Fruit Tree Spray, camellias); product gives suppression only.
Bonide Rose Insect and Disease Control, Does not control cedar apple rust. Home orchard
spray products contain both fungicides and
Hi-Yield Captan 50% WP insecticides. Do not use these combination
Bonide Captan 50W products during bloom. Use only captan during
Do not combine with lime, lime sulfur, or
Bordeaux mixture as fungicidal activity will be
Do not apply Captan in combination with oil or
near the time of oil sprays.
chitin (organic) Nematodes. This is a soil amendment that increases growth
of beneficial microorganisms that feed on chitin
Chitosan (May not be easy to
(nematode eggs and nematodes contain chitin).
locate product.)
This is considered an ORGANIC product. A
single application/year is usually sufficient.

chlorothalonil Many common fungal diseases including The most widely used broad spectrum
anthracnose, downy mildew, gray mold protectant, contact fungicide.
Ortho Garden Disease Control
(Botrytis), powdery mildew, early blight, and
Hi-Yield Vegetable late blight on many vegetables, including Not recommended for Pittosporum or Schefflera
Flower, Fruit & Ornamental Fungicide tomatoes. as phytotoxicity may result. Discoloration of
blooms may occur, especially with roses.
Ferti-Lome Landscape & Garden Fungicide Downy mildew, anthracnose, fungal leaf spots,
Bonide Fungonil shot-hole, rusts, scab, and powdery mildew on NO LONGER LABELED FOR HOME TURF
Gardentech Daconil
Monterey Fruit Tree, Vegetable, and Ornamental Some fruit diseases, including brown rot and AROUND CHILDREN AND PETS.
Fungicide scab on stone fruits.
Listed vegetables, fruit trees, roses, flowers,
shrubs, and shade trees.
copper compounds Many fungal and bacterial diseases, including Broad spectrum protectant fungicide.
powdery and downy mildew, fungal leaf spots, Some formulations are organic, however, copper
Bonide Copper Spray or Dust
anthracnose, bacterial leaf spot, and/or blight, is toxic to humans so label directions and
Bonide Liquid Copper fire blight and rust on a wide variety of fruits, harvest intervals should, as always, be followed
Natural Guard Copper Soap vegetables and ornamentals. carefully. Over-use results in accumulation in
the soil.
Ortho Elementals Garden Disease Control Discoloration of blooms can occur on certain
Monterey Liqui-Cop varieties of ornamentals. To avoid this problem
do not spray prior to or during the flowering
Dupont Copper Kocide 3000, and others period. Foliage discoloration may occur with
some plants as well. Refer to individual product
label for plants that may be treated.

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liquid lime sulfur Used in the dormant season to kill overwintering fungal Broad spectrum protectant fungicide. This is a contact
calcium polysulfides spores of black spot, powdery mildew and rust of rose; fungicide.
leaf curl and shot-hole of peach and cane blight and leaf
Labeled for roses, peaches, pears, brambles, fruit trees,
No longer packaged for home spot of brambles.
deciduous hedge plants, delphinium, lilacs, euonymous,
use due to caustic properties of
columbine, crepe myrtle, sweet peas, zinnias, fruits,
this product. Some brands labeled for delayed dormant and/or
ornamentals, and tuberous begonias.
growing season applications for scab and powdery
mildew of apple; anthracnose, rust and powdery mildew Also controls mites and scale.
of blackberry; and powdery mildew and scab on pear.
Do not spray when temperature is expected to exceed
80°F within 24 hours. Spray early in the morning or
During the growing season used for powdery mildew
late in the evening to avoid burning of foliage.
on many ornamentals and black spot of rose.
Lime sulfur is caustic. Use with care.

mancozeb Many vegetable diseases, including anthracnose, fungal Broad spectrum protectant fungicide. This is a contact
leaf spots, downy mildew, early blight, gummy stem fungicide.
Bonide Mancozeb Flowable
blight, late blight, scab, rust, and smut.
with Zinc When applied to plants not on the label, the product
should be tested on a small area of the plant or small
Many ornamental diseases including anthracnose, black
area of the planting first.
spot, Botrytis, cedar-apple rust, downy mildew, fungal
leaf spots, and other rusts. Most small container products are not labeled for use
on home fruit trees. Treated ornamentals should not be
A few brands are labeled for common fungal lawn used for food purposes.
diseases. Be sure to observe harvest intervals on label when
applied to vegetables.

myclobutanil Good for powdery mildew, black spot of rose, fungal Systemic fungicide.
leaf spots, rusts, anthracnose and other diseases of
Spectracide Immunox (several) Provides better powdery mildew control than most
flowers, ornamental shrubs, and trees.
other fungicides.
Spectracide Immunox Lawn
Controls brown patch, dollar spot, melting out, rust,
Disease Control – RTU, Overdosage to ornamentals can result in foliar
large patch, fusarium blight, and anthracnose on lawns.
Concentrate, and Granules greening, shortened internodes and/or thickened leaves.
Also controls powdery mildew, scab, and rust on
Ferti-lome F-Stop Granular For use on turf, proper identification of the causal
apples; brown rot and other diseases on stone fruits; and
Fungicide disease organism is key. Contact local county agents
anthracnose, black rot and powdery mildew on grapes.
for more information.
Green Light Fung-Away
Systemic Granules Not labeled for vegetable crops.
Avoid exclusive use of this product for resistance

PCNB Turf, ornamental and vegetable diseases caused by Protectant preventative fungicide, specific for
basidiomycetes, including brown patch, dollar spot, basidiomycetous fungi. Usually formulated as wettable
Terraclor 75WP,
southern blight (white mold), Helminthosporium leaf powder or granules.
Ferti-lome Azalea, Camellia, spot and melting out, damping off (Rhizoctonia spp.
Should be lightly watered in after applying to turf.
Crape Myrtle Insecticide and only), Sclerotinia, azalea (Ovulinia) and camellia flower
Fungicide, blight, Rhizoctonia root and crown diseases. For ornamentals, drench or incorporate the product
thoroughly into the soil for best results.
Hi-Yield Turf and Ornamental
Fungicide (containing 10% Specific vegetable diseases on label include Rhizoctonia Do not apply to Philodendron or Pilea.
PCNB), root and stem rot of beans; Southern blight of peanuts, For vegetables, application must be at planting or
tomatoes, and peppers; club root (Plasmodiophora) of transplanting either by soil drench, incorporation or in
Hi-Yield Terraclor Granular broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower; furrow.
Fungicide and scab and Rhizoctonia of potatoes.

propiconazole Turf, ornamental, flower, shrub care against powdery A water-based systemic fungicide that prevents major
mildew, dollar spot, anthracnose, rust, scab, tip blight, diseases on roses, flowers, lawns, trees, and shrubs.
Ferti-lome Liquid Systemic
brown spot, etc.
Do not apply this product to African violets, Begonia,
Bayer Advanced Fungus Control Boston ferns, or Geraniums.

74 UGA Extension Special Bulletin 48 • Georgia Pest Management Handbook – 2020 Home & Garden Edition

phosphorous acid Certain Phytophthora, downy mildew, and Pythium Systemic fungicides, should be tested on a limited
diseases in ornamentals and turf; root disease in fruit number of plants first to check for phytotoxicity. Read
Monterey AGRI-FOS trees (apples, avocados, citrus, mangos pear, nut trees, label for full list of diseases and crops.
Helena ProPhyt stone fruits); downy mildew of grape; downy mildew
and Phytophthora in vegetables.

streptomycin sulfate Controls fire blight of apple and pear. Actually a bactericide/antibiotic compound. Has no
fungicidal activity.
Ferti-lome Fire Blight spray Some brands also labeled for fire blight of pyracantha;
When used for fire blight control of apples and pears,
bacterial wilt of chrysanthemum; bacterial stem
Bonide Fire Blight spray it must be applied during bloom prior to symptoms
rot of Dieffenbachia cuttings; bacterial leaf spot on
appearing to be effective. Sprays should begin at 20-30%
Agri-mycin 17 philodendron; crown gall on roses; and bacterial spot on
bloom and continue every 3-4 days until petals fall.
tomatoes and peppers.
Do not apply when fruit is visible.
Do not apply within 30 days of harvest for pears.
Do not apply within 50 days of harvest for apples.

sulfur Controls diseases of fruit including powdery mildew, Broad spectrum protectant fungicide. This is a contact
cedar apple rust and scab of apples, brown rot and scab fungicide.
Ferti-lome Dusting Sulfur of peach, plum, and nectarine, powdery mildew on
Formulated as a wettable powder or dust. Should not be
brambles and strawberry.
Bonide Liquid Sulfur used when the temperature is above 90° or within four
weeks of an oil spray as injury to the foliage may occur.
Bonide Sulfur Plant Fungicide Also labeled for powdery mildew, leaf spots, rust,
Refer to individual product label for plants that may be
Hi-Yield dusting wettable and Botrytis on many vegetables and ornamentals
treated. Do not use on apricots, cucumbers, d’Anjou
sulfur (including black spot of rose).
pears, melons, spinach, squash, or viburnum as sulfur
Safer Garden Fungicide, others causes injury and defoliation to these plants.
May suppress mites.
Residue may be a problem.

tebuconazole Controls black spot, powdery mildew, rust, Systemic fungicide, use as needed based on history of
Bayer Advanced Disease and Southern blight on roses, flowers, azaleas, disease problems.
Control for Flowers, Roses and rhododendrons, camellias, and other landscape
Shrubs ornamental shrubs.

thiophanate methyl Anthracnose, dollar spot, Rhizoctonia (Brown Patch), Broad spectrum systemic fungicide. Usually available
Helminthosporium leaf spot (melting out) and Fusarium as wettable powder. Does not control Pythium or
Cleary’s 3336 patch on lawns. Phytophthora spp.
Ferti-lome Halt Systemic Rose Foliar diseases of ornamentals, including anthracnose, A preliminary trial is suggested on a small scale when
and Flower Fungicide black spot of rose, Botrytis, fungal leaf spots, powdery applying to a plant not listed on the label but for a listed
mildew, Ovulinia blight, and Phomopsis blight on disease problem. Wait 5-7 days before evaluating any
Scott’s Lawn Fungus Control
juniper. potential injury.
Green Light Systemic
Soil/root diseases of flowering and bedding plants and Not recommended for Nephrolepis exhalta,
woody ornamentals caused by Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Plectranthus austrailis, and Hatiora gaertneri.
Bonide Infuse Lawn & Sclerotinia, and Thielaviopsis spp.
Repeated, exclusive use of thiophanate methyl may
Landscape Granules
Bulb diseases caused by Botrytis, Fusarium, lead to buildup of resistant fungi and loss of control.
Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, Fusarium, and Penicillium

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