ME421 Lecture 11
ME421 Lecture 11
ME421 Lecture 11
11. Heat Exchangers
1st objective: Introduce performance parameters for
assessing the efficiency of heat exchanger.
2nd objective: Develop methodologies for designing a
heat exchanger or for predicting the performance of an
existing exchanger operating under prescribed conditions.
11. Heat Exchangers
11.1 Heat Exchanger Types
The process of heat exchange between two fluids that are at
different temperatures and separated by a solid wall occurs in may
engineering applications. The device used to implement this
exchange is termed a heat exchanger.
Applications in heating and air conditioning, power production,
waste heat recovery, chemical processing, food processing,
sterilization in bio-processes.
Heat exchangers are classified according to flow arrangement
and type of construction:
Concentric tube heat exchanger (or double pipe).
Cross flow heat exchanger.
Shell-and-tube heat exchanger.
Compact heat exchanger.
Figure 11.1 Concentric tube heat exchanger. (a) Parallel flow. (b) Counterflow.
11. Heat Exchangers
11.1 Heat Exchanger Types
(a) (b)
Figure 11.2 Cross-flow heat exchanger. (a) Finned with both fluids unmixed. (b) Unfinned with one
[ME421] Heat Transfer Dr. Alia H. Marafie
fluid mixed and the other unmixed.
Figure 11.3 Shell-and-tube heat exchanger with one shell pass Figure E1 Shell-and-tube heat exchanger
and one Heat
tube pass Transfer
(cross-counterflow 8
mode of operation). Dr. Alia H. Marafie
with one shell pass.
11. Heat Exchangers
11.1 Heat Exchanger Types
(a) One shell pass and two tube passes.
Figure 11.4 Shell-and-tube heat exchanger. (a) One shell pass and two
Dr. Alia H. Marafie
[ME421] Heat Transfer tube passes. (b) Two 9shell passes and four tube passes.
11. Heat Exchangers
11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
11. Heat Exchangers
11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
Figure 11.2 Cross-flow heat exchanger. (a) Finned with both fluids unmixed. (b) Unfinned with one
fluid[ME421] Heat
mixed and Transfer
the other unmixed. 13 Dr. Alia H. Marafie
1 1 R"f ,c R"f ,h 1
Finned: Rw (11.1b)
UA (0 hA) c (0 A) c (0 A) h (0 hA) h
finned surface A=At : total surface area (fins and exposed base).
Af : entire fin surface area.
f : efficiency of a single fin (see next slide).
11. Heat Exchangers
11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
U p ,( c or h ) h
1 hR
f ( c or h )
Unfinned Tubular:
1 1 1
UA U i Ai U o Ao
1 R"f ,i ln( D0 / Di ) R"f ,o 1
hi Ai Ai 2 kL A0 ho Ao
Conduction, Rwall
11. Heat Exchangers
11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
11. Heat Exchangers
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis:
Use of the Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD)
Inlet and outlet Overall heat transfer Total surface area for
fluid temperate coefficient heat transfer
Tools: Applying Overall Energy balance to the hot and cold fluids.
no phase
q m c ic ,o ic ,i (11.7a) q m c c p ,c Tc ,o Tc ,i (11.6b)
11. Heat Exchangers
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis:
Use of the Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD)
q UA Tm
the hot and cold fluids of a two-fluid heat
(11.9) exchanger.
Equation 11.9 may be used with Equations 11.6 and 11.7 to perform a heat
exchanger analysis.
Before this can be done, the specific form of Tm must be established.
11. Heat Exchangers
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: LMTD method
11.3.1 The Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger
Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger:
11. Heat Exchangers
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: LMTD method
11.3.2 The Counterflow Heat Exchanger
Counterflow Heat Exchanger:
Heatvalues of
Transfer UA and inlet temperatures,
25 Tlm ,CF TDr. Alia H. Marafie
lm , PF
Heat Capacity
rate of the fluid:
Ch mh c p ,h
Cc mc c p ,c
Figure 11.9 Special heat exchanger conditions. (a) Ch >> Cc or condensing vapor. (b) An evaporating
liquid or Ch<<Cc. (c) A counterflow heat exchanger with equivalent fluid heat capacities (Ch = Cc).
11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis:
The Effectiveness-NTU Method
11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis:
The Effectiveness-NTU Method
Number of Transfer Units (NTU):
q with NTU
NTU (11.24)
[ME421] Heat Transfer 30 Dr. Alia H. Marafie
11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
For parallel-flow heat exchanger (Cmin = Ch)
(Th ,i Th ,o )
(Th,i Tc ,i )
Cmin mhc p ,h (Tc ,o Tc ,i )
Cr (11.26)
Cmax mc c p ,c (Th,i Tc ,i ) Figure 11.1(a) Parallel flow
concentric tube heat exchanger.
1 exp[ NTU (1 Cr )]
(11.28a) (Table 11.3)
1 Cr
ln[1 (1 Cr )]
NTU (11.28b) (Table 11.4)
1 Cr
Figure 11.10 (graphical representation)
11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
Effectiveness ()
Cr Cmin / Cmax
Effectiveness ()
Cr Cmin / Cmax
11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
Cr Cmin / Cmax
11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
11. Heat Exchangers
11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance
Calculations: Using the Effectiveness-NYU Method
1) Calculate Ch and Cc determine Cr = Cmin/Cmax;
1) Calculate NTU from UA/Cmin
find ε (Figures 11.10-11.15 or Equations 11.28a-11.34a);
3) Calculate qmax = Cmin (Th,iTc,i) (Equation 11.18);
4) Calculate q = ε q max;
5) Determine unknown fluid outlet temperatures Th,o
(Equation 11.6b) and Tc,o (Equation 11.7b).
1) Calculate Ch and Cc determine Cr = Cmin/Cmax;
1) Calculate unknown fluid outlet temperatures Th,o
(Equation 11.6b) and Tc,o (Equation 11.7b).
11. Heat Exchangers
11. Heat Exchangers
Table P T v x h s
[kPa] [C] [m3/kg] [kJ/kg] [kJ/kgK]
1 (A-5) f@P 10 45.7 0.0010102 0 191.83
2 (A-4) f@h 2000
3 (A-6)g@P 2000 1 2799.5 6.3409
4 (A-5)@P+s 10 45.7
(a) Calculate the thermal efficiency of the ideal Rankine cycle for these
operating conditions.
(1-2) Pump input work:
11. Heat Exchangers
(b) If the net reversible work for the cycle is 0.5 MW, calculate the required
flow rate of cooling water supplied to the condenser at 15C with an
allowable temperature rise of 10C.
Mass flow rate passing through the cycle:
Table A-6
Cold water ( internal flow): Tavg 15 25 2 20C = 293 K
c (Ns/m2)
11. Heat Exchangers
cp,c k Pr
(m3/kg) (J/kgK) (W/mK)
1010 4182 100710-6 0.603 7.0
Internal flow: for the cold water flow inside the tube, assume D =15 mm and
um = 2 m/s (based upon previous experience/cases) the total mass flow rate of cold
water is:
mc c Ac N u m c N u m 27.47 kg/s N 78.5 79 tubes
To calculate Reynolds number for the internal flow it should be done for single
tube (based on mass flow rate in each tube mt ).
4m t 4 mc N 29,310 2,300
ReD Turbuent Flow
Assuming fully developed turbulent flow:
hc D
Eq. (8.60)Heating case Nu 0.023Re4/5
D Pr
187.7 hc 7544 W/m2 ×K
Tube length:
Eq. (11.24)See previous slide UAs hc DL N 45,372W/K L 1.6m
The heat exchanger design parameters:
N = 79 tubes D = 15 mm L = 1.6 mm
[ME421] Heat Transfer 49 Dr. Alia H. Marafie