ME421 Lecture 11

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Principles of Heat and Mass Transfer

F. Incropera, D. Dewitt, T. Bergman, A.

Chapter 11: Lavine, 7th Edition


[ME421] Heat Transfer Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

 In this chapter we will:

 Study heat exchangers: A system that is used to exchange
heat between two fluids of different temperatures, which are
separated by a solid wall.
 Apply all principles that we have learned in the previous
chapters in the study of heat exchangers  Learn how our
previous knowledge can be applied to do heat exchanger
calculations, discuss methodologies for design and introduce
performance parameters.

[ME421] Heat Transfer 2 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

 Objectives
 1st objective: Introduce performance parameters for
assessing the efficiency of heat exchanger.
 2nd objective: Develop methodologies for designing a
heat exchanger or for predicting the performance of an
existing exchanger operating under prescribed conditions.

[ME421] Heat Transfer 3 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.1 Heat Exchanger Types

 11.1 Heat Exchangers Types

11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: Use of the Log Mean
Temperature Difference
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: The Effectiveness-NTU
11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance Calculations:
Using the Effectiveness-NTU Method

[ME421] Heat Transfer 4 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.1 Heat Exchanger Types
 The process of heat exchange between two fluids that are at
different temperatures and separated by a solid wall occurs in may
engineering applications. The device used to implement this
exchange is termed a heat exchanger.
 Applications in heating and air conditioning, power production,
waste heat recovery, chemical processing, food processing,
sterilization in bio-processes.
 Heat exchangers are classified according to flow arrangement
and type of construction:
 Concentric tube heat exchanger (or double pipe).
 Cross flow heat exchanger.
 Shell-and-tube heat exchanger.
 Compact heat exchanger.

[ME421] Heat Transfer 5 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.1 Heat Exchanger Types

 Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger (double pipe):

 Simplest configuration.
 The hot and cold fluids moves in the same directions (parallel
flow) or opposite directions (counter flow).
 Superior performance associated with counter flow ???.

Figure 11.1 Concentric tube heat exchanger. (a) Parallel flow. (b) Counterflow.

[ME421] Heat Transfer 6 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.1 Heat Exchanger Types

 Cross Flow Heat Exchanger:

 The two fluids are NOT mixing.
 For the cross-flow over the tubes, the fluid motion, and hence
mixing, in the transverse direction (y) is:
 Prevented for the finned tubes  fins inhibit motion in the y-
direction that is transverse to the main-flow direction and T=f (x,y).
 Possible for the unfinned tubes  no restriction on the fluid motion
in the y-direction and T=f (x).
 Heat exchanger performance is influenced by mixing.

(a) (b)
Figure 11.2 Cross-flow heat exchanger. (a) Finned with both fluids unmixed. (b) Unfinned with one
[ME421] Heat Transfer Dr. Alia H. Marafie
fluid mixed and the other unmixed.

11. Heat Exchangers

11.1 Heat Exchanger Types

 Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger:

 One fluid flows on the inside of the tubes, while the other fluid
is forced through the shell and over the outside of the tubes.
 Baffles are used to establish a cross-flow and to induce
turbulent mixing of the shell-side fluid, both of which induce
higher heat transfer. In addition, the baffles physically support
the tubes, reducing flow-induced tube vibration.

Figure 11.3 Shell-and-tube heat exchanger with one shell pass Figure E1 Shell-and-tube heat exchanger
and one Heat
tube pass Transfer
(cross-counterflow 8
mode of operation). Dr. Alia H. Marafie
with one shell pass.

11. Heat Exchangers
11.1 Heat Exchanger Types
(a) One shell pass and two tube passes.

(b) Two shell passes and four tube passes.

Figure 11.4 Shell-and-tube heat exchanger. (a) One shell pass and two
Dr. Alia H. Marafie
[ME421] Heat Transfer tube passes. (b) Two 9shell passes and four tube passes.

11. Heat Exchangers

11.1 Heat Exchanger Types

 Compact Heat Exchanger:

 Composed of dense arrays of finned tubes or plates.
 Used to achieve a very large heat transfer surface area per unit volume
( 400 m2/m3 for liquids and 700 m2/m3 for gases), particularly when
one or both fluids is a gas (characterized with small convection
 Characterized by small flow passages
and laminar flow configuration.
 Tubes:  Fins:
 flat  plate
 circular  circular

 Finned parallel plates:

 single pass
 multipass
Figure 11.5 Compact heat exchanger cores. (a) Fin-tube (flat
tubes, continuous plate fins). (b) Fin-tube (circular tubes,
continuous plate fins). (c) Fin- tube (circular tubes, circular
[ME421] Heat Transfer 10 Dr. Alia H. Marafie
fins). (d) Plate-fin (single pass). (e) Plate-fin (multipass).

11. Heat Exchangers
11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

 11.1 Heat Exchangers Types

 11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: Use of the Log Mean
Temperature Difference
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: The Effectiveness-NTU
11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance Calculations:
Using the Effectiveness-NTU Method

[ME421] Heat Transfer 11 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

 An essential part of any heat transfer analysis is determination of

the overall heat transfer coefficient (U) (a coefficient defined
in terms of the total thermal resistance (Rtotal) to heat transfer
between two fluids).
1 1
U  Rtotal 
ARtotal UA
 The most general expression for the overall coefficient is:
1 1 1 1 1
    Rw  (11.1a)
UA U c Ac U h A h  hA c  hA h
with subscripts c and h used to designate the cold and hot fluids,
respectively. Rw is the conduction resistance through the
separating wall (or intermediate solid).

[ME421] Heat Transfer 12 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

 Contributing factors to the overall heat transfer coefficient include:

 convection and conduction associated with the two fluids and the
intermediate solid,
 the potential use of fins on both sides,
 and the effects of time-dependent surface fouling*, termed the
fouling factor, Rf .
1 1 R"f ,c R"f ,h 1
   Rw   (11.1b)
UA (0 hA) c (0 A) c (0 A) h (0 hA) h

* During normal heat exchanger operation,

surfaces are often subject to fouling by fluid
impurities, rust formulation, or other reactions
between the fluid and the wall material. The
subsequence deposition of a film or scale on the
surface can greatly increase the resistance to
heat transfer between the fluids. (a) (b)

Figure 11.2 Cross-flow heat exchanger. (a) Finned with both fluids unmixed. (b) Unfinned with one
fluid[ME421] Heat
mixed and Transfer
the other unmixed. 13 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

1 1 R"f ,c R"f ,h 1
 Finned:    Rw   (11.1b)
UA (0 hA) c (0 A) c (0 A) h (0 hA) h

o overall surface efficiency or

1   
o,(c or h )  1  (11.3)
temperature effectiveness of A

finned surface A=At : total surface area (fins and exposed base).
Af : entire fin surface area.
f : efficiency of a single fin (see next slide).

R”f fouling factor for a unit (m2.k/W)

surface area  Table 11.1
Rw wall conduction resistance: (K/W)
• Plane wall: Eq. 3.6
• Cylindrical wall: Eq. 3.28

[ME421] Heat Transfer 14 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

 If a straight or pin fin of length L is (a) (b)

used and adiabatic tip is assumed, the
fin efficiency is expressed as:
 tanh (mL) 
 f ,( c or h )    (11.4a)
 mL ( c or h )
Figure 3.17 Straight fins of uniform cross-
section. (a) Rectangular fin. (b) Pin fin.

Negligible Fouling m = (2h/kt)1/2 (11.4b)

t: fin thickness

Significant Fouling m(c or h) = [ (2Up/kt) 1/2 ] (c or h) (11.4c)

Up ,(c or h) : partial overall coefficient

 
U p ,( c or h )   h 
 1  hR 
 f  ( c or h )

[ME421] Heat Transfer 15 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

 Unfinned Tubular:
1 1 1
 
UA U i Ai U o Ao
1 R"f ,i ln( D0 / Di ) R"f ,o 1
     (11.5a)
hi Ai Ai 2 kL A0 ho Ao
Conduction, Rwall

i inner tube Ai =  Di L (11.5b)

Ai : inner tube surface.

o Outer tube Ao =  Do L (11.5c)

Ao : outer tube surface.

[ME421] Heat Transfer 16 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

[ME421] Heat Transfer 17 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis:
Use of the Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD)

 11.1 Heat Exchangers Types

 11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
 11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: Use of
the Log Mean Temperature Difference
11.3.1 The Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger
11.3.2 The Counterflow Heat Exchanger
11.3.3 Special Operating Conditions
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: The Effectiveness-NTU
11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance Calculations:
Using the Effectiveness-NTU Method

[ME421] Heat Transfer 18 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis:
Use of the Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD)

 Objectives: To establish relationship between heat transfer rate

with process parameters and heat exchanger configuration
q = f (T, U, A)

Inlet and outlet Overall heat transfer Total surface area for
fluid temperate coefficient heat transfer

 Tools: Applying Overall Energy balance to the hot and cold fluids.

 Methods: Log-Mean temperature difference (LMTD)

method or effectiveness-NTU (NTU) method.

[ME421] Heat Transfer 19 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis:
Use of the Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD)

 Overall Energy Balance:

Figure 11.6 Overall energy balances for

the hot and cold fluids of a two-fluid heat

 Assume a negligible heat transfer between the exchanger and its

surroundings, steady heat transfer and pe, ke  0, then Equation
1.11d (steady flow energy equation) is reduced to:

q  m h  ih ,i  ih ,o  (11.6a) q  m h c p ,h Th ,i  Th ,o  (11.7b)

 

no phase
q  m c  ic ,o  ic ,i  (11.7a) q  m c c p ,c Tc ,o  Tc ,i  (11.6b)
 

 i : fluid enthalpy.  T : mean fluid temperature.

 h and c: hot and cold fluids  Equations 11.6 and 11.7 are independent
 i and o: fluid inlet and outlet conditions. of the flow arrangement and the heat
exchanger type.

[ME421] Heat Transfer 20 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis:
Use of the Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD)

 Overall Energy Balance:

 Another useful expression may be obtained by relating the total heat
transfer rate q to the temperature difference T between the hot and cold
fluids, where
T  Th  Tc (11.8)
 Since T varies with position in the
heat exchanger, we will work with a
rate equation of the form Figure 11.6 Overall energy balances for

q  UA Tm
the hot and cold fluids of a two-fluid heat
(11.9) exchanger.

 Tm : an appropriate mean temperature difference,

depends on the heat exchanger type.

 Equation 11.9 may be used with Equations 11.6 and 11.7 to perform a heat
exchanger analysis.
 Before this can be done, the specific form of Tm must be established.

[ME421] Heat Transfer 21 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: LMTD method
11.3.1 The Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger
 Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger:
 Temperature difference T is initially large
but decays with increasing x, approaching
zero asymptotically.
 The outlet temperature of the cold fluid
never exceeds that of the hot fluid.
 The form of Tm may be determined by
applying an energy balance* to differential
elements (dx) in both fluids subjected to the
following assumptions:
 Insulated heat exchanger for surrounding.
 Negligible axial conduction.
 pe, ke  0 , constant fluid specific heats.
 Constant overall heat transfer coefficient.

Figure 11.7 Temperature distributions

* See the detailed derivation in the text
for a parallel-flow heat exchanger.
book pages 712-714.

[ME421] Heat Transfer 22 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: LMTD method
11.3.1 The Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger
 Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger:

Figure 11.1(a) Parallel flow Figure 11.7 Temperature distributions

concentric tube heat exchanger. for a parallel-flow heat exchanger.

 Heat transfer rate: q  UATlm (11.14)

 Log mean temperature difference:
T2  T1 T1  T2 T1 and T2 depends on
Tlm   (11.15)
ln  T2 / T1  ln  T1 / T2  the heat exchanger type.

 Remember that, for the parallel-  T1  Th,1  Tc ,1  Th,i  Tc ,i 

flow (PF) exchanger,  T2  Th,2  Tc,2  Th,o  Tc,o  (11.16)
[ME421] Heat Transfer 23 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: LMTD method
11.3.2 The Counterflow Heat Exchanger
 Counterflow Heat Exchanger:
 The configuration of this exchanger
provides heat transfer between hotter
portions of the two fluids at one end, as
well as between the colder portions at
the other end  the change in the
temperature difference T = Th –Tc with
respect to x is nowhere as large as it is
for the inlet region of the parallel-flow
 The outlet temperature of the cold fluid
may now exceeds that of the hot fluid.
 Similar analysis as the parallel-flow case
also apply in this case.
Figure 11.8 Temperature distributions
for a counterflow heat exchanger.
* See the detailed derivation in the text book pages 677-677
[ME421] Heat Transfer 24 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: LMTD method
11.3.2 The Counterflow Heat Exchanger
 Counterflow Heat Exchanger:

Figure 11.1(b) Counterflow Figure 11.8 Temperature distributions

concentric tube heat exchanger. for a counterflow heat exchanger.

 Heat transfer rate: q  UATlm (11.14)

 Log mean temperature difference:
T2  T1 T1  T2 T1 and T2 depends on
Tlm   (11.15)
ln  T2 / T1  ln  T1 / T2  the heat exchanger type.

 Remember that, for the counterflow  T1  Th,1  Tc ,1  Th,i  Tc ,o 

(CF) exchanger,  T2  Th,2  Tc ,2  Th,o  Tc ,i  (11.17)

 For[ME421]
Heatvalues of
Transfer UA and inlet temperatures,
25  Tlm ,CF   TDr. Alia H. Marafie
lm , PF

11. Heat Exchangers

11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: LMTD method
11.3.3 Special Operating Conditions

 Heat Capacity
rate of the fluid:
Ch  mh c p ,h
Cc  mc c p ,c

Figure 11.9 Special heat exchanger conditions. (a) Ch >> Cc or condensing vapor. (b) An evaporating
liquid or Ch<<Cc. (c) A counterflow heat exchanger with equivalent fluid heat capacities (Ch = Cc).

 Case (a): Ch >> Cc or hot fluid is a condensing vapor (Ch  )

 Negligible or no change in Th (Th,i = Th,o)
 Case (b): Ch << Cc or cold fluid is an evaporating liquid (Cc  )
 Negligible or no change in Tc (Tc,i = Tc,o)
 Case (c): Ch = Cc (counterflow heat exchanger)
 T1 = T2 = Tlm

[ME421] Heat Transfer 26 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis:
The Effectiveness-NTU Method

 11.1 Heat Exchangers Types

 11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
 11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: Use of the Log Mean
Temperature Difference

 11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis:

The Effectiveness-NTU Method
11.4.1 Definitions
11.3.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance Calculations:
Using the Effectiveness-NTU Method

[ME421] Heat Transfer 27 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis:
The Effectiveness-NTU Method
 Computational Features/Limitations of the LMTD Method:
 The LMTD method may be applied to design problems for which the
fluid flow rates and inlet temperatures, as well as a desired
outlet temperature, are prescribed. For a specified HX type, the
required size (surface area), as well as the other outlet temperature,
are readily determined.
 If the LMTD method is used in performance calculations for
which both outlet temperatures must be determined from knowledge of
the inlet temperatures, the solution procedure is iterative.
 For both design and performance calculations, the
effectiveness-NTU method may be used without iteration.

[ME421] Heat Transfer 28 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis:
The Effectiveness-NTU Method

 The effectiveness of heat exchanger will be expressed as a

function of the maximum heat transfer rate qmax that could
possibly be delivered by the exchanger.
 The effectiveness is defined as the ratio of the actual heat transfer
rate for the heat exchanger to the maximum possible heat transfer rate.
 Maximum Possible Heat Rate:
Ch if Ch  Cc

qmax  Cmin Th ,i  Tc ,i  (11.18) Cmin  or
C if C  C
 c c h

 Heat exchanger effectiveness,  :

q C (T  T ) C (T  T )
  h h ,i h , o  c c , o c ,i
qmax Cmin (Th,i  Tc ,i ) Cmin (Th,i  Tc ,i )
(11.19-21)  0    1

q   Cmin (Th,i  Tc,i ) (11.22)

[ME421] Heat Transfer 29 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.1 Definitions
 Define the number of transfer units (NTU) as a dimensionless
parameter that is widely used for heat exchange analysis and whose
magnitude influences the heat exchanger performance.
 For any heat exchanger, the effectiveness can be expressed as a
function of NTU and the rate of heat capacity ratio as:

 C   Cmin/Cmax is the rate of heat capacity

  f  NTU , min  (11.23) ratio equal to Cc/Ch or Ch/Cc depending on
 Cmax  the relative magnitude of the hot and cold
fluid heat capacity rates.

 Number of Transfer Units (NTU):

q  with  NTU 
NTU  (11.24)
[ME421] Heat Transfer 30 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
 For parallel-flow heat exchanger (Cmin = Ch)
(Th ,i  Th ,o )
 (11.25)
(Th,i  Tc ,i )
Cmin mhc p ,h (Tc ,o  Tc ,i )
Cr    (11.26)
Cmax mc c p ,c (Th,i  Tc ,i ) Figure 11.1(a) Parallel flow
concentric tube heat exchanger.

1  exp[  NTU (1  Cr )]
 (11.28a)  (Table 11.3)
1  Cr

ln[1   (1  Cr )]
NTU   (11.28b)  (Table 11.4)
1  Cr
 Figure 11.10 (graphical representation)

[ME421] Heat Transfer 31 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
Heat Exchanger Performance Calculations

  f  NTU , C min / C max 

Relations Graphical Representations

   Table 11.3  Figures 11.10: Parallel-flow heat exchanger.
 NTU  Table 11.4  Figures 11.11: Counterflow heat exchanger.
 Figures 11.12: Shell-and-tube HE (1-shell, 2-tubes)
 Figures 11.13: Shell-and-tube HE (2-shells, 4-tubes)
 Figures 11.14: Single pass, cross flow (unmixed flow).
 Figures 11.14: Single pass, cross flow (1-mixed,1-unmixed).

[ME421] Heat Transfer 32 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
Effectiveness ()
Cr  Cmin / Cmax

[ME421] Heat Transfer 33 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
Table 11.3: Continue

Effectiveness ()
Cr  Cmin / Cmax

[ME421] Heat Transfer 34 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
Cr  Cmin / Cmax

[ME421] Heat Transfer 35 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations
Table 11.4: Continue NTU Cr  Cmin / Cmax

 For all heat exchangers,   with  Cr

 For Cr = 0, a single -NTU relation applies to all heat exchanger types.
  1  exp   NTU  (11.35a)
NTU  1n 1    (11.35b)

[ME421] Heat Transfer 36 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations

[ME421] Heat Transfer 37 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations

[ME421] Heat Transfer 38 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: -NTU Method
11.4.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relations

[ME421] Heat Transfer 39 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance
Calculations: Using the Effectiveness-NYU Method

 11.1 Heat Exchangers Types

 11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
 11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: Use of the Log Mean
Temperature Difference
 11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: The Effectiveness-NTU Method

11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and

Performance Calculations:
Using the Effectiveness-NTU Method

[ME421] Heat Transfer 40 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers
11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance
Calculations: Using the Effectiveness-NYU Method

 Given: U , A , Ch , Cc , Ti,h , Ti,c

 Find: To,h , To,c

 Calculations
1) Calculate Ch and Cc determine Cr = Cmin/Cmax;
1) Calculate NTU from UA/Cmin
 find ε (Figures 11.10-11.15 or Equations 11.28a-11.34a);
3) Calculate qmax = Cmin (Th,iTc,i) (Equation 11.18);
4) Calculate q = ε q max;
5) Determine unknown fluid outlet temperatures Th,o
(Equation 11.6b) and Tc,o (Equation 11.7b).

[ME421] Heat Transfer 41 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance
Calculations: Using the Effectiveness-NYU Method

 Given: U, q, Ch , Cc , Ti,h , Ti,c

 Find: To,h , To,c , A

 Calculations
1) Calculate Ch and Cc determine Cr = Cmin/Cmax;
1) Calculate unknown fluid outlet temperatures  Th,o
(Equation 11.6b) and Tc,o (Equation 11.7b).

3) Calculate qmax = Cmin (Th,iTc,i) (Equation 11.18);

4) Calculate ε = q / q max find NTU (Figures 11.10-11.15 or
Equations 11.28b-11.35b);

5) Determine the surface area  A = NTU Cmin / U

[ME421] Heat Transfer 42 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

 Problem 11.23: A concentric tube heat exchanger for cooling

lubricating oil is comprised of a thin-walled inner tube of 25-mm diameter
carrying water and an outer tube of 45-mm diameter carrying the oil. The
exchanger operates in counterflow with an overall transfer coefficient of 60
W/m2K and the tabulated average properties.
(a) If the outlet temperature of
the oil is 60C, determine the
total heat transfer and the outlet
temperature of the water.
(b) Determine the length
required for the heat exchanger.

[ME421] Heat Transfer 43 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

 Problem 11.65: Water is used for both

fluids (unmixed) flowing through a single-
pass, Cross-flow heat exchanger. The hot
water enters at 90C and 10,000 kg/h, while
the cold water enters at 10C and 20,000
kg/h. If the effectiveness of the exchanger is
60%, determine the cold water exit

[ME421] Heat Transfer 44 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

 Problem 11.77: Consider a Rankin cycle

with saturated steam leaving the boiler at
pressure of 2 MPa and a condenser pressure
of 10 kPa.
(a) Calculate the thermal efficiency of the ideal
Rankine cycle for these operating conditions.
(b) If the net reversible work for the cycle is 0.5 Rankine Cycle:
MW, calculate the required flow rate of cooling  1-2: s = constant (Isentropic
water supplied to the condenser at 15C with compression in a pump)
an allowable temperature rise of 10C.  2-3: P = constant (Isobaric
(c) Design a shell-and-tube heat exchanger (one- heat addition in a boiler-steam
shell, multiple-tube passes) that will meet the generator).
heat rate and temperature conditions required  3-4: s = constant (Isentropic
of the condenser. Your design should specify expansion in a turbine)
the number of tubes and their diameter and  4-1: P = constant (Isobaric
heat rejection in a condenser)

[ME421] Heat Transfer 45 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

Data are from “Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach” textbook by Cengel,.

Table P T v x h s
[kPa] [C] [m3/kg] [kJ/kg] [kJ/kgK]
1 (A-5) f@P 10 45.7 0.0010102 0 191.83
2 (A-4) f@h 2000
3 (A-6)g@P 2000 1 2799.5 6.3409
4 (A-5)@P+s 10 45.7

(a) Calculate the thermal efficiency of the ideal Rankine cycle for these
operating conditions.
 (1-2) Pump input work:

 (2-3) Boiler heat input:

 (3-4) Turbine output work:

 Net power output of the cycle:

 Thermal efficiency of the cycle:

[ME421] Heat Transfer 46 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

(b) If the net reversible work for the cycle is 0.5 MW, calculate the required
flow rate of cooling water supplied to the condenser at 15C with an
allowable temperature rise of 10C.
 Mass flow rate passing through the cycle:

 (4-1) Condenser heat rejected:

[ME421] Heat Transfer 47 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

11. Heat Exchangers

(c) Design a shell-and-tube heat exchanger (one-shell, multiple-tube passes)

that will meet the heat rate and temperature conditions required of the
condenser. Your design should specify the number of tubes and their
diameter and length.
 For condensation, Cr=0, so a single -NTU relation   1  exp   NTU  (11.35a)
applies to all heat exchanger types (see slide 36): or
NTU  1n 1    (11.35b)
Eq. (11.19) 

Eq. (11.35b)  NTU   ln(1  0.326)  0.395

Eq. (11.24)  UAs  C min NTU  45,372W/K

[ME421] Heat Transfer 48 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

Table A-6
Cold water ( internal flow): Tavg  15  25 2  20C = 293 K
c  (Ns/m2)
11. Heat Exchangers
cp,c k Pr
(m3/kg) (J/kgK) (W/mK)
1010 4182 100710-6 0.603 7.0

 Internal flow: for the cold water flow inside the tube, assume D =15 mm and
um = 2 m/s (based upon previous experience/cases) the total mass flow rate of cold
water is:  
mc  c  Ac N u m  c  N u m  27.47 kg/s  N  78.5  79 tubes
 4 
 To calculate Reynolds number for the internal flow it should be done for single
tube (based on mass flow rate in each tube mt ).
4m t 4  mc N   29,310  2,300
ReD   Turbuent Flow
D D
 Assuming fully developed turbulent flow:
hc D
Eq. (8.60)Heating case  Nu   0.023Re4/5
D Pr
 187.7  hc  7544 W/m2 ×K
 Tube length:
Eq. (11.24)See previous slide  UAs  hc  DL  N  45,372W/K  L  1.6m
The heat exchanger design parameters:
N = 79 tubes D = 15 mm L = 1.6 mm
[ME421] Heat Transfer 49 Dr. Alia H. Marafie

End of Chapter 11:

Heat Exchangers

After carefully reading Chapter 11 in the text

book, make sure to read the summary at the
end of chapter and resolve all the chapter’s


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