TN 51
TN 51
TN 51
Environmental control glasses modify the internal environment. They are used to improve
comfort and/or reduce energy use in the building. They may reduce cooling demands
caused by solar gain and heating demands due to radiated heat. This Technical Note
describes the different types of environmental control glass and their use.
TN 11 Glass types
TN 13 Glass breakage
TN 35 Assessing the appearance of glass
TN 48 U-values of windows
TN 50 Shading and solar gain
ι = ρ + α + τ = 100%
Environmental control glasses are
used to reduce the heat transfer Where:
through glazing by modifying the
absorptance, reflectance and ι = incidence
emissivity of the glass. They may be ρ = reflectance (%)
used to reduce heat loss through α = absorptance (%)
windows by reducing the U-value, TN τ = transmittance (%)
48, or to reduce incoming solar
Transmission, Absorption,
Figure 1 Reflectance, absorptance
reflection and transmittance
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Environmental control glasses TN 51
Total transmittance
Q = 5.67x10 εAT W
−8 4 Figure 3 Transmittance and
reflectance in an IGU
Environmental control glasses TN 51
Environmental control glasses TN 51
Control of ultra-violet
Where: Ultra-violet radiation can damage
materials and is the principal cause of
τe = Direct solar transmission fading. In buildings such as museums
qi = Solar radiation absorbed and and galleries steps are taken to restrict
re-transmitted inwards the admittance of ultra-violet radiation.
For many purposes plain glass
The g-value is often used to specify absorbs sufficient U.V. However,
glazing performance. tinted and/or laminated glass can
provide greater protection.
Note that the g-value is calculated as a
proportion of the radiation incident on Low reflectance
the glass and is a property of the Low reflectance may be desirable
glass. where reflections reduce the clarity of
vision through the glass. This is the
Sometimes a solar heat gain case with some display windows and
coefficient (SHGC) is given. This is windows in buildings such as air
defined as the sum of the direct control towers.
transmittance and the absorbed
radiation entering the room by long Reduced U-values
wave radiation and convection from The U-value of glazing may be
the glass. There is a framing effect reduced by using low emissivity
and it is a property of the window. coatings, TN 48.
Environmental control glasses TN 51
Environmental control glasses TN 51
Particular materials may need hard coatings and most cannot be left
substrate layers to ensure adhesion to exposed to the atmosphere. These
a surface and protective layers to have to be incorporated into an IGU
prevent chemical reactions with air or immediately after coating and the
gas filling. coating always has to face the glazing
The coatings are of metal or metal
oxide. Coating materials include; Soft coatings can be applied one on
silver, nickel chrome, silicone nitride top of the other to produce high
and titanium dioxide. performance products. When used to
create low emissivity surfaces
Higher performance coated glasses emissivity as low as ε=0.025 can be
have multiple coatings of different achieved.
thickness, absorptance and refractive
index. These give a much sharper Solar control laminates
cut-off between wavelengths that are Polyester interlayers in laminated
reflected and those that are not. glass may be tinted to reduce solar
radiation transmission and appear
Coatings may be applied by: similar to body tinted glass although
the colour, unlike body tinted glass, is
• Deposition from solutions not related to thickness. Like body
• Chemical Vapour deposition tinted glass they can also be coated
• Ion implantation with hard or soft coatings to give
• Vapour deposition higher performance.
• Magnetron sputtering
• Pulsed cathodic sputtering
Solar control films
Polyester films may be applied to the
Hard coatings glass to reduce solar transmission
Also known as pyrolitic coatings, hard and/or reduce the emissivity. Films
coatings are applied to the glass when are applied to the internal or external
it is hot during primary production, on- surface of the glass or glazing unit.
line coating. They are less durable than plain or
hard-coated glass and are typically
Hard coatings are fused to the surface used as a retro-fit.
of the glass. They are highly durable
and most hard coated glasses may be
used with the coating exposed to the Performance of coated glasses
internal environment and some with it
exposed to the external surface of a Coated glasses are selected to
glazing unit. They are the only distinguish between short-wave
satisfactory way of coating glass for radiation and long-wave infrared,
use as single glazing. Figure 6.
Hard coatings generally achieve lower Figure 7 shows the reflectance and
performance than multiple soft transmission characteristics of a hard-
coatings. They are used to produce coat low emissivity glass. The
low emissivity glasses but can only reflectance and transmission are
achieve emissivity down to ε=0.15. coupled and one is approximately the
compliment of the other at most
Soft coatings wavelengths.
Soft coatings are applied to the glass
as a secondary process, off-line
coating. They are less durable than
Environmental control glasses TN 51
Soft coatings
Soft coatings have to be protected
within the glazing cavity. In a double
glazed unit they should be placed on
surface 2 or 3.
Figure 8 Soft-coated glass Low emissivity coatings
Low emissivity coatings are effective
whether they are placed on the
emitting surface or receiving surface.
They can generally be used on either
surface 2 or 3 to reduce radiation
across the glazing cavity.
Environmental control glasses TN 51
Construction with coated glasses The coating deleted at the edge of the
glass should be just enough to ensure
The use of coated glass has several the sealant bonds to the glass
implications for construction. substrate. To wide a deletion or
inadequate coverage of the glass edge
Delivery times by the glazing system may leave a
Whilst glass suppliers hold some hard- margin of deleted coating that is visible
coated glasses as stock sheets most around the edge of the unit.
coated glasses are made to order. Tolerances on edge deletion should be
This is particularly the case for soft- discussed with the IGU manufacturer.
coated glasses that have to be cut to
size prior to coating and assembled in Thermal fracture
to IGUs immediately after coating. Thermal fracturing of annealed glass
Additionally the glass often has to be may occur if a sufficiently high
toughened. These additional temperature differential is created
manufacturing requirements mean that across the glass (TN 13).
high performance glasses may take
longer to procure and the suppliers The greater the absorptance of the
should be consulted to determine the glass the hotter it is likely to become.
current delivery times when planning Coatings and films also increase the
projects. temperature of the glass if they:
Environmental control glasses TN 51
Environmental control glasses TN 51
Product selection
Products are usually described in the
Environmental control glasses TN 51
Environmental control glasses TN 51
BS EN 410: 1998
Glass in Building – Determination of
luminous and solar characteristics of
BS EN 1096-1
Coated glass - Definitions and
BS EN 1096-2
Coated glass - Requirements and test
methods for class A, B and S coatings
BS EN 1096-3
Coated glass - Requirements and test
methods for class C and D coatings
BS EN 1096-4
Coated glass - Evaluation of
conformity/Product Standard
Glass types
Glass breakage
Assessing the appearance of glass
U-values of windows
Solar gain and shading