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1. The peak value of emf in ac is E0. Write its (i) rms and (ii) average value over a complete cycle.
2. The power factor of an ac circuit is 0.5. What is the phase difference between voltage and current
in this circuit?
3. Define ‘quality factor’ of resonance in series LCR circuit. What is its SI unit ?
4. An electric bulb B and a parallel plate capacitor C are connected in series to the a.c. mains as
shown in the given figure. The bulb glows with some brightness. How will the glow of the bulb
be affected on introducing a dielectric slab between the plates of the capacitor ? Give reasons in
support of your answer

5. An alternating voltage of frequency f is applied across a series LCR circuit. Let fr be the
resonance frequency for the circuit. Will the current in the circuit lag, lead or remain in phase
with the applied voltage when (i) (ii) Explain your answer in each case.
6. An air-core solenoid is connected to an a.c source and a bulb. If an iron-core is inserted in the
solenoid, how does the brightness of a bulb change? Give reasons.
7. In a series LCR circuit, define the quality factor (Q) at resonance. Illustrate its significance by
giving one example. Show that power dissipated at resonance in LCR circuit is maximum.
8. At an airport, a person is made to walk through the doorway of a metal detector, for security
reasons. If he /she is carrying any thing made of metal, the metal detector emits a sound. On what
principle does this detector works?

9. A series LCR circuit is connected across an a.c. source of variable angular frequency ‘ω’. Plot a
graph showing variation of current ‘i’ as a function of ‘ω’ for two resistances R1 and R2 (R1 >
Answer the following questions using this graph :
(a) In which case is the resonance sharper and why?
(b) In which case is the power dissipation more and why?
What can we conclude about nature of the impedance of the set up at frequency ω0?

10. An a.c. source of voltage V = V0 sin wt is connected to a series combination of L, C and R. Use


the phasor diagram to obtain expressions for impedance of the circuit and phase angle between
voltage and current. Find the condition when current will be in phase with the voltage. What is
the circuit in this condition called?

11. Explain the construction and working of an LC oscillator.

12. Explain the term 'capacitive reactance'. Show graphically the variation of capacitive reactance
with frequency of the applied alternating voltage. An a.c. voltage is applied across a pure
capacitor of capacitance C. Show mathematically that the current flowing through it leads the
applied voltage by a phase angle of π/2.

13. Show that in free oscillation of an LC circuit, the sum of energies stored in the capacitor and
the inductor is constant in time.

14. Box’ A, in the set up shown below, represents an electric device often used/needed to supply,
electric power from the (ac) mains, to a load. It is known that Vo < Vi.

(a) Identify the device A and draw its symbol.

(b) Draw a schematic diagram of this electric device. Explain its principle and working. Obtain
an expression for the ratio between its output and input voltages.
(c) Find the relation between the input and output currents of this device assuming it to be ideal.

15. A series LCR circuit is connected to an ac source. Using the phasor diagram, derive the
expression for the impedance of the circuit. Plot a graph to show the variation of current with
frequency of the source , explaining nature of its variation


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