2023년 5월 고3 이투스 전국 모의고사 영어 문제지
2023년 5월 고3 이투스 전국 모의고사 영어 문제지
2023년 5월 고3 이투스 전국 모의고사 영어 문제지
1 2
5 30
Standing Desks
Type Price Weight (kg) Height Adjusting Color
A $170 9 Electric Walnut
B $149 9.5 Electric Black
C $145 10 Manual Walnut
D $130 10.5 Manual White
E $120 12 Electric Black
Billy Julia Sam had been saving money for months to get a new
smartphone, and the day had finally come when he could
purchase it. He was thrilled to get his hands on it. He had finally
Billy: bought the model and color of smartphone he really wanted.
He felt really happy and had so many things he wanted to do
I will finish the contract with the client today. with it. But his happiness was shattered when he was hit by a
I’d like to move to a place close to our office. bicycle while walking down the street. His brand new phone
Why don’t we open another interior shop downtown? went flying out of his hand, crashing to the ground. The phone
still worked, but the screen was broken. He looked around for
We’d better go to work earlier to avoid the traffic jam.
who had hit him, but the bike rider had disappeared, leaving
It would be better to take public transportation than to drive. him with a broken phone. He felt a strong surge of resentment.
excited furious indifferent hopeful
disappointed curious nervous relieved
jealous regretful
Back in the year 2000, workers tied to New Orleans who were
offered great jobs in Boston would be likely to turn down the All universities now boast of their “research-led teaching.”
Boston jobs because of their loyalty to New Orleans. Such This, however, is simply an atomization of knowledge and its
individuals would give up the extra income they would have reduction into modular forms. Yet there is a further aspect to this
earned if they moved to Boston. Given that higher incomes offer that requires exposure. “Research-led teaching” is but another
greater quality of life in part because of the extra safety and myth. It may be reassuring to those who see the university as
resilience that can be purchased with extra resources, these primarily to be characterized by its brand of excellence; but, in
people were making a sacrifice. In the year 2020, telecommuting fact, teaching that is “research-led” is usually poor teaching. Why
and the rise of web-based conferencing technology, such as would one want to teach a first-year undergraduate, for instance,
Zoom, created the exciting possibility, especially for educated to the limits of one’s own research? It would be a little like trying
workers, that work can increasingly be done from home. This to teach the basic principles of arithmetic by a thorough exposure
means that the workers tied to New Orleans can have the best of to and engagement with the intricacies of multidimensional
both worlds by living there while working for Boston firms. In space and fractal geometries. The undergraduate needs time to
this case, the information technology separates place of residence bring themselves up to a certain kind of speed, time to do the
from place of work. It is important to note that research indicates reading and thinking required to be able to cope with the
that more educated people are more likely to work in jobs that can advanced searches that constitute research itself.
be done at home or remotely. * atomization: ** modular:
*** fractal geometry:
* resilience:
Knowledge Sharing: The Core of Teaching
The Straight Path from Research to Learning
Research-Led Teaching for Undergraduates: Too Hasty
Teachers Benefiting the Most from Research-Led Teaching
Impacts of Research-Led Teaching on Interdisciplinary Study
1 to 1 Music Tutoring Classes
Mbini River Basin 80% 9 30
5 28
For brains, everything is noise at first. Then brains notice the Somewhere in every large grocery store is a wall of yogurt:
patterns in the static, and they move up a level, noticing arrays of clean white pots of fermented milk with bright labels
patterns in how those patterns interact. Then they move up and alluring images of fruit, happy cows, or a creamy spoonful
another level, and on and on it goes. Layers of pattern laced with fruity chunks. The labels often sport words like
recognition built on top of simpler layers become a rough “organic,” “no pesticides,” “hormone free,” and “no artificial
understanding of what to expect from the world around us, and colors,” as well as brand names and slogans. The labels also
their interactions become our sense of cause and effect. The present presumably factual data about nutrition, ingredients, and
roundness of a ball, the hard edge of a table, the soft elbow of allergens. In an ideal world, these multiple elements of the label
a stuffed animal, each object excites certain neural pathways and would help consumers make wise and informed purchases
not others, and each exposure strengthens their connections among the large variety of choices. In the real world, many
until the brain comes to expect those elements of the world and elements of the label are simply meant to entice consumers to
becomes better at making sense of themselves in context. purchase that particular yogurt. This tension between objective
Likewise, as causes regularly lead to effects, our innate information and subjective enticement affects many
pattern recognition takes notice and forms expectations environmental attributes (e.g., carbon emissions, water use, land
Mom will come when I cry at night; mashed potatoes will make use, toxins, and recycling). A 2014 Nielsen survey of 30,000
me happy; bees hurt when they sting. We start our lives filled consumers across 60 countries found that 52 percent of
with unpredictable chaos, but our regular perceptions become respondents say their purchase decisions are partially dependent
the expectations we use to turn that chaos into predictable on .
* alluring: ** entice:
borrowing conventional wisdom to deliver a fresh idea (A) (C) (B) (B) (A) (C)
bringing out aspects that otherwise might remain hidden (B) (C) (A) (C) (A) (B)
removing details that are essential to understanding a situation (C) (B) (A)
Kant sought to locate the new meaning and purpose in a To appreciate this point, suppose that in a congested city, Mary
priori knowledge things we can know without experiment can expect to commute at a speed of just 15 miles per hour.
or experience. Achieving higher speeds in cities would facilitate climate
change adaptation because people will have a greater choice of
(A) And acting in pursuit of the good makes us free. The measure
neighborhoods. If Mary is willing to commute for thirty minutes
of religion itself is its adherence to this moral law of the
one way and she can travel at 40 miles per hour, then she can look
heart. In short, “Only take the actions that you would
for a place to live in a 20-mile radius around her place of work.
consider acceptable for all other people to take as well.”
The area of a circle with a radius of 20 miles equals 3.14×
(B) The human heart, he said, had embedded within it a moral
400, or more than 1,200 square miles! Such a huge area
logic. And that moral logic relied on categorical
provides ample opportunities for Mary to find the neighborhood
imperatives: absolute truths. Those categorical imperatives
that matches her desires. With a thirty-minute commute,
included orders never to use other human beings as means, she will be able to look for housing only in a 7.5-mile radius of
but rather to treat them as ends. Actions are good in and of her place of work, and this circle’s area equals 3.14×7.5×7.5=176
themselves, not because they have good effects. square miles. This is a much smaller area in which to
(C) Kant believed that certain truths were not dependent on the search. By having a larger set of residential opportunities,
human experience 2+2 would always equal 4, whether each household will have a greater chance of finding a
or not human beings experienced it. Kant thus launched an climate-resilient area.
almost Platonic quest for knowledge beyond the material * congested: ** radius:
but where Plato looked to the realm of Forms, Kant *** ample:
looked instead to the human heart.
* a priori: ** categorical imperative:
(A) (C) (B) (B) (A) (C) Historians prefer the past tense, but verb tense is often the
(B) (C) (A) (C) (A) (B)
subject of some confusion. This is largely because scholars
(C) (B) (A)
who write about literature have a different set of conventions.
A literary critic might write “In Black Boy, Richard Wright
speaks eloquently and forcefully against American racism
and capitalism.” Wright’s words ring just as true today as they
did in 1937 when he wrote them. For the purposes of writing
about literature, the present tense conveys that the author’s
Most of the time, though, we remain acutely unaware of how idea is still valid today. Literary classics have a powerful
much of the information that we think we are tasting via the effect on readers today, but historians want to place Wright’s
tongue comes in via the retronasal smelling route. novel within the context of his life and times. Wright does not
really speak today he died in 1960. He wrote Black Boy
To understand how we smell, it is important to distinguish
during the Great Depression. At the time, readers interpreted
between the two different ways in which we smell. There is the
Wright’s work differently than they do today. Using the
“orthonasal” route: when we sniff external aromas from the
present tense confuses the chronology of Wright’s life and
environment. And there is “retronasal” smell: when
times, while using the past tense enables writers to arrange
aromatic odor molecules are passed out of the back of the mouth
one event in relationship to another.
into the back of the nose whenever we swallow while eating and
drinking. The orthonasal sniffing of food aromas is
especially important because it allows us or, rather, our brains to While literary critics prefer the present tense because it gives
form the rich flavor expectations concerning both what the an author’s idea a sense of (A) , historians prefer the past
experience of tasting will be like and how much we expect to tense because it puts emphasis on the (B) of events.
enjoy it. But it is the retronasal perception of aroma, on
swallowing, that really provides our tasting experiences with (A) (B)
their rich variety and interest. This is, in large part, because control importance
food aromas are experienced as if coming from the mouth as immediacy sequence
if being sensed by the tongue itself. This strange immediacy importance
phenomenon goes by the name of “oral referral.” accomplishment origin
* retronasal: ** orthonasal: accomplishment sequence
If the ethics of the study of art is to be seen in facilitating the His father found the car gone in the morning and thought it was
enjoyment and understanding of art objects, as well as in finding stolen. So he called the police and they came right away. When
some insight into the lives and sensibilities of the people who the police drove to the house, they noticed a car with a very similar
made and used the art, then the topic of global art history will description to the one reported stolen at the bottom of the
sooner or later face the issue of universals: a concept that enjoys driveway. The father was called there and found his car. Strangely,
(a) little prestige in contemporary humanities. Appeals to the keys were in the pocket of his coat! It was obvious that the car
“essential human conditions,” a “common humanity,” or an had not been stolen. It remained a mystery until Elvis told his father
“inner spiritual core” may have (b) legitimate roles in particular what he did. The father forgave Elvis but made (b) him wash the
kinds of rhetoric, but they provide a weak foundation for thinking car every weekend for six months.
about global art history. A different way of engaging universals
was pursued with scientific rigor in the 1960s and 1970s but did
not provide much nourishment for art history. Attempts were When he came home, Elvis had a problem, though, with getting
made to (c) objectively determine the universality of aesthetic the car back up the driveway. The driveway was a little steep and
values; the investigators typically concluded that there are some (c) he couldn’t push it up himself. He had no choice but to wake
universal formal categories such as symmetry, proportion, his brother Chris to help him, even though it was 4 a.m. But Chris
balance, and repose, and that the aesthetic appeal of a work of didn’t want to get up in the early hours of the morning, so (d) he
art depends partly on the universals of human nature. Not refused to help Elvis. Elvis couldn’t help but leave the car at the
surprisingly, such views were (d) always found useful for the bottom of the driveway. He returned the car keys to his father’s
interpretation and presentation of works of art. Many coat pocket and went to bed.
anthropologists engaged in the study of “ethnoart” (e) agreed that
to understand and appreciate the aesthetic dimensions of other
cultures one needs to study their images not as isolated aesthetic But the house was not nearby, so Elvis needed to come up with
phenomena but rather in the context of social action and the lives a way to get to the house and back. He decided he would borrow
of human actors. his father’s car but needed to figure out how to do it without
* rhetoric: ** repose: anyone hearing (e) him start it up, drive away, and later put it back.
His home was set far back from the road, so he released the brake
and let the car roll to the bottom of the driveway before starting
the engine. And away he went for the night.
Should We Pursue Aesthetic Universality in Global Art Study?
Global Art History: A Blending of Science and Spirituality
What Role Does Universality Play in Keeping Society Equal? (A)
Works of Art: The Main Study Materials of Anthropology
Why Is the Study of Art Necessary for Humanity? (B) (D) (C) (C) (B) (D)
(C) (D) (B) (D) (B) (C)
(D) (C) (B)
(a) (e)
(a) (e)
Elvis Chris
When Chris and his younger brother Elvis were young, Elvis
was the more daring of the two. At times, he brought Chris into Elvis
being his partner in small crimes. One summer, he wanted to Elvis
visit a deserted house with his friends at night, which his parents
would never approve of. The question was, how could he go
without them knowing? He decided (a) he would wait until
everybody was asleep and go out to spend time with his friends.