2023년 8월 고1 이투스 전국 모의고사 영어 문제지
2023년 8월 고1 이투스 전국 모의고사 영어 문제지
2023년 8월 고1 이투스 전국 모의고사 영어 문제지
Action Cameras
Model Price Waterproof Battery Life Control
A 350 × 3 hours ×
B 400 3 hours
C 450 5 hours ×
D 500 7 hours
E 550 10 hours
Danielle routinely ran along a one-mile route near her home. At
Juliette Mr. Rodgers the end of one of her runs, she realized she had returned a bit lighter
than she should have been. Somehow, her diamond ring was
missing. She was shocked that the ring was no longer on her finger.
Juliette: She checked the route that she had run. She searched desperately
I think we should cancel the sports day. in every drawer and closet in her house. But the ring was nowhere
Can we organize a sports day for the students? to be found. Soon, Danielle’s daughter, Jan, suggested to her that
Is it possible to postpone the sports day to next week? she check an online local lost and found. Fortunately, after
combing patiently through the posted items, she found her lost
We should get more medicine in case someone gets hurt.
ring! She found out that a young girl had turned it in to the nearby
We’d better prepare more activities that can be done outdoors. police station. Danielle thanked God.
* comb:
frustrated relieved delighted disappointed
satisfied worried terrified sad
excited angry
⦁$10 per person (Free of charge for participants 5 years old
or younger)
Date & Time
⦁September 1, 2023 September 30, 2023
The graph above shows the percentages of plant and animal ⦁YOU-PICK Apple Camp will be open:
species that are assessed to be at risk of extinction worldwide. - Fridays from 4 pm to 7 pm
Amphibians have the highest percentage of threatened species, - Saturdays and Sundays from 8 am to 3 pm
followed by sharks and rays. Among the species listed, conifers For more information, email us at apple@kinggrove.com.
and coral reefs are at similar risk of extinction, with a difference
of only one percentage point. The percentage of threatened
sharks and rays is higher than those of threatened reptiles and birds 1
combined. The percentage of threatened bird species is the 5
second lowest among the listed species. A quarter of mammals 7
are assessed to be at risk of extinction worldwide, while 13% of
birds are assessed to be at risk of extinction.
* ray: ** conifer:
9 2 9
Amsterdam Olympics 100m 3
6 5
The Greek kings of Egypt were serious about learning. For A lot of people have a fear of heights, and evolutionarily
centuries, they maintained in the library a working environment speaking that’s probably a good thing; after all, usually only
for the best minds of the age. The heart of the library was its those humans who were afraid of heights survived. But did you
collection of books. Accurate numbers are difficult to estimate, know that your perception of how far away things are (and your
but it seems probable that the library contained half a million resulting fear) depends on your ___________ at the time you’re
volumes. What happened to all those books? The classical asked. There’s a body of research around this called evolved
civilization that created them fell apart, and the library itself navigation. For example, suppose you stood at the bottom of a
was deliberately destroyed. Only a small fraction of its works building and looked up toward the roof. Then suppose you were
survived. And how tantalizing those bits and pieces are! For at the top of that same building looking down to the ground. Do
example, there were on the library shelves a book by the you think you would estimate the height of a building
astronomer Aristarchus of Samos, who argued that Earth is one differently from where you are? Lots of research reveals that
of the planets and that the stars are enormously far away. Each of you would.
these conclusions is entirely correct, but we had to wait nearly
role position emotion
two thousand years for their rediscovery.
personality imagination
* fraction:
** tantalizing:
The truly mature person accepts complete responsibility for He started to panic because he realized that without (b) his
the situation. It is not (a) possible to imagine that he or she address book, he didn’t know how to get in touch with his older
complains rather than taking action when problems and brother, whom he was going to stay with. His friend suggested
difficulties arise. This sense of “response-ability” is the mark they go to the police. Andrew had heard about the bad reputation
of the highly developed personality: You as a mature person (b) of New York’s police, so (c) he thought it would be a waste of
take responsibility for your life by resolving, in advance, that time. But they went anyway and met a policeman who seemed
you will not become upset or angry over something that you to be straight out of a television show. Andrew explained the
cannot change. Just as you do not become angry about the situation to the officer.
weather, you do not become angry over circumstances and
situations over which you have no control.
Furthermore, you especially do not (c) allow yourself to be Then it occurred to Andrew that his brother was working at an
angry in the present because of unhappy experiences or Italian restaurant named Napoli. He told the officer this. The
situations from the past. You say, “What cannot be cured must policeman allowed Andrew to make a phone call to the restaurant.
be endured.” It is amazing how many people are unhappy today Fortunately, Andrew’s brother answered the phone. He was so
because of a past event, even something that happened many relieved to talk to his brother and thanked the policeman for his
years ago. Each time they think of the negative experience, they help. The policeman walked Andrew and his friend to the bus
become angry or depressed once again. The good news is that stop, where Andrew could find (d) his way to the restaurant.
at any time, you can (d) keep thinking about, discussing, and
rehashing the past. You can let it go and (e) begin thinking (D)
instead about your goals and your unlimited future. As Helen
After listening to Andrew’s story, he said, “What a terrible
Keller said, “When you turn toward the sunshine, the shadows
thing to happen to you on your first trip to America.” He took
fall behind you.”
down the details and then asked Andrew “Do you know your
* rehash: brother’s phone number?” Of course Andrew couldn’t reply
properly, because his address book was gone. Then the
policeman asked, “Is there any way that you can contact (e) him?”
Patience: An Essential Ingredient for Success
Good Qualities That a Mature Person Shows (A)
Good Personality: Is It Inborn or Educated?
Solve Problems As Soon As They Arise (B) (D) (C) (C) (B) (D)
What Goes Around Comes Around (C) (D) (B) (D) (B) (C)
(D) (C) (B)
(a) (e)
(a) (e)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
On his first trip to the United States, Andrew arrived in New Andrew
York with his friend and went to the bus station to buy a ticket.
He had his money in one hand and his bag in the other. It didn’t
have anything valuable in it, but it did have his address book.
As (a) he went up to the counter to pay, he put his bag down for
a second. When he looked again, it was gone. He couldn’t
believe it.