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Mile Flea Market


International Mango Festival


Action Cameras
Model Price Waterproof Battery Life Control
A 350 × 3 hours ×
B 400 3 hours
C 450 5 hours ×
D 500 7 hours
E 550 10 hours

Silver Lake? I think it’s too far from here.

Yes. I shouldn’t have gone camping with you.
No, I didn’t. It was my mistake for not checking it.
Sorry, but I’m too busy to go camping with you.
Sure. I really want to be a weather forecaster.

That makes sense. Let’s go out right now.

Don’t worry. I’ll help you get some ideas.
Really? I didn’t realize it was lunchtime.
Well, I lost some weight by walking regularly.
$117 $130 $135 $140 $150 You’re right. Regular exercise improves your health.
Dear Linda Hamilton,
It has already been two years since I began working for your
Thanks to you, I was able to start surfing by myself. company as a team leader. I have always been loyal and
Sure. If you take private lessons, you won’t regret it. dedicated. All the assignments and projects I handled were
Don’t mention it. Your surfing skills are better than mine. submitted on time with no delays. You are probably aware of
I’m sorry. I have to go teach a group lesson right now. my low salary and that I asked for a salary increase last year.
I don’t think so. Surfing in the ocean is fun and safe. I never received a reply from you regarding my previous
request. Recently I received a job offer from ACE Technology,
and the salary is higher than my current one. However, I am
dedicated to our company; therefore, I have decided to ask for
a salary increase one more time. Your consideration would be
greatly appreciated.
Woman: John Williams
That’s right. You can join my class if you want.
Absolutely. I’ll introduce my classmates to you.
Sure. I’d be honored if you came to my exhibition.
Don’t worry. Many people will come to the exhibition.
Of course. It’ll be exciting to see the pottery you’ve made.

Danielle routinely ran along a one-mile route near her home. At
Juliette Mr. Rodgers the end of one of her runs, she realized she had returned a bit lighter
than she should have been. Somehow, her diamond ring was
missing. She was shocked that the ring was no longer on her finger.
Juliette: She checked the route that she had run. She searched desperately
I think we should cancel the sports day. in every drawer and closet in her house. But the ring was nowhere
Can we organize a sports day for the students? to be found. Soon, Danielle’s daughter, Jan, suggested to her that
Is it possible to postpone the sports day to next week? she check an online local lost and found. Fortunately, after
combing patiently through the posted items, she found her lost
We should get more medicine in case someone gets hurt.
ring! She found out that a young girl had turned it in to the nearby
We’d better prepare more activities that can be done outdoors. police station. Danielle thanked God.
* comb:
frustrated relieved delighted disappointed
satisfied worried terrified sad
excited angry

common characteristics of online sports

the positive effects of playing sports on kids With the appearance of social media has come even more
why sports are becoming less popular among kids pressure to own the latest “must-haves,” whether it’s an item of
clothing or the latest gadget. According to The Guardian, nearly
the importance of warming up before playing sports
half of young people say they are forced into spending beyond their
differences between individual sports and team sports
income, so if you are feeling this way, perhaps your friends are
too. Don’t be afraid to explain to them that you are on a budget.
Perhaps seeing your financial focus will be what your friends need
to motivate themselves. Say no to the cinema, but yes to a movie
night at home with homemade popcorn; or rather than a meal out
basketball swimming gymnastics with friends, invite everyone over and get each person to be in
charge of bringing a course or a side dish.
badminton soccer
* gadget: ** on a budget:
You’re actually rooting for the clothes
Charles Darwin once published a book about worms. In it, he
In ancient Greece, Plutarch wrote of a wooden ship that gave the world its first understanding of the fundamental role of
Theseus sailed from Crete to Athens. To preserve the ship, as its earthworms as performers for the delivery of soil a picture of
old planks decayed, Athenians would replace them with new surface rocks being gradually covered by fine soil brought up
wood. Eventually, all the planks had been replaced. It looked like from below by the worms. At the same time, quantities of organic
the same ship, but none of its parts was the same. Was it still the matter contained in leaves and grass are drawn down into the
same ship? The ship of Theseus has a lot in common with a sports burrows and included in soil to change its quality. Darwin’s
franchise. If you are from Boston, you might hate the 1920 calculations showed that the hard work of earthworms might add
Yankees for taking Babe Ruth. Although the team carries the a layer of soil an inch to an inch and a half thick in a ten-year
same name, the pieces are different. The players are long gone. period. And this is by no means all they do: the burrows
So are the managers and coaches. “You’re actually rooting for the earthworms make put air into the soil, keeping it well drained. In
clothes,” Jerry Seinfeld commented. “Fans will be so in love with addition, organic matter is broken down as it passes through the
a player, but if he goes to a different team, they boo him.” digestive pathways of the worms, and the soil is enriched by this
* plank: ** boo: process.
Fans support the team, not the individual team members. * burrow: ** drained:
Modern sports fans are more loyal to players than teams. how earthworms gradually adapt to new soil
Building loyalty in sports fans matters more than ever. the importance of organic matter in earthworms’ growth
Sports team uniforms are good for business. the necessity of various worms in saving the environment
In life and sports, nothing lasts forever. difficulties Darwin experienced in studying earthworms
the role of earthworms in changing soil conditions

Interestingly, our culture doesn’t really value not taking action.

From the beginning of our lives, we are programmed to do
something. Taking action is seen as a sign of strength and vitality.
We have set up our entire culture to reward someone who takes In his book How We Got to Now, Steven Johnson sets out to
action, as opposed to someone who just waits, doing nothing. dispel the myth that innovation requires an individual genius
Think about bonus structures in companies. Nobody has ever with an “aha!” moment. Johnson writes: “Big ideas come from
been paid a bonus for deciding to wait. We prefer to make an lots of smaller ideas and improvements over time.” He goes on to
effort in an attempt to exert some control over our lives, and we tell the story of Thomas Edison, a man we so associate with
need our achievements to be specific and measurable. Very often, genius that we often refer to the “aha!” moment as the “lightbulb”
though, it is an illusion. Our attempts to take action, to control, to moment. But Johnson makes it clear that it wasn’t that simple.
measure only make the situation worse. Consider doing the Edison wasn’t even first. Early patents on the lightbulb preceded
opposite. Consider waiting. It doesn’t mean you are lazy or weak. Edison’s by the better part of a century, and dozens of others
Instead, by trying a different strategy the strategy of waiting received patents for portions of the invention we credit Edison
sometimes things can improve and unexpected positive results with today.
can emerge. * dispel:

One Great Idea Makes a Genius

Great Ideas Are Built on Earlier Advancements
Why We Call Edison One of the Great Inventors
An Issue with Patents: Who Made an Invention First
Cooperation: An Essential Attitude for Improvements
YOU-PICK Apple Camp

YOU-PICK Apple Camp

You can pick 100% organic apples for yourself!

You have one hour to pick and taste as many apples as you

⦁$10 per person (Free of charge for participants 5 years old
or younger)
Date & Time
⦁September 1, 2023 September 30, 2023
The graph above shows the percentages of plant and animal ⦁YOU-PICK Apple Camp will be open:
species that are assessed to be at risk of extinction worldwide. - Fridays from 4 pm to 7 pm
Amphibians have the highest percentage of threatened species, - Saturdays and Sundays from 8 am to 3 pm
followed by sharks and rays. Among the species listed, conifers For more information, email us at apple@kinggrove.com.
and coral reefs are at similar risk of extinction, with a difference
of only one percentage point. The percentage of threatened
sharks and rays is higher than those of threatened reptiles and birds 1
combined. The percentage of threatened bird species is the 5
second lowest among the listed species. A quarter of mammals 7
are assessed to be at risk of extinction worldwide, while 13% of
birds are assessed to be at risk of extinction.
* ray: ** conifer:

Family Bike Ride

Elizabeth R. Schwartz
Family Bike Ride
Elizabeth R. Schwartz was born in Riverdale, Illinois, in 1911. Saturday, September 2, at 9:00 am
Her talent was discovered by her science teacher, Charles Price,
Bring your whole family out to have fun! After the six-mile
who saw her running to catch the train after school. At the
ride, bikers can stop at Muscatine Aquatic Center for snacks.
Amsterdam Olympics, Schwartz was the only US athlete to qualify
for the 100 m final. She reached the final and won, matching the ⦁Registration begins at 8 am.
world record of 12.2 seconds. In 1931, Schwartz was hurt in a plane ⦁The ride will begin and end at Antioch Water Park.
crash. Doctors determined that she had suffered severe injuries and ⦁Bring your own bike and a helmet!
would never race again. It was another six months before she could ⦁Registration fee: $10 per person
get out of a wheelchair, and two years before she could walk
- Registration includes a T-shirt, $5 gift card for George Ice
normally again. Still unable to kneel for a normal 100 m start due
Cream, and a 50% off coupon for Antioch Water Park
to the surgeries on her left leg, Schwartz competed as a member of
admission (valid 9/30/23).
the US team for the 4×100 m relay at the 1936 Summer Olympics,
in which she won her second Olympic gold medal. For more information, please visit us at www.fbr.org.

9 2 9
Amsterdam Olympics 100m 3
6 5
The Greek kings of Egypt were serious about learning. For A lot of people have a fear of heights, and evolutionarily
centuries, they maintained in the library a working environment speaking that’s probably a good thing; after all, usually only
for the best minds of the age. The heart of the library was its those humans who were afraid of heights survived. But did you
collection of books. Accurate numbers are difficult to estimate, know that your perception of how far away things are (and your
but it seems probable that the library contained half a million resulting fear) depends on your ___________ at the time you’re
volumes. What happened to all those books? The classical asked. There’s a body of research around this called evolved
civilization that created them fell apart, and the library itself navigation. For example, suppose you stood at the bottom of a
was deliberately destroyed. Only a small fraction of its works building and looked up toward the roof. Then suppose you were
survived. And how tantalizing those bits and pieces are! For at the top of that same building looking down to the ground. Do
example, there were on the library shelves a book by the you think you would estimate the height of a building
astronomer Aristarchus of Samos, who argued that Earth is one differently from where you are? Lots of research reveals that
of the planets and that the stars are enormously far away. Each of you would.
these conclusions is entirely correct, but we had to wait nearly
role position emotion
two thousand years for their rediscovery.
personality imagination
* fraction:
** tantalizing:

For centuries humanism has been telling us that we are the

final source of meaning and that our free will is therefore the
highest authority of all. Instead of waiting for some external
entity to tell us what’s what, we can rely on our own feelings
Consider the use of phosphorus as a fertilizer. In small
and desires. From infancy, we are surrounded by humanist
quantities, it is an essential substance for the growth of plants.
slogans counseling us: “Listen to yourself, be true to yourself,
But in excessive amounts it becomes toxic. Modern industrial
trust yourself, follow your heart, do what feels good.”
farming is based on fertilizing the fields with plenty of phosphorus,
Jean-Jacques Rousseau summed it all up in his novel Émile, the
but the high-phosphorus runoff from the farms poisons rivers,
eighteenth-century bible of feeling. Rousseau held that when
lakes, and oceans, with a harmful impact on marine life. A farmer
looking for life’s rules of conduct, he found them “in the depths
growing corn in Iowa might thus kill fish in the Gulf of Mexico.
of my heart. I about what I wish
As a result of such activities, habitats are damaged, animals and
to do; what I feel to be good is good, what I feel to be bad is
plants go extinct, and entire ecosystems such as the Amazon
rainforest might be destroyed. Humans’ use of phosphorus is
* authority: ** entity:
turning it into an ecological destroyer. If we continue on our
present course, it will cause not just the extinction of a large must help other people understand
percentage of all life forms, but it might also strengthen the can accept another’s viewpoint
foundations of human civilization. should ignore my thoughts
* phosphorus: ** fertilizer: need only consult myself
*** runoff: will hide my desire
If you examine the life of anyone who has achieved something
extraordinary, you’ll find a story of failure somewhere along the The blame instinct is the instinct to find a clear, simple reason
way. Sometimes you really have to look for it, because too often for why something bad has happened. It seems that it is natural
as people advance through life they remove unpleasant parts of for us to think that when things go wrong, it must be because of
their stories. But we do a disservice to others especially to young some bad individual with bad intentions. We like to believe
people if we aren’t honest about our failures. When I spend time that things happen because someone wanted them to; otherwise,
on college campuses, I go out of my way to talk about my own the world feels unpredictable, confusing, and frightening. As
“failure résumé,” telling what didn’t go so right on my career we are obsessed with someone to blame, this instinct blocks our
journey. I usually do this after receiving a glowing introduction, learning, because once we have decided who to point fingers at
and as I tell my failures, I see at first looks of disbelief in the we stop looking for explanations elsewhere. When things
audience. As I continue, however, I begin to see another emotion don’t go as planned, it is important to find the cause in yourself.
on the students’ faces relief at the realization that you can This undermines our ability to solve the problem, or prevent
. it from happening again. This also distracts us from focusing
* disservice: ** glowing: our energy in the right place.
experience unexpected luck * undermine:
fail forward to something better
decide alone what you want to do
forget about unpleasant memories
do something beneficial for the society

Compared to previous generations of young people who might

Even if we don’t inherit our parents’ taste buds, our mothers
have also desired more independence, you, a millennial with
can still influence our preferences before we are born.
professional skills, can more easily discard your full-time,
traditional job thanks to the internet. There’s a classic
(A) Most of our taste preferences, however, are acquired after
economic explanation for this. People decide to join law firms,
we’re born. When it comes to liking food, familiarity is
medical practices, and other companies, rather than sell their
everything, and some foods may have to be tasted sixteen
skills directly, when the cost of doing business making sales,
times before children will accept them.
handling finances, communicating with customers is higher.
With the internet, many of these costs have become lower or even (B) Pregnant women who like curry, for example, can pass
disappeared. Few people need a receptionist if they have strong flavors like garlic and chili through their amniotic
voicemail and an email inbox. Software programs handle fluid to their babies, who might also have a preference for
bookkeeping, and for many professionals, working online doesn’t spicy foods later in life.
require the need to rent an office. Earning an income without a (C) As Bee Wilson pointed out, the temptation to disrupt this
traditional job . process by persuading children to eat up their greens in
* discard: exchange for a snack can warp their sense of taste for life,
** bookkeeping: since it teaches them to treat pleasure and health as enemies.
doesn’t require as big an investment as it once did * taste bud: ** amniotic fluid:
is always the best way to guarantee a stable income *** warp:
means that you have to meet your customers in person (A) (C) (B) (B) (A) (C)
is becoming more independent of access to the internet (B) (C) (A) (C) (A) (B)
is no longer an option for those who want free time on weekends (C) (B) (A)
The first type of scale that enabled regular weighing was the In practice, of course, the line between the two is not so
penny scale, a platform scale that required the user to put in clear-cut.
a small amount of money and then disclosed his or her weight.
Psychiatry is distinguished from psychology, as it is a branch
(A) Weighing at home would become possible only after the of medicine as opposed to a branch of science.
introduction of bathroom scales. As Bonkora advertisements Psychiatry’s treatment strategy has traditionally been based on
show, some people in the late 1930s often weighed the idea that mental disorders are illnesses with primarily
themselves at home, wearing minimal clothing. biological causes, requiring medical treatment with drugs or
surgery. Psychologists, by contrast, generally regard
(B) The booklet gave customers a way to record their weight on
mental disorders as having psychological causes, which require
subsequent dates so as to monitor changes closely. Because
treatment by therapy. Many psychiatrists are trained
of their size, platform scales were not suitable for household doctors helping patients by talking to them about their
use. psychology, or have studied experimental and biological
(C) The platform scales could be found on the streets and in psychology. Clinical psychologists, equally, are often
public buildings such as department stores, post offices, well informed about medical, psychiatric treatments, as well as
railway stations, and drugstores. That these scales were current thinking in neuroscience and experimental psychology.
supposed to be used regularly is illustrated by the “weight Increasingly, treatments are not so easily divided along
booklet” published in the southern Netherlands. psychiatric/psychological and medicine/psychotherapy lines,
and mental disorders are often treated with a combination of
(A) (C) (B) (B) (A) (C) medical and psychological techniques.
(B) (C) (A) (C) (A) (B) * psychiatry: ** neuroscience:
(C) (B) (A)

Superman, starring Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder,

has the look and feel of a comic book placed on screen.
Throughout the movie we are presented with the clear, sharp
colors of the original Superman as he was, and is, drawn in
Marvel Comics. Not only are the colors clear-cut and bold,
but so are the personalities of the characters. There is a
simplicity to every character in the movie that lets us clearly
know the good guys from the bad guys. In a comic book there
Perhaps, “have fed,” “have maintained,” and “have
just is not the room, nor the inclination, to develop a character
modulated” are better terms, since global warming threatens
in great depth, and so we get characters who are more like
to undermine each of those functions. cardboard cut-outs than real people. This is what makes
comic books so fun. Comic books allow us to escape from the
Water is not a beachside attraction for land animals: at 70
world of real people and give us satisfying conclusions to
percent of Earth’s surface, it is the planet’s predominant
superheroes’ dilemmas. Superman, the movie, manages to do
environment. Along with everything else they do, oceans
the same thing. This is what makes it great entertainment!
feed us: globally, seafood accounts for nearly a fifth of all animal
* inclination:
protein in the human diet, and in coastal areas it can provide much
more. The oceans also maintain our planetary seasons,
through prehistoric currents like the Gulf Stream, and modulate The characters in the movie Superman are (A) similarly
the temperature of the planet, absorbing much of the heat of the to those in the comics, which made the movie (B) .
sun. Already, fish populations have migrated north by
hundreds of miles in search of cold waters. One study (A) (B)
tracing human impact on marine life found only 13 percent of the portrayed successful
ocean undamaged. In addition, parts of the Arctic have honored complex
been so transformed by warming that scientists are beginning to judged realistic
wonder how long they can keep calling those waters “arctic.” criticized successful
* modulate: ** predominant: interpreted complex

The truly mature person accepts complete responsibility for He started to panic because he realized that without (b) his
the situation. It is not (a) possible to imagine that he or she address book, he didn’t know how to get in touch with his older
complains rather than taking action when problems and brother, whom he was going to stay with. His friend suggested
difficulties arise. This sense of “response-ability” is the mark they go to the police. Andrew had heard about the bad reputation
of the highly developed personality: You as a mature person (b) of New York’s police, so (c) he thought it would be a waste of
take responsibility for your life by resolving, in advance, that time. But they went anyway and met a policeman who seemed
you will not become upset or angry over something that you to be straight out of a television show. Andrew explained the
cannot change. Just as you do not become angry about the situation to the officer.
weather, you do not become angry over circumstances and
situations over which you have no control.
Furthermore, you especially do not (c) allow yourself to be Then it occurred to Andrew that his brother was working at an
angry in the present because of unhappy experiences or Italian restaurant named Napoli. He told the officer this. The
situations from the past. You say, “What cannot be cured must policeman allowed Andrew to make a phone call to the restaurant.
be endured.” It is amazing how many people are unhappy today Fortunately, Andrew’s brother answered the phone. He was so
because of a past event, even something that happened many relieved to talk to his brother and thanked the policeman for his
years ago. Each time they think of the negative experience, they help. The policeman walked Andrew and his friend to the bus
become angry or depressed once again. The good news is that stop, where Andrew could find (d) his way to the restaurant.
at any time, you can (d) keep thinking about, discussing, and
rehashing the past. You can let it go and (e) begin thinking (D)
instead about your goals and your unlimited future. As Helen
After listening to Andrew’s story, he said, “What a terrible
Keller said, “When you turn toward the sunshine, the shadows
thing to happen to you on your first trip to America.” He took
fall behind you.”
down the details and then asked Andrew “Do you know your
* rehash: brother’s phone number?” Of course Andrew couldn’t reply
properly, because his address book was gone. Then the
policeman asked, “Is there any way that you can contact (e) him?”
Patience: An Essential Ingredient for Success
Good Qualities That a Mature Person Shows (A)
Good Personality: Is It Inborn or Educated?
Solve Problems As Soon As They Arise (B) (D) (C) (C) (B) (D)
What Goes Around Comes Around (C) (D) (B) (D) (B) (C)
(D) (C) (B)

(a) (e)
(a) (e)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

On his first trip to the United States, Andrew arrived in New Andrew
York with his friend and went to the bus station to buy a ticket.
He had his money in one hand and his bag in the other. It didn’t
have anything valuable in it, but it did have his address book.
As (a) he went up to the counter to pay, he put his bag down for
a second. When he looked again, it was gone. He couldn’t
believe it.

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