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해커스텝스 뉴텝스 적중 예상문제

2019년 2월, 김우택 선생님

해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님

해커스텝스 1월 텝스 적중 예상문제

손승미 선생님

잠깐! 테스트 전 확인사항

* 테스트가 끝나면, 해커스어학원 손승미 선생님 텝스 적중 예상문제 동영상 강의로 집중 학습하시기 바랍니다.

* 본 텝스 적중 예상문제 해설 동영상 강의는 Hackers.co.kr 에서 볼 수 있습니다.

해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님

Part I Questions 1~2

Read the passage. Then choose the option that best
completes the passage.

1. 2.

In 1517, Martin Luther published the Ninety-five Theses, Seafood is nutrient rich and a good source of high-

a document that ________________________. Luther’s quality protein. Naturally occurring and extremely

document challenged the teachings and practices of complex, protein is an important component of every

the Roman Catholic Church. He argued that the cell in the body. ________________, much seafood sold in

Church’s practice of selling indulgences, or buying grocery stores has been found to be contaminated with

forgiveness, and the doctrine of papal infallibility were harmful bacteria, so health experts advise people to

at odds with the scripture. The ideas he put forth were cook it adequately before consuming. Fresh seafood is

widely accepted in countries in northern Europe and less likely to have contaminants compared to the frozen

the area became a stronghold for these Protestant kind. This is the reason many people are now buying

religions. However, people in southern Europe remained seafood directly from local fishermen who sell their

steadfast in their allegiance to the Roman Catholic catch along the beach.

Church. Remarkably, this division still remains today.

(a) Similarly

(a) expanded the Pope’s power within the Church (b) However

(b) helped introduce biblical teachings to people (c) Therefore

outside of Rome (d) Additionally

(c) ensured that Christianity would become Europe’s

largest religion
(d) created a schism between religious groups in Europe
해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님

Part II Question 3 Part III Questions 4~5

Read the passage. Then identify the option that does Read the passage and the question. Then choose the
NOT belong. option that best answers the questions.

3. 4.
The president is now scheduled to make a last-minute The German zoologist Ernst Haeckel was one of the first

trip to Louisiana for a campaign rally in advance of the to represent the phylogeny, or evolutionary history, of
state’s upcoming gubernatorial election. (a) According organisms in the form of a tree to make it easier to
to the administration’s press secretary, the president will comprehend. He used an illustration of an oak tree to

be in Monroe on November 6 to encourage voters to do this, placing the simplest life forms in lower
support the Republican candidate in the unexpectedly branches and the more complex animals in the higher

close race. (b) A state governor is elected every four ones. However, this depiction did not actually show
years. (c) The candidate hopes that the president’s evolution at all. Rather, it was a kind of hierarchy of the

immense popularity in the state will encourage voters species. In order to be a true evolutionary tree, it should
to head to the polls for him. (d) The election will be have arranged species based on their appearance in the
held on Saturday, November 12. geological record, with living ones at the top and

extinct ones somewhere below.

Q: What is the main point about Haeckel’s evolutionary

(a) It failed to properly depict the information it was

meant to portray.
(b) It proved that animals were all related through
evolutionary history.
(c) It connected the evolution of species from the plant

and animal worlds.

(d) It showed errors in the contemporary understanding
of the geological record.
해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님


Advice Columns Q: Which statement would the writer most likely agree

(a) Teenagers engage in risky behavior to mask their

Why Your Teenager Engages in Risky Behavior
moral and intellectual failings.
By Alice Champe
(b) Reckless behavior in teens is a result of immoral

Distressed parents often write to me for advice on
(c) Parents should not blame themselves for their
dealing with risky teenage behaviors like smoking,
teenagers’ behavior.
drinking, drug taking, and so on.
(d) Teenagers see risk-taking as a way to assert
First, let me assure parents that teenagers’ reckless
behavior is seldom due to a moral or intellectual
failing on anyone’s part. The reason for it lies mainly
in two psychological systems operating in the brain.

One system governs how people anticipate rewards

and the other is responsible for self-control. The

problem is that the first matures during puberty and

the second in early adulthood. So, teenagers may

feel strong impulses to seek out rewarding or

pleasurable sensations but do not have the capacity

to contain those urges.

해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님

Part IV Questions 6~7

Read the passage and the questions. Then choose
the option that best answers each question.

6. Q: What is an identifying feature of performance

In its most basic sense, performance art is an art form art?

that combines visual art with dramatic performance. (a) The use of visual props created by performers

Broadly defined, it can even include performances (b) A dramatic reenactment of an everyday action or

given for sheer entertainment, such as those given thought

on street corners around the world. However, these (c) The inclusion of elements of the local environment

definitions fail to capture what has been a hallmark (d) A sense of resistance against the prevalent social

of the art form since its earliest beginnings—its mores

essentially rebellious nature.

The term performance art did not come into wide 7. Q: Which of the following is correct about the

use until the 1970s, but its origins go further back to Futurists according to the passage?

the 1910s, when Italy’s Futurists first tried to overturn (a) They started to give cultural performances in Italy

the cultural conventions of the day. At the time, the in the 1970s.

self-appointed guardians of artistic culture largely (b) They created works of art using non-traditional

recognized only traditional art forms and organized means of expression.

the art world to support this view. Schools, critics, (c) They worked closely with the operators of art

galleries, and the rest rewarded formality, skill, and schools and galleries.

technique, and elevated artistic objects to positions (d) They viewed certain art works as objects to be

of veneration. The Futurists rejected these venerated.

interpretations and pushed for new methods of

expression that defied the limits of traditional media.

Along with their successors, they expanded the scope
of art beyond what was possible with painting,
sculpture, theater, and music. 적중예상특강 해설 동영상강의는
해커스영어(www.Hackers.co.kr)에서 확인하세요.

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2023년 1월 손승미 선생님

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해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님
해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님
해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님
해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님
해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님
해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님
해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님
해커스텝스 텝스 적중 예상문제
2023년 1월 손승미 선생님

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