Lesson Plan English

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Arranged to Fulfill Tasks

English For Mathematics Course

Lecturer: Putri Nur Malasari, M.Pd.

Compiled by: Team 2

1. Zaskia Nur Aulila (2310610044)

2. Fauliza Amna (2310610052)
3. M. Taufiq Hidayat (2310610057)
4. Nailil Muna (2310610061)





TAHUN 2024
Lesson Plan
School : SMP N 2
Subject : Mathematics
Grade/Semester : Vll/2
Subject Matter : Algebraic Equation
Time Allocation : 2 × 30 Minutes
A. Source/Material and Tool
Source/Material : a. Student’s book
b. English for Mathematic Education
Tool : Laptop, LCD, White Board, Student Worksheet, Marker, and Eraser
B. Learning Strategy
1. Approach : Direct Learning Strategies
2. Methods : Dialogue, game, and assigment
3. Model : Contextual

C. Learning Activity
Teacher Student Timer
Introduction 10 minutes
a) Apperception: 5 minutes
Teacher remind student about Student give respon by
some numbers that they have
mention some numbers such
known when they were in
elementary school. as positive number, integers,
b) Motivation: 3 minutes
Gives motivation about Pay attention with the
importance of integers in dail
life. teacher’s axplanation.

c) Goal: 2 minutes
Informing students about the Pay attention with the
learning objectives teacher’s axplanation.
C. Learning Activity
Main Activity 40 minutes
Teacher Students Timer
a) Exploration: 20 minutes
1. Explain the concept of 1. Understand the basics of
algebraic equations algebraic equations
2. Explain the use of algebraic 2. Relating the concept of
equations in real life algebraic equations to
3. Explain algebraic equation concrete situations.
problems and their solutions 3. Pay attention to the
teacher's explanation
b) Elaboration: 10 minutes
1. Provide a game to measure 1. Follow the directions
students' understanding of the given by the teacher
material presented 2. Participating in the game
2. Leading the game fairly and in a sportive and
conducively conducive manner
3. Proofreading students' 3. Pay attention to the
answers from the game and teacher's explanation
giving feedback
c) Confirmation: 10 minutes
1. Ask the students to find out 1. Explain what the still do
what they do not understand not understand
2. Propide opportunites for 2. Students are given the
training and implementation opportunity to practice
Closing 10 minutes
1. Guides students to make 1. Explain the useful of
reflection integers in daily life.
2. Giving individual test 2. Do individual

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