Electrical Resistance of Conductive and Static Dissipative Resilient Flooring
Electrical Resistance of Conductive and Static Dissipative Resilient Flooring
Electrical Resistance of Conductive and Static Dissipative Resilient Flooring
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 150 – 06
6.2 When the following is to be tested after jobsite instal- placing of the electrodes. The surfaces of the electrodes, prior
lation, the specimen shall be a portion of the floor not to placing, should be cleaned with a minimum 70 %
exceeding 20 by 20 ft (6 by 6 m) in dimensions. isopropanol-water solution using a clean low linting cloth.
Allow to dry. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation as to
7. Conditioning the time after installation prior to testing. Prior to the initial
7.1 Whenever possible, condition the test specimen at least installed test the floor should be cleaned per the manufacturer’s
24 h at 73.4 6 1.8°F (23 6 1°C) and 50 6 5 % relative recommendation and be given sufficient time to dry com-
humidity, and test in the same environment. pletely.
8.2.1 Surface to Surface Test:
8. Procedure For conductive floors—Place the electrodes at least
8.1 Qualification Testing—Place the installed specimen as 1 in. (25.4 mm) in from an edge of the area to be tested and 36
described in 6.1 on a nonconductive surface, and lightly wipe in. (914.4 mm) apart. Set meter to 10 VDC, apply the voltage
with a lint-free cloth to remove any foreign material prior to and take the reading 15 s after the application of voltage or
placing of the electrodes. The surfaces of the electrodes, prior once the reading has reached equilibrium. If the reading is
to placing, should be cleaned with a minimum 70 % below 1.0 3 106 V, record the reading. If the reading is higher
isopropanol-water solution using a clean low linting cloth. than 1.0 3 106 V, change the voltage to 100 VDC and take the
Allow to dry. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation as to reading 15 s after the application of voltage or once the reading
the time after installation prior to testing. has reached equilibrium and record the reading.
8.1.1 Surface to Surface Test: For static dissipative floors—Place the electrodes at For conductive floors—Place the electrodes at least least 1 in. (25.4 mm) in from an edge of the area to be tested
1 in. (25.4 mm) in from an edge of the specimen and 36 in. and 36 in. (914.4 mm) apart. Apply the prescribed voltage
(914.4 mm) apart. Set meter to 10 VDC, and apply the voltage (either 100 VDC or 10 VDC) and take a reading 15 s after the
and take the reading 15 s after the application of voltage or application of voltage or once the reading has reached equi-
once the reading has reached equilibrium. If the reading is librium. If the floor is known to be greater than 1.0 3 106 V,
below 1.0 3 106 V, record the reading. If the reading is higher use 100 VDC.
than 1.0 3 106 V, change the voltage to 100 VDC and take the 8.2.2 Surface to Ground—Place the electrodes 36 in. (914.4
reading 15 s after the application of voltage or once the reading mm) apart and at least 36 in. (914.4 mm) from any ground
has reached equilibrium and record the reading. connection or grounded object resting on the floor. Attach the For static dissipative floors—Place the electrodes at positive electrode or the positive wire from the megohm meter
least 1 in. (25.4 mm) in from an edge of the specimen and 36 to the ground connection and place the negative electrode on
in. (914.4 mm) apart. Apply the prescribed voltage (either 100 the surface of the flooring material.
VDC or 10 VDC) and take a reading 15 s after the application For conductive floors—Set meter to 10 VDC, apply
of voltage or once the reading has reached equilibrium. If the the voltage and take the reading 15 s after the application of
floor is known to be greater than 1.0 3 106 V use 100 VDC. voltage or once the reading has reached equilibrium. If the
8.1.2 Surface to Ground Test—Attach the positive electrode reading is below 1.0 3 106 V, record the reading. If the reading
or the positive wire from the megohm meter to the ground is higher than 1.0 3 106 V, change the voltage to 100 VDC and
connection and place the negative electrode on the surface of take the reading 15 s after the application of voltage or once the
the flooring material. The negative electrode should be over 6 reading has reached equilibrium and record the reading.
in. (152.4 mm) from the ground connection and over 6 in. For static dissipative floors—Apply the prescribed
(152.4 mm) from any metal ground strip embedded in the voltage (either 100 VDC or 10 VDC) and take a reading 15 s
adhesive. after the application of voltage or once the reading has reached For conductive floors—Set meter to 10 VDC, apply equilibrium. If the floor is known to be greater than 1.0 3 106
the voltage and take the reading 15 s after the application of V, use 100 VDC.
voltage or once the reading has reached equilibrium. If the 8.3 On an installed floor, perform a minimum of 5 tests per
reading is below 1.0 3 106 V, record the reading. If the reading floor surface material or a minimum of 5 tests per 5000 ft2(46.5
is higher than 1.0 3 106 V, change the voltage to 100 VDC and m2) of floor material, whichever is greater. With an existing
take the reading 15 s after the application of voltage or once the floor or when testing a floor that has had the initial test, a
reading has reached equilibrium and record the reading. minimum of three of the five tests should be conducted in those For static dissipative floors—Apply the prescribed areas that are subject to wear or have chemical or water
voltage (either 100 VDC or 10 VDC) and take a reading 15 s spillage or that are visibly dirty. This will aid in determining if
after the application of voltage or once the reading has reached a floor finish has been applied or if the floor requires additional
equilibrium. For static dissipative floors, place the electrodes 1 maintenance.
in. (25.4 mm) in from an edge of the specimen and 36 in. 8.3.1 Areas that have lower ambient relative humidity could
(914.4 mm) apart. Apply the prescribed voltage (either 100 have resistance readings that vary from reading at higher
VDC or 10 VDC) and take a reading 15 s after the application ambient relative humidity.
of voltage or once the reading has reached equilibrium. If the
floor is known to be greater than 1.0 3 106 V, use 100 VDC. 9. Report
8.2 Installed Testing—Lightly wipe the area to be tested 9.1 Qualification Testing—The report shall include the fol-
with a lint-free cloth to remove any foreign material prior to lowing:
F 150 – 06
9.1.1 Number of square feet comprising test area, date, and maximum point to point and point to ground values of
number of tests performed, all point to point and point to measurements in ohms and voltage shall also be reported.
ground values shall be reported in ohms. The minimum, and
maximum point to point and point to ground values of 10. Precision and Bias
measurements in ohms and voltage shall also be reported. 10.1 The precision and bias statements are currently under
9.2 Installed Testing—The report shall include the follow- development.
9.2.1 Number of square feet comprising test area, date and 11. Keywords
number of tests performed, all point to point and point to 11.1 conductive; electrodes; electrostatic charge; flooring;
ground values shall be reported in ohms. The minimum, and ground; megohm meter; resistance; static dissipative
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Historically, Test Method F 150 used a 500 VDC test and static dissipative ranges. It was determined that 500 VDC
voltage until 1998 when it was changed to allow the option of was too high to accurately test in the conductive range without
100 VDC along with 500 VDC. The reason for having the two increasing the amperage. Meters using 100 VDC and limited to
test voltages was a compromise between those who wanted 500 5.0 mA are mathematically not capable of measurement below
VDC only and those who desired 100 VDC only. Part of the 250,000 ohms. This was the basis for testing at 10 VDC and
compromise included an agreement that additional research 100 VDC. The test is first done at 10 VDC to eliminate the
and testing would take place to determine the best voltage or possibility of polarizing the tile and producing a false reading.
voltages to use when testing resilient flooring in the conductive Extensive testing has verified these facts.
(1) Navships 0901-690-0002, Naval Ships Technical Manual, Chapter Underwriters Laboratories, July 1985.
9690, Electrical Measuring and Test Instruments, Part 7, Accuracy 3 (5) Department of Defense Military Handbook, MIL-HDBK 253, Guid-
percent of scale @ 25°C, Naval Sea Systems Command, Crystal City, ance for the Design and Test of Systems Protected Against the Effects
VA. of Electromagnetic Energy, Section 09675, Conductive Flooring,
(2) Army Material Command, 20315 – 385-224 Section 7, Static Elec- December 1988.
tricity, Washington, DC, June 4, 1964. (6) Department of Defense Contractor’s Safety Manual for Ammunition
(3) Bureau of Mines Bulletin #520, Static Electricity in Hospital Operat- and Explosives 4145.26-M, March 1986.
ing Suites, Direct and Related Hazards and Pertinent Remedies, (7) Department of Defense Military Handbook, DOD-HDBK-263 and
Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washing- Military Standard DOD-STD-1686, Electrostatic Discharge Control
ton, DC. Program for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies
(4) UL-779, Standard for Electrically Conductive Flooring, Fifth Edition, and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices).
F 150 – 06
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