10 Consolidation

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Compressibility of Soil


The volume of soil mass decreases under

stress, this decrease is known as compression,
and the capacity of soil to decrease in volume
under stress is known as compressibility.
Total settlement of soil under
increased effective stress
• S t = Se + S c + S s Elastic deformation
without any change in
moisture content
• Where, St – total settlement
In saturated Se – immediate settlement or elastic settlement,
cohesive Sc – primary consolidation settlement, and
soils by
expulsion of Ss – secondary consolidation settlement
pore water
In saturated cohesive soils as a
result of plastic deformation of soil
Occurs at constant effective stress
* Note: In the case of cohesive soils, the dry state of the soils is not considered as this state is only of temporary nature.
When the soil becomes saturated during the rainy season, the soil becomes more compressible under the same imposed
load. Settlement characteristics of cohesive soils are, therefore, considered only under completely saturated conditions.
General time-deformation
plot during consolidation
for a given load increment

Stage I – caused mostly by


Stage II – stage of primary

consolidation. Excess pore
water pressure is gradually
transferred into effective stress
because of expulsion of pore

Stage II – stage of secondary

consolidation. Occurs after
complete dissipation of excess
pore water pressure.
Deformation of specimen due
to plastic deformation of soil

The volume decrease of a soil under stress might be due to

• Compression of the solid matter,
• Relocation of the solid matter,
• Compression of water and air within the voids,
• Expulsion of water and/or air from the voids.
Assumptions followed in soil mechanics

 Solid grains are incompressible

 Water is incompressible

Hence the compression of saturated soil can occur only

if pore water is expelled out of voids.
The consolidation process

Pore water

Skeletal Material
(incompressible) Solid

Initial State
The consolidation process
Pore water
Voids Voids

Skeletal Material
(incompressible) Solid Solid


Initial State Deformed State

Understanding consolidation process through Spring-
piston analogy
In this system, the spring represents the soil skeleton, and the water
which fills the container represents the pore water in the soil.

h q

• No load applied • Load, q applied • Load, q applied • Long time after

• Exit closed • Exit closed • Exit open exit open,
• Excessive pore pressure • h reduces, transfers to• h reduces to 0,
head, h generated spring (soil) partially • q transfers
throughout soil sample, completely to
• q=h spring (soil)
1. The container is completely filled with water, and the hole is
closed. (Fully saturated soil)

2. A load is applied onto the cover, while the hole is still

unopened. At this stage, only the water resists the applied
load. (Development of excess pore water pressure)

3. As soon as the hole is opened, water starts to drain out

through the hole and the spring shortens. (Drainage of
excess pore water pressure)

4. After some time, the drainage of water no longer occurs.

Now, the spring alone resists the applied load. (Full
dissipation of excess pore water pressure. End of
The consolidation process

Region of high Region of low

excess water Flow excess water
pressure pressure

The consolidation process is the process of the

dissipation of the excess pore pressures that occur on
load application because water cannot freely drain from
the void space.
During consolidation…

Due to a surcharge q applied at the GL,

the stresses and pore pressures are increased at A.

q kPa
..and, they vary
Ds with time.
During consolidation…

Ds remains the same (=q) during consolidation.

Du decreases (due to drainage) while Ds’ increases,
transferring the load from water to the soil.
q kPa

Du Ds
Ds’ Du
saturated q
clay Ds’

The consolidation process


The consolidation process



The consolidation process


The consolidation process




One Dimensional Consolidation

~ drainage and deformations are vertical (none laterally)

~ a simplification for solving consolidation problems
q kPa

water squeezed out

saturated clay
Terzaghi’s One Dimensional
Consolidation Theory

1. The soil is completely saturated (S = 100%),

2. The soil grains and water are virtually incompressible,
3. The compression is one-dimensional (clay is laterally confined),
4. The flow of water in the soil voids is one-dimensional,
5. Darcy’s law is strictly valid,
6. Certain soil properties such as permeability and modulus of
volume change are constant; these actually vary somewhat with
pressure. (k and mv are independent of pressure).
7. The time lag of consolidation is due entirely to the low
permeability of the soil (and not due to evaporation or any other
Derivation of consolidation governing equation
1. Water flow (due to consolidation)

v z The consolidation phenomenon is

vz  Dz
z essentially a problem of non-steady
flow of water through a
porous mass (flow rate isn’t constant).
Dz Elevation

vz Rate at which water leaves the

element can be given by
Plan z
Area A
Derivation of consolidation governing equation
2. Deformation of soil element (due to change in effective

Rate of volume decrease

Dz  v
Elevation DzA

εv is the volumetric strain and
v 
1  e0 for initial voids ratio e0
Area A
Derivation of consolidation governing equation
Assume: Soil particles and water incompressible
Soil volume decreases by an amount equal to the volume
of water which flows out

Rate at which water Rate of volume decrease

leaves the element of soil element
DzA  v
z t
Derivation of consolidation governing equation
Assume: Soil particles and water incompressible

Rate at which water Rate of volume decrease

leaves the element of soil element
=  v
z t

v  v
Storage Equation  (3)
z t
Derivation of consolidation governing equation
3. Flow of water (due to consolidation)

Assume Darcy’s law

v  kv (4)

Note that because only flows due to consolidation are of

interest the head is the excess head, and this is related
to the excess pore pressure by

h  (5)
Derivation of consolidation governing equation
4. Stress, strain relation for soil

Assume soil behaves elastically

Elastic response  v  mv Ds ' (7)

where, mv is the coefficient of volume compressibility or

coefficient of volume change,
av is the coefficient of compressibility, and
∆σ’or Ds is the effective stress increment
av De 1
mv   (8)
1  e 0 Ds' 1  e 0
Derivation of consolidation governing equation
5. Principle of effective stress

s  su
' (11)

Note that these are changes in stress due to consolidation

v  v
Storage Equation 
z t

Darcy’s law v  kv

Elastic response v  mv Ds 
Derivation of consolidation governing equation

Equation of 1-D Consolidation

 kv  u s  u
[ ]  mv[  ] (12)
 z w  z t t

for situation wherein total applied stress, σ, remains constant

with time (constant load for long duration)

 kv  u u
[ ]   mv[ ] (13)
 z w  z t
for situation wherein permeability and unit weight of
water, remains constant with time (constant load for long
for homogeneous soil
Governing equation
 2 u u
cv  (14)
z 2
where, cv is the coefficient of consolidation and is given by
cv  (15)
mv w

• cv has units L2/T and can be estimated from an oedometer

• The coefficient of volume decrease mv can be measured
from the oedometer test.
• The value of kv is difficult to measure directly for clays but
can be inferred from the expression for cv.
Solution of consolidation equation for 2 way drainage

Uniformly distributed surcharge Δp (stress increment)

Z Homogeneous Saturated Clay Layer free 2H

to drain at Upper and Lower Boundaries
Solution of consolidation equation for 2 way drainage
Governing Equation

 2u u
cv  (14a)
z 2
Solution of consolidation equation for 2 way drainage
Governing Equation

 2u u
cv  (14a)
z 2 t

Boundary Conditions

u = 0 when z = 0 for t > 0

(14 b,c)
u = 0 when z = 2H for t > 0
Solution of consolidation equation for 2 way drainage
Governing Equation

 2u u
cv  (14a)
z 2 t

Boundary Conditions

u = 0 when z = 0 for t > 0

(14 b,c)
u = 0 when z = 2H for t > 0

Initial Condition

u = Δp when t = 0 for 0 < z < 2H (14d)

Solution of consolidation equation for 2 way drainage


u  2Dp sin( n Z)e   2n Tv

0 n
n  (n  ) (15)
Drainage path ratio
Z  H is the maximum
H distance to drainage
cv t
Time factor
Tv 
General form of solution

u/Δp = f(T, Z) (16)

To determine how far the consolidation process under the

increment of load Δp has progressed at a time t
corresponding to the time factor T at a given depth z, the
term U, is used.

U denotes the Degree of consolidation or Consolidation ratio

U is defined as the ratio of the amount of consolidation

which has already taken place to the total amount which is to
take place under the load increment
The stress in the soil skeleton is represented by AC and the stress in water by
CB. AB represents the original excess hydrostatic pressure ui= Δp.

The degree of consolidation Uz % at a depth z is then

AC Dp  u u
Uz %  100  100  (1  ) 100
AB Dp Dp

Excess pore water pressure


Excess pore water pressure


Variation of Excess pore pressure with depth

Dimensionless Time Tv
10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10
Relation of degree of
settlement and time

U 0.50
U is the average degree of consolidation
over the entire stratum for a factor Tv


Approximate Expressions for Degree of Consolidation

Taylor (1948)

 2
Tv  U ( U z  60%)

Tv  1.781  0.933 log(100  U%) ( U z  60%)

Relationship between U and T
Relationship between U and T (Special cases)
Example 1: Calculation of settlement at any given time

Soil Profile


Clay 4m Final settlement=100mm



Final settlement=40mm
Clay Clay 5m cv=0.5m2/year

Example 1: Calculation of settlement at a given time

For the upper layer

cvt 0 .4  1
Tv    0 .1
H2 22

Now using Figure 5 with Tv = 0.1

Dimensionless Time Tv
10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10
Relation of degree of
settlement and time

U 0.50


Example 1: Calculation of settlement at a given time

For the upper layer

cvt 0 .4  1
Tv    0 .1
H2 22

Now using Figure 5 with Tv = 0.1

U = 0.36

ΔH = 100  0.36 = 36mm

as U = ΔH/S
where, S is total settlement and ΔH is the settlement at any
given time
Example 1: Calculation of settlement at a given time
For the lower layer
cvt 0 .5  1
Tv    0 . 02
H2 52

Now using Figure 5 with Tv = 0.02

Dimensionless Time Tv
10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10
Relation of degree of
settlement and time

U 0.50


0.02 0.05
Example 1: Calculation of settlement at a given time
For the lower layer
cvt 0 .5  1
Tv    0 . 02
H2 52

Now using Figure 5 with Tv = 0.02

U = 0.16

ΔH = 40  0.6 = 6.4 mm
Example 2: Scaling
Oedometer U=0.5 after 2 minutes. 2 way drainage, H = 5 mm

Calculate time for U= 0.5 for 10 m thick layer of the same clay,
1 way drainage
Example 2: Scaling
Oedometer U=0.5 after 2 minutes. 2 way drainage, H = 5 mm

Calculate time for U= 0.5 for 10 m thick layer of the same clay,
1 way drainage

cvt cv  2
Oedometer Tv    80000c v
H2 0.005 2
Example 2: Scaling
Oedometer U=0.5 after 2 minutes. 2 way drainage, H = 5 mm

Calculate time for U= 0.5 for 10 m thick layer of the same clay,
1 way drainage

cvt cv  2
Oedometer Tv    80000c v
H2 0.005 2
cv t cv  t cv  t
Soil layer Tv   
H2 10 2 100

Tv (oedometer) = Tv (soil layer)

hence t = 80000000 mins = 15.2 years
Example 2: Scaling
Oedometer U=0.5 after 2 minutes. 2 way drainage, H = 5 mm

Calculate time for U= 0.5 for 10 m thick layer of the same clay,
1 way drainage

cvt cv  2
Oedometer Tv    80000c v
H2 0.005 2

cv t cv  t cv  t
Soil layer Tv   
H2 10 2 100
Consolidation Test

settlement Increment of load

dial gauge

water confining

sample porous stone

Consolidation Test
Test procedure - IS:2720 (Part XV)—1986:

Seating pressure - 5 kN/m2

Pressure variation

25, 50,100,200,400, 800 and 1600 kN/m2.

Dial gauge readings at

1/4, 1/2, 1,2,4, 8, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480 and 1440

24 hour reading
General time-deformation
plot during consolidation
for a given load increment

Stage I – caused mostly by


Stage II – stage of primary

consolidation. Excess pore
water pressure is gradually
transferred into effective stress
because of expulsion of pore

Stage II – stage of secondary

consolidation. Occurs after
complete dissipation of excess
pore water pressure.
Deformation of specimen due
to plastic deformation of soil
Calculations 1. Height of solids method

Step 1: calculate the initial height of solids, Hs, in the soil specimen
height of solids mass of dry soil (g)
Ws Ms
H s (cm)  
Gs  w A Gs  w A cross sectional area of soil specimen
specific gravity of soil grains

density of water (1gm/cc)

Step 2: calculate the initial height of voids, Hv as

Hv = H – Hs
where, H = initial height of the specimen
Step 3: calculate the initial void ratio, e0, of the specimen

𝑉𝑣 𝐻𝑣 𝐴 𝐻𝑣
𝑒0 = = =
𝑉𝑠 𝐻𝑠 𝐴 𝐻𝑠
Step 4: calculate the change in voids ratio

For the first incremental loading, σ1(total load/unit area of specimen),

which causes a deformation ∆H1, calculate the change in void ratio as,
∆𝑒1 =
(∆H1 obtained from the initial and final readings for the loading)
*Note – at end of consolidation, total stress σ1 = effective stress σ1’
Step 5: calculate the new voids ratio after consolidation caused by the
pressure increment as

𝑒1 = 𝑒0 − ∆𝑒1
For the next loading, σ2, (cumulative load per unit area of specimen),
which causes additional deformation ∆H2, the void ratio at the end of
consolidation can be calculated as
𝑒2 = 𝑒1 −
at this moment, total stress σ2 = effective stress σ2’

Proceeding in a similar manner, void ratio at end of consolidation of all

load increments can be obtained.
Effective stress and corresponding void ratio (e) at the end of
consolidation are plotted on a semi-logarithmic graph paper
2. Change in void ratio method

DH De change in void ratio
settlement 
Ho 1  eo

initial thickness of
initial void ratio
clay layer
Presentation and Analysis of Compression Test Data




Typical plot of e vs log σ’ Plot of e vs log σ’ showing loading,

unloading and reloading branches
* Pre-consolidation stress

is the maximum
vertical effective
stress the soil
void ratio

element has
ever been
subjected to

s p’ log sv’
preconsolidation stress
Overconsolidation ratio (OCR)

eo virgin consolidation line

void ratio

s p'
s vo '

Field s p’ log sv’

Normally consolidated and
overconsolidated clays
1. Normally consolidated clays –
a. when present effective overburden stress is the
maximum pressure that the soil was subjected to in the
b. OCR = 1

2. Overconsolidated clays (or Pre consolidated

a. when present effective overburden pressure is less
than that which the soil has experienced in the past.
b. OCR > 1
Determination of pre-consolidation
horizontal at M

angle bisector of

tangent at M
Coefficient of compressibility

• denoted by av
• is the ratio of change in void ratio to the corresponding
change in stress

change in in void
 e0
original in stress
av 
Ds s0 s1 s
Coefficient of volume compressibility

• denoted by mv
• is the volumetric strain per unit increase in stress

change in volume
 De
original volume
V  (1  eo ) av
mv  
Ds Ds (1  eo )
- from the above data

void ratio

sv’ increases &

e decreases
sv’ decreases &
e increases (swelling)

log sv’
Coefficient of consolidation,
cv calculation
• cv is evaluated from the consolidation test data by the use
of fitting method
(a) The logarithm of time fitting method
(b) The square root of time fitting method
The Log of Time Fitting Method (Casagrande)
aim is to find R50 t50 corresponding to U50%
primary consolidation

Tv corresponding
to U=50%

0.197  H 2
cv 
t 50

secondary consolidation

intersection of the tangents

The Square Root of Time Fitting Method (Taylor)
aim is to find R90

abscissa of the
curve at U=90%
is 1.15 times the
abscissa of the
extension of the
straight line

Tv corresponding
to U=90% 0.848  H 2
cv 
t 90
Compression and recompression indices

C Cc ~ compression index
r 1
void ratio


Cr ~ recompression index 1
(or swelling index)

log sv’
for clays of low to medium sensitivity

for clays of low sensitivity mean slope MN parallel to AB

For clay of high sensitivity (>8)
sensitivity is defined as the ratio of unconfined compressive strengths of
undisturbed and remoulded soil samples

structural breakdown after

initial flat portion

point of inflection (sharp

drop in slope reduces)

• p0-pb must be limited,

• very dangerous type of
soil for any construction
• this type of soil belongs
mostly to volcanic

(c) Typical e-log p curve for an undisturbed sample

of clay of high sensitivity (Peck et al., 1974)
Compression Ratios
• corrected dial gauge reading, R0, differs from point Ri
(initial dial gauge reading),
• this difference R0-Ri (Initial compression) can be due to
– compression of small quantities of air in soil,
– imperfect saturation
– vertical elastic compression of the soil specimen
– lateral expansion of specimen when imperfectly moulded

Ri  R0
• Initial compression ratio r0 
Ri  Rf
R 0  R 100
rp 
• Primary compression ratio (log time) Ri  Rf
• Primary compression ratio (root time) 10 R 0  R 90
rp  ( )
9 Ri  Rf

• Secondary compression ratio, rs = 1-(r0+rp)

Indirect determination of permeability

k (1  e o ) k
cv  
a vw mv w

k  cvmv  w
Settlement computations

Two different ways to estimate the

consolidation settlement:
q kPa
(a) using mv
settlement = mv Ds H
(b) using e-log sv’ plot
next slide
eo, svo’, Cc, De
Cr, sp’, mv settlement  H
1  eo
Settlement computations
~ computing De using e-log sv’ plot

If the clay is normally consolidated,

The entire loading path is along the VCL (Virgin
Compression Line).


s vo ' Ds '
De De  Cc log
s vo '

svo’ svo’+ Ds
Settlement computations

~ computing De using e-log sv’ plot

If the clay is overconsolidated, and remains so by

the end of consolidation,
s vo ' Ds '
De  Cr log
s vo '


note the use of Cr

svo’ svo’+ Ds
Settlement computations
~ computing De using e-log sv’ plot

If an overconsolidated clay becomes normally

consolidated by the end of consolidation,
s p' s vo ' Ds '
De  Cr log  Cc log
s vo ' s p'

svo’ sp’ svo’+ Ds
Empirical correlations for compression index
Cr can be taken as 0.1-0.2 of Cc
Example of Settlement Calculation

2m W.T.
Gravel 5m

A 4m
B 4m

Layered soil deposit

Example of Settlement Calculation

2m W.T. σ’pc = 120kPa

Gravel 5m

Stress increase
A 4m at A=100 KPa
4m Stress increase
B at B= 60 KPa

Layered soil deposit

Example of Settlement Calculation

Relatively incompressible

 dry  18 kN / m 3 ;  sat  22 kN / m 3
Example of Settlement Calculation

Relatively incompressible

 dry  18 kN / m 3 ;  sat  22 kN / m 3


e0 = 0.8

Gs = 2.7

Cc = 0.20; Cr = 0.05
Example of Settlement Calculation
Distribution of Volume

Voids Vv = e Vs = 0.8 m3

Skeletal Vs=1 m3
Example of Settlement Calculation
Distribution of Volume Distribution of Weight

Voids Vv = e Vs = 0.8 m3 Ww   w  Vv
 7.84 kN
Ws  Vs   w  G s
Skeletal Vs=1 m3
material  26.46 kN
Example of Settlement Calculation
Distribution of Volume Distribution of Weight

Voids Vv = e Vs = 0.8 m3 Ww   w  Vv
 7.84 kN
Ws  Vs   w  G s
Skeletal Vs=1 m3
material  26.46 kN

Ww  Ws 7.84  26.46
 sat   kN / m 3
Vv  Vs 0.8  1
 19.06 kN / m 3
Example of Settlement Calculation
Distribution of Volume Distribution of Weight

Voids Vv = e Vs = 0.8 m3 Ww   w  Vv
 7.84 kN
Ws  Vs   w  G s
Skeletal Vs=1 m3
material  26.46 kN

Ww  Ws 7.84  26.46
 sat   kN / m 3
Vv  Vs 0.8  1
 19.06 kN / m 3
( G s  e)  w
 sat   19.06 kN / m 3
1 e
Example of Settlement Calculation

The next step is to calculate the initial and final effective stress at
the centre of each sub-layer
Example of Settlement Calculation

The next step is to calculate the initial and final effective stress at
the centre of each sub-layer

 Initial State at A

Total stress szz = 218 + 3 22 + 2 19.06 = 140.12 kPa

Example of Settlement Calculation

The next step is to calculate the initial and final effective stress at
the centre of each sub-layer

 Initial State at A

Total stress szz = 218 + 3 22 + 2 19.06 = 140.12 kPa

Pore water pressure uw = 5 9.8 kPa = 49 kPa (3a)

Example of Settlement Calculation

The next step is to calculate the initial and final effective stress at
the centre of each sub-layer

 Initial State at A

Total stress szz = 218 + 3 22 + 2 19.06 = 140.12 kPa

Pore water pressure uw = 5 9.8 kPa = 49 kPa (3a)

Effective stress szz = szz - uw = 140.12 - 49 = 91.12 kPa

Example of Settlement Calculation

The next step is to calculate the initial and final effective stress at
the centre of each sub-layer

 Initial State at A

Total stress szz = 218 + 3 22 + 2 19.06 = 140.12 kPa

Pore water pressure uw = 5 9.8 kPa = 49 kPa (3a)

Effective stress szz = szz - uw = 140.12 - 49 = 91.12 kPa

Notice the initial effective stress is less than spc =120 kPa thus the
clay is initially over-consolidated.
Example of Settlement Calculation

 Final State at A

Total stress szz = 100 + 2 22 + 3 22 + 2 19.06 = 248.12 kPa

Example of Settlement Calculation

 Final State at A

Total stress szz = 100 + 2 22 + 3 22 + 2 19.06 = 248.12 kPa

Pore water pressure uw = 7 9.8 kPa = 68.6 kPa (3b)

Example of Settlement Calculation

 Final State at A

Total stress szz = 100 + 2 22 + 3 22 + 2 19.06 = 248.12 kPa

Pore water pressure uw = 7 9.8 kPa = 68.6 kPa (3b)

Effective stress szz = szz - uw = 248.12 - 68.6 = 179.52 kPa

Example of Settlement Calculation

 Final State at A

Total stress szz = 100 + 2 22 + 3 22 + 2 19.06 = 248.12 kPa

Pore water pressure uw = 7 9.8 kPa = 68.6 kPa (3b)

Effective stress szz = szz - uw = 248.12 - 68.6 = 179.52 kPa

Notice that the final effective stress exceeds the initial preconsolidation
stress and thus the clay moves from being initially over-consolidated to
finally normally consolidated.
Example of Settlement Calculation

 Settlement of the first sub-layer

The soil in the first sub layer moves from being over-consolidated
to normally consolidated and so the calculation of the change in voids
ratio must be made in two stages.
Example of Settlement Calculation

 Settlement of the first sub-layer

The soil in the first sub layer moves from being over-consolidated
to normally consolidated and so the calculation of the change in voids
ratio must be made in two stages.

e Slope Cr

Slope Cc

log s’
Example of Settlement Calculation

Stage 1 Soil over-consolidated ( s < spc (initial))

De1 = - Cr  log10(spc (initial)/sI)

Example of Settlement Calculation

Stage 1 Soil over-consolidated ( s < spc (initial))

De1 = - Cr  log10(spc (initial)/sI)

Stage 2 Soil normally consolidated ( s = spc)

De2 = - Cc  log10(sF/spc (initial))
Example of Settlement Calculation

Stage 1 Soil over-consolidated ( s < spc (initial))

De1 = - Cr  log10(spc (initial)/sI)

Stage 2 Soil normally consolidated ( s = spc)

De2 = - Cc  log10(sF/spc (initial))
Slope Cr
Slope Cc

log s’
Example of Settlement Calculation


DH  
1 e
Example of Settlement Calculation


DH  
1 e
H ( De1  De 2 )
 
1  e
Example of Settlement Calculation


DH  
1 e
H ( De1  De 2 )
 
1  e
4 120 . 00 179 . 52
 [ 0 . 05  log 10 ( )  0 . 2  log 10 ( )]
1.8 91 .12 120 . 00

 0 . 0911 m (3d)
Example of Settlement Calculation

Settlement of the second sub-layer is calculated in

similar fashion to the settlement of the first sub-layer

Slope Cc

log s’
Example of Settlement Calculation

Settlement of the second sub-layer is calculated in

similar fashion to the settlement of the first sub-layer

Slope Cc

log s’
The settlement is then the sum of the settlements of
each of the sub-layers
Calculation of Settlement
• To calculate the settlement it is necessary to find the
initial and final effective stress.

• The initial stress can be calculated from a knowledge

of the overburden (the weight of the overlying soil).

• The initial and final pore pressures can be

determined from the positions of the water table.

• In order to find the final total stress it is necessary to

find the increase in total stress due to the applied

• Under many circumstances this can be adequately

approximated using the theory of elasticity.
Settlement due to Secondary Compression

• The phenomenon is somewhat analogous to the creep of

other overstressed material in a plastic state,
• Highly organic soils and fresh deposits are normally
subjected to considerable secondary consolidation,
• The rate of secondary consolidation may be expressed by
the coefficient of secondary compression, C
where Cα is the slope of the straight-line portion of the e-log t curve, is
known as the secondary compression index
General expression for secondary compression

From the e-logt curve

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