EE 615-Final Lecture Slides All
EE 615-Final Lecture Slides All
EE 615-Final Lecture Slides All
Introductory Lecture
1 Syllabus
2 Textbooks/References
3 Evaluation Pattern
Course Contents
Dynamics of electrical drives: Fundamental torque equations, Speed torque conventions and
multiquadrant operation, Equivalent Values of drive parameters, Loads with rotational motion,
Loads with translational motion, Measurement of moment of inertia, Components of load torques,
Nature and classification of load torques, Calculation of time and energy-loss in transient operations,
Steady state stability, Load equalisation.
Control of electrical drives: Modes of operation, Speed control and drive classifications,
Closed-loop control of drives, current limit control, closed-loop torque control, speed control,
speed control of multi-motor drives, speed and current sensing, phase-locked-loop (PLL) control,
Closed-loop position control.
Selection of motor power rating: Thermal model of motor for heating and cooling, Classes
of motor duty, Determination of motor rating, Continuous duty, Equivalent current, Torque and
power methods for fluctuating and intermittent loads, Short time duty, Intermittent periodic duty,
Frequency of operation of motors subjected to intermittent loads.
dc Motor drives: Starting, Braking, Speed control, Methods of armature voltage control, Ward
Leonard drives, Transformer and uncontrolled rectifier control, Controlled rectifier fed dc drives,
Single-phase fully-controlled and half-controlled rectifier control of dc separately excited motor,
Three-phase fully-controlled and half-controlled rectifier control of dc separately excited motor,
Multiquadrant operation of dc separately excited motor fed from fully-controlled rectifier, Rectifier
control of dc series motor, Control of fractional hp motors, Supply harmonics, power factor and
ripple in motor current, Chopper-controlled dc drives, Chopper control of separately excited dc
motor and series motor, Source current harmonics in Choppers, Converter ratings and closed-loop
Course Contents
Induction motor drives: Starting, Braking, Transient analysis, Voltage source inverter (VSI)
control, Variable frequency control from a current source, Current source inverter (CSI) control,
Slip power recovery, Linear induction motor and its control.
Synchronous motor and brushless dc motor drives: Synchronous motor variable speed
drives, Variable frequency control, Modes of variable frequency control, Variable frequency
control of multiple synchronous motors, Self-controlled synchronous motor drive employing load
commutated thyristor inverter, Permanent magnet ac motor drives.
Traction drives: Electric traction services, Nature of traction load, Main line and suburban train
configurations, Calculations of traction drive rating and energy consumption, Traction motors,
Conventional dc and ac traction drives, 25 kV ac traction using semiconductor converter controlled
dc motors, Polyphase ac motors for traction drives, dc traction employing polyphase ac motors, ac
traction employing polyphase ac motors.
1 Syllabus
2 Textbooks/References
3 Evaluation Pattern
1 Syllabus
2 Textbooks/References
3 Evaluation Pattern
Evaluation Pattern
• The following is the evaluation pattern for EE 615: Control of Electrical Drives.
Thank You
2 Multiquadrant Operation
Motor Load
T Tl
• While motor always rotates, the load may rotate or may undergo a translational
Motor Load
T Tl
• While motor always rotates, the load may rotate or may undergo a translational
d d 𝜔m dJ
𝜏 − 𝜏l = ( J 𝜔m ) = J + 𝜔m . (1)
dt dt dt
• Eq. 1 is applicable to variable inertia drives such as mine winders, reel drives,
and industrial robots.
d d 𝜔m dJ
𝜏 − 𝜏l = ( J 𝜔m ) = J + 𝜔m . (1)
dt dt dt
• Eq. 1 is applicable to variable inertia drives such as mine winders, reel drives,
and industrial robots.
d 𝜔m
𝜏 = 𝜏l + J . (2)
• Eq. 2 shows that torque developed by the motor is counter balanced by a load
torque 𝜏l and a dynamic torque J (d 𝜔m /dt ).
• Torque component J (d 𝜔m /dt ) → dynamic torque (it is present only during the
transient operation).
• In drives with large inertia (such as electric trains) 𝜏 must exceed 𝜏l by a large
amount in order to get adequate acceleration.
• In drives with large inertia (such as electric trains) 𝜏 must exceed 𝜏l by a large
amount in order to get adequate acceleration.
• Energy associated with dynamic torque J (d 𝜔m /dt ) is stored in the form of kinetic
energy given by J 𝜔2m /2.
• ∴ it assists the 𝜏 and maintains drive motion by extracting energy from stored
kinetic energy.
2 Multiquadrant Operation
• The rotation in the opposite direction → reverse speed and assigned −ve sign.
• Positive motor torque is defined as the torque which produces acceleration or the
positive rate of change of speed in forward direction.
• The rotation in the opposite direction → reverse speed and assigned −ve sign.
• Positive motor torque is defined as the torque which produces acceleration or the
positive rate of change of speed in forward direction.
• Motor can provide motoring and braking operations for both forward and reverse
• Motor can provide motoring and braking operations for both forward and reverse
2 Multiquadrant Operation
Empty Loaded
cage cage
Load torque with Load torque with
empty cage loaded cage
τ τl
ωm Motion
Empty Loaded
cage cage
Counter Counter
weight weight
• One end of the rope is tied to a cage which is used to transport man or material
form one level to another level.
• One end of the rope is tied to a cage which is used to transport man or material
form one level to another level.
• Here, the weight of the counter weight is chosen to be higher than the weight of
an empty cage but lower than a fully loaded cage.
• Forward direction of the motor speed will be one which gives upward motion of
the cage.
• Gravitational torque does not change its sign even when the direction of the driving
motor is reversed.
• Load torque line 𝜏l1 in quadrants I and IV → speed-torque characteristics for the
loaded hoist.
• Gravitational torque does not change its sign even when the direction of the driving
motor is reversed.
• Load torque line 𝜏l1 in quadrants I and IV → speed-torque characteristics for the
loaded hoist.
• This torque is the difference of torques due to loaded hoist and counter weight.
• Load torque line 𝜏l2 in quadrants II and III → speed-torque characteristics for an
empty hoist.
• This torque is the difference of torques due to counter weight and the empty hoist.
• Its sign is −ve since the weight of a counter weight is always higher than that of
an empty cage.
• Quadrant-I operation of a hoist requires the movement of the cage upward, which
corresponds to the positive motor speed which is in anticlockwise direction here.
• This motion will be obtained if the motor produces +ve torque in anticlockwise
direction equal to the magnitude of 𝜏l1 .
• Quadrant-I operation of a hoist requires the movement of the cage upward, which
corresponds to the positive motor speed which is in anticlockwise direction here.
• This motion will be obtained if the motor produces +ve torque in anticlockwise
direction equal to the magnitude of 𝜏l1 .
• Since the weight of a loaded cage is higher than that of a counter weight, it is able
to come down due to the gravity itself.
• To limit the speed of cage within safe value, motor must produce a +ve torque
𝜏 = 𝜏l2 in anticlockwise direction.
• As both power and speed are −ve → drive is operating in reverse braking.
• In order to limit the speed within a safe value, the motor must produce a braking
torque equal to 𝜏l2 in clockwise (−ve) direction. Since speed is +ve and developed
power −ve → forward braking operation.
• In order to limit the speed within a safe value, the motor must produce a braking
torque equal to 𝜏l2 in clockwise (−ve) direction. Since speed is +ve and developed
power −ve → forward braking operation.
• Since an empty cage has a lesser weight than a counter weight, the motor should
produce a torque in clockwise direction.
• Since speed is −ve and developed power +ve → reverse motoring operation.
Thank You
3 Moment of Inertia
• These parts have different speeds and different types of motions → rotational and
• Consider a motor driving two loads, one coupled directly to its shaft and other
through a gear with n and n1 teeth.
• Let the moment of inertia of motor and load directly coupled to its shaft be J0 ,
motor speed and torque of the directly coupled load be 𝜔m and 𝜏l0 , respectively.
• Let the moment of inertia, speed and torque of the load coupled through a gear be
J1 , 𝜔m1 and 𝜏l1 , respectively.
ωm Load
Motor Rotational to Linear
Tlo Motion transmission
Mt vl
Figure 1. (a) Loads with rotational motion and (b) loads with transnational and rotational motion.
• Now,
𝜔m1 n
= = a1 . (1)
𝜔m n1
Where, a1 is the gear tooth ratio.
Dynamics of Electrical Drives 4 / 23
Loads with Rotational Motion Loads with Translational Motion Moment of Inertia Load Torques
• If the losses in transmission are neglected, then the kinetic energy due to equivalent
inertia must be the same as the kinetic energy of various moving parts. Thus,
1 1 1
J 𝜔2m = J0 𝜔2m + J1 𝜔2m1 (2)
2 2 2
• From Eqs. 1 and 2,
J = J0 + a21 J1 . (3)
• Power at the loads and motor must be the same. If transmission efficiency of the
gears be 𝜂1 , then
𝜏 𝜔
𝜏l 𝜔m = 𝜏l0 𝜔m + l1 m1 . (4)
Where, 𝜏l is the total equivalent torque referred to the motor shaft.
• From Eqs. 1 and 4,
a 𝜏
𝜏l = 𝜏l0 + 1 l1 . (5)
• If in addition to load directly coupled to the motor with inertia J0 there are m
other loads with moment of inertias J1 , J2 , ......., Jm and gear teeth ratios of a1 ,
a2 , ....... am then
• If m loads with torques 𝜏l1 , 𝜏l2 , ........, 𝜏lm are coupled through gears with teeth
ratios a1 , a2 , ....... am and transmission efficiencies 𝜂1 , 𝜂2 , ........., 𝜂m , in addition
to one directly coupled, then
a1 𝜏l1 a2 𝜏l2 am 𝜏lm
𝜏l = 𝜏l1 + + + ........ + . (7)
𝜂1 𝜂2 𝜂m
• If loads are driven through a belt drive instead of gears, neglecting slippage, the
equivalent inertia and torque can be obtained from Eqs. 6 and 7.
3 Moment of Inertia
• Consider a motor driving two loads, one coupled directly to the shaft and the other
through a transmission system converting rotational motion to linear motion.
• Let the moment of inertia of the motor and load directly coupled to it be J0 ,
𝜏l directly coupled to motor be 𝜏l0 , and mass, velocity and force of load with
translational motion be M1 (kg), v1 (m/s) and F1 (N), respectively.
• If the transmission losses are neglected, then kinetic energy due to equivalent
inertia J must be the same as kinetic energy of various moving parts. Thus,
1 1 1
J 𝜔2m = J0 𝜔2m + M1 v12 . (8)
2 2 2
or 2
J = J0 + M1 . (9)
• ∥ly, power at the motor and load should be the same, thus if efficiency of
transmission be 𝜂1
F1 v1
𝜏l 𝜔m = 𝜏l0 𝜔m + (10)
F1 v1
𝜏l = 𝜏l0 + . (11)
𝜂1 𝜔m
• If, in addition to one load directly coupled tot he motor shaft, there are m other
loads with translational motion with velocities v1 , v2 , ......vm and masses M1 , M2 ,
......Mm , respectively, then
2 2 2
v1 v2 vm
J = J0 + M1 + M2 + ...... + Mm . (12)
𝜔m 𝜔m 𝜔m
F1 v1 F2 v2 Fm vm
𝜏l = 𝜏l0 + + + ...... + . (13)
𝜂1 𝜔m 𝜂2 𝜔m 𝜂m 𝜔m
3 Moment of Inertia
• In retardation test → drive runs at a speed slightly higher than rated speed and
then the supply to it cut off.
• Drive continues to run due to kinetic energy stored in it and decelerates due to
rotational mechanical losses.
• Now, drive is connected to the supply and run at rated speed and rotational
mechanical power input P to the drive is measured.
• Now, core loss is included in the rotational loss, which is the difference between
armature power input and armature copper loss.
P ,ω ωm0
P vs ωm
P vs t curve
p1 A ωm vs t
ωm1 t1 t ωm
• J can be determined more accurately by obtaining the speed time curve from the
retardation test and also rotational versus speed plot shown in Fig. 2.
• Using these two plots, rotational losses versus time plot can be obtained.
• Area A enclosed between the rotational loss versus t plot and the time axis (shaded
area) → kinetic energy dissipated during retardation test.
• If the initial speed of the drive during retardation test is 𝜔m0 then
J 𝜔2m0 = A. (15)
Dynamics of Electrical Drives 13 / 23
Loads with Rotational Motion Loads with Translational Motion Moment of Inertia Load Torques
3 Moment of Inertia
• (i) Friction torque, 𝜏f : Friction will be present at the motor shaft and also in
various parts of the load. 𝜏f is equivalent value of various friction torques referred
to the motor shaft.
• (ii) Windage torque, 𝜏w : When a motor runs, wind generates a torque opposing
the motion.
• (iii) Torque required to do the useful mechanical work, 𝜏l : This torque depends on
the particular application. It may be constant and independent of speed. It may
depend on the position or path followed by load.
0 Tf Torque
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Friction torque and its components.
• Variation of friction torque with speed as shown in Fig. 3. Its value at standstill is
much higher than its value slightly above zero speed.
• Friction at zero speed → stiction or static friction.
• Friction torque is resolved into three components.
• Component 𝜏v which varies lineraly with speed is called viscous friction and given
𝜏v = B 𝜔m . (16)
Where, B is the viscous friction coefficient.
Dynamics of Electrical Drives 16 / 23
Loads with Rotational Motion Loads with Translational Motion Moment of Inertia Load Torques
𝜏w = C 𝜔2m . (17)
Where, C is constant.
• For finite speed,
𝜏l = 𝜏l + B 𝜔m + 𝜏c + C 𝜔2m . (18)
• In many applications 𝜏c + c 𝜔2m is very small compared to B 𝜔m and neglisable
compared to 𝜏l .
𝜏e = Ke 𝜃 e . (20)
Where, 𝜃 e is the torsion angle of coupling (radians) and Ke the rotational stiffness
of the shaft (N-m/rad).
• There is potential energy associated with coupling torque and kinetic energy with
dynamic torque.
• Exchange of energy between these two energy storage tends to produce oscillations
which are damped by viscous friction torque b 𝜔m .
ωm ωm ωm ωm
0 0 0 0
Tl Tl Tl (d) Constant power load Tl
(a) Tl α ω2m (b) High speed hoist (c) Traction load
• Similar nature of 𝜏L an be expected when the motion is opposed by any other fluid,
example, by water in centrifugal pumps and ship-propellors → Fig. 4 (a).
• High speed hoist → viscous friction and windage also have appreciable magnitude,
in addition to gravity → Fig. 4 (b).
• Traction load → since its heavy mass, the stictiuon is large → → Fig. 4 (c).
• Load torques which have the potential to drive the motor under equilibrium
condition are called active load torques.
• Such load torques usually retain their sign when the direction of the drive rotation
is changed.
• Load torques which always oppose the motion and change their sign on the reversal
of motion are called passive load torques.
Thank You
• The time taken and energy dissipation in motor during the transient operations
can be evaluated by solving Eq. 1 along with motor circuit equations.
d 𝜔m
𝜏 = J + 𝜏l + B 𝜔m . (1)
• When 𝜏 and 𝜏l are constants or ∝ 𝜔2 → Eq. 1 is first order linear differential
equation → can be solved analytically.
• When speed changes from 𝜔m1 to [𝜔m1 + 0.95 (𝜔me − 𝜔m1 )] is considered to
be equal to transient time.
• This is because the mechanical time constant of a drive is usually very large
compared to the electrical time constant of motor.
• Consequently, electrical transients die down very fast and motor operation can
occur along the steady-state speed-torque and speed-current curves.
J d 𝜔m
dt = . (2)
𝜏(𝜔m ) − 𝜏l (𝜔m )
Where, 𝜏(𝜔m ) and 𝜏l (𝜔m ) indicate that the motor and load torques are functions
of drive speed 𝜔m .
• Time taken for drive speed to change from 𝜔m1 to 𝜔m2 is obtained by
∫ 𝜔m2
d 𝜔m
t = J . (3)
𝜔m1 𝜏(𝜔 m − 𝜏l (𝜔m )
T(ωm) - Tl(ωm)
t=shaded area
ωm1 ωm2 ωme ωm
• The area between the reciprocal of the acceleration J /[𝜏(𝜔m ) − 𝜏l (𝜔m )] versus
𝜔m curve and 𝜔m -axis shown in Fig. 1.
• ∴ transient time is computed by measuring the area between speeds 𝜔m1 and
𝜔m1 + 0.95 (𝜔m2 − 𝜔m1 ).
Where, R is the motor winding resistance and i is the current flowing through it.
• The area enclosed between the curve and time axis multiplied by R → gives
energy dissipated in the motor winding.
ωm ωm ωm ωm
T T T Tl Tl T
B Tl
0 0
Torque Torque 0 Torque 0 Torque
• Drive will operate in steady-state at this speed, provided it is the speed of stable
• In most drives, the electrical time constant of the motor is negligible compared to
its mechanical time constant.
• Steady state stability of equilibrium point A → stable, when the operation will
restored to it after a small departure from it due to a disturbance in the motor or
• At new speed, 𝜏m > 𝜏l → motor will accelerate and operation will be restored to
• Examine equilibrium point B which is obtained when the same motor drives
another load.
Thank You
1 Load Equalisation
Load Equalisation
• Electric hammer, steel rolling mills and reciprocating pumps drive → motor is
required to supply peak torque demanded by load, the first motor rating has to be
• Secondly, the motor will draw a pulsed current from the supply.
• In some applications, peak load demanded may form major proportion of the
source capacity itself, as in blooming mills, then load fluctuations may also
adversely affect the stability of the source.
Load Equalisation
Tl Tl
ωm ωm
Tmax T T
tl th
Tr Tmax T
Figure 1. Shapes of motor speed torque curves for
fluctuating loads. Figure 2. Variation of motor and load torques and
speed for a periodic load for a drooping
motor speed-curve.
Load Equalisation
• Dynamic torque and motor torque together are able to produce torque required by
the load.
Load Equalisation
• During light load period, 𝜏m exceeds the 𝜏l , causing acceleration and speed is
brought back to the original value before the next high load period.
• Variation of motor and load torques, and speed for a periodic load and for a
drooping motor speed-torque curve (AC in Fig. 1) are shown in Fig. 2.
• It shows that peak torque required from the motor has much smaller value than
the peak 𝜏l .
• Hence, a motor with much smaller rating than peak load can be used and peak
current drawn by motor from the source is reduced by a large amount.
• Since power drawn from the source fluctuates very little → load equalisation.
Load Equalisation
• In variable speed and reversible drives, a flywheel cannot be mounted on the motor
shaft, Fig. 2 as it will increase transient time of the drive by a large amount.
• This arrangement equalizes load on the source, but not the load on motor.
Load Equalisation
• The slow response due to large inertia, motor can be assumed to be in electrical
equilibrium during transient operation of the motor-load system. In that case Eq.
1 will be
d 𝜔m J (𝜔mo − 𝜔mr ) d 𝜏
J = − (2)
dt 𝜏r dt
d 𝜔m d𝜏
J = − 𝜏m . (3)
dt dt
J ( 𝜔mo − 𝜔mr )
Where, 𝜏m = 𝜏r , is the mechanical time constant of the motor.
• It is the time required for the motor speed to change by (𝜔m0 − 𝜔mr ) when 𝜏m is
maintained constant at rated value 𝜏r .
𝜏m + 𝜏 = 𝜏l . (4)
Load Equalisation
• Consider now a periodic load torque, a cycle of which consists of one high load
period with torque 𝜏lh and duration th and one light load period with torque 𝜏ll
and duration tl (Fig. 2).
Where, 𝜏min is motor torque at t = 0, which is also the instant when heavy load
𝜏lh is applied.
• If motor torque at the end of heavy load period is 𝜏max , then from Eq.
Load Equalisation
• When operating in steady-state, motor torque at the end of a cycle will be the same
as at the beginning of the cycle.
• Hence at t = tl , 𝜏 = 𝜏min . Substituting in Eq. 7 gives
J = . (10)
− 𝜔mr
𝜔m0 log 𝜏lh − 𝜏min
𝜏lh − 𝜏max
Load Equalisation
J = . (12)
− 𝜔mr
𝜔m0 log 𝜏max − 𝜏ll
𝜏min − 𝜏ll
• Moment of inertia of the flywheel required can be calculated either from Eq. 10
or 12.
• Further,
J = W R2 , kg − m2 . (13)
Where, W is the weight of the flywheel (kg) and R is the radius (m).
Thank You
February 5, 2024
1 Modes of Operation
Modes of Operation
• According to Eq. 1,
d 𝜔m
𝜏 = 𝜏l + J , (1)
steady-state operation takes place when 𝜏 = 𝜏l .
• Change in speed is achieved by varying the steady-state motor speed torque curve
so that 𝜏 equals 𝜏l at the new desired speed.
Modes of Operation
Modes of Operation
• For example, when a loaded hoist is lowered or an unloaded hoist is lifted, the net
load-torque acts to assist the motion.
• The steady state operation is obtained at a speed for which braking torque equals
𝜏l .
Modes of Operation
• Even when electrical braking is employed, mechanical brakes may also be provided
to ensure the reliable operation of the drive.
• Mechanical brakes → employed to hold the drive at stand-still since many braking
methods are not able to produce torque at stand-still.
• Time taken for a given change in speed → depends on the inertia of motor-load
system and the amount by which 𝜏 exceeds 𝜏l .
Modes of Operation
• Restrict i within a value that is safe for both motor and power modulator.
• When acceleration periods are of short duration → current higher than the rated
value (is allowed during acceleration).
Modes of Operation
ωm2 B E1
D3 2
ωm1 D2 A
Deceleration 3 ωm
E2 C
E3 5
-T 0 T
Modes of Operation
• Fig. 2 shows the transition from operating point A at speed 𝜔m1 to operating
point B at a higher speed 𝜔m2 , when 𝜏 is held constant during acceleration.
• When starting takes place at no-load or light loads → methods with low starting
torque can be employed.
• When the motor must start with substantial 𝜏l (around rated torque) or when fast
start is required → methods with high starting torque must be used.
• In applications, the motor should accelerate smoothly (without any jerk) → starting
torque can be increased steplessly from its zero value → soft start.
Modes of Operation
• In those applications where 𝜏l may not always have a substantial amount or where
simply reducing 𝜏 to zero does not provide enough deceleration, mechanical
brakes may be used to produce the required magnitude of deceleration.
• Alternatively, electric braking may be employed. Now both 𝜏 and 𝜏l oppose the
motion, thus producing larger deceleration.
• During electric braking motor current tends to exceed the safe limit.
• When electric braking may persist for long periods, maximum current is usually
restricted to the rated value.
Modes of Operation
• When electric braking occurs for short durations, maximum current is allowed to
exceed the rated value.
• Figure 2 shows paths followed during transition from point A at speed 𝜔m1 to a
point C at a lower speed 𝜔m3 .
• When deceleration is carried out using electric braking at a constant braking torque
→ operating point moves along the path A D3 E3 C.
Modes of Operation
• It allows smooth and quick stops without subjecting the mechanical parts to unduly
large stresses, e.g. in suburban electric trains quick stops are required.
• Use of electric braking allows a smooth stop, and increases the life of track and
wheels allowing a substantial saving in cost.
1 Modes of Operation
• Drives where the driving motor runs at a nearly fixed speed → constant speed of
single speed drives.
• Drives needing stepless change in speed and multispeed drives → variable speed
• Multi-motor drive → when a number of motors are fed from a common converter
or when a load is driven by more than one motor.
• A variable speed drive is called constant torque drive → if the drive’s maximum
torque capability does not change with a change in speed setting.
• Constant torque → refers to the maximum torque capability of the drive and not
to the actual output torque, which may vary from no load to full load torque.
• Ideally, for a given speed setting, the motor speed should remain constant as 𝜏l is
changes from no load to full load.
• If open-loop control fails to provide the desired speed regulation, drive is operated
as a closed-loop speed control system.
1 Modes of Operation
0 Imax Threshold logic
Current-Limit Control
• During a transient operation, if current exceeds the set maximum value, the
feedback loop becomes active and current is forced below the set maximum value,
which causes the feedback loop to become inactive again.
• If the current exceeds set maximum value again, it is again brought below it by
the action of feedback loop.
• Thus, the current fluctuates around a set maximum limit during the transient
operation until the drive condition is such that the current does not have a tendency
to cross the set maximum value.
• Example → during starting, current will fluctuate around the set maximum value.
• When close to the steady-state operation point, current will not have tendency to
cross the maximum value.
• Consequently, the feedback loop will have no effect on the drive operation.
Thank You
February 5, 2024
3 Speed Sensing
4 Current Sensing
T* Controller
Converter Motor Load
- T
• Closed-loop torque control scheme → battery operated vehicles, rail cars and
electric trains.
• Driver presses the accelerator to set torque reference 𝜏 ∗ . Through closed- loop
control of torque, the actual 𝜏 follows 𝜏 ∗ .
• Speed feedback loop is present through the driver. By applying pressure on the
accelerator, driver adjusts the speed depending on traffic, road condition, his liking,
car condition and speed limit.
3 Speed Sensing
4 Current Sensing
Speed Current
ω* Controller
Converter Motor Load
+ + Controller
ωm - I
- Current
Limiter Current
I Current Limiter
ωm Speed
(a) (b)
• Speed error is processed through a speed controller and applied to a current limiter,
which saturates even for a small speed error.
• Consequently, limiter sets the current reference for inner current control loop at a
value corresponding to the maximum allowable current.
• Drive accelerates at the maximum allowable current (and in some cases 𝜏max ).
• Steady-state is reached at the desired speed (with some steady-state error) and at
current for which 𝜏 = 𝜏l .
• Current limiter saturates and sets current reference for inner current loop at a value
corresponding to the maximum allowable current.
• When close to the required speed, current limiter desaturates. The operation is
transferred from braking to motoring.
• In those drives where the current I does not have to reverse for braking operation,
current limiter will have the input-output characteristic shown in Fig. 2 (b).
• Current and speed controllers → proportional and integral (PI), proportional and
derivative (PD) or proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller, depending
on steady-state accuracy and transient response requirements.
3 Speed Sensing
4 Current Sensing
Speed Sensing
• Typical voltage outputs are 10 V per 1000 rpm. The tachometer output voltage
consists of a ripple whose frequency depends on its speed.
• At low speeds → adequate filtering is done by a filter with a large enough time
constant to affect the dynamics of the drive.
Speed Sensing
• When very high-speed accuracies are required (computer peripherals and paper
mills) → digital tachometers are used.
• In dc drives, speed can be sensed without a tachometer when field current or flux
is held constant, Eb ∝ 𝜔.
3 Speed Sensing
4 Current Sensing
Current Sensing
CT Ac lines
R Filter V0
• Current sensing → current limit control, inner current control loop of closed-loop
speed control, closed-loop torque control of a dc drive, for sensing fault conditions,
and for sensing speed in dc drives by Eb sensing method.
• To avoid interaction between control circuit (carrying low voltage and current),
and power circuit (involving high voltage and current) and sometimes harmonics
and voltage spikes → isolation must be provided between the two circuits.
• Current in three-phase ac circuits can be sensed using the circuit shown in Fig. 3.
Control of Electrical Drives 12 / 23
Closed-Loop Torque Control Closed-Loop Speed Control Speed Sensing Current Sensing PLL Control Closed-Loop Position Control
Current Sensing
• The current transformer output is rectified, applied across resistor R, and filtered.
• When used in variable frequency inverters care should be taken to avoid saturation
at low frequencies.
• Major limitation of this method is that it cannot sense the phase of currents.
Current Sensing
• It has the ability to sense current direction and is commercially available for a
wide range of currents (few amperes to several hundred amperes) with a typical
accuracy of 1 % up to 400 Hz.
• Limitation of shunt is that it provides only a small output voltage of the order of
7.5 to 75 mV at the rated current.
• Use of shunts of higher resistance results in increased power dissipation and drift
of resistance with temperature.
Current Sensing
• In current control loop of a variable speed drive, accurate sensing of current is not
necessary, and therefore, the drop across a suitable winding.
• Voltage drop across the shunt is filtered, amplified, modulated and then applied to
the primary of isolation transformer.
• Opto-isolator output is buffered and then brought to the output terminals. Since
opto-isolator gain is temperature-dependent and non-linear, two identical opto-
isolator are employed in a feedback loop to compensate for these non-linearities.
Control of Electrical Drives 15 / 23
Closed-Loop Torque Control Closed-Loop Speed Control Speed Sensing Current Sensing PLL Control Closed-Loop Position Control
3 Speed Sensing
4 Current Sensing
Vc Loop Converter
PFD Motor Load
Speed encoder
• Two pulse trains-reference pulse train of frequency f ∗ and the feedback pulse train
of frequency f are compared in a phase detector.
• Pulse-width of Vc , depends on the phase difference between the two input pulse
trains and polarity depends on the sign of phase difference (i.e., lag or load)
between them.
• The output of the phase detector is filtered by the loop filter to obtain a dc signal
and applied as control voltage to a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), the output
is the feedback signal f .
• Since the closed-loop, VCO output frequency changes in a direction that reduces
the phase difference.
• When steady state is reached, f = f ∗ and the loop is said to have locked.
• If f ∗ is altered, f will follow the change, and control voltage required by VCO will
be obtained by the adjustment of phase difference between two input signals.
• Output of the loop-filter forms the control signal for the converter.
• It alters the converter operation such that the motor speed adjusts to make the
frequency of speed encoder output signal (f) = frequency of reference signal (f ∗ ).
3 Speed Sensing
4 Current Sensing
θm sensor
Thank You
February 5, 2024
Table 1. Insulation temperature limits
• Machine with insufficient rating is either less
reliable or fails to drive the load.
Class Temperature limit (◦ C)
• Machine with higher power rating increases 𝛾 90
initial cost and extra energy loss when operating A 105
at lower than rated power. E 120
B 130
• Machine experiences core loss, copper loss and F 155
friction loss. H 180
C Above 180
• Losses increase machine temperature until heat
outflow matches the heat generated.
Wh = p1 − dA𝜃 . (2)
• Where, C = Wh (W/◦ C) is thermal capacity of machine, and D = dA (watts/◦ C)
is heat dissipation constant.
• The solution to Eq.2 is
𝜃 = 𝜃 ss + Ke 𝜏 . (3)
• Where, 𝜃 ss = p1 Wh
is steady state temperature, 𝜏 =
dA dA
is thermal time constant,
and K is integration constant.
• When initial temperature is 𝜃 1 , Eq.3 becomes
−t −t
𝜃 = 𝜃 ss ( 1 − e 𝜏 ) + 𝜃 1 e 𝜏 . (4)
• Let the load on the machine is removed at temperature 𝜃 2 and cooling operation is
′ ′
started, p1 will reduce to p1 and D will increase to D . If time is measured from
the instant load is removed, then
d𝜃 ′ ′
C = p1 − D A 𝜃 . (5)
Selection of Motor Power Rating 5 / 15
Selection of Motor Power Rating Classes of Motor Duty
′ −t −t
𝜃 = 𝜃 ss ( 1 − e 𝜏 ′ ) + 𝜃 2 e 𝜏 ′ . (6)
′ ′
• If the machine is disconnected from supply while cooling, then p1 and 𝜃 ss is zero.
Eq.5 gives
𝜃 = 𝜃2 e 𝜏′ . (7)
• Eq.4 and Eq.7 suggests that heating and cooling time constants depend on heat
dissipation constant.
• In self cooled machines, the fan is mounted on motor shafts. Hence, according to
the speed of the machine, the cooling time constant varies.
• Fig.1 shows the variation of motor temperature change with time during heating
and cooling phase. Thermal time constants are orders of magnitude larger than
electrical or mechanical time constants.
• Continuous duty.
0 0 0
t t t
ᶿ ᶿ ᶿ
0 0 0
(a) t (b) t (c) t
0 0
t t
ᶿ ᶿ
0 0
(d) t (e) t
Thank You
- Ferrite PMs
Barrier Stator
- Al-Ni-Co PMs slot-1 tooth Stator
N Flux carriers
Table 1. Typical Parameters of an air-conditioner Magnetization Stator slots
direction back-iron
compressor motor. S Rotor slot-2
Air-gap Barrier
Parameter Value slot-3
Stator tooth
at air-gap Shaft
Rated power 1000 W
Cooling capacity 1 tonne N
Rated speed 1500 rpm S
Outer diameter 112 mm
A q-axis
Axial length 80 mm
Table 2. Fixed design parameters of the proposed N
hybrid PMa-SyRM.
Parameter Value
Stator outer diameter, Dso 112 mm
Stator inner diameter, Dsi 61.2 mm
Rotor outer diameter, Dro 60 mm
Stack length, Lstk 80 mm Figure 1. 2-D cross-sectional view of the proposed 36-slot,
Air-gap thickness, g 0.6 mm 4-pole hybrid ferrite-Al-Ni-Co PMa-SyRM.
between frame R cl
given as and stator core
Stator core
Rrm = . (1) Imperfections
Krm × Arm between stator R wi
core and slot-liner Slot-liner
Where, trm and Krm are the thickness and Heat flow
Air-gap path
thermal conductivities of the air-gap imper- Rotor
fections between rotor to magnet, respec- Imperfections
between rotor R rm
tively. Arm is the area of magnet. and magnet
Magnet R sh Imperfections
Magnet R sh between shaft
and frame
• Thermal resistance from winding to stator
core is given as
Figure 2. Model diagram of lumped parameter thermal
Rwi = . (2) network of the proposed hybrid PMa-SyRM.
Kwi × Awi
Where, twi and Kwi are the thickness and
thermal conductivity of the slot-liner, re-
spectively. Awi is the slot (perimeter).
• Thermal resistance from shaft to frame and stator core to frame are given as
tsh, cl
Rsh,cl = . (3)
Ksh,cl × Ash, cl
Where, tsh , tcl , Ksh and Kcl are the thickness and thermal conductivities of the
air-gap imperfections between shaft to frame and stator core to frame, respectively.
Ash and Acl are the end-flange and frame, respectively.
• Thermal capacitances of the magnet and winding of the motor are given as
Where, m is the mass and S is the specific heat of the respective material.
• Further, thermal capacitances of stator core and frame are given as
Thermal resistance shaft to frame
Thermal resistance Thermal resistance Thermal resistance
rotor to magnet winding to stator core to frame
A B Rcl C
Rrm Rwi
Refrigerant Friction and Ambience
windage Crm Ccu Copper Core 30° C
fluid Ccl
loss loss, Pcu loss, Pcl
150° C
Figure 3. 1-D lumped parameter thermal network of the proposed hybrid PMa-SyRM.
Table 3. Analytically evaluated thermal parameters of the hybrid PMa-SyRMs considered for simulation in
Temperature (° C)
110 80
105 70
100 Magnets 60
95 50 Stator-core
90 40
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Temperature at (a) magnets and (b) winding and stator-core of the hybrid PMa-SyRMs obtained
through the 1-D LPTN model.
• Steady-state temperature rise at magnets, winding and stator-core → 97◦ , 53◦ and 47◦ C,
Figure 5. 2-D FE shaded temperature plot of the proposed hybrid PMa-SyRM obtained from thermal analy-
Table 4. Analytical and 2-D FE thermal comparison of the hybrid PMa-SyRM for temperature rise of various
motor parts.
From the point of view of calculation of motor ratings, duty cycles are broadly
classified into
• Continuous duty
• Fluctuating loads
• Short time and intermittent duty
Continuous Duty:
Equivalent current, torque and power methods for fluctuating and intermittent
• This method is based on the approximation that the actual variable motor current
is replaced by the equivalent Ieq which produces the same losses as the actual
• The equivalent current can be determined as follows
( pc + I12 ) R) t1 + ( pc + I22 ) R) t2 + ....... + ( pc + In2 ) R) tn
pc + Ieq R = . (1)
t1 + t2 + ......... + tn
pc ( t1 + t2 + ......... + tn ) ( I 2 t1 + I22 t2 + .......... + In2 tn ) R
pc + Ieq R = + 1 .
t1 + t2 + ......... + tn t1 + t2 + ......... + tn
Selection of Motor Power Rating 4 / 24
Determination of Motor Rating Short Time Duty Intermittent Periodic Duty Frequency of Operation of Motor Subjected to Intermittent Loads
I12 t1 + I22 t2 + .......... + In2 tn
Ieq = (3)
t1 + t2 + ......... + tn
• Integral T i 2 dt represents the area between i 2 versus t curve and the time axis
for the duration 0 to T .
• The above analysis is based on the assumption that the heating and cooling remain
the same.
• However, if the motor is running at constant RPM then the heating and cooling
are going to be unchanged.
• If the speed varies, the constant loss will be changed marginally and if forced
ventilation is used, heating and cooling can still be assumed same without the loss
of much accuracy.
• After Ieq is determined motors with next higher current rating from commercially
available ratings are selected.
DC Motor
• This motor is allowed to carry the larger current than the rated current for the short
duration of time.
• Let the ratio of maximum allowable current to the rated current be denoted by 𝜆.
𝜆 ≥ . (4)
Where, Imax is the ,maximum value of the current and Irated is the rated current of
the motor.
• If Eq. 4 is not satisfied, then the motor current rating is calculated from
Irated ≥ . (5)
• For stable operation maximum load torque should be well within the breakdown
torque of the motor.
• If the motor rating is selected based on Eq. 2 or 3 the the above constraint is
• In the case of induction motors with normal design the ratio of breakdown to rated
torque varied from 1.65 to 3, and for synchronous motors, from 2 to 2.25.
• If the ratio between breakdown to rated torque is denoted by 𝜆 , then the motor
rating is based on
Trated ≥ ′ . (6)
• When the load has high torque pulses selection of of motor rating based on this
will be large.
• The equivalent current method assumed constant losses to remain constant for all
operating points.
• ∴ this method must be carefully employed when these losses vary.
• This method is also not applicable to the frequency-dependent parameters in the
equivalent circuit.
• For example, in deep bar and double squirrel cage rotor motors the rotor winding
resistance and reactance vary widely during starting and braking making this
method inapplicable.
• When the torque is directly proportional to the current like dc separately excited
motor the from Eq. 2
T12 t1 + T22 t2 + ......... + Tn2 tn
Teq = . (7)
t1 + t2 + ......... + tn
• Eq. 7 can be employed to directly ascertain the motor torque rating.
• When the motor operates at nearly fixed speed its power will be ∝ torque; hence,
for nearly constant speed operation, the power rating of the motor can be directly
from, √︄
P12 t1 + P22 t2 + ......... + Pn2 tn
Peq = . (8)
t1 + t2 + ......... + tn
Selection of Motor Power Rating 9 / 24
Determination of Motor Rating Short Time Duty Intermittent Periodic Duty Frequency of Operation of Motor Subjected to Intermittent Loads
• In short time duty, time of motor operation is considerably less than the heating
time constant and motor is allowed to cool down to the ambient temperature before
it is required to operate again.
• ∴ motor can be overloaded by a factor K (K > 1) such that the maximum temperature
rise just reaches the permissible value 𝜃 per .
• When the duration of the running period in a duty cycle with power K Pr is tr then
from 𝜃 = 𝜃 ss 1 − e − t /𝜏 + 𝜃 1 e − t /𝜏 .
K = − tr
− 𝛼. (17)
1−e 𝜏
• As the motor is subjected to a periodic load, after the thermal steady state is
reached the temperature rise will fluctuate between a maximum value 𝜃 max , and a
minimum value minimum value 𝜃 max .
• For this load, the motor rating should be selected such that 𝜃 max ≤𝜃 per , where
𝜃 per is the maximum permissible temperature rise of the motor.
• The temperature at the end of the working (or running) interval will be given by
tr tr
𝜃 max = 𝜃 ss 1 − e 𝜏r + 𝜃 min e − 𝜏r (18)
• Further 𝜃 per will be the motor temperature rise when it is subjected to its continuous
rated power Pr .
• The ratio 𝜃 ss /𝜃 max will be proportional to losses that would take place for two
values of load. If losses for load values Pr and Pr be denoted by p1r and p1s then
𝜃 ss p
= 1s . (21)
𝜃 per p1r
• Thus Eq. 24. provides energy balance relation when the period of intermittent
loading is very small, compared to the thermal time constants of the machine.
• Applying relationship of Eq. 24 to intermittent loads with frequency starting and
braking, and short running intervals yields
• The value of 𝛾 is assumed as 𝛾 = 1+𝛽 , and the speed changes from zero to running
value during starting and braking, the speed changes from zero to running value.
• ts is calculated from Eq. 25. Then, the permissible frequency of switching per
hour is
fmax = (26)
tst + tr + tb + ts
• Eqs. 25 and 26 suggest that the switching frequency can be increased by reducing
loss during starting, braking and running by use of efficient method of control,
and by improving heat dissipation by use of forced ventilation.
• The most efficient methods of control for dc and ac motors are armature voltage
control and variable frequency control, respectively.
Thank You
dc Motor Drives
dc Motor Drives 1 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
1 Starting
2 Braking
3 Speed Control
dc Motor Drives 2 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
• Maximum current that a dc motor can safely carry during starting is limited by
the maximum current that can be commutated without sparking.
• For normally designed machines → twice the rated current can be allowed to flow,
and for specially designed machines → 3.5 times.
• If a dc motor is started with full supply voltage → high current will flow → heavy
sparking at the commutator and heating of the winding.
dc Motor Drives 3 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
S1 S2 S3 S4
V - Field
dc Motor Drives 4 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
1 Starting
2 Braking
Regenerative Braking
Dynamic Braking
3 Speed Control
dc Motor Drives 5 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Regenerative Braking
• In regenerative braking, generated energy is supplied to the source.
• For a source of fixed voltage of rated value regenerative braking is possible only
for speeds higher than rated and with a variable voltage source it is also possible
below rated speeds.
dc Motor Drives 6 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Regenerative Braking
• In series motor as speed ↑s → Ia , and ω mo
dc Motor Drives 7 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Regenerative Braking
• Regenerative braking is possible → only when there are loads connected to the
line, and they are in need of power more are equal to the regenerated power.
• When the capacity of the loads is less than the regenerated power → all the
regenerated power will not be absorbed by the loads.
• Hence, regenerative braking should only be used when there are enough loads to
absorb the regenerated power.
• When the source is a battery, the regenerated energy can be stored in the battery.
dc Motor Drives 8 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Dynamic Braking
A1 F1 A1 F1 F1 AF11 A1
Ia Ia If If Ia Ia
+ + + +
+ +
Rb Rb Rb Rb
- -
- - - -
A2 A2
A2 F2 F2
A2 F2 F2
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Dynamic braking of (a) dc separately excited motor and (b) series motor.
• Dynamic braking → motor armature is disconnected from the source and connected
across a resistance RB .
• The generated energy is dissipated in RB and Ra .
• Braking connections are shown in Fig. 4 (a) and (b), respectively.
dc Motor Drives 9 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Dynamic Braking
ωm ωm
Motoring Motoring
Braking Braking
0 T 0 T
(a) dc separately excited motor (b) series motor
RB With few sections of RB
Stepless variation of RB
0 T
(c) Separately excited motor with variable Ra
Figure 5. Dynamic braking speed-torque curves.
dc Motor Drives 10 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Dynamic Braking
• Fig. 5 (a) and (b) → speed-torque curves and transition from motoring to braking.
• As the speed falls, sections are cut-out to maintain a high average torque, as shown
in Fig. 5 (c) for a separately excited motor.
dc Motor Drives 11 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
A1 F1
F1 A1
+ - +
- +
V - RB
A2 F2
(a) dc separately excited motor (b) series motor
• For plugging, the supply voltage of a separately excited motor is reversed so that it
assists Eb in forcing Ia in the reverse direction (Fig. 6).
• A resistance RB is also connected in series with armature to limit the current.
• For plugging of a series motor, armature alone is reversed. Speed-torque curves
are shown in Fig. 7.
dc Motor Drives 12 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
0 T 0 T
ωm ωm
Motoring Motoring
0 0
• Plugging for motor rotation in reverse direction arises → when a motor connected
for forward motoring, is driven by an active load in the reverse direction.
• Here again, Eb and V act in the same direction. However, the direction of torque
remains positive (Fig. 8).
• This type of situation arises in crane and hoist applications and the braking →
counter-torque braking.
• Plugging gives fast braking due to high average torque, even with one section of
braking resistance RB .
• Since T is not zero at 𝜔m = 0, when used for stopping a load, the supply must be
disconnected when close to zero speed.
dc Motor Drives 14 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
1 Starting
2 Braking
3 Speed Control
dc Motor Drives 15 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Speed Control
ωm ωm
Vr Natural
V1 Natural
0 T 0 T
• Speed control → (i) armature voltage control, (ii) field flux control and (iii)
armature resistance control.
• Armature voltage control is preferred → high 𝜂, good transient response and good
speed regulation.
• It provides speed control below base speed (rated speed) since the armature voltage
cannot be allowed to exceed the rated voltage.
dc Motor Drives 16 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Speed Control
ωm ωm
ϕr Natural
0 T 0 T
ωm ωm
Increasing Re
ω mo
Increasing Re
0 T 0 T
dc Motor Drives 17 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Speed Control
• For speed control above base speed → field flux control is employed.
dc Motor Drives 18 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Speed Control
Constant power
power Pm
Armature voltage
t t or Field control
t an
0 Co
Base speed Maximum speed ωm
Figure 12. Torque and power limitations in combined armature voltage and field control.
dc Motor Drives 19 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Speed Control
• Series motor → flux is controlled either by varying the number of turns in the
field winding or connecting a diverter resistance across the field winding.
• It has, however, been replaced by armature voltage control in all these applications.
dc Motor Drives 20 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
dc Motor Drives 21 / 22
Starting Braking Speed Control
Thank You
dc Motor Drives 22 / 22
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
dc Motor Drives
dc Motor Drives 1 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
dc Motor Drives 2 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
Variable armature voltage for speed control, starting, braking and reversing of dc
motors can be obtained by the following methods:
• Ward-Leonard schemes.
• Chopper control.
Chopper control can also allow a stepless variable resistance to be obtained from a
fixed resistance for dynamic braking of dc motors.
dc Motor Drives 3 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
dc Motor Drives 4 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
• While the dc motor may be driven at low speeds → high torque and relatively
large frame size, generator being of the same voltage, current and power ratings as
the motor can run at a higher speed with a view to reduce its cost and size.
• When field winding voltage is smoothly varied in either direction, the motor Vt
and therefore, speed can be steplessly varied from full +ve to full −ve.
dc Motor Drives 5 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
3- phase ac supply
Controlled Uncontrolled
Or controlled
rectifier rectifier
Ac motor
Figure 1. Block-diagram of Ward-Leonard drive.
dc Motor Drives 6 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
dc Motor Drives 7 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
• Control of generator field is obtained by rheostats when low ratings are involved
and closed-loop control is not desired.
• Power requirement of the rheostats → order 1 to 2 % of the total input to the motor.
• For higher power applications or for closed-loop control, the field is supplied by a
power amplifier consisting of a controlled rectifier, chopper or transistor amplifier.
• Old installations may use a magnetic amplifier or amplidyne.
• For reversible drives, a power amplifier capable of supplying controlled field
current in either direction is required.
• It may, therefore, consists of a single-phase or three-phase dual converter, four-
quadrant chopper or four-quadrant transistor amplifier.
• When the drive operates only in one direction, a power amplifier capable of
supplying controlled field current only in one direction is used in order to reduce
• The power amplifier may then consists of a half-controlled rectifier, step-down
chopper or one quadrant transistor amplifier.
• In this case the field current can only be reduced to zero, but cannot be reversed.
dc Motor Drives 8 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
dc Motor Drives 9 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
dc Motor Drives 10 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
• Combination of field control with armature voltage control permits the ratio of
maximum to minimum available speeds to be 20 to 40.
• With closed-loop control, the range can be extended further and can be realised up
to 200.
• When field control is required, the motor field is fed from a half-controlled rectifier,
step-down chopper or a single quadrant transistor amplifier.
• For low-power applications a resistance may be connected in series with the field.
dc Motor Drives 11 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
• Leading reactive power produced by the motor compensates for the lagging reactive
power taken by other loads in the plant, thus improving power factor of the plant.
• Overexcitation of the field also enhances maximum torque capability of the motor.
• By employing closed-loop control of its reactive power, synchronous motor can
be made to generate leading reactive power equal to lagging reactive power of the
plant caused by other loads, making the plant power factor unity.
• The Ward-Leonard drive is used in rolling mills, mine winders, paper mills,
elevators, machine tools etc.
• When the load is heavy and intermittent, a slip-ring induction motor is employed
and a flywheel is mounted on its shaft.
dc Motor Drives 12 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
Controlled Uncontrolled
Or controlled
rectifier rectifier
Squirrel M
Cage G
I.M Flywheel
dc Motor Drives 13 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
• Rotor resistance control is used to restrict the motor current within permissible
limits and to give it a drooping speed-torque characteristic.
• When heavy load demand comes, the flywheel decelerates and gives up some of
its stored energy, thus reducing load demand from the supply.
• During light load periods, power is taken from the supply to accelerate the flywheel,
which replenishes the energy lost.
• This scheme provides two beneficial effects.
• First, it prevents heavy fluctuations in the supply current and secondly, it permits
the use of a relatively smaller size induction motor.
• This scheme finds application in the control of blooming mill drives and colliery
winder in steel and mining industries, respectively.
• Because of the large capacity of these drives (few megawatts), the fluctuations
in supply current can lead to severe fluctuations of the supply voltage, which
adversally affect other loads on the supply.
• Fluctuations can also have an adverse effect on the stability of the source.
dc Motor Drives 14 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
• High initial cost and low 𝜂 because of the use of two additional machines of same
ratings as that of the main motor.
• It has large weight and size, and needs large floor area and foundation.
• Because of these drawbacks, the new installations mainly employ static Ward-
Leonard drive.
• It can also be made for important loads where continuity of supply must be
maintained at all costs.
dc Motor Drives 16 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
dc supply
Step-down Step-down
chopper chopper
engine M
dc Motor Drives 17 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
dc Motor Drives 18 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
dc Motor Drives 19 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
dc Motor Drives 20 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
Transformer rectifier
with taps
Figure 4. Armature voltage control using a transformer with taps and an uncontrolled rectifier.
dc Motor Drives 21 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
2 a 2 a a
1 1
b b b
Output Output
• (b) Rectifier output voltage waveform does not change as the output voltage in
• A good power factor is maintained at the source and current harmonics introduced
in the supply lines do not increase abnormally, like in the case of a controlled
rectifier when motor voltage is reduced to a small value.
• (c) Since the use of diode bridge → circuit is not capable of regeneration.
dc Motor Drives 23 / 25
Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
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Methods of Armature Voltage Control Ward Leonard Drives Transformer and Uncontrolled Rectifier Control
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
dc Motor Drives
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
AC source AC source
(a) (b)
• Controlled rectifiers are used to get variable dc voltage from an ac source of fixed
• Controlled rectifier fed dc drives → Static Ward-Leonard drives.
• As thyristors are capable of conducting current only in one direction, all these
rectifiers are capable of providing current only in one direction.
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
AC source AC source
(a) (b)
• Rectifiers Figs. 1 (a) and 2 (a) provide control of dc voltage in either direction
→ motor control in quadrant-I and IV → fully-controlled rectifiers.
• Rectifiers Figs. 1 (b) and 2 (b) are called half-controlled rectifiers as they allow
dc voltage control only in one direction and motor control in quadrant-I only.
• For low power applications (up to around 10 kW) → single-phase rectifier
drives are employed.
• For high power applications → three-phase rectifier drives are used.
• Exception is made in traction where single-phase drives are employed for large
power ratings.
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
va va va va
T1 T2 E ia ia
ia ia
Ra 0 α π β π +α 2π ωt 0 α π π +α 2π ωt
vs va Motor
−v s vs −v s vs
T4 T3 T1 , T 3 T2 , T 4 T1, T3 T2, T4
• Motor is shown by its equivalent circuit and field supply is not shown.
• When field control is required, the field is fed from a controlled rectifier or an
uncontrolled rectifier. The ac input voltage is defined by
vs = Vm sin 𝜔 t. (1)
• In a cycle of source voltage, thyristors T1 and T3 are given gate signals from 𝛼 to
𝜋, and thyristors T2 and T4 are given gate signals from (𝜋 + 𝛼) to 2 𝜋.
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
• When thyristors T2 and T4 are fired at (𝜋 + 𝛼), next cycle of the motor terminal
voltage va starts.
• In continuous conduction mode, a positive current flows through the motor, and
T2 and T4 are in conduction just before 𝛼.
• Since torque fluctuates at a frequency of 100 Hz, motor inertia is able to filter
out the fluctuations, giving nearly a constant speed and rippleless E .
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
Discontinuous Conduction
In a cycle of motor terminal voltage va , the drive operates in two intervals:
• Duty interval (𝛼 ≤ 𝜔 t ≤ 𝛽) when motor is connected to the source and va = vs .
• Zero current interval (𝛽 ≤ 𝜔 t ≤ 𝜋 + 𝛼) when ia = 0 and va = E .
Drive operation is described by the following equations:
d ia
va = Ra ia + La + E = Vm sin 𝜔 t, for 𝛼 ≤ 𝜔 t ≤ 𝛽. (2)
va = E and ia = o for 𝛽 ≤ 𝜔 t ≤ 𝜋 + 𝛼. (3)
• Solution of Eq. 2 → (i) one due to the ac source ( Vm /Z sin 𝜔 t − 𝜙) and (ii)
other due to back-EMF (−E /Ra ).
Vm E
ia (𝜔 t ) = sin (𝜔 t − 𝜙) − + K1 e − t /𝜏a for 𝛼 ≤ 𝜔 t ≤ 𝛽. (4)
Z Ra
Where, √︃
Z = Ra2 + (𝜔 L2a ) . (5)
Discontinuous Conduction
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
Discontinuous Conduction
• From Fig. 3 (b),
∫ 𝛽 ∫ 𝜋+𝛼
Va = Vm sin 𝜔 t d (𝜔 t ) + E d (𝜔 t ) (10)
𝜋 𝛼 𝛽
Vm ( cos 𝛼 − cos 𝛽) + (𝜋 + 𝛼 − 𝛽) E
= . (11)
• Armature current consists of dc component Ia and harmonics. When flux is
constant, only the dc component produces steady torque.
• Harmoncs produce alternating torque components, the average value of which is
• Therefore, motor torque is given by
Vm ( cos 𝛼 − cos 𝛽) 𝜋 Ra
𝜔m = − T. (12)
K (𝛽 − 𝛼) 2
K (𝛽 − 𝛼)
• Boundary between continuous and discontinuous conduction is reached when
𝛽 = 𝜋 + 𝛼.
• Substituing 𝛽 = 𝜋 + 𝛼 in Eq. 8 gives the critical value of speed 𝜔mc which
separates continuous conduction from discontinuous conduction for a given 𝛼 as
1 + e − 𝜋 cot 𝜙
Ra Vm
𝜔mc = sin (𝛼 − 𝜙) − 𝜋 cot 𝜙 . (13)
Z KI e −1
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
Continuous Conduction
• From Fig. 3 (c),
∫ 𝜋+𝛼
1 2 Vm
Va = Vm sin 𝜔 t d (𝜔 t ) = cos 𝛼. (14)
𝜋 𝛼 𝜋
2 Vm Ra
𝜔m = cos 𝛼 − T. (15)
𝜋K K2
• Speed torque curves for the drive are shown in Fig. 4.
• The ideal no-load operation is obtained when Ia = 0.
• When both thyristor pairs ( T1 , T3 ) and ( T2 , T4 ) fail to fire, Ia will be zero.
• This will happen when E > vs throughout the period for which firing pulses are
• ∴, when 𝛼 < 𝜋/2, E should be greater or equal to Vm and when 𝛼 > 𝜋/2, E
should be greater or equal to Vm sin 𝜔 t .
• ∴ no-load speeds are given by
𝜔m0 = , for o ≤ 𝛼 ≤ 𝜋/2 (16)
Vm sin 𝛼
= for 𝜋/2 ≤ 𝛼 ≤ 𝜋 . (17)
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
Continuous Conduction
• Maximum average terminal voltage ( 2 Vm /𝜋) is chosen equally to the rated motor
• Ideal no-load speed of the motor when fed by a perfect direct voltage of rated
value will then be ( 2 Vm /𝜋 K ).
• It is noted that the maximum no-load speed with rectifier control is 𝜋/2 times this
• For torques less than rated, a low-power drive mainly operates in discontinuous
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
Continuous Conduction
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
Continuous Conduction
2Vm α=0
πK o
Discontinuous conduction
0 Tr o
90 T
Rated torque
Figure 4. Speed torque characteristics of single-phase fully-controlled rectifier fed dc separately excited
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
Continuous Conduction
• The drive operates in quadrants I (forward motoring) and IV (reverse regenerative
• These operations can be explained as follows:
• From Eq. 15, under the assumption of continuous conduction, dc output voltage
of the rectifier varies with 𝛼 as shown in Fig. 5 (a).
• When working in quadrant I, 𝜔m is positive and 𝛼 ≤ 90◦ , and polarities of Va ,
and E are shown in Fig. 5 (b).
• For positive Ia this causes rectifier to deliver power and the motor to consume it,
thus giving forward motoring.
• Polarities of E , Ia , and Va for quadrant IV operation are shown in Fig. 5 (c).
• E has reversed due to reversal of 𝜔m .
• Since Ia is still in same direction, machine is working as a generator producing
braking torque.
• Further due to 𝛼 > 90◦ , Va is negative, suggesting that the rectifier now takes
power from dc terminals and transfers it to ac mains.
• This operation of rectifier is called inversion and the rectifier is said to operate as
an inverter.
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
Continuous Conduction
rectifier Ia Ia
2Vm /π
+ + - -
π Va E Va E ω m
0 - -
α + +
-2Vm /π π/2
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
T1 D2 va va va va
vs vs
Ra E E
ia ia ia ia
vs va Motor
0 α π β π +α ωt 0 α π π +α
La 2π 2π ωt
T1, D1 T2, D2 T1, D1 T2, D2
T2 D1 D1, D2 D1, D2
Discontinuous Conduction
A cycle of motor terminal voltage consists of three intervals (Fig. 6 (b)):
• (i) Duty internal (𝛼 ≤ 𝜔 t ≤ 𝜋): Armature current is given as
Vm h i
ia (𝜋) = sin (𝜋 − 𝜙) − sin (𝛼 − 𝜙) e − ( 𝜋 − 𝛼) cot 𝜙
E h i
1 − e − ( 𝜋 − 𝛼) cot 𝜙 .
− (18)
• (ii) Freewheeling interval (𝜋 ≤ 𝜔 t ≤ 𝛽): Operation is governed by the
following equation:
ia Ra + La + E = 0. (19)
• Solution of Eq. 19 subject to ia (𝜋) as the initial current yields
Vm h i
ia (𝜔 t ) = sin 𝜙 e − ( 𝜔 t − 𝜋 ) cot 𝜙 − sin (𝛼 − 𝜙) e − ( 𝜔 t − 𝛼) cot 𝜙
[ 1 − e − ( 𝜔 t − 𝛼) cot 𝜙 ] , for 𝜋 ≤ 𝜔 t ≤ 𝛽.
−0 (20)
• (iii) Zero current interval (𝛽 ≤ 𝜔 t ≤ 𝜋 + 𝛼):
Ra Vm
e 𝛽 cot 𝜙 = sin 𝜙 e 𝜋 cot 𝜙 − sin (𝛼 − 𝜙)
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
Discontinuous Conduction
• (iii) Zero current interval (𝛽 ≤ 𝜔 t ≤ 𝜋 + 𝛼):
R a Vm
e 𝛽 cot 𝜙 = sin 𝜙 e 𝜋 cot 𝜙 − sin (𝛼 − 𝜙) e 𝛼 cot 𝜙 + e 𝛼 cot 𝜙 .
• 𝛽 can be calculated by the solution of Eq. 22. Now,
∫ 𝜋 ∫ 𝜋+𝛼
Va = Vm sin 𝜔 t d (𝜔 t ) + E d (𝜔 t ) (23)
𝜋 𝛼 𝛽
Vm ( 1 + cos 𝛼) + (𝜋 + 𝛼 − 𝛽) E
= . (24)
Vm ( 1 + cos 𝛼) 𝜋 Ra
𝜔m = − T. (25)
K (𝛽 − 𝛼) K 2 (𝛽 − 𝛼)
• Boundary between continuous and discontinuous conduction is reached when
𝛽 = 𝜋 + 𝛼.
• Substituting 𝛽 = 𝜋 + 𝛼 in Eq, 22 gives the critical speed 𝜔mc , which separates
continuous conduction from discontinuous conduction for a given 𝛼.
Ra Vm sin 𝜙 e − 𝛼 cot 𝜙 − sin (𝛼 − 𝜙) e − 𝜋 cot 𝜙
𝜔mc = . (26)
K Z 1 − e − 𝜋 cot 𝜙
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
Continuous Conduction
α = 0o
2Vm/πK π
Figure 7. Speed torque curves of single-phase half-controlled rectifier fed separately excited motor.
Continuous Conduction
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
Continuous Conduction
Half controlled Ia
2Vm /π
π + -
0 Va E ωm
π/2 α
- +
(a) Va – α curve
any α , Vm < 0
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Controlled Rectifier Fed dc Drives Single-Phase Fully Controlled Rectifier Control Single-Phase Half-Controlled Rectifier Control
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
dc Motor Drives
March 9, 2024
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
Ac Source
T2 E
T4 T6 ia
0 α
π 2π
(a) Drive Circuit E π/3
(b) Motoring operation, α = 300
T3 T5 T1
T4 T6 T2
α ia
0 2π
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
• Thyristors are fired in the sequence of their numbers with a phase difference of
60◦ by gate pulses of 120◦ duration.
• Each thyristor conducts for 120◦ , and two thyristors conduct at a time, one from
upper group (odd numbered thyristors) and the other from lower group (even
numbered thyristors) applying respective line voltage to the motor.
• Transfer of current from an outgoing to incoming thyristor → when the respective
line voltage is of such a polarity that not only forward biases the incoming thyristor,
but also leads to the reverse biasing of the outgoing when incoming turns-on.
• Thus, firing angle for a thyristor is measured from the instant when the respective
line voltage is zero and increasing.
• For example, the transfer of current from thyristor T5 to thyristor T1 can occur as
long as the line voltage vAC is positive.
• Hence, for thyristor T1 firing angle 𝛼 is measured from the instant vAC = 0 and
increases as shown in Fig. 1 (b) and (c).
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
Figure 2. Speed torque curves of drive of Fig. 1 (a) neglecting discontinuous conduction.
• For rectifier circuit, under continuous conduction
3 Vm
Va = ( 1 + cos 𝛼) . (6)
3 Vm Ra
𝜔m = ( 1 + cos 𝛼) − T. (7)
2𝜋K K2
• Consequently, the drive operates only in quadrant I.
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
ia R R TR
b b b
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3. Four quadrant drive employing single converter and a reversing switch.
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
• When slow operation and frequent maintenance associated with the contactor is
not acceptable, reversing switch is realized using four thyristors as shown in Fig.
3 (c).
• In both the configurations of RS, the switching is done at zero current in order to
avoid voltage spikes and to reduce its rating.
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
The speed reversal (transfer of operation from quadrant I to III or from quadrant III
to I) is done as follows:
• A delay time of 2 to 10 ms is provided to make sure that the thyristors which were
conducting have all fully turned off.
• Such long delay (compared to thyristor turn-off time which is of few hundred
micro- seconds) is required in order to take care of errors in zero current sensing.
• Now the armature connection is reversed and firing pulses are released with the
firing angle set at the highest value.
• The current control adjust the firing angle continuously so as to brake the motor
at the maximum allowable current from initial speed to zero speed and then
accelerates the motor (again at the maximum allowable current) to the desired
speed in the reverse direction.
• The operation at the maximum current during speed reversal ensures braking and
acceleration at the maximum motor torque, ensuring fast reversal.
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
Dual Converter
ac supply
Figure 4. Dual converter control of dc separately excited motor. A and B are fully controlled rectifiers.
Inductors L1 and L2 are used only with simultaneous control.
Dual Converter
There are two methods of control for the dual converter:
• (a) In simultaneous control both the rectifiers are controlled together.
• In order to avoid dc circulating current between rectifiers, they are operated to
produce same dc voltage across the motor terminals.
• Thus VA + VB = 0.
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
Dual Converter
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
Dual Converter
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
Dual Converter
• Now, firing pulses are withdrawn from rectifier A and transferred to rectifier B.
• Now onwards the current control loop adjust the firing angle 𝛼B continuously so
as to brake the motor at the maximum allowable current from initial speed to zero
speed and then accelerates to the desired speed in the reverse direction.
• The dead time, and therefore, the reversal time can be reduced by employing
methods which can sense the current zero accurately.
• When this is done, non-simultaneous control provides faster response than simul-
taneous control.
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
• As shown in Fig. 5, armature is fed from a fully-controlled rectifier and the field
from a dual converter so that field current can be reversed.
• With field current in one direction, the motor operates in quadrants I and IV.
• When field current is reverted, it operates in quadrants III and II.
• The dual converter operates with non-simultaneous control.
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
The conventional Ward Leonard scheme suffers from the following disadvantages
compared to Static Ward Leonard scheme:
• (i) higher initial cost due to use of two additional machines of same rating as the
main motor
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
The static Ward Leonard scheme, in comparison with conventional, has following
• (i) There is no provision for load equalisation. Therefore, when used in intermittent
load applications, load fluctuations cause heavy fluctuations of supply current and
voltage, which adversely effects quality of supply and stability of generating plant.
• (ii) It generates considerable amount of harmonics, which again adversally affect
quality of supply and performance of generating plant.
• (iii) Operates at a low power factor particularly at low speeds. For large power
drives with low line capacity, low power factor and large harmonics cause great
On the whole, static Ward Leonard drive is preferred over conventional Ward Leonard
drive in most applications.
• The conventional drive is however preferred for large-size intermittent load
applications where drive capacity forms a significant part of source capacity.
• It is noted that when the source of power is non-electrical, as in diesel electric
locomotive or ship propulsion, conventional Ward Leonard drive can only be used.
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
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Three-Phase Fully-Controlled Rectifier Control
Thank You
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
dc Motor Drives
February 5, 2024
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
3 Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
Va L ia
Vs ia
e = f (ia)ω m 0 α π π +α 2π
T1,D1 T2,D2
D1,D2 D1,D2
(a) (b)
Va = Ea + Ia Ra (5)
Va − Ia Ra
𝜔m = and (6)
T = Ka ia . (7)
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
0 T
Figure 2. Speed-torque curves of series motor fed from a controlled rectifier.
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
3 Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
Va ωt
0 π 2π
(a) (b)
0 α π 2π
(a) (b)
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
Where, V and Irms are rms source voltage and current, respectively.
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
3 Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
• Choppers, also commonly known as dc-to-dc converters, are used to get variable
dc voltage from a dc source of fixed voltage.
• Self-commutated devices, such as MOSFETS, power transistors.
• IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor), GTO (gate turn-off thyristor) and IGCT
(insulated gate commutated thyristor), are preferred over thyristors for building
choppers because they can be commutated by a low power control signal and do
not reed commutation circuit.
• Further, they an be operated at a higher frequency for the same rating.
• The operation at a high frequency improves motor performance by reducing
current ripple and eliminating discontinuous conduction.
• While MOSFETS are used for low power and low voltage applications, IGBT and
power transistor are employed in medium power ratings, and GTO and IGCT are
employed for high power ratings.
• One important feature of chopper control is that regenerative braking can be
carried out up very low speeds even when the drive is fed from a fixed voltage dc
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
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Rectifier Control of dc Series Motor Control of Fractional hp Motors Chopper-Controlled dc Drives
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
dc Motor Drives
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
Ra va va
DF vo Ra
Motor va va
V + La
- V DF vo La
Motor ia ia
- + ia ia
E ia2
Tr - +E ia2
Tr -
00 TT
T T wt wt
(a) (b)
Motoring Control
• A transistor chopper controlled separately excited motor drive is shown in Fig. 1
• Transistor Tr is operated periodically with period T and remains on for a duration
ton .
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
d ia
Ra ia + La + E = V , o ≤ t ≤ ton . (1)
• In this interval, armature current increases from ia1 to ia2 . Since the motor is
connected to the source during this interval, it is called duty interval.
• At t = ton , Tr is turned-off.
• Motor current freewheels through diode DF and motor terminal voltage is zero
during interval ton ≤ t ≤ T .
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
Regenerative Braking
va va
C Tr
La ia ia
E ia1
- 0 Ton T wt
Regenerative Braking
• When Tr is turned off, armature current flows through diode D and source V , and
reduces from ia2 to ia1 .
• The stored electromagnetic energy and energy supplied by machine is fed to the
• The interval 0 ≤ t ≤ ton is now called energy storage interval and interval
ton ≤ t ≤ T the duty interval.
• If 𝛿 is defined as the ratio of duty interval to period T , then
Duty interval T − ton
𝛿 = = . (7)
• From Fig. 2 (b),
∫ T
Va = V dt = 𝛿 V . (8)
T ton
• Now,
E − 𝛿V
Ia = (9)
• Since Ia has reversed
T = − K Ia . (10)
𝛿V Ra
𝜔m = − T. (11)
K K2
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
Regenerative Braking
ωm δ increasing
Braking Motoring
-T T
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
Tr1 D1 Motor
+ C Ra
- Tr2 Vo La
δT T T+δT 2T
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
Dynamic Braking
ia Motor
Ra ia1
R Tr vo La
+ ia
E ia2
ton T ωt
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Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
Dynamic Braking
• The energies generated and stored in inductance are dissipated in braking resistance
RB , Ra and diode D.
• Transistor Tr controls the magnitude of energy dissipated in RB , and therefore,
controls its effective value.
• If ia is assumed to be rippleless dc, then energy consumed EN by RB during a
cycle of chopper operation is
EN = Ia2 RB ( T − ton ) . (14)
• Average power consumed by RB
P = = Ia2 RB ( 1 − 𝛿) . (15)
• Effective value of RB
RBE = = RB ( 1 − 𝛿) . (16)
Where, 𝛿 = tTo .
• Eq. 16 shows that the effective value of braking resistor can be changed steplessly
from 0 to RB as 𝛿 is controlled from 1 to 0.
• As the speed falls, 𝛿 can be increased steplessly to brake the motor at a constant
maximum torque by chain-dotted line.
dc Motor Drives 13 / 19
Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
dc Motor Drives 14 / 19
Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
increasing increasing
δ δ
-T 0 T
Figure 6. Motoring and regenerative braking characteristics of chopper controlled series motor.
• Chopper circuit and va and ia waveforms will be same as shown in Fig. 1.
• Va is given by
∫ ton
Va = V dt = 𝛿 V . (17)
T 0
• However, e is not constant but varies with ia .
• Due to saturation of magnetic circuit, relationship between e and ia , is non-linear.
• The nature of speed torque curves is shown in Fig. 6.
dc Motor Drives 15 / 19
Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
Regenerative Braking
• With chopper control, regenerative braking of series motor can also be obtained.
• Power circuit of Fig. 2 (a) is employed.
• During regenerative braking, series motor functions as a self-excited series
• For self-excitation, current flowing through field winding should assist residual
• ∴ when changing from motoring to braking connection, while direction of
armature current should reverse, field current should flow in the same direction.
• This is achieved by reversing the field with respect to armature when changing
from motoring to braking operation.
• Waveforms of va and ia will be same as those of Fig. 2 (b).
𝛿 V + Ia Ra
𝜔m = and (18)
T = − Ka Ia . (19)
• For a chosen value of Ia , Ka is obtained from magnetization characteristic.
• Then T and 𝜔m are obtained from Eqs. 19 and 18, respectively.
• The nature of speed-torque characteristics is shown in Fig. 6.
• Such characteristics give unstable operation with most loads.
• Consequently, regenerative braking of the series motor is difficult.
dc Motor Drives 16 / 19
Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
Dynamic Braking
ia Motor
Ra ia1
R Tr vo La
E ia2
• Since the motor works as a self-excited generator, when changing from motoring
to braking, field should be reversed.
dc Motor Drives 17 / 19
Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
dc Motor Drives 18 / 19
Chopper Control of Separately Excited dc Motors Chopper Control of Series Motor
Thank You
dc Motor Drives 19 / 19
Starting Braking
1 Starting
2 Braking
Starting arrangement is chosen based on the load requirements and nature of supply
(weak or stiff). It nay be required to have the following features:
• Motor should develop enough 𝜏st to overcome friction, 𝜏l and inertia of motor-load
system, and thus, complete the staring process within a prescribed time limit.
• Starting current magnitude should be such that it does not cause the overheating of
the machine and does not cause a dip in the source voltage beyond a permissible
• Usually, a motor draws 5 to 7 times rated current during starting.
• When load torque during starting and motor-load-inertia are not large, the starting
process is over in a few seconds and therefore, motor temperature does not exceed
the permissible value.
• In such applications, motor can always be started direct on line, provided the
voltage dip caused by large starting current not beyond a permissible value.
• For small size motors voltage dip in the supply line is usually below acceptable
• When the motor is of large capacity and/or fed from a weak system some starting
arrangement becomes necessary for reducing the starting current.
• In these applications it does not matter if the reduction in starting current is
accompanied by a reduction in starting torque.
Induction Motor Drives 3 / 23
Starting Braking
• When either the 𝜏l during starting is high or load inertia is large, the starting
process takes long time.
• If motor carries large current during starting, it will get damaged due to overheating.
• ∴ motor cannot be started direct on line.
• In these cases, those methods of starting which allow a decrease in starting current
without a decrease in 𝜏st are employed.
• In some applications an increase in 𝜏st accompanied by a decrease in starting
current may be required.
• In a squirrel-cage motor some measures for improvement of starting performance
may be taken at design stage, as in case of high slip, deep-bar and double cage
squirrel-cage motors.
• When needed, methods employed for starting squirrel-cage motors are:
(1) Star-delta starter
(2) Auto-transformer starter
(3) Reactor starter
(4) Saturable reactor starter
(5) Part winding starter
(6) ac voltage controller starter
(7) Rotor resistance starter is used for starting of wound-rotor motor
Induction Motor Drives 4 / 23
Starting Braking
Star-Delta Starter
Auto-transformer Starter
Reactor Starter
(a) (b)
• For soft start, a cheaper alternative shown in Fig. 5 (a), can also be employed.
• It consists of a variable impedance Z in one of the phases of machine.
• When impedance is very high, machine operates with single phasing and its
speed-torque characteristic is similar to characteristic A of Fig. 5 (b), with a zero
starting torque.
• When impedance is completely removed, speed torque curve is similar to the
characteristic B, which is the natural characteristic of machine.
• For intermediate values of impedance, speed-torque curve will lie in between
curves A and B.
• A smooth start, without a jerk, is achieved when impedance is controlled steplessly.
• The impedance may be a variable resistor or a single phase saturable reactor.
Induction Motor Drives 11 / 23
Starting Braking
CB m
I r min Ir max Ir
(a) (b)
1 Starting
2 Braking
Regenerative Braking
• The power input to an induction motor is given by
Where, 𝜙s is the phase angle between stator phase voltage V and the stator phase
current Is .
• For motoring operation 𝜙s < 90◦ .
• If the rotor speed becomes greater than synchronous speed, relative speed between
the rotor conductors and air-gap rotating field reverses.
• This reverses the rotor induced emf, rotor current and component of stator current
which balances the rotor ampere turns.
• Consequently, angle 𝜙s becomes greater than 90◦ and power flow reverses, giving
regenerative braking.
• Magnetizing current required to produce air-gap flux is obtained from the source.
• The nature of speed-torque characteristic is shown in Fig. 8.
• When fed from a source of fixed frequency, regenerative braking is possible only
for speeds greater than synchronous speed.
Regenerative Braking
ω ms
0 T
0 T
0 T Plugging
−ω ms
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Plugging (a) 1: natural characteristic, 2: with external resistance in rotor and (b) plugging in IV
quadrant with large external resistance in rotor.
• When phase sequence of supply of the motor running at a speed is reversed, by
interchanging connections of any two phases of stator with respect to supply
terminals, operation shifts from motoring to plugging as shown in Fig. 9.
• Plugging characteristics are actually extension of motoring characteristics for
negative phase sequence from quadrant III to II.
• Reversal of phase sequence reverses the direction of rotating field.
Induction Motor Drives 19 / 23
Starting Braking
Thank You
3 dc Dynamic Braking
ac Dynamic Braking
(a) Motoring (b) Two lead connection (c) Three lead connection
• ac dynamic braking is obtained when the motor is run on a single phase supply by
disconnecting one phase from the source and either leaving it open (Fig. 1 (b)) or
connecting it with another machine phase (Fig. 1 (c)).
• The two connections of Fig. 1 (b) and (c) are, respectively, known as two and
three lead connections.
Induction Motor Drives 3 / 28
Dynamic or Rheostatic Braking Self-Excited Braking using Capacitors dc Dynamic Braking Zero Sequence Braking
ac Dynamic Braking
• When connected to a 1-phase supply, the motor can be considered to be fed by
positive and negative sequence three-phase set of voltages.
• Net torque produced by the machine is sum of torques due to positive and negative
sequence voltages.
• When rotor has a high resistance, the net toruqe is negative and braking operation
is obtained.
The motor analysis for two and three lead connections is done as follows:
• Two lead connection: Assume that phase A of Y-connected motor is open circuited.
• Then ĪA = 0 and Īc = − ĪB .
• Hence, positive and negative sequence components overline Īp and Īn , respectively
are given by
1 1 √
Īp = ĪA + 𝛼 ĪB + 𝛼2 ĪC = 0 + 𝛼 ĪB − 𝛼2 ĪB = j ĪB / 3. (1)
3 3
1 1 √
Īn = ĪA + 𝛼2 ĪB + 𝛼 ĪC = 0 + 𝛼2 ĪB − 𝛼 ĪB = − j ĪB / 3. (2)
3 3
Where, 𝛼 is given by 𝛼 = ej 120 = cos 120◦ + j sin 120◦ .
ac Dynamic Braking
Rs Xs Ip
X'r ωm
R'r s sequence
V ω ms
X r'
R'r (2-s) sequence
Rs Xs
In T
(a) Equivalent circuit (b) Speed-torque curves
ac Dynamic Braking
√ √
• With an applied voltage j Vac / 3 if current is Ip = − In = j IB / 3, it follows
that with an applied phase voltage V the current would be IB /( ( 3)).
• Equivalent circuit may therefore be drawn as shown in Fig. 3 (a).
• Although the values of positive and negative sequence components of current
are equal, the corresponding torques are not.
• The nature of speed-torque curves for positive and negative sequence currents,
and net torque are shown in Fig. 6.16 (b).
• By suitable choice of rotor resistance, braking torque can be obtained in the
entire speed range.
• As the rotor resistance required is large, ac dynamic braking can only be used in
wound-rotor motors.
• In this connection at high speeds (or at low values of slip), the impedance of
positive sequence component part becomes very high.
• As positive and negative sequence components of current have to be equal, net
braking torque is small, and therefore, braking is not very effective.
ac Dynamic Braking
• Here, two phases of Y-connected motor winding are connected in parallel in series
with the third phase (Fig. 1 (c)).
• Let phases A and B be connected together, then
√ √
V̄ AB = 0, V̄ BC = 3 V and V̄ CA = − 3 V .
• Hence,
V̄ p (line) = V̄ AB + 𝛼 V̄ BC + 𝛼2 V̄ CA /3.
√ √
= 0 + 𝛼 3 V − 𝛼 2 3 V /3 = j V . (4)
V̄ n (line) = V̄ AB + 𝛼2 V̄ BC + 𝛼 V̄ CA /3(5)
√ √
= 0 + 𝛼2 3 V − 𝛼 3 V /3 = − j V (6)
Vp (phase) = Vn (phase) = √ . (7)
ac Dynamic Braking
Rs Xs Ip
X'r ωm
R'r s sequence
V ω ms
X r'
R'r (2-s) sequence
Rs Xs
In T
(a) Equivalent circuit (b) Speed-torque curves
ac Dynamic Braking
• In contrast to two lead connection, here magnitude of positive and negative
sequence components of voltage are equal and not the positive and negative
sequence components of currents.
• Positive and negative sequence parts of the circuit are independent, and therefore,
there is no restriction imposed on negative sequence component of current by
positive sequence part of equivalent circuit.
• Thus higher braking torques are obtained (compared to two lead connection) at
high speeds.
• The speed-torque characteristic with this connection is the same as shown in Fig.
1 (b).
• Any inequality between the contact resistances in connections of two paralleled
phases reduces the braking torque and can even lead to motoring torque, as the
condition tends more towards two lead connection with increasing resistance in
one of the two phases (as rotor resistance employed is less than the two lead
• Therefore, two lead connection is generally preferred in spite of its low torque.
• Main application of single-phase ac braking is in crane hoist.
3 dc Dynamic Braking
A ωm
a B
0 Ic , I m 0 T
(a) (b) (c)
• In this method three capacitors are kept permanently connected across the
motor terminals.
• Values of capacitors is so chosen that when disconnected from the line, motor
works as a self- excited induction generator.
• Curve A is no load magnetization curve of the machine at a given speed, and line
B represents the current through capacitors, given by
√ √
Ic = 3 E /Xc = 3 E 𝜔 C. (8)
• Capacitors supply the necessary reactive current for excitation. Operation occurs
at point C which is the inter-section of two characteristics.
• When speed falls, value of E for the same magnetization current falls and the new
magnetization characteristic a is obtained.
• On the other hand, the slope of E versus Ic , characteristic increases, giving new
characteristic b.
• Thus, reduction in speed while shifts the magnetization curves downward, slope
of capacitor voltage vs current curve increases.
• At certain critical speed, which is usually high, two curves fail to intersect and the
machine therefore does not self-excite and braking torque falls to zero.
• This scheme is rarely used, as braking torque drops to zero at a speed which is
usually high.
3 dc Dynamic Braking
dc Dynamic Braking
Id Id
Vd Vd Vd Vd
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 5. Various stator connections for dc dynamic braking: (a) and (d) are two lead connections and (b) and
(c) are three lead connections.
dc Dynamic Braking
dc Dynamic Braking
• As the field is stationary, the relative speed between rotor conductors and the field
is now 𝜔m .
• Frequency of induced voltage will be equal to the frequency of ac source voltage
(or rated motor frequency when omegam = 𝜔ms .
• Let voltage induced in the rotor when running at a synchronous speed be Er .
• When running at a speed 𝜔m the induced voltage and its frequency will be s Er
and s f , respectively. Then
𝜔m ( 1 − s) 𝜔ms
s = = = ( 1 − s) . (9)
𝜔ms 𝜔ms
• This yields per phase equivalent circuit of Fig. 7 (a) for the rotor.
• Dividing all quantities by S will yield an equivalent circuit at the rated frequency.
dc Dynamic Braking
SXr Rr I'r X'r R'r s
Ir Id
ErS E Vd Reff
Im Im
Is E Is E
Xm R'r s
(d) (e)
Figure 7. Derivation of dc dynamic braking equivalent circuit. (a) and (b) are rotor equivalent circuits, (c)
and (d) are stator equivalent circuits and (e) is the complete equivalent circuit.
dc Dynamic Braking
• Equivalent circuit Fig. 7 (c) suggests that the stator mmf is constant and independent
of speed.
• ∴ imagine stator to be fed by a three-phase balanced current source of rated
frequency giving a phase current Is .
• The ac current Is will be equivalent to Id provided it produces stator mmf of same
amplitude as the dc current Id .
• Thus, we are replacing a stationary stator mmf produced by dc current Id by a
mmf (produced by Is ) of identical amplitude but revolving at synchronous speed.
• Difference of these two mmfs will be air-gap mmf which will be responsible for
producing air-gap flux which in turn cause voltage E of rated frequency to be
induced in the stator.
• Per phase equivalent circuit of stator at rated frequency thus takes the form shown
in Fig. 7 (d).
• Combining equivalent circuits of Fig. 7 (b) and (d) and removing the transformer
gives rated frequency per phase equivalent circuit (Fig. 7 (e)).
dc Dynamic Braking
• Ir is small for small s, and therefore, Im approaches Is .
• Because of large value of Im , the magnetic circuit gets saturated.
• Thus, Xm is not constant but varies with Im .
• For accurate analysis, variation of Xm with Im must be taken into account.
• Relationship between Is and Id depends on the stator connection.
• As an example let us derive it for the two lead connection of Fig. 5 (a).
• Here IA = Id and IB = − Id .
• If N is effective number of turns in each winding then peak mmf produced by
phase A will be Id N and the peak mmf produced by phase B will be (− Id N ).
• Assuming these mmfs to be sinusoidally distributed in space, peak of the resultant
mmf will be h i 1/2
F = FA2 + FB2 + 2 FA FB cos 120◦
h i 1/2
= ( Id N ) 2 + (− Id N ) 2 + 2 ( Id N ) (− Id N ) (− 0.5)
= 3 Id N. (10)
dc Dynamic Braking
• When machine is fed by a balance thre–phase current source Is , peak of stator
mmf is
′ 3 √
F = ( 2 Is ) N (11)
• Is will be equivalent of Id when F = F . Therefore from Eqs. 10 and 11
Is = Id . (12)
√ √ √
• Values of Is for other connections are Id / 2; Id / 6 and 2 Id /3.
• The speed-torque characxtristic is calculated as follows.
• From equivalent circuit of Fig. 7 (e)
E = Im Xm (13)
′ !2
′ R ′
E 2 = Ir r + Xr 2 . (14)
• Consider distribution of currents between parallel branches formed by Xm and
the rotor
′ !2
2 2 ′ 2 Rr ′2 2
Is Xm = Ir + ( Xr + Xm ) (15)
Induction Motor Drives 21 / 28
Dynamic or Rheostatic Braking Self-Excited Braking using Capacitors dc Dynamic Braking Zero Sequence Braking
dc Dynamic Braking
• Substracting Eq. 14 from 15 yields
′ Is2 − Im
Ir 2 = ′ (16)
1 + Xr
• From Eq. 14
s = 1/2 (17)
′ ′
( E /Ir ) 2 − Xr 2
• The motor torque is
3 ′ ′
T = ( Ir 2 Rr /s) . (18)
• Since Xm is a function of Im Eqs. 13 - 17 are non-linear algebraic equations.
• Use of the following steps avoids the need for a numerical solution.
• Assume a value of Im obtain corresponding E from magnetization characteristic,
calculate Xm from Eq. 13, obtain Ir from 16, calculate s from Eq. 16 and then
𝜔m and T from Eqs. 9 and 18, respectively.
• Fig. 8 Shows the nature of speed torque curves for two values of rotor resistance.
dc Dynamic Braking
3 dc Dynamic Braking
ω ms
1/3 ω ms
ac or dc
0 T
(a) (b)
• In this braking, three stator phases are connected in series across either a single
phase ac or a dc source as shown in Fig. 9 (a).
• Such a connection is known as a zero-sequence connection, because currents in
all the stator windings are co-phasal.
• The mmf caused by co-phasal (or zero-sequence) currents produces a magnetic
field having three times the number of poles for which the machine is actually
• With an ac supply, the resultant field is stationary in space and pulsates at the
frequency of supply.
Induction Motor Drives 25 / 28
Dynamic or Rheostatic Braking Self-Excited Braking using Capacitors dc Dynamic Braking Zero Sequence Braking
Thank You
1 Transient Analysis
Transient Analysis
• Such an analysis is based on the assumption that electrical time constants can be
neglected, as they are very small compared to mechanical time constant.
• Thus, we can write following equation for transient operation of an induction
motor drive,
d 𝜔m
J = = 𝜏(𝜔m ) − 𝜏l (𝜔m ) . (1)
• Eq. 1 can be evaluated graphically to obtain 𝜔m versus t curve, and energy losses
in motor and external rotor resistance.
• In some cases, Eq. 3 will be in integral form, and therefore, can be solved
• It is useful to examine the transients for starting and plugging operations when
operating on no-load. Thus, from Eq. 3 for no-load operation
d 𝜔m 2 𝜏max
J = s sm . (4)
dt sm + s
Where, 𝜏m = 𝜏max .
• 𝜏m is the mechanical time constant of motor. Is is defined as the time taken by
motor to reach its synchronous speed from standstill under constant accelerating
torque equal to the maximum torque of motor.
• From Eq. 6, time required to start an induction motor on no load is
∫ 0.05
s sm
ts = − + ds. (7)
2 1 sm s
• When operating on load, steady-state is reached when s = 0. item Thus, during
the starting slip, changes from 1 to 0.
• Eq. 18 suggests that rotor winding loss can be reduced when started by using
methods based on the variation of synchronous speed.
• As an example let us consider a motor with an arrangement for doubling the pole
• Let it be started with higher pole number for which the synchronous speed is
𝜔ms /2. item Then, from Eq. 18 rotor copper loss for change of speed from 0 to
𝜔ms /2 will be J 𝜔2ms /8.
• Now, the pole numbered is lowered. Consequently, rotor copper loss for speed
range 𝜔ms /2 to 𝜔ms will be
0 J 𝜔2ms
Esr = J 𝜔2ms s ds = . (23)
0.5 8
• Thus, total rotor winding loss is J 𝜔2ms /4, which is one-half of the copper loss
when there is no provision for doubling the pole number.
1 Transient Analysis
Tr1 Tr3
A B Tr5 C
(a) Transistor inverter-fed induction motor drive
π 2π π 2π
0 π/6 5π/6 ωt 0 ωt
(b) Stepped waveform inverter line voltage waveform (c) PWM inverter line voltage waveform
• Variable frequency and variable voltage supply for induction motor control can be
obtained either from a voltage source inverter (VSI) or a cycloconverter.
• Fig. 1 (a) shows a VSI employing transistors.
• Any other self-commutated device can be used instead of a transistor.
• Generally MOSFET is used in low voltage and low power inverters, IGBT (insulated
gate bipolar transistor) and power transistors are used up to medium power levels
and GTO (gate turn off thyristor) and IGCT (insulated gate commutated thyristor)
are used for high power levels.
• VSI can be operated as a stepped wave inverter or a pulse-width modulated (PWM)
• When operated as a stepped wave inverter, transistors are switched in the sequence
of their numbers with a time difference of T /6 and each transistor is kept on for
the duration T /2, where T is the time period for one cycle.
• Resultant line voltage waveform is shown in Fig. 1 (b).
dc link
Filter Id
ac Controlled L Six step
supply rectifier C Vd inverter IM
dc link
Filter Id
supply C Vd IM
Filter Id
ac L PWM
supply Diode bridge C Vd IM
dc link
Where, V and Is are fundamental components of the motor phase voltage and
current, respectively. 𝜙 is the phase angle between V and Is .
• In motoring operation 𝜙 < 90◦ , therefore Pin is positive i.e., power flows from
the inverter to the machine.
• A reduction in frequency makes the synchronous speed less than the rotor speed
and the relative speed between the rotor conductors and air-gap rotating field
• This reveries the rotor induced emf, rotor current and component of stator current
which balances the rotor ampere turns.
• Consequently, angle 𝜙 becomes greater than 90◦ and power flow reverses.
• The machine works as a generator feeding power into the inverter, which in turn
feeds power into dc link by reversing the dc link current Id .
• Regenerative braking is obtained when the power flowing from the inverter to the
dc link is usefully employed and dynamic braking is obtained when it is wasted in
a resistance.
Induction Motor Drives 18 / 28
Transient Analysis Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) Control
Dynamic Braking
ac Diode Vd IM
C inverter
supply bridge
Dynamic Braking
Regenerative Braking
Regenerative Braking
Vs Is Ls V1
Vx L
n Vd inverter IM
Ls inverter C
Synchronous Controller
link converter
Figure 4. VSI IM drive with regenerative braking capacity (SLC fed PWM inverter IM drive).
• Thus, while its performance is superior, it requires less devices than a dual
• A regenerative drive with a SLC and PWM inverter is shown in Fig. 4.
• The inductors Ls and PWM inverter I constitute a SLC.
• PWM inverter I is operated to produce voltage V1 of required magnitude and
phase with a low harmonic content.
• So that current source Is is nearly sinusoidal and in phase with Vs for motoring
and 180◦ out of phase for braking, thus giving unity power factor.
Induction Motor Drives 22 / 28
Transient Analysis Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) Control
Regenerative Braking
Is Vs VI
0 δ
(a) Motoring operation (b) Braking operation
Regenerative Braking
• When the drive of Fig. 4 is operating in steady state, power supplied (taken) by
SLC must be equal to power taken (supplied) by PWM inverter II.
• Since the two work independent of each other, this is achieved by providing
closed-loop control of the dc link voltage.
• When the power supplied by SLC to the dc link equals the power taken by PWM
inverter II, no energy will be supplied or taken from the capacitor C and its voltage
will be constant and equal to the reference value Vd∗ .
• If now the load on IM is increased, power taken by PWM inverter II from the dc
link will be higher than the power supplied by the SLC.
• Hence, the capacitor voltage Vd will fall below its reference value V ∗ .
• The closed-loop voltage control will increase the value of Is and, therefore power
supplied to the dc link.
• Hence, the dc link voltage will be brought back to the reference value.
Regenerative Braking
• Since SLC works as a boost converter, the closed-loop control of dc link voltage
provides the drive with ride through capability against a voltage sag and under
• When ac source voltage falls, the closed loop voltage control maintains the dc link
voltage constant by increasing Is and thus, the motor continues to be provided
constant voltage, and therefore, produces same maximum power and torque.
• The drive of Fig. 2 (b) can have regenerative braking capability by replacing
controlled rectifier by a dual converter.
• The SLC cannot be used because it requires operation at a constant dc link voltage,
whereas with six step inverter dc link voltage must be varied.
• The drive of Fig 2 (a) will have regenerative braking capability if a two-quadrant
chopper of Fig. 5.44 (capable of providing voltage of one polarity and current in
either direction) is used.
• Four quadrant operation can be obtained by any drive with braking (regenerative
or dynamic) capability.
• A reduction of the inverter frequency, to make synchronous speed less than the
motor speed, transfers the operation from quadrant I (forward motoring) to II
(forward braking).
• The inverter frequency and voltage are progressively reduced as speed falls to
brake the machine up to zero speed.
• Now, the phase sequence of the inverter output voltage is reversed by interchanging
the firing pulses between the switches of any two legs of the inverter.
• This transfers the operation to quadrant III (reverse motoring).
• The inverter frequency and voltage are increased to get the required speed in
reverse direction.
Thank You
• All types of synchronous motors give operation with a constant pull-out torque.
• For higher speeds, the machine is operated at a rated terminal voltage and variable
frequency, and the pull-out torque decreases with an increase in frequency.
• Variable frequency control may employ any of the two modes: (i) true synchronous
mode or (ii) self-controlled mode, also known as self-synchronous mode.
• In true synchronous mode, the stator supply frequency is controlled from an
independent oscillator.
• Frequency from its initial to the desired value is changed gradually so that the
difference between synchronous speed and rotor speed is always small.
• This allows rotor speed to track the changes in synchronous speed.
• When the desired synchronous speed (or frequency) is reached, the rotor pulls into
step, after hunting oscillations.
• Variable frequency control not only allows speed control, but it can also be used for
smooth starting and regenerative braking, as long as it is ensured that the changes
in frequency are slow enough for the rotor to track changes in synchronous speed.
• A motor with damper winding is used for pull-in to synchronism.
V* α
f* f
Delay circuit
Synchronous reluctance or
permanent magnet motors
+ -
3-phase T1 T3 T5
Vds Vdl
ac supply
+ T4 T6 T2
• For 0◦ ≤ 𝛼s ≤ 90◦ , 90 ≤ 𝛼l ≤ 180 and with Vds > Vdl , the source side converter
works as a rectifier and load side converter as an inverter, causing power to flow
from ac source to the motor motoring operation.
• When firing angles are changed such that 90◦ ≤ 𝛼s ≤ 180◦ and 0◦ ≤ 𝛼l ≤ 90◦ ,
the load side converter operates as a rectifier and the source side as an inverter.
• Consequently, the power flow reverses and machine operates in regenerative
• The magnitude of torque depends on ( Vds − Vdl ).
• Speed can be changed by control of fine side converter firing angles.
• When working as an inverter, the firing angle has to be less than 180◦ to take care
of commutation overlap and turn-off of thyristors.
• It is common to define a commutation lead angle for load side converter as
𝛽l = 180◦ − 𝛼l . (1)
• If commutation overlap is ignored, the input ac current of the converter will lag
behind input ac voltage by angle 𝛼L . Since motor input current has an opposite
phase to converter input current, the motor current will lead its terminal voltage
by an angle 𝛽l .
• ∴ motor operates at a leading power factor.
• Lower the value of 𝛽l , higher the motor power factor and lower the inverter rating.
• The commutation overlap for the load side converter depends on the subtransient
inductance of the motor.
• The motor is provided with a damper winding in order to reduce subtransient
• This allows operation with a substantially lower value of 𝛽l .
• The damper winding does not play its conventional roles of starting the machine
as an induction motor and to damp oscillations, because rotor and rotating field
speeds are always the same.
𝛾 = 𝛽l − u. (2)
• For successful commutation of thyristor
𝛾 > 𝜔 tq . (3)
Where, tq is the turn-off time of thyristors and 𝜔 is the frequency of motor voltage
in rad/s.
Sign of
Current eωm
B ͛
currents ͛
is2 >Ϯ
Six pulse
Secondary phase currents
Figure 4. High power synchronous motor drive with series connections of 6-pulse converters to obtain 12-
pulse configurations.
Synchronous Motor and and Brushless dc Motor Drives 22 / 29
Synchronous Motor Variable Speed Drives Variable Frequency Control Self-Controlled Synchronous Motor Drive Permanent Magnet ac Motor Drives
• At very high power levels, harmonics generated at the source and motor terminals
require special attention.
• Single line diagram of a high power drive is shown in Fig. 4.
• The source side harmonics are reduced by using a 12-pulse converter.
• For this two six-pulse converters are connected in series.
• The supply for the converters is obtained through a transformer with primary
connected in star and having two secondary windings, one connected in star feeds
one six pulse converter and another connected in delta feeds another six pulse
• This way 30◦ phase shift is provided between the input voltages of two six-pulse
• The input current waveforms of two converters and source current are shown in
Fig. 4.
• The source current is more close to the sinusoidal compared to six-pulse converter.
• The harmonics in motor current produce torque pulsations and losses in rotor and
damper windings due to induced harmonic currents.
• These effects are minimized by using a synchronous motor equipped with two
three phase windings on stator with a phase shift of 30◦ between their axes and
feeding them from two series connected six-pulse load commutated converters
with their output current phase shifted by 30◦ (Fig. 4).
• The resultant stator mmf has twelve pulse waveform.
• ∴ torque pulsations and rotor and damper winding losses are reduced.
• When the motor has only single winding, it can be supplied with 12-pulse
current by connecting the series connected six-pulse converters with the motor
via transformers in the same way as mentioned above for source side converters.
Thank You
Traction Drives
Traction Drives 1 / 30
Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Major application of electric drives is in electric traction, i.e., to transport men and
material from one place to another.
Electric Trains
• Electric trains are classified → main line trains and suburban trains.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Main-Line Trains
• Intercity passenger and goods trains which come under this category have trailer
coaches carrying men and material driven by locomotives carrying driving motors.
• Since driving motors travel with locomotive, power supply to the motors is
arranged in two ways:
(i) from overhead transmission line in electrical locomotive and
(ii) from diesel generator set mounted on the locomotive in a diesel-electric
• In an electric locomotive, the driving motor and power modulators are housed in
the locomotive.
• An overhead transmission line is laid along or above the track (or rails).
• A current collector mounted over the locomotive has a conductor strip which slides
against the supply conductor and thus maintains continuous contact between the
supply and the locomotive.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Main-Line Trains
Catanary Dropper wire
Contact wire
Figure 1. Transmission arrangement (catanary).
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Main-Line Trains
• The commonly used collector has the shape of a pentagon, therefore, it is called a
pantograph collector (Fig. 2).
• It has a conducting strip which is pressed against the contact wire by springs.
• The collector strips are usually of steel with grease lubrication, or of carbon, in
which case no lubrication is needed.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Main-Line Trains
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Main-Line Trains
• The auxiliary secondary windings of the transformer feed power for other needs
of the train such as lighting, fans, airconditioning etc.
• The locomotive power ratings can be as high as 6000 HP and more.
• Powering such a large single-phase load can lead to large unbalance in the supply
system which is always three-phase.
• In order to reduce unbalance, the track supply is divided into sections which are
electrically isolated from each other, and substations supplying these sections are
connected to different phases of the three-phase supply.
• Though the unbalance is reduced, its magnitude still remains large.
• If the three-phase supply system capacity is much larger than the power drawn by
the locomotive, then this unbalance will not significantly affect the three-phase
supply system.
• Therefore, it is essential that the main source of traction supply should be sufficiently
• When locomotive travels through different sections, the supply is momentarily
disconnected when it moves from one section to another.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Main-Line Trains
• The movement during the transition occurs because of the inertia. Momentary
disruption of power produces inductive voltage spikes.
• Electric traction is classified as single phase ac and dc depending on the supply.
• It has nothing to do with the motor type.
• Based on the study done by French and German Railways in late forties, 25 kV
was considered suitable for ac traction.
• Indian Railways have also adopted 25 kV, 50 Hz, single phase supply for ac
• 25 kV, 50 Hz ac supply is now being used for main-line traction throughout India,
except Bombay-Igatpuri section where 1500 V dc traction is in use.
• In a diesel-electric locomotive, the electric power is generated within the locomotive
by a diesel engine driven electric generator.
• Capital cost of electric traction employing electric locomotive is very high.
• Because of the necessity of expensive transmission lines, the total cost (capital
plus running) is lower compared to diesel-electric traction using diesel-electric
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Suburban Trains
• They are employed for transporting men within a city or between cities located at
small distances.
• The main difference being that the distance between consecutive stops (or stations)
is much smaller for suburban trains than the main line.
• The suburban trains are also known as local trains. Because of shortage of land
in cities, they are often run through underground tunnels and are called subway
trains, metros or simply underground trains.
• Suburban trains are driven by motor (or motorized) coaches, instead of locomotives.
• Each motor coach is equipped with an electric drive with its controls in driver’s
cabin and a pantograph collector.
• Usual pattern is to use motor coaches and trailer coaches in the ratio 1: 2.
• In high speed trains the ratio may be increased to 1: 1. The trains employing motor
coaches and trailer coaches are also known as electrical multiple unit (EMU)
• Such an arrangement provides the flexibility in train size. During light traffic
periods, one or two units, each consisting of one motor coach and two trailer
coaches form a train.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Suburban Trains
• During rush hours. number of such units are coupled together. Each unit is
provided with local and remote control equipment, so that all the motor coaches
of a train can be controlled from the driver’s cabin of the front motor coach.
• The electric supplies for suburban trains are similar to those used in main line
trains, except in case of underground trains.
• The cost of making underground tunnels is very large, therefore, their size is kept
minimum possible.
• As enough space is not available for a high voltage line, in underground traction,
the voltage chosen is usually small, 500 to 1000 V (in Calcutta metro it is 750 V
• Usually, it is dc because first it needs lesser clearance from the supply conductor to
the train body and the ground and secondly the power modulator becomes simpler
and less expensive.
• The underground trains generally do not use overhead transmission line.
• It is a common practice to use a third rail for the supply.
• The rail may be mounted between the running rails or on one side of the tunnel.
• Brushes are mounted underneath or on the side of the motor coaches, depending
on the location of the supply rail, for current collection. The rails are cheaper
than overhead supply, so they are preferred whenever the chance of pedestrains
comming across them is remote.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Line conductor
Contact bow
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
• Collector system is provided with enough flexibility for the bus to manoeuvre
sideways through traffic without adversely affecting contact between the collector
and supply conductor.
• Arrangement has also to be provided for an additional conductor for the return of
• The trams are electric buses (or cars) which run on rails and consist of a single
motor coach In some cases, one or two trailer coaches are added.
• Current collection is similar to buses and its return can be through one of the rails.
• As trams run on rails, their path through roads is fixed.
• Unless roads are very wide, their movements along with the rest of traffic slows
down. Hence, they are not employed anymore.
• Electric trolleys used for transporting material in mines and factories mostly run
on rails. They are similar to trams, only the shape is different.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
0 Fr
Figure 4. Relation between speed V and train resistance F .
• When the train runs at a constant velocity on level track, a number of frictional
forces oppose its motion.
• The friction at bearings, guides, etc., are classified as internal friction.
• The rolling friction between wheels and rails, and friction between wheel-flanges
and rails is termed as external friction.
• A third category consists of air friction which is independent of weight of the train
but depends upon its size and shape, velocity and relative direction of wind.
• All these frictional forces together are known as train resistance.
• Variation of train resistance (F ) with speed (V ) is shown in Fig. 4, load torque
versus speed curve will have similar nature.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
• The train resistance (or load torque) can also be identified in terms of a common
classification of friction such as windage, viscous friction, coulomb friction,
and stiction.
• Stiction has a large value and the influence of air friction, which varies as the
square of speed, is quite prominent at high speeds.
• When deciding the torque requirements of driving motors, the torque
components required to provide acceleration and to overcome gravity must also
be considered.
• Owing to large inertia, particularly of electric trains, accelerating torque forms
major proportion of the total torque in the accelerating range.
• Because of large values of stiction and accelerating torque, the torque
requirement at the start and during acceleration is much higher than the torque
needed for running at the highest speed.
• ∴ only those drives which develop large torque from zero to the base speed are
suitable for traction application.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Coefficient of Adhesion CA
• In traction, the task of driving equipment consists of pushing the carriage on which
it is mounted and pulling coaches and wagons behind it.
• Wheels coupled to the motors, either directly or through a reduction gear, are
known as driving wheels.
• When motors run, driving wheels in their effort for rotation, exert a frictional force
on the track tangentially backward at points of contact between the driving wheels
and track.
• As a result, driving wheels experience a reaction in the forward direction, conse-
quently, wheels and the carriage move in the forward direction.
• If at the points of contact between the driving wheel and the track, force applied is
large, the wheels may slip, then the wheels turn, but carriage remains stationary.
• A very important factor in traction drives, coefficient of adhesion 𝜇a , provides a
quantitative measure of the tendency of wheels to slip and is defined as:
Maximum tractive effort that can be applied without slipping of wheels
𝜇a =
Weight on the driving axles
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Coefficient of Adhesion CA
• Weight on the driving axles is also the weight on the driving wheels. It is also
known as adhesive weight.
• Tractive effort is the total force at the rims of driving wheels, and therefore, it is
proportional to the motor torque.
• Value of the coefficient of adhesion depends on the condition of surfaces of driving
wheels and track at the point of contact.
• The coefficient of adhesion is somewhat analogous to the coefficient of friction;
while latter depends on conditions at one point of contact, the former depends on
conditions at several points of contact.
• Eq. 1 suggests that for a given value of the coefficient of adhesion, there is a
maximum value of torque that can be applied without the slipping of driving
wheels; this in turn places restriction on the maximum value of acceleration.
• When wheel of a train slips at start, it slides against the same point on the rail.
• Due to friction and heat produced, rail surface is damaged at the point of contact,
commonly called ‘burning of track’.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Coefficient of Adhesion CA
• It further increases the tendency to slip. As a result, the life of the track and wheels
is reduced.
• In road vehicles, if wheel slip occurs when vehicle is already in motion, it not
only reduces the life of tyres, but can lead to serious accidents as the driver loses
complete control of the vehicle.
• That is why every care is taken in all electrical vehicles to avoid wheel slip.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Coefficient of Adhesion CA
0 CA
Figure 5. Relation between train speed V and coefficient of adhesion CA .
• The coefficient of friction, and therefore, the coefficient of adhesion depends
on the nature of the material used for making the track and wheels and also on
conditions of track and wheel surfaces,
• Example → presence of oil, grease, water, snow and mud reduces the coefficient
of adhesion.
• Electric buses possessing rubber tyres rolling on metalled road have much higher
coefficient of adhesion than electric trains having steel wheels rolling on steel
• Coefficient of adhesion decreases with increase in speed. The nature of variation
is shown in Fig. 5.
• If oil, grease, water, snow and mud fall on the rail or on wheel surface, it will be
shifted towards the left.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Coefficient of Adhesion CA
• It also depends on the nature of speed-torque characteristics of the driving motor
and has a higher value for motors with low regulation of speed, i.e., when for a
given increase of speed, the drop in torque is large.
• When a wheel slips, the speed of the driving motor increases.
• The torque drops by a large amount in motors with low regulation of speed, and
the wheels regain their grip on rails immediately avoiding slip.
• In a locomotive more than one motors are employed.
• They may be connected in suitable series and parallel combinations.
• The ability of the locomotive to cross a section of the track with low adhesive
coefficient depends on this combination of series-parallel connection.
• To understand this, let us consider the case of two motors with the option of
connecting them either in series or in parallel; the power modulator can always be
designed to obtain voltage suitable for any of these connections.
• Due to the bad patch on the track, let the wheels coupled to one motor slip.
• The speed of this motor will increase, decreasing the current and torque.
• When the two motors are connected in series, current and torque of the other
motor will also decrease, decreasing the total available torque.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Coefficient of Adhesion CA
• Therefore, the current and torque of other motors will not decrease, i.e., the total
torque will be higher.
• Thus, according to Eq. 1, for the same condition of track, the coefficient of
adhesion will have a higher value for the parallel connection.
• Since the maximum torque that can be applied without wheel slip is higher for
parallel connection, there is greater chance for the train to negotiate bad patch on
the track without wheel slip.
• When the locomotive has four motors, from the point of view of the coefficient of
adhesion, the best connection will be all motors in parallel.
• Next best will be two pairs of series connected motors in parallel and the worst
will be all four motors in series.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Coefficient of Adhesion CA
• A power modulator capable of allowing stepless change in motor voltage is
preferable from the point of view of wheel slip.
• If the voltage can only be controlled in steps, then at the time of speed change,
motor torque may exceed the value at which wheels slip.
• For example, in 25 kV ac traction using tap changers, the dc motors voltage can
be controlled only in discrete steps.
• Whenever changeover is done to increase the speed, the motor voltage increases
abruptly, causing a step increase in current and torque.
• Thus, during transition, the instantaneous value of torque is much larger than what
would occur if the motor voltage is gradually increased with speed.
• ∴ the tendency for wheel slip is minimized if the power modulator is capable of
providing stepless change in voltage.
• Coefficient of adhesion is also affected by the speed of response of the power
modulator and drive.
• When a wheel slips, the wheel slip detection circuit gives command for the
reduction of motor torque so that the slipping wheel can regain the grip.
• In a drive where the torque can be reduced faster, the tendency for wheel slip will
be lower.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
power Free running
Base speed
0 t1 t2 t3 t4 T t 0 t1 t2 t3 t4 T t 0 t1 t2 t3 t4 T t
(a) (b) (c)
• The duty cycle of electric trains is explained with the help of speed-, torque- and
power-time diagrams (Fig. 6), which are drawn for travel between two consecutive
stations on a levelled track.
• The train is accelerated at the maximum permissible torque, giving constant
maximum acceleration.
• The power increases linearly with speed.
• At time t1 , the base speed and the maximum allowable power is reached.
• Further acceleration occurs at constant power.
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Traction Drives 25 / 30
Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
0 T1 T2 T 0 T1 T2 T
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Electric Traction Services Nature of Traction Load
Thank You
Traction Drives 30 / 30
Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Traction Drives
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Traction Drives 2 / 22
Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
• In main line trains, distance between the consecutive stations is generally large.
• Acceleration and deceleration times form only a very small proportion of the total
time of travel between the two stations.
• Therefore, average speed mainly depends on the free running speed and acceleration
is allowed to be low to suit the passengers’ convenience.
• In the main line trains which are driven by locomotives, the maximum weight on
driving wheels can be at most equal to the weight of locomotive.
• For a given value of coefficient of adhesion, the torque that can be applied without
wheel slip is directly proportional to weight on the driving wheels.
• As the weight on driving wheels is restricted to the weight of locomotive, the main
line trains can have only moderate acceleration and deceleration.
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Weight of locomotive
Number of axles = (1)
Permissible weight per axle
• Certain amount of torque is needed for driving a given train.
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
• The number of driving axles and coupled motors are described using a code.
• If a locomotive possesses two driving axles, it belongs to category B.
• Similarly, for a 3-, 4- and 6-axle drive, the symbols used are C, B-B and C-C,
• If each axle is driven by an individual motor; a subscript ‘o’ is used along with
these symbols.
• In case axles are divided into groups and each group is driven by a single motor,
only letters B and C are appropriately used.
• The number of dummy (non-driving) axles is denoted by numerals.
• Use of these codes is illustrated in Fig. 1 where dotted circles represent dummy
wheels, code Bo -Bo , (Fig. 1 (a)) denotes that the locomotive has four driving
axles and each axle is driven by its own driving motor.
• Code 1-Co -2 in Fig. 1 (b) shows that it has three driving axles each driven by a
separate motor, and 3 dummy axles.
• Fig. 1 (c) indicates that the locomotive has 3 + 3 driving axles and a group of
three axles is provided with one driving motor.
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Base speed
Constant Braking
A E F D t
• Tractive effort is the force developed at the rims of driving wheels for moving
• Draw bar pull is the force exerted by a locomotive through draw bar for a moving
• Thus, draw bar pull is less than the tractive effort by the force required to move
the locomotive.
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Tractive Effort
• (i) Tractive effort required to accelerate the train mass horizontally (in
newtons) at an acceleration of 𝛼 kmphps is given as
𝛼 × 1000
Fal = ( 1000 M ) × = 277.8 M 𝛼, N. (5)
Where, M is the mass in tonnes.
• (ii) Tractive effort required to accelerate the rotating parts: Rotating parts
consists of wheels, axles, gears and rotor of the motor.
• The inertia of gears and axles can be ignored in comparison to that of wheels.
• Moment of inertia of wheels
J1 = 2 Nx Jw . (6)
Where, Jw is the moment of inertia of one wheel in kg-m2 and Nx is the number
of axles on the train.
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
a1 wheel speed
a = = (7)
a2 motor speed.
• Then the moment of inertia of motors referred to wheels
N Jm
J2 = (8)
𝛼 × 1000
Acceleration (in m/s2 ) = , mpsps.
𝛼 × 1000
Acceleration (in rad/s2 ) = , rpsps.
3600 R
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Tractive Effort
• Tractive effort for driving rotating parts
𝛼 × 1000 N Jm 𝛼
Fa2 = ( J1 + J2 ) = 2 Nx Jw + . (9)
3600 R 𝛼2 3.6 R2
• Total tractive effort required for accelerating the train on a level track (in newtons)
N Jm 𝛼
Fa = Fa1 + Fa2 = 277.8 M 𝛼 + 2 Nx Jw + (10)
𝛼2 3.6 R2
= 277.8 Me 𝛼, N. (11)
Where, Me is defined as the effective mass of the train.
It accounts for rotating parts in addition to he train mass.
It is around 8 − 15 % higher than M .
Eq. 11 can also be written as
Fa = Me 𝛼 = 28.3 Me 𝛼, kg. (12)
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Tractive Effort
• (iii) Tractive effort required to overcome force due to gravity: When moving
up-gradient, the drive has to produce tractive effort to overcome force due to
• When deciding drive rating, gradient with the maximum permissible slope is to be
• In railway practice, gradient is expressed as rise in meters in track distance of
1000 m and denoted by G.
• Now, tractive effort required to overcome force due to gravity will be
Fg = 1000 M × × g, N
= 9.81 M G, N (13)
= M G, kg. (14)
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Tractive Effort
• (iv) Tractive effort required to overcome train resistance: Variation of train
resistance with speed is shown in Fig. It is not possible to accurately represent it
• Among several empirical relations proposed, the simplest is based on the under-
standing that train resistance is due to various kinds of frictions.
• ∴ it will have three basic components: due to (a) coulomb friction which is
independent of speed, (b )viscous friction which is proportional to speed, (c) air
friction which is proportional to speed squared.
Ft = A + B V + C V 2 , N. (15)
Where, V is the speed of the train, and A, B, C are constants.
• Eq. 15 suggests that it is difficult to estimate the train resistance.
• Since it is quite small compared to Fa , an approximate value od Fr can be used
and is often assumed as r newtons per tonne weight of the train. Thus,
Fr = r M, N (16)
= , kg. (17)
• For calculating drive rating, r is chosen to be 20 N/tonne.
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Tractive Effort
• (v) Total tractive effort required to move the train:
Ft = Fa + Fg + Fr
= 28.3 Me 𝛼 ± M G + , kg (18)
= 27..8 Ma 𝛼 ± 9.81 M G + M r, N. (19)
+ve sign → train movement up-gradient and −ve → down the gradient.
• (vi) Motor torque rating: The total torque at the rims of driving wheels is
= Total tractive effort (in newtons) × R
= R Ft , N-m. (20)
Where, R is the radius of the driving wheels in meters.
• Total torque referred to the motor shaft is
a R Ft
Tt = , N-m. (21)
Where, 𝜂t is the efficiency of transmission.
• Torque per motor is given as
a R Ft
Tm = , N-m. (22)
𝜂1 N
Where, N is the number of motors.
item When deciding
Traction Drives motor rating, the maximum gradient is allowed while laying 16 / 22
Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Er = Fr in newtons × D1 × 1000, Ws
1000 r M D1
= = = 0.2778 r M D1 , Wh. (27)
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Et = Ea + Eg + Er
= 0.01072 Vm Me ± 2.725 M G D1 + 0.2778 r M D1 , Wh. (28)
• Specific energy output in Wh per tonne per km = Et
, Whptpkm.
0.01072 Vm Me D D
= ± 2.725 G 1 + 0.2778 r 1 , Whptpkm. (29)
• Specific energy consumption is given as
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
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Main Line and Suburban Train Configurations Calculations of Traction Drive Rating and Energy Consumption
Thank You
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Traction Motors
Traction Drives
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Traction Motors
1 Traction Motors
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Traction Motors
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Traction Motors
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Traction Motors
• Further, there are a number of problems with regenerative and dynamic brakings
of a series motor.
• On the other hand, regenerative and dynamic brakings of a separately excited
motor are fairly simple and efficient, and can be carried out down to very low
• Currently, compound motor is being preferred for traction applications as it
incorporate the advantages of both series and separately excited motors.
• Due to the availability of reliable variable frequency semiconductor inverters,
squirrel-cage induction motor,s and synchronous motors are now finding applica-
tions in traction.
• Because of a number of advantages associated with these motors, they are likely
to replace dc motors for traction applications.
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Traction Motors
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Traction Motors
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Traction Motors
Figure 1. dc Series motor traction drive with resistance control: (a) control from zero to half of base speed;
(b) control from half to full of hase speed and (c) operation at base speed.
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Traction Motors
• Starting, speed control and torque control up to base speed is carried out with the
help of contactor-controlled sectionalised resistors.
• At start both motor-pairs are connected in series with the sectionalised resistors in
series as shown in Fig. 1 (a).
• As the train accelerates resistor-sections are cut out one by one so as to limit the
starting current within prescribed maximum and minimum limits.
• When all sections of resistance controller are cut out, the motor speed will be
nearly half of the base speed.
• For further acceleration, the two motor pairs are connected in parallel with the
sectionalised resistor in series with each of them (Fig. 1 (b)).
• The resistor-sections are now cut out, one by one to limit the current within
prescribed maximum and minimum limits.
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Traction Motors
• When all resistor sections are cut out (Fig. 1 (c)), motors will be running around
the base speed.
• Speeds higher than base speeds are obtained by field control. For changing the
field current, diverter resistors are connected in parallel with field windings.
• Different steps of control for a motor coach with two motors is obtained when
each pair in Fig. 1 is replaced by one motor.
• During transition from series to parallel connection closed circuit transition has to
be applied, because it is not desirable to break such a high current.
• Further, the sudden change of current at the time of opening and reconnection will
produce step change in torque, causing discomfort to passengers and increasing
tendency for wheel slip.
• To avoid this, closed circuit transition is used.
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Traction Motors
1S 1B
1A 3A 5A
• These steps may be implemented based on the values of dl /dt , whereas later steps
are based on the value of I .
• As a number of operations are involved, it will be very tiring for the driver to carry
them out manually.
• Automatic controls using contactors and servo drives are used to simplify the job
of the driver.
• The above dc traction schemes have several disadvantages. Prominent among
these are:
• (i) Low efficiency due to resistance control.
• (ii) Poor adhesion due to: (a) step change in torque and (b) more drooping
speed-torque curves because of resistance control.
• (iii) Frequent maintenance due to large number of moving contacts.
• (iv) Unless very large sections are used in the starting and braking resistances,
average accelerating and decelerating torques are substantially lower compared to
the maximum torque the motors can produce.
• This slows down the average speed of a suburban train.
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Traction Motors
25 kV
50 Hz D1 D2
D4 D3
Diode Traction
bridge motors
with taps
• This scheme has been used both for main line and suburban trains.
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Traction Motors
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Traction Motors
• The smoothing reactor Ld may be divided into four sections, one in series with
each traction motor, so that in the event of a motor fault, a high impedance is in
the circuit and motor protection is simplified.
• For starting, and speed and torque control up to base speed, the motor terminal
voltage is varied by changing taps on the transformer.
• The speed control above base speed is obtained by connecting a diverter resistor
in parallel with the field of each motor.
• Braking is generally provided by mechanical brakes. Dynamic braking has also
been used.
• For this, motors have been connected as separately excited generators.
• Fixed braking resistors are connected across the armatures of each motor.
• The fields of all motors are connected in series across an auxiliary dc generator
driven by an auxiliary induction motor.
• The current through the motor fields is controlled by controlling the field current
of the auxiliary dc generator.
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Traction Motors
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Traction Motors
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Traction Motors
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Traction Motors
Thank You
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
Traction Drives
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
T1 D1
T2 D2
• The rapid changes at the leading and trailing edges of the source current cause
sharp harmonic disturbances in the supply network and telecommunication lines.
• Because of the low power rating of a shunting locomotive, the poor power factor,
harmonics and harmonic disturbances have only marginal effect on the supply
network and telecommunication lines.
• In case of suburban and main line trains power rating is large, consequently the
adverse effects of the poor power factor, harmonics and harmonic disturbances on
the supply network and telecommunication lines are unacceptable.
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
Field supply
is ter-II F2
es A1 A2
es A4 A3
ter-I F4 F3
Field supply
A1 to A4 : Motor armatures
F1 to F4 : Motor fields
Figure 2. 25 kV ac traction employing two-stage converter feeding four separately excited motors. Field
supply is from a single-stage converter.
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
(a) (b)
Figure 3. The two-stage converter waveforms at (a) 0.25 and (b) 0.75 per unit output voltages.
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
Single stage
T1 D1
Reactive power
Two stage
dc motors
T2 D2 T4
0 0.5 1.0
Source side converter Per unit converter output voltage
Figure 4. Alternative two stage converter circuit. (field Figure 5. Reactive power at rated motor current for
connections are not shown) single and two-stage converters.
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
• For EMU (suburban trains) converters, which are relatively low power rating
(around 1500 KVA), it has been found that the simple two stage converter of Fig.
2 requires no additional steps to reduce harmonics and improve power factor.
• However, this is not the case with the more powerful converters required for
• For locomotives, harmonic filter is connected at the input terminals of each
converter to reduce harmonics, both low frequency and high frequency, to prevent
interference with telecommunication lines and track circuit and to reduce harmonic
disturbance in the supply network.
• Thyristor switched capacitors with two stages are employed to ensure that the
power factor does not fall below 0.8.
• Such a scheme has been used in Hitachi Locomotive.
• Recent trend has been to use gate turn-off thyristors (GTOs) instead of thyristors
and to operate the converter with an appropriate pulsewidth modulation technique.
• This operation allows the converter operation at unity fundamental power factor
throughout and simplifies the harmonic filter design but reduces efficiency.
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
• Dynamic braking can be incorporated in both separately excited and series excited
• In case of separately excited motors, fixed resistors are connected across the
armature and converter is disconnected.
• The braking torque is controlled by controlling the field current. Controlling the
field current is not a problem because fields are in any case fed from controlled
• For dynamic braking, series motors are also connected for separate excitation.
• Field windings connected in series are fed from one of the converters and the
converter is supplied by another step-down transformer with low output voltage,
because of the low resistance of field windings.
• Fixed resistors are connected across the armature. Braking torque is controlled by
controlling the field current.
• Braking performance with field current control and fixed resistors across armatures
is inferior compared to control with full field and switched (or sectionalised)
resistors across the armature.
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
ω mc2
ω mc1
ω mb
Braking Motoring
0 T
• Fig. 6 shows the modes of operation employed for variable frequency control of
an induction motor.
• From zero to the base speed 𝜔mb , the motor is accelerated at a constant torque, by
keeping the V /f ratio constant and increasing it at low speeds.
• Above the base speed, the motor accelerates in the constant power mode with a
constant V and variable f . At a critical speed 𝜔mc1 motor’s break-down-torque
limit is reached.
• ∴ motor power is gradually reduced by operating it with lesser and lesser stator
• The figure also shows modes of motor operation during braking.
• From zero to a speed 𝜔mc2 motor is braked at a constant torque.
• Above 𝜔mc2 , the motor is braked at a decreasing braking torque so as to avoid
exceeding wheel to rail adhesion capability and to limit the peak power requirements
of the drive.
• Similar curves are obtained in the case of synchronous motor.
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
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25 KV ac Traction using Semiconductor Converter Controlled dc Motors Ployphase ac Motors for Traction Drives
Thank You
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
Traction Drives
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
For 1500 V and 750 V dc tractions, following ac drives are widely used.
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
D Vc S1 S3 S5
S4 S6 S2
For dynamic
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
The PWM VSI induction motor drive has the following advantages,
• (i) Smooth acceleration due to the absence of low-speed torque pulsations.
• (ii) Good adhesion due to fast dynamic response and absence of torque pulsations.
• (iii) Voltage source inverter is more suitable for multi-motor drives.
• (iv) Low weight, volume and cost.
• (v) Simpler control and efficient operation.
• (vi) Regenerative braking capability.
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
V Vds Vdl T4 T6
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
This drive has the following features in comparison to PWM VSI induction motor
• (i) Because of an additional power stage (i.e., chopper), the converter efficiency is
lower, but the motor efficiency is higher
• (ii) Due to the presence of large inductance Ld , the drive has a slow dynamic
response giving inferior adhesion.
• Larger weight and volume.
• Each motor should have its own inverter and these inverters can be connected in
series but not in parallel.
• When large traction motors are involved the drive becomes expensive and complex.
The series connection also has an adverse effect on adhesion.
• Inverter is more reliable due to the absence of shoot-through fault.
• Because of torque pulsations produced by harmonics, the acceleration is not
smooth. This also has an adverse effect on adhesion.
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
• (ii) PWM Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor Drive.
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
Vd Vd
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
resistor VSI
Rb S1 S3 S5
Filter Vd
S4 S6 S2
Diode dc
bridge link
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
S1 S2
Vs V1
Control and
firing circuit
Vs V1
Vx Vx
Is Vs
(b) Motoring (b) Braking
Figure 5. SLC operation at unity power factor for motoring and regenerative braking operation.
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
• Features of the drive → high 𝜂, high-speed capability, and the ability for regenera-
tive braking.
• A traction drive is obtained when in Fig. 3 CSI are replaced by LCI and induction
motor by synchronous motor.
• As compared to the regenerative drive, this drive has a lower power factor and high
harmonic content unless heavy filtering and power factor correction are employed.
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
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The dc Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors The ac Traction employing Polyphase ac Motors
Thank You
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Numerical Problems
1 / 12
Numerical Problems
1 Numerical Problems
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Numerical Problems
Numerical Problem-1
A motor drives two loads. One has rotational motion. It is coupled to the motor through
a reduction gear with a = 1 and an efficiency of 90 %. The load has a moment of
inertia of 10 kg − m2 and a torque of 10 N − m. Other load has translational motion
and consists of 1000 kg weight to be lifted up at a uniform speed of 1.5 m/s. Coupling
between this load and the motor has an efficiency of 85 %. Motor has an inertia of 0.2
kg − m2 and runs at a constant speed of 1420 pm. Determine equivalent inertia referred
to the motor shaft and power developed by the motor.
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Numerical Problems
• Here, 𝜂1 = 0.9 , a1 = 0.1, Tl1 = 10 N − m, 𝜂 = 0.85, F1 = 1000 × 9.81 N ,
v1 = 1.5 m/s and 𝜔m = 148.7 rad /s.
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Numerical Problem-2
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Numerical Problems
d 𝜔m
J = −100 − 0.1 N − 0.05 N (7)
dN 30
J = (− 100 − 0.1 N − 0.05 N ) = − 95.49 − 0.143 N (8)
dt J𝜋
∫ ∫ N2 dN
t = dt = . (9)
N1 95.49 − 0.143 N
Where, N1 = 666.7 rpm and N2 = 0.95 × − 0.666.7 = − 633.4 rpm.
• Integrating Eq. 9 yields t = 25.58 s.
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Numerical Problems
Numerical Problem-3
A motor equipped with a flywheel is to supply a load torque of 1000 N-m for 10 s,
followed by a light load period of 200 N-m long enough for the flywheel to regain its
steady-state speed. It is desired to limit the motor torque to 700 N-m. What should be
the moment of inertia of the flywheel? The motor has an inertia of 10 kg − m2 . Its
no load speed is 500 rpm, and the slip at a torque of 500 N-m is 5 %. Assume the
speed-torque characteristic of the motor to be a straight line in the region of interest.
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Numerical Problems
• We know that
Tr th
J = . (10)
(𝜔m0 − 𝜔mr ) log Tlh − Tmin
Tlh − Tmax
500 × 2 𝜋
𝜔m0 = = 52.4 rad /s. (11)
• Now,
Tr 500
= = 190.8. (13)
(𝜔m0 − 𝜔mr ) ( 52.4 − 49.7)
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Numerical Problems
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Numerical Problems
1 Numerical Problems
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Numerical Problems
Numerical Problem-1
A motor operates on a periodic duty cycle in which it is clutched to its load for 10 min.
and declutched to run on no-load for 20 min. The minimum temperature rise is 40◦ C.
Heating and cooling time constants are equal and have a value of 60 min. When load is
declutched continuously the temperature rise is 15◦ C. Determine
(i) maximum temperature during the duty cycle, and
(ii) temperature when the load is clutched continuously.
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Numerical Problems
• Since the motor is subjected to a periodic intermittent load, temperature at the end
of cycle will be the same as the beginning of cycle. We know that
𝜃 = 𝜃 ss 1 − e − t /𝜏 + 𝜃 1 e − t /𝜏 . (1)
𝜃 2 = 𝜃 ss 1 − e − 10/60 + 40 e − 10/60 (2)
• (i) From Eq. 𝜃 = 𝜃 ss 1 − e − t /𝜏′ + 𝜃 2 e − t /𝜏 .
40 = 15 1 − e − 20/60 + 𝜃 2 𝜃 − 20/60 , (4)
𝜃 ss = 104.5◦ C. (5)
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Numerical Problem-2
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Numerical Problems
• Since in a dc motor, at constant field current T ∝ Ia , torque rating can be evaluated
by determining the rms value of torque.
Torque during reversal = J (6)
[ 200 − (−200)] × ( 2 𝜋/60)
= 10000 = 83776 N-m.
250002 × 10 + ( 837762 × 5) 2 + 200002 × 15
Trms = = 47686 N-m.
• Maximum torque 83776 N-m is only 1.76 times Trms .
• If motor rating is chosen to be 47686 N-m, the maximum current will be only 1.76
times the rated current.
• In a dc motor twice the rated current can always be allowed during transient
• ∴ motor can be rated equal to Trms . Thus, motor torque rating is given as
Trated = 47686 N-m. (8)
Power rating = 47686 × × 2 𝜋 = 998.7 kW. (9)
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Numerical Problem-3
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• Since Pmax = 500 kW is less than two times Prms , motor rating = 367 kW.
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Numerical Problem-4
A motor has a heating time constant of 60 minutes and cooling time constant of 90 min.
When run continuously on full load of 20 kW, the final temperature rise is 40◦ C.
(i) What load motor can deliver for 10 min if this is followed by a shut down period
long enough for it to cool?
(ii) If it is on an intermittent load of 10 min followed by 10 min shut down, what is
the maximum value of load it can supply during the on load period?
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Numerical Problems
• As the constant and copper losses are not available separately, they are assumed
∝ (power)2 , and therefore 𝛼 is assumed to be zero.
• (i) When 𝛼 = 0, from Eq. 12, the overloading factor is
1 + 𝛼
K = −𝛼 (12)
1 − e − tr /𝜏
√︂ √︂
1 1
K = = = 2.55. (13)
1 − e − tr /𝜏 1 − e − 10/60
• Permitted load = 2.55 × 20 = 51 kW. (ii) From Eq. 14 for 𝛼 = 0.
1 − e − l ( tr /𝜏r )+( ts /𝜏s )
K = (𝛼 + 1) −𝛼 (14)
1 − e (− tr /𝜏r )
10 10
− 60 + 90
1 − e 0.2425
K = = = 1.257. (15)
1 − e − 10/60 0.1535
• Permitted load = 1.257 × 20 = 25.14 kW.
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Numerical Problems
Numerical Problem-5
Half hour rating of a motor is 100 kW. Heating time constant is 80 min and the maximum
efficiency occurs at 70 % full load. Determine the continuous rating of the motor.
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Numerical Problem-6
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Numerical Problems
• Here, h i
Es = 10 ( 500 × 2) 2 × + 1000 = 110 kWs.
h i
p1s tr = ( 500) 2 × 0.01 + 1000 × = 35 kWs.
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Thank You
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Numerical Problems
February 1, 2024
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Numerical Problems
1 Numerical Problems
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Numerical Problems
Numerical Problem-1
A 220 V, 200 A, 800 rpm dc separately excited motor has an armature resistance of 0.06
Ω. The motor armature is fed from a variable voltage source with an internal resistance
of 0.04 Ω. Calculate the internal voltage of the variable voltage source when the motor
is operating in regenerative braking at 80 % of the rated motor torque and 600 rpm.
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Numerical Problems
Numerical Problem-2
A 220 V dc series motor runs at 1000 from (clockwise) and takes an armature current of
100 A when driving a load with a constant torque. Resistances of the armature and field
windings are 0.05 Ω each. Now, the series motor is operated under dynamic braking at
twice the rated torque and 800 rpm. Calculate the value of braking current and resistor.
Assume linear magnetic circuit.
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Numerical Problems
• Since
2 2
T1 = Kf Ia1 ; T2 = Kf Ia2 (5)
√︁ √
Ia2 = Ia1 T2 /T1 = 100 2 = 141.4 A.
E1 = Ke Ia1 N1 ; E2 = Ke Ia2 N2 (6)
E2 = a2 × 2 × E1 (7)
Ia1 N1
141.4 800
E2 = × ( 220 − 100 × 0.1) = 237.55 V .
100 1000
• Now,
E2 = Ia2 ( RB + 0.1) (8)
237.55 = 141.4 ( RB + 0.1)
RB = 1.58 Ω.
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Numerical Problems
Numerical Problem-3
A 220 V, 970 rpm, 100 A dc separately excited motor has an armature resistance of
0.05 Ω. It is braked by plugging from an initial speed of 1000 rpm. Calculate
(a) resistance to be placed in armature circuit to limit braking current to twice the full
load value
(b) braking torque, and
(c) torque when the speed has fallen to zero.
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Numerical Problems
• At 970 rpm,
E = 220 − 0.05 × 100 = 215 V . (9)
• At 1000 rpm,
E = × 215 = 221.65 V . (10)
• (a) For plugging operation
E + V 221.65 + 220
RB + Ra = = = 2.21 Ω.
Ia 200
RB = 2.21 − 0.05 = 1.16 Ω. (11)
• (b) braking torque is
E × Ia 221.65 × 200
T = = = 423.3 N − m. (12)
𝜔m 1000 × 2 𝜋/60
• (c) At aero speed E = 0
V 220
Ia = = = 99.55 A. (13)
RB + Ra 2.21
• As T ∝ Ia ,
T = 423.3 × = 210.7 N − m. (14)
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Numerical Problems
Numerical Problem-4
A 220 V, 500 A, 600 rpm separately excited motor has armature and field resistance
of 0.02 and 10 Ω, respectively. The load torque is given by the expression TL =
2000 − 2N, N − m, where N is the speed in rpm. Speeds below the rated are obtained
by armature voltage control and speeds above the rated are obtained by field control.
(i) Calculate motor terminal voltage and armature current when the speed is 450 rpm.
(ii) Calculate field winding voltage and armature current when the speed is 750 rpm.
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Numerical Problems
• At 750 rpm,
TL = 2000 − 2 × 750 = 500 N − m. (20)
• At this operating point, let the flux and armature current be 𝜙′ and Ia ,
respectively. Then
′ ′
Ke 𝜙 Ia = 500 (21)
• From rated operation
Ke 𝜙 1 = = 3342. (22)
600 × 2 𝜋/60
• Further at 750 rpm,
′ 750
𝜔m = × 2 𝜋 = 78.54rad /s. (23)
′ ′ ′
V = Ke 𝜙 𝜔m + Ia Ra (24)
′ ′
220 = 78.54 Ke 𝜙 + 0.02 Ia
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Numerical Problems
500 ′
220 = 78.54 × ′ + 0.02 Ia (25)
′ ′
0.02 Ia 2 − 220 Ia + 39270 = 0. (26)
• This equation has solution 181.5 A and 21647 A. Ignoring the unfeasible value
Ia = 181.5 A. (27)
• From Eq. 21
′ 500
Ke 𝜙 = = 2.755 (28)
Ke 𝜙 ′ 2.755
field voltage = 220 × = = 181.3 V . (29)
Ke 𝜙1 3.342
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Numerical Problems
Numerical Problem-5
A 2-pole separately excited dc motor has the ratings of 220 V, 100 A and 750
rpm. Resistance of the armature is 0.1 Ω. The motor has two field coils which are
normally connected in parallel. It is used to drive a load whose torque is expressed
as TL = 500 − 0.3N , N-m where N is the motor speed in rpm. Speeds below and
above rated are obtained by armature voltage control and by connecting the two field
windings in series respectively.
(i) Calculate the motor armature current and speed when the armature voltage is reduced
to 110 V.
(ii) Calculate the motor speed and current when field coils are connected in series.
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Numerical Problems
• At rated operation,
𝜔m1 = × 2 𝜋 = 25 𝜋 .
E1 250
Ke 𝜙 1 = K = = = 2.674. (30)
𝜔m1 25 𝜋
• (i) Let the motor speed and current be N2 and Ia2 , respectively.
N2 × 2 𝜋
E2 = K 𝜔m2 = 2.674 × = 0.28 N2
V = E2 + Ia2 Ra (31)
110 = 0.28 N2 + 0.1 Ia2 . (32)
• Since, T = TL
K Ia = 500 − 0.3 N (33)
2.674 Ia2 = 500 − 0.3 N2
500 = 0.3 N2 + 2.674 Ia2 . (34)
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E3 = 1.337 N3 × = 0.14 N3 (37)
V = E3 + Ia3 Ra
220 = 0.14 N3 + 0.1 Ia3 (38)
• Since T = TL
1.337 Ia3 = 500 − 0.3 N3 (39)
500 = 0.3 N3 + 1.33 Ia3 . (40)
• Simultaneous solution of Eqs. 38 and 40 yields
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