Y10 T1 Course Outline 24-25
Y10 T1 Course Outline 24-25
Y10 T1 Course Outline 24-25
8 14/10 – 17/10 Unit 3 – Free Time Activities. *Students will be able to *Students coursebook.
select relevant detail , key
L1 – Reading Q2. *Students file.
points & ideas.
L2 – Writing. *Google Classroom.
*Students will show an
Writing to explain.
Pg 52 & 53. understanding of vocabulary, *Activity worksheets.
ideas & purpose.
L3 – Listening. *Quiz Papers.
Activity A,B&C. *Students will be to collate ,
Pg 46 & 47.
organize & present relevant
L4 – Speaking. detail.
Sports & Hobbies.
*Students will be able to draw
Pg 39. inferences & recognize implicit
*Students will be able to write
short texts to convey meaning.
*Students will be able to
produce clear & coherent
*Students will be able to
identify key details from a
range of short & longer texts.
*Students will be able identify
the overall message, as well as
more complex language.
*Students will be able to
communicate clearly using
speech appropriate to
situation & audience.
*Students will use appropriate
& accurate vocabulary &
grammatical structures.
*Students will produce
extended sequences of
*Demonstrate appropriate
pronunciation & intonation.
9 21/10 – 24/10 Unit 3 – Free Time Activities. *Students will be able to *Students coursebook.
select relevant detail , key
L1 – Reading- Fiction. The Kite *Students file.
Runner. points & ideas.
*Google Classroom.
Activity A,B&C. *Students will show an
Pg 50 & 51.
understanding of vocabulary, *Activity worksheets.