Template For Lesson Plan

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Template for Lesson Plan

Title of lesson: Science, Math,English.

Name: Alya Ghanim Maghwar Date: 21-3-2017

Time: 10:30am Location: KG 2 O

*who are they
- Some of the students are local, and some of them are * how many
expatriate. * what ages
- There are 23 students' in the class. * What grade
* male/female ratio
- They are from 4 to 6 years old.
* native language(s)
- Grade KG 2 O. * learning styles (and
- 13 Female, 10 Male. student intelligences
- All of them are Arabs and their native languages is Arabic. *personalities
-Most of them are include body kinesthetic and visual. * special needs
-There are one boy special needs (Ali Saif). * prior learning
- This lesson will help them reviews what they took in this * how this lesson fits
semester. into prior & future
learning experiences

*what specific skill or
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: concept would
students have learned
-Create a Mother day cards. or experience by the
-Divide the summer cloth and the winter cloth. end of the lesson
-Explain the four season. * always expressed in
terms of student
-Explore the animal with magnifying lens.
-Complete the worksheet. * concrete,
-Analysis the subtract. measurable & realistic
-Writing the word with Letters with magnets on the board. * maximum of three
* include name of
curriculum guide &
objective numbers
when & where
* goals are
connected to


*how DAP are the
Materials & resources: materials &
-Creative table (Mother day cards): resources?
* have all safety &
1-Colour paper. health considerations
2-wooden colors. been taken into
3-Flowmaster colors.
technology is a tool &
4-Brush. is not just limited to
-Writing table (Worksheet, Assessment): *incorporate
technology when & if
1-Paper. it supports &
enhances what youre
2-Pinecil. already doing
* do you have a plan
-Cognitive table (English): B for technology
1- Board.

2- Cards.

3- Letters with magnets.

-Explore table (Animal):

1-Magnifying lens.


Technology integration:

- Using smart board.


- Divide the student include their multiple intelligent.

Engagement: what will you do to grab
student attention & to
-Put a song. generate
-Asking question. interest/enthusiasm in the
-let them find a color in the classroom. lesson?
-Math song count to 100.
Teacher will Students will .. *description of activities
used to meet the learning
-Start the lesson with Morning doaa. -Listen to the teacher. objectives
-Discuss the four seasons. -Answer her question if they
-Explain what the weather today. * articulated in terms of
know it. student activity & teacher
-Analyze the math question. -Walk to the table calm. activity
-Divide them to the table. -Do their work in a good way.
-Walking around the table's and -Paste their work in the board
help them. out of the class.

ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS (WHAT IF .?) *list the problems that

may occur
-The smart board is not working - Using a picture. *anticipate at least two
-Student wound has/her finger - take them to a nurse. problems
-Someone cry while he or she are in the circle time - let them go *think of possible ways to
toilet and wash their face. deal with those problems
when & if they occur


*what will you do to
*Worksheet. assess learning?
*Exams. *what will happen to
* Make mind map. measure that the goals
were met?
* Grade the activity. * how DAP is your
*Asking question. assessment?
* my assessments are
very tightly connected
to my goals

* sources that you may
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksGiLaIx39c have used/consulted in
building your lesson
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TgLtF3PMOc (includes books, websites,
magazines, journals, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut-HbauKzDw * use APA citation (refer
to Noodle Tools when in

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