Bearing 1 25 2012

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SERVICE Above Self

Rotary Club of Chino Meets WEDNESDAY NOON Chino Community Bldg. 5443 B Street Chino For Additional Information President Theresa Franke 985-3000

The Bearing
The Voice of the Chino Rotary Founded 1925 * Club #779

January 25, 2012

President Rotary International All of us in Rotary are looking to change the world why else would we be Rotarians? We believe that our world can be happier, healthier, and more peaceful and that we can create that better world through our service.
Doug Fowler, District Governor 2011-2012 Chino Club Officers President: Theresa Franke Vice President: Scott Schaller Past President: Wayne Scaggs Treasurer: Steve Bremer Secretary: Art Plourde Directors: Terrie Garcia Lee McGroarty Sandra Rose John DeMonaco Bearing Editor Meg Yacawych Chino Rotary Website

Kalyan Banerjee,

Celebrate Rotary Awareness Month by training members on Rotary history or asking a member to share a personal story or experience that they have had because of Rotary. Every Rotarian has a Rotary story that can be educational and inspiring. The beginning of a new year is a good opportunity to renew inspiration for the rest of the Rotary

The Object of Rotary

The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:: First: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service, Second: High ethical standards in business and professions. The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to service society. Third: The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his personal business, and community life: Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men and women united in the ideal of service

January Rotary Awareness Month
*** Wednesday, 1/25 Speaker Dr. Adam D. Hickerson Robotic Surgery *** Friday, January 27 Free Flu Shots 2-5PM 13160 7th Street, Chino Office of Assembly member, Norma Torres ***
January 31 Dan Stover Music Contest Deadline Club Entry Form

Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech and a life of service and compassion, are the things which renew humanity.

Chino Rotary Supports

DennisBelmudes BobBiberston SteveBremer DaleBright MichaelBuckley GregCaplette JohnDeMonaco TheresaFranke TerrieGarcia GeneHernandez PDG BarryJohnson


*** Wednesday February 1 Beyond Apple Student Incentive Program Lee McGroarty *** Wednesday, February 8 Supervisor Gary Ovitt *** Saturday, February 11 2012 Sweethearts Ball 6-10PM/ $75 each See Rotarian Jeff Warner *** Tuesday, February 14 VALENTINES DAY *** Wednesday, February 15 Teacher Mini Grants ***
3/24 District Peace Conference Gene Hernandez, Terry Franke, Wayne Scaggs

Attorney Insurance Property Managemt AutoRe pair HealthCare Dev. Automo tive FireChief Ret. TaxMan agement DirectMail Printing PoliceChief Re. Lumber Retail Towing Pastor Champion News Invest ments HSAdmin. Ret. Banking Chaffey College Retired Advertising Entertain ment Construc tions Retired Autobody Repair Retired Tele.comm unicat. Lending/ Realtor AutoRetail GolfMan agement Accounting Retired RealEstate

9096302147 9097982216 9095562216 9092158367 9512014737 9095974237 9097305542 9096311023 7147772622 9096285747 9095173400 9096157167 9096285215 9095911724 9096267691 9095489770 9096526541 9096275977 9092382680 9097300389 9095911496 9092296617 9097725446 9095173660 9092870930 9092923433 9095913022 9096281457 9096802864 9093742109

SarkisKaraoghlanian DavidKing AlMcCombs LeeMcGroary RichardMeyer DebbieMitsch NickNazarian ArtPlourde MelinaRobbins MikeRodriguez SandraRose RevaSalter MikeSantana WandeSawyerr WayneScaggs ScottSchaller RobertSmith KevinSullivan JeffWarner DebbieWilson MegYacawych

The Y Chino YMCA

Friday, 3/23 Greater Chino Hills Rotary Club Inaugural Ball Formal Attire Dinner & Silent Auction $35 5/6-9 International Conference Thailand *** 5/19 Super Build Project Corazon


Neighborhood House

It was ONLY a few years ago The Bearing, August 27, 1975 Submitted by Rotarian Al McCombs The bell and bucket were back but the budget was missing, so President Al (Searfoss) adjourned his Aug. 14 board meeting in order to consider a budget he said contains a $1,300 contingency account because President Loren (Stone) did so well in leaving the club well-healed. The first raising of the flags at the new civic center will take place next July, at which time the flagpoles donated by the Chino Rotary will be dedicated The location of the monthly board meetings has been changed to Sambos Restaurant (now the Chase bank branch on Central Ave. south of Philadelphia) at 7 a.m. on the second Thursday of the month. District Governor Stan Warburton is asking the cooperation of area clubs in giving the floundering Montclair club a boost. President Al also asks that all courtesies be shown the Montclair Club (which met Wednesday noon) by visiting Rotarians, and please soft pedal the cracks about their small size. Chino is their sponsor, so we have a certain obligation to help build them up. The district has given them until December 31 to get on a strong footing. (It didnt workthey didnt last.) Bert Griggs and Merrill Finnerty were each fined $15, which helped to purchase a pine tree. Berts and Merrills tree can now be seen at Magnolia Junior High. Dick Meyer thanks each of them for their donation. (Dick, is the tree still there?)
(Bert was CIM Superintendent; Merrill managed the Security Pacific Bank.)
Speakers Last Week Kevin Nolan Chara Powell Canyon Ridge Hospital

International Service Chair Update

Gene Hernandez

Wheelchair Distribution Hermosillo, Mexico June 13-17, 2012

We have just received confirmation from The Wheelchair Foundation and the Rotary Clubs in Hermosillo, Mexico that our distribution dates are now set for June 13-17, 2012. Due to your Districts outstanding contributions in excess of $75,000, we were able to get a matching grant through The Rotary Foundation to allow us to distribute three containers in Mexico this year. The first two containers comprising 280 wheelchairs each (560 wheelchairs) will go to Hermosillo. The third container (280 wheelchairs) has been allocated for the Morelia/ Puruandiro Area of Michoacn. This date has not yet been determined. The committee is working very hard to come up with travel arrangements that will allow us to get as many District Rotarians/Family/Friends to participate in this very worthy and heartfelt hand on experience. Please consider joining us in these distributions. More news will follow.

Congratulations Rotary and Thank you Bill Gates!

Rotarian Gene Hernandez, past District Governor and club president, announced the Rotary theme next year will be Peace Through Service. Appropriately he announced that the $2Million Gates Matching Grant has been reached and exceeded. The Gates program has now given Rotary another $50 million. If there is no Polio cases reported in three years in typical endemic countries such as India, Polio will be consider nonendemic!

Canyon Ridge Hospital 909-590-4001 5353 G Street Canyon Ridge Hospital in Chino is a full service psychiatric hospital for adult and adolescent behavioral health and substance abuse problems. They teach coping, communications skills, anger management skills and address a variety of other disorders such as anxiety, depression and bipolar disorders. Rotary News Dave & Charlene King are Great Grand-Parents . Grace Elizabeth was born 12/23 in Portland, Oregon. ******* Al McCombs said a ceremony was held at the Chino Council Meeting honoring Reuben Ayala. He was entered in the Hall of Fame and there was a video presentation of his live-long achievements. ****** Sandra Rose said if Rotarians are interested in water conservation, dont wash your Levis.????

Guests Last Week **** Rod from the Riverside Grill, Chino Sylvia Nash
Dinner & Auction
Rotarian John DeMonaco, the Dinner and Auction Chair, announced our Dinner and Auction will be Friday, October 19, Los Serranos Country Club. Also keeping in mind it is the day before Gene Hernandezs Birthday!

Rotarian Wayne Scaggs gave a particularly moving prayer at last weeks luncheon reminding us to be grateful for the moments in which we live. Again, we are happy Wayne is healthy and back with his Rotary Family!

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