Bearing 06-06-2012

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Rotary Club of Chino Meets WEDNESDAY NOON Chino Community Bldg.

5443 B Street Chino For Additional Information President Theresa Franke 985-3000

The Bearing
The Voice of the Chino Rotary Founded 1925 * Club #779
June 6, 2012

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SERVICE Above Self

President Rotary International All of us in Rotary are looking to change the world why else would we be Rotarians? We believe that our world can be happier, healthier, and more peaceful and that we can create that better world through our service. Doug Fowler, District Governor 2011-2012 Chino Club Officers President: Theresa Franke Vice President: 1. Scott Schaller Past President: Wayne Scaggs Treasurer: Steve Bremer Secretary: Art Plourde (president-elect) Directors: Terrie Garcia Lee McGroarty Sandra Rose John DeMonaco (Dinner & Auction Chair) Bearing Editor Meg Yacawych

Kalyan Banerjee,

The Object of Rotary

The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:: First: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service, Second: High ethical standards in business and professions. The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to service society. Third: The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his personal business, and community life: Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men and women united in the ideal of service

CLUB CALENDAR Crombie Allen Award

Wednesday, June 6

Beyond Apple


Boys Republic
*** Wednesday, June 13 Savvy Social Security Strategies Presenter Suzanne H. Christian, CFP *** Wednesday, June 20 Childhood Obesity Physical Fitness Presenter Ogie Shaw *** Wednesday, June 27

DARK ***
DEBUNKING & Installation Dinner THURSDAY JUNE 28

The Beyond Apple program was suggested by Rotarian Lee McGroarty and brought to fruition with the help of President Terry Franke and Rotarian and Principal of Chino High, Felix Melendez. Students at Chino High were offered an opportunity to participate in this program or just take a typical high school study hall class. The students were really just volunteers for this pilot program. The program guide students through a business plan format to help them develop innovative products or services. The business plan format is a logical procession of ideas and expected outcomes. With the guidance of business professional such as Rotarian Debbie Mitsch they explored various ideas. The ideas that were presented at our last meeting: The Helping Hands: A personal concierge service for busy professional people. They would provide services such as lawn mowing; babysitting; grocery shopping, etc. Sea Shirt Clothing Company: A t-shirt company with a young adult target audience. They would produce affordable custom shirts which could be purchased by mail. They estimated start up costs at $450,000. Their source of financing would be family and friends. Carpe Diem: This be a brand of clothing targeting The New Generation of Clothing. The Helping Hands project will move to the next level. Each student in The Helping Hands module received a $25 gift certificate. They were not expecting any compensation for their efforts. Rotarian and Principal Felix Melendez reminded us that these students stuck around for this volunteer project and he was extremely pround of them. We are pround of these young entrepreneurs as well!


Friday, June 29 6:30 WINE TASTING FUN-Raiser Hosts: Louise & Gene 21000 Fox Hollow Yorba Linda RSVP Kevin Franke (909) 730-5543

Rotary President Terry Franke took a moment at the GSE reception to thank members of the community who hosted wine tasting parties that helped raised money for wheelchairs for Hermasillo, Mexico. This innovative ideas was suggested by her husband, Kevin Franke. At each hosting Kevin explained the history of the wines tasted that evening and what food pairings are typically appropriate.

Submitted by Rotarian Al McCombs

Crombie Allen Addresses Chino Rotary From the October 5, 1928, Chino Champion That the people of the United States should cultivate the social and business relationship of South American countries was the contention at the Wednesday Rotary meeting of Crombie Allen, editor of the Ontario Daily Report, who established the Crombie Allen Award in Chino. Mr. Allen stated that he had been present at a number of International Rotary conferences, and had been able to learn the spirit of Rotary in various countries and he believed that Rotary was doing more to alleviate misunderstanding among nations than any other organization. Especially is this true in South America, where the countries are comparable in Rotary spirit with our own California. Chile was named as the nearest like California, Mr. Allen calling attention to the fact that 40 Rotary clubs had been organized in the country, which is second only to Great Britain among foreign nations have Rotary clubs. In 1929, Chino Rotary made its first Crombie Allen award from then $530 trust fund set up by Mr. Allen to provide an incentive to higher ideals of citizenship and attainment. The winner of the first gold watch, chosen from among five nominees by vote of administrators and students, was the Republics mayor, Vincent Rudan, a senior print shop student and three-year resident. By the mid thirties the awards event was being held at a dinner at the Republic, which included Rotarians and their wives, Rotary District and Republic trustees and graduating seniors. Welcome Chile GSE Team Rotarians and friends of Rotary welcomed the Group Study Exchange Group from Chile at Dave and Charlene Kings home. GSE Teams are exchanged to give young professional adults a chance to experience cultural and vocational exchanges of ideas. The professionals from Chile were a doctor, Lawyer, teacher and psychologist and journalist.

The GSE Team and host Dave King.

Rotarian and former Rotary President, Dick Meyer and President-Elect, Art Plourde.

Rotarian Kevin Sullivan and two GSE team members.

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