AnuarioProyEur W 5
AnuarioProyEur W 5
AnuarioProyEur W 5
Version 2024
Edición 2024
CartujaQanat. Recovering the street life in a climate changing world 6
DURA DOURO . The Douro as an enduring resource of the border landscape and territory 7
MOSAIC. Ultra-High-Performance Materials for smart hydraulic tiles: A new perspective in the art craft Innovation for urban 8
MYBUILDINGISGREEN. Application of Nature-Based Solutions for local adaptation of educational and social buildings to 9
Climate Change
OET DURIUS. Design of the Cross-border Ecological Observatory of the Duero-Douro Corridor to improve the connectivity and 10
biodiversity of the territory
OMICRON. Towards a more automated and optimised maintenance, renewal and upgrade of roads by means of robotised 11
technologies and intelligent decision support tools
PaRaMetriC. Metrological framework for passive radiative cooling technologies 12
SARIL. Sustainability And Resilience for Infrastructure and Logistics networks 13
SME Green Skills HUB. Support for the implementation of sustainable development goals in small and medium-sized 14
businesses through vocational training
av-AI-lable. Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) Materials selection by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) 16
DigiChecks. Digital environment for management of permits and compliance in building and construction 17
DigiLab/BE. DigitalLab for the Built Environment: An Integrated Approach for Upgrading Digital Skills in Technical Education 18
HABITABLE. Alliance of centres of excellence in vocational training for sustainable habitat 19
IAM4RAIL. Integrated Asset Management for Rail 20
INHERIT. Next Generation Solutions for Sustainable, Inclusive, Resource-efficient and Resilient Cultural Heritage 22
Open DBL. One step open DBL solution 23
Rail4Earth. Europe’s Rail Flagship Project 4 - Sustainable and green rail systems 24
SEAMLESS-PV 1. Development of advanced manufacturing equipment and processes aimed at the seamless integration of 25
multifunctional PV solutions, enabling the deployment of IPV sectors
SEAMLESS-PV 2. Development of advanced manufacturing equipment and processes aimed at the seamless integration of 26
multifunctional PV solutions, enabling the deployment of IPV sectors
SHELTER. Sustainable Historic Environments hoListic reconstruction through Technological Enhancement and community 27
based Resilience
Construye 2030. Build Up Skills. The construction sector towards 2030 30
SUSTAINABUILD. Interdisciplinary Digital Skills for Sustainable Construction 31
AEGIR. DigitAl and physical incrEmental renovation packaGes/systems enhancing envIronmental and energetic behaviour and 34
use of Resources
BEEYONDERS. Breakthrough European tEchnologies Yielding cOnstruction sovereigNty, Diversity & Efficiency of ResourceS 35
BIPVBOOST. Bringing down costs of BIPV multifunctional solutions and processes along the value chain, enabling widespread 36
nZEBs implementation
CALSILAM. Additive Manufacturing of Calcium Silicate Hydrate monoliths for sound and thermal insulation pannels 37
EURAD. European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management 38
MASS-IPV. Enabling Massive Integration of PV into Buildings and Infrastructure 35
BASAJAUN. Building A SustainAble Joint between rurAl and UrbaN Areas Through Circular And Innovative Wood Construction 42
Value Chains
BIM-LCA Construction. An Innovative Circular Economy Training based on BIM and LCA technologies applied to the Construction 43
CARDIMED. Climate Adaption and Resilience Demonstrated in the MEDiterranean region 44
Exploit4InnoMat (E4IM). An open Innovation Ecosystem for exploitation of materials for building envelopes towards zero 45
energy buildings
FREEDOM. Solving treatment of wastewater sewage sludge with new HTL technology to produce hydrocarbons, asphalts and 46
hermETICS. Lightweight Autohealing Mortars for External Thermal Insulation Building Systems 47
ICARUS. Increasing circularity in process industries by upcycling secondary resources 48
IMIP. Innovative eco-construction system based on interlocking modular insulation wood & cork-based panels 49
NATURSEA-PV. Novel eco-cementitious materials and components for durable, competitive, and bio-inspired offshore floating 50
PV substructures
PREDIS. The Predisposal management of radioactive waste 51
RECONMATIC. Automated solutions for sustainable and circular construction and demolition waste management 52
RECONSTRUCT. A Territorial Construction System for a Circular Low-Carbon Built Environment 53
SMARTINCS. Self-healing concrete, repair mortars and grouts as key enabling technologies 54
SNUG. Innovative methodology based in circular economy and artificial intelligence to foster the transition to sustainable and 55
very high energy performance buildings at a cost optimal level
Z-ONA4LIFE. Aluminium Foundries Circularity via Holistic Zeolite Production for Effluents Depuration 56
ebalance-plus. Energy balancing and resilience solutions to unlock the flexibility and increase market optionsfor distribution grid 58
EBENTO. Energy efficiency Building Enhancement through performance guarantee Tools 59
ENSNARE. Envelope mesh and digital framework for building renovation 60
EURAD 2. European partnership on radioactive waste management 61
FEDECOM. FEDErated - system of systems- approach for flexible and interoperable energy COMmunities 62
INCREASE. Effective advancements towards uptake of PV integrated in buildings & infrastructure 63
MEZeroE. Measuring Envelope products and systems contributing to next generation of healthy nearly Zero Energy Buildings 64
NEWSOL. New StOrage Latent and sensible concept for high efficient CSP Plants 65
RESHEALIENCE. Rethinking coastal defence and Green-Energy Service infrastructures through enHancEd-durAbiLIty 66
high-performance fiber reinforced cement-based materials
BIO-TORFM. Development of top-of-rail friction modifiers based on vegetable oils and nanoadditives 68
CAMODEL. Evolution of reaction products and compressive strength of alkali-activated cements using computational 69
modelling techniques
CRII. New construction with lower carbon footprint from industrial waste in Latin America 70
VEnUS. Energy Vulnerability in Iberoamerican homes, in the context of Climate Change. Detection, capacity building, and 71
alleviation among university students.
VIbRA-IS. Iberoamerican housing in the face of post-COVID challenges and adaptation to Global Change, from habitability: 72
architectural and technical proposals for equitable and healthy habitats
Project information
3.999.107,76 €
Project description
The project can be defined as an urban regeneration operation, which consists of an integrated set of actions and elements
that act as social stimulators to improve universal accessibility, ensure that the surface interventions on the existing
urbanization manage to reconfigure the executed urbanism and develop a new model of public-private governance. This
ecosystem will be based on 4 pillars:
- Refreshing facilities (bioclimatic qanat)
- Underground gallery
- Bioclimatic amphitheatre
- Bioclimatic island
Contact data
∕ José A. Tenorio IETCC. CSIC,
∕ José Sachez Ramos. US,
∕ José Ángel Laguna. Innovarcilla,
Project information
Call: (European Union/FEDER/Interreg)
Starting date. 01/11/2022
End date.30/06/2023
Global Budget of the Project. 196.108,94 €
Project coordinator. Fundación Santa María la Real
del Patrimonio Histórico
Subcontracted entities and third parties. Azucena
Nuño Nuño
Project description
The DuraDOURO project, within the Duero-Douro initiative, seeks to apply and project in wider geographical areas and
among new agents, the work methodologies and results obtained in the two projects that are capitalized, Flumen Durius
and Paisaje Ibérico, both focused on the knowledge and enhancement of the cultural and territorial resources of border
areas to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants and generate a greater economic flow in them, as a basis for
endogenous development.
DuraDOURO will contribute to the promotion and dissemination on a larger scale of both projects, adding their areas,
and to generate new tools that will lead to the enhancement of their results and to deepen the positive impact on the
territory as a whole.
Contact data
Project description
The MOSAIC project aims to research, develop and revolutionize the perspective of the use of
hydraulic tiles in urban pavements.
To this end, new types of Ultra-High-Performance Materials (UHPM) will be developed and
combined with craft manufacturing methods and IoT sensors to produce smart hydraulic tiles. The
designs of the tiles will be based on representative and artistic elements of the city of Granada, d
considering the inclusion of disabled pedestrians. Finally, the generated tiles will be installed in
different locations (e.g., streets and/or squares) inside Granada city. Serving as a new element of
the decorative identity of the different neighbourhoods for future generations.
Contact data
∕ Gaspar Carrasco-Huertas, Ph.D. ; TESELA ;
∕ Eugenio Navarro ; TESELA ;
Project information
2.854.102,00 €.
Project leader: CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico.
Partners: CSIC-IETcc, CARTIF, CIMAC, DIPBA, Municipio
de Porto
Project description
LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN aims to increase the climate resilience of education buildings and social care services by
implementing Nature-Based Solutions as prototypes of climate adaptation and improvement of the well-being of real
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), as climate change adaptation measures, are taking particular relevance. It is important
to generate knowledge and evidence on the effectiveness maximizing environmental, social and economic co-benefits.
Thus, the project will contribute to the definition of standards and/or criteria for designing them into real buildings.
Contact data
∕ Borja Frutos Vázquez,
∕ Miguel Vega,
Project information
Call: ( European Union/FEDER/Interreg POCTEP)
Starting date. 01.01.2024
End date. 31.12.2026
Global Budget of the Project. 2.016.599,49 €
Project coordinator. Fundación Santa María la Real
Subcontracted entities and third parties. To be
Project description
The ultimate goal of this project is to protect and preserve the biodiversity of natural ecosystems and the environment of
the selected territory (Duero-Douro corridor), also seeking to generate a shared strategy and innovative action plans for
the transfer of governance solutions and for the management and connectivity of transboundary areas.
Contact data
Towards a more automated and optimised maintenance, renewal and upgrade of
roads by means of robotised technologies and intelligent decision support tools
Project information
Call: H2020-MG-2020-TwoStages
Starting date: 01/05/2021
End date: 30/06/2024
Global Budget of the Project: 5M€
Project coordinator: CEMOSA
Project description
The objective of OMICRON is the development of an Intelligent Asset Management Platform with a broad portfolio of
area-specific innovative technologies to improve the construction, maintenance, renewal and upgrading of the European
road network. This project will improve the entire asset management process by focusing on four pillars:
The implementation of digital inspection technologies, including UAVs, ground vehicles and connection to C-ITS systems.
The development of a Digital Road Twin.
The constitution of a decision support tool for road infrastructures.
The development of intelligent solutions for construction and ordinary and extraordinary maintenance activities in
road infrastructures, making use of modular construction technologies, robotics, virtual reality or augmented reality.
Contact data
∕ José Solís Hernández,
∕ Noemi Jiménez Redondo,
Project information
EURAMET 2021 call - Metrology support for the Green
Deal (GRD)
2.346.525,00 €
Lorenzo Patelli (INRIM)
Project description
Passive Radiative Cooling (PRC) materials that can dissipate heat as infrared radiation can help improving the efficiency of
cooling systems and addressing the global climate challenge. The overall goal of this project is to establish a metrological
framework for comparable performance assessments of PRC technologies by: developing the conceptual framework for
comparable performance assessments; developing and validating numerical models to correlate the cooling performance
of PRC materials with the thermal and optical properties of their components; developing accurate approaches for
determining the thermal properties of PRCs and for converting measured radiometric quantities into a usable form for
heat balance calculations; developing setups and protocols for on-site testing of PRC materials; facilitating the take up of
the technology and measurement infrastructure developed in the project.
Contact data
∕ Gloria Pérez Álvarez-Quiñones,
∕ Joaquín Campos Acosta,
Sustainability And Resilience for Infrastructure
and Logistics networks
Project information
Call: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02
Starting date: 01/06/2023
End date: 31/05/2024
Global Budget of the Project: 3,98M€
Project coordinator: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
Project description
The SARIL Project aims to complement the classical definition of resilience (focused on hazard prevention, robustness
and rapid system recovery) with environmental aspects. To this end, key indicators that quantify both the resilience of
the system to disturbances and the environmental burden of freight transport are defined in close collaboration with a
broad group of stakeholders.
Adopting three different scenarios at different geographical scales (regional, national and international/EU), different
models are developed to capture the undisturbed operation of the system as well as the behavior in case of disturbance.
Contact data
∕ Concepcion Toribio Díaz
∕ Noemi Jiménez Redondo
SME Green Skills HUB
Project information
Call: ERASMUS+ programme
Start date: September 2020
End date: August 2023
Budget: 399.245,00 EUR
Coordinartor: INFODEF
Project description
SME Green Skills HUB is an Erasmus+ project aimed at assisting and guiding Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in
the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. For this purpose, it fosters green sectorial skills through
innovative and new generation training methods using gamification and workplace learning pedagogies with the guidance
of VET teachers, trainers, and mentors. SMEs experience sustainable change as a result, moving from transactional to
transformational partnerships, exploring new methods and approaches to measuring impact or finding meaningful ways
to collaborate with local communities.
Contact data
Ultra-High-Performance Concrete
Concrete (UHPC)
(UHPC) Materials
Materials selection
by by Artificial
Artificial Intelligence
Intelligence (AI)(AI)
andand Machine
Machine Learning
Learning (ML)
Step 2 Step 2
Project description
The av-AI-lable
The av-AI-lable project aimsproject aims
to solve in to and
3 steps solvejustin1 3 steps and
click thejust 1 design,
precise click the precise and
characteristics, design, characteristics,
performance of and
performance Concrete
Ultra-High-Performance of Ultra-High-Performance
(UHPC) material mixtures Concrete
using Artificial
(UHPC) Intelligence
material(AI) and Machine
mixtures Learning
using (ML). Intelligence
Artificial Step 3
For that, different
(AI) input variables
and Machine (e.g., selection
Learning (ML). For of rawthat, different
materials, mixtures
input and/or particle
variables (e.g., size distribution)
selection of were
raw materials,
used to determine mechanical properties (e.g., particle
mixtures and/or particle size distribution) were used to Step 3
packing, compressive strength, and tensile strength),
determine mechanical properties (e.g., particle packing,
workability, durability, and rheological properties.
compressive strength, and tensile strength),
workability, durability, and rheological properties.
Contact data
➢ Gaspar Carrasco-Huertas, Ph.D. ; TESELA ;
➢ Eugenio
Contact data Navarro ; TESELA ;
∕ Gaspar Carrasco-Huertas, Ph.D. ; TESELA ;
∕ Eugenio Navarro ; TESELA ;
This Project has received Funding from the European Union´s
Horizon Europe research and innovation programme – Project
101058541 — DigiChecks
Digital environment for management of permits and compliance
in building and construction
Project information
Starting date: 1st June 2022
End date: 31st May 2025
Global Budget of the Project: 6 532 900€
Project coordinator: FCC Construcción
Third parties: REALIA BUSINESS and i3B
Project description
The aim of DigiChecks is creating and demonstrating a new Digital Framework that allows interoperability and
communication between platforms, based on technologies and international initiatives to facilitate the management of
construction permits, including compliance checks.
DigiChecks proposes to build a digital framework that implements the following steps to overcome the challenges
mentioned and pave the way to a more streamlined approach to manage and process permits:
Step 1: Standardized Permit Ontology
Step 2: Digitizing Permit Processes
Step 3: Building Permit Rules
Step 4: Integration of the previous steps into a Permit Service (API)
Contact data
∕ Project Coordinator: Elizabeth Rodríguez,
∕ Technical Coordinator: Ignacio Rincón,
Project information
Call 2021-KA220-HED
399 590 €
Project description
The Digilab/be project aims to create a user-friendly digital platform, accessible to both students and the public, where
effective open educational resources can be found for acquiring the necessary competencies in the creation and use of
digital twins.
This platform will teach people how to create, utilize, and benefit from digital twins in the building industry, a cutting-edge
technology that’s making waves in the 3D realm, scanning, and simulation fields from European and global industries.
Contact data
∕ +34 968 355 270
Project information
Partnership for Excellence – Centres for Vocational
Excellence ERASMUS EDU-2022-PEX-COVE
2023 JUNE
2027 MAY
AEICE Cluster of efficient habitat
Project description
The Alliance of Centres of Excellence in Vocational Training for Sustainable Habitat project aims to respond to the skills
shortage and mismatches caused by the digital and green transition in the Habitat sector. To this aim the project will
develop innovative, learner-centred teaching methods, curricula on technical skills and key competences, and a system
of certification for micro-credentials to up-and reskill adult learners and SME employees. A Platform of Centres of
Vocational Excellence for Sustainable Habitat will be set-up building a skills ecosystem together with a wide range of
local and regional partners, as well as centres of professional excellence in other countries.
Contact data
Integrated Asset Management for Rail
Project information
Call: HORIZON-ER-JU-2022-01
Starting date: 01/12/2023
End date: 30/11/2026
Global Budget of the Project: 46M€
Project coordinator: ADIF
Project description
The IAM4RAIL project focuses on seven different demonstrators for railway assets that are key pieces for research and
innovation in the railway sector.
The integration of asset status information with the traffic management system (TMS), the analysis of available information
with artificial intelligence (AI), and the development of Digital Twins are key topics for R&D&I in IAM4RAIL. Other topics,
such as interventions with novel technologies like robotics or additive manufacturing, are considered relevant to improve
asset management in the railway sector. IAM4RAIL seeks a cross-border, interoperable and holistic European approach to
these (and other) topics in the framework of asset management, which will be transferred once developed to harmonize
the European railway system.
Contact data
∕ José Solís Hernández,
∕ Noemi Jiménez Redondo,
Project information
Call ( WP-call-topic): Research into optimised and
future railway infrastructure
Starting date: 01/01/2021
End date: 31/12/2023
Global Budget of the Project: 11M€
Project coordinator: Trafikverket
Project description
The IN2TRACK3 project continues with the developments started during the IN2TRACK and IN2TRACK2 projects together
with the demonstration of these developments in real environments and the creation of new complementary tools in the
field of design, monitoring or renovation and rehabilitation of the railway system.
It aims to reduce life cycle costs, improve reliability and punctuality, increase capacity, enhance interoperability and
improve customer experience. The structure of the work plan is designed around the development of a number of well-
focused technological innovations in several areas (switches and crossings, superstructure and structures), each and
every one of which will contribute to achieving the desired impact at the level of the entire rail system.
Contact data
∕ José Solís Hernández,
∕ Noemi Jiménez Redondo,
Next Generation Solutions for Sustainable, Inclusive,
Resource-efficient and Resilient Cultural Heritage
Project information
Call: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02
Starting date: 01/10/2023
End date: 31/03/2027
Global Budget of the Project: 5M€
Project coordinator: Singular Logic
Project description
The overall vision of INHERIT is to create a systematic methodology, accompanied by cutting-edge information and
communication technologies (ICT), such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data analytics,
as well as associated social behavioral practices, towards sustainable, inclusive and resource-efficient cultural
heritage solutions. INHERIT will enable socially innovative and economically viable interventions at both building,
neighborhood and city levels, covering all relevant aspects of the heritage-built environment lifecycle.
Contact data
∕ Gloria Calleja Rodríguez,
∕ Noemi Jiménez Redondo,
One step open DBL solution
Project information
Starting date: 01/01/2023
End date: 31/12/2025
Global Budget of the Project: 5,4M€
Project coordinator: CETMA
Project description
OpenDBL seeks to develop an open solution for the digital building ledger on a single standardized platform through an
open API as well as to create useful content to simplify the heavy workload of the AECO industry. The project has 3 specific
1) create a Digital Building Ledger with useful content and functionalities,
2) ensure that our Digital Building Book is usable and simple to reduce the time to load, search and use information and
thus have a good adoption,
3) make it economically attractive through a value proposition and appropriate pricing.
Contact data
∕ Gloria Calleja Rodríguez,
∕ Noemi Jiménez Redondo,
Europe’s Rail Flagship Project 4 - Sustainable and green rail systems
Project information
Call: HORIZON-ER-JU-2022-01
Starting date: 01/12/2022
End date: 31/11/2026
Global Budget of the Project: 38M€
Project coordinator: ALSTOM
Project description
The Rail4Earth project aims to cover sustainable and environmentally friendly rail systems, including rolling stock,
infrastructure, stations and all their related subsystems. The objectives are to significantly advance several families of
Key Performance Indicators in different fields: technical, environmental, economic, standardization. Decarbonization
of fuel trains, noise and vibration reduction, energy savings, circular economy, resource consumption, resilience to
climate change and pandemic attacks, attractiveness of passenger trains constitute the core of the proposed project. The
consortium carrying out the project is made up of partners of recognized prestige from the European field: operators, train
and subsystem manufacturers, research and technology laboratories that will identify the precise needs of operators,
implicitly including European public policies for sustainable transport, including Climate Neutral Europe by 2050.
Contact data
∕ Gloria Calleja Rodríguez,
∕ Noemi Jiménez Redondo,
Project information
Call: H2020-LC-SC3-2018-RES-SingleStage
Starting date: 24/09/2018
End date: 24/03/23
Global budget:11.3M € (UE:8,8M €)
Projetc coordinator: TECNALIA
Consotium: Mondragón Assembly, ONYX, COMSA, EU
Project description
SEAMLESS-PV drives the implementation of new integrated photovoltaic (IPV) solutions in different market sectors. The
objective is to develop advanced manufacturing equipment, processes and digitalisation strategies focusing on glass-
glass lamination as well as lightweight composite and polymer-based technologies.
Facing at real industrial environments and different market demands and opportunities, Seamless-PV sets up six pilot
line levels and 11 different IPV demo cases across Europe, divided between integration in noise barriers (PVNB), buildings
(BIPV), electric vehicles (VIPV), and agriculture (AGRI-PV).
Contact data
∕ Daniel Valencia,
∕ Eduardo Roman,
Project information
Call: H2020-LC-SC3-2018-RES-SingleStage
Starting date: 01/01/2023
End date: 31/12/2026
Global budget:16,9M € (UE:12,58M €)
Projetc coordinator: TECNALIA
Consotium: Mondragón Assembly, ONYX, BRANKA, EU
Project description
SEAMLESS-PV drives the implementation of new integrated photovoltaic (IPV) solutions in different market sectors. The
objective is to develop advanced manufacturing equipment, processes and digitalisation strategies focusing on glass-
glass lamination as well as lightweight composite and polymer-based technologies.
Facing at real industrial environments and different market demands and opportunities, Seamless-PV sets up six pilot
line levels and 11 different IPV demo cases across Europe, divided between integration in noise barriers (PVNB), buildings
(BIPV), electric vehicles (VIPV), and agriculture (AGRI-PV).
Contact data
∕ Daniel Valencia,
∕ Eduardo Roman,
Project information
Call: H2020 LC-CLA-04-2018
Starting date: 1 Jun 2019
End date: 31 May 2023
Global Budget: 5.999.448,75€
Project coordinator: TECNALIA
Partners: UPV/EHU, Estudios GIS, Xunta de Galicia, U.
Bologna, U. POLITO, U. Liege, U. Masarykova, UNESCO…
Project description
SHELTER project will develop a data-driven knowledge framework based on data used by scientists and heritage
managers. The project will attempt to understand the direct and indirect impact as well as the risks of climate change
on historic sites. It will also associate concepts used in risk management and climate change adaptations to cultural
heritage efforts. Regional characteristics and different types of risks as well as social and economic conditions will be
considered to incorporate climate resilience in cultural heritage management efforts with validation in five open-labs (3
Urban Open Labs –Italy, Turkey and Netherlands- and 2 Cross-border Open Labs – Sava River and Baixa Limia-Serra Do
Xurés), representative of main climatic and environmental challenges in Europe and different heritage’s typologies.
Contact data
∕ Project Coordinator: Aitziber Egusquiza,
∕ Project Website:
Build Up Skills. The construction sector towards 2030
Project information
Life Clean Energy Transition
1,193,904.67 €
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción – FLC
Project description
The overall objective is to address the skills needed in construction for the energy transition, the creation of zero-energy
buildings and awareness of resource efficiency. All this with the new situation offered by the sector in the midst of
technological change, digital support, efficient resources, renewable energies adaptation to new technologies, less use
of fossil resources and the lack of professionals (inclusion of women and young people).
Two additional specific objectives have been established:
Relaunching of the Construction Platform meeting point for all the related agents of the Sector
Updating of the Status Quo and Development of the Roadmap
Contact data
∕ José A. Tenorio IETCC. CSIC,
∕ Esther Rodríguez,
Project information
Erasmus+ Call 2024 Round 1 KA2
275,982 €
University College of Northern Denmark (UCN)
Other partners: PXL, SAMK & CTCON
Project description
SUSTAINABUILD has the aim of increasing the awareness and disseminating knowledge regarding the sustainable
development goals (SDGs) and European Union (EU) taxonomy in the construction industry. This will be done via the
free distribution of an analytical framework, a University course and a manual for practitioners. The target audience
of the project is mainly classified into companies, academia, public bodies and citizens. The SDGs were approved by
the General assembly of the United Nations in 2015 and became implemented as a part of Agenda 2030. Since then,
nations worldwide have applied the goals in their policies. Specifically, the EU has launched many policies approaching
the different parts of SDGs, as other frameworks as the EU taxonomy and the Green Deal.
Contact data
∕ UCN: Aysar Dawod Selman
∕ CTCON: Roberto Rodríguez Álvaro
Project information
Call: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D4-02-02
Starting date: 1 Oct 2022
End date: 30 Sep 2026
Global Budget: 13.790.078 €
Project coordinator: TECNALIA
ENAR, Ing. Cruz Marqués, Ayt. Malgrat de Mar…
Project description
AEGIR main objective is to demonstrate a physical and digital sustainable framework that boosts the take up of deep
retrofitting achieving nearly zero energy buildings. This approach is supported by (i) innovative, industrialized, high
performance and non-intrusive multifunctional plug-and-play envelope solutions to increase the use of locally deployed
renewable technologies. (ii) A digital ecosystem of services to improve the whole construction workflow (from design,
manufacturing, construction, and operation) reducing costs with a sustainable approach. And (iii) a socio-economic
model providing financial schemes and business models at building scale. The project will be demonstrated in four
different climates: Spain, France, Denmark, and Romania).
Contact data
∕ Julen Astudillo,
∕ Project website:
Project information
21 partners from 9 countries
Project budget: € 8 million
Cooperation between Europe and Japan
6 demonstrators in 4 countries
Project description
Demographic trends in Europe are posing a challenge to the construction sector, which is facing labour shortage, and an aging existing workforce. This can be
addressed through the integrated adoption of breakthrough technologies, e.g. autonomous vehicles, collaborative robotics, additive manufacturing, smart
wearables, digital twin, and artificial intelligence, which can help to get construction tasks done with more efficacy, while at the same time making the sector
more attractive to young people, and improving the safety, productivity, quality and environmental impact of construction projects. BEEYONDERS will take a
leap forward in the design, development, and integration of these breakthrough technologies in real construction scenarios, bringing together the capabilities
of European stakeholders, thus also demonstrating how the dependency on technology import from outside Europe can be reduced. Solutions will be
developed for supporting the integration of autonomous and tele-operated, ground and aerial robotic platforms and heavy equipment in harsh environments.
Innovative additive manufacturing solutions will be developed for resource optimization and for protection of biodiversity in maritime works. Safety,
wellbeing, and training of workers will be improved through the development of exoskeletons, advanced wearables, and learning resources supported by XR
technologies. A Digital Twin enriched with AI-based layers for decision-making will support seamless integration and management of all Project technologies.
These will be tested and validated in 6 demonstration case studies covering different project typologies: tunnels, earthworks for road construction, buildings,
maritime infrastructures, and road maintenance. BEEYONDERS impact will be evaluated both from the point of view of users? acceptance (e.g. benefits for
aging workforce, attraction of young workers, contribution to gender balance in construction) and environment(e.g. LCA & LCC applied to all project).
Contact data
∕ Antonio Alonso Cepeda, antonio.alonso.cepeda@acciona.
Project information
Call: H2020-LC-SC3-2018-RES-SingleStage
Starting date: 24/09/2018
End date: 24/03/23
Global budget:11.3M € (UE:8,8M €)
Projetc coordinator: TECNALIA
Consotium: Mondragón Assembly, ONYX, COMSA, EU
Project description
Integrating photovoltaics into parts of the building envelope such as the roof and facade could transform a city’s
carbon footprint, significantly reducing its reliance on grid electricity generated by burning fossil fuels. Despite the
potential of building-integrated photovoltaics, their market uptake is limited because the photovoltaics industry has
failed to provide holistic solutions that could meet the energy target set by the EU. The EU-funded BIPVBOOST project
plans to develop technical solutions to foster the application of building-integrated photovoltaics. The project will seek
to achieve significant cost reduction of the technology, while maintaining flexibility of design, high performance, long-
term reliability, design aesthetics, standardisation and compliance with legal regulations.
Contact data
∕ Daniel Valencia,
∕ Eduardo Roman,
Project information
Call: H2020 INNOSUP-01-2018-2020
Starting date: 01/09/2022
End date: 01/04/2023
Global Budget of the Project: 60,000 EUR
Project coordinator: TESELA
Laboratory 3D printer Industrial 3D printer
Laboratory 3D printed
Project description sample
Contact data
∕ Gaspar Carrasco-Huertas, Ph.D. ; TESELA ;
∕ Eugenio Navarro ; TESELA ;
Project information
59.922.246,61 €
IETcc-CSIC - third parties
Project description
Implement a joint Strategic Programme of research and knowledge management activities at the European level, bringing
together and complementing EU Member State programmes in order to ensure cutting-edge knowledge creation and
preservation in view of delivering safe, sustainable and publicly acceptable solutions for the management of radioactive
waste. The main activities of EURAD will consist of RD&D activities aiming at developing and consolidating S/T knowledge
of the EURAD Strategic research Agenda and Roadmap. IETcc-CSIC participate in the RD&D: “Improved understanding
of the role off organics (either naturally occurring or as introduced in the wastes and their influence on radionuclide
migration in cement based environments)”
Contact data
∕ Marta Castellote Armero,
Project information
Call: Horizon-CL5-2023-D3-01
Starting date: 27/09/2023
End date: 31/10/2027
Global budget: 8,67M € (UE:7,19M €)
Projetc coordinator: Fraunhofer
Consotium: TECNALIA, CIDETEC, Izpitek, Alucoil,
Branka, Sunthalpy, EU Partners
Project description
Breaking barriers to mass integration of photovoltaics into buildings and infrastructure.
Meeting European climate targets demands a dramatic surge in renewable energy adoption. While photovoltaic (PV)
costs have dropped, integrated PV (IPV) remains a niche market due to persistent barriers. In this context, the EU-funded
MASS-IPV project brings together key players to demonstrate how innovative tools and technologies can pave the way for
the mass integration of cost-effective IPV systems into buildings and infrastructure. Specifically, the project will showcase
the potential of multifunctional and cost-effective IPV systems through five different construction projects. The initiative
represents a crucial step towards achieving a dramatic rise in renewable energy implementation, bringing us closer to
our climate protection goals.
Contact data
∕ Eduardo Roman,
Project information
Call: H2020 LC-RUR-11-2019-2020
Starting date: 1 Oct 2019
End date: 31 Mar 2024
Global Budget: 12.287.506,91€
Project coordinator: TECNALIA
Partners; IRURENA, GARNICA, Env. Arq. ENAR,
Project description
The EU-funded BASAJAUN project will bring together wood transformation companies, research organisations,
associations and public bodies to maximise forest value through its use in wood construction. Stakeholders in urban
areas will also be integrated via a thematic platform.
Overall, the project will focus on optimal utilisation of wood forest resources for the construction of a four-storey
apartment building. The project will also undertake the digitalisation of the construction value chain, from forest to
buildings. For this purpose, innovative wood-based construction materials (thermal insulation, composites, varnishes,
SIPs) and systems (structure, facades, floors, walls, roof and fixings) will be developed and upscaled,
Contact data
∕ Project Coordinator: Javier García Jaca,
∕ Project Website:
An Innovative Circular Economy Training based on BIM and LCA
technologies applied to the Construction Industry
Project information
250.000,00 €
Ostfold University College
CTCON, UPCT, Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca and
Project description
The general aim of this project is to build skills for future construction actors, higher education students now, so that
they may become drivers of change for the construction sector towards a sustainable construction model that uses
natural and recycled materials, reducing the environmental impact and thus meeting the objectives of EU directives and
member countries’ plans. The main project objective goes totally in line with the horizontal priority “Environment and
fight against climate change”.
Contact data
∕ Marina Sánchez Rubio – Sustainable Construction and Climate Change Area
∕ – +34 968 35 52 70
Project information
19.971.411,25 €
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Project description
The CARDIMED project aims to instigate systemic transformations for climate resilience in the Mediterranean region,
unifying and integrating all initiatives addressing climate adaptation and mitigation through Natural Based Solutions
(NBS) and other engineering infrastructures. To achieve this goal, it will provide both the underlying structural framework
and the network of 9 Demonstrator (DEMO) clusters that will form a critical mass for replication, transferability, and
scaling up. The project will implement, test, and demonstrate circular and nature-based solutions that foster digital,
social, and systemic transformation. CARDIMED aims to connect over 28 MED regions and more than 70 communities
through demonstration and replication strategies, effectively integrating NBS into systemic resilience building.
Contact data
∕ Carlos Rodríguez,
∕ Fernando Fernández,
Exploit4InnoMat (E4IM)
Project information
Starting date: 01/01/2023
End date: 31/12/2026
Global Budget of the Project. 11,340,890.38
Project coordinator: UNI SYSTEMS SYSTIMATA
Subcontracted entities and third parties: IETcc-CSIC, ICV.
Project description
Building sector is responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the EU. As nZEB becomes the new standard, the role of
building materials and smart envelope systems is becoming more and more important. Exploit4InnoMat (E4IM) OITB will make available a high-end
Open Innovation Testbed network for building envelopes including roofs and facades, enabling the replication of prototypes in different buildings taking
into consideration the trade-offs between the three sustainability pillars, the life cycle stages as well as their impacts. End-User Market Needs for low-
cost, flexible, on demand material-based solutions, which will be assessed through an extensive partnership knowledge on materials characterization
and modelling, monitoring and process control, environmental and assessment, regulatory and standardization, social acceptance and innovation
management, realizing for nZEB solutions. In order to achieve this target a wide range of expertise has been brought to the OITB covering fields such
as Open Innovation Testbeds for nano enabled cement, non cement premixes and ceramics, advanced coatings and glazing solutions loaded with
aerogel, fibers, PCMs and other nanomaterials providing multifunctional properties; pilot lines for nanodispersion, 3D printing and roboting spraying;
as well as a network of four real scale living laboratories for nZEB technologies evaluation, will facilitate a realization tool for developing close to market
technological solutions. Additionally, a semi-automated tool combining BIM analysis, fast track modelling and simulation will make enable a digital
tool for utilizing building blocks (structural, solar thermal and BIPV) in order to create a harmonized and aesthetically pleasing urban environment.
The consortium of E4IM are constituted by 27 partners. CSIC is leader of pilot line (PL) 6, “Advanced Ceramics”. This PL will be able to produce new
formulations of ceramic materials for building envelopes by incorporation of different types of industrial waste: ash, slag, paper, urban waste,
construction and demolition waste and nanoparticles as a coating in order to improve the thermal properties of new material.
Contact data
∕ Ana Guerrero, ∕ Moisés Frías,
∕ Fausto Rubio, ∕ Silvia Gómez,
Project information
4.397.563 €
Fabio Cella (AGRO).
Project description
The project proposes an ecological alternative to the disposal and management of sewage sludge produced by
wastewater treatment. The general objective of the LIFE FREEDOM project is to apply at demonstration level hydrothermal
liquefaction as innovative and reliable technology for the treatment of sewage sludge and the production of useful
materials of widespread industrial use by installing a HTL plant at an urban WWTP. The starting level of readiness of the
project is TRL 6 and, at the end of the project, it is expected to reach TRL 9 (ready for marketing), ie a very close to market
project. However, two aspects can be considered at a lower TRL (TRL5) and concern the production of phosphorus and
use of the mineral fraction in the Construcción industry .
Contact data
∕ Ana Fernández,
Project information
Starting date: 20/07/2022
End date: 31.10.2024
Global Budget of the Project: 120.000 EUR
Project coordinator: TESELA
Project description
The hermETICS project consists of the development
and upscaling of auto-healing base mortars for External
Thermal Insulation Building Systems (ETICS). For this
challenge, End Life Tyres (ELT) residues are used to
ensure lightweight characteristics in combination with
auto-healing materials which provides by autogenous
healing mechanism the fixing of early-cracks in the
mortar used in the ETICS.
Contact data
∕ Gaspar Carrasco-Huertas, Ph.D. ; TESELA ;
∕ Eugenio Navarro ; TESELA ;
Increasing circularity in process industries
by upcycling secondary resources
Project information
18 partners of 7 countries
Project budget: over 9,5 Million €
3 demonstrators:
Upcycling of Lithium Aluminosilicate Residue (LAR), from
the extraction of Lithium
Upcycling of SRMs from urban waste cellulose
Upcycling of steelmaking slags into alternative raw mate-
rials for the construction sector
Project description
The ICARUS innovation project, coordinated by ACCIONA’s Construction business, framed within the Horizon Europe program of the European Union, is based on
the recycling of waste materials from various processing industries. The objective is to introduce waste materials into the construction sector, promoting the circular
economy and sustainable development. Furthermore, the project represents a significant advance in the research and demonstration of technologies aimed at
improving secondary raw materials, guaranteeing a quality similar to that of the original raw materials. To validate these new technologies, three cases of application of
this waste in construction will be carried out: recycling of mineral waste from lithium extraction and refining; recycling of steel slag through carbon capture and storage;
valorization of cellulosic waste from wastewater treatment plants and superabsorbent waste, where ACCIONA’s Water business will actively participate. The ICARUS
project will provide technological support to energy-intensive industries, also high consumers of raw materials and generators of waste, since they are key to promoting
the transition towards greener and digital processes. The project seeks standardization to promote a resilient, ecological and digital single market, where sustainability in
resource management is key. The circular economy in the construction sector is still in an early phase, with an estimated circularity rate of 12.4% in 2021 in the European
Union. Addressing the problem of resource availability for the infrastructure sector, and as responsible for 50% of the total extraction of materials and more than 35% of
waste flows in the European Union, the ICARUS project is positioned as a step decisive towards sustainable transformation, determinedly facing these current challenges
and leading the way towards a greener future. ACCIONA’s participation in this project reaffirms its commitment to sustainable innovation, leading the implementation of
solutions for a circular economy in constant evolution.
Contact data
∕ Daniel Hiniesto Muñoz de la Torre,
Project information
Interreg Sudoe program 2020-2027. SOE3/P3/E0963
Start date: 01/05/2020
End date: 30/04/2023
Total budget: 1.326.162,88 €, FEDER funding
994.622,63 €
Project leader: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Project description
IMIP aims to support the shift towards a low-carbon economy through smart, sustainable and inclusive growth with a
special focus on the construction sector. The project contributes to climate change mitigation by increasing the use of
wood and cork products in the construction and renovation of public buildings thanks to their high energy efficiency
and carbon storage capacity. IMIP promotes the circular bio-economy through the design of a new construction system
based on prefabricated modular pieces characterised by their easy, quick and economical assembly and disassembly for
reuse. The source of raw material is low-quality wood available in Mediterranean pine forests and cork. In addition, it has
developed a plug-in for modelling carbon stocks and the substitution effect of wood products using BIM methodology.
Contact data
∕∕ José Vicente Oliver Villanueva,
∕ Salvador Gilabert Sanz,
∕ Eva Hermoso Prieto,
Project information
Call: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03
Starting date: 1 Nov 2022
End date: 31 Oct 2026
Global Budget: 3.621.694,10€
Project coordinator: TECNALIA
Partners: UPV/EHU, CSIC, Prefabricados FORMEX,
MARIN, U. Bordeaux, U.C. Cork, TU Darmstadt, Warran
Hub and IST-ID.
Project description
NATURSEA-PV project will develop innovative structural designs capable of handling marine conditions, ensuring durability
and minimising (un)installation costs. NATURSEA-PV will improve the overall lifetime, reliability and maintainability of
marine substructures for offshore floating PVs and reduce LCOE by using newly developed, environmentally friendly, low-
carbon ultra-high-performance concrete. The project will also create a specific predictive simulation toolkit to evaluate
mechanical and chemical durability of the new materials. Finally, project partners will collaborate with associations,
public bodies and regulators to assess the implementation barriers and potential socio-economic and environmental
impact, propose corrective measurements and ensure social acceptance.
Contact data
∕ Project Coordinator: Edurne Erkizia,
∕ Project Website:
The Predisposal management of radioactive waste
Project information
Sep. 2020
August. 2024.
23.1M€, EU contribution 14M€.
VTT (Finland)
Project description
For radioactive waste to be safely disposed of, certain requirements need to be met for its management prior to disposal.
With this in mind, the EU-funded PREDIS project has been developing and carrying out activities for the pre-disposal
treatment of low and intermediate radioactive waste. The PREDIS project develops and increases the Technological
Readiness Level of treatment and conditioning methodologies for wastes for which no adequate or industrially mature
solutions are currently available, including metallic materials, liquid organic waste and solid organic waste. PREDIS
project has developed innovative cement matrices for encapsulation/immobilization in cemented waste forms for
handling and pre-disposal storage by testing and evaluating.
Contact data
Project information
Starting date July 2022
End date June 2026
Budget: 9.549.591,00 EUR
Coordinator: Czech Technical University
Project description
The main goal of RECONMATIC is to develop automated tools and digitalised processes in order to mitigate and reduce
Construction & Demolition waste, and to foster higher added value reuse of C&D waste materials. Innovative solutions
and tools for C&D waste management within the whole life-cycle of buildings and infrastructure will be tested, validated
and integrated in order to address the challenge for a zero waste construction industry in Europe and a low energy
consuming sector.
Contact data
Project information
Call: HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-02-two-stage
Starting date: 1 June 2023
End date: 31 May 2027
Global Budget: 6.694.967,50 €
Project coordinator: ITeC
Affiliated entities: Brunel & Teesside universities (UK)
Project description
The RECONSTRUCT project aims to develop eco-friendly alternatives to Ordinary Portland Cement, integrating them
with recycled and bio-based materials for in-situ and prefabricated components. These structures will be designed to be
removable, repairable, and reusable, with the entire construction materials lifecycle digitized for tracking and sharing
material information, deploying digital tools such as Digital Product passport (DPP) continuously updated across the
lifecycle of the material/product. An interoperability layer will allow data exchange with the building´s material passport
(BMP), which will be integrated into a dynamic 6D-BIM, effectively acting as a Digital Twin. Finally, AI-based solutions
will establish stable regional supply chains of waste materials, demonstrated through real-scale projects and regional
clusters in Barcelona and Brussels, promoting sustainable construction practices.
Contact data
∕ Website:
∕ Contact email: /
Self-healing concrete, repair mortars and grouts
as key enabling technologies
Project information
December 2020.
May 2024
Univ. of Ghent (Belgium)
Project description
SMARTINCS aims are the implementation of new life-cycle thinking & durability-based approaches to the concept &
design of concrete structures, with self-healing concrete, repair mortars & grouts as key enabling technologies. Create
a breakthrough in the current practice of the construction industry, characterized by huge economic costs related to
inspection, maintenance, repair and eventually demolition.
SMARTINCS has training a new generation of creative and entrepreneurial early-stage researchers in prevention of
deterioration of (i) new concrete infrastructure by innovative, multifunctional self-healing strategies and (ii) existing
concrete infrastructure by advanced repair technologies.
Contact data
Innovative methodology based in circular economy and artificial intelligence to foster the
transition to sustainable and very high energy performance buildings at a cost optimal level
Project information
Call: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02-05 — More sustainable buildings
with reduced embodied energy / carbon, high life-cycle
performance and reduced life-cycle costs (Built4People)
Starting date: 11/01/2023
End date: 04/30/2027
Global Budget of the Project: 5.519.275,75
Project coordinator: AIDIMME
Project description
Buildings are responsible for over 40% of the energy consumption and CO2 emissions in EU. Accordingly, the CE has stablished ambitious
building standards aiming to transform all existing buildings into ZEBs by 2050 to reach a fully decarbonized building stock.
SNUG aims to demonstrate on three real buildings with different characteristics, uses and climatology, the application of an innovative
methodology to support planners of new buildings or retrofitting works in selecting the most appropriate set of insulation materials,
their combination and placement to maximize the energy efficiency and minimize GHG emissions of the building throughout its life
cycle to make its ZEB rating more easily achievable, considering specific building characteristics and its environment, at an optimal
cost level. This methodology will be supported by:
A Digital Tool Assistant based on AI and virtual simulation
Innovative sustainable by design thermal insulation materials
An insulation materials database, including LCA information
A Digital Building Logbook
Contact data
∕ Irene Beleña,
∕ Juan Carlos Guerrero,
Project information
3.597.591 €.
Aurora López Delgado. CSIC.
Project description
The project focuses on a new circular zeolite production technology and its exploitation. In this way, the environment is
improved in two ways: hazardous waste recovery and effluent treatment. Z-ONA4LIFE considers salt slag as a secondary
raw material and creates an opportunity to recover waste from other industries. Z-ONA4LIFE aims to close the loop
between the generation of waste, its treatment, the development of valuable materials and its future market.
The synthetic Z-ONA zeolite from industrial waste could be used in many industrial applications, among which the
Construction sector stands out, due to the growing demand of zeolites for the manufacture of construction and building
Contact data
∕ Aurora López Delgado,
∕ Maximina Romero Pérez,
Energy balancing and resilience solutions to unlock the flexibility
and increase market optionsfor distribution grid
Energy Transition
Project information
Call: H2020-LC-SC3-2019-ES-SCC
Starting date: 01/02/2020
End date: 31/01/2024
Global Budget of the Project: 9.4M€
Project coordinator: CEMOSA
Project description
The ebalance-plus project aims to increase the energy flexibility of electricity distribution grids through a management
platform that integrates building installations (air conditioning, household appliances, etc.), distributed generation
facilities (photovoltaic power plants), energy storage, bidirectional electric vehicle charging points (V2G) and interoperates
with energy management systems to estimate the energy flexibility of users and make it available to grid operators,
retailers, distributors or energy aggregators. Through this technology, buildings will be able to integrate into future smart
grids and their markets to reduce energy costs and carbon footprint.Translated with (free version)
Contact data
∕ Juan Jacobo Peralta Escalante
∕ Noemi Jiménez Redondo
Energy efficiency Building Enhancement through performance
guarantee Tools
Energy Transition
Project information
Call: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D4-02
Starting date: 01/10/2022
End date: 30/09/2025
Global Budget of the Project: 5,6M€
Project coordinator: ETRA I+D
Project description
EBENTO’s goal is to develop a comprehensive platform for all actors involved in the building construction and renovation
sector to provide a single solution to better coordinate and manage energy performance contracts:
EBENTO will explore the best financing and collaboration schemes to establish energy services.
EBENTO will study how to improve current energy performance contracts (EPCs) for Demand Side Management services
and what kind of investment options (grants, loans...) can be implemented to increase the number and impact of energy
efficiency projects in the city/region.
Using digital tools, EBENTO will collect data on RECs, financial schemes and energy savings to give citizens the confidence to
invest in new solutions, and companies the relevant information to reduce costs and easily replicate the work developed.
Contact data
∕ Gloria Calleja Rodríguez,
∕ Noemi Jiménez Redondo,
Energy Transition
Project information
Call: LC-EEB-04-2020 (IA)
Starting date: January 2021
End date: January 2025
Global Budget: € 9 995 245
Project coordinator: TECNALIA
DOI: 10.3030/958445
Project description
In order to support implementation of low-carbon, energy-efficient building renovations, the project develops two key
structures for interoperability of building components and tools: (1) an envelope mesh and (2) a digital platform. The
envelope mesh is fully modular yet flexible, facilitating the mechanical assembly and interconnection of industrialized
components with or without energy harvesting capabilities. The digital platform provides a toolbox of modular solutions
supporting all stages of the renovation process, from data acquisition and early decision making up to the manufacturing,
installation and operation phases. These tools are linked to a digital model of the building of increasing complexity and
capabilities, ultimately leading to a Digital Twin that allows real-time simulation and operation of all components.
Contact data
∕ Peru Elguezabal,
∕ Beñat Arregi,
Energy Transition
Project information
EURATOM 2023 Radioactive waste-IBA
Oct 2024
Oct 2029
40M€ (20M€ EU founding)
ANDRA (France)
Project description
EURAD 2 will support the implementation of the Waste Directive in EU Member States, taking into account the various
stages of advancement of national programs for radioactive waste storage, considering the various stages of advancement
of national programs, the differences in capabilities and inventories: 1) To support Members States in developing and
implementing their national programs for the safe long-term management of full range of different types of radioactive
waste. 2) To develop and consolidate existing knowledge for the safe start and operation of the first geological disposal
facilities for the spent fuel high level waste in supporting optimisation and implementation of geological facilities. 3)
Building of the achievements of previous EURAD 1 and PREDIS. IETcc-CSIC contribution to WP 6, 7 and 14.
Contact data
Energy Transition
Project information
HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-05 - Energy Sector Integration:
Integrating and combining energy systems to a cost-
optimised and flexible energy system of systems
Starting date: 01/10/2022
End date: 30/09/2026
Global Budget of the Project: 9.474.375€
Project coordinator: GIROA-Veolia
Project description
FEDECOM’s objective is to enable integrated local energy systems through the integration of cross-energy sectors and
vectors, increasing the penetration of distributed renewable energies through optimal use of energy generation, storage
and transformation. FEDECOM’s concept is that electricity becomes the main energy vector, with electrical networks as the
backbone for the decarbonization of all energy sectors and aggregators as the cornerstone of their potential exploitation.
FEDECOM maximizes the potential synergies of two complementary deployment strategies: (i) direct electrification (for
example, through demand-side electrification), and (ii) indirect electrification (with power-to-X technology).
Contact data
∕ Ivan Sanchez Pasarin,
∕ Susana Lopez,
Energy Transition
Project information
Call: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-01
Starting date: 1 October 2023
End date: 31 March 2028
Global Budget of the Project: 9.6M € (EU: 8M €)
Project coordinator: Th!nk E
Consortium: Tecnalia, Becsa, Onyx, ETS Euskal
Trenbide Sarea and others.
Project description
INCREASE aims to contribute to a wider uptake of integrated photovoltaics (IPV) by delivering innovations at module
and system level. New encapsulants and coatings will be developed contributing to improved aesthetics, reduced glare,
lower environmental footprint, improved behavior during fire, and improved antifoiling and antisoiling behavior. At
system level, innovations will focus on integrated facade and roof concepts, as well as noise barriers.
The developed products and systems will be implemented in 9 buildings and infrastructures in 6 European countries.
In these demonstrators, workshops will be organised beforehand to integrate co-creation processes, so that the joint
collaboration of all stakeholders will be sought to generate results of greater impact and acceptance in the market.
Contact data
∕ Xabier Olano Azkune,
∕ Paco Vea,
Energy Transition
Project information
Call: H2020-NMBP-TO-IND-2018-2020
Starting date: 1 January 2021
End date: 31 January 2026
Global Budget of the Project: 17.1M € (EU: 14.7M €)
Project coordinator: Eurac Research
Consortium: Tecnalia, ITeC, Tecnan, Leitat, Flexbrick MEZeroE Digital Innovation Platform is one of the outputs of the Project,
and others. were you will find a collaborative ecosystem for stakeholders related to
building envelopes.
Project description
The achievement of net zero energy buildings (NZEB) and high indoor environmental quality targets requires a profound
transformation of the built environment. One of the promoted measurements is the inclusion of new technologies,
materials and designs in the buildings. Nevertheless, innovation in Construction Sector is slow.
MEZeroE Project aims to create an EU distributed open innovation ecosystem for developing NZEB enable envelope
solutions through a single-entry point web-based multi-side virtual marketplace. This will include 9 pilot measurement
and verification lines, 3 open innovation services and additional resources and support including training, business
model development, systematic IP and knowledge management and more.
MEZeroE will fast-track prototypes to the market as fully characterized and exploited products.
Contact data
∕ Xabier Olano – TECNALIA
∕ Michele Manca – LEITAT
∕ Gloria Diez – ITEC
New StOrage Latent and sensible concept for high efficient CSP Plants
Energy Transition
Project information
H2020-NMBP-2016-two stage
January 2017
July 2021
Univ. of Evora (Portugal)
Project description
NEWSOL addressed the challenge of increasing the efficiency of solar energy harvesting by means of advanced materials
and architectures in line with those specified in SET-plan. Its main objective is to develop advanced materials for innovative
storage media concepts for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) up to the validation of their performance from lab scale to
demonstrator prototypes. The project aimed at delivering innovative concretes for thermal energy storage design. The
material developments envisaged in the project included: 1) two different new high thermal performance concretes. 2)
a new ternary Molten Salt mixture. 3) a Filler Material selected after a recycling/reuse concept. The combination of the
most suitable materials into two different storage concepts: a thermocline tank and a module.
Contact data
Rethinking coastal defence and Green-Energy Service infrastructures through
enHancEd-durAbiLIty high-performance fiber reinforced cement-based materials
Energy Transition
Project information
January 2018
March 2022
Politecnico de Milan (Italy).
Project description
ReSHEALience aim was to develop Ultra High Durability Concrete (UHDC) and Durability Assessment-based Design (DAD)
methodology for structures, to improve durability and predict their long-term performance under Extremely Aggressive
Exposures (XS-chloride induced corrosion, XA-chemical attack). The improvement was by supported upgrading Ultra
High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete with new functionalities. Focused on marine structures (wind-offshore,
mussel rafts) and for geothermal/biomass energy plants.
CSIC coordinated durability work activities, designed the monitoring plan of the pilots. Carried out theoretical &
experimental studies towards risk analysis, durability environmental interaction & prediction that affect the materials &
structures during the structure service life
Contact data
Project information
I-COOP 2021.
24.000 €.
Román Nevshupa. CSIC.
National University of Columbia.
Project description
Bio-degradable and environmentally friendly friction modifier for rail way transportation systems is been developing
using avocado oil as base stock. Non-toxic and natural additives are used to control viscosity, oxidation resistance,
antiwear and friction properties of the lubricant.
Contact data
∕ Román Nevshupa,
∕ Ph. no. +34 911035746
Project information
i-COOP project. Modality A (COOPA23007)
María Criado Sanz
CSIC and Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Adapted from [1]
[1] Z. Li, G. Xu, and X. Shi, “Reactivity of coal fly ash used in cementitious binder
Medellín systems: A state-of-the-art overview,” Fuel, vol. 301, no. November 2020, 2021, doi:
Project description
One of the challenges for academia and industry is to design strategies to control and optimise the manufacturing
processes of Alkali-Activated Cements (AACs). The modelling of the processes is presented as a valuable tool to represent,
control, and predict the properties of the cementitious material. It is proposed to develop a dynamic model of the
kinetics of alkaline activation to predict the time evolution of the main reaction products formed and also to determine
the compressive strength of the system.
Contact data
∕ María Criado Sanz. Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (CSIC),
∕ Mauled Echeverri Aguirre. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín,
∕ Ary Alain Hoyos Montilla. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín,
∕ Juan Sebastián Rudas Flórez. Institución Educativa Pascual Bravo,
Project information
23.000 €.
Alicia Pachón Montaño/María Criado Sanz. CSIC.
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Bogotá)
Project description
The CRII project is being developed between the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada de Colombia (Bogotá) and Eduardo
Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences (IETCC-CSIC) (Madrid). The project focuses on the development of sustainable
cementitious materials that encapsulate, without risk to the environment, waste from hydrocarbon extractions, where
industrial by-products are used as raw materials to produce alkaline cement.
The alkaline cements developed are composed of rice husk ash, which originates as waste from cocoa drying, and blast
furnace slag. Their durability under extreme climatic conditions and in contact with animal purines is evaluated for use
as possible construction materials for animal enclosures.
Contact data
∕ Alicia Pachón Montaño. IETcc(CSIC),
Project information
I-COOP 2022
23.997,19 €
Teresa Cuerdo Vilches (IETcc-CSIC).
FCT-NOVA (PT); UNAM (MEX); IPN (MEX); U. Anáhuac
Project description
The main aim is to delve into energy vulnerability and poverty, implications and determinants, as well as propose its
alleviation, promoting good practices and measures for public decision-makers, public policies and strategies and
technical, social and environmental interventions that alleviate vulnerability, on the residential park. For this, the
study population is the university community and its environments. Awareness and training measures (workshops,
master classes, etc.) and capacity building measures are included to train educators who influence future generations,
and prepare future designers, architects, urban planners, and legislators, in matters of domestic energy. . The specific
objectives are: 1) identify habitats of the university communities; 2) detect the energy vulnerability of these communities;
3) assess the impacts of energy vulnerability and poverty perceived by community and region; 4) generate proposals to
mitigate impacts, in the context of Climate Change, and by region; 5) Dissemination of results (transverse to the project).
Contact data
∕ Teresa Cuerdo Vilches,
Iberoamerican housing in the face of post-COVID challenges and adaptation to Global Change,
from habitability: architectural and technical proposals for equitable and healthy habitats
Project information
Teresa Cuerdo Vilches (IETcc-CSIC).
ISCIII (España); FCT-NOVA (Portugal); UNAM (México); UAM
(México); UPB (Bolivia); UMSA (Bolivia); UTFSM (Chile)
Project description
The aim is to exchange experience in the diagnosis and proposal of habitability improvements, through sustainable and
affordable architectural and technical solutions, which allow adaptation to Climate Change of housing and other extreme
scenarios, such as health emergencies or disasters, to be faced with resilience, that involved confinement. Taking into
account the socioeconomic and health impacts of habitability in housing, given these compared scenarios, the specific
objectives are: 1) exchange the state of the art of the consortium regions; 2) detect deficiencies and pathologies associated
with the lack of habitability by region, and implement them in the models for multiscale analysis; 3) promote design,
constructive and technical solutions, with sustainable and healthy criteria, in each model; 4) evaluation of the feasibility
of the proposals and quantification of improvements; 5) Dissemination of results. The areas of study are Mexico, Bolivia
and Chile, regions with multiple microclimates, and hit hardly by catastrophes, such as COVID and Climate Change, and
Southern Europe (Spain and Portugal), threaten by extreme weather events, above all.
Contact data
∕ Teresa Cuerdo Vilches,