Addiction Internet Elemkey
Addiction Internet Elemkey
Addiction Internet Elemkey
1. What things might people become addicted to? How many can you write down in
one minute?
addiction – a strong need that someone feels to regularly take an illegal or harmful
There is a growing problem of drug addiction in our cities.
addiction to – a strong need or wish to spend as much time as possible doing a
particular activity:
Many people have an addiction to nicotine.
His addiction to the Internet is taking over his life.
2. Write the key words and phrases from the article into the sentences.
6. Internet addiction clinics are opening all around the world, and many people
have joined web discussion boards such as Internet Addicts Anonymous. The
Centre for Internet Addiction Recovery in Bradford, Pennsylvania, says Internet
addiction is often a factor in criminal, divorce and employment cases.
7. Robert Freedman, the editor of the American Journal of Psychiatry, said
Internet addiction is different from person to person. “In Korea, people are
mostly addicted to gaming sites. In America, it is Facebook. They are also
addicted to online pornography, games, gambling, chatting with friends. All
these things existed before the Internet, but now they’re a lot easier.”
8. His advice to addicts is: “A self-help group is a good place to start, but maybe a
real group is better than an online one.”
Many people are addicted to something and it is a big problem these days.
Being addicted to something is not a new problem.
4. Vocabulary: Prepositions
1. by
2. at
3. in
4. of
5. at
6. from
7. to
8. from
9. on
10. on