DLL Tle 8 Quarter 1 Week 2
DLL Tle 8 Quarter 1 Week 2
DLL Tle 8 Quarter 1 Week 2
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3. Textbook Pages
B. Establishing a The teacher will present The teacher will present The teacher will present The teacher will present
Purpose for the the lesson objectives. the lesson objectives. the lesson objectives. the lesson objectives.
C. Presenting Present the sample Word Search Look at the pictures below The student will
Examples/Instances of target output of the complete the crossword
The students will
the Lesson lesson / activity. puzzle.
encircle the letters in the
box to form
D.Discussing New Facilitate the lesson by Facilitate the lesson by Facilitate the lesson Facilitate the lesson
Concepts and direct discussion, direct discussion, by direct discussion by direct discussion
Practicing New collaborative learning collaborative learning and demonstration and demonstration
Skills #1 and demonstration and demonstration method. method.
method method
E. Developing Mastery Group the class into 11 The students will look A. List at least 5 tips to Collaborative
(Leads to Formative and let them perform line for safety tips or properly use and take
Work List at least
Assessment 3) exercises and 1 Point procedure in the box care of hand tools,
Perspective: Cubes and write it to the equipment and 5 tools,
columns under its paraphernalia. /equipment or
corresponding tools. paraphernalia
B. Give the 4 Benefits of in drafting, identify its
Properly Stored hand malfunction, possible
tools, drawing cause and provide
instruments, solution. Write yours
equipment, answers on the table
F. Finding Practical Preparation of line Safety procedures must It is the responsibility of There is certainly no
Applications of exercises and always be a priority in everyone to maintain absolute way to avoid
Concepts and Skills in geometrical any workplace so that the good operating any unforeseen
Daily Living constructions the security of all is condition of all the hand malfunctions. The only
assured. tools, equipment and way to minimize them is
paraphernalia in the to have the appropriate
workplace. Since these knowledge in using the
tools help in the different tools.
completion of the
different job
requirements, keeping
them well preserved will
make work easier and
more efficient.
G.Making Tools and materials What is maintenance? Why are cleaning tools What are the different
Generalizations must be given needed in maintain malfunctions and other
What’s the difference
and Abstractions importance and proper drawing tools and unplanned/unusual
between Preventive
about the Lesson care. equipment? events when using
Maintenance and
hand tools, drawing
Corrective Maintenance?
What are the different What is the proper way equipment, and
safety procedures in of storing tools, parts, paraphernalia?
handling tools and and equipment?
H.Evaluating Learning Formative plate making Choose one drawing Study and analyze the Multiple choice.
tool/equipment and give pictures below, then The student will identify
one safety procedure in answer the questions what is being described
using it. that follows. on each statement and
write the letter of the
correct answer on a
separate sheet
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Downloaded by moneth gerarman
Downloaded by moneth gerarman
of paper
I. Additional Activities
for Application or
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else
V. REFLECTION needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
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G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:
Principal IV
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