What are the characteristics of a plant allow
it to become dominant within its environment? PROCEDURES
1. In the classroom, introduce the concept of dynamic
balance between biotic potential and environmental resistance relative to population growth. Take a mini- field trip outside in the schoolyard. Ask students, to form into 4 groups, to identify plants growing in the schoolyard and choose one for further investigation. PROCEDURES
2. Have students create a chart to list the biotic potential
and environmental resistance for each chosen schoolyard plant using plant books, encyclopedias, the Internet, and field observation. PROCEDURES
3. Ask each group groups to create and name an imaginary
exotic plant species. Have them chart biotic potential and environmental resistance and draw a picture of the exotic plant. 4. Describe how the imaginary species would get into each chosen plant’s ecosystem, and based on its biotic potential and environmental resistance, discuss ways in which people could control the plant’s spread. PROCEDURES
5. Each group should complete the table below:
6.Each group should pick someone who will present in
the class the group's output. 7.Each group will be rated according to the rubric below: ANALYSIS What is Biotic Potential? What is Environmental Resistance? What are the factors that affect biotic potential? What is an example of biotic potential? What determines biotic potential? What are the factors of environmental resistance?