21st century skills consist of 12 skills that are currently needed by students to support success in their future career
paths. PjBL integrated STEM is believed to improve the 21 st century skills. This research aims to overview the Project
Based Learning integrated STEM and describe the 21st century skills in Project Based Learning integrated STEM on
science subject. This research was a systematic literature review. The systematic literature review uses PRISMA
guidelines and flowchart. The PRISMA guidelines include 27 point of checklist item and four-phase flow chart for
transparency in the literature review. This research analysing 17 articles about Project Based Learning integrated
STEM on 21st century skills that have been previously obtained. The syntax of PjBL-STEM consists of five steps,
namely reflection, research, discovery, application, and communication. Overall, the PjBL-STEM enhanced the 21 st
century skills, especially on learning skills (4C) and scientific literacy skills. The effect of PjBL-STEM on media and
technology literacy needs to be researched more further.
Keywords: 21st Century Skills, STEM, Project Based Learning, Project Based Learning integrated STEM.
that they become meaningful skills for students[9]. This 2.4. Evaluation
paper aims to describe overview the Project Based
Learning integrated STEM and describe the 21st century To evaluate the quality of the research in each
skills in Project Based Learning integrated STEM on article, an evaluation was carried out using a rubric
science subject. consisting of seven criteria, namely objectives and
purposes, review of the literature, theoretical
2. METHODS frameworks, participant, method, result and conclusion.
The evaluation was carried out on the full text content
This research was a systematic literature review. The and the seven rubric component were measured to see
systematic literature review uses PRISMA guidelines that article meet the quality of reporting standards[12].
and flowchart. The PRISMA guidelines include 27 point Each component consists of four scales, 1 = not meeting
of checklist item and four-phase flow chart for standard, 2 = almost meeting standard, 3 = meeting
transparency in the literature review[10]. standard, 4 = exceeding standards. After adding up the
seven components, the score of each article was
2.1. Eligibility Criteria between 7 and 28. Article that had a score less than 14
were excluded and damped not meeting the standard.
The eligibility criteria for include in this literature After assessing the quality of each article, there was 4
review require peer-reviewed and published in scientific articles excluded.
journals. Research are reviewed in this systematic
literature review between 2016 and 2020. Eligible
studies must also be published in English or Indonesian
with primary or secondary school students as
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 529
13 articles were qualitative research. 2 articles were more on the design process. The process of designing a
qualitative research, and 2 articles mixed method. A systematic approach to developing solutions to
summary of the systematic literature review is presented problems with well-defined results.
in Table 2.
PjBL-STEM consists of five steps, namely
reflection, research, discovery, application, and
3.1. Overview of Project Based Learning communication[15]. Reflection shows the context of the
(PjBL) Integrated STEM problem to the students and provide inspiration so that
they can come soon. Research helps students gather
Project-based learning is one of the learning models
relevant information in developing conceptual
based on the 2013 Curriculum. Project-based learning
understanding. The invention aims to develop students'
steps consist of key questions, designing projects,
abilities in building habits of mind from the process of
making schedules, monitoring students and reporting
designing and designing. Application aims to test
progress, assessing results, and evaluating
products or find solutions to solve problems.
experiences[14]. STEM is a learning strategy. The
Communication aims to present a product or solution
Integrated Project Based Learning Character in STEM is
within the scope of the class. The syntax description of
almost the same as Project Based Learning. In
the STEM integrated PjBL is described in Table 1.
Integrated Project Based Learning STEM emphasizes
Stage Description
Reflection This stage show context of the problem to the students and intended to link what is
known and what needs to be learned.
Research Student research process. During the research phase, the teacher's role is to guide the
discussion to determine whether students have developed conceptual and relevant
understandings based on the project
Discovery The discovery stage generally involves the process of bridging research and known
information in project development. Some of the models from STEM PjBL divide
students into small groups to present possible solutions to problems, collaborate, and
build cooperation between friends in groups.
Application At the application stage the goal is to test the product / solution in solving problems. In
this stage, students test products and the results obtained are used to correct previous
Communication The final stage in each project is to create a product / solution by communicating
between friends and class scope.
Triana et al., 2020 quantitative research STEM-PJBL-based learning environment Collaboration and
[16] methods with one change is effective towards student Communication Skills
group pretest-posttest collaboration and communication skills. This
design is evidenced by the average score of the
acquisition of collaboration and
communication skills in the very good
Rizkiyah et al., 2020 quasiexperimental (a) PjBL-STEM approach influences Collaborative Skills
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 529
[17] study using two students' collaborative skills, (b) PjBL-STEM and Learning
classes, approach influences student learning Outcome
Widyasmah et al., Mixed method STEM approach based on PJBL enhance creative thinking skill
2020 [19] students' creative thinking and improved the
indicators of creative thinking skill
Lestari, et al, 2018 Quasi Experimental PjBL-STEM model can improve students' Creativity
[20] Design research creativity rather than learning based project
method with the Non model only.
equivalent control
group design
Ariyatun, control group pretest Problem based learning integrated STEM Critical thinking skills
Octavianelis, posttest design increase students critical thinking skills
Gandi, et al, Quasi Experimental PjBL-STEM influence students critical Critical thinking skills
2019[24] Design research thinking skills
method with the
pretest and posttest
control group design
Ridlo et al., 2020 Mixed method PjBL-STEM enhance the students critical Critical thinking skills
[25] thinking. The PjBL-STEM is able to and communication
encourage students to be able to skills
communicate verbally.
Wan Husin, et al[26] Paired sample t-test PjBL-STEM may increase the students’ Digital age literacy,
using pretest and level for the five elements of the 21st inventive thinking,
posttest century skills. effective
communication, high
productivity, and
spiritual value
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 529
Yuliati et al., 2020 Quasi-Experimental PjBL-STEM increase the problem solving Problem Solving
[28] Nonrandomized skills. Skills
Control Pretest-
Posttest Design
Bhakti, et al, 2020 The Static Group The PJBL integrated STEM influence Science Process
[29] Pretest-Posttest student’s science process skills Skills
Lestari dan The research method PjBL-STEM enhance students scientific Scientific literacy
Rahmawati, 2020 was a quasi- literacy.
[30] experiment method
with the-factorial 3x2
design. Data analysis
was performed with
the two-way Anova
Afriana, et al (2016) The static group Students science literacy improve when Scientific literacy
[31] pretest-posttest studying with PJBL integrated STEM. All of
design students give positive respon when study
with PJBL integrated STEM
Yuliati, et al (2020) Quasi-Experimental The PjBL-STEM model enhance the scientific literacy
[32] Nonrandomized students’ scientific literacy
Control Pretest-
Posttest Design
3.2. 21st Century Skills in Project Based interaction, collaboration and collaborative interaction
between students in analyzing problems and designing
Learning (PjBL) Integrated STEM
projects. The application of STEM-based learning
21st century skills consist of 12 skills that are requires changing the learning model from teacher-
currently needed by students to support success in their centered to student-centered learning, as well as
future career paths. There are three categories of 21st individual learning to collaborative learning and
century skills including study skills, literacy skills and emphasizing creativity, and problems in scientific
life skills [33]. Learning skills consist of the four C's, knowledge applications [34].
namely critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and Project-based learning integrated STEM affects
communication. Literacy skills consist of information, collaborative skills [16], [17], [35]–[37]. Triana's
media and technology literacy. Meanwhile, life skills research [16] states that in integrated PjBL-STEM
consist of flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity students can work together in effective groups and also
and social skills. respect other groups. In addition, students can also be
Project-based learning integrated STEM is very responsible in groups and each individual can also
supportive of the development of learning skills (four contribute to the group[38]. This is due to complex
C's). In the learning phase PjBL-STEM allows
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 529
activities such as project work and practicum, students century skills including study skills, literacy skills and
can learn to respect others to find the best solution [17]. life skills. Overall, PjBL-STEM enhanced the 21st
century skills, such as four-C skills and scientific
Several previous studies [16], [18] also showed that
literacy. The effect of PjBL-STEM on media and
PjBL-STEM can affect students' communication skills.
technology literacy needs to be researched further.
Triana's research [16] shows that PjBL-STEM learning
encourages students to articulate thoughts and ideas
effectively using spoken and written communication in REFERENCES
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