Assignment#6 CKC - Copy

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By the displacement method, draw moment and shear force diagrams for the given plane
frame structure.

- The structure is a symmetric external load system.

- The symmetry axis coincides with the bar axis: the cross-section on the symmetry axis
doesn’t rotate or translation. So there is replaces by a fixed connection as shown below:

Number of rigid nodes:


Number of independent linear displacements of nodes:

n2 =0

Number of unknows:
n=n1 +n2=4+ 0=4

⇒ Add 4 supplementary links (moment-type link) to

maintain the hinged system geometrically stable.
Primary structure Moment diagram of primary struct. s.t. charges

Draw the moment diagram of primary structure subject to imposed Z1 , Z 2, Z3 and Z 4


M1 M2

h1 h2 L q1 q2 q3
Group I1 (mm4) I2 (mm4) (m) (m) (m) (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m)
3 7,146E+08 1,898E+09 4 4,5 4,4 82 62 48

Make a table to calculate reaction at the links due to displacement and external charges,
according to equation of equilibrium:

Coeff. M Equation of equilibrium Results

10 3
r 11 M1 r 11 = EI + EI 51646,09
11 1 2 1

r 12 M1 r 12= E I 1 16078,50
3 10 3
r 22 M2 r 22= E I 1+ E I 1 + E I 1 83803,09
2 11 2

r 23 M2 r 23= E I 1 16078,50

3 10 3
r 33 M3 r 33= E I 1+ E I 1 + E I 2 137056,09
2 11 2

r 34 M3 r 34= E I 2 42705,00

3 10 4
r 44 M4 r 44= E I 2 + E I 2+ E I 2 213093,64
2 11 3

0 −q3 ∙ L
R1 P M P R1 P = −77 , 44

0 −q2 ∙ L
R2 P M P R2 P = −100 , 03

0 −q2 ∙ L
R3 P M P R 3 P= −100 , 03

0 −q 1 ∙ L
R4 P M P R 4 P= −132 , 29

Canonical Equations at matrix form:

[ ][ ] [ ]
r 11 r 12 r 13 r 14 Z 1 R1 P
r 21 r 22 r 23 r 24 Z 2 R2 P
∙ + =0
r 31 r 32 r 33 r 34 Z 3 R3 P
r 41 r 42 r 43 r 44 Z 4 R 4 P
[ ][ ] [ ]
51646 , 09 16078 ,5 0 0 Z1 −77 , 44
16078 , 5 83803 ,09 16078 , 5 0 Z 2 −100 , 03
⇔ ∙ + =0
0 16078 ,5 137056 , 09 42705 Z 3 −100 , 03
0 0 42705 213093 ,64 Z −132 , 29


Z 1=1 ,23 ∙ 10
Z =8 ,69 ∙ 10−4
⇔ 2 −4
Z 3=4 , 63∙ 10
Z 4 =5 ,28 ∙ 10

From the above results, we can draw the moment diagram of the system as follows:

Deduce the other half of the system by symmetrical properties:

M P (kN . m)

From the moment diagram, draw the shear force diagram:

Q P (kN )

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