AT8712 Set 2
AT8712 Set 2
AT8712 Set 2
(Regulations 2017)
1. a) Draw the layout of a carriage to carry out repair, service and maintenance work for a fleet of
300 petrol jeeps and passenger cars. Enlist the maintenance work to be carried out in petrol
b) Make the adjustment of clutch pedal play, steering wheel play, service brake and hand brake
2. Check the given cylinder bore, setting the bore tool and re-bore the worn out cylinder bore for a
given dimension by using cylinder re-boring machine.
3. a) How do you prepare the different statements /records required for the repair and maintenance
work for a petrol vehicle?
b) Do the major and minor tune up works in the given petrol engine.
4. Assemble the given fuel injection pump and do the basic settings using FIP test rig.
5. Do the valve grinding and valve lapping in inlet and exhaust valves of the given two wheeler
engine and check for valve leakage.
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6. Dismantle and assemble the fuel injector and set the nozzle opening pressure of 180/200 bar.
7. Study and remove the air lock in hydraulic brake system and adjust the brake shoe for wear.
8. i ) Set the inlet and exhaust valve clearance in a multi cylinder diesel engine
ii) Draw the different types of work shop layout in two wheeler automobile service station.
9. Demonstrate the battery charging test and draw the graph between voltages with charging time of
a given battery.
10. a) What is the necessity to check the wheel alignment factors in a vehicle? What are the values
prescribed for wheel alignment factors for a sedan car?
b) Check the kingpin inclination angle, toe-in and toe-out of a given car.
11. Conduct the engine diagnosis test of a given four wheeled vehicle using engine analyzer and
suggest the service requirements of a car.
12. Outline the ignition system of a given four cylinder petrol engine and rectify the faults in the
ignition system to start the engine.
13. Carry out the rear brake adjustment and brake bleeding in the truck.
14. Do the simple tinkering and soldering works for a car body panels.
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15. Carry out the following maintenance work:
ii. Adjust and tight the Wheel bearing of the given vehicle
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