Lecs 110
Lecs 110
Lecs 110
10 Computer Networks
— Stewart Kirkpatrick
In this Chapter
»» Introduction to Computer
»» Evolution of Networking 10.1 Introduction to Computer Networks
»» Types of Networks
We are living in a connected world. Information
»» Network Devices is being produced, exchanged, and traced across
»» Networking Topologies the globe in real time. It's possible as almost
»» Identifying Nodes everyone and everything in the digital world is
in a Networked interconnected through one way or the other.
»» Internet, Web and the
Internet of Things
»» Domain Name System
1969 1983
1974 Domain Name System
ARPANET became introduced
functional by
connecting UCLA and
The term Internet was The Berners-Lee at
coined, CERN developed HTML
and URL, thus giving
First commercial use of birth to World Wide Web
ARPANET, was started (www)
in the name of Telenet
Networking LAN 3
Telephone Line
Modem Modem
10.4.3 RJ45
RJ 45 or Registered Jack-45 is an
eight-pin connector (Figure 10.10)
that is used exclusively with
Ethernet cables for networking.
It is a standard networking
interface that can be seen at
the end of all network cables.
Basically, it is a small plastic plug
that fits into RJ-45 jacks of the
Ethernet cards present in various
Figure 10.10: RJ 45
computing devices.
Activity 10.3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Find and list a
few ISPs in your
10.4.5 Switch
A switch is a networking device (Figure 10.12) that
plays a central role in a Local Area Network (LAN). Like
a hub, a network switch is used to connect multiple
computers or communicating devices. When data
arrives, the switch extracts the
destination address from the data
packet and looks it up in a table to
see where to send the packet. Thus,
it sends signals to only selected
devices instead of sending to all.
It can forward multiple packets at
the same time. A switch does not
forward the signals which are noisy
or corrupted. It drops such signals
and asks the sender to resend it. Figure 10.12: Cables connected to a network switch