Computer Networks I
Computer Networks I
Computer Networks I
Networks I
In Tis Chapter
In the
history of mankind, networking
in any form has always
given better results, better
outcomes and better utilization of resources. For instance,
you always have benefitted from
human networks e.g., you warnt to
buy a certain book, which is not available at the bookshop near
you. But your friend, who lives in a different part of the city, says he can buy it for
book is available in the you as this
bookshop near his house. You happily agree to this and the next day in
school, he hands over the book to you and you pay to him the book-price. Both are
happy-he is
happy to help; you are happy to get the book and to have a helping friend. :), See, networking
Computer networking is no
Connections among humans make exception.
human network and connections
among computers make
computer networks.
In this
chapter, we shall talk about the basics of computer networks, their structures, types
devices, protocols etc.
to internet Computer 1
connection) Ethernet or
USB cable
Ethernet Wi-Fi
cable WiFi
Touter Computer 2
Printers Ethernet
Entertainment Computer 3
Fiqure 10.1 (a) A sample computer network. (6) Advantages and disadvantages of computer networks.
Computer networks are very useful in many ways. They
facilitate resource sharing (resources such as
storage, NOTE
software etc. on the network can be shared), enhanced
communication (communicating with devices on a Please note that now onwards, we snall
network is easier), cost reduction(resource sharing cuts use the terms 'computer network and
1, It means that no computing device on a network can start, stop or control other device(s).
Chopter 10
10.2.1 Components
of a Computer Network
Merely by joining two computers with a cable won't forma network. In fact, there are many
components that together make a network. We are briefly discussing below, the major
components of a computer network.
)Clients. Client is a related term. A client computer is a host computer that requests for
Some services from a server. In other words, a server computer serves the requests of client
(d) Network Hardware. Other than hosts and wiring, a network requires specialized
hardware to carry out various roles, such as establishing corrections, controlling network trattic
etc. There are many different types of hardware that are required in a network. Some examples
of network hardware are
NIC (Network Interface Unit). It is a network card attached to a host so as to establish
network connections.
Hub, switch, router. These are connectivity deVices.
many others.
with other hosts and server(s
Communication channel. Hosts in
network interact
) The
channel or communication medium.
tnrough a communication
many more.
networks, let us further our discussion by
Armed with this basic knowledge of computer
about types of networks.
mainframes etc.) spread around the world. Thus, networks vary in size, complexity and
geographical spread.
Let us discuss types of networks based on these parameters.
Site office
Regional Eastern
office states office
Head office
Head office
There has been
traditionally another type of networks The Internet is a giant WAN. The web is
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network), which refers to a
also a WAN. Please note that Web
network that is spread over an area as big as a city. But
(World Wide Web) is a part of the
these days, this term has become redundant. Internet, not the complete Internet.
2. As
Ver 1s a computer that just serves the requests of doing some tasks, made by other computers in its network. A file server
V s the requests related to file sharing, storing etc. A print server serves the printer related requests, and so on.
network interface card (NIC) provides the physical connection between the network and the computer workstation.
edSed line is a permanent telephone connection between two points set up by a govermment-regulated organization that
PIOVIdes telecommunications
services to the public.
The peer-to-peer network literally implements the mearning of the word 'peer, ie., each
computer on a peer-to-peer network is equal. That is, each computer can play the role of a client
or a server. In other words, there is no computer designated as in charge of network operation.
Each computer controls its own information and plays role of either a client or a server
depending upon what is needed at that point of time.
The computers that serve on a peer-to-peer computer are often termed as non-dedicated servers.
On small networks, a workstation that can double up as a
server, is known as non-dedicated server since it is not
completely dedicated to the cause of serving. Such servers popular as
Peer-to-peer networks are
can facilitate the resource-sharing among work-stations on a home networks and for use in small
proportionately smaller scale. Since one computer works as companies as they inexpensive and
are limited
a workstation as well as a server, it is slower and requires easy to install, but they
difficult to secure.
more memory. Recall that the (small) networks using such scope and are
Dependency Clients are dependent on the server. Clients are not dependent ona central server.
Performance The server can be upgraded to be made If machines on the network are
slow they
more powerful to cope with high demand. will slow down ther machines.
Backups Data is all backed up on the main server. Each computer has to be backed up. Data
easily be deleted by users.
T0.3.3 Type of Networks based on Communication Channel
Computer networks are formed when computers are connected with one
another. The
Connections among the hosts are established using specific communication media. Based on
this parameter, the
computer networks can be categorized as these
() Wired Computer Networks (i) Wireless Computer Networks.
Let us
quickly talk about these computer network types.
T0.3.3A Wired Computer Networks
AS Clear by the name, in wired computer networks, the hosts and other devices are interconnected
through wiring or cables. Most wired computer networks are of LAN type. Although, there are
Wireless LANs too and there are bigger networks that use wireless media too.
Most commonly used cables in wired networks are one of the following three types
() Twisted Pair Cable. A twisted pair cable is a pair of insulated wires that are twisted
together to improve electromagnetic capability and to reduce noise from outside sources
Ihese are available in various forms such as CAT1, CAT2, CAT3, CAT4, CAT5, CAT6
(1) Coaxial Cable (Coax). This type of cable consists of a solid wire core surrounded by one
or more foil or wire shields, each separated by some kind of plastic insulator. The to
coaxial cables thicknet and thinnet.
most commonly used types of are
(i) Fiber Optic Cable (or Optic Fiber Cable). A fiber optic cable consists of a bundle of
glass threads, each of which is capable of transmitting messages modulated onto light
waves. Common types of Fiber Optic Cables are single node and multi-node.
sine waves to transmit information (audio, video, data). frequency and wavelength. When
the frequency is higher than 3 GHz,
WiFi that has become a common word today also used
it is named microwave.
radio wave to transmit data among connected devices.
(ii) Satellite (Satellite Microwave). Satellite communication is a special case of microwave
system. communication use the synchronous satellite to relay the radio
signal transmitted from ground station.
A number of communication satellites, owned by both governments and
organizations, have been placed in stationary orbits about 22,300 miles above theeartn
surface. These satellites act as
relay stations for communication signals. IT mit
accept data/ signals transmitted from an earth station, amplify them, and reta
them to another earth station. Using such a setup, data can be transmittea to
side of the earth in only one
Some other wireless communication media are infrared and laser waves.
Chapter 10:COMPUTER
Network Topologies
The pattern of interconnection Gf nodes in a network is called the Topology or the Network Topology.
Many topologies have been developed, but major ones are:
theStar topology;
theBus topology;
the Ring or
circular topology
theMesh topology
the Tree topology
Central node
Nodes (Concentrator)
Star Topology
Bus Topology
It is more difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shuts down.
It is not meant to be used as a stand-alone topology in a large building
Mesh Topology
Each connection
carry its own data load.
go00000o 000000902
Mesh Topology
Advantages of a Tree Topology
It uses point-to-point wiring for individual segments.
A It is supported by several hardware and software venders.
The NIC manufacturer assigns a unique physical address to each NIC card this physical
address is known as MAC address. (Media Access Control Address)
MAC Address
The NIC manufacturer assigns a unique physical address
to each NIC card ; this physical address is known as Media
Access Control address (MAC address). A MAC address is
a 6-byte address with each byte separated by a colon e.g., a
sample MAC address could be:
10 B5:03 63: 2E FC NOTE
So, now you know that this MAC address is actually the The NIC manufacturer assigns a unique
number assigned to the network card of your computer. physical address to each NIC card; this
The first three bytes of MAC address are the
manufacturer-id physical address is known as Media
(assigned to the manufacturer by an international Access Control address (MAC address
organization namely IEEE) and the last three bytes are the
card-no (assigned by manufacturer) (see Fig. 10.3 below).
Manufacturer-id (This code is assigned to manufacturer by IEEE)
5. A repeater
LEvice that electrically amplifies the signal it receives and rebroadcasts it.
10.4.5 Bridge
A bridge is a device that lets you link two networks together. Bridges are smart enough to know
which computers are on which side of the bridge, so they only allow those messages that need
toget to the other side to cross the bridge.
Bridges can handle networks that follow same protocols.
10.4.6 Router
A device that works like a bridge but can handle different protocols, is known as a router. For
example, a router can link Ethernet to a mainframe. The router is responsible tor forwarding
data from one network to a different network.
Cloud Computing
deployment models of clouds are:
1. Private Clouds
These the clouds for exclusive use
by a single organization and typically controlled.
managed and hosted in private data centers. The
hosting and operation of private clouds may
also be outsourced to a third
party service provider, but a private cloud remains for the
exclusive use of one
2. Public Clouds
These are the clouds for use by multiple organizations (tenants) on a shared basis and
managed by a third party service provider. hosted
3. Community Clouds
These are the clouds for
use by a
group of related organizations who wish to make use
cloud computing environment. For of a
different branches of the example, a community might consist of the
military, all the universities in a given region, or all the suppliers to a
large manufacturer.
4. Hybrid Clouds
When a single
order to take
organization adopts both private and public clouds for single application in
advantage of the benefits of both. For
example, in cloudbursting scenario, an
organization might run the steady-state workload of an
when a
in workload occurs, such as at the end of the
application on private a
cloud, but
holiday season, they can financial quarter
burst out to use or
computing capacity from a public cloud, then
those resources to the
public pool when they are no longer needed. return
and RFID
tags that communicate with one another.
(ii) Sensors. A sensor is a device that is able to
is able to measure a detect changes in an environment. A
form it into an electric
physical phenomernon (like temperature, pressure, and
signal. The sensors enable us to collect data about the status ofon)the
so trans-
Modern age IoTs contain different
of sensors for
types variety of applications. Most common
typesof used in loT are
sensors, humidity sensors, motion detection temperature sensors, proximity sensor, pressure sensor, optical
sensors, smoke sensors, gas sensors, and
ii) Smart many other types.
and have other
Technologies. Smart technologies include additional
functionality to take action
can connect with the
capabilities as per the
requirements. For example, smart controllers
smart devices and act
upon them also as per the need of the hour,
turning off or on a device, stopping a vehicle, e.g.,
temperature of an oven and many more such actions. Smart
a door,
adjusting the
interact with smart nano devices as well. technologies of IoT are able to
Energy engagement
Smart cities Gridautomation
Wireless grid communication
Water distribution
Waste management
Smart homes Smart watches
Smart door lock Fitness and activity monitor
Smart bulbs
Smart thermostat
Home appliances
Healthcare LOT Coffee maker
Heart rate and blood Air conditioner
Pressure monitor Water heater
Transportation Agriculture
Smart farming
Trafficmanagement Climate monitoring and forecasting
lOT makes easy parking
Vehicle location monitoring Crop monitoring
A network is a collection of interlinked computers by means of a communication system.
The nertworks facilitate resource sharing, increased reliability, reduced costs, and increased and fast communication.
On the basis of geographical spread, networks can be clasified into LAN (Local Area Network), and WAN (Wide
Area Network).
Small computer networks that are confined to a localised area e.g., an office, a building etc., are called LANS.
A WAN Is a group of computers that are separated by large distances and tied together. It can even be a groupof
LANs that are spread across several locations and connected together to look like a big LAN.
Onthe basis of component roles, networks can be
classified into : a
peer-to-peer network and a client-server network
AClient computer (ora client) is a computer or other device on the network that requests and utilizes networs
12 is a network of physical objects embedded with electronics, software, sensors and network
connectivity. ICBSE Sample P'aper 2019 201
True/False Questions
1. A LAN is connected to large geographical area.
A client is the
NOTE Answers for OTQs are given at the end of the book.
Solved Problems
1. What is network ? is it needed ?
Solution. A network is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers that can share and
exchange information.
Major reasons that emphasize on the need of networks are:
) Resource Sharing. Through a network, data, software and hardware resources can be shared
irrespective of the physical location of the resouroes and the user.
1) Reliability. A file can have its copies on two or more computers of the network, so if one of
them is unavailable, the other copies could be used. That makes a network more reliable.
(1in) Reduced Costs. Since resources can be shared, it greatly reduces the costs.
(70) Fast communication. With networks, it is
possible to exchange information at very tast speeds.
What is a Hub ?
1ution. A hub is a hardware device used to connect several computers together.
Eaplain in brief the
capabilities and services supported by LAN.
n.Small computer networks that are confined to a localised area (eg., an otfice, a building or a
OTY) are known as Local Area Networks (LANs). The key purpose of a LAN is to serve its users in
urce sharing. The hardware as well as software resources are shared through LANS. For
C e , LAN users can share data, information, programs, printer, hard-disks, modems etc. One
Drintusaprinter connected to it and other nodes on the LAN can communicate with it in order to
a n d hence allowing expensive peripherals to be shared among number of users.
Student center
Science building
Administration building
Network number Type of network
1, 2, 3 LAN
4 WAN (it is connecting only networks 2 and 3)
. What is NIC?
Solution. NIC stands for Network Interface Card. It is also known as Network Adapter. It is in the
form of add-in card and is installed in a computer so that the computer can be connected to a network.
Each NIC has a MAC address which helps in identifying the computer on a network.
Hub Switch Router
Hub is the least expensive, least Switches work similarly like Hubs| The router is smartest and most
intelligent and least complicated| but in a more efficient manner. It complicated out of these three. It
of the three. It broadcasts all data Creates connections dynamically Comes in all shapes and sizes.
to every port which may cause and provides information only to | Routers are similar like little
serious security and reliability the requesting port. computers dedicated for routing
concern. network traffic.
In a Network, Hub is a common Switch is a device in a network | Routersare located at gateway
connection point for devices which forwards packets in a and forwards data packets.
connected to the network. Hub | network.
contains multiple ports andis
used to connect segments of LAN.
Solution. Data security and privacy are major concerns related to loT. These devices are vulnerable
to hacking and cloud could be used
endpoints hackers to attack
by servers
12 What is the diference between working of switches and outers?
Solution. The switches are found within LANs where there is a single path from source to the
The routers connect LANs and these can be multiple paths from source to destination when data is
travelling via routers.
oftoare Development Company has set up its new center at Raipurfor its office and web based activities.It
has 4 blocks ofbuildings named BlockA, Block B, Block C, Block D.
CBSE Sample Paper 2019-20]
Number of Computers
Block A 25
Block B 50
Block C 125
Block D 10
Block A to Block B 60 m
Block B to Block C 40 m
Block D to Block C 50 m
() Suggest the most suitable place (i.e., block) to house the server of this company with
suitable reason.
(7) Suggest the type of network to connect all the blocks with suitable reason.
(n) The company is planning to link all the blocks through a secure and high speed wired
medium. Suggest a way to connect all the blocks.
0)Suggest the most suitable wired medium for efficiently connecting each computerinstalled
in every block out of the following network cables :
Coaxial Cable
Ethernet Cable
Single Pair Telephone Cable.
Solution. () Block C, It has maximum number of
(i) LAN (ii) Star topology (iv) Ethernet cable
Bridge Device that links two networks together.
Gateway Device that connects dissimilar networks.
Hub Hardware device used to connect several
computers fogether.
Internetworking Connection of wo or more networks.
Network An interconnected collection of autonomous
Router Device that works like a bridge but can handle different
Switch Device used to segment networks into different subnetworks called
Transceiver Transmitter/Receiver.
1. What is a network ? What its
goals and applications ?
13. How is a
public cloud different from a private cloud ?
14. What is Internet
of Things?
15. What the
technologies that have enabled loT?
16. What are the concerns related
to lo'TT?