12 Physics Prelim Practical Slips

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L – 1 Spring - mass oscillator

Add 350 g mass to the hanger. Measure the length of spring

(so). Take three more readings by adding 50 g to the hanger
in each step and measure the final length (s) of the spring.
Now starting from initial position (mass attached 350 g) take
three more readings by decreasing mass 50 g in each step.
Calculate the extension (so – s) = x produced in spring in each
case. Hence determine spring constant by plotting the graph
of F against x.

L – 2 Spring - mass oscillator

Add 350 g mass to the hanger. Measure the length of spring
(so). Take three more readings by adding 50 g to the hanger
in each step and measure the final length (s) of the spring.
Now starting from initial position (mass attached 350 g) take
three more readings by decreasing mass 50 g in each step.
Calculate the extension (so – s) = x produced in spring in each
case. Hence determine spring constant by plotting the graph
of F against x.

L – 3 Surface tension of water

You are given a capillary tube. Immerse it partially in water.
Measure the capillary rise using travelling microscope. Hence
calculate radius (𝑟) of the bore of the capillary tube.
Given: a) Surface tension of water, 𝑇 = 70 dyne/cm
b) Acceleration due to gravity, 𝑔 = 980 cm/s2
c) Angle of contact, 𝜃 = 0
d) Density of water, 𝜌 = 1 g/cc

L – 4 Logic Gates
You are given three ICs for NOT, AND, NOR gates.
Draw symbolic diagram to illustrate functions of above
gates. Write the truth table for all these gates. Determine
the output for all possible value of input for each and verify
the truth tables.
L – 5 Newton’s Law of cooling
Plot cooling curve for given hot water by recording its
temperature (starting from 75 C) for 20 minute. Determine
the rate of cooling for five different values of temperatures.
Plot the graph of rate of cooling against the temperature 𝜃.
Hence determine the room temperature 𝜃0 .

L – 6 Sonometer- law of tension

A tuning fork of known frequency is given to you. Using
sonometer, determine the vibrating length of the wire (ℓ) in
unison with given frequency of tuning fork for five different
known tension (T) applied to the wire.
Plot a graph of T against ℓ 2. Write your conclusion.

L – 7 Wheatstone Meter Bridge (Parallel Combination)

You are given two resistances X1 and X2 . Using Wheatstone’s
bridge locate the null point for parallel combination of the two
resistances before and after interchanging the positions of
resistances in gaps. Take three readings in each case. Verify
the law of resistances in parallel.
X1 = 56  X2 = 82 

L – 8 Resonance tube
You are given five tuning forks of known frequencies.
Determine corrected length (𝐿) of air column vibrating in
unison with each frequency of tuning fork. Plot graph of
frequency (𝑛) against reciprocal of length (1/𝐿). Hence
determine the velocity of sound in air at room temperature.
Given: Inner diameter of tube = 3.5 cm
L – 9 Current Sensitivity
Measure the deflection in the moving coil galvanometer for
five different values of current flowing through it. Determine
current sensitivity of MCG by plotting a graph of defection (θ)
in division against current (Ig) in mA.
Given: Resistance of galvanometer = 50 

L – 10 Current Sensitivity
Measure the deflection in the moving coil galvanometer for
five different values of current flowing through it. Determine
current sensitivity of MCG by plotting a graph of defection (θ)
in division against current (Ig) in mA.
Given: Resistance of galvanometer = 50 

L – 11 Sonometer- law of tension

A tuning fork of known frequency is given to you. Using
sonometer, determine the vibrating length of the wire (ℓ) in
unison with given frequency of tuning fork for five different
known tension (T) applied to the wire.
Plot a graph of T against ℓ 2. Write your conclusion.

L – 12 Potentiometer (Individual Method)

Compare e.m.f. of the two given cells using potentiometer by
individual method. Take 4 set of observations.

L – 13 µ𝟏 /µ𝟐 by Suspension Method

You are given two bar magnets of magnetic moments µ1 and
µ2 . Measure mass, length, and breadth of the bar magnets.
Hence determine their ratio of moment of inertia. Suspend
the first magnet set it into vibration by using 2nd magnet.
Measure the time taken for 20 oscillations. Repeat the
experiment by suspending 2nd magnet and setting it into
vibration suing 1st magnet.
Hence calculate µ1 /µ2 .
L – 14 µ𝟏 /µ𝟐 by Suspension Method
You are given two bar magnets of magnetic moments µ1 and
µ2 . Measure mass, length, and breadth of the bar magnets.
Hence determine their ratio of moment of inertia. Suspend
the first magnet set it into vibration by using 2nd magnet.
Measure the time taken for 20 oscillations. Repeat the
experiment by suspending 2nd magnet and setting it into
vibration suing 1st magnet.
Hence calculate µ1 /µ2 .

L – 15 Characteristics of Zener diode

Plot the characteristics of zener diode when the diode is
used in reverse bias mode. Hence determine the breakdown
voltage of the zener diode.

L – 16 Characteristics of Zener diode

Plot the characteristics of zener diode when the diode is
used in reverse bias mode. Hence determine the breakdown
voltage of the zener diode.

L – 17 Logic Gates
You are given three ICs for NOT, NAND, OR gates.
Draw symbolic diagram to illustrate functions of above
gates. Write the truth table for all these gates. Determine
the output for all possible value of input for each and verify
the truth tables.

L – 18 Surface tension of water

You are given a capillary tube. Immerse it partially in water.
Measure the capillary rise using travelling microscope. Hence
calculate radius (𝑟) of the bore of the capillary tube.
Given: a) Surface tension of water, 𝑇 = 70 dyne/cm
b) Acceleration due to gravity, 𝑔 = 980 cm/s2
c) Angle of contact, 𝜃 = 0
d) Density of water, 𝜌 = 1 g/cc
S – 1 Surface Tension
You are given two capillary tubes. Immerse it partially in
water. Measure the rise in capillary tube in each case. Hence
compare the radii of bores.

S – 1 Surface Tension
You are given two capillary tubes. Immerse it partially in
water. Measure the rise in capillary tube in each case. Hence
compare the radii of bores.

S – 1 Surface Tension
You are given two capillary tubes. Immerse it partially in
water. Measure the rise in capillary tube in each case. Hence
compare the radii of bores.

S – 2 Sonometer (Unknown Frequency)

You are given a tuning fork of unknown frequency. Keeping
tension 2000 g-wt, determine the length of the wire vibrating
in unison with given tuning fork. Using given value of nL,
determine the value of unknown frequency.
Given: nL = 9600 cm/s

S – 2 Sonometer (Unknown Frequency)

You are given a tuning fork of unknown frequency. Keeping
tension 2000 g-wt, determine the length of the wire vibrating
in unison with given tuning fork. Using given value of nL,
determine the value of unknown frequency.
Given: nL = 9600 cm/s
S – 3 Resonance Tube
You are given three tuning forks of known frequencies.
Determine length of air column (ℓ) vibrating in unison with
each tuning fork. Hence calculate the velocity of sound in air
at room temperature. Neglect end correction.

S – 3 Resonance Tube
You are given three tuning forks of known frequencies.
Determine length of air column (ℓ) vibrating in unison with
each tuning fork. Hence calculate the velocity of sound in air
at room temperature. Neglect end correction.

S – 4 Meter bridge (Series Combination)

You are given two resistances X1 and X2. Using Wheatstone’s
bridge in series combination, take two independent reading
before and after interchanging the positions of resistances in
the gaps. Verify the law of resistance in series.
Given: a) X1 = 56 Ω
b) X2 = 82 Ω

S – 4 Meter bridge (Series Combination)

You are given two resistances X1 and X2. Using Wheatstone’s
bridge in series combination, take two independent reading
before and after interchanging the positions of resistances in
the gaps. Verify the law of resistance in series.
Given: a) X1 = 56 Ω
b) X2 = 82 Ω

A – 1 Surface tension (Soap Solution)

You are given a capillary tube, water, and soap solution.
Measure the capillary rise using scale for water and for soap
solution by immersing the capillary partially in water and
then in the soap solution. Hence draw the conclusion.
A – 1 Surface tension (Soap Solution)
You are given a capillary tube, water, and soap solution.
Measure the capillary rise using scale for water and for soap
solution by immersing the capillary partially in water and
then in the soap solution. Hence draw the conclusion.

A – 2 Rate of loss of heat

Record temperature of given hot water half-filled calorimeter
from 750 C for 15 minutes. Plot the graph of temperature
against corresponding time. You are given data of Hot water
full-filled calorimeter. Plot the graph of given data on same
graph paper. Write your conclusion.

A – 3 Second’s Pendulum
For a length 80 cm of the simple pendulum, determine the
periodic time T for 20 oscillations. Hence calculate length of
second’s pendulum.

A – 4 Melde’s experiment
Arrange the tunning fork for parallel position. Take two
different readings by changing the tension and keeping the
length of the string constant. Verify MP2 = constant.

A – 5 Potentiometer- Potential gradient

For given potentiometer, study the variation in the potential
drop (V) against length (L) of the potentiometer wire (in meter)
for a steady current. Take four readings. Calculate the ratio
V/L in each case. Write your conclusion.

A – 6 LDR
Take six different readings for resistance of LDR against
distance. Write conclusion.
A – 7 Use of Multi Meter
You are given two components. By using digital multi-meter
identify the component. Write the observation in tabular

A – 7 Use of Multi Meter

You are given two components. By using digital multi-meter
identify the component. Write the observation in tabular

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