09 - Mechanical Properties of Solids
09 - Mechanical Properties of Solids
09 - Mechanical Properties of Solids
Stress - Strain - Level I Q5. A light rod of length 2m is suspended from the
ceiling horizontally by means of two vertical wires of
Q1. The breaking stress of a wire depends upon: equal length. A weight W is hung from the light rod as
1. material of the wire. shown in the figure. The rod is hung by means of a steel
2. length of the wire. wire of cross-sectional area A = 0. 1 cm and brass
2. 5.03 x 104 N
the density of the material is 3 × 10 kg/m , then the
3 3
3. 1.09 x 104 N length of the wire which will break by its own weight
4. 17 x 104 N will be:
1. 34 m
Q4. The breaking stress of a wire going over a smooth 2. 30 m
pulley in the following question is 2 × 10 N/m . What 3. 300 m
9 2
1. 1.4 x 10 N/m
4 2
2. 4.8 x 10 N/m
3 2
3. 96 x 10 N/m
4 2
4. 3.5 x 10 N/m
3 2
2. 0. 46 × 10
m 2.
3. 0. 46 × 10
m ρg
4. 0. 46 × 10
4. σ
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Recommended MCQs - 80 Questions - Mechanical
Properties of Solids Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Q9. The breaking stress of a wire depends on: Q13. A rod of length 1.05 m having negligible mass is
1. Length of the wire supported at its ends by two wires of steel (wire A) and
2. Applied force aluminium (wire B) of equal lengths as shown in the
3. The material of the wire figure. The cross-sectional areas of wires A and B are
4. Area of the cross-section of the wire 1.0 mm and 2.0 mm , respectively. At what point
2 2
1. 2. 5 × 10 Pa
2. 3.7×1011 Pa
3. 2.1×1011 Pa
4. 1.9×1011 Pa
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Recommended MCQs - 80 Questions - Mechanical
Properties of Solids Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Q15. A 1000 kg lift is tied with metallic wires of Hooke's Law - Level II
maximum safe stress of 1.4 × 108 N m-2. If the
maximum acceleration of the lift is 1.2 m s-2, then the Q20. The length of elastic string, obeying Hooke's law
minimum diameter of the wire is: is l metres when the tension is 4N, and l metres when
1 2
4. 0.001 m 2. 5l − 4l
2 1
3. 9l − 8l
1 2
4. 4a - 3b 2. Y2 > Y1
3. Y1 = Y2
Q18. Hooke's law is applicable for: 4. Cannot say
1. Elastic materials only
2. Plastic materials only Q22. The stress-strain curves are drawn for two different
3. Elastomers only materials X and Y. It is observed that the ultimate
4. All of these strength point and the fracture point are close to each
other for material X but are far apart for material Y. We
Q19. Two wires of copper having length in the ratio of can say that the materials X and Y are likely to be:
4: 1 and radii ratio of 1: 4 are stretched by the same (respectively)
force. The ratio of longitudinal strain in the two will be: 1. ductile and brittle.
1. 1: 16 2. brittle and ductile.
2. 16: 1 3. brittle and plastic.
3. 1: 64 4. plastic and ductile.
4. 64: 1
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Recommended MCQs - 80 Questions - Mechanical
Properties of Solids Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Q23. The stress-strain graphs for materials A and B are Q26. On withdrawing the external applied force on
shown in the figure. Young’s modulus of material A is bodies within the elastic limit, the body:
(the graphs are drawn to the same scale): 1. regains its previous state very quickly.
2. regains its previous state after some time.
3. regains its previous state after a very long time.
4. does not regain its previous state.
1. equal to material B
2. less than material B
3. greater than material B
4. can't say
1. Y B = 2YA
2. Y A
= YB
3. Y B = 3YA
4. Y A
= 3YB
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Recommended MCQs - 80 Questions - Mechanical
Properties of Solids Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Q27. The elongation (x) of a steel wire varies with the Q28. The stress-strain curve for two materials A and B
elongating force (F) according to the graph: (within are as shown in the figure. Select the correct statement-
elastic limit)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. All
1. T > T
1 2
2. T > T
2 1
3. T = T
1 2
4. 4. None of these
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Properties of Solids Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Q31. The figure shows the stress-strain curve for a given Q33. The strain-stress curves of three wires of different
material. The approximate yield strength for this materials are shown in the figure. P, Q and R are the
material is: elastic limits of the wires. The figure shows that
2. 2×108 N m-2
Young's modulus - Level I
3. 4×108 N m-2
4. 1.0×108 N m-2 Q34. Steel and copper wires of the same length and area
are stretched by the same weight one after the other.
Q32. Two wires X and Y of the same length are made of Young's modulus of steel and copper are
the same material. The figure represents the load F 2 × 10 N /m and 1. 2 × 10 N /m . The ratio of
11 2 11 2
versus extension Δx graph for the two wires. Hence: increase in length is:
1. 2
2. 3
3. 5
4. All of these
3. E R−r
( )
4. Er
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Properties of Solids Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Q36. If the ratio of lengths, radii and Young's modulus Q40. A metallic rope of diameter 1 mm breaks at 10
of steel and brass wires in the figure are a, b and c N force. If the wire of the same material has a diameter
respectively, then the corresponding ratio of increase in of 2 mm, then the breaking force is:
their lengths will be: 1. 2.5 N
2. 5 N
3. 20 N
4. 40 N
1. 2a c
Q42. On applying stress of 20 × 10 N/m , the length
8 2
2 1. 40 × 10 N /m 8 2
2. 20 × 10 N /m 8 2
3. 10 × 10 N /m 8 2
Q37. Two wires are made of the same material and have 4. 5 × 10 N /m 8 2
applying a force F, how much force is needed to stretch Young's modulus of copper is 1. 1 × 10 N /m , then
11 2
the second wire by the same amount? the increase in length will be (If g = 10m/s ) 2
1. 9F 1. 0.01 mm
2. 6F 2. 0.075 mm
3. 4F 3. 0.1 mm
4. F 4. 0.15 mm
Q38. The Young's modulus of steel is twice that of brass. Q44. Copper of fixed volume 'V' is drawn into a wire of
Two wires of the same length and of the same area of length 'l'. When this wire is subjected to a constant force
cross-section, one of steel and another of brass are 'F', the extension produced in the wire is 'Δl'. Which of
suspended from the same roof. If we want the lower the following graph is a straight line?
ends of the wires to be at the same level, then the weight
1. Δl vs 1
added to the steel and brass wires must be in the ratio of: l
1. 1:2 2. Δl vs l
3. Δl
2. 2:1 vs
3. 4:1 4. Δl vs l
4. 1:1
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Recommended MCQs - 80 Questions - Mechanical
Properties of Solids Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Young's modulus - Level II Q47. Overall changes in volume and radius of a uniform
cylindrical steel wire are 0.2% and 0.002% respectively
Q45. A uniform cylinder rod of length L, cross-sectional when subjected to some suitable force. Longitudinal
area A and Young's modulus Y is acted upon by the tensile stress acting on the wire is:
forces, as shown in the figure. The elongation of the rod (Y = 2. 0 × 10 Nm )
11 −2
is: 1. 3. 2 × 10 Nm 11 −2
2. 3. 2 × 10 Nm 7 −2
3. 3. 6 × 10 Nm 9 −2
4. 3.9×10 Nm 8 −2
cm respectively. Assuming the load distribution to be
3. 2F L
uniform, the compressional strain of each column is:
(Given, Young's modulus of steel, Y = 2 × 10 Pa) 11
4. 8F L
3AY 1. 3.03×10-7
2. 2.8×10-6
Q46. Two wires of diameter 0.25 cm, one made of steel -7
and the other made of brass are loaded, as shown in the 3. 7.22×10
figure. The unloaded length of the steel wire is 1.5 m 4. 4.34×10
and that of the brass wire is 1.0 m. The elongation of the
steel wire will be: Shear and bulk modulus - Level I
(Given that Young's modulus of the steel,
P a and Young's modulus of brass,
YS = 2 × 10
Q49. The bulk modulus of water is 2 × 10 N/m . The 9 2
P a)
= 1 × 10
increase in pressure required to decrease the volume of
water sample by 0.1% is:-
1. 4 × 10 N /m
6 2
2. 2 × 10 N /m
6 2
3. 2 × 10 N /m
8 2
4. 8 × 10 N /m
6 2
2. 2 × 10 N /m
7 2
3. 4 × 10 N /m
8 2
4. 6 × 10 N /m
10 2
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Properties of Solids Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Q52. A ball falling into a lake of depth 200 m shows a Q58. The bulk modulus of a spherical object is B. If it is
0.1% decrease in its volume at the bottom. What is the subjected to uniform pressure P, the fractional decrease
bulk modulus of the material of the ball? in radius will be:
1. 19. 6 × 10 N /m8 2
1. P
2. 19. 6 × 10 N /m−10 2
2. B
3. 19. 6 × 10 N /m10 2 3P
4. 19. 6 × 10 N /m−8 2 B
4. P
1. 3. 1 × 10 m
−2 3 shown in the figure below. How much will the upper
edge be displaced?
2. 9.1×10-3 cm3 9 −2
(Shear modulus of lead = 5. 6 × 10 N m )
3. 5.0×10-2 cm3
4. 7.9×10-2 cm3
atmosphere will be - 3. 1
1. 0.4 cc 1−
2. 4 × 10 cc −5
4. 2 + P
3. 0.025 cc B
4. 0.004 cc
Q61. What is the density of water at a depth where
Q57. A uniform cube is subjected to volume pressure is 80.0 atm, given that its density
compression. If each side is decreased by 1%, then bulk at the surface is 1.03×10 kg m ?
3 −3
3 −3
strain is: 1. 0. 021 × 10 kg m
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Properties of Solids Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
1. 3%
1. 2% 4.
2. 4%
3. 0% Q71. The Young's modulus of a wire is Y. If the energy
4. 5% per unit volume is E, then the strain will be:
1. √ 2E
2. √2EY
3. EY
4. E
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Recommended MCQs - 80 Questions - Mechanical
Properties of Solids Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Q72. A wire of length L and cross-sectional area A is Q77. A wire of negligible mass and length 2m is
made of a material of Young's modulus Y. It is stretched stretched by hanging a 20 kg load to its lower end
by an amount x. The work done is - keeping its upper end fixed. If work done in stretching
1. Y xA
the wire is 50 J, then the strain produced in the wire will
2 be:
2. Yx A
L 1. 0.5
2. 0.1
Yx A
2 3. 0.4
4. 2Y x A
4. 0.25
Q73. A 5 metre long wire is fixed to the ceiling. A Q78. When strain is produced in a body within elastic
weight of 10 kg is hung at the lower end and is 1 metre limit, its internal energy
above the floor. The wire was elongated by 1 mm. The 1. Remains constant
energy stored in the wire due to stretching is: 2. Decreases
1. Zero 3. Increases
2. 0.05 joule 4. None of the above
3. 100 joule
4. 500 joule
1. 9 × 10 J 11
2. 4. 5 × 10 J 7
3. 9 × 10 J 7
4. 4. 5 × 10 J 11
1. (1) 2. (3) 3. (1) 4. (2) 5. (4)
6. (1) 7. (2) 8. (4) 9. (3) 10. (4)
Potential energy of wire - Level II 11. (3) 12. (4) 13. (1) 14. (1) 15. (3)
16. (4) 17. (2) 18. (1) 19. (2) 20. (1)
Q76. If the force constant of a wire is K, the work done
21. (1) 22. (2) 23. (3) 24. (4) 25. (2)
in increasing the length of the wire by l is
1. Kl/2 26. (1) 27. (4) 28. (3) 29. (3) 30. (1)
2. Kl 31. (1) 32. (2) 33. (4) 34. (2) 35. (2)
3. Kl /2
36. (2) 37. (1) 38. (2) 39. (4) 40. (4)
4. Kl 2
41. (2) 42. (2) 43. (3) 44. (2) 45. (4)
46. (1) 47. (4) 48. (3) 49. (2) 50. (2)
51. (3) 52. (1) 53. (3) 54. (2) 55. (2)
56. (1) 57. (4) 58. (4) 59. (1) 60. (1)
61. (4) 62. (1) 63. (4) 64. (1) 65. (2)
66. (3) 67. (2) 68. (2) 69. (2) 70. (1)
71. (1) 72. (3) 73. (2) 74. (1) 75. (2)
76. (3) 77. (4) 78. (3)
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