Tendernotice_1 (23)
Tendernotice_1 (23)
Tendernotice_1 (23)
Cost of Earnest
S. Name of Work Adv. Cost T/ Doc. Money @ Time of Completion Position of
No. (in Lakh) (in Rs) 2% of Adv. Funds
Cost (in Rs)
6. Date & time of opening of Financial Bids (Online) To be notified after technical bid evaluation is
7. Tender document Fee Submission (Between the start and By uploading a scanned copy of Treasury Challan
end date of bid submission) Receipt in favour of the Executive Engineer PWD(R&B)
Mechanical Division South Kashmir Anantnag to be
deposited in Major Head 0059
By uploading a copy of e-challan of the money remitted
in the Account No: 0014010200000198 favoring
Executive Engineer (R&B) Mechanical Division South
Name of the Bank: Jammu & Kashmir Bank
Branch Name: TP Anantnag
Branch Code: EMPIRE
MICR Code: 19205100
8. Earnest Money Deposit Submission (Between the start Earnest money deposit @2% of the estimated cost, in
and end date of bid submission) shape of CDR/FDR from a Nationalized/Scheduled Bank
pledged to Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Mechanical
Division South Kashmir Anantnag. The bidders must
upload documentary proof (scanned copies) of the
FDR/CDR. In case of unsuccessful bidder(s), the EMD
shall be released immediately after placement of the work
order in favour of the lowest bidder and in case of the
successful bidder the same shall be released after
submission of Performance Security @5% of Allotted
cost in shape of FDR/CDR within 07 days after
intimation by tender inviting authority.
Executive Engineer
R&B Mechanical Division
South Kashmir
Copy to the: -
1. Chief Engineer PW(R&B) South Kashmir for favour of information please.
2. Superintending Engineer PW(R&B) Circle Anantnag for favour of information please.
3. Joint Director Information Department for publication of tender notice in three leading Daily
4. Executive Engineer R&B Division Ve r i n ag i n favor of information please.
5. Assistant Executive Engineer R&B Mechanical Sub division Anantnag for information.
6. Office file.