Site Inspection
Site Inspection
Site Inspection
Fire Extinguishers in place and unobstructed 6 monthly 0
Evacuation signage posted 6 monthly 0
Fire and sprinkler alarms tested 6 monthly 0
Emergency lighting tested 6 monthly 0
Smoke detectors teated 6 monthly 0
Fire Warden list is accurate 6 monthly 0
First Aider list is accurate 6 monthly 0
First Aid / Accident Report Book available 6 monthly 0
Risk assessments and permits to work in place 6 monthly 0
PPE in good condition and available 6 monthly 0
Welfare facilities available 6 monthly 0
Secondary Compartment for Chemical
Hygenically cleaned and maintained to required standard 6 monthly 0
Ample stock of toilet supplies 6 monthly 0
Vending machines working 6 monthly 0
Hand drying machines working 6 monthly 0
Feminine hygiene bins emptied and hygenically cleaned 6 monthly 0
Check List Toilet
Cleaned and maintained to required standard 6 monthly 0
Copiers working 6 monthly 0
Ample stock of paper and toner 6 monthly 0
Cleaned and maintained to required standard
Waste and recyling bins cleared
Temperature and environment satisfactory
Corridors and exit routes unobstructed
Clear directional and safety signage
Cleaned and maintained to required standard 0
Clear directional and safety signage 0
Bay markings clearly defined 0
Pedestrian markings clearly defined 0
Security Lighting working and adequate 0
Sand, salt and gritting requirements in place 0
Access and exit controls working 0
Cleaned and maintained to required standard 0
Access restrictions in place 0
Clear directional and safety signage and cabinet labelling 0
Walkways unobstructed 0
Roof surface, gutters and drains in good condition 0
Cleaned and maintained to required standard 0
Is all equipment functioning correctly 0
Risk assessments and permits to work in place 0
PPE in good condition and available 0
Equipment properly labelled to define correct use 0
Equipment is securely stored when not in use 0
Adequate supplies and spares available and securely stored 0