Ebook ESG Reporting Guide
Ebook ESG Reporting Guide
Ebook ESG Reporting Guide
What you’ll learn
by reading this eBook:
ESG is a corporate performance management process
Wait — ESG is performance management? It sure is. You might have thought ESG was just compliance, or just reporting, or “just” making the
world a better place.
ESG is an interdepartmental process that relies heavily on financial processes to meet end-goals, like improving business practices, gaining
positive favor with investors, and complying with regulatory rules.
ESG is a corporate performance
management process
Back to basics: What is ESG?
ESG reporting is the disclosure of environmental, social, and corporate governance performance. Its purpose is to shed light on a company’s
ESG initiatives while improving transparency for investors and comparability between competitors. It also holds markets accountable for its
impacts on the planet and its people.
ESG reporting is an effective way to demonstrate that your organization is meeting its targets — and not just greenwashing, making empty
promises, or performing lip service.
ESG reports include qualitative and quantitative information on three key topics.
Improving air and water quality Community involvement Audit committee structure
Responsible waste management Human rights and labor standards Political contributions
What are you doing to be a steward of What are you doing to improve lives, What are you doing to stay ahead of
the environment? foster community, and make a positive corruption, hold leaders accountable,
social impact? and ensure investments remain
sustainable in the future?
Why is ESG important for
Emerging ESG regulations and frameworks require changes to data collection,
consolidation, disclosure management, and planning processes.
ESG performance influences your reputation among investors, consumers, the
market, banks, and regulators. ESG reputations now impact investing decisions,
access to financing, and stock prices.
ESG factors, like climate change, represent material risks that can impact the viability
of your company.
By monitoring ESG KPIs and understanding how ESG performance connects to
operations and finance, you can optimize ESG initiatives and do better for the planet
and its people.
ESG can positively or negatively impact your bottom line. Solid ESG performance
management can enable you to identify business opportunities, underperforming
projects, and areas of investment or divestment.
“Recent data suggests that ESG-related funds outperformed the
markets over the first quarter of the year — when the COVID-19
economic crisis started. The MSCI World ESG Leaders Index, for
example, outperformed the regular index by 1.36 percent on
the quarter. Seventy percent of responsible investment funds
outperformed their peers in the first quarter.”
Stephen J. Hall,
Partner, Financial Risk Management, KPMG
How are ESG reports used?
By internal stakeholders
Department heads, operational leaders, finance teams, and chief executives can benefit from ESG data. By connecting ESG data to financial and operational data,
internal stakeholders can unearth insights that inform critical business actions. (For example: ESG insights can direct finance teams to improve profitability, contain
costs, identify new business opportunities, improve their company’s reputation, and recognize areas of investment and divestment.)
By insurers
Research indicates that the overwhelming majority of insurers monitor ESG. Some insurers have even limited coverage and investments in certain sectors due to ESG
By regulators
Across jurisdictions, regulators are finalizing new rules that will require companies to disclose their ESG footprint in their annual reports and regulatory filings. How
disclosures will be evaluated is still to be determined but you can bet it will involve an evaluation of your reports.
By consumers
Consumers use ESG reports to inform their purchasing decisions. ESG reports give consumers an idea of a company’s values and whether they’re aligned.
“Like the movement of the tectonic plates, shifts in the operating
environment for business have been slow but relentless. Boards
and C-suites that can get ahead of ESG disclosure regulation can
build a business that meaningfully integrates ESG into its strategic
planning and is better poised to manage risks, while also delivering
shareholder value and increasing their organizations’ resiliency in a
changed world.”
Deloitte Insights
Source: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/topics/strategy/esg-disclosure-regulation.html
What are ESG How are ESG reports used?
The EU Taxonomy provides standard definitions for what’s considered environmentally
reporting sustainable to prevent greenwashing, incentivize sustainable activities, and funnel investments
towards sustainable organizations.
frameworks and The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) standardizes the way organizations
disclose sustainability risks, strategy, goals, and ESG impacts to investors. SFDR became effective
New Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) lays out disclosure rules for non-
financial and diversity information for large companies. CSRD came into effect on February 1,
Why use ESG reporting software?
ESG isn’t a passing trend. Reporting requirements and the applications of ESG data insights will only grow in the future. Here’s how software can
prepare you for a future that prioritizes ESG.
Data management Stay in line with Keep tabs on Analyze opportunities Ensure trust
changing frameworks performance and risks
ESG information is ESG shouldn’t just be about The overarching goal of
often scattered around As investor demand for ESG How can you tell if you’ll investor relations. Software ESG reporting is to safe-
organizations in siloed reporting data reaches a fe- hit your targets? Many ESG can enable you to leverage guard your reputation by
systems and spreadsheets. ver pitch, regulatory bodies initiatives are spearheaded ESG data as a source of bu- serving the greater good.
As such, aggregating ESG will respond accordingly by by a specific department siness insights for invest- Not just having ethics but
data from far-off people issuing new requirements or line of business, which ment, divestment, compe- being known as ethical. At
and applications can and updating immature fra- complicates KPI monito- titive opportunity, and cost the core of good reporting
be time-consuming and meworks. Software removes ring. Software can provide management. is data integrity. Software
erroneous. Software can the burden of compliance you with the automation to ensures you’re using accu-
save you time and ensure by adjusting consolidation, monitor and respond to re- rate information that’s tra-
accuracy by automatically templates, and calculations al-time ESG KPIs, empowe- ceable and auditable.
collecting and formatting so they’re in line with chan- ring you to act if you’re fal-
data, and providing ges. The software handles ling behind.
mechanisms to standardize the reporting updates, so
instances of manual entry, you focus on making your
like data entry forms. ESG initiatives successful.
ESG software options
ESG software options
Standalone, bolt-on ESG software Governance, risk, compliance Health and safety software Existing reporting software — Integrated performance
software repurposed through customization management software (CCH
Installation Quick, simple Long, complex Long, complex Very long, very complex Instant, simple
Originally created for Sustainability professionals Compliance and IT professionals Supply chain and risk management The office of the CFO The office of the CFO + supply chain,
teams risk, HR, and operational planners
Purpose ESG reporting and analysis Add-on GRC applications that cover Purpose-built solutions for Extending existing reporting End-to-end solutions that cover
ESG reporting and analysis specific issues (worker safety, software to cover ESG reporting financial processes, close and
pandemic response, hazardous needs through a process of IT- compliance, regulatory disclosure,
waste, chemical/air/emissions intensive coding reporting and analysis, and
management) now with an ESG integrated business planning
reporting component
Treatment of compliance Vendors sometimes updates Vendors provide the means to Vendors provide the means to Changes and updates take IT's time Vendor automatically updates
updates content, templates, KPIs, and update, but IT needs to program update, but IT needs to program and effort to re-script/re-code the content, templates, KPIs, and
calculations to comply with new/ software changes to attain software changes to attain software calculations to comply with new/
updated requirements as they're compliance compliance. updated requirements as they're
issued issued
Ideal use case ESG reporting Specific audits and inspection Specific audits and inspections ESG reporting ESG performance management
is designed for ESG reporting,
consolidation, compliance,
disclosure, analysis, and planning
Option to add custom ESG Some solutions offer functionality Some solutions offer functionality Some solutions offer functionality No Yes – with a simple configuration
KPIs for custom ESG KPIs. Others require for custom ESG KPIs. Others require for custom ESG KPIs. Others require through an easy-to-use, guided
custom coding custom coding custom coding interface
Food for thought when choosing
ESG software
ESG isn’t just due diligence. ESG can be a profitability strategy, aid
in cost containment, and contribute to an organization’s long-term
ESG isn’t going anywhere. ESG will only become a greater priority for
investors, regulators, and the public.
Closing thoughts
ESG is an enterprise-wide initiative that involves numerous perspectives,
people, processes, and systems. At its core, it’s a performance management
process. Organizations should develop a foundation for ESG performance
management through software that:
CCH® Tagetik
expert solution