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SCCA® National Solo® Rules


Sports Car Club of America®

Solo® Department
6620 SE Dwight St.
Topeka, KS 66619

(800) 770-2055
(785) 232-7228 Fax

Copyright 2020 by the Sports Car Club of America, Inc®. All rights re-
served. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of
1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.

Forty-seventh printing, January, 2020.

Published by:
Sports Car Club of America, Inc.®
6620 SE Dwight St.
Topeka, KS 66619
(785) 357-7222

The SCCA® National Solo® Rules may be downloaded from the SCCA®
website at www.scca.com.

Published in the United States of America.

This book is the property of:





Member #___________________________________________
SCCA Welcoming Environment Statement
The Mission of the SCCA is to fuel a safe, fun and excit-
ing motorsports experience for auto enthusiasts. Our
Vision is to be the preferred motorsports community in
the U.S., built on fun, shared passion and access to an
exhilarating motorsports experience. In all its activities,
the SCCA seeks to foster an atmosphere that encourages
living the Values of the SCCA:

Excellence – The Spirit of a Competitor

Service – The Heart of a Volunteer

Passion – The Attitude of an Enthusiast

Team – The Art of Working Together

Experience – The Act of Wowing our Community

Stewardship – The Mindset of an Owner

To that end, the SCCA strives to ensure that ALL partici-

pants in its events and activities enjoy a welcoming en-
vironment. The SCCA supports equality of opportunity
and treatment for all participants and will make every
effort to maintain an environment that is free of harass-
ment, discrimination, and any behavior that interferes
with a safe, fun, and exciting experience. A commitment
to a welcoming environment and the SCCA Values is ex-
pected of all its members and attendees, including driv-
ers, workers, crew, guests, staff, contractors and exhibi-
tors, and other participants at SCCA activities, sessions
and social events and when representing the SCCA in
print or electronic media.
Effective January 1, 2020, previous editions of the SCCA® National Solo®
Rules are superseded by the following SCCA® National Solo® Rules.
SCCA® reserves the right to revise these rules, to issue supplements to
them, and publish special rules at any time at its sole discretion. Chang-
es of this nature will normally become effective upon publication on the
SCCA® website (www.scca.com); but may become effective immediately
in emergency situations as determined by SCCA®. Questions concerning
rules clarifications should include the information required by Section
I.2.2.B of the Introductory Section of these rules and be addressed to:

www.soloeventsboard.com or www.sebscca.com

SCCA® Solo® Events Board

6620 SE Dwight St.
Topeka, KS 66619-0400

Portions of these National Solo® Rules differing significantly from the

previous editions are denoted by the revised wording being shown itali-

Finality Of Interpretation And Application. The interpretation

and application of the SCCA® National Solo® Rules by SCCA® officials
shall be final and binding. In order to promote the sport of automobile
competition, to achieve prompt finality in competition results, and in con-
sideration of the numerous benefits to them, all participants, including
competitors and officials, expressly agree that:

1. They are familiar with the SCCA® National Solo® Rules and agree to
abide by them;
2. Determinations by SCCA® officials are non-litigable;
3. They will not initiate or maintain litigation of any kind against SCCA®
or anyone acting in behalf of SCCA® to reverse or modify such
determinations, or to seek to recover damages or other relief allegedly
incurred or required as a result of such determination;
4. If a participant initiates or maintains litigation in violation of this
provision, that participant agrees to reimburse SCCA® for all costs of
such litigation, including travel expenses and attorney fees.

SCCA Critical Incident Hotline

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTORY SECTION....................................15
I.1 SOLO® EVENTS.......................................................................15
I.1.1 Definition......................................................................................... 15
I.1.2 Revision of the Solo® Rules........................................................... 15
I.1.3 Replacement of the Solo® Rules.................................................... 15
I.1.4 Solo® Event.................................................................................... 15
I.2 SOLO® EVENTS BOARD (SEB)..............................................16
I.2.1 Appointment................................................................................... 16
I.2.2 Duties.............................................................................................. 16
I.2.3 Core Values..................................................................................... 16
I.3.1 Membership.....................................................................................17
I.3.2 Responsibilities...............................................................................17
I.4 SOLO® SAFETY STEWARD (SSS) PROGRAM..................... 18
I.4.1 Scope............................................................................................... 18
I.4.2 Duties.............................................................................................. 18
I.4.3 Administration............................................................................... 19
I.5 SOLO® SAFETY COMMITTEE (SSC).....................................19
I.5.1 Membership.................................................................................... 19
I.5.2 Duties.............................................................................................. 19
I.6.1 Membership....................................................................................20
I.6.2 Duties..............................................................................................20
I.7 CO-SANCTIONED/CO-SPONSORED EVENTS.....................20
I.8 SITE SAFETY PLAN................................................................20
I.9 ENFORCEMENT BY THE SCCA®..........................................21
I.10 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS............................................21
I.10.1 Event Insurance Requirements.................................................... 21
I.10.2 Insurance Application Procedures...............................................22
SOLO® RULES....................................................... 23
1. SOLO® EVENTS....................................................................... 23
1.1 Mandatory Provisions..............................................................................23
1.2 General Definitions..................................................................................23
1.2.1 Solo® Event....................................................................................23
1.2.2 Autocross........................................................................................23
1.2.3 Slalom.............................................................................................23
1.2.4 Entrant............................................................................................24
1.2.5 Competitor......................................................................................24
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 5
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1.2.6 SD...................................................................................................24
1.2.7 National Solo® Event....................................................................24
1.2.8 Inter-Regional Solo® Event..........................................................24
1.2.9 GCR.................................................................................................24
1.3 Event Operating Rules.............................................................................24
1.3.1 Insurance Requirements (Refer to Section 4.13)...........................24
1.3.2 Other Operating Requirements.....................................................24
1.4 Sanction Procedures................................................................................27
1.4.1 Regional.......................................................................................... 27
1.4.2 National Solo® Event.................................................................... 27
1.4.3 National Championship................................................................. 27
1.5 Supplementary Regulations....................................................................27
2. COURSE....................................................................................28
2.1 Common Sense and Solo® Courses....................................................... 28
2.2 Course Safety and Layout Rules.............................................................29
2.3 Course Design Rules...............................................................................32
2.4 Events at Race Facilities.........................................................................32
2.5 Participants and Spectators at Solo® Events.........................................32
2.6 Advertising Solo® Events.......................................................................33
2.7 Kart Solo® Events...................................................................................33
2.8 Junior Driver Program...........................................................................33
3. VEHICLES................................................................................. 33
3.1 Eligible Vehicles.......................................................................................33
3.2 Vehicle Classification..............................................................................35
3.3 Vehicle Safety..........................................................................................35
3.3.1 Driver Restraints............................................................................35
3.3.2 Roll Bars.........................................................................................35
3.3.3 Safety Inspections..........................................................................36
3.3.4 Vehicle Operating Condition.........................................................40
3.4 Limited Availability Options.................................................................. 40
3.5 Mufflers................................................................................................... 40
3.6 Fuel......................................................................................................... 40
3.7 Vehicle Identification.............................................................................. 41
3.8 Required Documentation.......................................................................42
4. DRIVERS AND CLASSES......................................................... 43
4.1 Driver Credentials...................................................................................43
4.2 Event Entry.............................................................................................44
4.3 Driver Safety Equipment........................................................................44
4.3.1 Helmets...........................................................................................44
6 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
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4.3.2 Seat Belts........................................................................................45

4.3.3 Footwear........................................................................................45
4.4 Car/Driver Limits....................................................................................45
4.5 Car/Driver Changes................................................................................45
4.6 Responsibility for Car Classification.......................................................45
4.7 Ladies Classes..........................................................................................45
4.8 Definition of Class Types........................................................................45
4.9 Conflict of Interest..................................................................................46
4.10 Medical..................................................................................................46
4.11 Licenses..................................................................................................46
4.12 Assumption of Risk...............................................................................46
4.13 Insurance Release and Waiver..............................................................47
5. OFFICIALS................................................................................ 49
5.1 Chief Steward...........................................................................................49
5.2 Operating Steward..................................................................................49
5.3 Event Chairman.......................................................................................50
5.4 Solo® Safety Steward.............................................................................50
5.5 Chief of Waivers...................................................................................... 51
5.6 Chief Technical Inspector....................................................................... 51
5.7 Chief of Timing and Scoring....................................................................52
5.8 Chief of Course........................................................................................52
5.9 Chief of Impound....................................................................................52
5.10 Chief of Protest......................................................................................52
5.11 Plurality of Duties..................................................................................52
6. EVENT OPERATION................................................................ 52
6.1 Entrants as Workers................................................................................52
6.2 Course Map.............................................................................................53
6.3 Course Familiarization............................................................................53
6.4 LeMans Starts Forbidden.......................................................................53
6.5 Timing Points..........................................................................................53
6.6 Replacement of Markers.........................................................................53
6.7 VIisual or Oral Instruction......................................................................53
6.8 Order of Running....................................................................................53
6.9 Scales.......................................................................................................54
6.10 Impound................................................................................................54
6.11 Tire Temperature Management.............................................................55
7. TIMING AND SCORING........................................................... 55
7.1 Standards.................................................................................................55
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 7
Table of Contents

7.1.1 Timing Standards............................................................................ 55

7.1.2 Scoring Standards........................................................................... 55
7.2 Timing Systems for National Solo® Events...........................................55
7.3 Minimum of Three runs..........................................................................55
7.4 Reruns.....................................................................................................55
7.5 Ties...........................................................................................................56
7.6 Luck or Chance........................................................................................56
7.7 Scoreboard...............................................................................................56
7.8 Penalties..................................................................................................56
7.8.1 Course Markers (Pylons)................................................................56
7.8.2 Displaced or Downed Pylons on Course........................................56
7.8.3 Course Deviation............................................................................ 57
7.8.4 Range of Penalties.......................................................................... 57
7.8.5 Mechanical Did Not Finish............................................................ 57
7.9 Official Results.........................................................................................58
8. PROTESTS................................................................................. 58
8.1 Who May Protest.....................................................................................58
8.2 Lodging a Protest....................................................................................58
8.2.1 Protest Fee......................................................................................59
8.2.2 Time Limits....................................................................................59
8.3 Protests Against Cars..............................................................................59
8.3.1 Burden of Proof..............................................................................59
8.3.2 Impounding of Protested Cars......................................................60
8.3.3 Establishment of Bond..................................................................60
8.3.4 Conduct of Inspection....................................................................60
8.3.5 Refusal to Allow Inspection...........................................................60
8.3.6 Disposition of Bond and Protest Fee.............................................60
8.3.7 Time of Disbursement of Bond; Appeal Escrow........................... 61
8.3.8 Preservation of Evidence............................................................... 61
8.3.9 Notifications................................................................................... 61
8.4 Protest Committee.................................................................................. 61
8.4.1 Duties.............................................................................................. 61
8.5 Hearing of the Protest.............................................................................62
8.6 Distribution of Awards............................................................................62
8.7 Judgement...............................................................................................62
8.8 Reasonableness.......................................................................................62
8.8.1 Forfeiture of Protest Fee................................................................62
8.8.2 Vexatious Or Bad Faith Protests...................................................62
8.8.3 Return of Fee.................................................................................62
8 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
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9. PENALTIES............................................................................... 63
9.1 Breach of the Rules..................................................................................63
9.2 Who May be Penalized............................................................................63
9.3 Hearing....................................................................................................63
9.4 Imposition of Penalties...........................................................................63
9.4.1 Penalties.........................................................................................63
9.4.2 Multiple Penalties..........................................................................64
9.5 Loss of Award..........................................................................................64
9.6 Amendment of Results............................................................................64
9.7 Publication...............................................................................................64
10. APPEALS................................................................................. 64
10.1 Right to Appeal......................................................................................64
10.2 Intent to Appeal.....................................................................................64
10.3 Taking an Appeal...................................................................................65
10.4 Composition of the National Appeals Committee................................65
10.5 Decision to Hear....................................................................................65
10.6 Convening the Appeals Committee.......................................................65
10.6.1 Hearing The Appeal / National Appeals Committee...................66
10.6.2 Appointed Appeals Committee....................................................66
10.6.3 Hearing The Appeal.....................................................................66
10.7 Judgment of the Appeals Committee....................................................66
10.8 Publication and Effect of Decision........................................................66
10.9 Bad Faith Appeals.................................................................................67
11. AWARDS.................................................................................. 67
12. AUTOMOBILE DEFINITIONS............................................... 67
13. STREET CATEGORY............................................................... 73
13.1 Authorized Modifications......................................................................75
13.2 Bodywork...............................................................................................75
13.3 Tires.......................................................................................................76
13.4 Wheels....................................................................................................78
13.5 Shock Absorbers/Struts.........................................................................78
13.6 Brakes................................................................................................... 80
13.7 Anti-Roll (Sway) Bars........................................................................... 80
13.8 Suspension.............................................................................................81
13.9 Electrical System...................................................................................81
13.10 Engine and Drivetrain........................................................................ 82
14. STREET TOURING® CATEGORY......................................... 85
14.1 Authorized Modifications..................................................................... 86
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 9
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14.2 Bodywork.............................................................................................. 86
14.3 Tires...................................................................................................... 88
14.4 Wheels.................................................................................................. 88
14.5 Shock Absorbers/struts........................................................................ 88
14.6 Brakes................................................................................................... 88
14.7 Anti-Roll (Sway) Bars........................................................................... 89
14.8 Suspension............................................................................................ 89
14.9 Electrical System...................................................................................92
14.10 Engine and Drivetrain.........................................................................93
14.11 Out-of-Production Cars........................................................................95
15. STREET PREPARED CATEGORY.......................................... 97
15.1 Authorized Modifications......................................................................99
15.2 Bodywork.............................................................................................100
15.3 Tires.....................................................................................................104
15.4 Wheels..................................................................................................104
15.5 Shock Absorbers/Struts.......................................................................104
15.6 Brakes..................................................................................................105
15.7 Anti-Roll (Sway) Bars..........................................................................106
15.8 Suspension...........................................................................................106
15.9 Electrical System.................................................................................109
15.10 Engine and Drivetrain....................................................................... 110
15.11 Out-of-Production Cars.......................................................................115
16. STREET MODIFIED CATEGORY.......................................... 117
16.1 Allowed Modifications......................................................................... 118
16.2 Minimum Weights...............................................................................122
17. PREPARED CATEGORY........................................................123
17.1 Authorized Modifications..................................................................... 125
17.2 Bodywork and Structure...................................................................... 125
17.3 Tires.....................................................................................................130
17.4 Wheels...................................................................................................131
17.5 Shock Absorbers/Struts and Springs...................................................131
17.6 Brakes...................................................................................................132
17.7 Anti-Roll (Sway) Bars.......................................................................... 132
17.8 Suspension/Suspension Control......................................................... 133
17.9 Electrical System..................................................................................134
17.10 Engine and Drivetrain.......................................................................134
17.11 Other...................................................................................................143

10 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Table of Contents

17.12 Safety.................................................................................................. 145

18. MODIFIED CATEGORY.........................................................147
18.0.A. Sound Control Modifications................................................... 148
18.0.B. Engine Classifications............................................................... 148
18.0.C. Aerodynamics........................................................................... 149
18.0.D. Tires.......................................................................................... 149
18.0.E. Safety Requirements................................................................. 149
18.1 Modified Production-based Cars..........................................................151
18.2 Sports Racers.......................................................................................160
18.3 Formula Cars....................................................................................... 161
18.4 Specials................................................................................................ 161
18.5 Formula SAE (FSAE)...........................................................................162
18.6 Legends Cars and Dwarf Cars.............................................................163
19. KART CATEGORY..................................................................165
19.1 Kart Modified (KM)............................................................................. 165
19.2 Formula Junior.................................................................................... 172
20. SOLO® SPEC COUPE (SSC).................................................179
21. PROSOLO® NATIONAL SERIES RULES............................ 183
21.1 ProSolo® Events..................................................................................183
21.2 Overview..............................................................................................183
21.3 Program Objective and Strategies.......................................................183
21.4 Operational Authority and Rules Interpretation.......................183
APPENDIX A - AUTOMOBILE CLASSES.................................. 184
STREET CATEGORY..................................................................................185
Super Street class (SS).......................................................................... 185
A Street class (AS)................................................................................. 186
B Street class (BS)................................................................................. 187
C Street class (CS)................................................................................. 189
D Street class (DS)................................................................................ 190
E Street class (ES)..................................................................................191
F Street class (FS)................................................................................. 192
G Street class (GS)................................................................................. 194
H Street class (HS)................................................................................ 195
Super Street-R class (SSR).................................................................... 201
STREET TOURING® CATEGORY........................................................... 203
Street Touring® Ultra (STU)...............................................................203
Street Touring® Roadster (STR).........................................................204
Street Touring® Xtreme (STX)............................................................204
Street Touring® Sport (STS)................................................................205
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 11
Table of Contents

Street Touring® Hatchback (STH)......................................................207

STREET PREPARED CATEGORY............................................................ 209
Super Street Prepared (SSP).................................................................209
A Street Prepared (ASP)....................................................................... 210
B Street Prepared (BSP).........................................................................211
C Street Prepared (CSP)........................................................................ 212
D Street Prepared (DSP)....................................................................... 213
E Street Prepared (ESP)........................................................................ 215
F Street Prepared (FSP)........................................................................ 217
STREET MODIFIED CATEGORY..............................................................223
Super Street Modified class (SSM).......................................................223
Street Modified class (SM)....................................................................224
Street Modified Front-Wheel-Drive class (SMF).................................224
PREPARED CATEGORY.............................................................................225
X Prepared (XP)....................................................................................225
C Prepared (CP)....................................................................................230
D Prepared (DP)....................................................................................234
E Prepared (EP)....................................................................................240
F Prepared (FP).....................................................................................247
MODIFIED CATEGORY.............................................................................253
Modified class A (AM)...........................................................................253
Modified class B (BM)...........................................................................253
Modified class C (CM)...........................................................................255
Modified class D (DM).......................................................................... 261
Modified class E (EM)...........................................................................262
Modified class F (FM)...........................................................................262
APPENDIX C - SOLO® ROLL BAR STANDARDS.................... 267
A. Basic Design Considerations..................................................................267
B. Material...................................................................................................267
C. Fabrication............................................................................................. 268
D. Bracing................................................................................................... 268
E. Mounting Plates..................................................................................... 269
F. Removable Roll Bars.............................................................................. 269
G. Installation on Cars of Space Frame and Frameless Design................ 269
H. Roll Cages.............................................................................................. 269
I. Roll Bar Padding..................................................................................... 269
APPENDIX D - SOLO® TRIALS RULES................................... 270
I. Purpose....................................................................................................270
12 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Table of Contents

II. Concept...................................................................................................270
III. Procedure for SCCA® Sanction........................................................... 271
IV. Site Selection and Course Design Approval.......................................... 271
V. SCCA® Insurance...................................................................................272
VI. Event Officials........................................................................................272
VII. Entrant Eligibility and Licensing.........................................................272
VIII. Workers..............................................................................................272
IX. Event Safety Requirements...................................................................272
X. Vehicle Safety Equipment Requirements..............................................273
XI. Driver Safety Equipment Requirements..............................................276
I. Introduction.............................................................................................277
II. Start of the SSS Program........................................................................279
III. Divisional Solo® Safety Steward......................................................... 280
IV. Appointment of SSS for Solo® Events................................................ 280
V. Procedures for Becoming a SSS............................................................. 280
VI. Procedures for Becoming a SSS Instructor.......................................... 282
VII. Solo® Events at Racing Facilities...................................................... 282
VIII. Responsibilities of a SSS................................................................... 283
IX. A FINAL WORD................................................................................... 288
X. GENERAL SUMMARY.......................................................................... 288
APPENDIX F - CLARIFICATIONS............................................. 291
APPENDIX G - KARTS AT SOLO® EVENTS............................306
I. Rules And Procedural Updates................................................................307
II. Event Operation.....................................................................................307
III. Junior Driver Eligibility....................................................................... 308
IV. Junior Drivers Meeting Safety Talk..................................................... 308
SCCA® NATIONAL SOLO® EVENTS....................................... 310
Registered Trademarks............................................................................... 312
APPENDIX K – AWARDS............................................................313
I. NATIONAL SOLO® CHAMPIONSHIPS................................................ 313
Street Category (formerly Stock Category)........................................... 313
Solo® Spec Coupe Category.................................................................327
Street Touring® Category....................................................................327
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 13
Table of Contents

Street Prepared Category......................................................................330

Street Modified Category...................................................................... 337
Prepared Category.................................................................................339
Modified Category.................................................................................348
Kart Category........................................................................................356
II. SCCA® PROSOLO® CHAMPIONS......................................................357
Overall Champion - Johnson-Clark-Johnson Cup............................... 357
Overall Ladies Champion - Fletcher Cup............................................. 357
Honda® Tuner Challenge Champion.................................................. 372
Overall Club Champion......................................................................... 373
III. NATIONAL SOLO1® CHAMPIONSHIPS 1986 - 1990.......................375
IV. SOLO® LADIES CLASSES 1973-1978.................................................378
V. SPECIAL AWARDS.................................................................................379

14 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Introductory Section

I.1.1 Definition
A Solo® Event is any event (where an event is considered to be an entire
program of competitions) in which one automobile at a time is timed over
a clearly defined course with elapsed time and appropriate penalties for
course deviations being the determining factor for awards. This shall not
preclude the running of more than one car at a time provided they are
separated on course by adequate time and distance to eliminate any pos-
sibility of a passing situation.
I.1.2 Revision of the Solo® Rules
The SCCA® may revise these rules or issue supplements to them at any
time via Tech Bulletins in the official SCCA® publication and/or on the
official SCCA® website (www.scca.com). All supplements will have a pub-
lished effective date.
If circumstances create a situation where a rule clarification or change is
found necessary to be implemented immediately, the SCCA® Board of Di-
rectors may issue a memorandum stating the change and its effective date.
These memorandums will be posted on the SCCA® website and published
in the official SCCA® publication.
I.1.3 Replacement of the Solo® Rules
Effective on January 1 of each year, all previous editions of the Solo®
Rules will be superseded by the current edition. No revisions previously
published in the official SCCA® publication or on the official SCCA® web-
site (www.scca.com) will remain in effect unless included in the new edi-
tion of the Solo® Rules.
I.1.4 Solo® Event
A Solo® Event is a non-speed driving skill contest such as, but not limited
to, autocrosses and slaloms. These events are run on short courses that
emphasize the driver’s ability and the car’s handling and agility. Competi-
tion licenses are not required and hazards to spectators, participants, and
property do not exceed those encountered in normal, legal highway driv-
ing. All Solo® events must be sanctioned by the SCCA®, Inc. The Solo®
Rules are mandatory for use in SCCA® Solo® National Tour and National
Championship events and standards set forth in the Solo® Rules must be
adhered to by all SCCA® Regions who organize, sponsor, co-sponsor, or
sanction a Solo® Event.
While the right to protest in proper cases is undoubted, it should be re-
membered that Solo® events are sporting events to be conducted in a
sporting spirit, that all events are organized and managed by amateurs
who cheerfully give their time and do their best, that the competitor may
expect some imperfections of the organizers and of his fellow competitors,
and that, to a reasonable extent, these things are part of the chances he
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 15
Introductory Section
takes in entering the competition.
I.2.1 Appointment
The SCCA® Board of Directors (BOD) shall annually appoint the SCCA®
Solo® Events Board (SEB). Current appointees are listed on the SCCA®
website (www.scca.com), published in the current edition of the SCCA®
Directory, published in an early current-year issue of the official SCCA®
publication, or available from the SCCA® National Office.
I.2.2 Duties
A. The Solo® Events Board (SEB) submits to the SCCA® BOD recom-
mended rules and standards for the conduct of SCCA® Solo® Events.
The SEB monitors the execution of these approved rules and standards
for SCCA®-sanctioned Solo® Events and maintains liaison with the
Solo® Development Coordinators (SDCs).
B. The monitoring of these rules includes the issuing of clarifications re-
garding them. Requests for clarification or advance determination of
legality must be accompanied by sufficient information to adequately
describe the situation. The supporting documentation may include pho-
tographs, drawings, and/or excerpts from manufacturer service manu-
als/documents, parts catalogs, or similar information. A minimum of
six weeks must be allowed. The requestor has the burden of adequately
and accurately describing each situation and the desired action. Mem-
bers are cautioned that rulings based upon information provided are
not irrevocable if new information becomes available or if the underly-
ing rules are subsequently changed. Send requests to:
www.soloeventsboard.com or www.sebscca.com
C. National Championship (“Nationals”)
1. The SEB will annually make an on-site inspection of the Solo®
National Championship courses prior to giving final approval. The
purpose of this inspection shall be to ensure a safe event, to assure
protection of spectators and property, to verify the use of appropri-
ate courses, and the suitability of the program (including the event
supplementary regulations).
2. The SEB shall appoint the respective Chief Stewards, Chairmen of
the Protest Committees, approve Solo® Safety Stewards, and other
Chiefs of Specialties such as Timing, Tech, Impound, and Course for
the Solo® National Championship events. Members of the SEB may
not serve on the National Championship Protest Committee.
I.2.3 Core Values
The decisions of the Solo® Events Board (SEB) are based upon three core
values that together equate with member value. These core values are as
1. Increased participation and involvement.
16 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Introductory Section

Core Values
Increased Participation
and Involvement

Variety of Evolving Rules
Competition in a Planned
Experiences Manner
2. Providing a variety of classes to satisfy a range of economies and
3. Evolving rules in a planned manner.
Each topic before the SEB is compared to these core values to ensure an
overall positive effect. It is recognized that an individual decision may at
times result in a disadvantage or increased cost to some individual mem-
bers, but that the decision reached is based on the long-term benefit for
the majority of the members.
I.3.1 Membership
Solo® Development Coordinators (SDCs), one per SCCA® Division, are
appointed annually by the Solo® Events Board (SEB), subject to approval
by the SCCA® Board of Directors (BOD). Current appointees are listed
on the SCCA® website (www.scca.com), published in the current edition
of the SCCA® Directory, published in an early current-year issue of the
official SCCA® publication, or available from the SCCA® National Office.
I.3.2 Responsibilities
Solo® Development Coordinators are responsible to the Solo® Events
Board (SEB) as follows:
A. Serve as a resource to Regions within the Division to assist them with
program challenges, including but not limited to growth/expansion,
operational matters, site acquisition/maintenance, communications,
promotion, and training/educational opportunities.
B. Maintain liaison with the SCCA® National Office, the SEB, Divisional
Solo® Safety Steward, and other appropriate Division Officials, includ-
ing Division Meeting organizers.
C. Notify SCCA® Solo® Department of the dates of any Inter-Regional
Solo® events and the organizational structure of the program.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 17

Introductory Section
D. Serve as a resource to the SCCA® National Office and the SEB to share
and propagate best practices as developed and performed by the Re-
gions within the Division.
I.4.1 Scope
The Solo® Safety Steward (SSS) program is designed to provide reason-
able precautions with regard to safety at all SCCA® Solo® Events. The
SSS program is governed by this Section and the SSS Guidebook (Appen-
dix E).
I.4.2 Duties
The primary duties of the Solo® Safety Steward (SSS) shall concern the
safety of participants and non-participants. This includes course security,
which is defined as maintaining control over non-participant access to the
course. Course layout relative to driver and worker safety is also a concern
of the SSS. The SSS is responsible to their Divisional Solo® Safety Steward
(DSSS) as follows:
A. Serve as an SCCA® representative on inspection of any Solo® site.
B. Serve as SSS at all Solo® events, with prime responsibility and vested
authority to ensure all necessary safety precautions are taken with re-
spect to spectator, worker, and driver (i.e., course layout) safety. Con-
trol over course design extends only to such issues as on-course or near-
course hazards and not to design philosophy. In SCCA® Solo® events,
safety issues are those such as listed in Solo® Rules Sections 2.1 and
C. Verify that the certificate of insurance is correct and present at the event
site. This should be done either by visual inspection of the certificate or
by telephone confirmation with SCCA® Sanction. If certificate is not
available, call:
1-800-770-2055 Option 6
D. In the event of an accident/incident during an event, notify all SCCA®
officials and the insurance carrier of SCCA® as indicated in the Ap-
pendix E.VIII.F and the Accident/Incident Report Form. A preliminary
report shall be mailed within seven days and a more complete report
mailed within a reasonable time thereafter. The SSS shall respond to all
questions from SCCA® officials assigned to investigate the accident/
incident. However, no discussion on the accident shall be carried on
with outside parties (except law enforcement authorities) without au-
thorization by SCCA®. In any discussion, only statement of fact, rather
than opinion, should be offered. Mail all completed reports to the ap-
propriate SCCA® and/or insurance carrier offices.
E. It is the responsibility of every SSS to file a report concerning the con-
duct of an event with the SCCA® National Office Solo® Department if
such conduct is substandard to the safety rules referenced in the Solo®
18 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Introductory Section
I.4.3 Administration
The Regional Executive (RE) of the Region or his/her designated repre-
sentative shall appoint the SSS for Regional Solo® events. He/she must
be qualified to officiate at each event appointed and the SCCA® National
Office Solo® Department shall be notified of such appointment at the time
of the insurance application. Changes to the appointment can be made
prior to the event by notifying the SCCA® Solo® Department or, in emer-
gencies, the next business day after the event. The Divisional Solo® Safe-
ty Steward (DSSS) will advise the SCCA® Solo® Department of all new
SSS in his/her division so that licenses can be issued and the National list
The SSS may appoint a substitute SSS to act as the SSS during times that
the regular SSS is competing. The substitute must hold the same or higher
grade of SSS license.
The SSS may appoint a Deputy SSS if the course design cannot be visu-
ally observed by one person. The SSS shall use discretion in making these
appointments. A list of all of those appointed shall be included with the
post-event summary.
It is suggested that where Deputies are used, a radio network separate
from that used for driver safety be used; but that the SSS have contact
with the driver safety network as well.
The SSS shall appoint assistants for the purpose of on-the-job training at
each event. This assistant may serve as a Deputy SSS when required.
In the event of a breach in course security, which might endanger any
spectators, workers, or drivers (i.e., course layout), the SSS has the author-
ity to stop the event until the breach is remedied.
I.5.1 Membership
The Solo® Safety Committee (SSC) will consist of six SCCA® members
plus a Chairman appointed annually by the Solo® Events Board (SEB),
subject to approval of the SCCA® Board of Directors. Current appointees
are listed on the SCCA® website (www.scca.com), published in the cur-
rent edition of the SCCA® Directory, published in an early current-year
issue of the official SCCA® publication, and available from the SCCA®
National Office.
I.5.2 Duties
A. Coordinate the Solo® Safety program.
B. Hold SSS training seminars as required. Appoint qualified members
to serve as Instructors at seminars if an SSC member or a Divisional
Solo® Safety Steward (DSSS) cannot be in attendance.
C. Shall appoint a DSSS for each SCCA® Division and supervise the ad-
ministration of his/her duties.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 19
Introductory Section
D. Submit a written status report to the Solo® Events Board (SEB) 30 days
prior to each scheduled meeting. This report will include an update for
the Solo® Events Program five-year Plan.
E. Shall appoint an SSS, and deputies as required, for the Solo® National
Championship event, with the approval of the SEB.
I.6.1 Membership
Divisional Solo® Safety Stewards (DSSS) are appointed annually by the
SSC, subject to the approval of the Solo® Events Board (SEB). Current
appointees are listed on the SCCA® website (www.scca.com), published
in the current edition of the SCCA® Directory, published in an early cur-
rent-year issue of the official SCCA® publication, and available from the
SCCA® National Office.
I.6.2 Duties
Divisional Solo® Safety Stewards:
A. Shall be appointed by the SSC, subject to the approval of the Solo®
Events Board (SEB).
B. Shall hold the highest grade of SSS license necessary for the Division in
which he/she serves.
C. Issuance of license and subsequent routine renewals shall be handled
by the SCCA® Membership Department at the National Office.
D. Shall maintain up-to-date records of all license holders within the Di-
vision and advise the SSC and the SCCA® National Office Solo® De-
partment of the names and address of members who are approved for
E. Shall ensure that each Solo® Region within the Division has at least
one qualified SSS.
F. Shall maintain a record of all SSS appointed to Regional Events and
upon notification of such appointment, verify proper license grade.
G. Shall report to the SEB on the compliance with safety rules at Solo®
Events. Shall make recommendations concerning possible action to-
ward a region or an SSS for failure to adhere to or implement safety
rules contained within the Solo® Rules or Solo® Safety Publication.
The prohibition against co-sanctioning and/or co-sponsoring events by
SCCA® shall not prevent cooperation by SCCA® Regions with other or-
ganizations provided that the events are controlled by the sanctioning Re-
gion and are conducted in accordance with SCCA® rules and regulations
pertaining to the event.
It is strongly recommended that each Region develop and implement an
event site safety plan. Upon request, the SCCA® National Office Solo®
20 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Introductory Section
Department can assist a Region in developing a plan by providing a sam-
ple of the plan used for the National Solo® Championship. If a Regional
plan is developed, it should be submitted to the Divisional Solo® Safety
Steward (DSSS) for review prior to implementation.
A. All SCCA® Solo® Events shall be subject to an unannounced inspec-
tion by a Solo® Development Coordinator (SDC), a member of the SSC,
an SSS, a Solo® Events Board (SEB) Member, or the SCCA® Nation-
al Office Solo® Department who will evaluate the compliance of the
event with the mandatory provisions of the SCCA® Solo® Rules. They
have the authority to bring rule infractions to the attention of the Event
Chairman for corrective action and will file a written report with the
SCCA® Solo® Department noting whether or not corrective action was
B. Regions which solely or jointly organize, conduct, sanction, or other-
wise cooperate in the organizing of a Solo® Event that does not comply
with these Rules shall be subject to the following, as determined by the
SEB. A hearing before one or more members of the Board designated
for the purpose by the Chairman will be granted at a Region’s request
before the measures proposed are made final.
1. Warning: During the period of which the Region must submit Solo®
courses to the Solo® Development Coordinator (SDC), to other offi-
cials designated by the Board, for prior approval; and will be subject
to unannounced inspection by the SDC or Board Member, SCCA®
Solo Department, or designee.
2. Suspension: During the period of which the Region may not be in-
volved, in any way, in the organizing of Solo® Events.
C. In addition to the foregoing, the Region is also subject to such other
penalty as may be imposed by the Board of Directors.
I.10.1 Event Insurance Requirements
All SCCA®-sanctioned events must be insured for Event Liability and Par-
ticipant Accident coverage by the SCCA® Event Insurance Plan. Coverage
details can be found by contacting SCCA® Sanction. The Event Chairman
shall not let the event begin until assured by the receipt of an appropriate
insurance certificate that the insurance requirements have been met and
the certificate is posted at the event.
If a certificate is not available, call the following number immediately:

1-800-770-2055 Option 6

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 21

Introductory Section
I.10.2 Insurance Application Procedures
The Event Chairman must submit an SCCA® Sanction Application/Mas-
ter Insurance Plan Request Form at least 14 days prior to the event. Each
Request Form must designate a SSS.

22 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

1. Solo Events

Sections 1.0 (except 1.5), 2.0 (except 2.3, 2.7, and 2.8), 3.1, 3.3 (except
3.3.3.A), 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.10, 4.12, 4.13, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 5.11
are mandatory in all SCCA® Solo® Events that an SCCA® Region solely
or jointly organizes, conducts, sanctions, or otherwise cooperates as a Re-
gion in organizing. The titles of mandatory sections are underlined herein.
At events where kart classes (KM, JA, JB, JC) are offered, Sections 2.7
and 2.8 are mandatory. Vehicle classifications (e.g., Section 3.2) are not
mandatory. Regions should use classing structures which are best for the
development of their programs. However, Regions may not allow faster
karts per age group than those already described in Section 19. National
vehicle classifications are located in Appendix A of these rules. Suggested
optional classes and rules are located in Appendixes A, B, G, and H. The
entire SCCA® Solo® Rules are mandatory for SCCA® National Solo®
Events. Additional rules governing the SCCA® ProSolo® National Series
are in Section 20.
1.2.1 Solo® Event
A Solo® Event is an automobile competition in which one car at a time
negotiates a prescribed course, with finishing position based on the time
required to complete the course plus any penalties incurred. Where course
conditions permit, more than one car may be on course at a time if they are
separated by adequate time and distance. A Solo® Event is a non-speed
driving skill contest such as, but not limited to, autocrosses and slaloms.
These events are run on short courses that emphasize car handling and
agility rather than speed or power. Competition licenses are not required
and hazards to spectators, participants, and property do not exceed those
encountered in normal, legal highway driving. All Solo® Events must be
SCCA® sanctioned.
1.2.2 Autocross
An autocross is an event generally held on a paved, flat surface, wherein
the course typically consists of straight sections and connecting turns or
corners, generally resembling a miniaturized road course. The course lay-
out should be such as to emphasize car handling, driver skill, and maneu-
verability rather than performance. The course is generally well enough
defined so that memory is not required to remain on course.
1.2.3 Slalom
Slalom typically refers to an event similar to an autocross, though the term
may also refer to one particular serpentine portion of an autocross layout.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 23

1. Solo Events
1.2.4 Entrant
An entrant is a person who has completed the necessary requirements to
enter the event.
1.2.5 Competitor
A competitor is a driver who has started at least one run at an event.
1.2.6 SD
SD is the acronym for the Solo® Department at the SCCA® National of-
1.2.7 National Solo® Event
A. Solo® National Championship: The event at which the Solo® National
Champion for each class is determined. Managed by the SCCA® Solo®
Department and administered by SCCA® member officials.
B. Solo® National Tour: A collection of National-level Solo® events run
at various locations across the country as preparatory events for the
National Championship. Primarily planned and administered as a part-
nership between the local SCCA® Region and the SCCA® Solo® De-
C. ProSolo® National Championship: Solo® National level events run at
various locations across the country using a mirror image course format
that incorporates a drag race type start, including the use of “Christmas
tree” starting lights. Organized and managed by the SCCA® Solo® De-
partment with the assistance of a host Region or club.
1.2.8 Inter-Regional Solo® Event
An Inter-Regional Solo® Event is primarily planned and administered us-
ing the broad policy guidelines of the SEB with assistance from the Solo®
Development Coordinator (SDC) and the SCCA® Solo® Department.
1.2.9 GCR
GCR is the acronym for the SCCA® Club Racing General Competition
Rules, including the associated specification books.
1.3.1 Insurance Requirements (Refer to Section 4.13)
1.3.2 Other Operating Requirements
A. All persons in an event car must have an SCCA® membership, either
full or weekend.
B. All competitors, except participants in Kart classes, must have a valid
driver’s license.
C. Competitors are required to wear seat belts, except Kart drivers, and
helmets when driving in competition. Roll bars are recommended.
D. A passenger is allowed provided he/she:
1. is no younger than twelve (12) years old or is at least 57” tall;
2. is in a vehicle which has passed safety (tech) inspection (Section

24 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

1. Solo Events
3. is wearing a properly fitted seat belt and a properly fitted helmet;
4. has completed and signed the required participant waiver(s), includ-
ing parents/guardians as appropriate (Section 4.13).
The only passengers who may be allowed during competitions runs in
National Solo® events are non-competitors whose role is to fulfill the
state-mandated requirements for a driver who has a restricted driver’s
license requiring a passenger.
E. All cars shall be subject to a strict safety inspection based on the Solo®
F. Basic rules and standards for conduct of events must be drawn up be-
fore an event is run and be available to all competitors.
G. Penalties for course deviations or course marker displacement shall be
posted and available to all competitors.
H. Car classifications to be used and distribution of awards shall be estab-
lished prior to the event and available to all competitors.
I. An event chief official must be appointed to supervise the running of the
event. His duties should generally be those of the Operatimg Steward
(Section 5.2) at an SCCA® National Solo® event.
J. All participants, including competitors, workers, crew, and guests,
must sign the SCCA® waiver form (Section 4.13). Credentials must be
issued to and displayed by those who have signed waivers. Any com-
petitor found to have driven the course in any vehicle before signing the
waiver will be disqualified from the event with no refund of entry fee
and removed from the premises.
K. Use of Alcohol or Narcotics.
1. No driver may consume alcohol until he/she has completed all his/
her runs and completed his/her work assignment for the day. No of-
ficial may consume alcohol until his/her duties have been concluded
for the day. Alcohol may not be consumed in the grid until after all the
day’s competition activities are concluded. Violators may be penal-
ized as provided in Section 9.
Nothing in this Section shall override site-specific alcohol restric-
2. The use at an event by any participant of any federal Schedule 1
controlled substance (including marijuana or other drugs that af-
fect the ability of the participant to safely participate in the event or
may otherwise adversely affect the safety or integrity of the event is
specifically prohibited. CERTAIN PRESCRIPTION AND NON-PRE-
THE EVENT. Any participant who violates this prohibition:
a. Shall not seek to participate in the event.
b. May be excluded from the event by the Event Chairman.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 25
1. Solo Events
c. May be removed from the grounds by the Event Chairman or Chief
d. May be penalized as provided in Section 9.
As a condition of continued participation, the participant may be re-
quired to submit to such testing procedures as may be established
by SCCA® in its sole discretion. Failure or refusal to submit to such
testing shall be deemed a violation of the above prohibitions. Hoever,
SCCA® assumes no obligation or duty to establish such testing pro-
cedures and/or to test participants on a random basis or in a specific
L. Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Any driver who drives unsafely at/near
the event location or displays unsportsmanlike conduct shall be dis-
M.Pressurized gas and air bottles with a pressure in excess of 200 psi
(1380 kPa) must have a protective structure around the gauge and valve
assembly. Doctor-prescribed medical oxygen bottles/tanks are exempt
from this requirement.
N.It is strongly recommended for emergency purposes, a public telephone
or a cellular telephone be available at the event site or at a known near-
by location.
O.Children under twelve (12) years of age and pets shall be prohibited in
the staging, grid, start, finish, and course areas. Drivers from five (5)
to twelve (12) years of age who are participating in an approved Ju-
nior Driver program under the requirements of Section 19.2 are exempt
from this prohibition during their run group. Children who are riding
as passengers and meet the requirements of 1.3.2.D are also exempt
during the run group in which they are riding. Otherwise, they also are
prohibited from these areas. Furthermore, staging, grid, start, finish,
and course workers should be at least sixteen (16) years of age. Drivers
from eight (8) to sixteen (16) years of age should be assigned to other
worker duties as outlined in Appendix H.II.B.4.
P. Smoking (including e-cig, PV, or ENDS use) is not permitted in grid or
staging areas.
Q.Cars may not be off the ground, in gear, while running for tire shaving,
tire cleaning, or other reasons. Exception: Vehicles which have snow-
mobile-derived drivetrains, such as Formula 500/440, may be started
with the rear wheels off the ground. If a car with a snowmobile-derived
train is started with the rear wheels on the ground, a driver must be on
board. Note: Karts may be serviced or have the engine running while
on a kart stand without a driver on board.
R.In any areas of the event site designated for refueling of vehicles, there
will be at least one (1) 10 lb. minimum Class B fire extinguisher to be
available in the event of a fire during refueling.
S. Course workers must be standing at all times when any competition
26 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
1. Solo Events
cars are on-course during the event.
T. Cell phones and video or still cameras are not permitted at course work-
er positions or other locations within the course area. Exceptions may
be granted for media relations purposes by the Solo® Safety Steward
(SSS). Permission for a photographer may be given only if the location
is acceptable to the SSS and if the photographer is accompanied by a
spotter (at least 16 years of age) to warn of approaching vehicles.
U.Competitors are responsible for using proper support (e.g., jack stands)
to safely support a raised vehicle if any person is underneath that ve-
V.The use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS, drones, etc.) is not per-
mitted at any event, unless approved by event officials and the owner/
operator has a valid reason for its use and has provided a copy of the
applicable FAA certification and proof of insurance coverage. The cov-
erage must specifically name SCCA® and the applicable list of addi-
tional insureds, must specifically state that it covers the use of the UAS/
drones, and must provide at a minimum $10M of primary coverage.
1.4.1 Regional
Formal SCCA® sanction is required for all Regional Solo® events. Sanc-
tion requirements and all documents will be issued by the SCCA® Solo®
1.4.2 National Solo® Event
Sanction will be issued by the SCCA® Solo® Department and the event
must be listed in the official SCCA® calendar as published in the official
SCCA® publication and/or on the SCCA® web site (www.scca.com).
1.4.3 National Championship
A. Formal SCCA® sanction is required for the Solo® National Champi-
onship. A sanction number and document will be issued only when all
requirements listed below have been met and the application approved.
B. The event must be listed on the official SCCA® calendar as published in
the official SCCA® publication and/or on the official SCCA® website.
It shall include in the name of the event the following as a minimum:
“SCCA® Solo® National Championship.”
C. The course and supplementary regulations must be inspected and ap-
proved by the Solo® Events Board.
Supplementary regulations will be consistent with the SCCA® Solo®
Rules and define the ground rules of competition for a specific event. They
are recommended, but not required, for Regional events. They shall con-
tain the following information, as applicable:
A. The name, location, date(s), nature, and classification of the proposed
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 27
2. Course
B. An announcement, conspicuously placed, reading, “Held under the
SCCA® Solo® Rules.”
C. A complete description of the proposed event.
D. Schedules and locations of all activities, inspections, meetings, and
competitions. If a separate event program is prepared, these items may
be included there, rather than in the supplementary regulations.
E. The name and address of the person to whom the entry is to be sent, the
closing date for the receipt of entries, when entries will be accepted, and
amount of entry fee.
F. The manner of determining results.
G. Hours during the day(s) when official scales will be available for com-
petitors to check their vehicle weights.
H. All information necessary for the proper conduct of the event.
No changes shall be made to the Supplementary Regulations, except for
the schedule, after registration opens or unless the SEB (at the SCCA®
Solo® National Championship Event) or the Solo® Event Operations
Manager (at National Tour events) so decides for reasons of safety or forc-
es beyond their control.
Solo® courses should be open enough to allow good competition between
larger and smaller cars, and should not emphasize high speed, power-to-
weight ratio, extreme maneuverability, memory, or visual acuity. Region-
al, National Tour, and National Championship events shall be conducted
on a paved surface.
Although Solo® events are non-speed events under the Solo® Rules of
the SCCA®, speed alone is not the operative factor in determining what
is and is not a proper Solo® event. Hazard is the operative word; hazards
must not exceed those encountered in legal highway travel.
Generally, maximum speeds in the mid-50s to mid-60s (mph) are con-
templated for Street and Street Touring® category vehicles, and WITH
OBSERVED, since these are speeds with which the average driver is famil-
iar from everyday road driving. But it is quite possible to set up a course
on which speeds do not exceed 45 mph, but which is more hazardous than
another course on which 65 mph is attainable.
The same sort of reasoning must be applied to cornering speeds. If, for
example, there are two identical 30 mph turns, one bordered by a 50 ft.
drop off or a solid row of trees and the other by 50 ft. of flat, obstacle-free
asphalt, the hazards involved are much different. The former is clearly not
permissible in an SCCA® Solo® event and the latter clearly is.
Each Event Chairman is cautioned to remember that entrants and work-
ers must be SCCA® members in Solo® events or they are NOT covered
28 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
2. Course
by catastrophic insurance. Furthermore, by definition a Solo® event is
open to a total novice in any car that can pass safety (tech) inspection and
courses must take this into consideration.
Basically, Solo® event speeds are limited to what is “reasonable and pru-
dent for the conditions encountered,” SUBJECT TO THE CONSTRAINT
SCRIBED IN SECTION 2.2. Laying out a course to comply with the safety
requirements of these rules calls for the exercise of prudent good judg-
ment and common sense. Failure to do so may subject an SCCA® Region
to severe sanctions.
Courses must comply with Section 1 of these Rules which is mandatory
of all SCCA® Regions. The following set of course safety and layout rules
is also required for all Solo® events. WHEN THIS SECTION IS FOL-
When laying out a course, the size of the vehicles competing should be
taken in consideration and the dimensions specified in the following rules
are only minimums:
A. Courses must be tight enough so that cars run the entire course in their
lower gears. Speeds on straight stretches should not normally exceed
the mid-60s (mph) for the fastest Street and Street Touring® category
cars. The fastest portions of the course shall be those most remote from
spectators and property. Turns should not normally allow speeds in ex-
cess of 45 mph in unprepared cars. It must be remembered that sites
themselves vary and not all sites will safely support the speeds shown in
these guidelines (see Section 1.3). Conformity to these speed guidelines
does not preclude reasonable and prudent consideration of the condi-
tions encountered.
Guidelines To Corner Speeds Based On The Radius Of A Turn
The following table is a guideline for Regional officials and course de-
signers; it shows values of cornering speeds versus corner radius (not
diameter) for various lateral accelerations. This data should be con-
sidered in light of other calculations which estimate that a fast Street,
Street Touring, or Street Prepared car can pull well in excess of 1.0 g in
lateral acceleration, and can accelerate from 30 mph to 70 mph in less
than 300 ft.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 29

2. Course

Cornering Speeds in Miles Per Hour (MPH)

Turn Radius (ft)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 125 150
0.90 16 20 23 26 28 31 33 35 37 41 45
0.95 17 21 24 27 29 32 35 37 38 42 46
1.00 17 21 24 27 29 32 35 37 39 43 47
1.05 18 22 26 29 31 34 36 38 40 44 49
Lateral g

1.10 18 22 26 29 31 34 36 38 41 45 50
1.15 19 22 26 29 32 35 37 39 41 46 51
1.20 19 23 27 30 33 35 38 40 42 47 52
1.25 19 23 27 31 34 36 39 41 43 48 53
1.30 20 24 28 31 34 38 40 43 45 50 55
1.35 20 25 28 32 35 38 40 43 45 50 55

B. The course as laid out shall be on a paved surface which contains no

dangerous holes, loose gravel, gratings, oily spots, or other hazardous
features. Surface features (e.g., dips, crowns) which could cause a car to
become airborne shall be avoided.
C. The course boundary shall not normally pass closer than 25 ft. from
solid objects.
D. The Solo® Safety Steward (SSS) shall have the authority to disapprove
a course or site for karts only, when there are upright solid objects
(e.g., light poles, fence posts, etc.) on the site within 50 ft. of the ac-
tual course. This does not include curbs. While safety systems for karts
provide acceptable driver protection for most incidents, upright solid
objects present potential hazard for which kart safety systems are not
well suited. This rule gives the SSS the option of excluding karts without
having to declare the site unsafe for everyone. It is up to the judgment
of the SSS whether the course design, surface, solid objects, and type
of karts running present an unsafe mix. In most cases, the situation
can be resolved by a course design change. Kart-specific hazards on the
perimeter of the course shall be clearly marked alerting kart drivers to
the possible hazard. Examples include light poles, fences, low hanging
obstacles or cables, trees with low hanging limbs, etc.
E. Special caution should be applied where negative-cambered turns are
F. A long straight (over 150 ft.) should not terminate in an extremely sharp
turn (e.g., a short radius U-turn).
G. Except on permanent circuits such as kart tracks, the inner and outer
limits of turns and corners should be marked by course markers; dis-
placement of which results in time penalties. Corner limits must never
be marked by curbs, buildings, poles, trees, soft shoulders, or other haz-
ards likely to cause damage to a car or likely to cause a car to overturn.
H. Cars on the course simultaneously shall not run in close proximity to
each other.
30 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
2. Course
I. All portions of the course shall be visible to at least one course marshal
who can communicate through signals or by electronic means with the
starting line.
J. Extreme care shall be taken in the location of the start, finish, staging,
and timing areas. The timers and staging area must be placed well clear
of the course in a safe area. The finish section and course exit should be
clearly and carefully defined to safely restrict speeds. It is not recom-
mended that competing cars be required to come to a complete stop im-
mediately following the finish line. It is preferred that cars be required
to slow to a walking speed within a controlled area before returning
to the grid or paddock areas. A complete stop should be required only
when unusual site conditions exist. In all cases, a sufficient distance
past the finish line must be available to safely slow or halt any compet-
ing car from the highest possible speed attainable at the finish without
locking brakes or wild maneuvering. It is recommended that an official
be assigned to control the finish area. Particular care must be exercised
in the finish area to keep it free from hazard to participants and non-
K. Entrance and exit lanes shall enter the course at separate points, though
they may be close together. They will be kept clear for use by competing
cars at all times.
L. Portions of the course where significant braking is necessary shall not
terminate at a point where participants, non-participants, or obstacles
are directly in front at a distance closer than that required to bring a car
to a halt even with brake problems, a stuck throttle, etc.
M.Participants and non-participants must be kept at a safe distance from
the course, particularly at the outside of turns and at the start and finish
lines. Unless protected by substantial barriers, non-participant areas
must be roped off. The Solo® Safety Steward shall have the authority
to set minimum viewing distances from the course but such minimum
viewing distances may not be less than 75 ft. from the course edge in
unprotected areas (areas without adequate barrier protection such as
concrete or tire walls). A Region may request a waiver of this minimum
distance requirement from its Divisional Solo® Safety Steward.
N. Appropriate fire extinguishers, flags, and material for cleaning up fluid
spills must be provided by the host Region.
O. Any Solo® event where Formula Junior (FJ) uses the same course lay-
out as all other classes: For any heat in which FJ is in competition, no
car in the vicinity of the FJ grid or the course may be in motion under
its own power when any FJ kart is moving under its own power. From
the start of FJ competition, when the first driver in the class leaves the
grid for the start line until the last driver has returned his kart to the FJ
grid, this rule shall apply.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 31

2. Course
A. All corners shall be negotiable without reversing by any car classified by
make/model in the Solo® Rules.
B. The course shall be at least 15 ft. wide and single-file slalom markers
shall be at least 45 ft. apart. Any series of three (3) or more course mark-
ers which are generally in a line and have the effect of a slalom are con-
sidered to be a slalom. Additional course markers associated with the
slalom markers to form gates, “boxes,” etc, do not cancel this limit.
C. A Solo® event, other than a gimmick event in which time is not the only
consideration, shall be a test of driving skill, not memory.
D. The course shall be well marked with pylons or other “markers.” The
base of each marker shall be outlined to permit accurate replacement if
E. Cars should leave a gate/turn headed generally in the direction of the
next gate/turn.
Solo® events planned for commercial race facilities, or a private facility
that could reasonably be construed to be similar in concept to a commer-
cial race facility, must have approval from the current Divisional Solo®
Safety Steward (DSSS). If in doubt, contact your DSSS.
All SCCA® events have two (2) types of insurance:
1. Participant insurance covers drivers, crew, and workers in “hot” areas
(staging, grid, start, finish, course areas, etc.). Participants in “hot” ar-
eas must sign the event waiver or hold an annual waiver. Additionally,
all people in “hot” areas should be SCCA® members to have better in-
surance coverage (a weekend membership is acceptable). This includes
2. Spectator insurance covers people (both participants and spectators) in
“cold” areas (paddock, spectator areas, etc.). Spectators in “cold” areas
do not need to sign the event waiver and minor spectators do not need
to have a minor waiver. However, “cold” areas should be delineated
from “hot” areas (by signage, streamers, banners, crowd marshals, etc.)
to prevent spectators from unintentionally entering a “hot” area.
All minor participants, such as Junior Drivers or passengers, must have
the minor annual waiver signed by BOTH parents/guardians AND the mi-
nor. If a minor enters a site that requires a waiver for everyone, BOTH
parents/guardians AND the minor must sign the minor annual waiver.
One parent/guardian signature is NOT acceptable. Minors under 12 years
of age are not permitted in “hot” areas per Section 1.3.2.O and as such are
spectators and do not require a waiver.
Additional information concerning insurance and waivers for Solo®
events can be found on www.scca.com or by calling the SCCA® Solo De-

32 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

3. Vehicles
partment at 1-800-770-2055.
A. Solo® events may be advertised to the general public for the purpose of
informing them of the activities of the SCCA® if the provisions of this
Section are met.
B. Advertising must be targeted to encourage the public to discover the
SCCA® and its activities. Examples of acceptable language include,
“Car buffs are invited to experience the SCCA®” and “Motorsports en-
thusiasts are invited to come see what the SCCA® is all about.” The
focus of the advertising must be recruitment of possible future partici-
C. Advertising must not be broad based or entertainment oriented. Ex-
amples of unacceptable language would include, “Spectators welcome,”
“Spectators free,” and “Come see the excitement – slides, spins, screech-
ing tires!” (entertainment example).
D. When an event is advertised in the manner above, a plan must be in
place to limit access to the event site to those who have signed the re-
lease & waiver form and to issue a credential (wristband, etc) to those
having signed the form. This may be done by either limiting physical ac-
cess to controlled locations or by assigning multiple workers equipped
with forms and credentials to continually survey the event site for non-
credentialed people.
E. It is highly recommended that a minimum of two (2) Solo® Safety
Stewards be assigned to the event.
Solo® events which will have karts competing must so designate on the
sanction application. Prior approval is not required. The rules for organiz-
ing and conducting a Solo® event with karts are found in Appendix G.
The Formula Junior (FJ) program is provided that allows regions to per-
mit minors up to 18 years of age to compete in Solo® events in non-shift-
er-based racing karts. The purpose of this program is to serve as a tool
for membership recruitment and retention by providing competition op-
portunities for the entire family. The rules for organizing and conducting
a Junior Driver program are in Section 19, Appendix G, and Appendix H.
As this program continues to develop, rule updates or clarifications may
appear periodically in Fastrack News on the official SCCA® website (www.
A Solo® event is open to any vehicle that can pass safety (tech) inspection,
has the minimum bodywork specified by these Rules, and is properly muf-
fled, except that vehicles with wheelbases exceeding 116” may be excluded
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 33
3. Vehicles
by the Event Chairman if he determines, at his discretion, that they can-
not readily negotiate the course. This decision shall be made in advance if
possible and included in the advance publicity and supplementary regula-
tions. Cars need not be licensed or licensable for road use, so long as they
otherwise comply with the SCCA® Solo® Rules.
Models and option packages designated as being of a model year later than
the current year are not eligible to compete in National Tour or Solo®
National Championships, unless they have been specifically classed by the
SEB. A newly-classed model or option package is not eligible for the cur-
rent year’s Solo® National Championships unless its listing was published
no later than the July issue of the official SCCA® publication.
Unstable vehicles with a high center of gravity and a narrow track, includ-
ing SUVs, minivans, and 4WD pickups, must be excluded. Examples of
such vehicles are listed in Appendix A. Extra caution should be exercised
with non-traditional vehicles (e.g., trucks using racing slicks).
A. Rollover Potential Guidelines
The SSC has reviewed the allowance of competing cars with higher
roll centers and has prepared the following chart on the next page to
be used as a guideline for assisting Regional members in determining
whether a vehicle has a higher than average potential to roll over in
Solo® competition. Vehicles falling into the acceptance range still have
the possibility to roll over but they are less likely to roll over than those
that are not in the acceptable range are. The chart below is for all ve-
hicles not specifically listed in Appendix A.
Overall Height-Average Track Width Relationship (1:1)
Overall Vehicle Height (in)




AcceptAble RAnge

45 50 55 60 65 70
Average Front/Rear Track Width (in)
The measurements are to be taken from the ground to the tallest point
of the vehicle for the Overall Vehicle Height and the normal track mea-
surement as stated in Section 12 for the Average Track Width. (See fig-
ure on next page.)
The SEB may use a Static Stability Factor (SSF) for classing new ve-
hicles. SSF is defined as ½ track width (T) divided by the height of the
center of gravity above the road (H) and can be calculated by the for-
mula SSF=T/2H. Vehicles with an SSF of less than 1.30 should not be
34 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
3. Vehicles

permitted to compete in Solo® events due to the higher risk of rollover.

B. Physically disabled drivers may use alternate vehicle controls and prep-
aration items appropriate for the nature of their disability. In the case
of a driver using alternate controls, extra care should be taken to ensure
that the driver does have adequate control of the vehicle and that the
control mechanisms can stand up to competition use. A waiver from the
SCCA® Solo® Department is required for the use of such equipment
in National Solo® events. Requests will be handled on a case-by-case
New car makes, types, and models will be classified by the SEB as soon as
sufficient information is available to do so. The SEB may reclassify a car at
any time up to and including December of the calendar year following that
of the initial classification, without the approval of the Board of Directors.
If a manufacturer issues an official specifications change (software or
otherwise) to any previously-classed vehicle and that change is deemed
significant enough to warrant reclassification, the SEB can request the
BOD to approve an immediate classing change. “Initial classification” in-
cludes the addition of a new listing on an exclusion list.
3.3.1 Driver Restraints
Seat lap belts are required in all cars and must be installed in cars with
passive restraint systems that do not include a lap belt. Installation and
the use of shoulder belts or harnesses is strongly recommended; however,
non-factory upper body restraints may only be used in open cars, cars with
targa-tops in the open position, or cars with T-tops in the open position
when these two conditions are met:
A. The roll structure must meet either the requirements of Appendix C or
the SCCA® Club Racing General Competition Rules (GCR) Section 9.4.
B. The top of the roll structure may not be below the top of the driver’s
helmet when the driver is in the normal driving position.
3.3.2 Roll Bars
Roll bars or roll cages are strongly recommended in all cars. A roll bar
meeting the requirements of Appendix C or a roll cage meeting the re-
quirements of the Club Racing General Competition Rules (GCR Section
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 35
3. Vehicles
9.4, Roll Cages For GT And Production Based Cars, and/or GCR Section
9.4.5, Roll Cages For Formula Cars and Sports Racing Cars) is required in
all A Modified (AM), B Modified (BM), C Modified (CM), and F Modified
(FM) vehicles and all open cars in Prepared Category, D Modified (DM)
class, and E Modified (EM) class. For open cars in the Street, Street Tour-
ing®, Street Prepared, and Street Modified categories, the roll bar or roll
cage height may be reduced from Appendix C or GCR 9.4 requirements to
the highest possible height which fits within an installed factory-specified
hardtop or convertible top. The roll bar or roll cage height may also be
reduced in the same manner for cars in the Prepared category with a full
original equipment windshield assembly and a standard (as defined here-
in) hardtop which has been bolted securely in place.
Double-hoop roll bars must fasten properly to the chassis/unibody as re-
quired by Appendix C, particularly at attachment points in the center of
the car.
3.3.3 Safety Inspections
All vehicles must pass safety (tech) inspection on the following points pri-
or to competing. Entry fees, if already paid, will be refunded if a car fails to
pass safety inspection. Safety inspection is not concerned with the legality
of a car.
The organizing Region may at its discretion provide an advisory inspec-
tion for vehicle classification and legality, in connection with technical in-
Cars legally entered in and inspected for categories Street, Street Touring,
Street Prepared, or Street Modified may compete in the Prepared and/or
Modified class(es) for which they are eligible without meeting the addi-
tional safety requirements listed in 17.12 or 18.0.E provided:
• They are fully compliant with Section 17 or 18 (Example: it is not per-
mitted to run a winged SM car in EM, because non-OE wings are not
allowed in EM) as applicable.
• No allowances from Sections 17 or 18 are utilized.
Similarly, cars legally entered in and inspected for the Prepared category
may compete in the Modified class(es) for which they are eligible without
meeting the additional safety requirements of 18.0.E provided they are
compliant with Section 18 and no allowances from Section 18 are utilized.
A. Annual Inspection (optional)
An Annual Safety Inspection for a calendar year may be available for
vehicles presented for inspection by an SCCA® member. Annual Safety
Inspection is not permitted for Junior Driver karts; they must be in-
spected at each event. When a vehicle has completed the requirements
for an Annual Safety Inspection, an official Annual Tech card will be
issued to allow Registration or other designated event officials to ver-
ify Annual Tech prior to the start of competition. An official Region

36 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

3. Vehicles
SCCA® Annual Tech sticker shall be placed on the vehicle in a location
that will be visible to the starter when the vehicle approaches the start
line for a competitive run. If the Annual Tech sticker has been removed,
the card may be used to obtain a replacement. Alternatively, individual
event tech stickers can be issued when the Annual Tech card is pre-
sented rather than the issuance of an Annual Tech sticker. The Annual
Tech should be honored for all SCCA® sanctioned Solo® events in that
Region. The following conditions apply to all Regional implementations
of Annual Tech:
1. Regions have the option of placing additional restrictions on the An-
nual Tech process, such as limiting the classes allowed and/or re-
stricting it to experienced drivers.
2. The Annual Tech inspection must be conducted by an experienced
inspector appointed by the Regional Solo® chairperson. It is strongly
recommended the Region Tech Inspector appoint and train an ad-
equate number of assistants.
3. The vehicle should be presented for Annual Tech in the same condi-
tion in which it will compete.
4. It is the responsibility of all competitors in a vehicle with an Annual
Tech approval to verify that all items in Section 3.3.3 are in compli-
5. The event technical inspector or chairperson may require a vehicle be
presented for a re-inspection if there is good reason to believe that a
vehicle is not in compliance with Section 3.3.3.
6. A vehicle must be re-inspected if modifications are made to the car
after receiving an Annual Tech approval.
An official SCCA® Annual Tech sticker may be affixed to helmets meet-
ing the current standards in order to easily identify eligible helmets.
B. Inspection Requirements
1. All loose items, inside and outside the car, must be removed. Hand
held items, such as but not limited to, cameras and cell phones are
considered loose items.
2. Pedal operation must not be impeded. Driver’s side floor mat must be
removed unless securely mounted. OE fasteners designed to prevent
the mat from moving forward satisfy this requirement if they are in
good working order.
3. Passenger’s seat back and all cushions, bolsters, headrests, etc. must
be secured. All allowed aftermarket replacement seats (i.e., driver
and passenger) must be securely and safely mounted. Special care
should be taken when using other than OE mounting points and/or
fabricated bracketry.
4. Any cameras, if installed, must be securely mounted to withstand
loads from driving maneuvers. The camera may be installed either
inside or on the outside of the car. In either case, its mounting meth-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 37
3. Vehicles
od and position must not interfere with driving or pose an additional
hazard to driver, passenger, or course workers.
5. Snap-on hubcaps, detachable fender skirts, and trim rings must be
6. Wheels must be safely affixed. They shall not be reversed so that the
lughole taper does not mate with the chamfer of the lugs. All studs
and lug nuts must be present and functional.
7. Tires must be in good condition, with no cord or belts showing or
cracks in the tread or sidewall. Each tire must have measurable (i.e.,
exhibiting positive measurement values) tread depth at no less than
two points on the tire which are 180° apart around the circumference,
and which are within the center one-half of the tread surface that nor-
mally contacts the ground. Tires may not have cord visible at the start
of competition.
8. Seat belts (and harnesses if used) must be properly installed with at-
taching hardware, in good condition, secure, tight, and in compliance
with Section 3.3.1.
9. Throttle return action shall be safe and positive.
10. No excessive fuel, oil, water, or brake fluid leaks should be observed.
For all Prepared and Modified category vehicles, engine crankcase
vents and radiator overflow/breather lines must terminate in con-
tainers of at least one quart capacity. These containers cannot be
vented into the driver/passenger compartment. Crankcase, oiling
system, breather, or catch tank evacuation systems that are in any
way connected to the exhaust system are prohibited. Vent tanks are
not required with systems which are completely closed (i.e., have no
venting to the atmosphere). All oil lines passing through the driv-
er/passenger compartment shall be made of metal braided hose or
equivalent (e.g., Nomex, Kevlar, or nylon-braided hose) with AN Se-
ries threaded couplings or entirely covered and protected with a met-
al cover (this does not apply to the small oil lines used for mechanical
oiling system gauges).
11. Steering “spinner” knobs shall not be permitted.
12. No broken or missing spokes or more than one loose spoke per wheel
shall be permitted in wire wheels. No cracks shall be permitted in
disc or cast wheels. Other than standard parts as defined by these
rules, non-metallic wheel construction is prohibited (FSAE cars are
exempt from this requirement since the FSAE rules allow non-metal-
lic wheels).
13. Brakes must have an adequate pedal, sufficient fluid in the master
cylinder, and no apparent hydraulic leaks under pressure. Vehicles
must have a brake mechanism acting upon each wheel. The braking
system shall be a dual system, arranged in a manner to provide brak-
ing for at least two wheels in the event of failure in part of the system.
38 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
3. Vehicles
In the case of OE single systems, this requirement may be satisfied by
a functional, redundant emergency brake. Karts are exempt from this
14. All swing axle cars, except Porsche, must have a camber compensa-
tor, have negative camber on the rear wheels, or have axle-limiting
straps. Standard pre-1967 Volkswagen straps are not sufficient.
15. Wheel bearings, shocks, steering, and suspension shall be in good op-
erating condition.
16. Exhaust must exit behind the driver or exit to the side of the car.
17. On-board starters shall be provided.
18. All batteries (on-board power supplies) shall be attached securely to
the frame or chassis structure, independent of any container or cover
that may be present. Any wet-cell battery moved from the manufac-
turer’s original location shall be in a non-conductive, marine-type
container or equivalent and the “hot” terminal shall be insulated.
NOTE: This will allow the use of gel cell or dry cell (AGM) batteries
without a non-conductive, marine-type container where applicable.
19. Roll bars, if installed, must meet the applicable portions of Section
3.3.2 and Appendix C with specific attention to roll bar height.
20. Helmets for all occupants of the vehicle are to be inspected for con-
dition, fit, and compliance with Section 4.3.1, Driver’s Safety Equip-
ment, Helmets.
21. Flex fans are not allowed.
22. Alcohol may not be used in manifold injection or spray bottles unless
it is specified for this use by the OEM.
23. For cars competing on non-DOT-approved tires, the vehicle safety
requirements as referenced in each category rule set, in addition to
those in Mandatory Sections of the Solo® Rules, shall be adhered to
by all entrants.
24. A vehicle must meet the requirements of Section 3.3.2 as they apply
to all categories in which it is entered.
25. For all karts, chain guards are required on engines.
26. For all karts, a “brake safety cable” or redundant brake pedal connec-
tion is required.
27. For those categories which permit fuel cells and/or fuel tank modi-
fication or replacement, the following requirements apply if the fuel
tank/cell does not fit within the same area as the OE tank.
a. No part of the fuel tank or fuel cell shall be closer than 6.0” (15.24
cm) to the ground unless enclosed within the bodywork and
mounted above the floor pan. A metal bulkhead is required that
provides total separation between the driver compartment and the
compartment containing the fuel tank/cell and/or filler neck. This
includes fuel tanks/cells that are flush mounted with driver com-
partment panels or otherwise exposed to the driver compartment.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 39
3. Vehicles
Fuel filler doors in the driver compartment must be positively fas-
tened (non-metallic fasteners are not allowed). For the purposes of
these rules, a fuel tank consisting of a structure containing a fuel
bladder is considered to be the entire fuel cell including the con-
taining structure. The containing structure of a fuel cell does not
qualify as a bulkhead. A separate metal bulkhead must isolate the
fuel cell from the passenger compartment.
b. Internal body panels may be modified to accommodate the instal-
lation of the fuel tank/cell as long as such modifications serve no
other purpose. In the event installation includes encroachment
into the driver’s compartment, a metal bulkhead shall prevent ex-
posure of the driver to the fuel tank/cell.
c. Fuel tank/cell breathers shall not vent into the driver/passenger
3.3.4 Vehicle Operating Condition
Any car that is judged by the Event Chairman to be in an unsafe operat-
ing condition at any time during the event shall be barred from further
competition until the deficiency is corrected to the satisfaction of the Chief
Technical Inspector.
The SEB may limit or offer separate classing for option packages within
the Street Category even though the base car is eligible for Street. Such
exclusions will be included in Appendix A (Automobile Classes).
Adequate mufflers are required for Solo® events. The criterion of “ad-
equacy” is not what the exhaust system consists of, but the sound level.
Any car deemed by the Event Chairman or his designated representative
to be excessively loud shall not compete without acceptable modifications
installed on the car.
3.6 FUEL
A. Street and Street Touring® category vehicles will use fuel which is “Fed-
erally approved for use on public highways,” and which does not exceed
an octane rating of 93 AKI (Anti-Knock Index = [R+M]/2) with an al-
lowed variance up to +0.9. Fuel may not exceed 15% ethanol (E15). This
includes the pump fuel known as E85, but does not allow racing-type
fuels which are available at service station pumps is widely distributed
and typically sold in filling stations, commonly called “pump fuel” with
typical octane ratings or AKI (Anti-Knock Index) (R+M/2) displayed
on the pump between 87 and 93. The maximum octane rating allowed
is what is typically delivered from a pump marked 93 octane*. Fuels
comprised of more than 15% ethanol may only be used when specified
by the manufacturer (e.g., in the owner’s manual for flex-fuel vehicles).
*Octane verification: Octane levels will vary from the number listed on

40 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

3. Vehicles
the pump. Octane testing has a “margin of error” and different testing
procedures will produce similar but different results. For the purposes
of testing gasoline, a result that exceeds 95.9 octane is not allowed and
will result in a disqualification with no exceptions (hard limit). This
limit gives competitors a 99.99+% confidence level that fuel purchased
from a pump marked 93 octane is compliant. Warning: Competitors
attempting to approach the 95.9 octane limit through mixing or by
any other means may inadvertently create fuel that appears compli-
ant but may test above the 95.9 hard limit.
B. In addition to fuels which are allowed by Section 3.6.A, Street Prepared,
Street Modified, Prepared, and Modified category vehicles may use die-
sel fuel, any grade of gasoline, or any gasoline/ethanol blend. Gasolines
consist entirely of hydrocarbon compounds. Gasoline may contain
antioxidants, metal deactivators, corrosion inhibitors, and lead alkyl
compounds such as tetraethyl lead. Methanol is prohibited; other oxy-
gen and/or nitrogen bearing additives are prohibited except for those
originally present in fuel which is Federally approved for use on public
highways. Oxygen and/or nitrogen bearing oil additives are prohibited
in two-cycle engine oiling systems.
C. Propane or CNG (compressed natural gas) fuel may be used in any cat-
egory provided that the following conditions are met:
1. The tank must be located in a safe location on the car, and be firmly
and securely mounted. This does not permit the cutting of vehicle
sheet metal (e.g., the trunk floor) for tank installation in Street, Street
Touring®, Street Prepared, or Street Modified categories.
2. The tank must conform to Federal and local container standards and
have an emergency relief/cut-off control.
3. For use of propane or CNG as a fuel, no changes to the induction sys-
tem of the engine may be made with the exception of the necessary
fuel lines to the carburetor or fuel injection. There may also be no
other engine parts changed.
4. The entire system must meet local ordinances covering the use and
transmission of compressed gas.
5. Propane or CNG may not be used in combination with another fuel.
A. All vehicles must display numbers and class letters on both sides, which
must be readable by Timing & Scoring, Course, and Grid workers at all
B. Only one set of numbers and class letters may be visible while the ve-
hicle is running.
C. Class shall be represented by the upper-case abbreviated form rather
than be spelled out. Ladies’ classes shall be indicated by the letter “L”
following the class letters. (Example: “BSPL” instead of “B Street Pre-
pared Ladies”).
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 41
3. Vehicles
D. Numbers and class letters should be positioned next to each other. All
letters and numbers must be on body panels, not on windows. All num-
bers and class letters must use the same typeface and the same color,
and this color must provide adequate contrast to the background color
(see Appendix F for examples).
E. Numbers must be a minimum of 8” (20.5 cm) high with a 1¼” (3.25
cm) stroke. Class letters must be a minimum of 4” (10.25 cm) high with
a ¾” (2 cm) stroke. In all cases, the height of the class letters must be
between 25% and 75% of the height of the numbers. Stroke width must
be at least 10% of the height (see Appendix F.)
F. The “1” on two-driver cars and the “L” on Ladies class cars are subject to
all of the above requirements with regard to placement, color, size, and
G. Karts may use numbers and class letters of reduced size provided that
the following conditions are met:
1. Numbers must be displayed on the front and rear in addition to both
2. Class letters must be on both sides.
3. In no case may the numbers be smaller than 6” (15.25 cm) in height
with ¾” (2 cm) stroke, using a high-contrast color and background.
H. For National Championship and National Tour competition, current of-
ficial SCCA® required decals must be displayed on each side and front
of the vehicle in a prominent location.
For National Championship and National Tour events, one (1) official
SCCA®-approved National sponsor identification logo must be dis-
played in an upright position, in a prominent location on each side of
the vehicle. Additional sponsor and/or event specific decals may also be
required; refer to event supplemental regulations. Further information
is contained in Appendix F.
The entrant has the burden of proving that the vehicle conforms to the
Solo® Rules by the required documentation for the category/class, as
noted below. The required documentation should be considered as an ex-
tension of these Rules.
A. Street, Street Touring®, Street Prepared, and Street Modified: The of-
ficial manufacturer service documentation for the make, model, and
year of the vehicle as entered, if ever available to the consumer from the
manufacturer. Additional official manufacturer service documentation
for other years and/or models may also be required to cover equipment
and/or specifications authorized by update/backdate allowances. Other
official manufacturer documentation, such as the owner’s manual, shop
manual, parts catalogs, technical bulletins, sales & marketing literature,
or Monroney window sticker, may be provided as supporting informa-
tion. All manufacturer documentation must be for non-competition
42 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
4. Drivers
B. Cars prepared to the SCCA® Club Racing General Competition Rules
(Improved Touring, American Sedan, Touring, Spec Miata, Production,
GT, Formula cars, Sports Racers, etc.): Current year GCR and appropri-
ate Category Specifications plus any additional documentation required
by those rules. Logbooks are not required.
C. Prepared category, A Modified class (AM), D Modified class (DM), and
E Modified class (EM): No additional documentation required.
D. Kart Modified (KM) and Formula Junior (JA, JB, and JC):
World Formula engine: Briggs & Stratton Performance Guide and
Racing Log which includes specifications and part numbers.
Other approved karts: Technical manual including the specifications
to which the kart was prepared.
E. Formula SAE (FSAE): Applicable FSAE Specifications.
A. Drivers must be SCCA® members. (A Weekend Membership meets
this requirement.)
Drivers in all categories except Kart must possess a currently valid auto-
mobile driver’s license or permit. Driving license or permit restrictions
must be followed. If those restrictions require a passenger and the event
allows a passenger, that passenger must be either the driver’s parent/
legal guardian or an instructor who meets the restriction requirements.
Instructors must have the written permission of the driver’s parent/le-
gal guardian witnessed by an adult SCCA® member or notarized (Sec-
tions 1.3.2 and 4.13) to ride as a passenger and the restrictions imposed
by the underage driver’s state of residence must allow the instructor to
ride as a passenger.
Kart Modified (KM) drivers that do not have a driver’s license or permit
must meet the following prerequisites:
1. Minimum age is 15 years old.
2. Drivers must have approval of the event Chairman and the event
Solo® Safety Steward.
3. Drivers must have participated in at least four (4) National Solo®
Events in Formula Junior class A (JA).
Formula Junior drivers, regardless of license status, must follow the
minimum age restrictions per Section 19.2.
The provisions of Section 4.1.D provide event officials discretion with
regard to the entry of any driver, including the ability to prevent a
driver from completing their runs provided a full refund is given.
B. Drivers are responsible for knowing and understanding the SCCA®
National Solo® Rules. Ignorance of the Solo® Rules will not be accept-
ed during any adjudication of issues regarding event operations, vehicle
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 43
4. Drivers
compliance, driver/crew behavior, or any other topics. It is strongly rec-
ommended that competitors have a copy of the current Solo® Rules at
all SCCA® Solo® events, especially at National events.
C. Any competitor or worker with a known medical condition (including
pregnancy) which could affect his/her ability to compete may do so only
with the concurrence of his/her personal physician.
D. The event organizers have the right to refuse an entry at their discre-
tion. This permits organizers to protect themselves and their programs
by declining the entry of someone who is believed to pose a safety haz-
ard or other significant threat. For this purpose the event organizer is
defined as:
1. Regional Event: Event Chairman or Region Solo® Chairman.
2. National Tour and Championship Events: Committee of Senior Di-
rector of Rally/Solo®, Event Chairman, and SEB Chairman.
3. ProSolo®: Senior Director of Rally/Solo® or designee.
Entry into all SCCA® Solo® events is limited to those individuals meet-
ing the Mandatory Sections of the Solo® Rules. Additional entry require-
ments follow.
A. Regional Events – Requirements are determined by the Region orga-
nizing committee.
B. National Solo® Events – Drivers in National Solo® events must be in-
dividual, spouse, family, or First Gear SCCA® members. Except for the
Solo® National Championships, a Weekend Membership meets these
C. National Solo® Entry Fees
1. All entries are to be submitted online on the SCCA® website (www.
scca.com) by the indicated deadlines. The entry fee shall be paid only
with credit card or debit card: Discover, MasterCard, or Visa. Cancel-
lations must be made in writing to the SCCA® Solo® Department
(email to bharmer@scca.com is preferred). Updated deadlines, and
refund requirements for all events will also be on the SCCA® web site.
If the maximum number of entries (entry cap) has not been reached,
entries may be submitted until 7:00 PM the day before competition
2. Please contact the Solo® Department by phone at 1-800-770-2055 or
go to the SCCA® website (www.scca.com) for current entry fees and
entry forms.
4.3.1 Helmets
Helmets meeting the following standards must be worn while on course:
All helmets meeting the latest or two immediately preceding Snell Me-
morial Foundation standards (EA 2016, SA2020, SA2015, SA2010,
44 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
4. Drivers
SAH2010, SA2005, M2020D, M2020R, M2015, M2010, M2005, K2020,
K2015, K2010, K2005); SFI standards 31.1/2015, 31.1/2010, 31.1/2005,
41.1/2015, 41.1/2010, 41.1/2005; ECE 22.05 or R22.05; FIA standards
8860-2018, 8860-2018-ABP, 8859-2015, 8860-2010, 8860-2004; or
British spec BS6658-85 type A are acceptable. (Not valid after 12-31-
2020: Snell SA2005, M2005, K2005; SFI 31.1/2005, 41.1/2005; British
Standards BS6658-85 type A/FR, BS6658-85 Type A.)
Full face or modular helmets shall be worn while competing in an open-
wheel car, formula car, or kart. Face shield, goggles, or similar face protec-
tion (conventional eyeglasses are not sufficient) shall be worn while com-
peting in any other vehicle with less than the standard-size windshield.
Formula Junior drivers must use helmets meeting the above; SFI
24.1/2020, 24.1/2015, 24.1/2010, 24.1/2005 (Youth Helmets); or Snell
CMR2016, CMR2007 (Children’s Motorsports Restricted), CMS2016,
CMS2007 (Children’s Motorsports Standard) specifications. Also, For-
mula Junior helmets must be of closed face design incorporating full face
shields and chin bars.
For maximum protection, helmets must fit securely and should provide
adequate peripheral vision. The chin strap must be securely fastened.
Loaner helmets should be available to vehicle occupants not having their
4.3.2 Seat Belts
Driver restraints complying with Section 3.3.1 shall be worn while on
course. The “CG-Lock®” is considered compliant for use in all applicable
4.3.3 Footwear
Shoes covering the entire foot shall be worn.
A. A driver may enter an event only once.
B. A given car may be entered by no more than two (2) drivers in the same
If during the event a vehicle develops mechanical problems resulting in
its permanent withdrawal from the class heat competition, its driver(s)
may finish his/her (their) runs in another vehicle which is compliant in
that class, provided the original vehicle is permanently withdrawn from
all further class competition for all drivers in that heat on that day. Drivers
needing to finish their runs in another vehicle must obtain the approval of
the Chief Steward or the Operating Steward.
A driver may change cars prior to the beginning of competition until the
driver’s class heat begins, at the discretion of the Chief Steward or Chief of
Registration in consultation with the Chief of Timing.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 45

4. Drivers
The driver is responsible for the correct determination of the car’s catego-
ry and class. If in doubt as to classification or concerning the conformity
of the car or its equipment to the rules governing the class, he/she may
submit a Request for Clarification to the Protest Committee, which will de-
termine the matter under the procedures of Section 8. It is the driver’s re-
sponsibility to assure the proper number is on the car prior to competing.
A. Parallel Ladies classes will be provided for females who wish to enter
B. Females will have the option of running in the Open classes.
C. Scoring for the Ladies classes will be handled in the same manner as the
Open classes.
A. National Class – Any class defined in the Solo® Rules that is recog-
nized as eligible for a National Championship. This explicitly does not
include Supplemental classes. These classes are automatically offered
at National Tour and National Championship events. In determining
whether or not a class will achieve National Class status, that class will
be evaluated on whether it:
1. has at least 25 participants (Open and Ladies Classes) for 3 of 4 con-
secutive National Championships or
2. has at least 40 participants (Open and Ladies) for 2 of 3 consecutive
National Championships or
3. fits with the long-term vision for the continued growth of Solo® ac-
cording to Introductory Section I.2.3 of the Solo® Rules.
B. Supplemental Class – Any non-National class running under a pro-
posed rule set for purposes of evaluation. It may be run alone or within
a parent class. Its drivers may or may not be eligible for awards.
C. Regional Class – Any class not listed in these Solo® Rules but created
by a Region or other entity for local purposes.
No person may compete who has pre-run through all or any part of the
course, in or on any wheeled vehicle, except a competitor with a physical
disability that impairs his/her ability to walk may, with the approval of the
Chief Steward, use a wheelchair or similar aid traveling at normal walking
speed to accomplish the requirements of Section 6.3. All event officials,
whether competing in the event or not, must use caution to avoid indi-
vidual conflict of interest situations during the event.
Any competitor with a known medical condition (including pregnancy)
which could affect their ability to compete may do so only with the concur-
rence of their personal physician.
46 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
4. Drivers
All licenses will expire on the membership anniversary date and will be
renewed by Member Services upon receipt of a completed application and
license fee, if any. Currently, there are no applicable licenses for Solo®
events and/or participation at the time of publication.
Solo® is a potentially dangerous activity that can result in serious injury
or death. Participation in all aspects of the activity is voluntary. The ulti-
mate responsibility for participant and vehicle safety lies with the partici-
pant, vehicle owner, driver, and crew members.
The participant agrees that by entering an event, the participant has had
the opportunity to inspect the event site and acknowledges that the event
site is safe and suitable for competition. The participant also acknowledges
that by participating in the event, the participant may suffer bodily injury
or death, or loss or damage to property. The participant further acknowl-
edges that the participant has voluntarily assumed the risk of bodily injury
or death or loss or damage to property and waives any claims for bodily
injury or death, or loss or damage to property against SCCA®, its direc-
tors, officers, employees/agents, event officials, event sponsors, racetrack
operators, site owners/operators, and other participants; discharges such
persons and entities from responsibility for such losses; and covenants not
to sue such persons and entities for bodily injury or death or loss or dam-
age to property.
A. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES (Refer to Introductory Section
In accordance with the SCCA® insurance guidelines, all competing and
non-competing participants at or over the age of majority in the state in
which the event is being conducted must sign a Release and Waiver of
Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement. Those under
the age of majority must have a completed Annual Parental Consent,
Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity
Agreement on file with SCCA®. All competitors, except participants in
Kart classes, must also have a valid driver’s license.
The Minor Waiver form must be signed by both parents/legal guardians
if the minors are to be drivers/passengers and/or non-competing par-
ticipants. If signed by both parents/legal guardians and properly filled
out to apply to “All SCCA® and SCCA® Pro Sanctioned Events” and
dated, the form is valid at all SCCA® events.
All parent/legal guardian signatures must be witnessed by an adult
SCCA® member. If the wavier cannot be witnessed by an adult SCCA®
member, the appropriate waiver form may be notarized.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 47

4. Drivers
As set forth above, all participants or, where applicable, the parents/
legal guardians shall be required as a condition of participation to sign
all required entry forms including but not limited to such releases as
shall be required by SCCA® and/or its insurers consisting of the follow-
ing or similar wording. Whether or not the participant or, where appli-
cable, the parents/legal guardians sign(s) such releases, the participant
or, where applicable, the parents/legal guardians on behalf of a minor
participant agree(s) to the terms set forth below and any participant is
hereby put on notice of such terms and makes such agreement and/or
acknowledges the terms of the below either by receiving this rulebook
or by participating in an SCCA® event, or both.
IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to compete, or officiate, ob-
serve, work for, or participate in any way in SCCA® OR SCCA® PRO
SANCTIONED EVENTS and/or being permitted to enter for any pur-
pose any RESTRICTED AREA(S) (defined to be any area which requires
special authorization, credentials, or permission to enter or any area to
which admission by the general public is restricted or prohibited), I, for
myself, my personal representatives, heirs, and next of kin:
1. Acknowledges, agrees, and represents that he has or will imme-
diately upon entering any of such RESTRICTED AREAS, and will
continuously thereafter, inspect the RESTRICTED AREAS which he
enters, and he further agrees and warrants that, if at any time, he is
in or about RESTRICTED AREAS and he feels anything to be unsafe,
he will immediately advise the officials of such and if necessary will
leave the RESTRICTED AREAS and/or refuse to participate further
in the EVENT(S).
NOT TO SUE the promoters, participants, racing associations, sanc-
tioning organizations or any subdivision thereof, track operators,
track owners, officials, car owners, drivers, pit crews, rescue person-
nel, any persons in any RESTRICTED AREA, sponsors, advertisers,
owners and leassees of premises used to conduct the EVENT(S),
premises and event inspectors, surveyors, underwriters, consultants
and others who give recommendations, directions, or instructions
or engage in risk evaluation or loss control activities regarding the
premises or EVENT(S) and each of them, their directors, officers,
agents, employees, representatives, owners, members, affiliates, suc-
cessors and assigns all for the purposes herein referred to as “Releas-
representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin FOR ANY AND ALL

48 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

5. Officials
LESS the Releasees and each of them FROM ANY LOSS, LIABILITY,
DAMAGE, OR COST they may incur arising out of or related to the
or related to the EVENT(S) whether caused by the NEGLIGENCE OF
RELEASEES or otherwise.
ARE VERY DANGEROUS and involve the risk of serious injury and/
or death and/or property damage. Each of THE UNDERSIGNED,
also expressly acknowledges that INJURIES RECEIVED MAY BE
6. HEREBY agrees that this Release and Waiver of Liability, Assump-
tion of Risk and Indemnity Agreement extends to all acts of negli-
ATIONS and is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted
by the laws of the State or Province in which the Event(s) is/are con-
ducted and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that
the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and
A Chief Steward shall be appointed for all Solo® National Tour and Na-
tional Championship events. This person shall be responsible for ensur-
ing that the general conduct of the event is in accordance with the Solo®
Rules and the supplementary regulations for the event. After the start of
the event, the authority of the Chief Steward shall supersede that of the
Event Chairman regarding the effectiveness of event administration pro-
cedures in achieving the intent of all applicable rules. However, selection

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 49

5. Officials
of event administrative procedures remains the responsibility of the Event
Chairman as long as those procedures achieve compliance with the Solo®
Rules and event supplementary regulations. The Chief Steward is recom-
mended to be a member of an SCCA® Region other than the host Region.
The Chief Steward shall:
A. Be appointed by the SCCA® Solo® Department for National Tour
events and the SEB for the National Championship event. Examples
of an individual qualified to be appointed to this position are a past or
present SEB member, Solo® Development Coordinator (SDC), or Na-
tional and Divisional Chief Steward from the Club Racing program with
a working knowledge of the Solo® Rules.
B. Prohibit entry of any vehicle not meeting safety (tech) requirements as
reported by the Chief Technical Inspector.
C. Report to the Protest Committee any vehicles found non-compliant
during Impound as reported by the Chief of Impound.
D. Not serve in any other official capacity during the event.
E. Appoint an Operating Steward for the event.
F. This position shall be filled by an SCCA® member.
The Operating Steward is responsible for executing the plans and pro-
cedures established by the Event Chairman and Divisional Solo® Safety
Steward (DSSS) to successfully complete the program of competition. The
Operating Steward will be appointed by the Chief Steward and may be a
member of the host Region. If the Operating Steward believes a change in
event procedures is necessary to achieve compliance to the Solo® Rules
and supplementary regulations, the Operating Steward shall recommend
appropriate modifications to the Chief Steward for approval. If approved,
the Operating Steward will implement the modifications. This position
shall be filled by an SCCA® member.
The Event Chairman is the chief planner and organizer of the event. The
Event Chairman shall design and establish, or oversee development of, all
necessary event administrative process including:
A. Establishing event administration procedures that achieve compliance
with all applicable Solo® Rules and supplementary regulations, includ-
ing a waiver signing system.
B. Formulating procedures to implement the plans of the Divisional Solo®
Safety Steward (DSSS) for ensuring spectator, driver, and worker safe-
C. Design, layout, and pre-running of a suitable course. (EXCEPTION:
The approval of the design and layout is the responsibility of the SEB
for the National Championship event and the Solo® Department for
Tour events.)

50 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

5. Officials
At controlled-access event sites, appoint adult SCCA® members to con-
trol entry access by having all persons sign the release & waiver form
and receive a signature credential (wristband or similar means of iden-
tification) before entering the event site.
For uncontrolled-access event sites, appoint adult SCCA® members to
assure that competitors, workers, crew, and guests have signed the re-
lease and waiver form and received a signature credential (wristband,
hardcard, or similar means of identification). Shall also appoint adult
workers equipped with forms and credentials to continually survey the
event site for non-credentialed people.
The SSS will verify that the Event Chairman has a system in place to
assure that persons at the event site have signed the release and waiver
form and received a signature credential. Further, the SSS will ensure
that the release and waiver form has the event, the date, and the signa-
tures of the SCCA® member witnessing the participant’s signatures.
D. This position shall be filled by an SCCA® member.
The Solo® Safety Steward (SSS) will also verify that the Certificate of In-
surance is present at the event site and correct before the event begins. If
this is not in order, the SSS must confirm corrections or issuance of the
certificate with SCCA® Sanction (1-800-770-2055 Option 6) prior to the
start of the event.
The duties of the SSS shall concern the safety of the spectators, workers,
and driver safety relative to course design. Control over course design ex-
tends only to such issues as course or near-course hazards and not to de-
sign philosophy. In Solo® events, safety issues are those such as listed
in Sections 1.3 and 2.1. This includes course security, which is defined as
maintaining control over spectator access to the course.
This position shall be filled by an SCCA® member who is 18 years of age
or older.
The Chief of Waivers shall be responsible for ensuring that the waiver
function complies with the requirements of the SCCA® insurance cover-
age as regards Solo® events. Specifically, the Chief of Waivers shall ensure
that the following are met:
A. The waiver function follows the Solo® Department guidelines.
B. All waivers used at an event are correctly signed, witnessed (by an adult
SCCA® member), and completed, including the event designation, lo-
cation, date, and all required signee and witness information.
C. Necessary supplies and equipment are maintained as applicable.
D. Waiver workers are on duty from the time the gate or site is opened
until the event has been completed.
E. Waiver workers have been recruited, trained, and assigned in coopera-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 51
6. Event Operation
tion with the Chief of Workers.
F. Waiver workers are SCCA® members.
G. Communication is provided between the waiver station(s) and event
H. Waivers are properly stored for the number of years required by the
Solo® Department guidelines and local laws.
This position shall be filled by an adult SCCA® member. It is strongly
recommended that the Chief of Waivers perform no other duties for the
The Chief Technical Inspector shall be responsible for ascertaining that
the vehicles comply with the requirements of the Solo® Rules and the
Supplementary Regulations. Specifically, the Chief Technical Inspector
shall ensure that the following tasks are performed:
A. Inspect for and certify that vehicles and driver safety equipment comply
with all safety regulations.
B. Conduct inspections of automobiles at the request of the Chief Steward.
C. Report to the Chief Steward any automobiles that he finds do not con-
form to requirements of the Solo® Rules or the Supplementary Regula-
D. Ensure that the appearance of each automobile is neat and clean. Auto-
mobiles that are not presentable will not be allowed to compete.
The Chief Technical Inspector is not responsible for car classification; that
responsibility falls to the entrant as described in Section 4.6. This position
shall be filled by an SCCA® member.
The Chief of Timing and Scoring is responsible for accurately taking, read-
ing and recording times, posting them conspicuously during the event and
preparing the official results. This position shall be filled by an SCCA®
The Chief of Course is responsible for observation of competing cars on
course, lining cars up for entry onto the course, providing starting signals,
directing cars off the course at the conclusion of a run, crowd control, and
for roping off the course or otherwise providing barriers so that the course
complies with Section 2. This position shall be filled by an SCCA® mem-
The Chief of Impound is responsible for procedures described in Section
6.10 to verify vehicle compliance with the Solo® Rules and Supplemen-
tary Regulations. The Chief of Impound will conduct inspections of ve-
hicles independently or at the request of the Chief Steward and will report

52 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

6. Event Operation
to the Chief Steward any vehicles found not to be in compliance with the
Solo® Rules or Supplementary Regulations. This position will be filled by
an SCCA® member.
The duties of the Chief of Protest are to serve as Chairman of the Protest
Committee, to provide leadership to the Protest Committee, to provide
prompt notification of protest filings to affected parties, and to provide no-
tification of protest decisions to the parties involved (i.e., the protestor[s]
and protestee[s]). He/she may or may not elect to vote on protest rulings.
He/she may also be a driver in the same event, but will perform no other
duties for the event.
The same person may hold more than one official position except that the
Chief Steward and the Solo® Safety Steward may not serve in any other
official capacity.
At National Solo® events, the entrants may be required to work. The
method by which the entrants may be required to work will be described
in the event Supplementary Regulations. Failure to work will result in dis-
qualification from the event.
A map of the course, showing all markers, the proper course, approved
optional courses, solid objects, and potential problem areas, will be posted
prior to the start of the event. The course configuration must be the same
for all drivers in a class.
Each driver will be provided an opportunity to walk or drive through the
course or to have a parade lap before his first official run. See also Section
No start or finish shall be used wherein the driver is not seated in the ve-
hicle with seat belt buckled.
A. A car will commence its run at least 15 feet before the point at which
timing begins.
B. Time at the end of the run will be taken in a manner which complies
with Section 2.2.J.
It is recommended that an official be assigned to control the finish area. A
complete stop is not required at the finish if sufficient area is available to
safely halt any competing car without locking brakes or wild maneuvering
(from the highest possible speed attainable at the finish). Particular care
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 53
6. Event Operation
must be exercised in the finish area to keep it free from hazard to partici-
pants and non-participants.
Displaced markers will be replaced before the next competitor enters
that portion of the course. Where an official run covers all or part of the
course twice, course marshals should have extra markers so that mark-
ers displaced during the first part of the run can be replaced before the
competing car returns to that section. If a driver encounters his/her own
displaced marker(s), he/she may not stop and receive a rerun.
No visual or oral instruction shall be given to a driver during his timed
runs except in an emergency situation.
Cars may run in any of the following orders, as specified in the supplemen-
tary regulations:
A. All cars will take their first runs and then all cars will take their second
runs in either the same or reverse order.
B. Cars will run in heats of a specified number (approximately 25 is recom-
mended), with all cars in the heat taking all runs before the next heat
begins its runs.
C. Cars will run by classes with each class taking all of its runs before the
next class takes its runs. The advance publicity shall specify the earliest
time each class will run. Drivers will be responsible for being present for
their runs and no out-of-class runs will be granted.
D. Cars will run by groups of classes, for example: A Street (AS), B Street
(BS) and C Street (CS), with all cars in AS taking their first runs, then
BS taking its first runs, followed by CS, before AS takes its second runs,
etc. The group will take their runs before the next group begins its runs.
NOTE: In National Championship and Tour events, all cars shall run
in class whatever method is used. The supplementary regulations shall
clearly indicate the method of running, the order in which the classes
will run, and the procedure for two-driver cars.
Drivers of cars with mechanical difficulty shall have ten (10) minutes
after the car is scheduled to start to present a car at the start line. Driv-
ers may take one (1) mechanical delay per run. For this purpose, a rerun
counts as a new run. Grid personnel will be notified of the mechanical
difficulty, and will refer the request for a mechanical delay to the Chief
Steward in cases where the competitor may gain an unfair advantage
by delaying a run. Abuse of this allowance may be considered unsports-
manlike conduct and is protestable under Section 9.1.F.
E. It is strongly recommended that a Ladies Class not be run in close prox-
imity to its appropriate Open Class. If both classes are running in the
same heat, the Ladies Class should be separated by as much time as

54 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

7. Timing and Scoring
possible from the appropriate Open Class; however, it is still preferable
to run the two classes in different heats whenever possible.
For National Solo® events, the Solo® Department will make provisions to
have official scales available for weighing of cars. The location of the scales
will be included in the event supplementary regulations and the scales will
be available during the event, though not necessarily free of charge.
All competitors (vehicle with driver or driver’s representative) will be im-
pounded with their class after competing until released by the Chief of
Impound or an official designee. While in Impound, vehicles in all cat-
egories except Modified, Kart Modified, and Formula Junior must have
hoods and trunks fully opened. During this time competitors may visually
inspect each other’s vehicles.
The SCCA® reserves the right of its designated representatives to ensure
the compliance of competing vehicles.
All vehicles in classes subject to weight requirements and in trophy posi-
tions as determined by the official results will be weighed. If there is any
question about compliance with weight requirements, the vehicle will be
weighed in both directions.
The Chief of Impound or designated representative(s) may conduct other
inspections as allowed by 5.9.
The Chief of Impound will notify the Chief Steward of any non-compliant
concerns or irregularities discovered in these inspections, or of any en-
trants or competitors who do not follow Impound procedures.
Supplemental heating of tires less than 30 minutes prior to the first car of
the heat starting a run is prohibited.
Tire heat may only be retained by individual tire covers, or via a wrap
around the car with the ignition off.
Water may be used to cool tires.
7.1.1 Timing Standards
Events shall be timed to the nearest one-thousandth (0.001) of a second.
7.1.2 Scoring Standards
For a multi-course event, a competitor’s score shall be the total of his/her
best time on each course. In the event a competitor does not have a time
on a course, he/she shall receive a DNF for the event.
There shall be at least two (2) operable electronic timing systems per

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 55

7. Timing and Scoring
course at the Solo® National Championship. Alternate timing systems
and operating procedures may be approved by the SEB.
Each driver shall be allowed at least three (3) official timed runs per course,
subject to severe circumstances beyond the control of the event organiz-
ers. Reduction in the number of runs offered at the National Champion-
ships may be done only with the concurrence of the Chief Steward, Event
Chair, SEB Chair, and the Solo® Department. Only the fastest official run
per course will be scored.
Reruns will be granted only for timing failure, object on the course, red
flag, or other situations at the discretion of the Chief Steward and will not
be given because of mechanical or other failure of the competitor’s car. A
minimum of five (5) minutes must have elapsed before a competitor may
take a rerun.
If the Chief Steward or designated representative awards a competitor a
provisional rerun, it should be taken as soon as practical, subject to the
“five minute rule” above and the discretion of the Chief Steward. The Chief
Steward should notify the competitor which run is considered provisional.
Pylon penalties are not carried over to the rerun. A DNF (Did Not Finish)
on a run for which a rerun would have been given shall stand and no re-
runs shall be given.
In the case in which a competitor is red-flagged or stops for a displaced
or downed cone on the course, the competitor must thereafter continue
through the remainder of the course at a reasonable pace below competi-
tion speed and will be granted a rerun if appropriate. Delaying the event by
failing to complete the remainder of the course in a timely fashion, or in-
curring additional penalties, may result in forfeiture of the rerun. During
the remainder of the run, DNF’s or off-course penalties will not be scored
provided the competitor follows the general route of the course and exits
in a timely fashion. (e.g. straight-lining a slalom is acceptable, but cutting
across the course or through a corner station is not.)
7.5 TIES
Ties for trophy or point scoring positions shall be broken by comparing the
next fastest runs from each course. The times will be combined and then
compared to break a tie. If the tie persists, it shall be broken by a runoff,
provided both contestants agree. If agreement is not reached, the tie shall
stand. The additional run shall be used only to break the tie, and shall not
be used to place either contestant in a position other than those tied for.
Luck or chance, or gimmicks, such as balloon bursting, may not be de-
liberately included as a factor in judging in National Tour and National
Championship events. Regional events may use such gimmicks if that fact
56 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
7. Timing and Scoring

No Penalty Assessed

Penalty Assessed
is clearly stated in advance publicity and the supplementary regulations
for the event.
A scoreboard must list the driver’s name, car number, class, corrected
times, and penalties. In National events, the times and penalties for each
competitor must be posted prior to the next run of that competitor.
7.8.1 Course Markers (Pylons)
A clearly visible line around the base will mark the location of each pylon.
The inner edge of the line will be used to describe the outer edge of the py-
lon base as accurately as possible. If the pylon is upset or totally displaced
outside the line, two seconds will be assessed. At Regional events, local
methods for locating pylons may be used. The figure above should help
clarify situations in which penalties should and should not be assessed.
7.8.2 Displaced or Downed Pylons on Course
A competitor encountering a downed or displaced pylon on course has the
option of continuing the run or stopping as soon as possible, and pointing
out the downed or displaced pylon to a course worker. If the competitor
stops, he/she must proceed per Section 7.4. If the competitor continues
the run, the time will stand but may be subject to penalty for the downed
or displaced pylon.
Reruns for displaced or downed cones after the timing finish line will only
be given at the discretion of the Chief Steward.
7.8.3 Course Deviation
A “DNF” or a time penalty, if so specified in the supplementary regulations,
shall be charged for any uncorrected deviation from the course, for failing

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 57

8. Protests
to directly follow the prescribed course route from the stage line through
the timing start line, or for unnecessarily delaying the event. A course de-
viation shall not be charged if any part of the car hits a marker defining the
limits of the course. A DNF is charged only if part of the course is omitted.
In returning to the course after an off-course excursion, it is acceptable to
drive a part of the course a second time.
If the finish trip beam is broken while the front two (2) wheels of the car
are off-course, the run will be scored as a DNF. Additionally, if after break-
ing the finish trip beam a driver causes the finish trip beam to be broken
again, stopping the timer for the following driver, the time for the first
driver will be scored as a DNF and the second driver may be granted a
7.8.4 Range of Penalties
Any car or driver found to have competed illegally in an event will be pe-
nalized. Penalties assessed by the Protest Committee may range from writ-
ten reprimand and/or time penalties to disqualification (Section 9.4).
7.8.5 Mechanical Did Not Finish
A Mechanical Did Not Finish (MDNF) will be charged to any competitor
who completes their run with the physical assistance of another or leaves
the driver’s seat. This may be shown in the official results as a DNF. A
driver may leave the seat to restart a stalled kart without incurring this
Official results shall by typed and printed by class and position in class in
order of best time, and must include (at least) the driver’s name (first and
last), hometown, car number, car make, model, year, class, tire manufac-
turer, Region affiliation, designation of trophy winners, corrected time for
each run, and penalty for each run (if any). (Event organizers are encour-
aged to also include the competitor’s sponsors’ names.)
The general outcome of protests and appeals at National Tour and the Na-
tional Championship events shall be included in the official results or pub-
lished in the official SCCA® publication. For example:
Car #3 HS-Protested for illegal suspension modification. Protest disal-
Car #18 AM-DSQ, did not report to impound. Car #6 BSP-DSQ, driver
failed to report for required worker assignment.
Official results shall be posted on the SCCA® website (www.scca.com)
within two (2) weeks after the event. If an appeal has been filed, prelimi-
nary results must also be posted within two (2) weeks after the event. Final
official results must be posted within two (2) weeks of the decision of the
Appeals Committee.
While the right to protest in proper cases is undoubted, it should be re-
58 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
8. Protests
membered that Solo® events are sporting events, to be conducted in a
sporting spirit; that all events are organized and managed by amateurs
who cheerfully give their time and do their best, that the competitor may
expect some imperfections of the organizers and of his fellow competitors;
and that, to a reasonable extent, these things are part of the chances he
takes in entering the competition.
The right to protest shall rest with any entrant, driver, or official taking
part in the competition in question. Each may protest any decision, act,
or omission of the organizers, an official, entrant, driver, or other person
connected with the competition, which the protestor believes is in viola-
tion of the Solo® Rules, the Supplementary Regulations, or any condi-
tions attached to the sanctioning of the event by SCCA® (hereafter in this
Section collectively referred to as “the rules”). A protest against a car is
also a protest against its driver and entrant.
A protest shall be made in writing, specifying which Sections of the Solo®
Rules or other applicable rules are alleged to have been violated, and
signed by one protesting entrant or driver or official. It shall be delivered
to the Chief Steward or his designated representative, or to the Chairman
(Chief of Protest) of the Protest Committee (PC). If delivered to the Chief
Steward, it shall be promptly forwarded to the Chairman of the PC.
8.2.1 Protest Fee
The protest shall be accompanied by a protest fee of $25 at National Tour
events and $80 at National Championship events. The fee will be dou-
bled for protests against cars (Section 8.3) that are filed after the car is
released from Impound on its first (1st) day of competition. The protest
fee is waived for protests filed in an official capacity by the Chief Steward.
8.2.2 Time Limits
A. A protest against a competition vehicle shall be lodged before it is re-
leased from Impound on its final day of competition.
B. A protest against the actions of a driver, entrant, or official during class
competition, including a protest against Timing and Scoring, shall be
lodged not later than 30 minutes after the class is released from Im-
pound on the day of the suspected violation of the rules.
C. A protest against the actions of a driver, entrant, or official outside of
class competition shall be lodged not later than 30 minutes after the last
class is released from Impound on the final day of competition.
D. A protest filed in an official capacity by the Chief Steward shall be
lodged not later than 30 minutes after the last class is released from
Impound on the final day of competition, except for a protest resulting
from an Impound or Protest Committee inspection. Such protests shall
be lodged within a reasonable time after discovery of the suspected vio-

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 59

8. Protests
lation of the rules.
Entrants or drivers taking part in a competition may protest a car in the
same competition and class as not conforming to the rules. The Chief Stew-
ard may protest any car in the competition. The protestor may request that
the car be disassembled, inspected, or any other test made, provided he or
she posts a cash bond with the PC sufficient to cover the expense of access
to documentation, disassembly, inspection and reassembly. A protest may
be reduced in scope but not added to at the time the bond is set. Once a
bond is posted, the stipulated inspections shall be completed unless the
protest is wholly or partially withdrawn by the protestor. The PC shall ap-
portion the costs incurred, including reassembly, up to the point of with-
drawal, provided no illegality has been discovered.
8.3.1 Burden of Proof
The entrant of a protested vehicle has the burden of proving that the ve-
hicle conforms to these rules by the required documentation according to
the class of the vehicle, and must present the required documentation to
the PC at the time that the protest is heard, or else be disqualified.
If the required documentation does not include sufficient information on a
protested item or specification, the burden shifts to the protestor to prove
the equipment or specification illegal.
8.3.2 Impounding of Protested Cars
Protested vehicles held in Impound must remain there until one hour af-
ter announcement of the decision of the PC. If no appeal or intent to ap-
peal has been filed by the end of that period, the car shall be released.
If an appeal or intent to appeal is filed, the Appeals Committee shall be
given the opportunity to inspect the vehicle before it is released. For cars
with multiple drivers, the car shall be released if needed for competition
purposes under the supervision of the Chief Steward or their designated
8.3.3 Establishment of Bond
A. The bond shall be established by the PC after consulting separately with
the protestor and the protestee, and with the Chief Technical Inspector
and any other experts whose advice the PC believes shall be useful.
B. Items covered by the bond may be priced individually, with consider-
ation given to possible logical linking of some items. This cost schedule
shall be set up prior to initiation of the inspection. The bond may be
awarded after teardown on a predetermined apportionment basis. Ap-
portionment of the bond after the fact is not permitted, except where
the protestor has withdrawn all or part of the protest.
C. The bond shall be paid by cash, traveler’s check, or approved credit
D. Where the circumstances warrant, the PC may require the protested

60 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

8. Protests
party to post bond or sign a repair order with a service establishment
to cover the costs of access to documentation, disassembly and inspec-
tion, in the event judgment goes against him or her. The bond shall be
established in the same manner as a protestor’s bond.
8.3.4 Conduct of Inspection
The inspection and/or disassembly shall be conducted under the supervi-
sion of the PC. They shall determine which portions of the inspection and/
or disassembly, if any, may be observed, and by whom. The owner or driv-
er of a protested car, or his/her representative, will be allowed to observe
the inspection and/or disassembly but shall not interfere in any way. The
PC shall have authority to impose penalties upon finding any additional
illegal item(s) during an inspection.
8.3.5 Refusal to Allow Inspection
Refusal of an entrant or driver of a protested car to allow inspection under
the terms established by the PC shall result in immediate disqualification.
8.3.6 Disposition of Bond and Protest Fee
If the car conforms to the rules, the protestor shall forfeit the bond and
protest fee. After compliance with 8.3.6 the bond will be paid to the pro-
tested party. The protest fee will be retained by SCCA®. If the car does not
conform to the rules, the entire protestor’s bond and protest fee shall be
returned and the protested party shall stand all expenses.
8.3.7 Time of Disbursement of Bond; Appeal Escrow
If an Intent to Appeal has been filed, the teardown bond and protest fee
shall be sent to the Solo® Department to be held in escrow until the time
limit for appeal has passed, an appeal has been rejected (Section 10.5, De-
cision to Hear Appeal), or an appeal has been finally decided by SCCA®.
8.3.8 Preservation of Evidence
Any recorded evidence such as technical data or inspectors’ reports or
measurements shall be forwarded to the Solo® National Office. The pro-
test form with disposition of protest, and complete records from the Pro-
test Committee hearing, shall be forwarded to the Solo® National Office.
A summary of protest findings will be provided to the event Chief of Tim-
ing and Scoring for inclusion in the official event results. The Chairman of
PC (Chief of Protest) shall accept any parts found illegal and tendered by
the owner for safekeeping pending appeal. The PC shall have the author-
ity to impound parts found illegal until the protest and appeals process is
8.3.9 Notifications
If a penalty is imposed as a result of personal misconduct or unsportsman-
like conduct, the PC Chairman (Chief of Protest) will notify the SEB as
soon as possible. The SEB will notify the Senior Director of Rally/Solo® as
soon as possible of the penalty, background information, and any appeals
to the NAC.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 61

8. Protests
The protest should be decided on the day of the event by a PC of at least
three members, within a reasonable time following completion of the
event. If the protest cannot be decided on the day of the event, the PC
must resolve it within 10 calendar days unless agreed to by the parties. The
delayed protest decision will be forwarded to both parties of the protest in
a mutually agreed method of either e-mail or certified mail. The names of
the committee members shall be specified in the supplementary regula-
tions or prominently posted on the day of the event. The Chief Steward or
Event Chairman shall not be members of the Committee. For the National
Championship event, a PC shall be appointed by the SEB in advance of the
8.4.1 Duties
It is the function of the Protest Committee (PC) to adjudicate protested
violations of the SCCA® Solo® Rules in a fair, unbiased, and timely man-
ner. Members of the PC may also be drivers in the same event, but at the
National Championships will not perform any other duties than those of
the PC. If a protest is received in the same class as a PC member, or if a
committee member has some other personal interest in the class affected,
he/she must disqualify himself/herself from the protest ruling. This com-
mittee may confer with the SEB members present on a protest where the
input of the SEB would be deemed necessary. For the National Champi-
onship event, the PC may include the Solo® Development Coordinator
(SDC) in attendance at the event and/or others as the SEB deems neces-
sary, with the exception of the PC Chairman (Chief of Protest) who shall
be appointed by the SEB.
The PC shall hear the protest as soon as practical after the protest is
lodged. All parties concerned shall be given adequate notice of the time
and location of the hearing. They shall be entitled to call witnesses, but
shall state their cases in person. In the absence of a party, judgment may
go by default. Each party or witness shall be heard separately or in private.
If judgment cannot be given immediately after the hearing, all parties shall
be informed of the time and method by which the decision shall be con-
veyed. (All parties must stay until the end of the hearings.)
A. Distribution of awards may commence after the period for receiving
protests has elapsed. When a protest which would affect distribution
of awards has been lodged, distribution of awards for positions which
could be affected shall be withheld until the protest has been settled.
The PC, if it receives an intent to appeal their decision, shall order
awards which may be affected by the outcome of the appeal to be with-
held pending the decision of the National Appeals Committee (NAC).
B. Pending the decision of the NAC, the results of the competition shall be
62 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
9. Penalties
considered provisional.
All parties concerned shall be bound by the decision given, subject only to
appeal as provided in Section 10.
It is expected that protests shall be reasonable, logical, and based on sound
evidence, thus well-founded. A well-founded protest shall further be de-
fined as one upon which reasonable men or women may differ. A protest
may be well-founded even if not upheld.
8.8.1 Forfeiture of Protest Fee
If a protest is judged to be not well-founded, the protest fee shall be for-
8.8.2 Vexatious Or Bad Faith Protests
A protestor who has acted in bad faith or in a vexatious manner may be
penalized by the PC.
8.8.3 Return of Fee
The fee for a protest that is not upheld but is determined by the PC to be
well founded may be returned to the protesting party upon the decision of
the PC.
All participants shall be subject to control by SCCA®, the organizing
SCCA® Region or other organizers, and all appointed officials of the
event. This Section provides the penalties for violation of the Solo® Rules
and the Supplementary Regulations.
In addition to any other offenses or violations of specific rules each of the
following shall be deemed a breach of the Solo® Rules.
A. Bribery or attempt to bribe anyone connected with the event; and the
solicitation of, acceptance of, or offer to accept, a bribe.
B. Any fraudulent proceeding or act prejudicial to the interests of the
SCCA® or of car competition generally.
C. Reckless or dangerous driving, either on course or in the pits and pad-
D. Failure to obey a direction or order of an official.
E. Refusing to cooperate with, interfering with, or obstructing the actions
of the Chief Steward, the PC, the National Solo® Appeals Committee,
or an appointed Appeals Committee in the performance of their duties.
F. Unsportsmanlike conduct.
G. Physical violence toward any other participant or spectator at the event.
Any organizer, entrant, driver, crew member, official, worker or guest of

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 63

10. Appeals
the above, or SCCA® member may be penalized. If a car is found to be in
violation of a rule and the protest is upheld, the penalty imposed on the
protested driver will be applied equally to all drivers of the car in that cat-
egory even if they were not specifically named in the protest.
No penalty shall be imposed by the PC except after a hearing that follows
the procedures set out in Section 8.
9.4.1 Penalties
The penalties in increasing order of severity are as follows: Reprimand
A reprimand against an SCCA® member shall be noted in the official re-
sults of the event. Time or Position
Penalties expressed as addition of time or loss of finishing position may
be imposed. Disqualification from Competition
Disqualification from competition may be imposed on an entrant, driver,
or car. Probation
Probation of SCCA® Solo® competition privileges may be imposed. The
probation requires the individual(s) to meet imposed conditions in order
to enter any SCCA® Solo® event until such time as it is lifted. Suspension
Suspension of SCCA® Solo® competition privileges may be imposed. The
suspension prohibits the individual(s) from entering any SCCA® Solo®
event until such time such time as it is lifted. Expulsion from SCCA®
Expulsion from the SCCA® may be imposed as provided by the SCCA®
9.4.2 Multiple Penalties
Multiple penalties may be imposed.
Any entrant or driver who is disqualified in any competition shall auto-
matically forfeit all rights to awards in that competition.
When an entrant or driver is disqualified, the subsequent competitors in
the finishing order shall be advanced.
The SCCA® shall have the right to publicize a notice that any person, or-
ganization, or car has been penalized and the reasons for the action. Any
person or organization referred to in the notice shall have no right of ac-
64 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
10. Appeals
tion against SCCA® or against any person for publishing such notice or
for its contents.
Any person, entrant or organization named as a party to a protest in any
SCCA® Solo® event shall have the right to appeal to the National Appeals
Committee (NAC) any decision or penalty imposed. In addition the Chief
Steward of the event shall have the right to appeal any decision or penalty
For a protest decided on the day of the event, a written intent to appeal or
a formal appeal accompanied by the appropriate appeal fee shall be sub-
mitted to the Chief Steward or Appeals Committee (AC) within one hour
after the announcement of a decision on a protest, or the right to appeal
is forfeited. For delayed protest decisions, an appeal and appropriate ap-
peal fee must be received by the Solo® National Office within seven (7)
calendar days of notification of the protest decision. The time period starts
on the date of the return receipt of the certified mail notification of protest
An appeal permitted hereunder shall be taken by filing a written appeal
with the Solo® National Office. The notice of appeal shall specify the par-
ty or parties making the appeal; shall designate the decision or portion
thereof appealed from; shall explain the reason or reasons why the appeal
should be heard; and if applicable, which part(s) of the Solo® Rules are
considered to have been enforced in a manner that was not fair or equi-
table to the appellant; and shall be received at the Solo® National Office
within ten (10) days after submission of the Intent to Appeal, and shall
include the appropriate appeal fee of $50 payable to SCCA®, Inc. A mini-
mum of $25 of the appeal fee may be retained to defray expense of hearing
the appeal by the SCCA® on all appeals that are filed. The appeal fee is
waived for appeals filed in an official capacity by the Chief Steward.
An appeal properly taken hereunder may be withdrawn, without penalty,
by written notice to the SCCA®, Inc. prior to the acceptance of the appeal
by the NAC. Under Section 10.6, the AC, in their judgment, may decide
that the penalty or other decision of the PC or other committee appealed
from should be nullified, mitigated, affirmed, increased or a different pen-
alty imposed, but it shall not order a competition to be rerun.
The purpose of the NAC is to render a final decision in any appeal permit-
ted to be taken under this Section. The NAC will be appointed by the SEB
and shall consist of three (3) standing members plus two (2) alternates.
Members who competed in the same event and class addressed in an ap-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 65
10. Appeals
peal, or who have other personal interest in the appeal, must disqualify
themselves from participating in the appeal. If fewer than three members
are available, then additional people to reach a total of three may be ap-
pointed by the SEB to address that appeal. It is the intent of these provi-
sions to provide for resolution of differences before a Committee composed
of individuals with individual and collective expertise in Solo® matters.
The NAC will make the final decision whether or not the appeal is well
founded and should be heard, and whether the appeal fee should be re-
turned or forfeited. Appeals not received within the specified time limit
will not be heard. Said decision shall be final, binding, and not subject
to appeal. In reaching this decision, they may review the findings of and
documentation provided to the PC, the written appeal, and any other ma-
terial they deem pertinent. The officials designated herein shall use every
effort to make their final decision within seven days of the receipt for the
written appeal.
The NAC will determine if it shall hear the appeal or if it will be heard by
another AC, which they will appoint. No member of either committee shall
have been directly or indirectly interested or involved in the matters under
consideration. The Chairman of either committee shall not be a member of
the appellant’s Region of Record.
10.6.1 Hearing The Appeal / National Appeals Committee
The NAC will use its best efforts to hear an appeal within a reasonable
length of time from notice to all parties. The method of hearing the appeal
will be determined by the NAC.
10.6.2 Appointed Appeals Committee
The appointed AC shall be convened in the Division in which the event was
held, with due consideration given to the geographical convenience of the
parties to the appeal and the members of the committee. The appointment
of the committee and written notice to the appellant(s) shall occur within
seven days of the decision to hear the appeal. The Chairman of the AC will
notify the Chairman of the PC (Chief of Protest) of the appeal.
10.6.3 Hearing The Appeal
The appointed AC shall use its best efforts to convene and hear the ap-
peal no earlier than one (1) week from notice to the parties and no later
than four weeks from said notice. At a hearing all parties concerned shall
be entitled to call witnesses and present, within reason, other evidence of
their choice. They may present their case personally, be represented by an
advocate, or may submit the case to the committee on documents without
personal appearance. The AC may hear such evidence in such manner as
it deems appropriate, relevant, and necessary under the circumstances.

66 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

12. Definitions
After considering all material they deem relevant, the AC shall meet pri-
vately, reach its decision and prepare a written opinion. It may decide that
the penalty or other decision of the PC be nullified, mitigated, affirmed,
increased or a different penalty imposed, but shall not order a competi-
tion to be re-run. The committee shall order the return or forfeiture of
appeal fees. The committee shall direct the disposition of protest fees and
teardown bonds, if any, in those cases where the PC decision is nullified.
The SCCA® will distribute all final NAC decisions, including the names
of all parties concerned. Persons, entrants or organizations referred to
in each said decision shall have no right or action against SCCA® or any
person publishing such notice, and agree that said decision shall be final
and binding. SCCA® will use its best efforts to publish said final decisions
as soon as possible after finalization. A copy of the final decision of the
AC shall be sent to all parties of the appeal as soon as possible after the
decision becomes final. Any penalty imposed by the AC shall be effective
immediately as stated in its decision. If a penalty is imposed as a result of
personal misconduct or unsportsmanlike conduct, the NAC will notify the
SEB as soon as possible. The SEB will notify the Vice President of Rally/
Solo® as soon as possible.
If the committee determines that the appellant has acted in bad faith or
in a vexatious manner, it may deem such conduct a breach of the Solo®
Rules and impose an additional penalty for said breach.
A. Awards shall be given to the highest placed drivers in each class on the
following basis unless otherwise provided by supplementary regula-
1. One (1) award for one to three (1-3) entrants in a class.
2. Two (2) awards for four to six (4-6) entrants in a class.
3. Three (3) awards for seven to nine (7-9) entrants in a class.
4. One (1) additional award for every four (4) additional entrants or
fraction thereof (e.g., six (6) awards for 18 entrants).
B. At the Solo® Nationals, a National Championship award will be given
when a competitor competes in a National Championship eligible class
which has three (3) or more participants.
The following definitions shall apply to these Rules regardless of any other
definitions or interpretations.
active/reactive suspension An active/reactive suspension is a system
in which the weight of the car is carried or assisted by an actively

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 67

12. Definitions
adjustable/programmable medium such as a hydraulic or pneumatic
anti-lock braking system (ABS) An electronically controlled system
that can reduce braking force to one or more wheels during decelera-
tion with the goal of preventing wheel lockup when the brakes are
automobile (car) An automobile or car is a self-propelled land vehicle,
running on at least four (4) wheels, not in a line, which must be in
contact with the ground when at rest.
blow-off valve (BOV) / pop-off valve (POV) A device intended to limit
maximum boost pressure in the engine inlet system by opening to vent
the inlet system to the outside atmosphere when a preset boost value
is reached.
canard A three-dimensional (3D) attachment to the front fascia with air
passing over the top and bottom surfaces, which is intended to pro-
vide aerodynamic downforce to the front of the vehicle. Unlike a wing,
one (1) edge must be flush to the attachment surface. No portion of a
canard may extend vertically above the front fascia/bodywork.
car (see automobile)
chassis A chassis is the minimal configuration of a car necessary to con-
tain all of the running gear (drivetrain, suspension, steering, etc.) and
to provide support for the body.
closed car A closed car is one with a full roof, a targa top-type car with
a full windshield, a T-top-type car with a full windshield, or a convert-
ible with a full windshield and a standard (as defined herein) hardtop
which has been bolted securely in place.
compressor bypass valve (CBV) A device intended to allow a su-
percharger or turbocharger’s compressor output to recirculate back
to the supercharger or turbocharger inlet when the throttle plate is
closed. The purpose of this recirculation is to reduce boost lag when
the throttle plate is reopened. A CBV is referenced to intake manifold
vacuum and opens when manifold vacuum exceeds a preset value. It
is closed under boost. CBVs installed by OEMs operate as described
above. Some aftermarket CBVs vent to the atmosphere, and are mar-
keted as Blow-Off Valves or Pop-Off Valves, although their operation is
otherwise identical to the OEM CBVs.
driver/passenger compartment The driver/passenger compartment is
the interior area of the car in which original driver control devices and
all original seating were/are located.
drivetrain The combination of components that provide the force that
allows the car to move including the engine, clutch, transmission,
driveshaft(s), differential(s), axles, etc. This does not include wheels or

68 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

12. Definitions
floor pan The floor pan is defined to include all surfaces which would
support the driver’s or passenger’s feet, body, or seat in the original
car, extending laterally from (but not including) door sill to door sill
and longitudinally from (but not including) front bulkhead to rear
frame rails An integral part of the chassis; frame rails are boxed, chan-
neled, or tubular structural members of the car which may provide
attachment points for one or more of the following: subframe/cross
member, body, suspension, and drivetrain of the vehicle. Frame rails
are present in unibody, tub-based, and tube-frame cars.
mid-engine A mid-engine configuration is defined as one in which the
engine is located behind the passenger compartment and in front of
the rear axle.
model A group of cars of a given make which have virtually identical
bodies and chassis but are readily distinguished from other models
of the same make by virtue of a major difference in body appearance
and/or chassis design. The names by which the manufacturer desig-
nates these groups have no bearing on this definition even though two
(2) groups may be designated identically.
open car An open car is a convertible (with or without a full windshield),
a car with a retractable hardtop, a targa-top-type car with less than a
full windshield, or a T-top-type car with less than a full windshield.
roll bar / roll cage A tubular steel structure designed to provide the
passenger compartment with additional crush resistance in the event
of an accident. A roll bar/cage will always include a hoop behind the
driver that provides crush resistance from overhead forces and may
additionally include structure that provides crush resistance from
other directions. Roll bar/cage structures may be used to provide
additional chassis rigidity and attachment for suspension and other
components, if preparation rules allow for it. See Appendix C or the
Club Racing General Competition Rules for additional requirements &
design methodologies.
sedan A sedan is a car capable of transporting four (4) or more average-
size adults in normal seating positions.
shock/strut towers Sheet metal components which are part of a tub or
unibody car that provide the top mounting point for shocks and struts
and may provide mounting points for other components such as upper
control arms. They may also serve as an inner fender liner.
solid rear axle A dependent rear suspension system in which the wheels
are mounted at each end of a solid, or undivided, axle or axle housing;
includes live axles and beam axles as found on both RWD and FWD

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 69

12. Definitions
standard part An item of standard or optional equipment that could
have been ordered with the car and delivered through a dealer in the
United States. Manufacturer options that are dealer-installed, port-in-
stalled, or parts provided by the manufacturer are considered to be the
same as those installed on the factory production line. Manufacturer
options which are dealer-installed must be specifically listed in Appen-
dix A in order to be eligible. Dealer options, accessories, or deletions
(except as required by factory directives), no matter how common or
what their origin, are not included in this definition. This definition
does not allow the updating or backdating of parts.
subframe / cross-member A component welded or bolted to the frame/
tub/chassis of a car in order to increase its strength and which may
serve as a platform for mounting suspension or drive train compo-
suspension The combination of components that connect a vehicle
chassis to its wheels. Any item that controls wheel location relative to
the chassis and which is designed to move when a wheel is deflected
vertically is part of the suspension. This includes shocks/struts, con-
trol arms, steering knuckles, uprights, tie rods, live axle housings, etc.,
but not steering racks, subframes, halfshafts, etc.
suspension mount Components to which individual suspension compo-
nents attach and which are rigidly attached to the chassis via non-
permanent means. With the exception of integral bushings/ bearings,
they do not move as the suspension travels in its range of motion.
Subframe/cross members are not suspension mounts.
strut bar A transverse member connecting the upper or lower suspen-
sion mounting points at the front or rear of the car. Strut bars may
be mounted only transversely across the car from upper left to upper
right suspension mounting point and from lower left to lower right
suspension mounting point. A two-point strut bar fastens only at the
left and right suspension pointing points. A triangulated strut bar has
a third area of attachment at the chassis (e.g., at the firewall/bulk-
head). All connections to the vehicle must be bolted. No connection
point to the chassis can be welded.
track The distance between the centerlines of the wheels as competed
without driver, measured as follows: From centerline to centerline
of wheels. Alternatively, it may be measured from the inside of one
wheel at the hub centerline height to the outside of the other wheel,
then conversely from the outside of the first wheel at hub centerline to
the inside of the second wheel. The two dimensions obtained are to be
added together and divided by two (2) to obtain the average. Measure-
ments are to be taken at both front and rear of the wheels and aver-
aged to compensate for toe in/out. Wheel rim width shall be measured
at the base of the bead seat.
70 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
12. Definitions
traction/stability control (TSC) A system that which adjusts engine
power, braking force, and/or torque distribution in response to detec-
tion or prediction of understeer, oversteer, or throttle-induced wheel-
spin. Conventional limited slip differentials (e.g., viscous, passive
clutch, helical/worm gear, locker) are explicitly excluded, but “active”
differentials and their controllers are included.
trunk area An area intended for the storage luggage or other items dur-
ing normal street going usage.
For front-engine cars, this is defined as the area behind the vertical
plane of the rearmost seatback of the vehicle. For 2-seat vehicles, this is
defined by the vertical plane of the front seats of the vehicle. If a trans-
verse bulkhead/panel is located in this area, the bulkhead/panel defines
the start of the trunk area. Vehicles equipped with a fold-down rear sea,
must consider the vertical plane of the seat in its upright position.
For rear-engine cars, this is defined as the area in front of the passenger
compartment, forward of a transverse bulkhead/panel separating the
passenger compartment from the front of the car.
For mid-engine cars, this is defined as both the area per the rear-engine
cars, as well as the area behind the engine and separated from the en-
gine compartment by a transverse bulkhead/panel.
tub The assembly of panels which form the basic structure of the ve-
hicle’s passenger compartment.
tub-based car (non-tube-frame) A non-tube-frame car has a standard
tub or unibody as the central component of the car. A tub-based car
may have subframes at either end attached to the tub/unibody by bolts
or welds. Full-frame cars in which the tub sits atop frame rails are also
considered to be tub-based.
tube-frame car A car whose chassis is fabricated from a non-standard
assembly of tubes, welded into the desired configuration, that are
designed to carry the running gear (drivetrain, suspension, steering,
etc.) loads.
unibody (unit-body) A type of construction in which the chassis and tub
are fabricated from an assembly of stressed panels and reinforcements
permanently fastened together into a single unit.
variable valve viming (VVT) VVT is any system that dynamically alters
the timing of valve events while engine is operating.
wing area computation The area of a wing element shall be computed
by multiplying the maximum chord (straight line distance from lead-
ing edge to trailing edge) by the maximum span (width). Curvature
of the element (camber) and angle of attack when mounted on the
vehicle will not affect the area measurement. The area for multiple-
element wings will be the sum of the individual areas of each of the

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 71

13. Street Category


Category Objective
This category should provide the lowest barrier of entry and appeal to
the largest segment of potential and existing members.
Category Values
Preparation allowances with a minimal impact on daily public high-
way use of the vehicle.
Core Modifications
Primary allowances permit changes to shocks, anti-roll bars, and
Sports cars and other high-performance vehicles classed by perfor-
mance potential.
• Super Street R-tire (SSR)
• Super Street (SS)
• A Street (AS)
• B Street (BS)
• C Street (CS)
• E Street (ES) – Very affordable older sports cars with an empha-
sis on low cost entry and acceptable availability. Class stability is
a priority.
Sedans and Coupes classed by performance potential
• D Street (DS)
• G Street (GS)
• H Street (HS)
• F Street (FS) – Heavy, high-horsepower RWD vehicles in the
spirit of “V8 Pony Cars.”
Cars running in Street Category must have been series produced with nor-
mal road touring equipment capable of being licensed for normal road use
in the United States and normally sold and delivered through the manu-
facturer’s retail sales outlets in the United States. A Canadian-market ve-
hicle is eligible for Street category if it is identical to the US-market coun-
terpart except for comfort and convenience modifications as allowed per
Section 13.2.A.
A member may request classing for any car models not specifically listed
in Street Category, provided that vehicle was produced in quantities of at
least 1,000 in that model year.
A car will remain eligible for National events through the end of the 30th
calendar year after the manufacturer-designated model year of the car.
This eligibility limitation applies only to the Street classes.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 73

13. Street Category
Except for modifications authorized below, Street Category cars must be
run as specified by the manufacturer with only standard equipment as de-
fined by these Rules. This requirement refers not just to individual parts,
but to combinations thereof which would have been ordered together on
a specific car. Any other modifications or equipment will place the car in
Street Touring®, Street Prepared, Street Modified, Prepared, or Modified
Categories as appropriate. Configurations involving damaged parts (e.g.,
blown fuses) are not typically authorized by the manufacturer and hence
are not allowed.
Option package conversions may be performed between specific vehicles
of a particular make and model, but only between configurations from
within a particular model year. Such conversions must be totally complete
and the resultant car must meet all requirements of this Section. These re-
quirements are not met by simply pulling a fuse to disable a feature which
distinguishes one model from another.
Updated parts, replacement parts, or any other changes by the manufac-
turer documented in the parts catalog or other manufacturer documenta-
tion as superseding the original part number used when manufactured are
considered to be standard parts.
Alternate parts (parts that may fit due to common platforms) listed in a
factory parts manual are not authorized unless their use is specifically ref-
erenced in the factory service manual or in a service bulletin for the spe-
cific model and/or option package.
See Sections 3.8 and 8.3.1 for documentation requirements.
Alternate components which are normally expendable and considered re-
placement parts (e.g., engine and wheel bearings, seals, gaskets, filters,
belts, bolts, bulbs, batteries, brake rotors, clutch discs, pressure plates,
suspension bushings, drivetrain mounts, fenders, trim pieces, fuel filler
caps, etc.) may be used provided they are essentially identical to the stan-
dard parts (e.g., have the same type, size, hardness, weight, material, etc.),
are used in the same location, and provide no performance benefit. The
allowance for use of such replacements does not include camshafts, differ-
ential covers, or ring-and-pinion sets, nor does it authorize the use of pis-
ton rings having different configurations (e.g., “Total Seal®”) from those
of the original.
Hardware items (nuts, bolts, etc.) may be replaced by similar items of un-
restricted origin. Safety wire, threadlocker compounds, and locking nuts
are permitted. These allowances are strictly to allow components to be re-
placed from alternate sources other than the original manufacturer. They
should not be construed as an allowance to replace components with those
which could be considered a “higher performance” alternative. Parts avail-
able as replacements through the dealers parts department, the factory,
or any other source which do not meet standard part specifications (e.g.,

74 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

13. Street Category
hardness, size, etc.) are non-compliant in Street Category, except as spe-
cifically provided elsewhere in these rules.
Specific vehicle classifications are located in Appendix A of these rules.
If a modification is not specifically authorized in this or previous Sections
of these Rules, it is not allowed.
The addition of small holes for attachment hardware for authorized modi-
fications is implicit (e.g., holes for fasteners to mount additional gauges,
holes for brackets to mount shock absorber remote reservoirs). However,
these holes may serve no other purpose.
All repairs must comply with factory-authorized methods and procedures,
or industry standard methods, as follows: If the OEM does not provide
an appropriate method of repair, industry standard methods and proce-
dures may be used. Such repairs may not result in a part or combination
of parts that provides a competitive advantage (e.g., significant change
to weight, suspension control, power, etc.) as compared to the standard
part(s). Competitors are strongly cautioned to use this allowance to make
common-sense repairs only.
Front bumpers, rear bumpers, body trim pieces and attachment points
may be reinforced to prevent or repair damage from hitting cones. Rein-
forcements that are not visible to the exterior of the car are allowed. Such
repairs and/or reinforcements may serve no other purpose.
It is not permitted to use non-compliant parts even if they have been set
to OE specifications.
Refer to Appendix F for past clarifications of these rules.
A. Accessories, gauges, indicators, lights and other appearance, comfort
and convenience modifications which have no effect on performance
and/or handling and do not materially reduce the weight of the car are
permitted. This does not allow driver’s seat substitutions, or the remov-
al of “tow hooks” or “tie-down loops.” Delayed shutdown devices such
as the “Turbo Timer,” which perform no function while the car is in mo-
tion, are permitted. This does permit the installation of an additional
mirror (e.g., Wink®), but does not allow the removal of the original
B. Data acquisition systems (including video cameras) and the accompa-
nying sensors are allowed but may serve no other purpose during a run
than real-time display and data recording.
C. Hood straps or fasteners may be added.
D. Alternate steering wheels are allowed, provided the outside diameter
is not changed by more than one inch from the standard size. Steering
wheels with an integral airbag may not be changed.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 75

13. Street Category
E. Alternate shift knobs or paddles are allowed.
F. Spare tires, tools, and jacks may be removed. Any fastening hardware
and/or other pieces that can no longer be firmly secured in the absence
of the spare tire may be removed if necessary to ensure compliance with
Section 3.3.3.B.1, Safety Inspection Requirements.
G. Roll Bars and Roll Cages
1. Roll bars may be added. Roll bars may be welded in. Standard roll-
over hoops and covers may be removed if the resulting installation
meets Appendix C.A, Basic Design Considerations. The total weight
of components added must not be less than that of components re-
2. Roll cages may be added. It is strongly recommended that roll cages
be constructed according to the Club Racing GCR, though they must
be bolted (not welded) into the automobile and be contained within
the driver/passenger compartment. A roll cage has more than four
attachment points to the body or frame or has bracing both fore and
aft of the main hoop.
H. Driver restraints as outlined in Section 3.3.1 are allowed. Seats may not
be cut to allow for the installation of alternate seat belts or harnesses.
Passive restraint systems may disabled but may not be removed. Re-
moveable seat headrests may be repositioned using the original mount-
ing hardware only if the OE components permit it with no modifica-
tions. This includes removing a headrest and reinstalling it backwards.
A horizontal “harness bar” may be used as part of the installation hard-
ware for allowed driver restraints provided it has no more than 2 at-
tachment points to the chassis and is bolted at those locations. A C-type
harness bar may also be used. It may have 4 bolted attachment points to
the chassis (2 primary and 2 supporting connections to resist rotation).
Truss-type harness bars with more than two (2) attachment points are
not allowed.
I. Cars may add one rear trailer hitch. The resulting weight addition is
allowed. The hitch may serve no other purpose. Factory tie downs and
cosmetic pieces (e.g., diffusers) may be modified or removed to fa-
cilitate hitch installation. Complete or partial removal of the hitch is
allowed for competition, provided it does not result in a reduction in
weight compared to the unmodified standard configuration.
J. Tow bar brackets may be installed but may serve no other purpose.
K. Any item that cannot be held permanently in place by factory-installed
fasteners may be removed.
13.3 TIRES
Tires may be replaced with any size that fit the allowable wheels and fend-
er wells without modification. Tires may be excluded for, but not limited
to, low volume production, extensive availability limitations, and specialty

76 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

13. Street Category
design. Tires must meet the following requirements to be eligible for use
in Street category. No tire model will be eligible for Solo® competition
until it meets all requirements of this Section. Tire models not meeting the
requirements by April 30 are not eligible for Solo® competition until after
the Solo® National Championships of the year.
A. Specifications
1. Minimum UTQG Treadwear Grade of 200.
2. Minimum molded tread depth of 7/32” as specified by the manufac-
3. Listed in a current year or prior 2 years of the “Tire Guide®” and/or
the “Tread Design Guide®” (www.tireguides.com).
4. US Department of Transportation (DOT) approval.
5. Tires must be designed for highway use on passenger cars.
B. Eligibility Requirements – The following are prerequisites before a tire
can be used in competition at National Solo® events.
1. Tire availability – Tires are considered available when competitors
can take possession through retail channels. Pre-orders are not con-
sidered available.
2. Tires must be equally available to all competitors. Tires that are in
short supply do not specifically violate Section 13.3. Extensive short-
ages may result in the tire being placed on the exclusion list until sup-
ply is replenished. Tire variations differing from standard specifica-
tion, delivered only on a limited basis, or only to selected competitors
may not be used.
3. Tire models must have tires available in at least 4 rim diameters and
in at least 6 sizes which meet these requirements.
4. Material Change – Tires which previously met the eligiblity require-
ments that undergo a significant compound change, tread pattern
change, or other significant redesign reset the requirement for eligi-
bility described in Section 13.3.B.
5. A tire model which was previously allowed by these rules continues to
be eligible for competition until specifically disallowed.
6. Re-introduction – Models that were once discontinued will be con-
sidered a new model once reintroduced and must meet all the re-
quirements of Section 13.3.
C. Other
1. Any tire which is OE on a car eligible for Street Category may be used
on that car in Regional Solo® events. OE tires must meet all require-
ments of Section 13.3 to be eligible for National Solo® events.
2. Tires may be shaved evenly and parallel to the axis of rotation, but
may not otherwise be siped, grooved, or modified.
3. No recap and/or retread tires may be used.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 77
13. Street Category
4. The tire must not appear on the following list, which may be altered
at any time by the SEB upon notification of membership.
• No tire models are currently listed.
Any type wheel may be used provided it complies with the following:
A. It is the same width as standard and as installed it does not have an off-
set more than ±7.00 mm (±0.275”) from a standard wheel for the car.
The resultant change in track dimensions is allowed.
B. Wheel (rim) diameter may be increased or decreased 1” from the stan-
dard part. This change may be applied to the front, rear, or both axles.
Wheel spacers are permitted provided the resultant combination com-
plies with the offset requirements of this Section. On vehicles supplied
with an OE wheel spacer, the wheel spacer shall be considered as a part
of the wheel. Wheel studs, lug nuts, valve stems (including pressure-relief
types), and/or bolt length may be changed. Wheel bolts may be replaced
with studs and nuts but the number of fasteners may not be changed. Tire
pressure monitoring sensors may be removed.
Centerlock/Spline Drive/Knock-off type hubs may be converted to lug
type hubs provided the resultant combination complies with the offset re-
quirements of this Section.
A. The make of shock absorbers, struts, and strut housings may be
substituted providing that the number, type (e.g., tube, lever, etc.),
system of attachment and attachment points are not altered, except as
noted below. The interchange of gas and hydraulic shocks absorbers is
permitted. The following restrictions apply:
1. No more than 2 (two) separate external shock damping adjustment
controls are allowed. This permits the use of shocks which original-
ly came with more than two external adjustments, which have been
converted to double-adjustables, only if the additional adjustment
controls have been permanently disabled (e.g., via welding, epoxying,
grinding off). Gas pressure adjustment is not considered a damping
2. Suspension geometry and alignment capability, not including ride
height, may not be altered by the substitution of alternate shock ab-
sorbers. Aftermarket strut housings are allowed provided that they
meet the Street category shock requirements defined herein (i.e., that
no suspension geometry changes result). This includes the position
of the steering arm attachment point in the case of struts with inte-
grated steering arms.
3. Adjustable spring perches are allowed, but the spring loadbearing
surface must be in the same location relative to the hub as on the
standard part. Shims may be used to achieve compliance.
78 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
13. Street Category
4. The fully extended length must be within ±1” (±25.4 mm) of the di-
mension of the standard part.
5. Electronically controlled shocks may not be used on vehicles that
did not have an option for them from the manufacturer. A full op-
tion package upgrade, including OE electronics and other comonents,
could be completed to add electronic shocks if they were not installed
from the manufacturer.
6. Vehicles equipped with electronic shocks can replace them with non-
electronically-controlled shocks subject to Sections 13.5 and 13.9. De-
vices may be added to satisfy the ECU that the OEM shocks are still
installed; such devices may perform no other function.
7. On cars with available electronically-controlled shocks, aftermarket
electronic shocks may be substituted but may only be controlled by
an OE shock control unit and may not contain independent or ad-
ditional control logic within the shock itself. No additional electronic
modifications can be made to facilitate the installation of aftermarket
electronic shocks, and the OE controller may not be modified or re-
8. Vehicles in Super Street class (SS) originally equipped with an adap-
tive ride control system (MSRC, MRC, PASM, AMS, etc.) may alter
the calibration using an OEM-provided re-flash or the entire con-
troller may be replaced. The calibration or replacement controller
may not perform any function not present in the OE controller. OEM
shock/strut bodies and internals must remain unaltered. Additional
sensors are not allowed. No modifications to the wiring harness are
B. The mounting hardware shall be of the original type. The use of any
shock absorber bushing material, including metal, is permitted. Pressed
or bonded bushings may be removed from standard parts to facilitate
the use of alternate bushings which fit in the original location without
alterations to the part. This does not permit the use of an offset shock
bushing. A shock absorber bushing may be implemented as a spherical
bearing. The bushing attaching the end of a strut to the body or frame
on a strut type suspension is a suspension bushing, not a shock bush-
For cars with a bayonet/shaft-type upper shock mount, this allowance
permits the removal of the shock bushing from the upper mounting
plate (e.g., drilling, cutting, burning out the bushing) and replacing it
with another bushing. This also includes shock bushings located in con-
trol arms, etc. This does not allow other modifications to the plate itself
or use of an alternate plate.
C. To facilitate the installation of commonly available aftermarket shock
absorbers, struts, or strut inserts whose shaft size is larger than the cen-
ter hole of an upper shock mount assembly, that hole may be enlarged
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 79
13. Street Category
by the minimum necessary to accommodate the shock shaft size, pro-
vided the following restrictions are met:
1. The enlarged hole must remain concentric with the original configu-
2. The enlargement of the hole does not require modification of a bear-
ing (as opposed to a washer, sleeve, or plate).
3. Neither the hole enlargement nor the location of the shock shaft
changes any alignment parameter. Provided these constraints are
met, this permits enlarging of the center hole in an upper shock
mount with an integrated rubber bushing, where the bushing is inte-
gral to the mount and bonded to the plate and the mount is provided
by the OEM as an assembly. This includes drilling out and/or removal
of the metal sleeve.
D. A suspension bump stop is considered to be performing the function
of a spring. Therefore, the compressed length of the shock at the ini-
tial point of contact with the bump stop may not be increased from
the standard part, although the bump stop may be shortened. Bump
stops installed externally and concentric with the shaft of a shock may
be drilled out to fit a larger diameter shock shaft. Bump stops may be
substituted provided they meet the length requirements and are in the
same location as stock.
E. A hole may be added through the bodywork to route the reservoir and
hose to a remote mounting location. Such holes may serve no other pur-
F. A hole may be added to interior body panels, the engine compartment,
the trunk, and/or a strut bar to provide access to the adjustment mech-
anism on a shock absorber. The hole may serve no other purpose and
may not be added through the exterior body panels.
A. The make and material of brake linings may be changed.
B. Substitution of clutch and brake hydraulic lines with solid metal or
braided metal is allowed on all cars manufactured before model year
C. Alternate brake bleeder fittings (e.g., Speedbleeders®) are permitted.
They may serve no other purpose.
A. Substitution, addition, or removal of a single anti-roll bar and support-
ing hardware (brackets, endlinks, bushings, etc.) is permitted. The use
of any bushing material is permitted. A bushing may be implemented as
a bearing.
B. Substitution, addition, or removal of anti-roll bars may serve no other
purpose than that of an anti-roll bar.

80 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

13. Street Category
C. No modification to the body, frame, or other components to accommo-
date anti-roll bar addition or substitution is allowed except for the drill-
ing of holes for mounting bolts. Non-standard lateral members which
connect between the brackets for the bar are not permitted.
A. Standard, as defined herein, suspension springs must be used. They
may not be cut, shortened, or collapsed. Spring perches may not vary
from the OE shape within the working part of the perch.
B. Both the front and rear suspension may be adjusted through their de-
signed range of adjustment by use of factory adjustment arrangements
or by taking advantage of inherent manufacturing tolerances. This en-
compasses both alignment and ride height parameters if such adjust-
ments are provided by the standard components and specified by the
factory as normal methods of adjustment. However, no suspension part
may be modified for the purpose of adjustment unless such modifica-
tion is specifically authorized by the factory shop manual.
C. Suspension bushings, including but not limited to those which carry the
weight of the vehicle and determine ride height, may not be replaced
with bushings of a different material or dimension.
D. Replacement control arms for vehicles having integral bushing/arm as-
semblies must be standard manufacturer parts as per Sections 12 and
E. If offered by the manufacturer for a particular model and year, the use
of shims, special bolts, removal of material to enlarge mounting holes,
and similar methods are allowed and the resulting alignment settings
are permitted even if outside the normal specification or range of speci-
fications recommended by the manufacturer. If enlarging mounting
holes is specifically authorized but no material removal limits are speci-
fied, material removal is restricted to the amount necessary to achieve
the maximum factory alignment specification.
A. The make of spark plugs, points, ignition coil and high tension wires
is unrestricted including spark plug wires having an in-line capacitor.
Substitution or addition of ignition coil mounting brackets is permitted,
provided they affix to the original standard location and serve no other
purpose. (Modification of the distributor cap for the purpose of install-
ing allowed non-standard components is not permitted.)
B. On cars made prior to January 1, 1968, any ignition system using a stan-
dard distributor without modification may be used.
C. Ignition settings may not be adjusted outside factory specifications.
D. No changes are permitted to electronic engine management systems or
their programming.
E. Additional battery hold-down hardware may be added to supplement
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 81
13. Street Category
the standard equipment in order to meet Section 3.3.3.B.18, Safety In-
spections Requirements. It may serve no other purpose.
F. Tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) may be disabled. Altering the
signal to the TPMS is permitted.
G. On cars without the ability to turn off electronic stability control and/or
traction control (ESC/TC) from the manufacturer, modifications to de-
feat the ESC/TC are permitted. These modification are limited to alter-
ing the inputs to the ESC/TC processor (e.g., removing fuses, unplug-
ging yaw or steering angle sensors, altering signals) and may serve no
other purpose. Any codes or error lights resulting from ESC/TC modifi-
cations are permitted.
A. The engine air filter element may be removed or replaced provided the
air flow path remains as originally designed (i.e., no additional open-
ings). No other components of the air induction system may be re-
moved, replaced, or modified.
B. Engines may be rebored to the manufacturer’s 1st standard overbore,
not to exceed 0.020” (0.508 mm). Sleeving is allowed to repair to the
standard bore. Only OE-type standard or 1st overbore pistons of the
same configuration and of the same or greater weights are permitted.
No interchange between cast and forged pistons is allowed.
C. Any part of the exhaust system beyond (downstream from) the last
catalytic converter, if so equipped, may be substituted or removed pro-
vided the system exits the car in the original location and meets the re-
quirements of Section 3.3.3.B.16, Section 3.5 and Appendix I where ap-
plicable. Vehicles equipped with exhausts that exit in multiple locations
may change to a single outlet in any of the original locations. Stainless
steel heat exchangers are permitted only if the physical dimensions and
configuration remain unchanged.
Modifications of any type, including additions to or removal of, the
catalytic converters, thermal reactors, or any other pollution control
devices in the exhaust system are not allowed and the system must be
operable. Replacement catalytic converters must be OE if the vehicle
has not exceeded the warranty period as mandated by the EPA. Con-
verters must be of the same type and size and used in the same loca-
tion as the original equipment converter(s). This does not allow for a
high performance unit. If the vehicle has exceeded the warranty period,
replacement catalytic converters must be OE-type as per Section 13.0.
Exhaust hangers which are bolted or welded on the car are considered
part of the body and may not be changed or removed.
D. Any oil filter may be added if not originally equipped. Canister-type
oil filters may be replaced with a spin-on type filter using a minimum
amount of hardware and connecting lines.
E. The installation of water expansion tanks is allowed. The installation of
82 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
13. Street Category
oil catch tanks or oil separators is allowed provided the function of the
PCV system remains functional.
F. Thermostats may be added or substituted. A thermostat is a device
which controls the passage of water.
G. Silicone replacement hoses are permitted as alternate components pro-
vided they meet the requirements of Section 13.0 with regard to size,
shape, location, and performance equivalence. Replacement induction
system air intake hoses must also match the standard part in stiffness,
contour, and internal wall texture.
H. Any oil or grease, including synthetic, is permitted.
I. Valve seats and guides in older engines originally designed for leaded
fuel may be only substituted with alternate components if the dimen-
sions are the same as those of the standard components.
J. On cars equipped with computer-aided gear selection or “skip-shift”
features from the manufacturer, modifications to defeat the “skip-shift”
feature are permitted any may serve no other purpose.
K. On cars with electronically-controlled exhaust pipe valving downstream
of the catalytic converter, devices may be added to satisfy the PCM/
ECU the the OE component is still enstalled. Such devices shall perform
no other function.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 83

Section 14


Category Objective
Street Touring allowances and modifications build upon existing Street
category allowances. Competitors in this class are looking to add per-
formance to a select group of vehicles based on performance potential.
Category Values
• Vehicle modifications should not prevent daily use on public roads.
“Daily use” is subjective criterion; competitors will interpret this dif-
ferently. “Street legal” is a category goal. Some states may require more
stringent requirements. It is not the intention of “street legality” to be
an absolute. It is intended for the majority of the membership. Drive-
train configuration variances are balanced through limited slip differ-
ential and wheel/tire allowances.
• Performance Improvements Through “Bolt-On” Modifications
-- Modifications should not require cutting, drilling, or permanent al-
terations to body panels.
-- Modifications that enhance the performance for Solo® and street
▫▫ Suspension
▫▫ Differentials
▫▫ Bolt-On Engine Parts
▫▫ Aftermarket/Larger Brake Kits
▫▫ Wheel/Tire Upgrades
• Vehicle Safety Systems.
-- ABS may be electronically disabled, but otherwise must remain un-
• Required Diagnostic Systems.
-- OBD2 systems should remain functional.
-- Retention of specific emissions systems.
• Engine Tuning.
• Street Touring Sport (STS) – Naturally Aspirated Front-Wheel Drive
sedans and coupes, and similar performance light/older RWD and
AWD cars. Emphasis on momentum and handling over power.
• Street Touring Roadster (STR) – Low to medium HP Rear-Wheel
Drive roadsters and coupes. Generally, sports car based chassis.
• Street Touring Xtreme (STX) – Medium HP coupes and sedans. Pri-
marily RWD with some performance matching AWD mixed in.
• Street Touring Ultra (STU) – Higher power and performance sports
cars and coupes, along with similarly high performance AWD sedans.
• Street Touring Hatchback (STH) – Turbo hatchbacks and sedans.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 85
14. Street Touring®
The Street Touring® category of vehicle modifications is meant to fit be-
tween the current Street and Street Prepared categories. This category
provides a natural competition outlet for auto enthusiasts using afford-
able sports cars and sedans equipped with common suspension and en-
gine modifications compatible with street use.
Under the provisions of Section 1.1 of these rules, SCCA® Regions are free
to allow any other version of the Street Touring® concept which meets lo-
cal needs. In particular, some leeway in the area of bodywork allowances
(e.g., wings/spoilers beyond those allowed in Section 14.2.F) is encour-
aged at SCCA® Regional Solo® events.
See Sections 3.8 and 8.3.1 for documentation requirements.
All Street Category section 13 allowances, plus all allowances contained in
Section 14 are permitted.
A. Pedal cover kits and other interior cosmetic accessories may be added.
“Dress-up” items such as chrome dipsticks and non-standard filler caps
are permitted, provided they serve no other purpose.
B. The driver and front passenger seats may be replaced with the follow-
ing restrictions. The seating surface must be fully upholstered. The top
of the seat, or an attached headrest, may not be below the center of
the driver’s head. The seat, including mounting hardware, must weigh
at least 25 pounds and must be attached using the OE body mounting
holes/studs. Additional mounting points may be added.
C. Factory rub strips, emblems, mud flaps, bolt-on front valance lips/
spoilers, and fog lights (except those integral to a headlight or turn sig-
nal) may be removed. Rear wings may be removed so long as the vehicle
retains any federally-mandated third brake light.
D. Any steering wheel may be used. An alternate steering wheel assembly,
including all mounting hardware which replaces an airbag-equipped
wheel, is not required to have an airbag but must weigh at least as much
as the standard assembly. An alternate steering wheel is not required to
have a horn button.
E. Fenders may not be cut or flared but the inside lip may be rolled to
gain additional tire clearance. (The outer fender contour may not be
changed.) Plastic and rubber wheel well splash shields may be modi-
fied for tire clearance and to accommodate a rolled inside fender lip.
The modifications may serve no other purpose (e.g., air intake, brake
ducts, etc). No other changes to the standard fenders or wheel wells are
F. Addition of spoilers, splitters, rear wings, bumper covers, valances, side
skirts, and non-functional scoops/vents is allowed provided that either:
1. It is a production part which is standard or optional equipment of a
86 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 14
US model of the vehicle. (“Model” is defined in Section 12.)
2. It is listed in the vehicle manufacturer’s US accessory catalog for that
vehicle for normal highway use. This does not allow for parts sold
through a manufacturer’s performance catalog (e.g., Ford Racing,
HPD, Mazdaspeed, Mopar Performance, Mugen, NISMO, SPT, TRD,
Parts must be installed as directed by the manufacturer. Exact replicas,
including weight, from alternate sources are also permitted.
G. Strut bars per Section 12 are permitted with all types of suspension,
subject to the following constraints:
1. A 2-point strut bar may be added, removed, modified, or substituted,
but only with another 2-point strut bar.
2. A triangulated (3-point) strut bar may be removed, modified, or sub-
stituted; substitution may be with either a triangulated or a 2-point
strut bar. The connection to the chassis (e.g., firewall, bulkhead)
must be in the standard location.
3. Lower suspension braces must be attached to the lower suspension
pickup point locations on the chassis within 2” (50.8mm) in any di-
rection of the actual suspension attachment to the chassis.
4. Except for standard parts, no connections to other components are
Additional holes may be drilled for mounting bolts. Only “bolt-on” at-
tachment is permitted. Interior trim panels may be modified to allow
installation of strut bars. Holes or slots may be no larger than necessary
and may serve no other purpose. This does not permit any modifica-
tions to the frame or unibody beyond the allowed mounting holes.
H. Longitudinal (fore-aft) subframe connectors (“SFCs”) are permitted
with the following restrictions:
1. They must only connect previously unconnected boxed frame rails
on unibody vehicles.
2. Each SFC must attach at no more than 3 points on the unibody (e.g.,
front, rear, and one point in between such as a seat mount brace or
rocker box brace).
3. SFCs must be bolted in place and not welded.
4. No cutting of OE subframes or floorpan stampings is permitted.
Drilling is permitted for mounting bolts only.
5. No cross-car/lateral/triangulated connections directly between the
driver’s side and passenger’s side SFCs are permitted. Connections
to OE components such as tunnel braces or closure panels via bolts
are allowed and count as the third point of attachment. No alteration
to the OE components is permitted.
6. SFCs may not be used to attach other components (including but

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 87

14. Street Touring®
not limited to torque arm front mounts or driveshaft loops) and may
serve no other purpose.
14.3 TIRES
Tires must meet the eligibility requirements of the Street category with the
following additional restrictions:
Tires shall have a section width up to and including the following (mm):
STR (AWD), STS..................................................................................225
STX (AWD), STH (AWD).....................................................................245
STR (2WD)...........................................................................................255
STU (AWD & 2WD mid- or rear-engine), STX (2WD), STH (2WD)....265
STU (2WD front-engine).....................................................................285
Any wheels are allowed with widths up to the following (OE wheels ex-
ceeding these maximums are not permitted) (in.):
STR (AWD), STS...................................................................................7.5
STX (AWD).......................................................................................... 8.0
STR (2WD), STX, STH......................................................................... 9.0
STU...................................................................................................... 11.0
A. Shock absorber bump stops may be altered or removed.
B. Any shock absorbers may be used. Shock absorber mounting brackets
which serve no other purpose may be altered, added, or replaced, pro-
vided that the attachment points on the body/frame/subframe/chassis/
suspension member are not altered. This installation may incorporate
an alternate upper spring perch/seat and/or mounting block (bearing
mount). The system of attachment may be changed. The number of
shock absorbers shall be the same as standard. No shock absorber may
be capable of adjustment while the car is in motion, unless fitted as orig-
inal equipment. MacPherson strut equipped cars may substitute struts
and/or may use any insert. This does not allow unauthorized changes
in suspension geometry or changes in attachment points (e.g., affecting
the position of the lower ball joint or spindle). It is intended to allow the
strut length changes needed to accommodate permitted modifications
which affect ride height and suspension travel.
A. Non-standard brake rotors may be used provided they are of equal or
larger dimensions (diameter and overall thickness) and made of ferrous
material (e.g., iron). The diameter for replacement rotors is measured
at the minimum outside dimension. Aluminum rotor hats are allowed.
Cars originally equipped with solid (non-vented) rotors may utilize
vented rotors. Cross-drilled and/or slotted brake rotors may be fitted

88 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 14
provided all such voids are within the disc area and comprise no more
than 10% of that area.
B. Brake lines may be substituted with alternate DOT-approved flexible
brake lines.
C. Air ducts may be fitted to the brakes provided that they extend in a
forward direction only and that no changes are made in the body/struc-
ture for their use. They may serve no other purpose. Backing plates and
dirt shields may be modified or removed the air directed to the brake
rotor originates forward of the wheel well. Modifications to fender lin-
ers, undertrays, and splash guards for routing of ducts is permitted.
No new holes may be made in the bumper cover. Backing plates and
dust shields may be substituted, modified, or removed. Deflectors that
mount to components within the wheel well and serve to direct air to-
wards the rotors are permitted. Modifications for brake ducting may
serve no other purpose.
D. Original equipment ABS braking systems may be electrically disabled
but may not be removed or altered in any other way.
E. Disc brake calipers and mounting brackets may be replaced provided
they bolt to the standard locations and the number of pistons is equal
to or greater than standard. A functioning emergency brake of the same
type, operation, and actuation as OE must be present.
F. Drum brakes may be replaced with disc brakes of a diameter equal to
or greater than the inside diameter of the standard drum. Such conver-
sions must be bolted, not welded, to the axle/trailing arm/upright and
must include an integral, redundant emergency brake. The emergency
brake must utilize the OE actuation method (e.g. pedal vs handle) and
components. The emergency brake must be integral to the new cali-
per, a drum brake style assembly within the new rotor, or a separate
emergency brake caliper must be used. Changes to backing plates/dust
shields/brake lines/emergency brake cables to accommodate these
changes are permitted but may serve no other purpose.
G. A single brake master cylinder brace may be added provided it is bolt-
on and serves no other purpose.
Substitution, addition, or removal of any anti-roll bar(s) is permitted.
Bushing material, method of attachment, and locating points are unre-
stricted. This does not authorize the cutting of holes to route the bar(s) or
links. Components such as anti-roll bars and strut housings that serve dual
purposes by also functioning as suspension locators may not be modified
in ways that change the suspension geometry or steering geometry. Non-
standard lateral members which connect between the brackets for the bar,
including allowed strut bars per Section 14.2.G, are permitted.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 89

14. Street Touring®
A. Ride height may only be altered by suspension adjustments, the use
of spacing blocks, leaf spring shackles, torsion bar levers, or change or
modification of springs or coil spring perches. This does not allow the
use of spacers that alter suspension geometry, such as those between
the hub carrier and lower suspension arm. Springs must be of the same
type as the original (e.g., coil, leaf, torsion bar, bellows) and except
as noted herein, must use the original spring attachment points. This
permits multiple springs, as long as they use the original mount loca-
tions. Coil spring perches may be changed or altered and their position
may be adjustable. Spacers are allowed above or below the spring. Coil
springs may incorporate spring rubbers. Suspension bump stops may
be altered or removed.
B. Suspension bushings may be replaced with bushings of any materials
(except metal) as long as they fit in the original location. Offset bushings
may be used. In a replacement bushing, the amount of metal relative to
the amount of non-metallic material may not be increased. This does
not authorize a change in type of bushing (e.g., ball and socket replac-
ing a cylindrical bushing) or use of a bushing with an angled hole whose
direction differs from that of the original bushing. If the standard bush-
ing accommodated multi-axis motion via compliance of the component
material(s), the replacement bushing may not be changed to accommo-
date such motion via a change in bushing type, for example to a spheri-
cal bearing or similar component involving internal moving parts. Pins
or keys may be used to prevent the rotation of alternate bushings but
may serve no other purpose than that of retaining the bushing in the
desired position.
C. The following allowances apply to strut-type suspensions. Adjustable
camber plates may be installed at the top of the strut and the original
upper mounting holes may be slotted. The drilling of holes in order to
perform the installation is permitted. The center clearance hole may
not be modified. Any type of bearing or bushing may be used in the ad-
justable camber plate attachment to the strut. The installation may in-
corporate an alternate upper spring perch/seat and/or mounting block
(bearing mount). Any ride height change resulting from installation of
camber plates is allowed. Caster changes resulting from the use of cam-
ber plates are permitted.
D. Differential mount bushings may be replaced but must attach in the
standard location(s) without additional modification or changes. Dif-
ferential position may not be changed. The amount of metal in a re-
placement bushing may not be increased relative to the amount of
metal found in a standard bushing for the particular application. Solid
metal bushings are specifically prohibited.

90 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 14
E. Steering rack bushings may be replaced but must attach in the factory
location(s) without additional modification or changes. Steering rack
position may not be changed. The amount of metal in a replacement
bushing may not be increased relative to the amount of metal found in
a standard bushing for the particular application. Solid metal bushings
are specifically prohibited. This does NOT allow shimming or otherwise
relocating the steering rack.
F. Camber bolts may be installed providing these parts use the original,
unmodified mounting points and meet the restrictions specified in Sec-
tion 14.5.B. Caster changes resulting from the use of camber bolts are
G. Solid axle rear wheel drive (RWD) suspension allowances:
1. Addition or replacement of suspension stabilizers (linkage connect-
ing the axle housing or DeDion to the chassis, which controls lateral
suspension location) is permitted.
2. Traction bars or torque arms may be added or replaced.
3. A Panhard rod may be added or replaced.
4. The upper arm(s) may be removed, replaced, or modified and the
upper pickup points on the rear axle housing may be relocated.
5. The lower arms may be replaced or modified and the lower pickup
points on the rear axle housing may be relocated.
6. Differential covers and attaching hardware may be replaced.
7. Methods of attachment and attachment points are unrestricted but
may serve no other purpose (e.g., chassis stiffening). This does not
authorize removal of a welded on part of a subframe to accommodate
the installation.
H. Camber kits (also known as camber compensators) may be installed.
These kits consist of either adjustable length arms or arm mounts (in-
cluding ball joints) that provide a lateral adjustment to the effective
length of a control arm. Alignment outside the factory specifications is
allowed. The following restrictions apply:
1. On double/unequal arm (e.g., wishbone, multi-link) suspensions,
only the upper arms OR lower arms may be modified or replaced,
but not both. Non-integral longitudinal arms that primarily control
fore/aft wheel movement (e.g., trailing arm(s) or link(s) of a multi-
link suspension) may not be replaced, changed, or modified.
2. On arm-and-strut (MacPherson/Chapman) suspensions, the lower
arms may be modified/replaced OR other methods of camber adjust-
ment as allowed by Sections 14.8.B, C, or F may be used, but NOT
3. On swing or trailing arm suspensions, the main arms may not be
modified or replaced, but lateral locating links/arms may be modi-
fied or replaced.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 91
14. Street Touring®
4. Front wheel drive (FWD) cars with rear beam axles may use shims
between the rear axle and hubs.
5. The replacement arms or mounts must attach to the original stan-
dard mounting points. All bushings must meet the requirements of
Section 14.8.B. Intermediate mounting points (e.g., shock/spring
mounts) may not be moved or relocated on the arm, except as in-
cidental to the camber adjustment. The knuckle/bearing housing/
spindle assembly cannot be modified or replaced.
6. Changes in suspension geometry are not allowed except as incidental
to the effective arm length change.
Note: Many modern suspension designs known by other names, ac-
tually function as double A-arm designs. These include the rear sus-
pensions on 1988-on Honda Civic/Integra, Chrysler/Plymouth/Dodge
Neon, BMW E36, and most “multi-link” and are covered by Section
I. On strut-equipped cars, the strut’s lower integral mounting bracket, for
attachment to the upright or spindle, is unrestricted provided it attach-
es to the standard location. Any resulting change to the position of the
strut centerline is allowed. Such brackets shall serve no other purpose.
This does not allow for changes to the integral steering arm on cars that
have the steering arm integrated with the strut body.
J. Changes in alignment parameters that result directly from the use of
the allowed components are permitted. For example, the dimensional
changes resulting from the use of a cylindrical offset bushing that meets
the restrictions of Section 14.8.B are allowed, including those resulting
from a change in the pivoting action to:
-- About the mounting bolt, or
-- About the bushing itself.
K. Subframe mount bushings may be replaced, but must attach in the stan-
dard location(s) without additional modification or changes. Subframe
position may not be changed. The amount of metal in a replacement
bushing may not be increased relative to the amount of metal found in
a standard bushing for the particular application. Solid metal bushings
are specifically prohibited.
A. The make, model number, and size of the battery may be changed but
not its voltage. Relocation of the battery or batteries is permitted but
not into the passenger compartment. If the battery is relocated and the
original battery tray can be removed by simply unbolting it, the tray
may be removed or relocated with the battery. Holes may be drilled for
mounting or passage of cables. Longer cables may be substituted to per-
mit relocation. The number of battery or batteries may not be changed
from standard. The area behind the rearmost seat is not considered to

92 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 14
be within the passenger compartment. The area under the rearmost
seat is considered to be within the passenger compartment. Battery al-
lowances do not apply to electric and hybrid-electric vehicles.
B. The addition of electrical grounding cables and associated distribution
blocks/terminals is permitted. Holes may be drilled for mounting only.
This does not permit the use of electrical enhancement components
such as condensers, voltage controllers, etc.
A. Oil pans, oil pickups, and differential covers may be modified or substi-
tuted. Addition or modification of windage trays or crankshaft scrap-
ers is not allowed. Engine oil, transmission fluid, differential fluid, and
power steering fluid coolers may be added or substituted (including oil
to coolant heat exchangers) but may not serve any additional purpose.
B. Original equipment traction control systems may be electrically dis-
abled, but not removed or altered in any other way.
C. The air intake system up to, but not including, the engine inlet may be
modified or replaced. The engine inlet is the throttle body, carburetor,
compressor inlet, or intake manifold, whichever comes first. The exist-
ing structure of the car may not be modified for the passage of duct-
ing from the air cleaner to the engine inlet. Holes may be drilled for
mounting. Emissions or engine management components in the air
intake system, such as a PCV valve or mass airflow sensor, may not be
removed, modified, or replaced, and must retain their original function
along the flow path.
STH only: As utilized only on engines originally equipped with forced
induction, induction charge heat exchangers (also known as “intercool-
ers” or“charge air coolers” [CACs]) are unrestricted in size and shape.
Air-to-air CACs and radiators for air-to-liquid CACs must be cooled
only by the atmosphere except for standard parts. Body panels, fascias,
or structural members may not be cut or altered to facilitate CAC instal-
lation. Removal of vehicle components to facilitate installation is not
allowed. Holes may be drilled for mounting. Factory boost piping may
not be modified or replaced.
D. Exhaust manifolds, headers, downpipes, and associated EGR tubes
may be replaced with alternate units. Exhaust exit may be relocated
provided it meets Section 3.3.3.B.16. Relocation of the oxygen sensor
on the header is permitted. Exhaust heat shields which cover only, and
attach solely to, these parts may also be replaced, removed, or modified.
All other exhaust heat shields may be modified the minimum amount
necessary to accommodate allowed alternate exhaust components.
Mounting brackets/hardware which serve no other purpose are consid-
ered part of the exhaust components.
E. Any catalytic converters are allowed with the following constraints.
Catalytic converters must attach within 6” (152.4 mm) of the original
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 93
14. Street Touring®
unit. Multiple catalytic converters may be replaced by a single unit. The
inlet(s) of the single replacement converter(s) may must be located no
further downstream than 6” (152.4 mm) further along the piping ex-
haust flow path from the original exit of the final OE converter.
The extents of an OE converter are defined by the expansion chamber
in which the catalyst is contained, regardless of placement within larger
exhaust sections. Replacement converters must have a minimum cata-
lyst density of 100 cells per inch and minimum substrate length of 3”
(76.2 mm).
F. The engine management system parameters and operation of internal
combustion engines may be modified only via the methods listed be-
low. Any OE OBD2 or newer communications port functionally must
remain. The Check Engine Light (CEL) or Malfunction Indicator Light
(MIL) may be disabled via software. Only sensors equipped from the
manufacturer may be used for engine management.
1. For all model years, the following allowances apply:
a. The standard PCM/ECU may be re-programmed without restric-
b. Fuel pressure regulator(s) may be replaced in lieu of electronic
hardware or software alterations. It is not permitted to mechani-
cally alter the fuel pressure regulation AND make other hardware
or software changes to engine operation.
c. Ignition timing may be set at any point on factory-adjustable dis-
tributor ignition systems.
2. For 2005 and older model year vehicles:
a. A supplementary (“piggyback”) ECU is permitted. It must be plug-
compatable with the standard PCM/ECU (no splices) and must
connect only between the standard PCM/ECU and its wiring har-
b. Electronic components may be installed in-line between the en-
gine sensors and PCM/ECU. These components may alter the sig-
nal from the sensor in order to affect the PCM/ECU operation.
Example: Fuel controllers that modify the signal from an airflow
c. VTEC controllers and other devices may be used which alter the
timing of manufacturer electronic variable-valve systems.
3. 1995 and older vehicles may implement a replacement “stand-alone”
G. Any mechanical shift linkage may be used.
H. Any accessory pulleys and belts of the same type (e.g., V-belt, serpen-
tine) as standard may be used. This allowance applies to accessory
pulleys only (e.g., alternator, water pump, power steering pump, and
crankshaft drive pulleys). It does not allow replacement, modification,
94 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 14
or substitution of pulleys, cogs, gears, or belts which are part of cam,
layshaft, or ignition drive or timing systems, etc. Any crankshaft damp-
er or pulley may be used. SFI-rated dampers are recommended. Super-
charged cars may not change the effective diameter of any pulley which
drives the supercharger.
I. Upper engine shields made of plastic material, the purpose of which
is to hide mechanical components in the engine compartment, may be
removed if they have a solely aesthetic and/or acoustic function.
J. Any engine or transmission mount is allowed provided it attaches only
to the original mounting points, does not relocate the engine/transmis-
sion (other than incidental to changes in compliance material), and
weighs no less than the OE mount. All components between the engine/
transmission and the mounting structure are considered to be part of
the mount assembly.
K. Limited Slip Differentials
1. STS class: No limited slip differentials are permitted except for fac-
tory standard viscous coupler-type units.
2. STU, STR, STX, and STH classes: Only standard (as defined in Sec-
tion 12) limited slip differentials (LSD) are allowed on AWD vehicles.
For AWD vehicles that did not come with any type of limited slip
differential (including center differential or transfer case), a single
aftermarket mechanical LSD may be added. 2WD vehicles may use
any mechanical LSD unit.
L. Engine cooling radiators may be replaced with alternate parts subject to
the following restrictions:
1. Radiator core dimensions (width, height, thickness) cannot be small-
er than the standard part.
2. Radiator must mount to OE radiator mounts.
3. Fluid capacity and dry weight of the radiator must be no less than
that of the standard part. Installation of an alternate radiator may
serve no other purpose (e.g., to allow a cold air intake passage).
M.Cars with combustion chamber oil injection systems (such as those in
rotary engines) may supplement the standard engine lubrication with
additional oil supplied through the standard fuel delivery system.
N. A single clutch master cylinder brace may be added provided it is bolt-
on and serves no other purpose.
Where a car is out of production and the manufacturer is either out of
business, stocks no parts or no longer has a required part, a part of any
origin but as similar as possible to the original may be substituted. The
entrant must be prepared to show documentary evidence that one of the
three circumstances above applies and that the substituted part is as simi-
lar as possible under the circumstances. Substitute parts which provide
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 95
improvements in performance (e.g., superior gearing, lighter weight, bet-
ter camshaft profile, etc.) are not permitted under this allowance.
Section 15


Category Objective
Street Prepared builds on the Street allowances to provide opportuni-
ties for vehicles with more extensive modifications that may not be suit-
able for public highway use.
Category Values
Provide a level of modification which encompasses lower-prep category
allowances plus a moderate level of fabrication and a greater range of
bolt-on alternatives.
Core Modifications
• DOT R-compound tires.
• Permanent alteration to the body, such as modification of fenders via
cutting and/or flaring for tire clearance.
• Drilling trunks/hatches for spoiler mounting.
• Front splitters and rear spoilers.
• Update/Backdate allowances to interchange of parts among selected
• Engine tuning with stock internals.
-- Aftermarket ECU.
-- Unrestricted Induction.
-- Emissions system removal.
-- Unrestricted exhaust systems.
• Weight reduction (A/C removal, steering wheel airbag removal, etc.).
• Suspension Updates.
• Super Street Prepared (SSP) – High Performance sports cars.
• A Street Prepared (ASP) – AWD turbo sedans and medium perfor-
mance coupes and sports cars.
• B Street Prepared (BSP) – Medium performance 2 seater and 2+2
sports cars.
• C Street Prepared (CSP) – Lower powered 2 seat sports cars and
FWD cars.
• D Street Prepared (DSP) – Heavier RWD sports sedans/coupes
and FWD cars.
• E Street Prepared (ESP) – Muscle cars and foreign grand touring
• F Street Prepared (FSP) – FWD cars with some lower power RWD
and AWD cars.
Cars running in Street Prepared Category must have been series produced
with normal road touring equipment, capable of being licensed for normal

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 97

15. Street Prepared
road use in the United States, and normally sold and delivered through the
manufacturer’s retail sales outlets in the United States. Cars not specifi-
cally listed in Street, Street Touring, or Street Prepared Category classes
in Appendix A must have been produced in quantities of at least 1000 in a
12-month period to be eligible for Street Prepared Category.
A vehicle may compete in Street Prepared Category if the preparation of
the vehicle has not exceeded the allowable modifications of Street Catego-
ry, except as specified below. However, the distinction between different
years/models used in Street Category does not apply in Street Prepared
Category. Example: Porsche 911 models that are listed on the same line are
considered the same.
Vehicles denoted with “*Limited Prep*” in Appendix A will run under the
normal Street Prepared rule set with exceptions as follows: Subsections
denoted “Full Prep” do not apply.
Cars listed as eligible in and prepared to the current Club Racing Improved
Touring (IT) rules are permitted to compete in their respective Street Pre-
pared classes. Neither Street Prepared nor Improved Touring cars are
permitted to interchange preparation rules. Improved Touring cars may
use tires which are eligible under the current IT rules even if they are not
eligible in Street Prepared.
Cars listed as eligible in and prepared to the current Club Racing Ameri-
can Sedan (AS) rules are permitted to compete in Street Prepared class B
(BSP). Neither Street Prepared nor American Sedan cars are permitted to
interchange preparation rules. American Sedan cars may use tires which
are eligible under current AS rules even if they are not eligible in Street
Cars listed as eligible in and prepared to the current Club Racing Touring
T2-T4 Category rules are permitted to compete in their respective Street
Prepared classes. Neither Street Prepared nor Touring cars are permit-
ted to interchange preparation rules. Touring cars may use tires which are
eligible under current Touring rules even if they are not eligible in Street
Cars listed as eligible in and prepared to the current Street Touring® cat-
egory rules are permitted to compete in their respective Street Prepared
classes, with the additional allowance that they may use any tire which
meets the requirements of 15.3 and fits on the Street Touring® compliant
wheels and within the Street Touring® compliant bodywork.
Cars eligible for the current Club Racing Spec Miata class are permitted to
compete in Street Prepared class D (DSP), with the additional allowance
that they may use any size of any tire which meets the requirements of
15.3 and fits on the Spec Miata compliant wheels and within the compli-
ant bodywork. Spec Miata cars in DSP may not intermix use of the Spec
Miata and Street Prepared allowances. The competitor is responsible for

98 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 15
being in possession of the Spec Miata rules and for proving that his/her
car conforms to the rules.
Cars listed as eligible in and prepared to the current Club Racing B-Spec
Regulations are permitted to compete in their respective Street Prepared
Classes. Neither Street Prepared nor B-Spec cars are permitted to inter-
change preparation rules. B-Spec cars may use tires which are eligible un-
der current Club Racing B-Spec rules even if they are not eligible in Street
While the rules of the Street Prepared Category have remained essential-
ly the same, the laws governing various aspects of street-driven vehicles
have changed over time. The original concept of this category as made up
predominantly of street-driven vehicles has been rendered inappropriate.
SCCA® does not encourage or condone the breaking of laws governing
pollution control systems or the alteration of street-driven vehicles con-
trary to state and federal laws regarding their use. It continues to be the
responsibility of the individual to comply with such state and federal laws.
See Sections 3.8 and 8.3.1 for documentation requirements.
Specific vehicle classifications are located in Appendix A of these rules.
A. All Allowable modifications permitted in Section 13, Street Category are
B. Street Prepared vehicles may only be modified in excess of Street Cat-
egory rules in the following ways. Any modification not specifically au-
thorized by the Street Category or Street Prepared rules is prohibited.
No unauthorized modifications are permitted in order to accommodate
authorized modifications (e.g., non-standard hood scoops or holes nec-
essary for carburetor clearance). Structural modifications, such as the
addition of members known as “jacking rails,” are not permitted unless
specifically authorized herein.
C. Full Prep: Equipment and/or specifications may be exchanged be-
tween different years and models of a vehicle if:
1. The item is standard on the year/model from which it was taken, and
2. The years/models are listed on the same line of Appendix A, Street
Prepared Classes.
The updated/backdated part or the part to which it is to be attached
may not be altered, modified, machined, welded, or otherwise changed
to facilitate the updating/backdating allowance. Standard factory in-
stallation methods, locations, and configurations are allowed. The up-
dating and/or backdating of engines, transmissions, transaxles, and/or
unibodies must be done as a unit; component parts and specifications
of these units may not be interchanged. Cars not listed in the Street
Prepared Sections of Appendix A may not be updated/backdated until
approved by the SEB and published in the official SCCA® publication.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 99
15. Street Prepared
D. Alternate computer control modules may be used whenever an equiva-
lent change to the conventional system is allowed. For example, alter-
nate computer module control of ignition settings or fuel injection is
E. Air conditioning systems may be removed in whole or in part. This rule
should not be interpreted to allow modification of the heater system.
F. On all forms of suspension, camber/caster adjustment within factory
specifications may be achieved by the use of shims or eccentric bush-
ings. The intent of this allowance is to permit cars to be restored to
within factory-allowed specification ranges, not to provide an addi-
tional method beyond those permitted in Section 15.8, Suspension, to
obtain alignment settings beyond the factory specifications.
Refer to Appendix F for past clarifications of these rules.
Vehicles may only exceed the allowances of Street Category section 13.2 as
specified herein.
A. Full Prep: Fenders and bumpers may be modified for tire clearance.
This includes the portion of a hood which serves as a fender/wheel well,
where applicable. This does not permit modifications to the chassis
or bodywork inboard of the vertical plane of the hub/wheel mounting
face (at rest, with front wheels straight ahead). Flares may be added
although tires may extend beyond the bodywork. Replacement of com-
plete hood, flared fenders, or quarter panels is prohibited. Plastic and
rubber wheel well splash shields may be modified or removed for tire
clearance and for installation of fender flares as allowed herein.
Hardware may be added to the steering system outside the passenger
compartment to limit steering travel, provided it does not alter steering
or suspension geometry within the limited range of motion and serves
no other purpose.
Limited Prep: Fenders may not be cut or flared but the inside lip may
be rolled to gain additional tire clearance. (The outer fender contour
may not be changed.) Plastic and rubber wheel well splash shields
may be modified for tire clearance and to accommodate a rolled in-
side fender lip. The modifications may serve no other purpose (e.g., air
intake, brake ducts, etc.). No other changes to the standard fenders or
wheel wells are permitted.
B. Factory rub strips, emblems, mud flaps, rear wings, and/or spoilers
may be removed.
C. Strut bars (per Section 12.18) are permitted with all types of suspen-
sions, subject to the following constraints:
1. A 2-point strut bar may be added, removed, modified, or substituted,
but only with another two-point strut bar.
2. A triangulated (3-point) strut bar may be removed, modified, or sub-
100 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 15
stituted; substitution may be with either a triangulated or a 2-point
strut bar. The connection to the chassis (i.e., firewall, bulkhead) must
be in the standard location.
3. Lower suspension braces must be attached to the lower suspension
pickup point locations on the chassis within two inches (2”, 50.8 mm)
in any direction of the actual suspension attachment to the chassis.
4. Except for standard parts, no connections to other components are
Additional holes may be drilled for mounting bolts. Interior trim panels
may be modified to allow installation of strut bars. Holes or slots may
be no larger than necessary and may serve no other purpose. This does
not permit any modifications to the frame or unibody beyond the al-
lowed mounting holes.
D. Full Prep: Subframe mount bushings may be replaced, but must at-
tach in the standard location(s) without additional modification or
changes. Subframe position may not be changed.
E. Longitudinal (fore-aft) subframe connectors (SFCs) are permitted with
the following restrictions:
1. They must only connect previously unconnected boxed frame rails
on unibody vehicles.
2. Each SFC must attach at no more than three points on the unibody
(e.g., front, rear, and one point in between such as a seat mount brace
or rocker box brace).
3. Full Prep: SFCs must be bolted or welded, but welding must be to
the OE subframe stampings, not to the floor pan in between.
Limited Prep: SFCs must be bolted.
4. No cutting of OE subframes or floorpan stampings is permitted.
Drilling is permitted for mounting bolts only.
5. No cross-car/lateral/triangulated connections directly between the
driver’s side and passenger’s side SFCs are permitted. Connections
to OE components such as tunnel braces or closure panels via bolts
are allowed and count as the third point of attachment. No alteration
to the OE components is permitted.
6. SFCs may not be used to attach other components (including but
not limited to torque arm front mounts or driveshaft loops) and may
serve no other purpose.
F. The driver and front passenger seats may be replaced with the follow-
ing restrictions: Seats must be securely mounted per Section 3.3.3.B.3.
The seating surface must be fully upholstered. Any replacement seat
must be a full back, bucket-type automobile seat incorporating a func-
tional headrest. Kart seats, low-back dune buggy seats, and other simi-
lar types of seat are expressly prohibited. Cars may have no fewer than
the standard number of seats. The seat tracks are considered part of the
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 101
15. Street Prepared
seat and may be substituted. Alternate seat tracks may serve no other
purpose. The standard seat belts may be removed to facilitate the instal-
lation of alternate restraints complying with safety requirements. An
alternate seat which replaces an airbag-equipped seat is not required to
have an airbag.
G. Any steering wheel may be used. An alternate wheel which replaces an
airbag-equipped wheel is not required to have an airbag. An alternate
wheel is not required to have a horn button.
H. Airbags may be electrically disabled but not removed unless explicitly
I. Full Prep: Spoilers/splitters and cosmetic trim pieces are permitted.
Side skirts may not be used. Spoilers/splitters must comply with the
1. A spoiler/splitter may be added to the front of the car below the
bumper. It may not extend rearward beyond the front most part of
the front wheel well openings, and may not block normal grille or
other openings, or obstruct lights. Splitters may not protrude beyond
the bumper. Openings may not be used for the purpose of ducting air
to the radiator or oil cooler, but they may allow air to flow through
a permitted oil cooler provided no ducting is used. The spoiler may
not function as a wing. This allows a vertical air dam/spoiler above a
horizontal splitter, but splitter fences or longitudinal vertical mem-
bers that serve to trap air on top of the splitter by preventing it from
flowing around the sides of the car are not allowed.
2. A spoiler may be added to the rear of the car provided it complies
with either of the following:
a. It is a production rear spoiler which is standard or optional equip-
ment of a US model of the vehicle or an exact replica in an alter-
nate material.
b. It is a non-production rear spoiler which is mounted to the rear-
most portion of the rear hatch, deck, or trunk lid. The spoiler may
extend no more than 10” (254 mm) from the original bodywork
in any direction. Alternatively, in a hatchback, the spoiler may be
mounted to the rear hatch lid at or near the top of the hatch; in
such a configuration the spoiler may extend no more than 4” (101.6
mm) from the original bodywork in any direction. The spoiler
shall not protrude beyond the perimeter of the original bodywork
as viewed from above. The use of endplates is prohibited. Angle of
attack is free. The spoiler may not function as a wing.
Limited Prep: Addition of spoilers, splitters, rear wings, bumper cov-
ers, valances, side skirts, and non-functional scoops/vents is allowed
provided that either:
1. It is a production part which is standard or optional equipment of a

102 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 15
US model of the vehicle. (“Model” is defined in Section 12.)
2. It is listed in the vehicle manufacturer’s US accessory catalog for
that vehicle for normal highway use. This does not allow for parts
sold through a manufacturer’s performance catalog (e.g., Ford
Racing, HPD, MazdaSpeed, Mopar Performance, Mugen, NISMO,
SPT, TRD, etc.). Parts must be installed as directed by the manufac-
turer. Exact replicas, including weight, from alternate sources are
also permitted.
J. Rollover structures
1. Roll bars must comply with Section 13.2.G.1 in Street category.
2. Roll cages must comply with the following:
a. The roll cage need not be removable. It shall be bolted or welded
to the car.
b. The cage shall attach to the car at no more than 8 points, consist-
ing of the basic cage with 6 attachment points and 2 additional
optional braces.
c. The forward part of the cage shall be mounted to the floor of the
vehicle. If used, the 2 optional braces referred to in (2) shall be
mounted, one on either side, from the forward section of the cage
to the firewall or front fender wells. No braces shall pass through
the front firewall.
d. Roll cages that utilize NASCAR-style door bars that protrude into
the door cavity must comply with the GCR roll cage requirements
for production-based cars.
e. Roll cages which utilize door bars that protrude into the door pan-
el must comply with all Club Racing GCR requirements for roll
• Installation of roll cages in Street Prepared cars must follow the same
standards for interior modifications to accommodate the cage instal-
lation as those which are applicable to Touring cars in Club Racing.
K. Full Prep: The use of a fuel cell which complies with GCR require-
ments is permitted, provided all of the following additional restrictions
are met:
1. The capacity of the cell may differ by no more than 20% from that of
the original tank.
2. The location of the cell may differ from that of the original tank by no
more than 6” in any direction.
3. The car meets all applicable Club Racing Time Trials Level 3 Track
Trials and/or Level 4 Hillclimbs safety standards, including those for
rollover protection and the installation of a fire extinguisher.
L. Full Prep: Fuel tank changes are permitted only as allowed under Sec-
tions 15.1.C and 15.2.K. No additional tanks or reservoirs may be used.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 103

15. Street Prepared
M.Accelerator, brake, and clutch pedals may utilize substitute covers of
unrestricted origin, shape, and size provided they meet the following
requirements: covers must be securely attached, provide a non-slip sur-
face, not interfere with each other’s operation, and must be deemed safe
at Tech Inspection. A clutch pedal stop may be added.
N. Full Prep: The OE radio may be removed. The OE sound system com-
ponents, except wiring, may be removed. Any visible holes which result
from the removal of such equipment must be covered.
O. Full Prep: Sunroof-equipped cars may be converted to a solid-roof
configuration provided a model without a sunroof is listed on the same
line in Appendix A.
P. Full Prep: A non-OE sunroof replacement panel may not be used in
place of the OE sunroof.
Q. Fog lights may be removed.
R. Full Prep: Interior rear view mirror and sun visors (and mounting
hardware provided it serves no other purpose) may be removed or re-
S. Suspension and drivetrain mounting, including subframes, locations
may be reinforced in order to improve durability and reliability. Any
modifications are subject to the following restrictions:
1. Material may only be added, not removed.
2. Mounting locations may not be moved in any direction.
3. The method of attachment to other components may not be changed.
4. Any added material may not inhibit any motion that would otherwise
be uninhibited.
5. Any modification must remain in the area of the attachment point
to be reinforced. This does not allow for braces or cross connection
between otherwise unconnected locations.
6. Modifications may serve no purpose other than to increase durabil-
ity and reliability. This allowance is intended to improve durability
without improving performance. Modifications are not to be made
to allow for increased power or larger tires but to fix or prevent com-
mon failures of the vehicle structure or subframes. This rule is in-
tended to permit modifications to prevent common failures such as
suspension mounting location tear-outs or cracking shock towers/
15.3 TIRES
Tires must meet the requirements for Street Category with the exception
of Sections 13.3.A.1 (minimum UTQG Treadwear Grade), 13.3.A.2 (mini-
mum molded tread depth), and 13.3.A.5 (must be designed for highway
use). The restriction that tires must be designed for highway use also does
not apply; purpose-built DOT-approved competition tires are allowed.

104 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 15
Section 13.3.C.4 is replaced with the following list, which may be altered at
any time by the SEB upon notification of membership.
• Kumho Ecsta W710
Vehicles may only exceed the allowances of 13.4 as specified herein.
A. Wheels of any diameter, width, or offset may be used. Aftermarket
wheels may be modified to install OE tire pressure sensors.
B. Wheel spacers are permitted. Wheel studs and knock-off wheel drive
pegs may be changed in length and diameter. Wheel bolts may be re-
placed with studs and nuts.
Vehicles may only exceed the allowances of Section 13.5 as specified here-
A. Shock absorber bump stops may be altered or removed.
B. On cars with lever-type shock absorbers, a tube-type shock absorber
may be added. If the lever-type shock serves no other purpose, it must
be removed. If the lever-type shock serves any other purpose, it must be
C. Any shock absorbers may be used. Shock absorber mounting brackets
which serve no other purpose may be altered, added or replaced provid-
ed that the attachment points on the body/frame/subframe/chassis/
suspension member are not altered. The installation may incorporate
an alternate upper spring perch/seat and/or mounting block (bearing
mount). The system of attachment may be changed. The number of
shock absorbers shall be the same as standard. No shock absorber may
be capable of adjustment while the car is in motion unless fitted as orig-
inal equipment. MacPherson strut equipped cars may substitute struts
and/or may use any insert. This does not allow unauthorized changes
in suspension geometry or changes in attachment points (e.g., affecting
the position of the lower ball joint or spindle). It is intended to allow the
strut length changes needed to accommodate permitted modifications
which affect ride height and suspension travel. This allowance differs
from the Club Racing Improved Touring Allowance 9.1.3.D.5.b.1.
D. On strut suspensions using a non-standard lower control arm (as de-
fined by Section 15.8.H.2), an alternate upper spring perch/seat and/or
mounting block (bearing mount) as described in Section 15.5.C may be
used provided it offers no camber/caster adjustment beyond standard.
Vehicles may only exceed the allowances of Section 13.6 as specified here-
A. Full Prep: Any brake line, master cylinder, vacuum brake booster,
or brake proportioning valve that meets the requirements of Section

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 105

15. Street Prepared
3.3.3.B.13 may be used. This does not allow multiple separate cylinders.
A single master cylinder brace may be added provided it is bolt-on and
serves no other purpose. One additional hole may be drilled in brake
pedal arm for relocation of the master cylinder pushrod.
B. “Safety brakers” and units such as the “Brake Guard System” are per-
C. Full Prep: ABS braking systems may be disabled, but not removed;
brake boosters may be removed, modified, substituted, or added.
Limited Prep: Any brake line may be used.
D. Alternate brake rotors are permitted subject to the following restric-
1. Rotors must be ferrous metal except for standard parts. Aluminum
rotor hats are allowed. Rotor dimensions (diameter and thickness)
must be equal to or greater than standard parts. Cars originally
equipped with solid (non-vented) rotors may utilize vented rotors.
2. Cross-drilled and/or slotted brake rotors may be used. Slots/holes
are permitted only in the braking area of the rotor. Rotors featuring
a drum-type parking brake in the hat area of the rotor may not be
drilled or slotted in the parking brake area.
E. Drum brakes may be replaced with disc brakes. Disc brake rotors for
such a conversion must be equal to or greater in diameter than the in-
side diameter of the standard brake drum. Changes to backing plates/
mounting brackets/brake lines to accommodate this change are per-
mitted but may serve no other purpose. Drum-to-disc brake conver-
sions must be bolted, not welded, to the axle/control arm/upright.
F. Air ducts may be fitted to the brakes provided that no changes are made
in the body/structure for their use. They may serve no other purpose.
Backing plates and dirt shields may be modified or removed.
G. A functional, redundant emergency (parking) brake must be present.
H. Brake calipers may be replaced, provided the number of pistons is equal
to or greater than the original number of pistons. Caliper mounting
brackets may be replaced to accommodate this change, but may serve
no other purpose. Alternate caliper brackets must bolt to the original
caliper bracket mounting location(s).
Vehicles may only exceed the allowances of Section 13.7 as specified here-
Substitution, addition, or removal of any anti-roll bar(s) is permitted.
Bushing material, method of attachment, and locating points are unre-
stricted. This does not authorize removal of a welded-on part of a sub-
frame to accommodate the installation, or the cutting of holes to route the
bar or links. Non-standard lateral members which connect between the

106 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 15
brackets for the bar, including allowed strut bars per Section 15.2.C, are
The bar may serve no other purpose which is not explicitly permitted else-
where herein. Components such as anti-roll bars and strut housings which
serve dual purposes by also functioning as suspension locators may not be
modified or substituted in ways which change the suspension geometry
or steering geometry, and may not be installed in positions (e.g., upside
down) other than that of the original configuration.
Vehicles may only exceed the allowances of Section 13.8 as specified here-
A. Ride height may only be altered by suspension adjustments, the use
of spacing blocks, leaf spring shackles, torsion bar levers, or change or
modification of springs or coil spring perches. This does not allow the
use of spacers which alter suspension geometry such as those between
the hub carrier and lower suspension arm. Springs must be of the same
type as the original (coil, leaf, torsion bar, etc.) and except as noted
herein, must use the original spring attachment points. This permits
multiple springs as long as they use the original mount locations. Coil
spring perches originally attached to struts or shock absorber bodies
may be changed or altered and their position may be adjustable. Spac-
ers are allowed above or below the spring.
B. Suspension bump stops may be altered or removed.
C. Suspension bushings may be replaced with bushings of any materials
(except metal) as long as they fit in the original location. Offset bushings
may be used. In a replacement bushing the amount of metal relative to
the amount of non-metallic material may not be increased. This does
not authorize a change in type of bushing (for example ball and socket
replacing a cylindrical bushing) or use of a bushing with an angled hole
whose direction differs from that of the original bushing. If the stan-
dard bushing accommodated multi-axis motion via compliance of the
component material(s), the replacement bushing may not be changed
to accommodate such motion via change in bushing type, for example
to a spherical bearing or similar component involving internal moving
parts. Pins or keys may be used to prevent the rotation of alternate bush-
ings but may serve no other purpose than that of retaining the bushing
in the desired position. Differential mount bushings are not considered
to be suspension bushings and are not covered by this allowance.
D. Differential mount bushings may be replaced but must attach in the
factory location(s) without additional modification or changes. Differ-
ential position may not be changed.
E. Steering rack bushings may be replaced but must attach in the factory
location(s) without additional modification or changes. Steering rack
position may not be changed. Solid metal bushings are specifically pro-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 107
15. Street Prepared
hibited. This does NOT allow shimming or otherwise relocating the
steering rack.
F. The following allowances apply to strut-type suspensions: Adjustable
camber plates may be installed at the top of the strut and the original
upper mounting holes may be slotted. The drilling of holes in order to
perform the installation is permitted but the center clearance hole may
not be modified. Any type of bearing or bushing may be used in the ad-
justable camber plate attachment to the strut. The installation may in-
corporate an alternate upper spring perch/seat and/or mounting block
(bearing mount). Any ride height change resulting from installation of
camber plates is allowed. Caster changes resulting from the use of cam-
ber plates are permitted.
G. Camber bolts may be installed providing these parts use the original,
unmodified mounting points. Caster changes resulting from the use of
camber bolts are permitted.
H. Camber kits, also known as camber compensators, may be installed.
These kits consist of either adjustable length arms, or arm mounts, or
ball joints that provide a lateral adjustment to the effective length of
a control arm. Alignment outside the factory specifications is allowed.
Caster changes resulting from the use of camber kits are permitted. The
following restrictions apply:
1. On double/unequal arm (e.g., wishbone, multi-link) suspensions,
only the upper arms OR lower arms may be modified or replaced,
but not both. Non-integral longitudinal arms that primarily control
fore/aft wheel movement (e.g., trailing arm(s) or link(s) of a multi-
link suspension) may not be replaced, changed, or modified.
2. On arm-and-strut (MacPherson/Chapman) suspensions, the lower
arms may be modified/replaced OR other methods of camber adjust-
ment as allowed by Sections 15.8.C, F, or G may be used, but NOT
3. On swing or trailing arm suspensions, the main arms may not be
modified or replaced but lateral locating links/arms may be modified
or replaced.
4. The replacement arms or mounts must attach to the original stan-
dard mounting points. All bushings must meet the requirements of
Section 15.8.C. Intermediate mounting points (e.g., shock/spring
mounts) may not be moved or relocated on the arm, except as in-
cidental to the camber adjustment. The knuckle/bearing housing/
spindle assembly cannot be modified or replaced.
5. Changes in suspension geometry are not allowed except as incidental
to the effective arm length change.
Note: Many modern suspension designs known by other names actu-
ally function as double A-arm designs. These include the rear suspen-

108 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 15
sions on 88+ Honda Civic/Integra, Dodge/Plymouth Neon, BMW E36,
and most “multi-link” and are covered by Section 15.8.H.1.
I. Solid axle suspension allowances:
1. Addition or replacement of suspension stabilizers (linkage connect-
ing the axle housing or De Dion to the chassis, which controls lateral
suspension location) is permitted.
2. Traction bars or torque arms may be added or replaced.
3. A panhard rod may be added or replaced.
4. The upper arm(s) may be removed, replaced, or modified and the up-
per pickup points on the rear axle housing may be relocated.
5. The lower arms may be replaced or modified and the lower pickup
points on the rear axle housing may be relocated.
6. Differential covers and attaching hardware may be replaced.
Methods of attachment and attachment points are unrestricted, but
may serve no other purpose (e.g., chassis stiffening). This does not au-
thorize removal of a welded-on part of a subframe or bodywork to ac-
commodate the installation.
J. On strut-equipped cars, the strut’s lower integral mounting bracket, for
attachment to the upright or spindle, is unrestricted provided it attach-
es to the standard location. Any resulting change to the position of the
strut centerline is allowed. Such brackets shall serve no other purpose.
This does not allow for changes to the integral steering arm on cars that
have the steering arm integrated with the strut body.
K. Changes in alignment parameters which result directly from the use
of allowed components are permitted. For example, the dimensional
changes resulting from the use of a cylindrical offset bushing which
meets the restrictions of Section 15.8.C are allowed, including those re-
sulting from a change in the pivoting action to
1. About the mounting bolt, or
2. About the bushing itself.
Eccentric bolts are permitted for suspension adjustment only if they are
as specified by the factory, per the last paragraph of Section 13.8.
L. Suspension components may be replaced with aftermarket components
in order to improve durability and reliability. Any replaced components
are subject to the following restrictions:
1. Replacement components may not be lighter than the original com-
2. Replacement components must install without modification to the
mating part.
3. Replacement components may not differ from the original beyond
improved strength, alternate manufacturing techniques, or replace-
ment with larger components.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 109
15. Street Prepared
4. Components around or connected to the replaced component may
not be relocated or modified unless permitted elsewhere in section
5. Heat treatment may be used to increase the durability of an original
part and the resulting part will be considered a replaced component.
6. Metal components may not be replaced with non-metal components.
However a non-metal component may be replaced with a metal com-
ponent so long as this does not violate other rules. For example the
bushing metal content rule still applies.
7. Replaced components may not alter the suspension geometry unless
otherwise permitted in section 15. Replacement hubs may relocate
the wheel mating surface to widen the track width but may not relo-
cate the wheel mating surface to narrow the track width.
8. Replaced components may serve no purpose other than to increase
durability and reliability. This allowance is intended to improve du-
rability without improving performance. Components are not to be
replaced to allow for increased power or larger tires but to replace
common component failures. For example, hubs often become wear
items that require frequent replacement to avoid failure. Hubs may
be replaced with larger, stronger hubs to reduce the chance of failure
and increase the life of the component.
M.For cars originally equipped with transverse leaf springs, spring type
may be changed to a coil spring. Spring perches may be added to shock
absorbers for mounting coil springs in a ‘coilover’ configuration.
Except for those with electric and hybrid powertrains, vehicles may only
exceed the allowances of Section 13.9 as specified herein.
A. Any ignition setting, adjustment, or system may be used subject to the
requirements of Section 15.10.D. This does not prohibit the use of “two-
step” rev limiters used when the car is stationary.
B. The make, model number, and size of the battery may be changed but
not its voltage.
C. Relocation of the battery or batteries is permitted but not into the pas-
senger compartment. If the battery is relocated and the original battery
tray can be removed by simply unbolting it, the tray may be removed
or relocated with the battery. Holes may be drilled for mounting or pas-
sage of cables. Longer or shorter cables may be substituted to permit
relocation. The number of battery or batteries may not be changed from
standard. The area behind the rearmost seat is not considered to be
within the passenger compartment. The area under the rearmost seat is
considered to be within the passenger compartment.
D. Full Prep: Any starter, generator, or alternator may be used in the
original position. An alternator or generator must have an electri-
110 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 15
cal output (including amperage) equal to or greater than the original
equipment unit. Any generator or alternator pulley and belt of the same
type as standard may be used (see Section 15.10.Y).
E. Wiring harnesses may not be removed in whole or in part. Wiring con-
nectors for emissions control devices are considered part of the har-
ness, not part of the emissions control system, and may not be removed.
Connectors may be changed for compatibility with allowed aftermarket
components such as ignition coils. Pigtails may be used.
F. A hole may be drilled in the firewall to permit passage of electrical wir-
ing. It should be no larger than necessary and shall serve no other pur-
Except for those with electric and hybrid powertrains, vehicles may only
exceed the allowances of Section 13.10 as specified herein.
A. Engines must retain standard type lubricating system, but may have
any oil pan (Accusump®-type systems allowed), oil pump and pickup,
oil cooler(s), or oil or fuel filters. Fuel filters must be of automotive type
and may serve no other purpose; a substituted fuel filter may not be
used as a reservoir. Substituted fuel filters may not exceed one quart
total capacity. A permitted oil cooler may be positioned in an opening in
an allowed spoiler, provided no unauthorized modifications are made
in order to perform the installation. Any power steering fluid cooler
may be added.
B. Heat shields may be added.
C. Induction allowances are as follows:
1. Carburetors, fuel injection, and intake manifolds are unrestricted
subject to Section 15.10.E. Alternate throttle linkage and connections
to facilitate installation of allowed induction systems are permitted
but may serve no other purpose. If an induction system item is al-
lowed to be removed and its original mounting bracket can be re-
moved by simply unbolting it, the bracket may be removed as well.
2. Except for standard parts as defined in these rules, the external use
while on course of liquids, ice, dry ice, refrigeration systems, vapor-
ized compressed gases, etc. to reduce the temperature of the intake
air charge is prohibited. Wrapping of intakes with liquid-soaked fab-
ric is not permitted.
3. As utilized only on engines originally equipped with forced induc-
tion, induction charge heat exchangers (also known as “intercoolers”
or “charge air coolers” [CACs]) are unrestricted in size and config-
uration. Air-to-air CACs and radiators for air-to-liquid CACs must
be cooled only by the atmosphere except for standard parts. Body
panels, fascias, or structural members may not be cut or altered to
facilitate CAC installation.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 111

15. Street Prepared
4. Turbochargers and/or superchargers (forced induction) may not be
added, changed, or modified (this does not allow ceramic coating of
turbochargers). On vehicles originally equipped with forced induc-
a. No hardware changes or alterations to turbocharger(s) or
supercharger(s), in size or number, are permitted. Turbochargers
or superchargers may be updated/backdated only in conjunction
with the accompanying complete engine unit.
b. No changes are allowed to waste gate(s) size, number, or location.
No changes are allowed to variable-geometry turbine (VGT) hard-
c. Supercharger pulleys and belts of the same type as standard may
be replaced with alternate pulleys allowing drive ratio changes.
Belt tensioners may be added/changed to reduce belt slip.
d. Compressor bypass valves (CBVs), blow-off valves, and pop-off
valves are considered part of the air intake system and may be
added, replaced, or updated/backdated independently of the oth-
er components of a forced induction system.
e. Boost regulation systems, either electronic or mechanical, and
electronic fuel cuts referencing boost pressure may be altered or
modified except as prohibited herein. Boost pressure changes re-
sulting from authorized changes are permitted.
D. Traction and/or stability control systems, as defined in Section 12.12,
must be standard parts at standard settings or electronically disabled.
E. Air cleaner(s) may be changed or removed; velocity stacks may be add-
F. Emission control devices may be modified or removed. This permits
the oil filler cap to be modified or substituted but does not allow valve
covers or cam covers to be altered to install a breather or for any other
G. Intake water injection systems are allowed.
H. Fuel lines and pumps are unrestricted except as specified herein, as long
as they do not pose a safety hazard. Fuel lines may be no larger than ½”
(12.7 mm) i.d. (inside diameter) and may only connect to the original
fuel tank or allowed fuel cell. They may be no longer than necessary for
reasonable and safe installation, and may serve no other purpose. A
single fuel feed line may be used. A single fuel return line may be used
and a fitting for connecting it may be added at or near the top of the fuel
tank. This does not authorize “cool-cans.”
I. Exhaust manifolds and muffler systems are free, except that they must
be quiet and terminate behind the driver (Section 3.3.3.B.16). Exhaust
heat shields may be removed. Rear- and mid-engine cars without ex-
haust headers/manifold systems may use any exhaust system that
112 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 15
meets the requirements of Section 3.5. This permits the removal of
“heater boxes” in order to install headers on such cars.
J. Engine and transmission mounts may be replaced but must attach in
the factory location(s) without additional modification or changes. En-
gine position may not be changed. Hydraulic shock type rear engine
locators, or bobble struts, may be replaced by manufacturer’s perfor-
mance part or aftermarket replacement part. This part must retain fac-
tory dimensions and attachment points, including factory design. (Ex-
ample: If factory locator/bobble strut is gas or hydraulic piston type,
replacement part must be gas or hydraulic piston type.) If one or more
non-OE engine or transmission mounts are used, Section 15.10.K does
not apply and a torque suppression device may not be used.
K. One bolt-on torque suppression device may be used. A torque suppres-
sion device attaches from the engine to the body, frame, or subframe
in one location and controls engine movement at that location along a
single axis only. It may serve no other purpose.
Examples of permitted devices:
• A chain
• A rod with spherical bearings at each end
Examples of devices not permitted:
• Any link which confines movement along more than one axis.
• An engine mounting plate, or one or more plates rigidly bolted be-
tween the engine and the frame. Holes may be drilled to mount a
torque suppression device. The installation may not include the
welding of any plate(s) to the bodywork or to the motor mount(s)
nor may it include multiple non-parallel links.
If a torque suppression device is used, Section 15.10.J does not apply
and replacement engine mounts may not be used.
L. Engine cooling radiators may be replaced with alternate parts subject to
the following restrictions:
1. Radiator dimensions (width, height, thickness, etc.) must be no
smaller than the standard part.
2. Radiator must mount to OE radiator mounts.
3. Fluid capacity and dry weight of the radiator must be no less than
that of the standard part. Installation of an alternate radiator may
serve no other purpose (e.g., to allow a cold air intake passage).
M.The engine fan and fan shroud (unless it serves another purpose, e.g., as
an alternator/generator mount) may be removed, modified or replaced.
Electrically driven fans are allowed. Flex fans are not allowed.
N. On two-cycle engines, the ports must be of standard heights, size and
configuration; crankcase volume and reed plates must not be altered.
O. Full Prep: Any metal clutch assembly, metal flywheel, or metal torque

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 113

15. Street Prepared
converter that uses the standard attachment to the crankshaft may
be used. Non-metallic friction surfaces (e.g., clutch discs) are permit-
ted. Dowel pins may be added. Any hydraulic clutch line may be used.
Replacement or substitution of the clutch master cylinder and clutch
slave cylinder is permitted.
Limited Prep: Any metal clutch assembly, metal flywheel, or metal
torque converter that uses the standard attachment to the crankshaft
may be used. Non-metallic friction surfaces (e.g., clutch disks) are per-
mitted. Dowel pins may be added. Any hydraulic clutch line may be
used. Replacement or substitution of the clutch slave cylinder is per-
mitted. Clutch/Flywheel friction surface diameter must be the same as
original equipment.
P. Any mechanical shift linkage may be used.
Q. Limited slip differentials are permitted. This permits locked differen-
tials either by design, welding, or mechanical means. Differential cases,
internal differential parts, and axle stubs may be machined as required
for clearance and installation to the extent that material may only be
removed, not added, and the exterior of the case may not be altered in
any way. This machining may serve no other purpose. Any other modi-
fications or substitutions to accommodate the installation of the lim-
ited slip differential must meet the requirements of Section 15.1.B and
R. Full Prep: Cylinders may be rebored to no more than 0.0472” (1.20
mm) over standard bore and the appropriate standard oversize piston
may be substituted. This overbore dimension is an absolute limit; no
additional tolerance is permitted to accommodate wear. Cast or forged,
non-standard pistons of the same dimensions and configuration as
original equipment pistons may be used. Additionally the replacement
pistons must be of the same weight or greater as the original equipment
pistons. Replacement pistons must match OE piston configuration ex-
actly including quench area. The allowance for the use of aftermarket
forgings vs. OE castings does not permit alternate piston dome designs.
This allowance does not permit alternative ring configurations.
S. Full Prep: Rotating and reciprocating parts may be balanced but not
T. Full Prep: Intake and exhaust ports and manifold openings may be
matched provided no change is made more than one inch from the port/
manifold interface. Material may be removed to facilitate port match-
ing, but no material may be added.
U. Any transmission and/or differential oil cooler may be used. Differen-
tial covers may be modified or substituted for cooling.
V. The engine cylinder head(s) may be milled only to that amount speci-
fied in the manufacturer’s workshop manual. If no amount is specified
then a maximum of 0.010” (0.254 mm) may be milled.
114 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 15
W.Axle/halfshaft and driveshaft retention/location devices may be in-
stalled for safety reasons to control the motion of attached shafts upon
the failure of a coupling or universal joint. They may serve no other
purpose. This allowance does not include “C-clip eliminators.”
X. Any crankshaft damper or pulley may be used. SFI-rated dampers are
Y. Any accessory pulleys and belts of the same type (e.g., V-belt, serpen-
tine) as standard may be used. This allowance applies to accessory
pulleys only (e.g., alternator, water pump, power steering pump, and
crankshaft drive pulleys). Alternate pulley materials may be used. Idler
pulleys may be used for belt routing in place of items which the rules
specifically allow to be removed such as smog pumps and air condition-
ing compressors. They may serve no other purpose.
Z. Camshafts and related parts must remain standard except that alter-
nate cam drive pulleys or gears may be used to adjust cam timing if
no variable cam and/or valve timing system exists as standard. Tim-
ing covers or valve covers may be altered for pulley clearance or ac-
cess to adjustment. Type of cam drive (chain, belt, gear) must remain as
standard. Alternate parts of the same general type (e.g., roller chain in
place of “silent” chain) may be substituted. Mating parts (block, heads,
covers, retainers, etc.) may not be altered except as mentioned above.
Vehicles equipped with a variable cam and/or valve timing system as
standard may use alternate computer calibration to adjust cam and/or
valve timing but may not change or substitute cam drive components
AA. Upper engine shields made of plastic material, the purpose of which
is to hide mechanical components in the engine compartment, may be
removed if they have a solely aesthetic and/or acoustic function.
BB. Cruise control systems may be removed in whole or part.
CC. Engine oil tanks for dry sump lubrication systems may be replaced
with alternate parts subject to the following restrictions:
1. Fluid capacity and dry weight of the oil tank must be no less than that
of the standard part.
2. Oil tank must mount in the OE location.
DD. Drivetrain components may be replaced with aftermarket compo-
nents in order to improve durability and reliability. Any replaced com-
ponents are subject to the following restrictions:
1. Replacement components may not be lighter than the original com-
2. Replacement components must install without modification to the
mating part.
3. Replacement components may not differ from the original beyond
improved strength, alternate manufacturing techniques, or replace-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 115
ment with larger components.
4. Components around or connected to the replaced component may
not be relocated or modified unless permitted elsewhere in section
5. Internal engine components such as pistons, connecting rods, or
valve train components may not be replaced under this rule.
6. Heat treatment may be used to increase the durability of an original
part and the resulting part will be considered a replaced component.
7. Metal components may not be replaced with non-metal components.
However a non-metal component may be replaced with a metal com-
8. Replaced components may serve no purpose other than to increase
durability and reliability. This allowance is intended to improve du-
rability without improving performance. Components are not to be
replaced to allow for increased power or larger tires but to replace
common component failures. For example, axle shafts or CV joints
are often broken on launch. Under this rule these may be replaced
with larger components or components made of stronger materials
to avoid these breakages. Alternatively a vehicle may not replace a
turbocharger with a larger or stronger part as this would increase the
performance potential of the vehicle.
EE. Cars with combustion chamber oil injection systems (such as those in
rotary engines) may supplement the standard engine lubrication system
with additional oil supplied through the standard fuel delivery system.
Where a car is out of production and the manufacturer is either out of
business, stocks no parts, or no longer has a required part, a part of any
origin but as similar as possible to the original may be substituted. The
entrant must be prepared to show documentary evidence that one of the
three circumstances above applies and that the substituted part is as simi-
lar as possible under the circumstances. Substitute parts which provide
improvements in performance (e.g., superior gearing, lighter weight, bet-
ter camshaft profile) are not permitted under this allowance.
Section 16


Category Objective
Street Modified allows competitors to modify vehicles using advanced
fabrication and tuning with specific limitations. Street Modified pro-
vides the allowances of the lower-prep categories with the addition of
major modifications to the drivetrain, suspension, and body as well as
sophisticated aerodynamic components.
Category Values
Freedom to improve vehicles using a variety of methods including sus-
pension geometry changes, extensive powertrain conversions and/or
Core Modifications
• Powertrain swaps.
• Open Engine Tuning.
• Open Driver aid tuning (Traction control, ABS, Stability, Differen-
tial, etc.).
• Minimum weights based on displacement.
• Limited interior removal.
• SRS system removal.
• Modifications may require cutting, drilling, or permanent alteration
to the body, such as cutting fenders for tire clearance, and drilling
trunks/hatches for spoiler/wing mounting.
• DOT R-compound tires.
• Front splitters and rear wings.
• Custom suspension components.
• Weight reduction (A/C removal, steering wheel airbag removal,
lightweight body panels, etc.).
• Super Street Modified (SSM) – 2-seat vehicles, FWD, RWD, and
• Street Modified (SM) – 4-seat vehicles, FWD, RWD and AWD.
• Street Modified FWD (SMF) – FWD vehicles only.
The purpose of this category is to serve as a membership recruitment and
retention tool by providing a natural competition outlet for auto enthusi-
asts using streetable sport sedans equipped with drivetrain and suspen-
sion modifications that are beyond those allowed in the Street Prepared
Cars identical to the US-market counterpart except for comfort and conve-
nience modifications as allowed per Section 13.2.A.
See Sections 3.8 and 8.3.1 for documentation requirements.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules— 117

16. Street Modified
A. All Street, Street Touring®, and Street Prepared category modifications
are authorized. Except as noted by these rules and the referenced rules,
vehicles must be as originally delivered including all road-going compo-
nents such as lights, wipers, interior, heater, etc.
B. Competitors may pick and choose between all Street, Street Touring®,
Street Prepared, and Street Modified category allowances when prepar-
ing a Street Modified category car. Apparent conflicts between inherited
rule sets from Section 16.1.A shall not prohibit any specific inherited al-
lowance. Allowances inherited from Section 16.1.A may not incorporate
Street Modified-specific allowances. Foreign spec parts may not be used
to substitute for parts which are required to remain standard.
C. Brakes, including calipers, caliper mounts, discs, drums, lines, backing
plates, pedals, boosters, master cylinders, handles, ABS, proportioning
valves, etc., are unrestricted. Brake rotor/drum friction surfaces must
be 100% ferrous metallic. Carbon or ceramic composite brake compo-
nents (except pads) are expressly prohibited. Standard parts, as defined
per Section 12, are exempt from this restriction. A functional, redun-
dant emergency (parking) brake must be present.
D. Drivetrain and related components (e.g., induction, ignition, fuel sys-
tems) are unrestricted except for the following limitations:
1. Engine block (or housings of rotary engines) must be a production
unit that can be sourced from a production automobile. Any block
that is not sourced from a car of the same brand will be assessed a
150 lb. weight adjustment in addition to all weight calculations in
Appendix A. Brands that exist as marketing aliases for the manu-
facturer will be recognized as equivalents. Swaps involving brands
related only at a corporate level are not recognized as equivalents
and will be subject to the weight adjustment referenced above. This
allows engine blocks manufactured as production units for sale in
other countries such as Japan or Germany.
2. Fuel System
a. Any fuel line(s) may be used. All non-standard fuel line(s) pass-
ing through the passenger compartment shall be made of metal,
metal braided hose, or equivalent (e.g., Nomex, Kevlar, or nylon
braided hose) with AN Series threaded couplings, or entirely cov-
ered and protected with a metal cover.
b. Any fuel pump(s), filter(s), and pressure regulator(s) may be used.
Such components may not be located in the passenger compart-
ment but their location within the bodywork of the car is other-
wise unrestricted. If a mechanical pump is replaced, a blanking
plate may be used to cover the original mounting point.
c. A cool-can, not exceeding one gallon in volume, may be used. The

118 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 16
cool-can may not be installed in the passenger compartment.
d. The fuel tank may be modified or replaced. If the fuel tank is mod-
ified or replaced, the following restrictions apply:
1. The fuel tank/cell may be located within the same area as the
OE tank.
2. If the fuel tank/cell does not fit within the same area as the OE
tank, the requirements of Section 3.3.3.B.27 must be met.
Engine and drivetrain mounts are considered part of these allowances
and any material is permitted. The allowances of Section 16.1.O may be
used to affix brackets, but these brackets shall serve no purpose other
than engine and drivetrain mounting (e.g., they may not provide chas-
sis stiffening).
E. Suspension components are unrestricted as long as they use the origi-
nal attachment points. Cars equipped with MacPherson strut suspen-
sion may add or remove material from the top of the strut tower to fa-
cilitate installation of adjuster plate. The sides of the strut tower may
not be modified.
F. Steering modifications are permitted as follows:
1. Steering components, including the steering rack and/or box, tie
rods, idler arms, power assist devices, and related components may
be replaced, added, moved, or removed. The steering column within
the passenger compartment is specifically excluded from this al-
lowance. This does not permit removal or modification of column-
mounted accessories. Wheel-mounted electrical switches such as
those for the horn, radio, cruise control, or shifter may be relocated
and/or replaced, or eliminated.
2. Rear-steer devices may be replaced with solid links.
3. Supplemental steering gear boxes or steering quickeners are allowed
as long as they are mounted in accordance with Section 16.1.F.1.
4. Steering wheels and associated mounting hardware may be replaced.
This does not permit removal or modification of the steering col-
umn or column-mounted accessories. OE wheel-mounted electrical
switches such as those for the horn, radio, cruise control, or shifter
may be relocated and/or replaced, or eliminated.
G. Subframe connectors are allowed as per Street Prepared Section 15.2.E.
H. Front hoods (engine covers), engine covers, trunk lids and hatches not
containing glass, front fenders, rear fenders not part of chassis struc-
ture (unibody), front & rear bodywork, and side skirts may be modified
or replaced, and may be attached with removable fasteners. Associated
hardware including latches, hinges, window washer system, and hood
liners may be modified, removed, or replaced. Non-metallic fender lin-
ers may be modified, replaced, or removed.
I. Tires compliant in Street, Street Touring®, or Street Prepared catego-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules— 119
16. Street Modified
ries are permitted.
J. Rear passenger seat(s), including restraints and associated hardware
may be removed. When rear seats are removed, the back of the front
seats defines the end of the passenger compartment.
K. Aerodynamic Aids: Wings may be added, removed, or modified. Non-
OE wings may only be attached to the rear deck/hatch area behind the
centerline of the rear axle. The total combined surface area of all wings
shall not exceed 8 sq. ft. (0.7432 m2) as calculated per the Wing Area
Computation in Section 12. The number of wing elements is limited to
two (2).
Wings, and any component thereof, may not extend beyond the vehicle
width, as defined by the outermost portion of the vehicle doors, less
mirrors, door handles, rub strips, and trim. In addition, no portion of
the wing or its components may be more than 6.0” forward of the rear
axle, more than 0.0” beyond the rear most portion of the bodywork,
or more than 6.0” above the roofline of the vehicle, regardless of body
style. For convertibles and roadsters, the highest portion of the wind-
shield frame will be considered the highest portion of the roof; however,
a convertible or roadster utilizing a hardtop will use the highest portion
of the hardtop as the roofline.
Reinforcements to the wing mounting area may be used, but may serve
no other purpose. Body panels to which a wing mounts must remain
functional (e.g., trunk lids and rear hatches must open). Wing endplate
surface area is limited to 200 sq. in. (1290.3 cm2) each and limited to a
maximum of two (2).
Except for standard parts, wings designed to be adjustable while the car
is in motion must be locked in a single position.
Canards are allowed and may extend a maximum of 6.0” (152.4 mm)
from the front bodywork as viewed from above. No portion of the ca-
nard may extend past the widest part of the front bodywork/fascia as
viewed from above. Canard area will be measured in the same manner
as wings using Section 12. Canard area may not exceed 15% of total wing
allowance. The sum of canard area and rear wing area may not exceed
the total wing allowance. Fore and aft variance in curvature and angle is
open. Canards may have endplates. Canard endplate total surface area
is limited to 30 sq. in. (193.5 cm2 ) for each side.
Diffusers that come as a standard OE part are allowed but may not
be modified. They may be removed in their entirety to facilitate other
allowed modifications. Aftermarket diffusers or other items acting as
diffusers are not allowed.
L. Front splitters are allowed and shall be installed parallel to the ground
(within ±3° fore to aft) and may extend a maximum of 6.0” (152.4 mm)
from the front bodywork as viewed from above. Splitters may not ex-
tend rearward past the centerline of the front wheels. No portion of the
120 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 16
splitter may extend beyond the widest part of the front bodywork as
viewed from above. Aerodynamically functional vertical members, such
as splitter fences or endplates, are not allowed.
M.Removable OE hardtops, T-tops, targa tops, sunroofs, moonroofs, and
similar roof-mounted panels may be removed/replaced with alternate
panels provided that the area of interface is limited to the original pe-
rimeter of the t-top, sunroof, etc. or utilizes the OE panel mount points,
and that the contour of any replacement panel surface does not vary
from the contour of the part being replaced by more than 1.0” (25.4
mm) in any direction. The material used to construct the alternate
panel and the method used to attach it to the interface is unrestricted.
Any actuation mechanism and the associated wiring, if any, may be re-
moved. Vehicles utilizing alternate (non-OE) hardtops will be consid-
ered as open cars in regard to Section 3.3.1.
N. Radio/Stereo and airbag equipment and/or its component parts, in-
cluding wiring, control modules, antennas, amplifiers, speakers and
their enclosures, etc. may be removed provided the part added, re-
moved, or replaced serves no other purpose. Any visible holes that re-
sult from the removal of equipment must be covered with a cover of
unrestricted material. Covers may be used to mount gauges, switches,
O. Any minor modification, intended to allow or facilitate any allowed
modification, is permitted as long as it does not provide any intrinsic
performance benefit in and of itself, does not provide a weight reduc-
tion of more than 1.0 lb., and is not explicitly prohibited elsewhere
within these rules.
This rule is intended to allow minor notching, bending, clearancing,
grinding; the drilling of holes; affixing, relocating, or strengthening of
brackets; removal of small parts, and similar operations performed in
order to facilitate the installation of allowed parts or modifications. Mi-
nor strengthening, without relocation, of original chassis/suspension
pickup points is allowed. Examples include welding washers restricting
control arm mounting bolt movement, local reinforcement of control
arm chassis mounts, etc.
Competitors are strongly cautioned to make the minimum amount of
modification required to affix a given part and to not make unduly tor-
tured interpretations of this rule. Modifications to the firewall in order
to allow for increased engine setback, and any modification that chang-
es the location of a suspension pickup point, are explicitly forbidden.
Plastic under-trays and covers below the vehicle may be removed or
modified as necessary to facilitate other compliant modifications, but
not added or enlarged.
P. Ballast may be added. Ballast must be a maximum of 50 lbs. per seg-
ment. It must be securely mounted within the bodywork.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules— 121
16. Street Modified
Q. OE side mirrors may be replaced by aftermarket units, provided they
mount in the same location, perform the same function as the OE mir-
rors, and have a reflective surface area greater than 15 sq. in. (96.8 cm2)
per mirror.
R. OE “pop-up” headlights may be replaced with static headlights, pro-
vided the replacement units are intended for automobile use on pub-
lic roads as a primary means of illumination, and retain high and low
beams as originally provided by the manufacturer. Minor repositioning
of the headlights is allowed to accommodate the alternate headlight,
but the unit may not be relocated and the repositioning may servce no
other purpose. All associated hardware may be removed, replaced or
S. Alternate subframes are allowed to facilitate engine mounting only.
Suspension pick-up points on the subframe must retain standard ge-
ometry. Weight of the subframe must be equal or greater than the stan-
dard unit.
T. Bolt-on tow hooks and tie downs may be modified, removed, or re-
placed. Addition of tow hooks and tie downs are permitted and location
is unrestricted. Non-standard tow hooks shall serve no other function.
Classes, displacements, and minimum weights are listed in Appendix A.
For the purpose of determining minimum weights, a mid-engine vehicle
is defined as one having a chassis configuration where the engine block is
not located entirely in front of the driver’s seat and is not far enough back
to be considered a rear-engine vehicle. Adjustments to minimum weights
are shown in Appendix A.

122 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

17. Prepared


Category Objective
Competitors in this category are permitted broad modifications and
fabrication opportunities in suspension, drivetrain, and engine with no
expectation of public highway use.
Category Values
Development levels for purpose-built competition vehicles based on
production cars, including true racing slicks, weight reduction, and ex-
tensive modifications to chassis and powertrain.
Core Modifications
• Non-DOT racing tires.
• Displacement-based minimum weight formulas.
• Purpose built competition vehicles based production chassis or other
racing chassis.
• Performance through extensive modification and custom fabrica-
• Extensive chassis modification including:
-- Interior removal and replacement of body panels, doors, and win-
-- Body panel modification for large tire fitment and suspension
-- Custom suspension fabrication.
-- Relocation of components for optimizing weight distribution.
• Engine and drivetrain allowances including:
-- Extensive internal engine modifications.
-- Open transmission and differential allowances.
• Restricted aerodynamic aids
• X Prepared (XP) – Open class for sports cars and sedans with ad-
ditional allowances for engine swaps and increased aerodynamic
modifications beyond the rest of the category.
• C Prepared (CP) – American muscle cars.
• D Prepared (DP) – Lightweight, 4-cylinder RWD sports cars and
• E Prepared (EP) – FWD cars naturally aspirated.
• F Prepared (FP) – High performance sports cars and sedans.
It is the intent of these rules to allow modifications useful and necessary
in the preparation of a high performance, production based non-street-
driven vehicle which is of unibody or tub-based construction. Tube-frame

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 123

17. Prepared
cars are allowed, subject to the requirements of 17.11. SCCA® will use the
following guidelines in the determination of suitability for classification in
the Prepared Category:
1. Cars classified shall retain their original design, structure, and drive
layout unless otherwise specified in these rules. If in doubt about a
modification, competitors should ask. If the rules do not specifically au-
thorize a modification, it is not permitted.
2. Cars running in Prepared Category must have been series produced
with normal road touring equipment, capable of being licensed for
normal road use in the United States, and normally sold and delivered
through the manufacturer’s retail sales outlets in the US. Cars not spe-
cifically listed in Prepared Category classes in Appendix A must have
been produced in quantities of at least 1000 in a 12-month period to be
eligible for Prepared Category.
3. SCCA® may also class suitable non-production, full-bodied, full-fen-
dered, strictly-specified cars into this category. Production quantities,
EPA approval, and DOT approval are not required. SCCA® may choose
not to classify any such vehicle it deems unsuitable for the Prepared
4. Within the scope of these rules, the definitions provided in Section 12
5. Specific allowances in Appendix A for a listed model supersede the limi-
tations of Section 17. Minimum weights shall be established making it
possible for all cars to reach minimum weight with reasonable modifi-
cations. The SEB recognizes that low minimum weights ultimately re-
sult in higher costs to the competitor. The rules shall discourage the use
of high technology/high cost equipment. In some cases, this is accom-
plished by an outright ban on the equipment. In other cases, this is ac-
complished through the adjustments to minimum weight. See Section
17.11 for weight adjustments.
The SCCA® shall publish specifications for each car specifically classed in
the Prepared Category Section of Appendix A. These specifications will at
a minimum specify each vehicle’s allowed minimum weight and maximum
wheel sizes.
1. Equipment and/or specifications may be exchanged between different
years and models of a vehicle if:
a. The item is standard on the year/model from which it was taken, and
b. The years/models are listed on the same line of Appendix A, Pre-
pared Classes. The updated/backdated part or the part to which it is
to be attached may not be altered, modified, machined, or otherwise
changed to facilitate the updating/backdating allowance unless the
modification is specifically allowed by these rules. Cars not listed in

124 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

17. Prepared
the Prepared Category Sections of Appendix A may not be updated/
backdated until approved by the SEB and published in the official
SCCA® publication and/or on www.scca.com.
2. The SCCA® may recognize certain optional components. Some non-
original components may be made mandatory to obtain an adjustment
of competition potential. In all cases, these components shall be listed
in Appendix A. No permitted or alternate component or modification
shall additionally perform a prohibited function.
3. Requests for alteration, modification, and/or substitution of any specifi-
cation or component shall be submitted for approval. The approval pro-
cess will include, but not be limited to, an analysis of cost, availability,
performance impact, rule enforceability, and competitor input.
See Sections 3.8 and 8.3.1 for documentation requirements.
The modifications defined here in the Prepared Category are the only al-
lowed modifications. The rules in this Section stand on their own; they
do not build upon the Street, Street Touring®, or Street Prepared cate-
gory rules. Modifications shall not be made unless specifically authorized
herein. No permitted component/modification shall additionally perform
a prohibited function. If the rules do not specifically authorize a modifica-
tion, it is not permitted.
A. It is not permitted to make any changes, alterations, or modifications
to any component produced by the manufacturer unless specifically au-
thorized by these rules.
B. Any minor modification, intended to allow or facilitate any allowed
modification, is permitted as long as it does not provide any intrinsic
performance benefit in and of itself, and is not explicitly prohibited else-
where within these rules. This rule is intended to allow minor notching,
bending, clearancing, and grinding; the drilling of holes; affixing, relo-
cating, or strengthening of brackets; removal of small parts and similar
operations performed in order to facilitate the installation of allowed
parts or modifications. Competitors are strongly cautioned to make the
minimum amount of modification required to affix a given part and to
not make tortured interpretations of this rule which will invoke Section
17.11 weight adjustments (e.g., moving frame rails inboard, regardless
of the reason, is considered to be a tortured interpretation.)
Refer to Appendix F for past clarifications of these rules.
The purpose of the following rules is to maintain recognizable external
features of the manufacturer’s make and model, while providing the nec-
essary safety and performance modifications. Restrictions regarding ex-
ternal body shape and belly pans are aimed at preventing attempts to ob-
tain ground effects or streamlining.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 125
17. Prepared
A. The external shape of the body may only be changed where specifically
authorized. Standard window openings, rain gutters, or approved fac-
similes shall be retained. All external trim and model identification may
be removed. Grilles may be removed, modified, or substituted.
B. Chassis, frame, or subframe may be reinforced provided components
and attachments are not relocated except where specifically permitted.
Reinforcing does not authorize the use of underbody or belly pans for-
ward of the firewall or aft of the front edge of the rear wheel opening.
It is permitted to have jack points recessed into the rocker panels or to
have one tube per side extending downward through the bottom of the
door provided they do not extend beyond the overall width of the car or
in an unsafe or dangerous manner. No part of the bodywork or chassis,
to the rear of the front wheel opening, shall touch the ground when both
tires on the same side of the car are deflated.
C. The chassis, frame, or subframe may be notched or cut and brackets
may be added for the purpose of attaching alternate suspension, steer-
ing, or drivetrain components except that the firewall may not be modi-
fied for engine block or cylinder head clearance. Holes may be cut to
provide clearance for authorized suspension, steering, and drivetrain
components through their entire range of travel. Clearance between
the modified chassis, frame, or subframe and the suspension, steering,
and drivetrain components is not to exceed 4.0” (101.6 mm). Additional
structure may be added in order to attach allowed components to the
chassis. Relocation, notching, or cutting of the chassis, frame, or sub-
frame for tire clearance or moving the wheels inboard is not allowed.
Replacement of inner fenders or wheel wells to enable wider wheels and
tires is allowed.
D. Replacement of any chassis component (e.g., subframe) in its entirety
by one of alternate construction, unless specifically permitted, shall re-
sult in the vehicle being “in excess” of these rules which will invoke Sec-
tion 17.11 weight adjustments.
E. The floor in the driver/passenger compartment may be modified for in-
stallation of subframe connectors, exhaust components, battery boxes,
ballast weights, and drivetrain clearance. For the same reasons listed,
the rear seat floor area, defined as the area extending rearward from the
back of the driver’s seat to the trunk and between the frame rails, may
be removed, modified, or replaced. The driver/passenger compartment
must remain separate from any exhaust and drivetrain components by
a metal panel.
Trunk floors may be modified, removed, or replaced. If replaced, the
trunk floor must be replaced with metal panels of similar shape to the
original. Removal of the trunk floor is allowable only when a metal
bulkhead separates the trunk area from the passenger compartment.
F. The firewall may be notched or recessed for clearance of exhaust head-
126 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
17. Prepared
ers, electric lines, coolant lines, fuel-carrying lines, fuel pumps, inter-
cooling piping, carburetors, air horns, air cleaners, and distributor. Any
material added to the firewall must be either steel or aluminum. This
requires a sealed firewall between engine and passenger compartment.
This rule is for driver’s safety. Completely sealing all firewall openings
is strongly encouraged, but no gap may be larger than ⅛ inch (0.125”,
3.2 mm), except around dynamic devices extending through the firewall
(e.g., throttle linkage, transmission linkage, or other mechanical devic-
es) and should be sealed to the extent that functioning of the device is
not impaired. No more than 8.0” (20.3 cm) clearance is allowed be-
tween modified firewall areas and above listed components. The engine
block, cylinder head, turbochargers, and/or superchargers may not in-
trude into the clearance areas authorized herein.
G. Bumper components not integral to the bodywork may be modified,
substituted with a replica of alternate material, or removed provided all
projecting hardware is also removed. Bumper bracket holes in the body-
work may be covered provided such covering serves no other purpose.
Bumper fascias integral with the bodywork may be modified or substi-
tuted with a replica of alternate material. Internal bumper components
may be removed, replaced, or modified. Modified or replica bumpers/
fascias must be of similar shape as standard components, completely
cover the area of the OE bumper/fascia, and not confuse the identity of
the vehicle.
H. All interior trim, dash boards, gauges, floor covering, carpet, upholstery
panels, and similar non-performance comfort or convenience items
may be removed or replaced.
I. The driver’s seat may be replaced with a seat of any origin. All passenger
seats may be removed or replaced with seats of any origin. The driver’s
seat must remain on the standard side of the car and may not cross the
centerline of the car. The seat may be relocated fore/aft by up to 12.0”
(30.5 cm) based on the centerline of the original front and rear mount-
ing points. Rear bulkhead of the driver/passenger compartment may
not be removed to relocate the seat and the driver’s seat may not extend
rearward past the bulkhead.
J. Doors may be lightened and may be replaced by ones of alternate ma-
terials. Doors may be pinned, but not bolted, to prevent their opening
in case of an accident. Quick release fasteners (e.g., Dzus fasteners) are
allowed. Standard door hinges and latch mechanisms may be removed,
but the doors shall be capable of being opened or removed. Interior
door panels may be removed or replaced and the door window slots
may be covered. Alternate attachment devices may be added to hood
and deck lid to supplement or replace the latches. Hood and deck lid
hinges may be removed.
K. Windows
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 127
17. Prepared
1. All windows may be replaced with polycarbonate material. The front
windshield shall have a minimum thickness of ⅛ inch (0.125”, 3.16
mm). Tinting of the upper portion of the front windshield and the
entire portion of all other windows is allowed. All window replace-
ments shall remain in the same position in the frame or opening as
the original glass it replaces; rubber molding is optional.
2. All window channels and window winding mechanisms may be re-
3. Closed cars: All side window glass may be removed. All rear hatch-
backs and deck lids shall be completely closed; poor alignment of
bodywork or any other means to prevent complete closure is not per-
4. Open cars: All windows and windshields (including windshield
frames) may be removed. The resulting window slots may be cov-
5. The installation of windshield safety clips, rear window safety straps,
and windshield safety straps is permitted.
L. The contour of the fender may be altered (flared) for tire clearance
provided the modifications do not confuse the identity of the car. Only
standard production ventilation openings on the specific recognized
model are permitted. Tires may extend beyond the bodywork. Fender
wheel openings may be trimmed to provide tire clearance throughout
the full range of suspension travel, but no more than is necessary for
this purpose.
M.Inner fender panels separating the wheel wells from the engine com-
partment may be altered, replaced, or removed. Rear inner fender
panels may be altered, replaced, or removed provided there are panels
providing total separation between driver/passenger compartment and
wheels. A shock/strut tower integral to the inner fender panel is con-
sidered part of the inner fender panel and is included in this allowance.
This does not allow modification of frame/frame stubs beyond Section
N. Replacement, addition, or removal of accessories (gauges, switches, in-
dicators, etc.), or other interior modifications for driver convenience, or
to permit installation of required safety equipment, is authorized pro-
vided such modifications have no influence whatever on the mechanical
performance of the car. Such modifications do not include the substi-
tution or replacement of any bodywork or chassis component except
those specifically authorized by these rules.
O. The standard OE front spoiler or a non-standard front spoiler/splitter
may be used. If a non-standard front spoiler/splitter is used it must
comply with the following requirements: It shall not protrude beyond
the overall outline of the car as viewed from above or aft of the forward-
most part of the front fender opening (cutout), no portion of the spoil-
128 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
17. Prepared
er/splitter may extend beyond the widest part of the front bodywork
forward of the front wheel openings as viewed from above, and shall
not be mounted more than 4.0” (101.6 mm) above the horizontal cen-
terline of the front wheel hubs. The spoiler shall not cover the normal
grille opening at the front of the car. An intermediate mounting device
may be used on cars whose front bodywork is above the 4.0” (10.2 cm)
minimum. Openings are permitted for the purpose of ducting air to the
brakes, radiator, and/ or oil cooler(s); equal openings may be placed in
the standard lower front panel directly behind openings placed in the
spoiler/splitter. The spoiler/splitter may not function as a wing. This
allows a vertical airdam/spoiler above a horizontal splitter, but splitter
fences or longitudinal vertical members that serve to trap air on top of
the splitter by preventing it from flowing around the sides of the car are
not allowed.
P. A spoiler may be added to the rear of the car provided it complies with
either of the following:
1. It is a production rear spoiler which is standard or optional equip-
ment of a US model of the vehicle or an exact replica in an alternate
2. It is a non-production rear spoiler which is mounted to the rear por-
tion of the rear hatch, deck, or trunk lid. The spoiler may extend no
more than 10.0” (25.4 cm) from the original bodywork in any direc-
tion. Alternatively in a hatchback, the spoiler may be mounted to the
rear hatch lid at or near the top of the hatch in such a configuration
the spoiler may extend not more than 7½ inches (7.50”, 19.1 cm)
from the original bodywork in any direction. The spoiler may be no
wider that the bodywork. The use of endplates is prohibited. Spoiler
endplates are defined as any vertical (or semi-vertical) surfaces at-
tached in front of the spoiler which have the result of capturing and
redistributing air (downforce) along all or any portion of the spoiler.
The angle of attack is free. The spoiler may not function as a wing.
3. All OE rear wings and rear spoilers may be removed.
4. Vehicles equipped with an OE rear wing may add a rear spoiler only
if the OE wing and wing attachments are first removed.
Q. The fuel tank may be modified, replaced, or relocated. If the fuel tank is
modified or replaced, the following restrictions apply:
1. The fuel tank/cell may be located within the same area as the OE
2. If the fuel tank/cell does not fit within the same area as the OE tank,
the requirements of Section 3.3.3.B.27 must be met.
R. All mirrors and their associated mounting hardware may be removed or
S. The hood, hatchback, deck lid, and fenders may be lightened or re-

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 129

17. Prepared
placed by ones of alternate material provided the shape is similar to
the original and does not confuse the identity of the vehicle. Factory
bolt-on fenders may be replaced in their entirety. Cars with non-remov-
able fenders may replace the front fender panels going forward from
the foremost door opening and the rear fender panels going rearward
from the rearmost door opening. Closed cars must not remove stan-
dard material above the horizontal line placed at the lowest point of the
driver’s door window opening, with the exception that OE removable
panels (e.g., T-tops, targa tops, sunroofs) may be removed or replaced
with panels of alternate material provided that the dimensions of any
replacement panel do not vary from those of the original by more than
1.0” (25.4 mm) in any direction. The approval of alternate body panels
does not authorize the use of underbody or belly pans forward of the
firewall or aft of the front edge of the rear wheel opening. Ground effect
tunnels and/or attempts to gain ground effects are also not authorized.
Any such elements incorporated in the otherwise approved components
must be removed or disabled.
Front hoods and engine covers may be vented and/or louvered. The
total area for all vents/louvers on a vehicle may not exceed 500 sq. in.
(3225.8 cm²), unless provided as standard equipment. The total area is
measured as the total open area or the perimeter of the louvers when
viewed from above.
The location, number, and shape of vents/louvers is unrestricted pro-
vided they are fully contained on allowed panels. For vehicles having
original vents/louvers exceeding these dimensions, no further openings
are permitted. Louver openings must face rearward and may stand no
higher than 1.0” (25.4 mm) above the original surface. No additional
scoops, cowls, bulges, or ducts are permitted unless specified in Ap-
pendix A.
T. All headlights, front parking lights, and front signal lights may be re-
moved. Headlight doors may be removed, replaced, or modified. Any
remaining openings shall be covered with a wire mesh screen or panel
of fiberglass, Plexiglas®, metal, or other nonflammable material. Ducts
from headlights, headlight doors, front parking lights, and front signal
lights may be used for ducting air to the engine, front brakes, and/or
oil cooler(s). Any opening used for ducting may not be relocated. These
ducts may pass through interior panels for this purpose. The cross sec-
tion area of a single duct shall not exceed the cross sectional area of the
original (single) headlight.
U. All side marker lights and tail/stop lights may be removed. If such an
item is removed, the resultant opening must be covered.
V. Spare wheel and tire may be removed.
17.3 TIRES
Any tire (including recaps) meeting the Solo® safety requirements and
130 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
17. Prepared
the applicable portions of 3.3 is allowed.
A. Any wheel may be replaced in accordance with the Prepared class list-
ings in Appendix A.
B. Wheel spacers may be used.
C. Any wheel mounting stud or bolt may be used.
D. The use of center lock wheels and hubs is permitted.
E. A manufacturer’s standard wheel size exceeding the listing in Appendix
A may be used, and must remain axle-specific relative to standard-size
wheels with no additional weight. Track dimensions must comply with
the listings in Appendix A.
F. For classes CP, any diameter and width wheel may be used without ad-
ditional weight adjustments.
G. For classes DP, EP, and FP, wheels up to 10” wide are allowed with no
weight increase. Wheels greater than 10” wide up to 11” wide will re-
ceive a 50 lb. increase. Wheels greater than 11” wide up to 12” wide will
receive a 100 lb. increase.
A. Bump stop rubbers and bracketry may be removed or replaced with
others of unrestricted origin.
B. Electrically controlled active shocks are prohibited.
C. Level 1 Preparation (Full Prep) Vehicles
1. Any springs or torsion bars may be used. Spring seats and points of
attachment may be replaced or altered. Adjustable spring perches
are permitted.
2. Alternately, all cars may fit “coil-over” type springs with tubular, load
bearing shock absorbers or struts. The shock absorber or MacPher-
son/Chapman strut shall be installed inside the spring. Such items
shall not exceed one shock/strut per wheel. When load bearing
shocks are used, the original springs may be removed.
3. Any shock absorbers may be used. The total number of shock absorb-
ers installed shall not exceed the number originally installed by the
4. Attachment points for the shock absorbers may be changed. There
shall be a metal panel, covering, or bulkhead separating non-stan-
dard rear attachment points from the driver.
5. Lever shock absorbers may be modified or entirely eliminated. When
lever shocks are replaced with tubular shocks, the entire shock as-
sembly may be removed and replaced with a control link and bracket
that approximates the control function of the original lever shock.
D. Level 2 Preparation (Limited Prep) Vehicles

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 131

17. Prepared
1. Any springs or torsion bars can be used provided the type of these
items remains as standard. Springs and torsion bars must be in-
stalled in the standard location using the standard system of attach-
2. Shock absorbers are unrestricted provided the quantity and type
(i.e., tube, lever) of these items remains as fitted standard. Shock
absorbers must be installed in the standard location using the stan-
dard system of attachment. The mounting of the remote reservoir of
a remote reservoir shock absorber is unrestricted. No shock absorber
can be capable of adjustment by the driver while the car is in motion,
unless fitted as standard.
Brake systems, including calipers, caliper mounts, discs, drums, lines,
backing plates, pedals, boosters, master cylinders, handles, proportion-
ing devices, pads, linings, ABS (Anti-lock Braking Systems), etc. are unre-
stricted except for Section 3.3.3 requirements and as follows:
A. Brake rotors/drums shall be located in the original position (i.e., in-
board vs. outboard).
B. Brake rotor/drum friction surfaces must be ferrous metal. Carbon or
ceramic composite brake rotors/drums are expressly prohibited.
C. Addition or replacement of Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS) is prohib-
ited. The standard system may be disabled in a manner not accessible
while driving. Any component of a disabled system may be removed or
modified, unless prohibited elsewhere. ABS sensors (excluding wheel
speed sensors), ABS computer, ABS valve block and input signals of a
functional system, may not be replaced, relocated or altered. The ABS
wheel speed sensors and ABS tone wheels may be relocated, replaced or
modified, as long as the functional operation of the system is not altered
(e.g. pulses per wheel revolution remains the same). The ABS warning
lamp/s and related wiring, of a functional system, may be removed or
modified. The length and routing of ABS related wiring, of a functional
system, may be modified, as long as the functional operation of the sys-
tem is not altered.
Any anti-roll bar, camber compensating device, panhard rod, watts link-
age, and/or other suspension stabilizer is permitted. Attachment points of
such components are unrestricted. Components may pass through body
panels, chassis panels, and frame members.
A. Level 1 Preparation (Full Prep) Vehicles
Components may extend into the driver/passenger/trunk compart-
ments, but shall be covered with metal panels.
B. Level 2 Preparation (Limited Prep) Vehicles
Components and mounting cannot be located in the trunk or driver/
132 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
17. Prepared
passenger compartment unless fitted as standard.
A. Spindles, hubs, bearings, bearing carriers, stub axles, etc. may be modi-
fied or replaced.
B. Suspension Control
1. Original suspension control arms may be reinforced, modified, or re-
placed with components of unrestricted origin.
2. The manufacturer’s original basic type of rear suspension (e.g., inde-
pendent, live axle, swing axle, MacPherson strut, A-arm, etc.) shall
be retained unless otherwise stated in Appendix A.
3. Suspension bushings are unrestricted. Adjustable spherical bearings
or rod ends are permitted on all suspension components.
4. The wheelbase of the vehicle shall not be changed or relocated in a
fore/aft direction by more than ±1.0” (±25.4 mm).
5. The minimum track for all prepared cars is the OE track dimension.
Note: This minimum also applies to cars utilizing Section 17.11.A to
compete in Prepared.
6. Level 1 Preparation (Full Prep) Vehicles
a. Suspension pick-up points on the chassis or structure may
be relocated. If such points are relocated, there shall be a metal
panel, covering, or bulkhead separating the driver/passenger area
from the suspension components.
b. Front – Vehicles originally equipped with MacPherson strut front
suspension may convert to double A-arm. Other vehicles must re-
tain the manufacturer’s system of front suspension. A-arm front
suspension shall have the shocks attached outboard of the inner
pickup point on the upper or lower control arm. Rocker arms,
push-pull rods, etc., are prohibited unless otherwise stated in Ap-
pendix A.
c. Rear – Rocker arms and push-pull rods may be used to augment
the rear suspension members.
7. Level 2 Preparation (Limited Prep) Vehicles
a. Suspension pick-up points on the chassis or subframe structure
may not be relocated. Allowed alternate bushings/bearings must
contain the pivot point within the space occupied by the OE bush-
b. Vehicles equipped with MacPherson/Chapman struts may slot
the mounting holes or add additional adjustment plates provided
that the center hole is not enlarged or relocated. The strut shaft
must pass through the center hole. Mounting of adjustment plates
is unrestricted.
c. Camber and caster may be adjusted by modification or replace-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 133
17. Prepared
ment of existing brackets which locate control pivots and bolt to
the chassis or subframe structure. Any resulting change in the ver-
tical position of the pivot points must remain within 1.0” (25.4
mm) of the original location.
C. Steering
1. Steering arms, pitman arms, steering racks/gears, and steering link-
age component parts may be modified, reinforced, or substituted.
Power-assist steering components may be added, removed, or modi-
fied. The steering system may be relocated or changed.
2. The steering column is unrestricted. A collapsible-type steering col-
umn having a layout and design and/or a column structure with im-
pact and energy absorbing characteristics is strongly recommended.
3. Any steering wheel and wheel quick-release mechanism may be
used. Steering wheel rake and steering column length may be al-
tered. Steering quickeners may be added to the steering column.
D. All spherical rod ends used on major suspension and steering compo-
nents shall be retained either by the design of the mounting brackets,
a larger area captive washer, or the inherent mechanical design of the
unit (circlip or Messerschmitt joints).
A. The use of any driver operated electric starter is permitted.
B. The use of any ignition system (except magneto ignition) is permitted
provided the number of spark plugs remains the same as that of the
standard production engine. If a distributor is removed, a blanking
plate or breather may be fitted in its place.
C. The original generator or alternator may be completely removed or re-
placed. Mounting location and drive system for the generator or alter-
nator is unrestricted.
D. The remaining components of the electrical system are unrestricted.
E. It is recommended that all vehicles be equipped with an electrical sys-
tem master cutoff switch.
F. Any traction or stability control systems are permitted.
A. Component Modification
1. Where allowed, original and alternate components of the engine may
be lightened, balanced, and modified by any mechanical or chemical
means, provided that it is always possible to identify required com-
ponents as original. Such means include, but are not limited to, shot
peening, glass beading, heat treatment or hardening, plating, and
2. No material or mechanical extension may be added to any required
original component unless specifically authorized by these rules.
134 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
17. Prepared
Any repair performed to a required original component shall clearly
serve no other prohibited function. Compression ratio may not be
increased via welding of combustion chambers.
B. Induction System
1. Any air filter(s), velocity stack(s) and or air box(es) may be fitted. Air
may be ducted to the carburetor or fuel injection provided that the
ducting is contained within the engine compartment and that the air
to be ducted is supplied through normal or specifically authorized
openings in the bodywork. Headlight, front parking light, front sig-
nal light, and similar standard openings in the front of the car may
be used for ducting air to the engine and ducts may pass through
interior panels for this purpose. “Standard openings in the front of
the car” includes ventilation system intake grilles.
2. Any throttle linkage may be used. All throttle linkages shall be
equipped with more than one system of positive throttle closure. Any
throttle pedal may be used.
3. All inducted air, with the exception of idle air, shall pass through the
throttle venturi(s).
4. Level 1 Preparation (Full Prep) Vehicles
a. Unless specifically listed in Appendix A, carburetors and fuel in-
jection systems are unrestricted.
b. Intake manifolds are unrestricted except that no portion of any
intake manifold may extend into the intake ports of the cylinder
head or rotary engine end plate.
5. Level 2 Preparation (Limited Prep) Vehicles
a. All inducted air must pass through the throttle body and be subject
to control by the throttle butterfly. All single-carbureted cars may
fit a permitted optional carburetor per Appendix A. The standard
or permitted alternate carburetor must not be modified. Carbure-
tor jets needles, metering rods and needle valves are unrestricted.
Choke mechanisms, plates, rods, and actuating cables, wires, or
hoses can be removed. The number of carburetors must not be
changed from OE.
b. Standard or permitted alternate carburetor(s) can use an adaptor
plate and/or a spacer in addition to any standard spacer between
the carburetor(s) and the intake manifold. Material for the adap-
tor plate and spacer is unrestricted. No adaptor plate or spacer
can serve any purpose other than to space out and/or mate the
carburetor(s) to the permitted intake manifold. The adapter or
spacer cannot create a plenum or change the carburetor orienta-
tion. The maximum thickness for the adapter, spacer, standard
spacer, or combination of all is 1¼ inches (1.250”, 31.75 mm). For
the purpose of these rules an isolator is a spacer.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 135

17. Prepared
c. Fuel Injection – The standard throttle body must be retained and
may not be modified. The number of injectors must remain stan-
dard. The mounting position and injection point must be stan-
dard. In all other respects the fuel injection system is unrestricted.
d. The intake manifold may be port matched on the port mating sur-
face to a depth of no more than 1.0” (25.4 mm). Balance pipes or
tubes on all intake manifolds can be plugged or restricted. The
intake manifold cannot otherwise be modified.
C. Induction System – Turbocharged/Supercharged Engines
1. Turbocharging and supercharging is prohibited except for specific
vehicles as listed in Appendix A.
2. Induction systems must have a restrictor on the inlet side. This re-
strictor orifice must not be more than 4.0” (10.2 cm) from the com-
pressor inlet and must maintain the specified diameter for at least ½
inch (0.50”, 12.7 mm). Induction system restrictors may be located
within or be integral to the compressor housing, provided that all
dimensional requirements of 17.10.C.2 are maintained. All inducted
air must pass through this restrictor. The diameter for the restrictor
shall be as follows (unless specified otherwise in Appendix A):
a. XP – No restrictor required
b. CP – 52 mm (2.047”) restrictor
c. FP – 46 mm (1.811”) restrictor
3. Only air-to-air intercoolers may be used. They must fit completely
within the bodywork. They must be cooled only by the atmosphere.
The use of coolants such as water, dry ice, ice, etc. is prohibited. Air
may be ducted as long as it is supplied through normal or specifi-
cally authorized openings in the bodywork. Standard openings in the
front of the car includes ventilation system intake grilles.
4. All turbocharged/supercharged cars are restricted to a single turbo-
charger/supercharger. The type size and model of turbocharger/su-
percharger is unrestricted.
D. Fuel System
1. Any fuel line(s) may be used. All non-standard fuel line(s) passing
through the passenger compartment shall be made of metal or met-
al-braided hose or equivalent (e.g., Nomex, Kevlar, or nylon-braided
hose) with AN Series threaded couplings or entirely covered and pro-
tected with a metal cover.
2. Any fuel pump(s), filter(s), and pressure regulator(s) may be used.
Such components may not be located in the passenger compartment
but their location within the bodywork of the car is otherwise unre-
stricted. If a mechanical pump is replaced, a blanking plate may be
used to cover the original mounting point.
3. A cool-can, not exceeding one gallon in volume, may be used. The
136 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
17. Prepared
cool-can may not be installed in the passenger compartment.
4. No fuel shall be added after the exhaust valve on a piston engine or
after the beginning of the exhaust port of a rotary engine.
E. All emission equipment may be removed, in part or in whole. Remov-
al is the only permitted modification to emission control equipment.
When EGR air nozzles are removed from a cylinder head, the resultant
holes shall be completely plugged.
F. Cylinder Head
1. The original or a specified alternate cylinder head shall be used.
2. Compression ratio may be altered by machining, using any head
gasket(s), or elimination of head gasket(s).
3. Level 1 Preparation (Full Prep) Vehicles
a. Any valve guides and valve seats may be used.
b. Heads may be modified per Section 17.10.A.1.
4. Level 2 Preparation (Limited Prep) Vehicles
a. Heads may be ported within 1.0” (25.4mm) of the manifold
mounting surface.
b. Fuel injector ports must be plugged if carburetors are used.
c. Machining is allowed to accommodate the installation of O-rings
to replace or supplement a cylinder head gasket.
d. Valve seats are unrestricted. Valve seat angles are unrestricted.
The valve seat insert can be no taller than ½ inch (0.50”, 12.7
e. Valve guide material is unrestricted, but must have standard ex-
ternal dimensions.
G. Camshaft and Valve Gear
1. Cam timing chains, gears, belts, sprockets, and associated covers are
2. A timing chain/belt tensioner may be added to those engines not
originally so equipped, provided that it acts upon that portion of the
chain/belt that travels from the crank drive to the first cam sprocket/
gear. The timing chain cover may be modified to facilitate its use.
Adjustable cam timing sprockets are permitted.
3. Any metal valves may be used. Valve springs, valve retainers, keep-
ers, seals, and adjusting shims are unrestricted.
4. Pushrods are unrestricted except they must be made of metal.
5. Any cam followers may be used.
6. Any valve covers may be used.
7. Level 1 Preparation (Full Prep) Vehicles
a. Any camshaft(s) may be used.
b. Valve sizes are unrestricted.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 137
17. Prepared
c. Valve train rocker arms, shafts, and attendant assemblies (such as
rocker stud girdles) are unrestricted.
8. Level 2 Preparation (Limited Prep) Vehicles
a. Camshafts are unrestricted except for limits as described in Ap-
pendix A. Where maximum valve lift is specified, valve lift is mea-
sured at the valve with zero lash or clearance.
b. Valve sizes are to remain standard unless specifically allowed in
Appendix A.
c. Rocker shafts, when utilized in the same standard system, can be
replaced by an alternate shafts and are unrestricted. Valve train
rocker arms, cam followers, rocker ratios, and rocker/follower ra-
tios must be standard.
H. Block
1. The block may be rebored no more than 0.0472” (1.20 mm) over
standard unless otherwise specified in Appendix A. US-produced
six-cylinder and eight-cylinder engines may be rebored no more
than 0.060” (1.52 mm) over standard. Alternate blocks which are of
the same material and nominal dimensions as standard are allowed.
Critical dimensions for piston engines are deck height, cylinder bore,
cylinder spacing, vee angle, and distance from crank centerline to
cam centerline. Critical dimensions for rotary engines are epitro-
choidal curve, working chamber volume, and eccentric shaft loca-
2. Cylinder sleeves may be fitted to the block for repair purposes if
they serve no other prohibited function. Sleeving may not be used
to create a new engine configuration (one which exhibits the same
displacement as an allowed engine, but which has differing bore and
stroke), unless authorized in Appendix A. Oil passages may be en-
larged, restricted, or plugged.
3. Any crankshaft main bearing caps and any additional main bearing
cap bolts may be used provided that no material is added to the block
for their use. Any crankshaft main bearing stud girdle may be used.
4. The compression ratio may be increased by means of milling the
block and the block may be machined to utilize O-rings to replace or
supplement a cylinder head gasket.
5. The block may be machined for the purpose of adding or substituting
crankshaft oil seal(s) and related attachment devices.
6. Balance shafts may be removed.
I. Pistons and Rods
1. Pistons, pins, clips and/or pin retainers, and piston rings are unre-
stricted. Pistons shall be constructed of metal.
2. Level 1 Preparation (Full Prep) Vehicles

138 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

17. Prepared
Alternate connecting rods made of ferrous material are permitted.
3. Level 2 Preparation (Limited Prep) Vehicles
a. Standard connecting rods are required but can be lightened and
b. Connecting rod fasteners (bolts and nuts) are unrestricted.
J. Crank and Flywheel
1. The original direction of crankshaft rotation and firing order shall be
2. The use of any external crankshaft vibration dampener is permitted.
3. The linkage between the clutch pedal and the clutch housing/clutch
actuating mechanism is unrestricted, but may serve no other pur-
pose. A mechanical linkage may be replaced with a hydraulic system.
Any clutch pedal may be used.
4. Level 1 Preparation (Full Prep) Vehicles
a. The crankshaft may be replaced with another of the same basic
material provided the angles of the crank throws remain the same.
No change in stroke is permitted unless authorized in Appendix A.
b. Any clutch is permitted.
c. Any steel or aluminum flywheel is permitted.
5. Level 2 Preparation (Limited Prep) Vehicles
a. Standard crankshafts are required. The crankshaft may be light-
ened and balanced. Journal diameters can be a maximum under-
size of 0.045” (1.14 mm) from standard diameter.
b. Any flywheel of standard diameter or larger may be used provided
it attaches to the standard or permitted alternate crankshaft at
the standard location. Additional fasteners may be used. The di-
ameter of the flywheel includes the diameter of the starter ring
gear. Cars that are permitted a specific alternate transmission on
the specification line may use a flywheel of standard diameter or
larger for that alternate transmission.
c. Clutch assemblies, clutch linkages, and release bearings are unre-
stricted. Carbon clutch components are prohibited.
K. Oiling System
1. The use of any oil pan/sump, scrapers, baffles, windage trays, oil
pickup(s), pressure accumulator (Accusump®), and oil filter(s) is
permitted. Filter and accumulator location is unrestricted but they
shall be securely mounted within the bodywork.
2. So long as it meets the requirements in Section 3.3.3, the installation
of any type of vent or breather on the engine is permitted.
3. Level 1 Preparation (Full Prep) Vehicles
Any engine driven oil pump may be used including a dry sump sys-
tem. The dry sump tank shall be mounted within the bodywork. If
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 139
17. Prepared
said tank is mounted in the driver/passenger compartment, it shall
be isolated from the driver by means of a metal bulkhead or addi-
tional container that retains any spillage or leakage.
4. Level 2 Preparation (Limited Prep) Vehicles
Any mechanically driven oil pump can be used. Chassis components
may be modified to allow installation of the oil pump. Dry sump sys-
tems are prohibited.
L. The components of the exhaust system are unrestricted. Exhaust must
be compliant with Section 3.3.3.B.16 and may exit through the body-
work. Rocker panels may be modified for exhaust routing.
M.Other Engine Components
1. The use of alternate engine components which are normally expend-
able and considered replacement parts, such as seals, bearings, wa-
ter pumps, etc., is permitted. Fasteners may be substituted.
2. Bushings may be installed where none are fitted as standard pro-
vided they are concentric and that the centerline of the bushed part
is not changed. The addition of alignment dowels is permitted. Bush-
ings are required to be concentric so that unintended relocations and
realignments are not permitted.
3. Gaskets may be replaced with others of unrestricted origin.
4. Alternator/generator, crankshaft, and water pump pulleys may be
altered or replaced by others of unrestricted origin.
5. One or more engine torque suppressors may be fitted. Original
torque suppressors may be altered, replaced, or removed.
6. Motor mounts of alternate design and/or material may be used.
7. The engine may not be relocated.
N. Engine, Rotary Piston (only) Modifications
1. No changes in the epitrochoidal curve of the motor are permitted.
2. The capacity of the working chambers shall not be changed.
3. The eccentric shaft may be replaced with another of the same basic
material, but no changes in the eccentricity or bearing journal di-
mensions are permitted.
4. Rotors are unrestricted provided the material and number of lobes
remains unchanged.
O. Cooling System
1. Cooling fan(s) may be modified, substituted, or removed. Electrically
operated cooling fan(s) may be installed provided it (they) serve no
other purpose. The use of any engine, transmission, and/or differ-
ential oil cooler(s) is/are permitted provided it/they is/are mounted
completely within or under the bodywork, but not in the driver/pas-
senger compartment. Associated oil cooler pumps and lines are per-
mitted for the transmission and differential. Air ducts may be fitted
140 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
17. Prepared
to the oil cooler(s) as specifically authorized herein.
2. Any water radiator is allowed, provided there are no changes in the
exterior bodywork to accommodate its use. It shall not be located in
the driver/ passenger compartment. Separate expansion or header
tank(s) are permitted provided they are not mounted in the driver/
passenger compartment. The heater core may be removed entirely
but not modified or replaced. Water radiators may be filled with wa-
ter, antifreeze, and/or nonflammable liquids the purpose of which
is to transfer heat and/or inhibit freezing, boiling, and/or corrosion.
A Corvair may use a water radiator. Other modifications which may
be involved in its use are not permitted unless explicitly allowed by
the contents of Section 17. A radiator may be relocated so long as the
other applicable items in Section 17 are not violated (e.g., the exterior
bodywork is not altered) to accommodate the change. OE radiator
support/mounts can be modified to accommodate an alternate ra-
diator configuration.
3. Sealing or shrouding the airflow area between the normal grill open-
ing and the water radiator is permitted.
4. On water-cooled cars, thermostats may be removed, modified, or re-
placed with blanking sleeves or restrictors.
5. The direction of water flow through the engine shall not be changed
from that which was original for the engine unless authorized in Ap-
pendix A.
6. Electrically driven water pumps are allowed. Alternate mechanical
water pumps are not required to be of the same configuration as the
original. Electric water pumps may be relocated.
P. Transmission
1. The standard transmission without modification may be used.
2. Any mechanical shift linkage or mechanism for changing gears may
be used including use of lockout mechanisms. The shift lever open-
ing in the body of the car may be altered to allow the installation of
an alternate shift linkage.
3. Level 1 Preparation (Full Prep) Vehicles
a. Any non-sequential manual transmission is allowed. Any auto-
matic sequential transmission employing a torque converter is al-
b. Hydraulic/electric shifting mechanisms may be modified in auto-
matic sequential transmissions employing a torque converter.
c. Pneumatic, hydraulic, or electronically-controlled shifting is not
allowed for manual transmissions, except for electronically-con-
trolled overdrive manual transmissions in cars which were origi-
nally equipped with them.
d. Gear ratios may be modified.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 141
17. Prepared
e. A functional reverse gear is not required.
f. The transmission tunnel/cover may be altered to allow the instal-
lation of an alternate transmission and/or driveshaft. Cars origi-
nally equipped with a removable transmission tunnel/cover may
substitute a tunnel/cover of an alternate material.
4. Level 2 Preparation (Limited Prep) Vehicles
a. There is no weight increase for the use of a standard transmission
utilizing standard case, gear ratios, and synchromesh style gear
b. An alternate transmission that uses standard-type, circular, bev-
eled synchronizers, imposes a 2.5% weight increase.
c. An alternate transmission that uses a gear engagement mecha-
nism different than standard-type, circular, beveled synchroniz-
ers imposes a 5% weight increase.
Q. Final Drive
1. Alternate driveshaft(s) may be used. Any driveshaft assembly may
be modified to permit the use of an alternate transmission. All non-
standard driveshafts must be made of metal.
2. Any gear ratio and/or differential (limited slip or locked) is permit-
ted. Final drive units which permit gear ratio changes while the car is
in motion are prohibited.
3. Any drive axle shafts, bearings, bearing carriers, hubs, and univer-
sal/CV joints may be used.
4. “Loops” may be installed to prevent the driveshaft from contacting
the ground in the event of driveshaft and/or U-joint failure.
5. Level 1 Preparation (Full Prep) Vehicles
Any axle tube or final drive housing is permitted.
6. Level 2 Preparation (Limited Prep) Vehicles
Substitution of the differential housing is only permitted on front-
engine/front-drive or rear-engine/rear-drive cars through the use of
an alternate transaxle.
R. Alternate Engine Allowance:
Prepared vehicles may make use of alternate engines from the engine
originally delivered, with the following rules. Excluded from use of al-
ternate engines are forced-induction engines, rotary engines, hybrid
engine and drivetrains, and Prepared Limited Preparation Vehicles.
1. Alternate engines are to be from the same make as the make of the
vehicle. Engine must be available in production automotive model(s)
sold in the US. No alternate engines or parts of the engine are al-
lowed that were offered in other markets than the US unless listed
in Appendix A. Motorcycle, snowmobile, marine, or other engines of
non-automotive design are not permitted.
142 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
17. Prepared
2. Vehicle manufacturers that no longer exist may use any motor avail-
able in the use from corporate brands or via the following listings:
a. British makes may use Ford motors including Mazda.
b. Italian makes may use Fiat Chrysler motors.
3. Alternate engines are to retain the same piston count or less as the
vehicle’s engine was originally configured. Models classed with mul-
tiple piston counts on the same line may use any piston count that
matches classed models.
4. Alternate engines must keep same cooling type as before. Examples:
Air cooled stays air cooled and water cooled stays water cooled.
5. Alternate engine weights will be calculated using listed engine dis-
placement of swapped engine.
6. Alternate engines may make use of allowances found in 17.10
7. Longitudinally mounted alternate engines must locate the bell hous-
ing to block mounting surface no closer to the fore-aft center of the
vehicle than the standard part. Vertical position of the longitudinal
axis of the centerline of the crankshaft must be within ±1 inch (25.4
mm) of the standard part. Transverse mounted alternate engines
must locate the centerline of the crankshaft ±1 inch than the stan-
dard part , and no closer to the fore-aft center of the vehicle than the
standard part ±1 inch (25.4 mm).
The engine orientation (transverse stays transverse and longitudinal
stays longitudinal) and the engine bay location must not be changed
(front-engine stays front-engine, mid-engine stays mid-engine, and
rear-engine stays rear-engine).
17.11 OTHER
A. Vehicles competing in C Prepared (CP) class, should refer to section
17.11.B. Vehicles prepared in excess of Solo® allowances and prepared
up to either the current Club Racing GT or Production Category rules
are permitted to compete in X Prepared (XP) class. Tube-frame pro-
duction cars and kit-cars specifically listed in Appendix A (i.e., Shelby
Cobra) are subject to the requirements in the relevant Appendix. Tube-
frame versions of production vehicles (e.g., a tube-frame Mazda RX-7)
are considered in excess of the rules and must comply with the require-
ments in this Section. Section 17.8.B.5 minimum track requirements
apply. Minimum weight will be GCR minimum plus any Solo® weight
adjustments (wheel size weight increases, etc.). Vehicles taking ad-
vantage of this allowance may only use the Club Racing GCR (General
Competition Rules) allowances in whole. Cars which are not listed in
the GCR may not use this allowance and are limited to the modifica-
tions allowed in Section 17. For those cars which have been de-listed
from the current year GCR, the appropriate specifications will be devel-
oped and added to Appendix A upon member request. An exception to
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 143
17. Prepared
the GCR will be that open cars are permitted provided they comply with
all provisions of Section 17 pertaining specifically to open cars. The fol-
lowing items listed in the GCR, while recommended, are not required:
Logbooks, annual inspections, roll cage, on-board fire systems, hand-
held fire extinguisher, scattershield/chain guards, master switch, steer-
ing wheel lock removal, window safety net, windshield safety clips and
rear window safety straps, and braided steel brake lines. Single Inlet
Restrictor (SIR) is not required. Due to the extent of modifications per-
mitted on GT-derived cars classed within the Prepared category, it is
possible for a replica car to meet the legality requirements for the corre-
sponding original model provided that the engine, track, and wheelbase
remain within the allowed specifications. In such a case, the replica is
considered compliant for Prepared, provided it correctly meets all of
the applicable GCR specifications.
B. C Prepared (CP) vehicles prepared in excess Solo® allowances and pre-
pared up to either the current Road Racing GT or Production Category
rules are permitted to compete in C Prepared (CP). Tube-frame pro-
duction cars and kit-cars specifically listed in Appendix A are subject
to the requirements in the relevant Appendix. Tube-frame versions of
production vehicles (i.e., a tube-frame Camaro) are considered in ex-
cess of the rules and must comply with the requirements in this Sec-
tion. Section 17.8.B.5 minimum track requirements apply. Minimum
weight will be 110% of the Solo® minimum weight from Appendix A
plus any Solo® weight adjusments (wheel size weight increases, etc.).
Vehicles taking advantage of this allowance may use the Solo® Rules
or the Road Racing GCR (General Competition Rules) allowances in
whole, in part, or in combination. Cars which are not listed in the GCR
may not use this allowance and are limited to the modifications allowed
in Section 17. For those cars which have been de-listed from the current
year GCR, the appropriate specifications will be developed and added
to Appendix A upon member request. An exception to the GCR will be
that open cars are permitted provided they comply with all provisions
of Section 17 pertaining specifically to open cars. The following items
listed in the GCR, while recommended, are not required: Logbooks, an-
nual inspections, roll cage, on-board fire systems, hand-held fire extin-
guisher, scattershield/chain guards, master switch, steering wheel lock
removal, window safety net, windshield safety clips and rear window
safety straps, and braided steel brake lines. Single Inlet Restrictor (SIR)
is not required. Due to the extent of modifications permitted on GT-de-
rived cars classed within the Prepared category, it is possible for a rep-
lica car to meet the legality requirements for the corresponding original
model provided that the engine, track, and wheelbase remain within the
allowed specifications. In such a case, the replica is considered compli-
ant for Prepared, provided it correctly meets all of the applicable GCR
specifications. The 10% increase in minimum weight does apply to such
144 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
17. Prepared
C. Weight Calculations
Where there is a percentage addition as well as a specific weight ad-
dition, the percentage is added to the base weight before the specific
weight addition. Examples:
• In Prepared class X (XP), the minimum weight for an AWD car with
a 2.5L turbocharged engine is:
2.5L x 1.4 = 3.5L x 250 lbs. = 875 lbs. + 1200 lbs. = 2075 lbs.
• In Prepared class C (CP), the minimum weight for a car with a 302
ci (5.0L) engine prepared to Section 17.11 (e.g., GCR) allowances is:
2700 lbs. x 1.10 = 2970 lbs.
D. Data acquisition/recording systems are permitted.
E. Except where there are specific requirements in these rules, any safe
line for fuel, hydraulic fluids, oil, water or breather is allowed.
F. Ballast may be added to all cars as required to meet minimum weight
provided it is securely mounted within the bodywork and serves no oth-
er purpose. Ballast plates may be installed beneath the floor pan so long
as they do not protrude beyond its edges.
G. All cars may have towing eyes, hooks, or straps which do not danger-
ously protrude from the bodywork.
H. Removal of or modification to heating, ventilation, air conditioning,
wiper/washer, audio, security, communication, and convenience sys-
tems is allowed provided the modification does not serve another pur-
pose (e.g., an air conditioning compressor may not be modified to serve
as a supercharger).
17.12 SAFETY
A. Roll Bars/Roll Cages (Aluminum is not an allowed material)
1. All open Prepared Category vehicles shall have at a minimum a roll
bar complying with Appendix C.
2. It is recommended that all cars be equipped with a roll cage meet-
ing the requirements of the Club Racing GCR. Compliance with this
requirement supersedes the need to comply with Section 17.12.A.1.
3. Roll bars and cages may either be bolted or welded to the vehicle.
B. At a minimum, all vehicles will be equipped with driver restraints meet-
ing Solo® safety requirements (Section 3.3). It is highly recommend-
ed that all cars with roll bars/cages be equipped with driver restraints
meeting the requirements of the GCR.
C. A scattershield or explosion-proof bell housing complying with the GCR
is recommended.
D. Fire extinguishers or fire systems are permitted.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 145

18. Modified Category


Category Objectives
• Provide a competitive outlet for the highest level of allowed modifi-
• Accommodate competitors with purpose built competition vehicles,
with allowances for a wide variety of designs and origins.
Category Values
• Maximum speed and handling for given car parameters.
• Rules stability to protect member investment and encourage com-
• Highest levels of drivetrain and suspension development (varies
among the individual classes).
• Custom design and fabrication.
• Maximum tire adhesion with minimum constraint (varies among the
individual classes).
Core Modifications
• Chassis and suspension customization.
• Unconstrained automotive-based powertrain (varies among the in-
dividual classes).
• Minimum weights generally based on displacement.
• A Modified (AM) – Least restricted class with significant aero allow-
ances and unlimited drivetrain.
• B Modified (BM) – GCR-based formula cars and sports racers with a
high power/weight and aero allowances.
• C Modified (CM) – GCR-based formula cars and sports racers with
medium power/weight and restricted aero allowances.
• D Modified (DM) – Highly modified very lightweight production-
based or approved kit cars with a maximum equivalent displacement
of 2 liters and lower weights than EM.
• E Modified (EM) – Highly modified lightweight production-based or
approved kit cars with no limit on displacement and higher weights
than DM.
• F Modified (FM) – Small, very agile, GCR-based formula cars.
Sports cars and sedans altered in excess of Prepared Category, sports rac-
ing and two-seat specials, Formula cars, single-seat specials, dune buggies,
and kit cars may compete in Modified Classes A through F (AM through
Rules for Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS), Traction Control Systems
(TCS) and Stability Control Systems (SCS) in CM and FM are as dictated
for those cars by the Club Racing General Competition Rules (GCR). ABS
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 147
18. Modified Category
is explicitly prohibited in all other Modified classes with the exception of
AM, where ABS specifically is allowed. RPM ramp rate limits, tuning of
engine output using rpm based boost limits and similar systems that do
not use wheel speed sensors, GPS, accelerometers, or other measures of
car motion are excepted from limits on TCS and are allowed in classes AM,
BM, DM and EM. The use of full TCS and SCS is permitted in DM and EM,
with weight additions as shown in Appendix A, but is prohibited in AM
and BM. Additionally, in DM and EM, a Stock Tub car (18.1.C.1) may use
any ABS, TCS, and/or SCS with no weight adjustment as long as it was a
standard option on the car and the original unmodified control unit and
programming are used. Engine RPM limiting devices (rev limiters) and
cooling fans are allowed in all Modified classes. Data acquisition systems
are allowed in all Modified classes unless specifically prohibited by the ap-
plicable section(s).
Modified Category cars are divided into classes based on potential Solo®
performance. They need not be licensed for or capable of street use. The
Solo® Rules shall take preference over the Club Racing GCR concerning
safety requirements for vehicles in this Category. Aerodynamic devices
must be securely mounted on the entirely sprung part of the car and must
not be moveable when the car is in motion. The use of any moving device
(e.g., a fan, propeller, turbine) or hinged wing to create downforce is pro-
hibited. Movable side skirts are not permitted except where noted herein
or in Appendix A, Modified Category.
18.0.A. Sound Control Modifications
If a formula car or sports racer is restricted by a GCR-stated exhaust
length or vehicle length and therefore prohibited from installing the
necessary exhaust devices to quiet the car to meet local dB limits, the
following shall apply:
The vehicle exhaust system length may be extended to allow for the in-
stallation of noise suppression devices. This allowance is provided sole-
ly to reduce the exhaust noise emanating from these cars by allowing
the installation of (a) noise limiting device(s) and in so doing keep the
total exhaust length to a minimum for safety reasons. The installation
and the noise limiting device(s) shall serve no other purpose than that
stated and this allowance only applies to an extension of the exhaust
system, not the vehicle bodywork or frame.
18.0.B. Engine Classifications
1. Four-stroke cycle and two-stroke cycle, naturally aspirated, internal
combustion engines will be classified on the basis of actual piston
2. Rotary Engines (Wankel) – These units will be classified on the basis
of a piston displacement equivalent to twice 1.6 times (1.6 ×) the vol-
ume determined by the difference between the maximum and mini-
mum capacity of the working chamber, times the number of rotors.
148 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
18. Modified Category
3. Turbocharged or supercharged versions of the above engines will be
classified on a basis of 1.4 times (1.4 ×) the computed displacement.
18.0.C. Aerodynamics
The area of a wing shall be computed by multiplying the width and depth
of the wing assembly (top view) without regard to the curvature and/
or inclination of the wing or number of elements. Any airfoil shadowed
by another airfoil with more than six inches between them will have its
own projected area added to the wing area calculation. Any diffuser-
type aerodynamic device under the car which is used in downforce gen-
eration is not included in the wing area calculation. This specification
supersedes Section 12, Wing Area Computation, for these classes.
18.0.D. Tires
Any tire (including recaps) meeting the applicable portions of Section
3.3 is allowed.
18.0.E. Safety Requirements
The following shall be required in all Modified Category vehicles:
1. Scattershields/Chain Guard:The installation of scattershields or ex-
plosion-proof bell housings shall be required on all cars where the
failure of the clutch, flywheel, or torque converter could create a haz-
ard to the driver or passengers. Chain drive cars shall be fitted with a
protective case/shield to retain the chain in case of failure.
The following material requirements apply to scattershields/explo-
sion-proof bell housings:
• ⅛ in. (0.125”; 3.18 mm) SAE 4130 alloy steel
• ¼ in. (0.250”; 6.35 mm) mild steel plate
• ¼ in. (0.250”; 6.35 mm) aluminum alloy
• SFI or NHRA approved flexible shields
2. Master Switch: All cars shall be equipped with a master switch eas-
ily accessible from outside the car. Club Racing Spec Racer Ford ve-
hicles shall be wired per RFSRII. The master switch shall be installed
directly in either battery cable and shall cut all electrical circuits but
not an on-board fire system if so equipped. It shall be clearly marked
by the international marking of a spark in a blue triangle and mount-
ed in a standard location. OFF position shall be clearly indicated at
the master switch location. The standard locations shall be as fol-
a. Formula and Sports Racing Cars: In proximity to the right-
hand member of the roll bar but in a location so that it cannot be
operated accidentally. It can be mounted on a bracket welded to
the inside of the upright member or mounted so that the operating
lever or knob is outside of the body panel immediately inboard of
the upright member.
b. Closed Sports Racing Cars, Production Cars, and GT Cars: In
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 149
18. Modified Category
front of the windshield on either the cowl or on top of the fender,
but close enough to the windshield to be accessible if the car is
overturned. Alternatively, it may be mounted below the center
of the rear window or on a bracket welded, clamped or bolted to
the roll cage or dash, easily accessible through the open window.
(Drilling of holes in roll cage to attach the bracket is prohibited.)
c. Open Production and GT Cars: May exercise a choice among the
above locations.
3. Driveshaft Hoop: RWD DM and EM vehicles shall have a drive-
shaft hoop capable of preventing the shaft from entering the driver’s
compartment or damaging any fluid or electrical lines in the event of
joint or shaft breakage. All cars in competition using open driveshafts
must have a retainer loop with 360° of enclosure, ¼ in. (0.250”;
6.35 mm) minimum thickness and 2.0 in. (50.8 mm) wide, or ⅞ in.
(0.875”) x 0.065” (22.23 mm x 1.65 mm) welded steel tubing, secure-
ly mounted and located so as to support and contain the driveshaft
in event of U-joint failure. Vehicles that have a closed “tunnel” or
other such structure which the driveshaft passes through such as the
vehicle’s frame, may be considered for an exemption from the SEB if
that structure meets the criteria stated above.
Note: DM and EM vehicles are exempt from the scattershield, drive-
shaft hoop, and Master Switch requirements if they are using DOT-
approved tires.
4. The roll bar structure must meet the requirements of either Appen-
dix C or the Club Racing GCR required by class rules. Roll cages are
strongly recommended.
Specials are required to have the roll bar extend at least 2.0” (50.8
mm) above the driver’s helmet in the normal seated position and a
head restraint keeping the driver’s head from going under or behind
the roll bar. It is strongly recommended that all cars adhere to this
5. Firewalls and floors shall prevent the passage of flame and debris
to the driver’s compartment. For cars having fluid lines in a non-
standard routing over the belly pan, the belly pan shall have drain
holes to prevent the accumulation of fluids.
6. No fuel shall be added after the exhaust valve on a piston engine, or
after the beginning of the exhaust port of a rotary engine.
7. Ballast may be added to obtain minimum weight requirements.
However, it must be attached and secured in a safe manner.
8. Club Racing GCR specific items and/or equipment not required in
Modified Category are as follows:
a. Fuel cells.
b. Windscreens, side mirrors and tail/stop lights.
150 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
18. Modified Category
c. Headlight covers, lenses, and bulbs.
d. Log books.
e. Fire retardant driver’s suits.
f. Homologation.
g. Fuel test ports.
h. Production-based dune buggies need not meet door requirements.
i. Running lights.
j. Deformable structures as defined by the GCR Formula Atlantic
k. On-board fire systems.
l. Reverse gear in BM and FM vehicles.
m. A front impact attenuation device (GCR Section 9.4.5.G) is not re-
quired in Solo® Modified Category vehicles.
n. Driver restraint system aging requirements (GCR Section 9.3.19)
do not apply.
The 180° vision rule is recommended.
Note: If any conflict exists between the Club Racing GCR and the
Solo® Rules, the Solo® Rules shall take precedence.
See Sections 3.8 and 8.3.1 for documentation requirements.
Refer to Appendix A for additional class-specific vehicle preparation
Refer to Appendix F for past clarifications of these rules.
The following types of cars are assigned to the Modified Category:
A. Eligibility
Modified classes D (DM) and E (EM) contain production-based cars
which are permitted additional modifications beyond those allowed in
Prepared classes CP through FP. Models must meet the requirements
of Section 13 (first paragraph), be specifically listed in Appendix A, meet
the specifications below, or be otherwise recognized by the SEB.
1. Kit Cars
Kit cars, which were originally designed, constructed, and licensable
for street use, may participate in DM and EM if they are approved
by the SEB. Members desiring approval of a particular kit car should
provide the SEB with detailed information regarding the kit model
and contact info, if available, for the OE manufacturer. For obsolete
kit cars, the member will be expected to provide construction speci-
fications, dimensions, and photographs for the SEB to examine and
keep on file. The SCCA® will evaluate each submitted kit model indi-
vidually and the evaluation will ensure that the specific model:
a. Follows current DM and EM allowances regarding minimum floor
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 151
18. Modified Category
pan dimensions (see Section 18.1.C.1).
b. Has no unusually advantageous aerodynamic features.
c. Has no exceptionally low center of gravity.
d. Has no exceptionally high strength-to-weight ratio.
e. Has no other unique features that would upset the competitive
balance in DM and EM.
f. Has independently-verifiable evidence of at least 10 examples
which meet the approved specification produced. Extremely lim-
ited production sports racer-type efforts are discouraged.
Constructed examples of approved kits are subject to the following:
g. They will automatically take the Modified Tub weight penalty (see
Appendix A).
h. They will have the same weight-displacement scales and weight
bias penalties as production-based cars.
i. They will be allowed all, but no more than, the modifications that
production-based cars are permitted, with the exception that min-
imum width for all kit cars shall be no less than 65” (165.1 cm) as
measured at the narrower end of the car at the tire outer sidewalls
with a minimum 14 psi of tire pressure.
j. They are subject to the same engine and transmission restrictions
as production-based cars.
k. They must meet the same safety requirements as production-
based cars.
l. They must compete with full standard bodywork and that body
must remain recognizable as that of the approved make and mod-
el. For these purposes, the chassis of exoskeleton type cars is con-
sidered part of the bodywork.
m. Functional wings are not permitted even if they are part of the
original kit manufacturer’s specification and/or components. If
present, they must meet section 18.1.F.6.
A newly-added model is not eligible for the current year’s Solo® Na-
tional Championships unless its listing was published no later than
the July issue of the official SCCA® publication.
The list of currently approved models is as follows:
• Exomotive Exocet
• Factory Five Racing 818 (S & R)
• Sylvia Sports Cars J15
2. Clones
Clones/replicas of SCCA®-recognized production cars are permitted
to compete in DM and EM provided they comply with the following

152 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

18. Modified Category
a. They are substantially similar to and recognizable as the original
manufactured vehicle on which they are based.
b. Their specifications do not violate any rule stated herein.
c. A clone shall not benefit from kit car manufacturer “running
changes” unless those changes have also been submitted and ap-
3. Other Models
The Panoz Roadster and Porsche 550 Spyder are eligible for compe-
tition in DM and EM as a modified production-based car using the
Modified Tub minimum weights.
4. Specifications
Weight and displacement specifications are as shown in Appendix A.
B. Bodywork
1. Respecting Section 18.1.F: Aerodynamic Aids, bodywork may be
modified beyond the allowances of Section 17.2; however, the shape
of the body must remain recognizable as that of the approved make
and model. The body must be made of a fire resistant material.
Doors, hoods, trunk lids, sunroofs, hatchbacks, etc. need not func-
tion as originally designed. Bumpers, grilles, lights, glass, and trim
may be removed. Side mirrors and tail/stop lights are not required.
2. Firewalls and floors shall prevent the passage of flame and debris to
the driver compartment. For cars having fluid lines in a non-stan-
dard routing over the belly pan, the belly pan shall have drain holes
to prevent the accumulation of fluids.
3. The driver must be provided with clear and unobstructed access to
the driver’s compartment.
4. Interiors may be gutted. The driver’s seat must be securely mounted.
Steering and driver seating must be completely to the left or right of
the vehicle longitudinal centerline. The seat must be mounted such
that no part of the driver’s body below the waist may cross the longi-
tudinal centerline of the car.
5. Body panels may be altered and air ducting installed to accommo-
date the installation of the water radiator. If the radiator encroaches
into the driver compartment, it must be separated from the driver by
a metal bulkhead or enclosing container.
6. Hoods may be altered to allow for induction system changes without
restriction. Such alterations shall serve no other purpose.
7. Standard bumpers may be retained, removed, or replaced with alter-
nate materials. The bumper, if retained, will contribute its contour
to the top view outline of the car for measurement purposes. Bum-
pers made of alternate materials shall retain the shape and size of the

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18. Modified Category
8. Doors may be replaced with ones of alternate materials. No other
part of the original outside bodywork between the original passen-
ger compartment fore and aft bulkheads, such as rocker panels, floor
pan, or frame, shall have reduced thickness or be replaced with light-
er material.
C. Body and Frame
1. Stock Tub
a. No part of the original outside bodywork between the original
passenger compartment fore and aft bulkheads, such as rocker
panels, floor pan, or frame, shall have reduced thickness or be re-
placed with lighter material.
b. A bulkhead is defined as a transverse panel that is a separator or
step between the driver’s compartment and the engine or main
luggage area.
c. In cars where a rear luggage compartment is not totally closed off
from the passenger compartment, the base of the floor pan step or
base of a part-height panel that would limit rearward travel of the
rearmost of seat bottoms is the rear bulkhead point. If there are
built-in seat track catches or stops, they are assumed disabled for
this definition of travel.
d. Heavier gauge material repairs or heavier replacement sections
are all allowed as long as they closely resemble the original.
e. No removal of the interior sides of the pillars or tub to leave just
an outer shell.
f. Interior storage compartment doors, luggage/trunk compartment
panels, parcel shelves may be modified or removed.
g. Wheel wells and bulkheads are open to modification as long as the
driver is protected from fire and debris.
h. Floor pan width must match or exceed that between the insides of
the original rockers. Length must be matched between the original
passenger compartment bulkhead locations. Floor pan is defined
in Section 12, Floor Pan. Longitudinal structure such as rockers
may not cover or overlap the floor pan width. The full standard
floor pan width or greater must be visible when viewed from di-
rectly above for at least the length of the door openings. The floor
pan may only be cut for drivetrain/exhaust/tire/suspension clear-
i. Tunnels and other vertical floor pan features, as defined in Section
12, Floor Pan, are included as part of the floor pan of a Stock Tub
and shall be at least the original size. They can be longer, wider,
and taller.
j. No car of any sort with a floor pan less than 37” (94.0 cm) wide for
front-engine cars or less than 42” (106.7 cm) wide for mid- and
154 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
18. Modified Category
rear-engine cars shall be allowed in DM or EM.
k. A Stock Tub car over 93” (236.2 cm) in wheelbase may change its
wheelbase and remain a Stock Tub car if the stock rear bulkhead
location and floor pan length are retained.
No weight adjustment.
2. Modified Tub
a. All attributes of a Stock Tub must be maintained in this category
except as explicitly allowed below. There is a weight adjustment
associated with a modified tub.
b. A modified tub is one that mainly achieves a lower CG and im-
proved strength to weight ratio.
c. Lightweight replacement body panels, a thinned-down standard
fiberglass body, or a lift-off lightweight shell attached to the main
body structure are examples of a modified tub when done in the
bulkhead-to-bulkhead region.
d. Vertical features above the bottom floor pan plane do not have
to satisfy original minimum size or shape. Note that the original
width and length of the floor pan still have to meet the original
dimensions. Drivetrain tunnels and seat mounting platforms may
be made smaller than standard with a Modified Tub weight ad-
justment. A flat floor pan is legal.
e. Floor pan material, thickness, and method of attachment are open
under Modified Tub allowances.
f. Rear passenger doors, if present, may be replaced with non-func-
tional panels. Front and rear doors and door openings may be al-
tered to accommodate compliant wheelbase changes.
g. All other cars, Stock or Modified Tub, whose factory wheelbase are
less than 93” (236.2 cm) may still change their wheelbase, but it
must be done without violating the floor pan length as determined
by both front and rear factory bulkhead locations.
h. All series of Lotus 7, 7A, Super 7 and their clone or kit forms (such
as Birkin, Westfield, Locost) are automatically classified as Modi-
fied Tubs. This also applies to the Shelby Cobra and its clones.
i. Tube frame cars are included in this modified tub category.
3. Materials (all tubs)
a. Except as specifically authorized, ferrous metal (containing iron)
must be used for all primary load-bearing structures of the car.
The primary load bearing structure is the main tub or chassis and
its connections to the suspension. No aluminum cages or roll bars
are allowed. Any ferrous or aluminum alloy is permitted for sus-
pension arms, location links, and uprights/spindles. Beryllium
and beryllium alloys are not allowed anywhere on the car.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 155

18. Modified Category
b. The exceptions to the above are parts of the donor production cars
that were originally non-metal. In all cases, replacement of these
parts or addition of more load bearing structure must be by metal.
Lighter replacement sections may not be used between bulkheads
in a Stock Tub without it becoming a Modified Tub.
c. Except as specifically authorized, lightweight substitute materials
such as carbon fiber are permitted only so long as they are clearly
not load bearing in the primary structure or the suspension. For
example, outer body panels in the central tub region must be at-
tached in a flexible manner such as with Dzus® fasteners if non-
standard material composition or non-standard material thick-
nesses are to be used.
d. Cars that have been approved for DM and EM as clones do not
have the freedom to use better strength per weight structural
materials than those originally used in the corresponding places
in the originals. The only exception is the use of high carbon or
chromemoly steel in place of mild steel.
D. Drivetrain
1. Engines must be derived from production automobiles available in
the US or elsewhere. Complete race engines derived from production
automobile block designs such as the Pontiac® Super Duty 4 and
the Cosworth® 16-valve series are allowed. Motorcycle, snowmobile,
marine, or any other initially non-automobile design is not allowed
even if it was also made available in an automobile. Non-automobile
engines are prohibited. 4-stroke automobile motors shall not be con-
verted to 2-stroke.
2. Engine and/or drivetrain changes are permitted within the following
a. Original front-engine design must remain a front-engine design
(i.e., no part of the engine block or cylinder head may extend rear-
ward of the midpoint of the wheelbase).
b. Original rear- or mid-engine designs may be interchanged with
each other, but no part of the engine block or cylinder head may
extend forward of the midpoint of the wheelbase.
3. Non-automobile CVTs are prohibited. Automobile-based CVTs are
only allowed with their matching factory engine.
4. Internal and external components of the engine, transmission, and
rear differential are unrestricted. Any shifting mechanism or pattern
is permitted. Driveshafts may be made of any material deemed safe.
Supercharging and turbocharging are permitted without restriction
but shall require the displacement specifics of Section 18.0.B.3.
5. For weight designations in EM, Mazda rotary engines are compared
to the piston engines listed (i.e., 3.2L OHC vs. 4.5L OHV) calcula-

156 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

18. Modified Category
tions as follows: 13B rotary engines should be equated to the 3.2L
OHC engines. 13B forced-induction 2-rotor engines (1308cc x 2 x 1.4
= 3662cc) and all 3-rotor engines shall be grouped with vehicles re-
quired to meet the stated 1800 lb. minimum weight.
• 13B 2-rotor normally aspired engine (1308 cc × 1.6 = 2093 cc)
• 13B 2-rotor forced induction engine (1308 cc × 1.6 × 1.4 = 2930 cc)
• 20B 3-rotor normally aspirated engine (1962 cc × 1.6 = 3139 cc)
• 20B 3-rotor forced induction engine (1962 cc x 1.6 × 1.4 = 4395 cc)
6. Supercharging and turbocharging are permitted for all engines sub-
ject to the displacement factor of 18.B. In DM, such induction sys-
tems must have a restrictor on the inlet side of the turbo/supercharg-
er. All inducted air must pass through this restrictor which must be
constructed of metallic material. The minimum orifice (choke) of the
restrictor shall be no greater than 33 mm (1.3”). The restrictor pas-
sage may be shaped fore and aft of the choke region. The restrictor
choke region must be made of one piece without moving parts.
E. Minimum Weights
Minimum weights for cars in DM and EM and all adjustments to these
weights are shown in Appendix A.
F. Aerodynamic Aids
1. These classes are restricted downforce classes. No aerodynamic tun-
nels, wings, or sealing skirts may be added. No bargeboards, ramps,
vanes, wickerbills, or other aerodynamic devices are allowed except
as specified herein or as part of an SCCA®-approved GT-1 bodywork
package for the specific make and model.
2. The hood, tub, roof, rear fenders, and rear deck are not permitted
to be reshaped to achieve downforce. The front of the car may be
reshaped to accommodate the construction of spoilers, air dams,
and splitters, and may be widened to rear body width as specified
in Section 18.1.E.3.c below. Ramps joining the front fender flares to
the splitter/spoiler/airdam assembly which are included as part of a
SCCA®-approved GT-1 front bodywork package are allowed.
3. Front Aero
a. The standard OE or a non-standard front spoiler or air dam may
be used. A non-standard front spoiler is not permitted to protrude
forward beyond the overall outline of the car as viewed from above
or aft of the forward most part of the front fender opening and
shall not be mounted more than 4.0” (101.6 mm) above the hori-
zontal centerline of the front wheel hubs.
b. The spoiler may cover the normal grille opening at the front of
the car. Cooling duct openings are permitted. If the front radiator
is removed or relocated, no aerodynamic use of the unobstructed
front radiator pathway may be made. The front spoiler may be at-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 157
18. Modified Category
tached to the original bodywork or it may replace the bodywork it
would otherwise cover.
c. The front spoiler may not be wider than either the front or rear
bodywork, measured as the maximum distance between the
outside edges of the wheel well openings or fender flares at axle
height. The total fore-to-aft curvature or deviation of the rear
spoiler, measured at the trailing edge, shall not exceed 10.0”
(254.0 mm) as viewed from above. The front spoiler may not func-
tion as a wing and therefore must be installed such that air does
not pass both over and underneath it. This may be accomplished
by ensuring that the upper edge of the spoiler is in complete con-
tinuity with the must be connected to bodywork above the spoiler
across its full width. New bodywork may be added to close the
gaps between the fenders, nose, and spoiler/splitter/airdam as-
sembly on cars with open or irregular front bodywork such as the
Ford® Model T, MG® TD, Morgan®, and Lotus® 7. When these
or similar vehicles use a full-width front spoiler, the car’s spoiler/
airdam is required to be vertical (between 80-100°) for the lower
8.0” (20.3 cm) of its extent. The change in top view outline caused
by these bodywork changes is allowed.
d. Front splitters are allowed but must be installed parallel to the
ground within ±1.0” (±25.4 mm) fore to aft. Splitters may not be
wider than, nor extend more than, 6.0” (15.2 cm) forward of the
top-view outline of the car. The splitter trailing edge must be fully
sealed to the front bodywork/fender flair/spoiler and the split-
ter may not get wider as it extends forward. From each point on
its trailing edge the splitter can extend no more than, 8.0 inches
(15.2 cm) directly forward of the top-view outline of the car. The
splitter must be a single plane with the top and bottom surfaces
parallel, with an overall height of 1.0” (24.5 mm) or less. The lead-
ing edge of the splitter may be rounded (the radius area may ex-
tend backwards no more than the splitter thickness). The bottom
of the splitter may attach to the belly pan but is not required to do
Splitter endplate mounting location may be at the outside lateral
end or inboard of the outside lateral end of the splitter. Additional
mounting plates or strakes may be added inboard of the endplates
but these must be no larger than the endplates.
e. A front splitter and its associated features shall not function as a
f. An OE splitter which does not conform to these requirements may
be used unmodified on the original make and model.
4. Rear spoilers
a. If a rear spoiler is used, it shall be mounted to the rear hatch, deck,
158 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
18. Modified Category
or trunk lid, and mount no further forward than the base of the
rear window. The spoiler extension for the entire spoiler is set by
one measurement at the lateral midpoint of the car. At that point,
the spoiler may not extend more than 10.0” (25.4 cm) from the
attachment point out to the outer or free edge. This sets the maxi-
mum height above ground at all other locations on the spoiler.
The result may be a flat topped rather than contoured spoiler. Al-
ternatively, the spoiler may be mounted at the rear of the roof,
or to the rear hatch lid at or near the top of the hatch; in such a
configuration the spoiler may extend no more than 7.5” (19.1 cm)
from the original bodywork, measured as described above. The
spoiler angle of attack is free. The rear spoiler is measured from
leading, attached edge to trailing or outermost, free edge. Its mea-
surement is independent of its angle of attack.
b. The spoiler may not be wider than the rear bodywork, measured
as the maximum distance between the outside edges of the wheel
well openings or fender flares at axle height. The total fore-to-aft
curvature or deviation of the rear spoiler, measured at the trailing
edge, shall not exceed 10.0” (25.4 cm) as viewed from above.
c. Aerodynamic aids permitted in Section 18.1.F shall not function
as wings. Therefore, the spoiler may not overhang the bodywork
such that air passes both over and underneath it. If the rear spoil-
er overhangs the side of the car, the lower edge of the spoiler shall
be supported by bodywork that will prevent air from passing un-
derneath the spoiler. This may be accomplished by extending the
spoiler to join the bodywork or wheel opening/fender flare be-
neath the overhang.
5. Diffusers are allowed at the rear of the car only; no part of the rear
diffuser shall cross the wheelbase centerline into the front half of
the vehicle. The diffuser may protrude rearward beyond the top view
outline of the car. The diffuser and shall have no more than 25.0”
(63.5 cm) front to back of expanding chamber; this 25.0” expansion
chamber length is inclusive of all parts/components/body forward
and rearward of the diffuser. A diffuser is defined as an expanding
chamber between the vehicle and the ground for the purpose of ac-
celerating air ahead of it to develop low pressure. Vanes or strakes
are allowed inside the diffuser; sideplates and strakes may extend
below the diffuser surface as long they do not attain a definite seal
with the ground on level ground. Closed undersides or belly pans
(lower surface) are permitted. The entire length of the underbody
may be closed off to permit proper airflow to a rear diffuser or to
smooth the underside of the car. The belly pan shall be flat within
1.0” (25.4 mm) total deviation. No tunnels or other underbody aero-
dynamic features are permitted. Chassis rake is free. Additionally, no

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 159

18. Modified Category
side skirt or body side, etc., may extend more than 1.0 cm (0.394”)
below this lower surface anywhere on the car to the rear of the front
axle unless specifically permitted by these rules.
6. If a factory production car or kit car was supplied with tunnels or
wings, they may remain but they must be blocked in a safe manner to
prevent them from functioning to provide downforce. For example,
foam or sheet metal may be firmly attached in tunnels or on wings to
ruin their shape or to stop airflow.
7. Vanes, strakes, and/or endplates (elements) are permitted on front
and rear spoilers. A minimum distance of 6.0” (152.4 mm) must sep-
arate adjacent elements. These do not have to be square or rectan-
gular; the side profile shape is open. For each element, the total area
may be no more than:
• 56 sq. in. (362.9 cm²) for a roof spoiler;
• 100 sq. in. (645.16 cm²) for a trunk spoiler;
• 35 sq. in. (232.26 cm²) for a front splitter.
G. Brakes
The use of any type brakes, pads, and components are permitted (disc
or drum). The location of brake components (inboard vs. outboard)
may be changed from original. The original “emergency” or hand brake
may be removed.
H. Tolerances
A tolerance of ±½” (±12.7 mm) shall be used when measuring floor pan
dimensions from the car’s original specifications.
I. Other
1. At least ½ the width of each tire must be covered by the fenders
when viewed from the top of the fender perpendicular to the ground.
No sharp edges are permitted.
2. Suspension systems and wheels are free.
3. The use of a windscreen is not required.
4. Roll bar requirements for cars competing in DM and EM are as spec-
ified in Section 3.3.2.
Closed wheel vehicles are referred to as Sports Racers and are assigned to
Modified classes A, B, and C (AM, BM, and CM). AM vehicles do not have
to comply with any Club Racing GCR, while BM and CM vehicles must
comply with the current year GCR. The competitor must indicate on his
entry form to which set of specifications that the car is prepared.
Vehicles that qualify as Sports Racers are those listed in the GCR SRCS,
dune buggies, and production-based automobiles whether or not from Ap-
pendix A.
Dune buggies and DM/EM cars are allowed in BM at Club Racing ASR,
160 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
18. Modified Category
CSR, and DSR engine and weight rules as long as they do not exceed the
DM/EM aero rule allowances and with the following noted specifics:
A. Tire covering shall be as noted in the DM/EM rules.
B. Minimum body width between front and rear tires does not have to ex-
tend to the mid plane of the rims.
C. Suspension does not have to be covered when observed from above.
D. The BM minimum wheelbase of 80.0” (203.2 cm) is not required.
Any dune buggy, production, or non-production street car meeting all
GCR SRCS rule requirements may alternately run in BM with full BM
Solo® Rules aero allowances.
The following applies to all Sports Racers in AM, BM, or CM:
1. Minimum track is 42.0” (106.68 cm) front and rear.
2. Minimum wheel diameter is 10”. No maximum wheel diameter. No
minimum wheel width. Maximum rim width is 15”.
3. All four wheels are sprung from the chassis.
4. Wing area shall be calculated as described herein.
Single-seat, open-wheeled cars are referred to as Formula cars and are
assigned to Modified classes B (BM), C (CM), and F (FM). BM cars must
comply with the current year Club Racing GCR (except as noted by the
Solo® Rules including Appendix A) and the competitor must indicate on
his entry form to which set of specifications the vehicle was prepared. CM
and FM cars must conform to the current year Club Racing GCR except
Solo® Vee and Formula 440/500 vehicles which are allowed the addi-
tional modifications and exceptions listed in Appendix A. Formula cars
not conforming to the GCR eligible for BM, CM, or FM are considered
Specials. The competitor must have the referenced GCR in his possession
during the event. Exceptions to the GCR are as follows:
A. Wing area shall be computed as described herein.
B. Front impact attenuation device (GCR Section 9.4.5.G) does not apply.
Cars not otherwise classified which meet the following minimum speci-
fications are considered as Specials and are assigned to Modified class A
A. Bodywork
1. Any bodywork used must be made of metal, fiberglass, or other suit-
able fire resistant materials. Body panels are not required except as
specified in section 18.4.A.3.
2. Full and unobstructed access to the driver’s seat must be provided.
3. Firewall and floor shall prevent the passage of flame and debris to
the driver’s compartment. Belly pans shall be vented to prevent the

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 161

18. Modified Category
accumulation of liquids.
4. Fenders are optional and design of same is free. Sharp edges are not
5. Minimum of one seat, capable of supporting the driver in an upright
or semi-reclining position is required. Location of the driver’s seat is
B. Chassis
1. May be of any construction deemed safe.
2. Minimum wheelbase is 72.0” (182.88 cm).
3. Minimum track is 42.0” (106.68 cm) front & rear.
4. Minimum wheel diameter is 10”.
5. All four wheels will be sprung from the chassis.
6. Brakes must conform to those specifications listed in Section
3.3.3.B.13. The brakes shall be a dual system, arranged in a manner
to provide braking for at least two wheels in the event of failure in
part of the system.
7. A roll bar conforming to Appendix C is required.
8. Five-, six-, or seven-point driver restraint systems are required per
Club Racing GCR Section 9.3.19.
9. Vehicles shall have a Master Cutoff switch complying with Club Rac-
ing GCR Section 9.3.34.
10. Aerodynamic devices may not have an overall width greater than
75.0” (190.50 cm).
11. No aerodynamic device may extend more than 66.0” (167.64 cm)
above the ground.
12. The total area of all wings shall not exceed 20 sq. ft. (129.03 cm2),
computed as previously described in Section 18.0, Modified Catego-
ry, “Aerodynamics.”
13. Movable side skirts are allowed.
14. The sides, front, and back of the cockpit area must be at least as high
as the driver’s waist.
A. Vehicles constructed to any single year’s Formula SAE rules (1985-on)
to include all FSAE safety items for that single year are eligible to run in
SCCA® Solo® events. The FSAE rulebook year shall be specified on the
entry form and those rules shall be provided by the entrant for viewing.
B. In addition to FSAE safety rules, SCCA® safety rules per the applicable
portions of Sections 3.3 and 18.4.A shall be met. Passing vehicle inspec-
tion at a prior FSAE event is not required.
C. Transponder and FSAE lettering shall not be required.
D. These vehicles are assigned to Supplemental Class FSAE, which may

162 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

18. Modified Category
run as a subgroup of AM but shall be scored separately. An FSAE car
may only compete directly in AM if it meets all AM requirements and
specfications. FSAE cars must also meet the following minimum crite-
Current year FSAE restrictor plate and engine displacement rules. In-
take restrictor requirements are as follows:
1. Gasoline fuel.......................................................... 20.0 mm (0.7874”)
2. E85 fuel.................................................................. 19.0 mm (0.7480”)
3. M85 fuel..................................................................18.0 mm (0.7087”)
E. FSAE vehicles may not mix and match specifications from multiple
years except as specified above.
Vehicles comforming to the US Legend Cars International (www.usleg-
endcars.com) racing series specifications, with exceptions and require-
ments as noted in Appendix A, are eligible to compete in Modified class F
(FM). (Bandolero and Thunder Roadster vehicles are not eligible for FM.)
Vehicles comforming to the Western States Dwarf Cars Association Speci-
fications, with exceptions and requirements as noted in Appendix A, are
eligible to compete in Modified class F (FM).

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 163

Section 19


Category Objective
This category is an outlet for members interested in running karts at
SCCA® Solo® events.
Category Values
Preparation allowances in line with national karting organizations to
allow easy migration between Solo® and other karting events.
If a modification is not specifically authorized in this or previous appli-
cable Sections of the Solo® Rules, it is not allowed.
Data acquisition systems are allowed in all kart classes.
See Appendices G and H for event conduct requirements.
A. Frame/Dimensions
1. Chassis must be constructed of carbon steel alloy using traditional
tubular construction. Nerf bars are required. Suspensions are pro-
hibited. Differential mechanisms that allow the rear wheels to rotate
at different speeds are prohibited.
2. Maximum width measured at any point shall be 55.0” (139.70 cm).
Maximum length measured at any point shall be 84.0” (213.36 cm).
3. All karts shall have bodywork consisting of a nose cone, driver fair-
ing, and side-pods. (Full width nose pieces are recommended.)
Bodywork may not extend past the rear nerf bar. No metal bodywork
is allowed (although metal number plates to allow use of magnetic
numbers are permitted). Belly pans are allowed provided that they
are fully confined within the frame rails and do not extend aft of the
leading edge of the rear axle. No skirts or vertical aerodynamic seal-
ing devices are allowed to extend below the main frame rails (this
does not include the front fairing). No wings allowed.
4. Minimum weight for entrants in 125 cc shifter karts is 385 lbs. as
raced, including driver, regardless of driver gender. Weights for
entrants with karts having other engines are as listed in Section
19.1.D.4. Ladies Class may run with a 20 lb. weight reduction except
engines listed in Section 19.1.D.4.
5. All non-structural weights must be affixed to the kart, seat, or driver
in such a way as to prevent the weight from becoming separated from
the kart/driver or moving freely during competition runs. For bolt-
ed-on weights, a 5/16 inch (0.3125”, 8 mm), SAE Grade 5 (Metric 8.8)
or higher bolt must be used along with an oversize washer to prevent
the weight from pulling through the seat, with a locking nut, pinch
nut, double nut, or safety wire. No more than 10 lbs. of weight per
bolt may be used. In addition to bolted-on weights, this also allows
weights to be placed on the driver underneath a suit, to be placed in-

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 165

19. Kart
side the seat liners/inserts, and to be used with quick change mecha-
nisms, thus facilitating addition and removal of weight during driver
changes. Arm or wrist weights are prohibited. Ballast weights may
not be mounted to nerf bars or moving parts.
6. The following chassis connections must be secured by either Nyloc®
nut, safety wire, cotter pin, circlip, snap-ring, metal lock nut, Keps®
nut, Nord-Lock® washer, or other manufacturer provided locking
• Tie Rod end bolts.
• Kingpin bolts.
• Spindle nut attaching front wheel.
• Steering wheel to hub bolts.
• Steering hub to shaft bolt.
• Steering shaft to chassis.
• Throttle pedal pivot to chassis.
• Brake pedal pivot to chassis.
• Master cylinder to chassis bolts.
• Caliper(s) to chassis bolts.
• Brake pad retaining rods (if applicable).
• Brake rotor to hub (if applicable, no Nyloc nuts).
B. Wheels and Tires
1. Wheels must be metallic. 5” and 6” rim diameters are approved.
2. Tires
a. Tires must be no larger than 12.5” in diameter and no smaller than
9.0” in diameter as imprinted on tire. Tire width is limited to 5.5”
for the front and 7.1” for the rear as imprinted on tire.
b. Tire brand and compound are open. Exception: The tire must not
appear on the following list, which may be altered at any time by
the SEB upon notification of membership:
• No tire models are currently listed.
C. Brakes
1. Moto and ICC 125 cc Shifter Karts: Moto and ICC shifter karts
must have disc brakes that operate on all four wheels. The brakes
shall be a dual system, arranged in a manner to provide braking for
at least two wheels in the event of failure in part of the system.
2. Other Allowed Karts: Other karts that are allowed to compete
in KM (see Section 19.1.D.3 below) may use a braking system that
complies with the rules to which the kart is prepared (e.g., WKA®,
IKF®). The competitor is responsible for providing the rules to
which the kart is prepared (i.e., an 80 cc shifter or 100 cc clutch type
is not required to have front brakes). All karts with engine configu-

166 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 19
rations other than moto/ICC 125 cc, that are allowed to compete in
KM, must have at a minimum, a single rear disc that brakes both rear
wheels equally and adequately for the power-plant used. The addi-
tion of front brakes is optional.
3. A “brake safety cable” or redundant brake pedal connection is re-
quired in all karts.
D. Engine
1. Modified Moto: Engines must be mass-produced, single cylinder,
motocross motorcycle engines up to 125 cc displacement and of the
current year’s production or older. No prototype, pre-production,
“works-type motors,” or road race engines are allowed. Engines may
be liquid- or air-cooled. Induction may be piston port or case reed
type only. OE parts can be interchanged from any year model of the
same brand name and similar model of motor (i.e., CR to CR, YZ to
YZ), provided that these parts are normally commercially available
over the counter in the US to all competitors.
a. Bore/Stroke: Bore must not exceed 1.0 mm (0.040”) greater
than the standard, factory dimension. Stroke must be within plus
or minus 0.010” (0.254 mm) of the standard, factory dimension.
b. Carburetion: One carburetor, single-venturi, float bowl type.
Twin pump floatless recirculation systems are allowed. Pumper-
type carburetors and axle/electric fuel pumps are not allowed.
Intake manifold and reed assembly are unrestricted. Must use
pulse-driven fuel pump.
c. Crankshaft/Connecting Rod: Crank and rod assembly must
be OE components. No structural modifications may be made to
the assembly (i.e., the machining, boring, or polishing of counter
balances or rod, machining for the purpose of weight reduction,
heavy metal balancing, altering crank pin location) are expressly
prohibited. Sanding or polishing the crankshaft or bearing jour-
nals for the purpose of allowing a slip fit of the bearings is allowed.
The two main bearings, big end bearing, and small end bearing
are not tech items.
d. Cylinder and Cylinder Head: The cylinder and/or head, includ-
ing ports, power-valves, and castings, may be modified or ma-
chined subject to the requirements of Section 19.1.D.1.e. Water in-
lets and/or outlets may be modified for aftermarket fittings and/
or hoses. Adding or deleting cylinder ports or re-sleeving is not
e. External Modifications: All exterior engine components (e.g.,
cylinders, heads, case halves) must remain recognizable as OE
parts. Kick starter assembly may be removed and plugged. Non-
OE electric start is allowed as long as it serves no other purpose.
Modifications to mount external electric starter are allowed in-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 167
19. Kart
cluding replacement of crankshaft nut and/or washer securing
flywheel. The kick start boss may be altered to facilitate the use of
a straight intake manifold. However, evidence of the original kick-
start boss must be obvious. Machining of the reed block/intake
boot mounting boss on the case that reduces the original distance
between the outer surface and the piston (reducing intake tract) is
not allowed.
f. Ignition
1. OE Ignition: Only OE ignition components for specific
engine(s) are allowed, except that spark plug, spark plug cap,
and plug wire are unrestricted. Modifications (i.e., rewinding,
alteration of permanent magnets) to stator and flywheel are not
Exception: Modifications to mount electric start described in
Section 19.1.D.1.e allowed.
Exception: Modifications to change the static timing are al-
lowed in all Moto engines. Origin of spark coil is unrestricted,
but it may not possess any function which serves to alter igni-
tion timing.
2. Non-OE Ignition: Non-OE Capacitive Discharge Ignition
(CDI) may be used provided that the stator, rotor, and flywheel
(including any wires and connectors) must be OE and may not
move by any remote device.
Exception: Modifications to mount electric start described in
Section 19.1.D.1.e allowed.
Furthermore, the ignition system may not control the fuel in-
duction system in any manner. Ignition interrupt systems (e.g.,
speed shift, no-lift-shift systems) are specifically disallowed.
The CDI must be normally commercially available over the
counter in the US to all competitors. Use of any non-OE igni-
tion CDI, programmable or pre-programmed, incurs a 25 lb.
weight increase.
g. Exhaust Systems: Exhaust system is unrestricted. No “on-course”
adjustment of exhaust system is allowed.
h. Piston Assembly: Piston assembly is open, including piston, ring,
wrist-pin, and circlips. Coatings are allowed.
i. Transmission: OE cases must be used. Transmission gear sets are
exchangeable within a manufacturer’s engine series as an update/
backdate allowance. This does not allow substitution of gears with
those from another manufacturer or aftermarket parts. Shifter
mechanisms must be manually operated; no air or electric assist-
ed shifters are allowed.
j. Clutch: A wet-type clutch must be used. All components must
168 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 19
be in full and original working order. The clutch inner and outer
basket & pressure plate may be aftermarket parts. Lightening of
the clutch assembly by machining or grinding is allowed. Springs,
discs, and plates may be aftermarket parts. Clutch may be oper-
ated by either cable or hydraulic cylinder but must be manually
operated. No electronic or pneumatic clutch controls allowed.
2. KZ (ICC): All current or prior approved CIK®/FIA® engines are al-
lowed. Engine must be a liquid-cooled, single-cylinder, 125 cc design
with a single reed-valve circuit. All engine, intake, exhaust, ignition,
and transmission components must be CIK®/FIA® homologated
except where otherwise specified. However, components may be in-
terchanged between model years of the same engine manufacturer
and brand. Karts with ICC engines must conform to chassis, braking,
wheel, and tire regulations of the Section 19.1 and must run at 410
a. Cylinder: Polishing, grinding, and cleaning of the port area are
allowed. Resurfacing of cylinder mating surfacing surfaces is al-
lowed. Reed block, reed cage, and reeds are open. No ports may be
added. Total exhaust duration must not exceed 199°.
b. Cylinder Head: Machining of the cylinder head is allowed. Com-
bustion chamber volume must be at least 13.4 cc as measured with
the LAD tool.
c. Induction: Air box is required and must meet current or prior
CIK® homologation. The carburetor must meet current or prior
CIK® homologation and not exceed 30.6 mm maximum bore.
d. Exhaust Pipe: Pipe must be CIK® homologated for the brand of
engine being used as supplied by the manufacturer. The CIK® ho-
mologation stamp must be present on the pipe.
e. Exhaust Silencer: Make and manufacturer are open spec. Si-
lencer must meet sound requirements.
f. Transmission: Transmission components must be standard
parts. This means if an aftermarket part is substituted, it must
be of similar dimensions as the original part. The weight of the
replacement part will not be less than the standard part. The out-
side diameter and tooth count of the replacement gears must be
the same as the standard part. Grinding or polishing transmission
parts to provide a better mesh is allowed.
g. Ignition: Ignition must be CIK® homologated for the brand of
engine being used as supplied by the manufacturer.
h. Spark Plug: Spark plug must be standard, commercially available
spark plugs. The body of the spark plug (electrodes not included,
tightened on the cylinder head) must not extend beyond the upper
part of the dome of the combustion chamber. Dimensions: 18.5

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 169

19. Kart
mm length, 1.25 thread pitch. Note: This is checked with gasket
or temperature sending unit in place.
i. Crank, Rod, and Flywheel: Crank, rod, and flywheel assembly
must be standard components. No modifications will be made
to the assembly. Therefore, the machining, boring, or polishing
of counter balances or rod, machining for the purpose of weight
reduction, heavy metal balancing, or altering the crank pin loca-
tion are all expressly prohibited. Sanding or polishing the crank-
shafts or bearing journals for the purpose of allowing a slip fit of
the bearings is allowed. The two main bearings, big end bearing,
small end bearing, piston, piston pin, ring, and clips are all non-
tech items.
j. Cooling: An electric water pump may be added to allow circula-
tion of coolant while stationary. The pump, battery, and associ-
ated plumbing shall serve no other purpose.
k. Shifting: Mechanical gearbox control only. No ignition interrupt
systems allowed.
3. Rotax DD2: 125 cc 2-speed shifter kart with centrifugal clutch. The
engine and clutch must be stock and complete with a passport match-
ing serial number of the engine and seal. Rotax passport is an engine
identification card unique to each individual engine with serial num-
bers and service history recorded. The seal is provided by authorized
Rotax service centers and includes a black anodized aluminum seal
with a Rotax stamp and serial number matching passport ID. There
is a steel cable running through the seal, intake flange screw, cylinder
stud, and cylinder head cover screw. Only authorized Rotax dealers
may repair and re-seal the engine, updating the passport. The stock
no-lift system is compliant. All KM-compliant tires are allowed for
the DD2 engine. Minimum weight is 385 lbs.
4. ROK Shifter: Vortex ROK Shifter engine package only. Must meet
all specifications of the most current Shifter Rok Identification Sheet
document as provided by Vortex and must not be modified.
a. Shift mechanism: Gearbox must be entirely manually operated.
b. Clutch: Must be cable-actuated with manual oeration.
c. Cooling: An electric water pump may be added.
5. Stock Moto: Honda CR125R engines only. Must conform to Modi-
fied Moto rules (19.1.D.1), with restrictions as listed. Minimum
weight is 375 lbs.
a. Carburetion: Unmodified Keihin PWM-38 or PWK-38, maximum
bore = 38.6 mm. May be modified for floatless recirculating fuel
system. Jets, slide & fuel system are open. No other carburetor
modifications allowed. Fuel pumps must be pulse-driven.
b. Cylinder: OE 1997-2002 Honda CR125R. May have power valve
170 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 19
assembly removed and plugs installed. The cylinder casting must
not have modifications or tool markings of any type. Honing of
the original cylinder bore is allowed, maximum bore size = 54.513
mm. Re-plated bores are not allowed. Cylinder overall height (be-
tween mounting surfaces) minimum = 3.307”, maximum = 3.316”.
c. Cylinder head: OE 1997-2002 Honda CR125R. External water fit-
tings may be modified or aftermarket. The head casting must not
have modifications or tool markings of any type.
d. Piston assembly: The only allowed pistons are OE flat top as fol-
lows - “A” piston #13110-KZ4-A40 or #13110-KZ4-A90; “B” piston
#13120-KZ4-A40 or #13120-KZ4-A90. Ring, bearing & circlips
must be OE.
e. Ignition: OE 1999 Honda CR125R stator & CDI only. Stator cover
plate holes may be enlarged to the size to the backing plate holes
to allow for static timing changes. Coil signal & CDI ground wires
may be lengthened. Coil wire, spark plug cap, and spark plug are
open. The stator backing plate, main harness and all other igni-
tion components must be original and unmodified.
6. Other Engines: Engines must be either:
a. mass produced single cylinder two-stroke engines not to exceed
125 cc, or
b. mass produced single or twin cylinder, four-stroke engines not
to exceed 250 cc of total displacement. No prototype, pre-pro-
duction, “works-type” motors or road race engines are allowed.
Shifter or gearbox type motors are prohibited. Karts with engines
under this specification must run at a minimum weight of 360
lbs. Exception: The engine must not appear on the following list,
which may be altered at any time by the SEB upon notification of
• No engines are currently listed.
E. Miscellaneous Specifications
1. Chain guards are required on all engines.
2. Overflow lines for carburetor and radiator, if present, must termi-
nate in an overflow bottle of at least 2 oz. (59.1 mL) capacity.
F. Fuel
Fuel must consist of gasoline and oil only. No oxygen and/or nitrogen
bearing additives are allowed.
G. Driver Safety Equipment
1. Neck Braces: An unaltered, collar type neck brace designed for mo-
tor sports use, is mandatory. Kart-specific neck braces are recom-
2. Driver Apparel: Drivers are minimally required to wear jackets

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 171

19. Kart
of leather, vinyl, or abrasion resistant nylon or equivalent, and full
length pants to prevent or minimize abrasions. Full abrasion kart
suits are recommended. Shoes, socks, and abrasion resistant gloves
are mandatory.
3. Seat Positioning: When normally positioned in the kart for compe-
tition, the entirety of the driver shall be within the perimeter of the
kart and the driver must be able to reach and operate all controls.
Loose cushions or pads that prevent the driver from being adequate-
ly supported by the sides of the seat are not allowed.
H. Driver
Minimum age requirement is 15 years old to participate in KM.
A. Classes
1. Junior class A (JA)
a. Age: 12 years to 18 years
b. Engines
1. Briggs & Stratton® Animal®/LO206®/206®
A. Fuel: Gasoline only
B. Weight (lbs)......................................................................275
C. Carburetor, clutch, and exhaust as supplied with engine by
D. Engine must remain sealed from manufacturer.
2. Briggs & Stratton® Raptor®
A. Fuel: Gasoline only (Methanol not allowed)
B. Weight (lbs)..................................................................... 290
C. Other: Balanced and blueprinted engines are allowed, but
no Controlled Stock, Modified, Limited Modified, or Open
3. Briggs & Stratton® World Formula® – As homologated except
it is permissible to use an alternate chain/sprocket/gear (type
A. Fuel: Gasoline
B. Weight (lbs)......................................................................310
C. Electric starter and battery may be removed.
D. Older versions of the Briggs & Stratton® World Formula®
engines may be upgraded by exchanging the ignition module
and flywheel with the current production PVL ignition sys-
tem (Briggs & Stratton® part #557127).
4. Rotax® Mini-Max®
A. Fuel: Gasoline and oil
B. Weight (lbs)..................................................................... 330
172 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 19
C. Carburetor, clutch, radiator, and exhaust as supplied with
engine from manufacturer. Exhaust and carburetor restric-
tors must be used in accordance with Rotax® Mini-Max®
D. The Rotax® Mini-Max® spec gearing of 13-tooth drive gear
and 82-tooth axle gear is required.
E. Rotax® Motor Identity Card (AKA Passport®) is required
for proof of sealed motor.
5. Yamaha® KT-100®: Only heads with OEM casting “Yama-
ha®” and cylinders with Y3® or Y4® and 787® are compliant.
A. Fuel: Gasoline and oil
B. Weight (lbs)..................................................................... 330
C. Carburetor: Walbro® WB3A®
D. Exhaust: RLV® SSX-V® (4-hole)
c. JB or JC karts may compete in JA. The driver must meet JA age
restrictions and the kart must be compliant with appropriate JB
or JC requirements.
2. Junior class B (JB)
a. Age: 8 years to 12 years
b. Engines
1. Briggs & Stratton® Animal®/LO206®/206®
A. Fuel: Gasoline only
B. Weight (lbs)..................................................................... 250
C. Carburetor, clutch, and exhaust as supplied with engine by
D. Engine must remain sealed as from manufacturer.
E. Restrictor: A specific throttle slide restrictor (Briggs &
Stratton® "Blue" slide, part #555734) must be installed in
the carburetor.
2. Briggs & Stratton® Raptor®
A. Fuel: Gasoline
B. Weight (lbs)..................................................................... 260
C. Balanced and blueprinted engines are allowed, but no Con-
trolled Stock, Modified, Limited Modified or Open Motors.
3. Briggs & Stratton® World Formula®: As homologated except
it is permissible to use an alternate chain/sprocket/gear (type
A. Fuel: Gasoline
B. Weight (lbs)......................................................................270
C. Restrictor: A specific throttle slide restrictor must be in-
stalled in the carburetor along with cap lock to limit throttle
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 173
19. Kart
opening (0.520”, 13.21 mm). A Briggs & Stratton® check
tool used during installation ensures the throttle slide open-
ing is compliant. Contact the SCCA® Solo® Department to
obtain a restrictor kit.
D. Electric starter and battery may be removed.
E. Older versions of the Briggs & Stratton® World Formula®
engines may be upgraded by exchanging the ignition module
and flywheel with the current production PVL ignition sys-
tem (Briggs & Stratton® part #557127).
4. Clone Engines (up to 212 cc displacement)
The intent of the clone motor allowance is for inexpensive 6.5
hp 4-stroke engines such as the Predator® and Powerhorse®.
This does not allow Box Stock Project (BSP) engines which are
available with multiple upgrades.
A. Fuel: Gasoline
B. Weight (lbs)..................................................................... 250
C. Engine must remain stock with the exceptions that the gov-
ernor may be removed or defeated and the gas tank may
be removed. A top plate and mechanical fuel pump may
be added to the motor to route fuel from a center-mounted
gas tank. No other modifications or changes to the cam, fly-
wheel, carburetor, or intake are allowed.
D. Exhaust: Only the “Weiner” or “Weenie” pipe and the RLV
Mini 91 screw-in muffler are allowed.
5. Comer® K-80®
A. Fuel: Gasoline and Oil
B. Weight (lbs)..................................................................... 250
C. Carburetor, exhaust, and clutch as supplied with engine
from manufacturer.
6. Rotax® Micro-Max®
A. Fuel: Gasoline and oil
B. Weight (lbs)..................................................................... 260
C. Carburetor, clutch, and Micro-Max spec exhaust and radia-
tor as supplied with engine from manufacturer. Exhaust re-
strictor and carburetor sleeve throttle stop must be used in
accordance with Rotax® Micro-Max® rules.
D. The Rotax® Micro-Max® spec gearing of 14-tooth drive
gear and 73-tooth axle gear is required.
E. Rotax® Motor Identity Card (AKA Passport®) is required
for proof of sealed motor.
7. Yamaha® KT-100®: Only heads with OEM casting “Yama-

174 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 19
ha®” and cylinders with Y3® or Y4® and 787® are compliant.
A. Fuel: Gasoline and Oil
B. Weight (lbs)......................................................................265
C. Carburetor and Exhaust
1. Walbro® WA55B® or HPV1® with WA55B® manifold with
RLV® SSX-V® exhaust or
2. Walbro® WB3A® carburetor and 0.600 restrictor plate
with RLV® YBX® exhaust.
3. If hole exists in pipe for EGT sensor, EGT sensor probe must
be in place.
c. JC karts may compete in JB. The driver must meet JB age restric-
tions and the kart must be compliant with JC requirements.
3. Junior class C (JC) – This is a Regional-only, RESTRICTED AVAIL-
ABILITY class; available by prior approval from the SCCA® Nation-
al Office only.
a. Age: 5 to 8 years
b. Engines
1. Comer® 50/51
a. Fuel: Gasoline and oil
b. Weight: No restriction is imposed at this time.
c. Carburetor, exhaust, and clutch as supplied with engine
from manufacturer.
2. Honda GHX50
a. Fuel: Gasoline only
b. Weight: No restriction imposed at this time.
c. Yellow oil alert wire must be disconnected or cut.
d. Must comply with GXH50_Class_Rules.pdf (see SCCA®
website or contact Solo® Department for details).
c. Chassis: “BabyKart,” “Kid Kart,” and “Cadet Kart” racing-style
chassis only. Intermediate- and full-sized racing chassis are inap-
propriate for this class regardless of any adaptation or modifica-
d. Tires: Maximum size for front tires is 4.60/10.0-5. Maximum size
for rear tires is 5.00/11.0-5. Tire brand and compound is restricted
to the MG® HZ or HZi “Red." Also, Cadet-designated tires from
any manufacturer are allowed.
Regions may add Formula Junior classes which extend the maximum
age range, but such classes may not allow additional modifications be-
yond those of JA/JB as documented herein.
B. Chassis
Formula Junior will follow all of Section 19.1.A. Smaller “kid kart” chas-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 175
19. Kart
sis are approved for all Junior Classes (with JC engine configuration)
providing they meet 19.1.A.6.
C. Wheels and Tires
For JA and JB classes – Maximum tire size for front tires is 4.60/10-5;
maximum size for rear tires is 6.00/11.0-5 (except as noted in the next
paragraph). Tire brand and compound is restricted to the MG® HZ or
HZi “Red."
“Kid” or “Baby” kart chassis with a wheelbase less than 900 mm must
run tires no larger than 4.6” front, and 5.0” rear, as imprinted on tire for
all Formula Junior classes.
Kart-specific “rain tread” tires of any durometer reading may be used
at a rain event. The tread pattern may not be modified. Declaration of a
rain event is at the discretion of the Youth Steward. Once an event has
been declared a rain event, it remains a rain event and rain tires or the
class-specified dry tires are permitted.
D. Clutches
Unless otherwise stated, wet or dry clutches are allowed for all classes.
Jackshaft clutch drives for 2-cycle engines are allowed, but must be se-
curely fastened to the engine and/or engine mount. No frame mounted
Jackshafts. Axle clutches are not allowed. World Formula® clutches
must be as homologated except it is permissible to use an alternate
chain/sprocket/gear (type 35).
E. Safety Equipment
1. Must follow Section 19.1.G. In addition to meeting the requirements
of Section 4.3.1, helmets for Formula Junior drivers must be of closed
face design, incorporating full face shields and chin bars.
2. Emergency Kill Switch – All Formula Junior karts must have a
maintained (non-momentary) emergency ignition kill switch clearly
visible and easily accessible to the driver while seated and operat-
ing the kart. The ignition kill switch shall be located on the steering
wheel, near the top of the Nassau panel, or on the frame between
the driver and gas tank in plain view with unimpeded access. All
drivers must demonstrate the ability to shut down the engine both
while driving and stationary. The ignition kill switch type must be
a maintained switch (retains the OFF position when released; not a
momentary switch).
3. Seats – It is not permissible to use any type of strap or seat belt. In
the event a kart is upset, a driver must be able to exit the kart unre-
strained by a seat belt or strap. It is recommended to utilize some
form of seat insert and pedal extensions to fit drivers of different
sizes to one seat.
4. A “brake safety cable” or redundant brake pedal connection is re-
quired in all karts.
176 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 19
5. All junior drivers age 12 and under are required to wear a SFI-certi-
fied chest protector.
F. Bodywork
Providing Sections 19.1.A and 19.2 are met and the kart is prepared
to the rules of a nationally recognized sanctioning body (e.g., WKA®,
IKF®, CIK®), any style bodywork may be used.
G. Action or Protest
Any disciplinary action or protest needed to be taken against a Junior
Driver and/or Kart will be addressed to the parent/legal guardian listed
on the Minor Waiver of that Junior Driver. Along with the above, the
parent/guardian is reminded of Sections 9.1.F and 9.1.G. covering his/
her own conduct.
H. Safety Procedures
1. On centrifugal clutch-based karts, the engine may not be started or
running without a driver sitting in the seat unless the two rear wheels
are suspended in a secure manner preventing the tires contacting the
2. When a kart is securely resting on a kart stand, the rear wheels and
tires cannot be rotated by the engine unless all minors are a mini-
mum of 3 feet from the rotating assembly.
3. Pedal extensions must be positively secured in a manner that pre-
vents movement out of its intended position, possibly interfering
with pedal operation. Examples such as a through-bolt, machined
flatten surface with a set screw, or brackets are acceptable. Cylindri-
cal (round) pedal extensions are exempt.
A. Kart:
1. Frame and axle:
• Shall be constructed of a carbon steel alloy. Movable suspensions
are prohibited. Mechanisms that allow the rear wheels to rotate
at different speeds are prohibited. Frame-mounted jackshafts
and / or axle clutches are prohibited.
2. Dimensions:
• Maximum overall width = 55.0”; Maximum overall length =
3. Engine:
• A kart shall have no more than one (1) engine.
4. Fuel:
• Gasoline is the only allowed fuel. May be mixed with oil only.
Performance additives are not allowed.
5. Chain guard:

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 177

19. Kart
• Required on all chain-driven karts
6. Overflow:
• Over flow lines for carburetor / radiator / fuel tank, if present,
must terminate in an overflow bottle(s) of at least 2 oz. (59.1 mL)
7. Pedal extensions:
• Must be positively secured in a manner that prevents movement
out of their intended position, possibly interfering with pedal
operation. Examples such as a through-bolt, machined flatten
surface with a setscrew, or brackets are acceptable. Cylindrical
(round) pedal extensions (i.e., grips) are exempt.
8. Seating:
• Unsecured seat pads or inserts are not allowed. Seat belts or
other devices restraining the driver to the kart are not allowed.
9. Brakes:
• A disc-type brake that operates on the rear axle, providing brak-
ing to both rear wheels, is required. A redundant brake pedal-to-
master cylinder linkage (safety cable) is required.
10. Bodywork:
a. A nose cone and driver fairing are required.
b. Left & right sidepods, confined to the area between the front &
rear tires, are required.
c. Floor trays must be confined within the frame rails and must not
extend aft of the lower front seat mounting points.
d. Other aerodynamic devices, including wings or vertical sealing
devices, are not allowed.
e. Metal bodywork construction is not allowed; metal floor tray
construction is allowed.
11. Fasteners required to be secured: The following fasteners must be
secured using a locking nut, safety wire / cotter pin through the bolt
end, machined-groove & clip, or other positive locking mechanism:
• Tie rod end bolts
• Kingpin bolts
• Spindle nuts attaching front wheel
• Steering wheel to hub bolts
• Steering hub to shaft bolt
• Lower steering shaft uniball
• Throttle pedal pivot to chassis
• Brake pedal pivot to chassis
• Master cylinder to chassis bolts
• Brake caliper mounting bolts (if applicable)
178 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 19
• Brake pad retaining bolts (if applicable)
• Brake rotor to hub (if applicable; no nylon lock nuts)
12. Ballast weights:
a. Must be affixed to the frame, floor tray, seat, or driver only.
b. Must be affixed to prevent movement during competition runs.
c. Weights affixed to the kart must meet all of the following criteria:
1. Maximum weight per bolt used = 10 lb.
2. Minimum 5/16” (8 mm) SAE Grade 5 (Metric 8.8) mounting
3. Minimum 1-3/16” (30mm) diameter metal washer under the
bolt head.
4. A single locking nut and safety wire passing through the bolt
end; or double locking nuts.
d. Weights affixed to the driver must be on the torso only.
B. Driver:
1. Helmet:
a. KM: Minimum per section 4.3.1.
b. FJ: Must comply with 4.3.1. and be a helmet of closed face design,
with full-face shield and chinbar.
2. Neck Brace:
• An unaltered, collar-type neck brace designed for motor sports
use is required. A kart-specific neck brace is recommended.
3. Suit:
• An abrasion-resistant jacket (leather, vinyl, nylon karting jack-
et, or equivalent) and full-length pants are minimally required.
A karting-specific suit is recommended.
4. Hand and foot protection:
• Shoes, socks, and abrasion-resistant gloves are required.
5. SFI-certified chest protector:
• Required for all drivers age 12 and under.
6. Seating position:
• The driver must be able to reach and fully operate all controls.
A. Minimum age & weights:
1. Minimum driver age = 15 years
2. Minimum weights are as-raced including driver
3. KM class base minimum weight = 385 lb.
4. KML class base minimum weight = KM base weight -20 lb.
5. Some engine configurations run with an addition or deduction to
the minimum base weight, per section 19.2.D .
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 179
19. Kart
B. Wheels and Tires:
1. Wheels:
• Maximum diameter = 6” (as indicated on tire)
2. Tires:
a. Dimensions (as indicated on tire): Minimum diameter = 9.0”,
maximum diameter = 12.5”. Maximum width front = 5.5”, maxi-
mum width rear = 7.1”
b. Brand and compound: Tire brand and compound are open.
Exception: The tire must not appear on the following list, which may
be altered at any time by the SEB upon notification of membership:
• No tire models are currently listed.
C. Brakes:
In addition to the requirements of 19.1.A.9, karts with 125cc & larger
gearbox engines must have:
1. Disc-type brakes that operate on both front wheels, and
2. Dual master cylinders arranged in a manner to provide braking for
at least two wheels in the event of failure in part of the system.
D. Engine:
1. Modified Moto:
a. Must be a mass-produced, single cylinder, motocross motorcy-
cle engine originally sold in the U.S. Maximum displacement =
1. Weight adjustment (OE ignition) = +10 lbs.
2. Weight adjustment (non-OE ignition) = +25 lb.
b. Carburetion & fuel system:
1. Single carburetor only. Must be float bowl-type with fixed jets.
Floatless and recirculating systems are allowed.
2. Fuel pumps must be pulse driven.
c. Induction:
• Intake & reed assemblies are non-tech.
d. Crank/rod/bearings:
1. Crank & rod must be OE components for the engine series.
Machining main bearing journals for slip fit is allowed; any
other modifications to the crank assembly are not allowed.
2. Bearings are non-tech.
e. Cylinder:
1. Machining of the port areas and mating surfaces are allowed.
No ports may be added or deleted.
2. Replating & honing are allowed; resleeving is not allowed.

180 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 19
Bore size must remain within OE specifications.
f. Cylinder head:
• Machining is allowed. External water fittings may be modi-
fied or aftermarket.
g. Piston assembly:
• Non-tech, but diameter must be within OE specifications.
h. Crankcase & external modifications:
1. All castings must remain recognizable as OE parts.
2. Crankcase mating surfaces and ports may be machined. Ma-
chining of the reed block / intake boot mounting surface or
shortening of the intake tract is not allowed. Kick starter as-
sembly may be removed and plugged. The kick start boss may
be altered for carburetor clearance. The crankcase may be re-
paired to original dimensions from incidental damage.
3. Non-OE electric start systems are allowed.
i. Ignition:
1. Coil/spark plug: Coil must be OEM. Plug wire, cap & plug are
2. OE ignition: Stator, CDI, rotor / flywheel and stator mounting
hardware must be original to the engine series. Stator mount-
ing holes may be elongated to allow for static timing changes
only. Wiring to the coil may be extended and shutoff switch
leads may be removed. All other parts of the ignition system
must remain unmodified. Power jets, shift interrupts or other
performance systems controlled by ignition output are not al-
3. Non-OE ignition: Weight adjustment = +25 lb. Stator, rotor /
flywheel and stator mounting hardware must be original to
the engine series and may be modified for static timing chang-
es only. CDI & wiring harness are non-tech. Power jets, shift
interrupts or other performance systems controlled by igni-
tion output are not allowed.
j. Exhaust pipe:
• Non-tech.
k. Exhaust silencer:
• Minimum length = 12”.
l. Transmission:
• OE 5-Speed or 6-Speed transmission components only. Gears
may be interchanged within the OE engine series only. Ma-
chining / coatings are not allowed.
m. Shift mechanism:
• Gearbox must be entirely manually operated. Ignition inter-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 181
19. Kart
rupt systems not allowed.
n. Clutch:
1. The original configuration (wet or dry) must be retained.
2. Components may be aftermarket, but all components must be
present and in original working order.
3. May be cable- or hydraulically-actuated. Must be manually
o. Cooling: OE water pump impeller may be modified.
2. Stock Moto:
a. Honda® CR-125R® engines only. Must conform to all Section
19.2.D.1 Modified Moto rules, with additional restrictions as in-
dicated in this section.
• Weight adjustment = -10 lb.
b. Carburetion & fuel system:
• Keihin PWM-38 or PWK-38 carburetor is required. May be
modified for floatless recirculating fuel system. Jets, jet needle
& slide are non-tech. No other carburetor modifications are
c. Induction:
• Same as Section 19.2.D.1.c
d. Crank/rod/main bearings:
• Same as Section 19.2.D.1.d
e. Cylinder:
1. Must be OE 1997 – 2002 Honda CR-125R. Overall height (be-
tween mounting surfaces) minimum = 3.307”, maximum =
2. May have power valve assembly removed and plugs installed.
3. The casting must not have other modifications or tool mark-
ings of any type.
4. Honing of the bore is allowed; replating is not allowed.
f. Cylinder head:
1. Must be OE 1997 – 2002 Honda CR-125R.
2. External water fittings may be modified or aftermarket.
3. The casting must not have other modifications or tool mark-
ings of any type.
g. Piston assembly:
1. The only allowed pistons are Honda OE as follows: #13110-KZ4-
A40, #13110-KZ4-A90, #13120-KZ4-A40, #13120-KZ4-A90.
2. Ring, bearing & circlips must be OE.
h. Crankcase & external modifications:

182 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 19
• Same as Section 19.2.D.1.h.
i. Ignition:
1. OE 1999 Honda CR-125R stator & CDI only.
2. Stator cover plate holes only may be enlarged to the size to
the backing plate holes to allow for static timing changes. All
other portions of the stator assembly and CDI must be origi-
nal and unmodified.
j. Exhaust pipe:
• Same as Section 19.2.D.1.j
k. Exhaust silencer:
• Same as Section 19.2.D.1.k
l. Transmission:
• Same as Section 19.2.D.1.l
m. Shift mechanism:
• Same as Section 19.2.D.1.m
n. Clutch:
• Same as Section 19.2.D.1.n
o. Cooling:
• Same as Section 19.2.D.1.o
3. KZ & ICC: All current and prior approved CIK® / FIA® ICC & KZ
engines are allowed. All components must be unmodified CIK® /
FIA® homologated except where otherwise specified. Components
may be interchanged within the same engine series by the same
manufacturer only.
• Weight adjustment = +25 lb.
a. Carburetion & fuel system:
• Must meet current or prior CIK® homologation, maximum
bore = 30.6 mm.
b. Induction:
1. An unmodified current or prior CIK® homologated air box is
required; maximum number of tubes = 2, maximum tube ID =
2. Intake & reed assembly are non-tech.
c. Crank/rod/bearings:
1. Crank & rod must be OE components for the engine series.
Machining main bearing journals for slip fit is allowed; any
other modifications to the crank assembly are not allowed.
2. Bearings are non-tech.
d. Cylinder:
1. Machining of the port areas and mating surfaces are allowed.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 183

19. Kart
Maximum exhaust duration = 199°. No ports may be added.
2. Replating and honing of the bore are allowed. Bore size must
remain within OE specifications.
e. Cylinder head:
1. Machining of the cylinder head is allowed. Combustion cham-
ber volume must be at least 13.4 cc as measured with the LAD
2. The outside of the head may be painted.
f. Piston assembly:
• Non-tech, but diameter must be within OE specifications.
g. Crankcase & external modifications:
• Crankcase mating surfaces and ports may be machined. The
crankcase may be repaired to original dimensions from inci-
dental damage. No other modifications to the crankcase are
h. Ignition:
1. Stator & coil / CDI must be CIK® homologated and as sup-
plied by the manufacturer for the specific engine.
2. Spark plug must be commercially available. With crush wash-
er or temperature sending unit in place and the spark plug at
operating torque, the body of the plug (excluding electrodes)
must not extend in to the dome of the combustion chamber.
i. Exhaust pipe:
• Must be CIK® homologated with stamp present, and as sup-
plied by the manufacturer for the engine series.
j. Exhaust silencer:
• Non-tech.
k. Transmission:
1. If an aftermarket part is substituted it must be of similar di-
mensions as the original part. The weight of the replacement
part shall not be less than the OE part. The outside diameter
and tooth count of replacement gears must be the same as the
OE part.
2. Grinding and / or polishing transmission parts is allowed.
l. Shift mechanism:
1. Gearbox must be entirely manually operated.
2. Ignition interrupt systems are not allowed.
m. Clutch:
1. Must be cable-actuated with manual operation.
2. Aftermarket friction discs are allowed; all other components

184 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Section 19
must be OE.
n. Cooling:
• An electric water pump may be added.
4. Rotax® DD2:
• Engine must be sealed with matching & current Rotax® Mo-
tor Identity Card (Passport®) present. Engine, gearbox, clutch
and all related systems must be unmodified, as supplied from the
5. Other allowed engines: Engines must be either:
a. Mass-produced, single speed, single cylinder two-cycle engine,
not to exceed 125cc. Weight adjustment = -25 lb.
b. Mass produced, single speed, single or twin cylinder four-cycle
engine, not to exceed 250cc. Weight adjustment = -25 lb.
c. Exceptions: The engine must not appear on the following list,
which may be altered at any time by the SEB upon notification of
• No engines are currently listed.
A. Safety items:
In addition to compliance with all items in Sections 19.1.A & 19.1.B, the
following safety procedures are required for all Junior Class karts:
1. Emergency kill switch:
• All Formula Junior karts must have an emergency ignition kill
switch clearly visible and easily accessible to the driver while
seated and operating the kart. The ignition kill switch shall be
located on the steering wheel, near the top of the Nassau panel,
or on the frame between the driver and gas tank in plain view
with unimpeded access. All drivers must demonstrate the ability
to shut down the engine both while driving and stationary.
2. Engine starting & running:
a. Safety Procedures: On centrifugal clutch-based karts, the engine
may not be started or running without a driver sitting in the seat
unless the two rear wheels are suspended in a secure manner
preventing the tires contacting the ground.
b. When a kart is securely resting on a kart stand, the rear wheels
and tires cannot be rotated by the engine unless all minors are a
minimum of 3 feet from the rotating assembly.
B. Chassis:
• Must meet all requirements of Sections 19.1.A
C. Tires:
1. Dry tire brand and compound is restricted to the MG® HZi

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 185

19. Kart
2. Maximum tire dimensions (as marked):
• Front = 4.6 / 10 – 5.
• Rear = 6.0 / 11 – 5.
3. Rain tire brand & compound are non-tech; sizing is per 19.3.C.2.
Rain tires may be used only upon declaration of a rain event by the
Youth Steward.
D. Junior Class A (JA):
1. Ages:
• 12 years to 18 years
2. Engines:
a. Briggs & Stratton® World Formula®
1. Minimum weight: 310 lb.
2. Operating requirements:
• Engine & clutch must be as-shipped from the manufactur-
er. Cylinder bore must remain within the manufacturer’s
• #35 pitch clutch sprocket is allowed
• Electric starter assembly and ring gear may be removed,
but must be replaced with Briggs cover #555702
• Old-type (Briggs analog) and new-type (PVL® digital) OE
ignition systems are allowed
• No other modifications are allowed
b. Briggs & Stratton® Animal® LO206®
1. Minimum weight: 275 lb.
2. Required components:
• Air filter: Briggs & Stratton #555729
• Exhaust header: RLV #5506 or #5507
• Exhaust silencer: RLV B91 (#4104)
• Clutch: Must be of drum-type centrifugal configuration
and commercially available in the U.S., with a maximum of
nine (9) springs and six (6) shoes. Drum must be stamped
steel. Clutch mounting bolt must be minimum SAE Grade 8.
Machining or alteration of any clutch part from the manu-
facturer's original configuration is not allowed. Clutch key,
springs, and drive sprocket are non-tech.
3. Operating requirements:
• All components, including carburetor jets, must remain as
provided from the manufacturer.
• LO-206 engines must remain sealed as from the manufac-
c. Briggs & Stratton® Raptor®
186 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 19
1. Minimum weight: 290 lb.
2. Operating requirements:
• The unmodified OE Briggs & Stratton camshaft must be
d. Yamaha® KT-100®:
1. Minimum weight: 330 lb.
2, Allowed types:
• Only heads with OEM casting “Yamaha”®” and cylinders
with “787”® and “Y3®” or “Y4”® and “787®” are allowed.
3. Required carburetor & exhaust:
• Walbro® WB3A® & RLV® SSX-V® (4-hole)
e. Rotax® Mini-Max®
1. Minimum weight: 330 lb.
2. Operating Requirements:
• Engine must be sealed with matching & current Rotax®
Motor Identity Card (Passport®) present. Engine, clutch,
Mini-Max® restricted exhaust header and all related sys-
tems must be unmodified, as supplied from the manufac-
• Required sprocket sizes: #219, 13T front & 82T rear
3. JB or JC karts in JA:
JB or JC karts may compete in JA. The driver must meet JA age
restrictions and the kart must be compliant with JB or JC require-
E. Junior Class B (JB):
1. Ages:
• 8 years to 12 years
2. Engines:
a. Briggs & Stratton® World Formula®
1. Minimum weight: 270 lb.
2. Throttle restrictor: The required 0.420” (10.67mm) restrictor
& cap lock, with Briggs & Stratton® check tool, are available
through the SCCA® Solo® Department only.
3. Operating requirements: Same as 19.3.D.2.a.II
b. Briggs & Stratton® Animal® LO206®
1. Minimum weight: 250 lb.
2. Throttle restrictor: The required restrictor, Briggs & Strat-
ton® #555734 ("Blue"), is available through Briggs & Strat-

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 187

19. Kart
ton® retailers.
3. Required components: Same as 19.3.D.2.b.II
4. Operation requirements: Same as 19.3.D.2.b.III
c. Briggs & Stratton® Raptor®
1. Minimum weight: 260 lb.
2. Operating requirements: Same as 19.3.D.2.c.II
d. Yamaha® KT-100®:
1. Minimum weight: 265 lb.
2. Allowed types: Same as 19.3.D.2.d.II
3. Required carburetor & exhaust:
• Walbro® WA55B® carburetor & manifold with RLV®
SSX-V® or HPV1® exhaust, or
• Walbro® WB3A® carburetor & 0.600” restrictor plate
with RLV® YBX® exhaust.
e. Rotax® Micro-Max®:
1. Minimum weight: 260 lb.
2. Operating requirements:
• Engine must be sealed with matching & current Rotax®
Motor Identity Card (Passport®) present. Engine, clutch,
Micro-Max® restricted intake & exhaust, and all related
systems must be unmodified, as supplied from the manu-
• Required sprocket sizes: #219, 14T front & 73T rear
f. Clone:
1. Minimum weight: 250 lb.
2. Required engine:
• Predator, Powerhorse or similar inexpensive 6.5hp,
4-stroke engine up to 212cc displacement.
3. Permitted modifications:
• Engine must remain stock with the exceptions that the gov-
ernor may be removed or defeated, and the gas tank may
be removed. A top plate and mechanical fuel pump may be
added to the motor to route fuel from a center-mounted gas
tank. No other modifications or changes to the cam, fly-
wheel, exhaust, carburetor, or intake are allowed.
g. Comer® K-80®:
1. Minimum weight: 250 lb.
2. Operating requirements: Carburetor, exhaust, and clutch as
supplied with engine from manufacturer.
3. JC karts in JB:
JC karts may compete in JB. The driver must meet JB age restric-
188 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Section 19
tions and the kart must be compliant with JC requirements.
F. Junior Class C (JC):
This is a Regional-only, restricted availability class; available by pri-
or approval from the SCCA® National Office only.
1. Ages:
• 5 years to 8 years
2. Chassis size: “Baby,” “Kid” or “Cadet” racing-style chassis only.
Maximum wheelbase = 950mm. Larger chassis are inappropriate
for this class regardless of any modification.
3. Tires: Brand & compound are open. Maximum indicated dimen-
sions for front = 4.60/10.0-5 . Maximum indicated dimensions for
rear = 5.00/11.0-5 .
4. Engine:
a. Honda® GXH50®:
1. Minimum weight: No restriction imposed at this time.
2. Operating requirements: Must comply with GXH50_Class_
Rules.pdf (see SCCA® website or contact Solo® Department
for details). The yellow oil alert wire must be disconnected or
b. Comer® C50® & C51®:
1. Minimum weight: No restriction is imposed at this time.
2. Operating requirements: Carburetor, exhaust, and clutch as
supplied with engine from manufacturer.
G. Additional classes:
Regions may add Formula Junior classes which extend the maximum
age range, but such classes may not allow additional modifications
beyond those of JA / JB as documented herein.
H. Action or Protest:
Any disciplinary action or protest needed to be taken against a Junior
Driver and / or kart will be addressed to the parent / legal guardian
listed on the Minor Waiver of that Junior Driver.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 189

20. Solo® Spec Coupe (SSC)


Objective: Provide an affordable autocross package that combines a
street-able car and a capable autocross car using specified parts.
20.1 Eligible Vehicles
• Subaru® BRZ® (2013-16) (including 2015 Series.Blue and 2016 Se-
ries.HyperBlue models).
• Scion® FR-S® (2013-16) (including 2015 Release Series 1.0 and 2016
Release Series 2.0 models).
20.2 Mandatory Parts
A. Parts specified below (tires, wheels, and suspension) must be used. All
components and parts (e.g., hardware) are required to be installed.
Original equipment (OE) or equivalent components are not allowed.
Required bumps stops are provided in the Eibach® PRO-PLUS Perfor-
mance Handling Package.
B. Anti-roll bar end links are restricted to OE.
C. Tires: Falken Azenis RT615K+, size: 225/45R17.
D. Wheels
1. Diameter and width (in.): 17x8 (OE 17x7 may be used only as a full
set of 4 wheels.)
2. Offset, including wheel spacer (mm): +40 (40ET or ET40) or greater
3. Weight, without spacer if used, minimum (lbs.): 17, including:
• Wheel weights
• TPMS sensor if installed
• Tire valve stem (type unrestricted)
E. Suspension (available from the Tire Rack®)
1. Eibach® PRO-PLUS Performance Handling Package #TR82105.880,
a. 82105.001 spring front (2)
b. 82105.002 spring rear (2)
c. 1J0412303 (770343) bump stop front (2), ~53mm height
d. BS770143 bump stop rear (2), ~33mm height
e. 82105.320F anti-roll bar front (1)
f. UB0346 bushing front (2)
g. 82105.320R anti-roll bar rear (1)
h. UB0347 bushing rear (1)
i. 1J0412303
j. 82105.310HK hardware kit (1)
2. SPC Performance® Adjustable Alignment Kit, part #60620T, in-
a. 67655 adjustable toe arm rear (2)
b. 67660 adjustable lower control arm rear (2)
c. 81305 EZCam® XR bolts,14mm (2)
3. Koni® Sport (Yellow) struts/shocks with tamper proof seal:
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 191
20. Solo® Spec Coupe (SSC)
a. 8741-1560LSSC left front (1)
b. 8741-1560RSSC right front (1)
c. 8041-1416SSC rear (2)
20.3 Authorized Changes/Modifications:
A. If a change or modification is not specifically authorized, it is not al-
lowed. All repairs must comply with factory-authorized methods and
procedures, or industry standard methods, as follows: If the manufac-
turer does not provide an appropriate method of repair, industry stan-
dard methods and procedures may be used. Such repairs may not result
in a part or combination of parts that provides a performance advantage
(e.g., significant change to weight, suspension control, power, etc.) as
compared to the standard part(s). Competitors are strongly cautioned
to use this allowance to make common-sense repairs only.
B. Front bumpers, rear bumpers, body trim pieces and attachment points
may be reinforced to prevent or repair damage from hitting cones. Re-
inforcements that are not visible to the exterior of the car are allowed.
Such repairs and/or reinforcements may serve no other purpose.
C. Wheel spacers are allowed provided the resultant combination with the
wheel complies with the offset requirements.
D. Wheel lug studs (e.g., length) and lug nuts may be changed.
E. Components which are normally expendable and considered replace-
ment parts may be used provided they are essentially identical to the
standard parts, used in the same location, and provide no performance
benefit. Examples are:
1. Clutch and related components (excluding flywheel).
2. Hardware (nuts, bolts, clips, etc.).
F. Parts superseded by Toyota® or Subaru® may be used on either ve-
G. These allowances are strictly to permit components to be replaced from
alternate sources other than the original manufacturer. They should not
be construed as an allowance to replace components with those which
could be considered a “higher performance” alternative.
H. It is not permitted to use non-compliant parts even if they have been set
to the manufacturer’s specifications.
20.4 Bodywork
A. Accessories, gauges, indicators, lights, and other appearance, comfort-
and-convenience modifications which have no effect on performance
and/or handling and do not materially reduce the weight of the car are
permitted. This does not allow driver’s seat substitutions, or the remov-
al of “tow hooks” or “tie-down loops.” Data acquisition systems (includ-
ing video cameras) and the accompanying sensors are allowed but may
serve no other purpose during a run than real-time display and data
B. Alternate shift knobs are allowed.
C. Spare tires, tools, and jacks may be removed. Any fastening hardware
and/or other pieces that can no longer be firmly secured in the absence
192 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
20. Solo® Spec Coupe (SSC)
of the spare tire may be removed if necessary to ensure compliance with
Solo® Rules section 3.3.3.B.1, Safety Inspections, Inspection Require-
D. Driver restraints as outlined in Solo® Rules section 3.3.1, Driver Re-
straints, are allowed. Seats may not be cut to allow for the installation
of alternate seat belts or harnesses. A horizontal “harness bar” may be
used as part of the installation hardware for allowed driver restraints
provided it has no more than two (2) attachment points to the chassis
and is bolted at those locations. A C-type harness bar may also be used;
it may have four (4) bolted attachment points to the chassis (2 primary
and 2 sup-porting connections to resist rotation). Truss-type harness
bars with more than two (2) attachment points are not allowed.
E. Cars may add one (1) rear trailer hitch. Factory tie downs and cosmetic
pieces (e.g., diffusers) may be modified or removed to facilitate hitch in-
stallation. Complete or partial removal of the hitch is allowed for com-
petition, provided it does not result in a reduction in weight compared
to the unmodified standard configuration.
F. Tow bar brackets may be installed and may serve no other purpose.
G. Any item not permanently in place by manufacturer-installed fasteners
may be removed (i.e., emergency tool kits).
20.4 Brakes
The make and material of brake linings (pads) may be changed.
20.5 Suspension
A. Alignment
Both the front and rear suspension may be adjusted through their de-
signed range of adjustment by use of the specified parts. No suspension
part may be modified for the purpose of adjustment unless such modifi-
cation is specifically authorized by the manufacturer service documen-
B. Bushings
1. Suspension bushings as supplied in the kits are mandatory.
2. Those not included in the supplied kits may not be replaced with
bushings of a different material or dimension.
20.6 Electrical System
A. The make of spark plugs is unrestricted.
B. No changes are permitted to electronic engine management systems or
their programming.
C. Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) may be disabled. Altering
the signal to the TPMS module is allowed.
Engine and Drivetrain
A. The engine air filter element may be removed or replaced provided the
air flow path remains as originally designed (i.e., no additional open-
ings). No other components of the air induction system may be re-
moved, replaced, or modified.
B. Oil filters are unrestricted.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 193

20. Solo® Spec Coupe (SSC)
C. The installation of oil catch tanks or oil separators is allowed provided
the function of the PCV system remains functional.
D. An oil cooler is allowed provided no unauthorized modifications are
made to perform the installation.
E. The muffler and midpipe (as shown in the following figure) may be sub-
stituted provided the system exits the car in one or both original loca-
–– Weight, minimum, both muffler and midpipe (lbs.):.......................18

F. Silicone replacement hoses are allowed as alternate components pro-

vided they meet the requirements of Solo® Rules section 13, Street
Category, with regard to size, shape, location, and performance equiva-
lence. Replacement induction system air intake hoses must also match
the standard part in stiffness, contour, and internal wall texture.
G. Lubricants and fluids are unrestricted.
• Fuel must be Federally-approved for use on public highways and must
not exceed an octane rating of 93 [(R+M)/2], with an allowed variance of
up to +0.9. Ethanol content may not exceed 15%. is widely distributed
and typically sold in filling stations, commonly called “pump fuel” with
typical octane ratings or AKI (Anti-Knock Index) (R+M/2) displayed
on the pump between 87 and 93. The maximum octane rating allowed
is what is typically delivered from a pump marked 93 octane*. Fuels
comprised of more than 15% ethanol may only be used when specified
by the manufacturer (e.g., in the owner’s manual for flex-fuel vehicles).
*Octane verification: Octane levels will vary from the number listed on
the pump. Octane testing has a “margin of error” and different testing
procedures will produce similar but different results. For the purposes
of testing gasoline, a result that exceeds 95.9 octane is not allowed and
will result in a disqualification with no exceptions (hard limit). This
limit gives competitors a 99.99+% confidence level that fuel purchased
from a pump marked 93 octane is compliant. Warning: Competitors
attempting to approach the 95.9 octane limit through mixing or by
any other means may inadvertently create fuel that appears compli-
ant but may test above the 95.9 hard limit.
194 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
21. ProSolo® Series


Events are conducted under the SCCA® Solo® Rules, except as amended
by the ProSolo® National Series Rules, the National Series Supplementa-
ry Regulations (NSSR), Event Supplemental Regulations, and any supple-
mentary rules.
A. Format: ProSolo® features Solo® courses with a drag race type start
utilizing a light (“Christmas”) tree to signal the start. Following the class
competition are the Challenge competitions featuring the top finishers
to determine the Top Eliminators of the event. These Challenge com-
petitions use single elimination rounds utilizing handicapped starts to
equalize different classes of vehicles.
B. The ProSolo® National Series features all National Solo® open classes
as well as selected prototype classes for broad based access to ProSolo®
for SCCA® members.
The primary objective and core strategies of the ProSolo® National Series
are listed below. This listing is designed to give the program guidance in
the development of rules, operational procedures, and marketing.
A. Primary Objective: To develop and sustain a marketable and commer-
cially viable National Solo® series using the unique format of a drag
race-type start.
B. Core Strategies
1. Participation opportunities for multiple levels of experience and
commitment; pro, club, and recreational.
2. Effective, efficient, and enjoyable event operations.
3. Aggressive marketing to build awareness and acceptance within the
Solo® community, the motorsports marketplace, and the automo-
bile industry.
A. Final authority for all aspects of the ProSolo® National Series shall re-
side with the SCCA® National Office.
B. In the event of doubt or ambiguity as the wording and/or intent of the
operating rules for the ProSolo® National Series, the decisions of the
SCCA® National staff, or their designee, shall prevail and be binding.
The SCCA® National staff reserves the right as necessary to revise these
rules, to issue supplements to them at any time, and to promulgate spe-
cial rules in an emergency.
The complete ProSolo® National Series Rules are available online at

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 195

Appendix A - Automobile Classes


It is the intention of SCCA® to class all essentially identical vehicles from
the same manufacturer (which differ only cosmetically or in nominal mar-
quee designation) in the same class. If a version is omitted from the class
listing, and is otherwise eligible for the category, then its classification will
be the same as the equivalent car which is listed.
Any car listed under a NOC classification is ineligible for National events.
See section 13.0 for other eligibility requirements.
To use the catch-alls at the end of the specific car classes in Appendix A,
start from the last class in the category and work up the classes until a class
is found.
Such unclassified cars will not be eligible for Solo® National Tours
or the Solo® National Championships.
See the following page for vehicles which are excluded from the Street cat-
For Street Category vehicles, the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications
shall be used for specific wheel diameter and maximum rim width speci-
AWD.........All-wheel drive
FWD.........Front wheel drive
IRS............Independent rear suspension
N/A...........Normally aspirated (atmospheric)
NOC..........Not otherwise classified
RWD.........Rear wheel drive
V(n)...........(n) refers to number of engine cylinders in a “Vee” block
(n)v...........(n) refers to number of engine intake and exhaust valves

196 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (SS) Street
STREET CATEGORY Super Street class (SS)
Cars designated model year 1988 Acura
1989 and older are not eligible for NSX (2017-19)
National Solo® competition but Alfa Romeo
may continue to participate in Re- 4C (incl. Spider) (2015-19)
gional Solo® events. Audi
Excluded from Street Category R8 (non-GT) (2008-15)
for reasons of stability per Sec- R8 (non-Plus) (2016-18)
tion 3.1: TT RS (2012-13, 2018-19)
• Dodge Caliber (non-SRT) BMW
• Fiat 500 (non-Abarth) (2012-19) i8 (2014-19)
• Ford Fiesta (non-ST) (2011-19) M4 GTS
• Geo Tracker Z8
• Jeep CJ series Chevrolet
• MINI Countryman
Camaro ZL1 1LE (2018-19)
• Nissan Juke
Corvette Grand Sport (2017-19)
• Scion iQ
• Scion xB (2004-06) Corvette Z06 (including Z07
• Subaru Forester package) (C7) (2015-19)
• Suzuki Samurai Corvette ZR1 (2009-13)
• Suzuki Sidekick Dodge & SRT
The following make/models are Viper (all) & Viper GTS (non-
not eligible for Street Category: ACR, non-TA) (2013-17)
• Audi R8 GT & R8 Plus Viper ACR (2016-17)
• BMW 325 M-Technic Viper SRT (non-ACR, non-TA
• BMW M3 Lightweight 2.0) (2015-17)
• Callaway Corvette Viper (NOC)
• Chevrolet Camaro SS and Pontiac Fire- Ferrari
bird WS6 (Level 1 & Level 2 suspen- 360 Modena & Spider (non-Chal-
sion packages) (4th gen) (1993-2002) lenge Stradale) (1999-2005)
• Ferrari 355
• Ferrari 360 (NOC) Ford
• Ferrari (NOC) Mustang Cobra R (1993, 1995,
• Ford GT 2000)
• Lamborghini (NOC) Mustang Shelby GT350R (2015-
• Lotus Elan M100 19)
• Lotus Sport Elise (2006) Jaguar
• Mercedes-Benz Black Edition (all) F-Type R & SVR (2018-19)
• MINI Cooper Hardtop JCW GP (2013)
• MINI Cooper S JCW (2002-05) Lotus
• Nissan GT-R NISMO & GT-R Track Elise SC (2008-11)
Edition (2012-18) Evora 400
• Oldsmobile 442 HO W-41 (Sports Evora 410 Sport (2018)
package option) Exige S (non-S260, non-Club
• Pontiac Firebird Firehawk Racer) (2007-11)
• Porsche 911 GT2 (1997-98, 2002-05) McLaren
• Porsche 911 GT3 RS (997) (2007-08)
• Porsche 911 Turbo S & 3.6S (964)
• Saleen SC (Mustang)
MP4-12C (2012-14)
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 197
Street (AS) - Appendix A
SS (continued) A Street class (AS)
Mercedes-Benz Acura
AMG (NOC) NSX Alex Zanardi Signature Edi-
Nissan tion
GT-R (excluding NISMO & Track Alfa Romeo
Edition) (2009-18) Giulia Quadrifoglio (2017-19)
Porsche BMW
718 Boxster S & GTS (2017-19) M2 Performance Edition (ZL9)
718 Cayman S & GTS (2017-19) M2 Competition (2019)
911 (991 chassis, incl. GT3; excl. M4 CS (2018-19)
GT2, GT3 RS, Turbo, & Turbo S) Cadillac
(2012-19) XLR
911 (997 chassis; incl. Carrera 4, Chevrolet
Carrera 4S, & Carrera S) (2005- Camaro Z28 (2014-15)
12) Camaro ZL1 (non-1LE) (2012-15,
911 GT3 (991.2 chassis) 2017-19)
911 GT3/GT3 RS (996 & 997 Corvette (C6, non-ZR1) (2005-13)
chassis, non-RS excl. 4.0L) Corvette Stingray (C7) (2014-19)
911 Turbo (997 chassis; non-S, Corvette Z06 (C5) (2001-04)
non-GT2) (2006-12)
911 Turbo & 911 Turbo S (996 Dodge
chassis) (2001-05) Viper (non-ACR) (2008-10)
911 Turbo (993 chassis) (1995-99) Viper GTS (1996-2005)
911 Turbo (964 chassis, non-S, Viper R/T (1992-2003)
non-3.6S) (1989-94) Viper SRT-10 (2003-07)
911 Turbo (930 chassis) (1974- Ford
89) Mustang Boss 302 Laguna Seca
Boxster Spyder (2011-13) (2012-13)
Cayman GT4 (non-Clubsport) Mustang Shelby GT500 (2007-
(2016) 15)
Cayman R (2012) Honda
Tesla Motors S2000 CR
Roadster (all) (2008-13) Jaguar
“Catch-all”: F-Type (NOC non-Project 7)
All eligible unclassified cars not (2014-18)
covered by another catch-all Lotus
listing. Elise (non-SC) (2005-11)
Esprit Turbo (1996-2004)
Evora S (2011-15)
Exige (non-S) (2006)
RX-7 (1993-95)
SLK55 AMG (2012-16)
Plus 8
Roadster (V6)

198 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (BS) Street
AS (continued) B Street class (BS)
Pontiac Acura
Solstice GXP (Turbo) (2007-09) NSX (non-Zanardi Edition)
Porsche Aston Martin
718 Boxster (non-S) (2017-19) V8 Vantage (2005-17)
718 Cayman (non-S) (2017-19) Audi
911 (996, non-turbo) (1998-2005) RS 3 (2017-19)
911 Carrera 4, 4S, & S (997 chas- RS 4 (2007-08)
sis) (2005-12) RS 5 (2013-15)
Boxster GTS (981 chassis) (2015- RS 6 (C5 chassis) (2003-04)
16) S4 (2010-19)
Boxster S (981 chassis) (2013-16) S5 (2008-19)
Boxster S (987 chassis) (2009-12) S6 (2013-18)
Cayman GTS (981 chassis) (2015- S7 (2012-18)
16) TTS (2016-19)
Cayman S (981 chassis) (2013-16) BMW
Cayman S (987 chassis) (2009- 1 Series M Coupe (2011-12)
12) M Coupe & Roadster (2001-02)
Saturn M2 (except Performance Edition
Sky Redline (Turbo) (2007-10) ZL9) (2016-18)
M3 & M4 (F80/F82) (2015-19)
Z4 35i &35is (2009-16)
Z4 M Coupe/Roadster (2006-08)
ATS-V (2016-19)
Camaro SS 1LE (V8) (2017-19)
Corvette (C5, non-Z06) (1997-
Corvette (C4, all) (1984-96)
Challenger R/T Scat Pack Wide-
body (2019)
Focus RS (2018)
Mustang GT w/ Performance
Package - Level 2 (2018-19)
Mustang Shelby GT350 (2015-18)
Mustang Shelby GT350 (incl.
Handling Package) (2019)
XKR Coupe
RC-F (2015-19)
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 199
Street (BS) - Appendix A
BS (continued)
Lotus STI Type RA (2018)
Evora (non-supercharged) (2010- Tesla
15) Model 3 Performance (2018)
Maserati Toyota
Coupe (2002-07) Supra (2020)
GranSport (2004-07) Supra Turbo (1993½-98)
Spyder (2002-07) TVR
Mazda 8-cyl
Miata Club Sport (2003) V12
MX-5 Miata MS-R (2007) V6
C32 AMG (2002-04)
CLA45 AMG (2014-19)
CLK55 AMG (2001-06)
E63 AMG (2010-16)
GLA45 AMG (2015-19)
SLK32 AMG (2002-04)
SLK350 (2005-16)
SLK55 AMG (2005-10)
350Z NISMO (2004-2008)
370Z (non-NISMO) (2009-19)
370Z NISMO (2009-19)
Solstice (non-turbo; w/ ZOK
Club Sport package) (2007-10)
911 (993, non-turbo) (1995-98)
Boxster (non-GTS, non-S, non-
Spyder) (2013-16)
Boxster (non-S) (2009-12)
Boxster (987, non-S) (2005-08)
Boxster S (2005-08)
Cayman (non-GT4, non-GTS,
non-R, non-S) (2013-16)
Cayman (non-S) (2009-12)
Cayman (non-S) (2005-08)
Cayman S (2006-08)
Macan S & Turbo (2015-18)
Mustang (non-supercharged)
STI (2019)
200 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (CS) Street
C Street class (CS)
BMW Pontiac
M Coupe & M Roadster (1996- Solstice (non-turbo; non-ZOK)
2000) (2007-10)
M3 (E30) (1988-91) Porsche
Z3 (6-cyl, non-M) (1997-2002) 356 Carrera (4-cam)
Z4 28i & 30i (2009-16) 911 (non-turbo, NOC)
Z4 30i & 28i (2009-16) 911 Club Sport
Z4 Coupe & Roadster (non-M) 914 (all)
(2003-08) 928 (all)
Chevrolet 944 (16v)
Corvette (1963-82) 944 Turbo (all)
Chrysler & Plymouth Boxster (986 chassis, all) (1997-
Prowler 2004)
Ferrari Carrera 2 & Carrera 4 (964)
308 & 328 (1989-94)
Fiat Saturn
124 Spider (incl. Abarth) (2017- Sky (non-turbo) (2007-10)
19) Scion
Honda FR-S (with TRD suspension;
S2000 (non-CR) incl. Release Series 1.0 and 2.0)
XKE Subaru
BRZ (with Performance Package)
Jensen (2017-19)
Jensen-Healey BRZ tS (2018)
Lotus Toyota
7 & 7A 86 (with TRD Lowering Springs,
Eclat TRD Sway Bar Kit, and TRD 17-
Elan (RWD, all) in. Forged Wheel) (2017-19)
Elite (all) MR2 Turbo
Esprit (non-turbo)
MX-5 Miata (non-MS-R 2007)
MX-5 Miata (ND1/ND2 chassis;
including RF) (2016-19)
RX-7 Turbo (1987-91)
300ZX Turbo (1990-96)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 201

Street (DS) - Appendix A
D Street class (DS)
Acura Ford
Integra Type R Focus RS (2016-17)
Alfa Romeo Mustang EcoBoost (2015-20)
Giulia (incl. Ti) (2017-19) Mustang V6 (2011-17)
Audi Honda
A3 (2.0T, all) (2015-19) Civic Type R (2017-19)
A3 quattro (3.2L V6, AWD) Hyundai
(2006-09) Genesis Coupe (4-cyl Turbo)
A5 (2008-17) (2013-16)
S3 (2.0T) (2015-19) Genesis Coupe (V6) (2010-12)
S4 (2000-03) Veloster N (including Perfor-
TT (1.8T, non-quattro/FWD) mance Package) (2019)
(2000-06) Infiniti
TT (2.0T, non-quattro/FWD) G35 Coupe (2003-07)
(2008-09) G35 Sedan (2003-09)
TT quattro (AWD) (2008-19) Lexus
TT quattro (AWD) (2000-06) GS 350 (2005-18)
TTS (2009-15) IS (all excl. IS-F) (2006-19)
BMW SC 400 (1992-2000)
128i (2008-13) Lincoln
2 Series (228i, 230i) (4-cyl Turbo; MKZ (AWD) (2013-19)
F22 chassis) (2014-19)
3 Series (328i, 328d, 330i) (4-cyl Mazda
turbo; F30/F31/F34) (2012-19) Mazdaspeed6
4 Series (428i, 430i) (4-cyl Mercedes-Benz
Turbo; F32/F33/F36 chassis) C-Class (6-cyl, non-AMG) (2001-
(2014-19) 16)
M3 (E36 chassis) (1995-99) CLA250 4matic
Cadillac CLK (V6) (1998-2009)
ATS (2.0L Turbo) (2013-19) GLA250 4matic
CTS (non-V, non-Vsport) (2003- MINI
19) Clubman John Cooper Works
Chevrolet All4 (2017-19)
Camaro LS & LT (2.0L Turbo; Cooper Clubman JCW (2009-14)
including 1LE) (2016-19) Cooper Clubman S (2008-14,
Camaro (V6) (2010-15) 2016-19)
Cobalt SS (2.0L Turbo) (2008-10) Cooper Coupe JCW (2013-15)
Cooper Coupe S (2013-15)
Chrysler Cooper Hardtop JCW (2006-19)
300 (V6) (2011-19) Cooper Hardtop S (2002-19)
Crossfire (non-SRT-6) Cooper Roadster JCW (2012-15)
Dodge Cooper Roadster S (2012-15)
Challenger (V6) (2011-19) Mitsubishi
Charger (V6) (2011-19) Eclipse Turbo (AWD)
Eagle Lancer Evolution (2003-15)
Talon Turbo (AWD) Lancer Ralliart (2009-15)

202 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (ES) Street
DS (continued) E Street class (ES)
Nissan Alfa Romeo
350Z (non-NISMO) (2003-09) 2000 GTV
Saab 2000 Spider
9-2X Aero (2.0L Turbo) (2005- BMW
06) Z3 (4-cyl) (1996-98)
Scion Datsun
FR-S (without TRD suspension 2000
components) (2013-16) 240Z
Subaru 260Z
BRZ (non-Performance Package) 280Z
(2013-16, 2017-19) 280ZX (non-turbo)
Legacy 2.5GT (2005-12) Dodge
WRX (non-STI) (2009-19) Charger Turbo
WRX STI (including Special Edi- GLH Turbo
tion) (2004-18) Fiat & Bertone
Tesla X1/9
Model 3 (excluding Performance) Mazda
(2018) Mazdaspeed Miata (2004-05)
Toyota Miata (non-Club Sport 2003)
86 (without TRD suspension and (1990-2005)
wheels) (2017-19) RX-7 (non-turbo)
Volkswagen Morgan
Golf R (2015-19) 4/4 & Plus 4
Golf R (2012-13) Pontiac
R32 (Golf chassis) (2004, 2008) Fiero (V6)
924 Turbo (Audi engine) (1979-
924S (1986-88)
944 (8v)
Charger GLH-S (1987)
MR2 (non-turbo) (1985-95)
MR2 Spyder (2000-05)
MR2 Supercharged

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 203

Street (FS) - Appendix A
F Street class (FS)
AMC Corvette (1953-62)
AMX SS Sedan (2013-17)
Javelin (V8) Chrysler
Audi 300 (V8, all) (2004-19)
A6 (V6 Supercharged) (2008-17) Crossfire SRT-6 (2005-06)
A6 (V8) (1997-2011) Datsun
A7 (all) (2010-19) 280ZX Turbo
S4 (V8) (2004-09) Dodge
BMW Challenger (V8, all) (2008-19)
135i & 135is (2008-13) Charger (V8, all) (2006-19)
335d (2009-11) Magnum (V8) (2005-08)
335i & 335is (E9X chassis; 6-cyl Ram SRT10 (2004-06)
Turbo) (2007-13) Stealth Turbo
3 Series (F30/F31 chassis; 6-cyl Ford
Turbo, non-M3) (2012-19) Crown Victoria
4 Series (F32/F33/F36 chassis; Mustang (V8, NOC)
6-cyl Turbo) (2014-19) Mustang Boss 302 (non-Laguna
5 series (G30/G31/G38 chassis) Seca) (2012-13)
(2017-19) Mustang Bullitt (2019)
5 series (V8) Mustang Cobra (2003-04)
6 series (E63/E64 & F12/F13 Mustang GT (excluding Per-
chassis) (2003-19) formance Package - Level 2)
8 series coupe (2010-19)
M235i (F22) (2014-16) Mustang Mach 1 (2003-04)
M240i (incl. xDrive) (2017-19) Mustang Shelby GT (T82 & 54U
M3 (E46 & E90/E92/E93 chas- factory option package only)
sis) (2000-13) (2007-08)
M5 (1988-93, 2000-10) Mustang SVT Cobra
Buick Thunderbird (V8) (1955-88,
Regal (all) (2014-19) 2002-05)
Grand National & Regal (V6 GMC
Turbo) Syclone
Cadillac Typhoon
ATS (3.6L V6) Hyundai
CTS-V & CTS-Vsport Genesis Coupe (V6) (2013-15)
Chevrolet Infiniti
Camaro (V8 non-supercharged, G37 Coupe & Sedan
NOC) Q45
Camaro (V6, 1LE) (2017-19) Q50 Sport (2014-19)
Camaro LS & LT (V6; excluding Q60 (2014-19)
Suspension Lowering Kit and
Brembo® 6-piston Front Brake
S-Type R
Kit) (2016-19)
XJ (1998-2019)
Camaro SS (non-1LE) (2016-19)
XJ-S (1976-96)
Camaro SS (incl. 1LE) (2010-15)
XK8 (1997-2006)
Camaro SS (base car only incl.
Sedan (12-cyl)
GM-installed 1LE) (1998-2002)
204 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (FS) Street
FS (continued)
Kia Toyota
Stinger GT, GT1, & GT2 (V6 Supra (non-turbo) (1993-98)
Turbo) (2018-19) Supra Turbo (1987-92)
Lexus Triumph
GS 400 (1998-2000) Stag
IS F (2008-14)
RC (non-F) (2015-19) “Catch-all”:
Lincoln V8 sedans, pick-ups, and sedan-
LS (V8) (2000-06) derived convertibles (NOC)
Mark VIII (1993-98)
C300 (2007-16)
C450 & C43 AMG (2015-19)
C55 AMG (2005-06)
C63 AMG (non-Black Series)
CLK (non-V6)
E Class (W212 chassis; non-
AMG) (2009-16)
Capri (V8)
Cougar (V8) (1967-88)
3000 GT Turbo
300ZX (non-turbo) (1990-96)
300ZX Turbo (1984-89)
350Z (non-NISMO) (2003-09)
370Z (non-NISMO) (2009-19)
Firebird (V8, NOC)
Firebird Trans Am & Formula
(WS6, base car only, including
GM-installed 1LE) (1998-2002)
G8 (V8 & NOC) (2008-09)
GTO (2004-06)
Trans Am Turbo (V6) (1989)
Panamera (2010-16)
GT350 (1965-70)
GT500 (1967-70)
Tesla Motors
Model S (2012-14)
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 205
Street (GS) - Appendix A
G Street class (GS)
Acura Magnum (V6) (2005-08)
RLX Neon (1995-99)
TLX SRT-4 (Neon chassis)
Audi Ford
A3 (1.8T; FWD) (2015-16) Focus ST (2013-18)
A3 Sportback e-tron (2017-18) Fusion (6-cyl)
A4 (V6 & 4-cyl Turbo) Fusion Sport (2017-19)
A6 (V6 NOC & 4-cyl) Mustang (V6) (2005-10)
A8 & V8 quattro (AWD) Mustang SVO
Quattro (Coupe Turbo) Taurus SHO (1996-99, 2010-19)
BMW Thunderbird (V8 & V6 Super-
3 Series (E9x chassis; non-M3, charged) (1989-97)
non-turbo) (2007-13) ZX2 S/R (1999-2003)
3 Series (E46 chassis; non-M) General Motors
(1999-2006) FWD models (4-cyl Turbo, 6-cyl,
3 Series (6-cyl, non-M3; E30, Ecotec, or Quad 4 engines, NOC)
E36) (1984-98) Honda
320i (F30/F31/F34) (2014-19) Civic Si (2017-19)
323i Convertible, 323is, 328i Civic Si Mugen (2008)
Convertible, & 328is (E36) Hyundai
(1999) Genesis Coupe (4-cyl Turbo)
5 Series (E28, E34, & E39 chas- (2010-12)
sis; 6-cyl, non-M5) (1985-2003) Veloster Turbo (all) (2019)
6 Series (E24 chassis; 6-cyl, non- Veloster Turbo Rally Edition
M6) (1984-89) (2016-17)
Buick Isuzu
Verano Turbo (2013-17) Impulse Turbo (all)
Regal (all) (2014-19)
Cadillac S-Type (6-cyl) (2002-08)
ATS (2.5L 4-cyl non-turbo) X-Type (3.0L) (2002-08)
ELR (2014-16)
Stinger (4-cyl Turbo) (2018-19)
Cobalt Sport (2.4L) (2008)
IS 300 (2001-05)
Cobalt SS (2.4L) (2006-07)
SC 300 (1992-2000)
Cobalt SS (2.0L SC) (2005-07)
Malibu (all) (2008-19) Lincoln
MKZ (FWD) (2013-19)
MKZ (2006-12)
200 (V6) (2010-17)
300 (V6) (2004-10) Mazda
Conquest Turbo 323 GT Turbo (sedan)
PT Cruiser (Turbo) (2003-09) 323 GTX Turbo (AWD)
Mazdaspeed Protégé
Caliber SRT4
Challenger (V6) (2008-10) Mercedes
Charger (V6) (2006-10) 190E (6-cyl 2.6L & 4-cyl 16v)
Conquest Turbo C230 (1999-2007)
206 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (HS) Street
GS (continued) H Street class (HS)
CLA250 (FWD) Acura
GLA250 (FWD) CL (all)
Mercury ILX
Cougar (V8 & V6 Supercharged) Integra (all except Type R) (1986-
(1989-97) 2001)
Merkur Legend
XR4Ti RSX (all, including Type S)
Cooper Clubman (non-S, non-
JCW) (2016-19)
Cooper Hardtop (non-S, non- Alfa Romeo
JCW) (2014-19) 1300
Mitsubishi 164 (non-S) (1991-93)
Galant (V6 & 4-cyl Turbo)
1750 & 1750 GTV
Starion Turbo
2000 (4-door sedan)
Plymouth GTV V6
Neon (1995-99) Milano
Saab Sedan (NOC)
9-2X Linear (2.5L) AMC
Turbo models (NOC) Gremlin (4-cyl & 6-cyl)
Saturn Spirit (4-cyl & 6-cyl)
ION Redline (Supercharged) Audi
Subaru 80
Impreza 2.5 (non-turbo) 90
WRX (non-STI) (2002-08) 100 (non-S4)
Toyota 200 Turbo quattro
Celica All-Trac Turbo 4000
Celica GT (2000-05) 5000 (including Turbo)
Celica GTS (2000-03) A3 (FWD) (2006-13)
Volkswagen Coupe quattro (non-turbo)
1.8L Turbo models (NOC) (2002- S4 (100 CS chassis) (1992-94)
06) Austin
Beetle & New Beetle (1.8L Turbo) Mini
Corrado Austin-Healey
Golf, GTI & Jetta (1.8L Turbo) (all)
Golf, GTI & Jetta (VR6 24v) BMW
(2002-05) 1600
Golf GTI (2006-19) 1800
Jetta & GLI (2.0L Turbo) (2006- 2000 CS coupe
19) 2002
Passat (1.8L Turbo) 318 (all)
Passat (W8) 320 (NOC)
Volvo 7 Series (6-cyl)
S60R (except Polestar) i3 (2014-19)
V70R (except Polestar)
Turbo models (NOC)
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 207
Street (HS) - Appendix A
HS (continued)
Buick Charger (non-turbo, FWD) (1981-
Reatta 87)
Verano (non-turbo) (2013-17) Colt (all)
Cadillac Dart (FWD) (2013-17)
Catera Daytona (all)
GLH (non-turbo)
Lancer Turbo
Beretta (NOC)
Neon (2000-05)
Camaro (4-cyl & 6-cyl) (1967-
Shadow (all)
Spirit (all)
Cobalt (all, non-turbo) (2005-10)
Stealth (non-turbo)
Corvair (all)
Stratus (all)
Nova (FWD) (1986-88) Eagle
Nova (RWD, 4-cyl & 6-cyl) (1962- Summit (all)
79) Talon (all, FWD)
Sonic (all) (2012-19) Fiat
Spectrum 500 Abarth (2012-19)
Sprint NOC
Vega & Cosworth Vega Ford
Volt (2011-19) Aspire
Chrysler Contour (all)
200 (4-cyl) (2010-17) Cortina
300M (1999-2004) Escort (non-ZX2 S/R)
Cirrus (V6) EXP
Laser (all) Festiva
PT Cruiser (non-turbo) (2001- Fiesta (1976-80)
2010) Fiesta ST (2014-19)
Sebring (all) Five Hundred
Daewoo Focus (non-ST 2013-18 and non-
(all) RS)
Fusion (4-cyl)
Mustang (V6) (1994-2004)
Mustang (4-cyl, 6-cyl, & 4-cyl
1500 & 1600 Roadster
Turbo except SVO) (1964½-93)
210 & B-210
Probe (all)
Taurus (non-SHO)
Taurus SHO (1989-95)
Tempo (all)
Thunderbird (V6, non-S/C)
Dodge Thunderbird Turbo Coupe
024 ZX2 (non-S/R)
Avenger (all)
Challenger (1978-83)
208 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (HS) Street
HS (continued)
General Motors Kia
FWD models (NOC) Forte & Forte Koup (2.0L & 2.4L)
RWD V6 models (NOC) Forte5 (2014-18)
Geo Optima
Metro Rio (2012-19)
Prizm Sephia
Spectrum Spectra5
Storm Lancia
Honda Beta
600 Scorpion
800 Lexus
Accord (all) CT 200h (2011-17)
Civic (all, excluding Mugen 2008) ES 250
(1975-2015) ES 300
Civic (non-Si, non-type R) (2016- GS 300
19) Lincoln
CRX (all) LS (V6)
CR-Z Lotus
del Sol & Civic del Sol (all) Cortina
Insight Mazda
Prelude (all) 323 (non-turbo)
Hyundai 808
Accent (1995-2019) 929
Elantra (incl. GT Turbo) (1990- Cosmo
2019) GLC
Scoupe Mazda2 (2011-14)
Tiburon Mazda3 (2004-20)
Veloster (non-turbo) (2012-17, Mazda6 (all)
2019) Millenia (all)
Veloster Turbo (non-Rally Edi- MX-3
tion) (2012-17) MX-6 (all)
NOC Protégé (non-Mazdaspeed)
Infiniti R100
G20 RX-2
M30 RX-3
Isuzu RX-4
I-Mark Mercedes
Impulse (non-turbo) 280 (1995-2000)
Stylus NOC
Jaguar Mercury
120 Bobcat
140 Capri (all except V8)
150 Cougar (4-cyl & V6 non-S/C)
X-Type (2.5L) (2002-05) LN-7

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 209

Street (HS) - Appendix A
HS (continued)
Milan (all) GT
Montego Isuzu
Mystique (all) Manta
Sable Peugeot
Scorpio 405 (all)
Topaz (all) 505 (1979-91)
Tracer Pininfarina
MG 2000
all Plymouth
MINI Acclaim (all)
Clubman (non-S, non-JCW) Arrow
(2008-14) Champ
Cooper Coupe (non-S, non-JCW) Colt
(2012-15) Horizon
Cooper Hardtop (non-S, non- Laser (non-turbo)
JCW) (2002-13) Neon (2000-01)
Cooper Roadster (non-S, non- Sapporo
JCW) (2012-15) Scamp
Mitsubishi Sundance (all)
3000 GT (non-turbo) TC3
Cordia Turismo
Eclipse (all, FWD) (1989-2012) Pontiac
Galant (4-cyl non-turbo) Fiero (4-cyl)
Lancer (non-turbo) Firebird (4-cyl & 6-cyl)
Mirage (1978-2003) G5 (all)
Precis G8 (V6) (2008-09)
Premier LeMans (FWD) (1988-93)
Starion (non-turbo) Sunfire
Tredia T-1000
Nissan/Datsun Vibe
200SX (all) Porsche
240SX 356 (non-Carrera)
300ZX (non-turbo) (1984-89) 912
Altima (all) 924 (Audi engine, non-turbo)
Leaf (2011-19) Renault
Maxima (all) NOC
NX2000 (1991-93) Saab
Pulsar 900 (V6) (1994-97)
Sentra (all) NOC
Stanza Saturn
Versa (2007-19) 8v engine
Oldsmobile Astra (2008-09)
Calais W41 DOHC model (NOC)
ION (non-supercharged)
Opel L series (all)
210 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (HS) Street
HS (continued)
Scion Eos (2.0T) (2007-16)
iA (2016) Fox
iM (2016) Golf, GTI, & Jetta (16v non-turbo)
tC (incl. Release Series 5.0 2009) Golf, GTI, & Jetta (8v, all)
(2005-16) Golf TDI
xA (2004-06) Jetta (1.4T) (2016-19)
xB (2008-12) Jetta (2.5L) (2005-14)
Shelby Jetta TDI (2005-06, 2009-15)
Charger (non-turbo) New Beetle (NOC)
Passat (4-cyl non-turbo & V6)
Impreza (NOC)
Rabbit & Rabbit GTI (all, NOC)
Impreza 2.0i
Rabbit (2007-09)
Legacy (NOC)
Scirocco (all)
Sedan Turbo (NOC)
NOC Volvo
Suzuki Yugo
Esteem GL
Kizashi (2010-13) “Catch-all”:
Swift RWD pickup trucks (NOC)
SX4 sedan (2007-13)
Camry (all)
Celica (FWD; NOC)
Celica (all, non-AWD) (1971-99)
Prius (all)
Supra (non-turbo) (1979-92)
all except Stag & TR-8
air-cooled engine (all)
diesel engine (non-turbo) (all)
Beetle (2.0L)
e-Golf (2015-18)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 211

Appendix A - (SSR) Street
Super Street-R class (SSR)
This class combines high-perfor- non-TA) (2013-17)
mance production cars with the Viper (non-ACR) (2008-10)
highest performing DOT tires. All Viper SRT-10 (2003-07)
rules are the same as Section 13, Viper GTS (1996-2005)
Street Category, with the following Viper R/T (1992-2003)
exceptions: Ford
Tires Mustang Boss 302 Laguna Seca
Sections 13.3.A.1 (minimum (2012-13)
UTQG Treadwear Grade), Mustang Shelby GT350 &
13.3.A.2 (minimum molded tread GT350R (2015-20)
depth), and 13.3.A.5 (tires must Mustang Shelby GT500 (2007-15)
be designed for highway use) Jaguar
does not apply. (DOT competi- F-Type (non-Project 7) (2014-20)
tion, DOT-R, R-comps, etc. tires Lotus
are eligible.) Elise (non-SC) (2005-11) (see Ap-
Section 13.3.C.4 (the tire exclu- pendix F)
sion list) is replaced with the fol- Evora S (2011-15)
lowing list which may be altered Exige (non-S) (2006)
at any time by the SEB upon Mercedes-Benz
notification of the membership: AMG (NOC)
• Kumho Ecsta W710 Porsche
718 (all) (2017-19)
Alfa Romeo 911 (991 chassis; non-R, non-
4C (2015-19) Turbo, non-Turbo S, non-GT2,
Audi non-GT3) (2015-17)
TT RS (2012-13) 911 (991 chassis; non-R, non-
Turbo, non-Turbo S, non-GT2,
BMW non-GT3) (2012-19)
M3 & M4 (F80/F82 chassis)
911 (997 chassis)
911 GT3 (997 chassis, non-RS)
Cadillac 911 GT3 (996 chassis)
XLR 911 Turbo (930 chassis) (1974-89)
Chevrolet Boxster (all, incl. Spyder) (1998-
Camaro SS 1LE (V8) (2017-20) 2016)
Camaro Z28 (2014-15) Cayman (all, incl. R; excl. Club-
Camaro ZL1 (2012-15, 2017-20) sport) (2006-16)
Corvette (C6, non-ZR1) (2005-13) Boxster S (2009-14)
Corvette Grand Sport (C7) (2017- Boxster Spyder (2011-12)
19) Cayman GT4 (non-Clubsport) (2016)
Corvette Stingray (C7) (2014) Cayman R (2012)
Corvette Z06 (C5) (2001-04) Cayman S (2009-14)
Dodge & SRT Tesla Motors
Viper & Viper GTS (non-ACR, Roadster (all) (2008-13)
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 213
Appendix A - (STU) Street Touring®
Street Touring® Ultra (STU)
Alfa Romeo Veloster N (2019)
Guilia (2.0T) (2016-17) Infiniti
Audi G35 Coupe
S4 G37
S5 Lexus
TTS quattro (2008-15) IS F
BMW Mazda
135i Mazdaspeed Miata (2004-05)
228i (2014-15) Mercedes-Benz
3 Series (E9x chassis, NOC incl. CLK430 (1999-2003)
M3) (2006-13) CLK55 (2001-06)
M235i (2014-16) E550 (non-AMG) (2014-16)
M3 (E46) (2000-05)
X1 (2013-15)*
Cooper S & Cooper S JCW (2007-
Cadillac 2018)
ATS (2.0L) (2012-18) Cooper (non-S) (2014-2018)
Chevrolet Mitsubishi
Camaro (N/A) Lancer Evolution
Corvette (C4, excl. LT4 engine &
ZR1) (1984-96)
300ZX Turbo (1984-89)
Corvette (C5, non-Z06) (1997-
350Z (non-NISMO)
370Z (non-NISMO)
Dodge 370Z NISMO (2009-17)
Challenger (V8, N/A) (2008-15)
Charger (V8, N/A) (2006-15)
Firebird (N/A)
Fiat GTO (2004-06)
124 Spider (2016-18)
Ford Boxster (987.2 & 981.1) (2009-15)
Focus RS (2016-17) Boxster S (987) (2005-12)
Mustang (N/A) (all excl. Cobra & Cayman (987.2 & 981.1) (2009-
Cobra R) (1979-2004) 15)
Mustang GT (excl. Shelby ver- Cayman S (987) (2006-12)
sions & Boss 302) (2005-18)
Mustang V6 (all)
Impreza WRX STI
Mustang EcoBoost (2.3T) (2015-
18) Volkswagen
Golf R (Mk7) (2015-17)
Civic Type R (2017-18) Volvo
Genesis (V6) “Catch-all”:
Genesis (2.0T 4-cyl) (2013-16) Sedans & Coupes NOC (non-

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 215

Street Touring® (STR, STX) - Appendix A
Street Touring® Roadster (STR) Street Touring® Xtreme (STX)
sports-car-based; 4-seat min.; BMW
over 5.1L normally aspirated or M Coupe (1998-2002)
2.5L to 3.1L forced induction) M Roadster (1998-2002)
*All vehicles must meet the require- M3 (E36, non-LTW) (1995-99)
ments of Section 3.1. Z3 (6-cyl)
Z4 (non-turbo, non-M)
280ZX (non-turbo)
Miata (non-turbo) (1994-2005)
MX-5 Miata (2006-19)
RX-7 GTU (1988)
SLK 230 Kompressor (1996-
Fiero (V6)
Solstice (non-turbo)
911 Carrera (3.2L) (1984-89)
911 SC (3.0L) (1978-83)
944 (non-turbo)
Boxster (986 and 987.1; base
model) (1997-2008)
Boxster S (986) (2000-04)
Cayman (987.1; base model)
MR2 Spyder
MR2 Supercharged (1988-89)
Sky (non-turbo)

216 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (STS) Street Touring®
STX (continued) Street Touring® Sport (STS)
Acura Nissan
ILX (2013-16) 240SX
Integra (non-Type R) (1994- 300ZX (non-turbo) (1984-96)
2001) Sentra SE-R (2000-12)
Integra Type R Sentra SE-R Spec V
RSX Saab
TSX 9-3 (non-Viggen) (1998-2012)
BMW Saturn
128i (2008-13) Ion (2.4L & 2.0L S/C)
3 Series (E30 chassis, incl. M3)
3 Series (E36 chassis, non-M) Scion
3 Series (E46 chassis, non-M) FR-S
3 Series (E9x chassis, non-M, Subaru
non-turbo) (2006-13) BRZ (2013-17)
M5 (E39) (1998-2003) Toyota
Chevrolet 86 (2017)
Cobalt (2.4L N/A & 2.0L S/C) Supra (non-turbo) (1993-98)
S10 (4-cyl & 6-cyl, N/A)* Tacoma (1995-2016)
Dodge Volkswagen
Challenger (V6) (2008-18) Corrado (all)
Charger (V6) (2006-18) Passat (VR6 & W8)
Dakota (4-cyl & 6-cyl, N/A)* R32
Dart (2.4L N/A) (2013-16)
Ford “Catch-all”:
Ranger (4-cyl & 6-cyl, N/A)*
Sedans & Coupes NOC (non-
GMC sports-car-based, 4-seat mini-
Sonoma (4-cyl & 6-cyl, N/A)* mum; 3.1L to 5.1L normally
Honda aspirated)
Civic Si (2002-15)
INFINITI * All vehicles must meet the re-
G35 Sedan quirements of Section 3.1.
IS 250
IS 300
IS 350
Cooper S & Cooper S JCW (in-
cluding dealer-installed 2005-
06) (2001-06)
Eclipse (V6) (2006-12)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 217

Street Touring® (STS) - Appendix A
STS (continued)
Acura Kia
Integra (1986-93) Forte & Forte Koup (non-turbo)
BMW Rio (2012-15)
Z3 (4-cyl) Lexus
Chevrolet CT 200h (2011-16)
Cobalt (2.2L, N/A) Mazda
Cruze (2008-16) 323
Sonic (non-turbo) (2012-17) Mazda2
Spark Mazda3
Sprint (1985-88) Mazda6
Volt (2011-15) Miata (non-Torsen differential)
Chrysler/Plymouth/Dodge (1990-97)
Neon (all) (1995-99) Protégé (NOC) (1999-2003)
Neon (NOC) (2000-05) Protégé MP3
Neon R/T & ACR (2001-04) RX-7 (non-turbo, NOC)
Dodge MINI
Dart (2.0L N/A) (2013-15) Cooper (non-S) (2000-13)
Fiat Mitsubishi
500 (non-turbo) (2012-15)* Lancer (non-turbo)
Ford Nissan
Escort GT (1991-96) 200SX SE-R (1995-98)
Fiesta (1.0T EcoBoost) Sentra (1.6L, 1.8L, 2.0L) (1991-
Fiesta (non-turbo) (2011-15)* 2012)
Focus (non-turbo) NX2000 (1991-94)
ZX2 & Excort ZX2 (1998-2003) Versa (2007-13)
Honda Pontiac
Accord (4-cyl) (1998-2015) Fiero (4-cyl)
Accord (6-cyl) (1998-2013) G5 (2.2L)
Accord (1994-97) Vibe (2003-10)
Civic (non-Si) (2006-15) Porsche
Civic (non-Si) (2001-05) 914 (4-cyl)
Civic (1984-2000) Saturn
CRX Astra
CR-Z Ion (2.2L)
del Sol & Civic del Sol SL
Fit SW
Insight SC
Hyundai Scion
Accent (2012-15) iA (2016)
Elantra (2001-15) iM (2016)
Tiburon (V6) (2003-08) iQ CVT
Veloster (non-turbo) (2011-15) tC
218 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (STH) Street Touring®
Street Touring® Hatchback (STH)
xA Audi
xB A3
xD (2008-13) A4
Subaru A4 (1.8T)
Impreza (1.8L, FWD) (1993-96) TT Coupe & Roadster (FWD)
Impreza 2.0i (2012-15) TT quattro (AWD)
Impreza 2.5 RS (1998-2001) Chevrolet
Legacy (1990-94) Bolt
Suzuki Cobalt (2.0T)
Swift (N/A) (1994) Sonic (Turbo) (2012-15)
Toyota Dodge
Celica (non-turbo) (1986-2005) Dart
Corolla (1984-97 & 2003-15) SRT-4 (2003-05)
Echo (2000-05) Eagle
Matrix (2003-13) Talon Turbo (AWD)
MR2 (non-supercharged) (1985- Fiat
89) 500 Abarth
MR2 (non-turbo) (1991-95) 500 Turbo (2013-16)*
Volkswagen Fiesta ST
Beetle (2.5L 5-cyl) Focus ST
Beetle (2.0L 8v) (1998-2006) Fusion Sport (2017-19)
Golf & Cabrio (2.0L 8v) (1998-
Civic Si (2017-18)
Golf & Jetta (TDI) (1999-2006)
Civic Sport (2017-19)
Golf/Rabbit & Jetta (2.5L 5-cyl)
Jetta (2.0L 8v) (2000-04) Hyundai
Golf/Rabbit, GTI, & Cabrio (1974- Genesis (2.0L Turbo) (2010-12)
92) Veloster Turbo (2013-16)
Veloster Turbo (2019)
240 Turbo (1981-85) Kia
S40 (non-T5) Forte & Forte Koup (Turbo)
V40 Mazda
“Catch-all” Mazdaspeed6
Sedans & Coupes NOC (non- Mazdaspeed Protégé
sports-car-based; 4-seat mini- 323 GT & 323 GTX
mum; up to 3.1L normally-aspi- Mitsubishi
rated) Eclipse Turbo (AWD)
Lancer Ralliart (2008-10)
*All vehicles must meet the re- Nissan
quirements of Section 3.1. Juke (2011-16)*

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 219

G5 (2.0L Turbo)
9-2X (2005-06)
Forester XT
WRX (non-STI) (2002-16)
Legacy GT (2005-08)
Beetle (1.8T, 2.0T, & TDI)
Golf & GTI (1.8T & 2.0T)
Golf R (2012-14)
Jetta (1.8T & 2.0T)
Golf & Jetta (TDI) (2007-15)
Passat (1.8T, 2.0T, & TDI)
240 Turbo (1981-85)
Sedans & Coupes NOC (non-
sports-car-based; 4-seat mini-
mum; up to 2.5L forced-induc-

* All vehicles must meet the re-

quirements of Section 3.1.
Appendix A - (SSP) Street Prepared
Super Street Prepared (SSP)
Acura Morgan
NSX (2016-19) V8 (all)
Audi Nissan
R8 (except GT) (2008-19) GT-R (R35)
TT RS (2012-13) Porsche
Chevrolet 911 GT2 (996 & 997 chassis, all)
Corvette (C7 chassis, all) 911 GT3 (991 chassis, all)
Corvette (C6 chassis) (2005-13) 911 GT3 (996 & 997 chassis, all)
Corvette (C5 chassis) (1997- 911 Turbo & Turbo S (991 chassis)
2004) (2012-17)
Dodge 911 Turbo & Turbo S (996 & 997
Viper chassis) (2001-12)
Elva Cayman GT4 (2016)
Courier Tesla
Ferrari Roadster (2008-12)
355 TVR
360 4-cyl & 6-cyl (all)
Dino 206 & 246 (all) V8 (all)
F430 (all)
Ford “Catch-all”:
GT Sports car over 2.0L engine not
otherwise classified. (See Sec-
tion 15.1.C for update/backdate
(all) limitations.)
Gallardo (all) (2003-11)
Huracan (all) (2014-19)
7 & 7A
Elan (RWD)
Elan M100 (FWD, all)
Europa (all)
Elise, Exige, & Exige S (2005-11)
Elite 2+2 & Elcat
Esprit (4-cyl, all)
Esprit (V8)
Evora & Evora S (2010-14)
Evora 400
MP4-12C (all)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 221

Street Prepared (ASP) - Appendix A
A Street Prepared (ASP)
Acura Mazda
NSX (1990-2005) RX-7 (1993-95)
Audi Mercedes-Benz
A4 (2008-16) CLK 320 & CLK 32 AMG
S4 (2000-03) E36 AMG (2010-16)
S4 (2010-16) & S5 (2013-16) SLK55 AMG (R171 chassis)
TTS (2014-19) (2004-11)
BMW Mitsubishi
135 & 1 Series M (2008-13) Lancer Evolution (VIII, IX)
328 & 335 (2006-13) (2003-07)
M2 (non-ZL9) Lancer Evolution (X) & Ralliart
M235i (2014-16) (2008-13)
M4 (F82/F83 chassis) 3000GT Turbo
Z4 sDrive35i & sDrive35is (2012- Pontiac & Saturn
13) Solstice GXP & Sky Redline
Z8 Porsche
Bricklin 911 Turbo (1976-89)
Chevrolet 911 Turbo (964 chassis) (1990-94)
Camaro ZL1 (2017-19) 911 Turbo (993) (1996-97)
Camaro ZL1 (2012-13) 911 (996 & 997 chassis) (1999-
DeLorean 2012)
DeTomaso Boxster & Cayman (981 chassis, all)
Mangusta (all) Boxster & Cayman (987 chassis, all)
Pantera (all) Shelby
Dodge Cobra 289
Stealth Turbo Subaru
Ferrari Impreza WRX (incl. STI) (2002-
250 (non-LM) 14), Legacy (Turbo) (2004-14),
275 & Forester XT (2004-14)
308 Coupe & Spider Impreza WRX (incl. STI) (2015-16)
330 Sunbeam
348 Tiger (260, 289)
365 Daytona GTB, GTC Tesla
Ford Model 3
Focus RS (2016-17) Toyota
Mustang Shelby GT350/GT350R MR2 (all incl. Turbo) (1991-95)
(S550) (2015-16) Supra (2020)
Mustang Shelby GT500 (S197) Supra Turbo (1993½-98)
(2011-14) Volkswagen
Jaguar Golf R (2015-18)
E-type (all) Volvo
S60R & V70R (2004-07)
222 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (BSP) Street Prepared
B Street Prepared (BSP)
Audi Firebird Firehawk SLP (3rd gen,
TT (1.8T; FWD & quattro) 383cid) (1990-92)
TT (3.2L; quattro) Firebird Firehawk SLP (4th gen,
TT (2014-19) 383cid) (1993-2002)
TTS (2009-13) Porsche
Quattro Turbo Coupe 911 (non-turbo) (1965-89)
BMW 911 (964 & 993)
128 (2008-13) 911 (non-turbo, NOC)
320i (F30 chassis) (2012-16) 914/6 (all)
M Coupe, M Roadster, & Z3 (6- 924 (incl. Turbo)
cyl; all) 944 (16v & Turbo engines)
M3 (E36 chassis, all) 928
M3 (E46 chassis) 968
Z4 (non-turbo; all incl. M) Boxster & Cayman (986 chassis,
Chevrolet all)
Corvette (1953-54) Saleen
Corvette (1955-57) Mustang S281E & Mustang
Corvette (1958-62) (NOC)
Corvette (1963-67) Triumph
Corvette (1968-82) TR-8
Corvette (1984-96) (all) Volkswagen
Chrysler Golf R (2012-13)
Crossfire SRT6
124 Spider (2016-20)
MazdaSpeed Miata
MX-5 Miata (ND chassis, all)
RX-7 Turbo (1986-92)
Nissan & Datsun
240Z, 260Z, & 280Z
280ZX & 280ZX Turbo
300ZX Turbo (1984-89)
300ZX Turbo (1990-96)
350Z (all)
370Z (all) (2009-18)
Fiero (V6)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 223

Street Prepared (CSP) - Appendix A
C Street Prepared (CSP)
BMW Toyota
Z3 (4-cyl) MR-2 & MR-2 Supercharged (1st
M3 (E30 chassis) gen) (1985-89)
Datsun MR2 Spyder (2000-05)
Roadster (1500, 1600, & 2000)
Fiat “Catch-all”:
Abarth (NOC) Sedan over 1.7L & under 3.0L not
124 Spider (1975-78) & 2000 otherwise classified.
Spider (non-turbo) Sports car under 2.0L not other-
2000 Spider Turbo wise classified.
(See Section 15.1.C for update/
backdate limitations.)
Civic & CRX (1988-91)
Elite (1216 cc)
MX-5 Miata (1990-2005)
MX-5 (2006-15)
RX-2 & 616
RX-3, RX-3SP, & 808 Mizer
RX-7 (non-turbo) (1978-85)
RX-7 (non-turbo) (1986-92)
190E (16v)
Pontiac & Saturn
Solstice & Sky
356 & 1600
924S & 944 (8v, non-turbo)
Carrera (4-cyl)
Scion & Subaru
FR-S & BRZ (2013-14)

224 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (DSP) Street Prepared
D Street Prepared (DSP)
Acura Daytona Turbo
Integra (1990-93) Daytona (V6)
Integra (incl. Type R) (1994-01) GLH-S & GLH Turbo
RSX (all) Laser Turbo (NOC) & K-car
TSX Turbo
Alfa Romeo Shadow (4-cyl Turbo & V6)
GTV V6 (all) Shelby Charger Turbo
Milano Spirit (4-cyl Turbo & V6)
Sundance Turbo
A3 (2005-13)
A4 (1.8T, FWD & quattro) (1995- Dodge & Mitsubishi
01) Colt Turbo & Mirage Turbo
A4 (1.8T, FWD & quattro) (2002- (1984-88)
05) Colt Turbo & Mirage Turbo
Coupe GT & Quattro (1980-88) (1989-92)
BMW Eagle
128i *Limited Prep* Summit Turbo (16v) (1989-90)
318 (16v) & 325 (E30 chassis) Fiat
323, 325, & 328 (E36 chassis) 500 Abarth (2012-13)
323, 325, 328 & 330 (E46 chassis, Ford & Mercury
non-M3) Capri (4-cyl & 6-cyl) (1971-77)
3 Series (16v, NOC) Capri (1991-95)
Bavaria Contour SVT
Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick, Cougar (1999-2002)
Oldsmobile, & Geo Fiesta ST (2014-18)
Cobalt SS (N/A) (2005-07) Focus ST (2013-18)
Cobalt SS Supercharged (2005- Fusion & Milan (6-cyl) (2006-13)
07) Probe (Turbo & V6)
Cobalt SS Turbo (2008-10) Honda
HHR SS Turbo Civic Si (1999-2000)
J Body (4-cyl Turbo, Quad 4 Civic Si (2002-05)
DOHC, & V6) Civic Si (2006-12)
L Body (Quad 4 & V6) Civic Type R (2017-20)
N Body (4-cyl Turbo, Quad 4, & Del Sol (DOHC)
V6) Prelude 4WS
Spectrum Turbo (1985-89) Prelude (1992-2001) (NOC)
Storm GSi (1985-89) Hyundai
X Body (V6) Tiburon
Chrysler, Plymouth, & Dodge Veloster Turbo (2019)
Acclaim (V6 & Turbo) Isuzu
Charger GLH-S I-Mark LS (16v & Turbo, FWD)
Conquest & Starion (non-turbo) (1985-89)
Crossfire (non-SRT-6) I-Mark RS (16v & Turbo, FWD)
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 225
Street Prepared (DSP) - Appendix A
DSP (continued)
Impulse RS Turbo (AWD) (1990- 200SX (V6)
93) 240SX
Impulse Turbo & RS (RWD) Altima (2007-13)
(1983-89) Maxima
Impulse XS (16v non-turbo) Pulsar (16v)
(1990-93) Pulsar NX Turbo
Impulse (16v & Turbo) Sentra (2.0L) (2000-01)
Stylus XS & RS (16v) (1990-93) Sentra (B15 chassis) (2002-06)
Kia Sentra (B16 chassis) (2007-12)
Forte Koup (2010-12) Peugeot
Lexus 505 (all) (1979-91)
IS 300 Pontiac & Toyota
Maserati Corolla XRS (2005-06), Matrix
BiTurbo XRS (2003-06), & Vibe GT
Mazda (2003-06)
323 GT & GTX (AWD) Matrix & Vibe (AWD) (2003-08)
Mazda6 (6-cyl) Porsche
MazdaSpeed3 914 (4-cyl)
MazdaSpeed Protege Renault
MX-6 (Turbo & V6) Fuego Turbo
RX-8 R5 Turbo
Spec Miata (See 15.0 for prepara- Saab
tion allowance requirements) 99, 99 EMS, & 99 Turbo
Mercedes 900 & 900 Turbo (1979-93)
190 (all) (1984-93) 900 & 900 Turbo (1994-98)
C230 Saturn
Merkur Ion (all) & NOC
XR4Ti Scion
MINI FR-S (2013-16) *Limited Prep*
Cooper S (including JCW & JCW Subaru
GP except Countryman) BRZ (2013-16) *Limited Prep*
Mitsubishi & Eagle BRZ (2017-18) *Limited Prep*
Cordia Turbo Impreza (all) (1993-2001)
Eclipse (2000-12) Impreza (2.5L) (NOC)
Eclipse Turbo & Talon Turbo Legacy & Outback (6-cyl, all)
(1989-99) (1998-2004)
Galant (all) Legacy & Outback (6-cyl, all)
Tredia Turbo (2005-13)
Plymouth Toyota
Laser (AWD) 86 (2017-18) *Limited Prep*
Nissan & Datsun Camry V6
200SX Turbo Celica (2000-05)

226 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (ESP) Street Prepared
DSP (continued) E Street Prepared (ESP)
Celica All-Trac (all) AMC
Supra (1979-81) AMX & Javelin (all)
Supra (1982-86) Audi
Volkswagen 5000 Turbo, 5000 Turbo quattro,
Golf, Jetta, & New Beetle (1.8T, 200, & 200 quattro
Mk4 chassis) (1999-2005) A8 & A8 quattro
Golf, GTI, GLI, & Jetta (2.0T) S4 & RS4 (2004-09)
(2006-13) V8 quattro
New Beetle Turbo BMW
Passat VR6 2500 & 2800 (all)
R32 3.0S & CS (all)
Volvo 528, 530, & 533 (non-turbo)
240 Series Turbo (all) 633i & 733i (all)
C30 (2006-09) M3 (E90, E92, E93) (2007-13)
S40 (1995-2004) Cadillac
S40 (2005-11) CTS & CTS-V (2004-07)
Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick, &
“Catch-all”: Oldsmobile
6-cyl (normally aspirated) or
Camaro (2.0L Turbo) (2016-19)
4-cyl (mechanically forced
Camaro (3.6L V6) (2016-19)
induction) 2WD sedan under
Camaro (6.2L V8, NA) (2016-19)
3.0L not otherwise classified.
Camaro (non-ZL1) (2010-15)
(See Section 15.1.C for update/
Camaro, Firebird, SS, Firehawk,
backdate limitations.)
& WS6 (4th gen) (1993-2002)
Camaro, Firebird, & Firehawk
(1982-92) (3rd gen)
Camaro & Firebird (1970½-81)
Camaro & Firebird (1967-70)
Chevelle (1964-67)
Chevelle (1968-72)
Corvair Yenko Stage I, II, & III
G8 (2008-09)
GTO (2004-06)
Monza (V8) & Skyhawk (V6)
Regal(1980-88) (V6 & V8, RWD)
SS sedan (2013-17)
Starfire & Sunbird (V6, all)
Trans Am Turbo (1982-92)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 227

Street Prepared (ESP) - Appendix A
ESP (continued)
Chrysler, Plymouth, & Dodge M30
Barracuda (1965-69) & Dart, Q45
Duster, & Valiant (1963-76) Jaguar
(A-body) Sedans (6-cyl & 12-cyl)
Barracuda & Challenger (E-body) XJS (all)
(1970 -74) XK 120, 140, 150, & 160
Challenger (2008-13) Lexus
Challenger (6-cyl & V8, NOC) ES 250
Charger (2006-13) GS 400, LS 400, & SC 400
Conquest Turbo IS F
Laser (FWD)
Stealth (non-turbo)
Dakota (1997-04)
400 America (all)
230SL, 250SL, & 280SL (all)
500 Superfast (all)
350SL, 380SL, & 450SL (all)
Ford & Mercury 220, 230, 250, & 280 Sedans (all)
Cougar (1971-74) 280 (4.5L, all) & 300 (6.3, all)
Cougar (1965-70) Sedans
Mustang (non-GT350, non-
GT500) (2015-19)
3000 GT (non-turbo)
Mustang (S197 incl. Boss 302,
Starion Turbo
Boss 302 Leguna Seca, & Shel-
by GT500 2007-10) (2005-13) Nissan
Mustang (SN95 chassis, NOC 300ZX (non-turbo) (1984-89)
including Cobra & Cobra R) 300ZX (non-turbo) (1990-96)
(1994-2004) Peugeot
Mustang SVO, Cobra, Cobra R 405
(1979-93) & Capri (1979-86) Saab
(4-cyl Turbo, V6, & V8) SPG (16v & Turbo)
Mustang II (1974-78) Saleen
Mustang & Cougar (1971-73) Mustang 302 & 351 (non-super-
Mustang & Cougar (1969-70) charged) (1984-93)
Mustang & Cougar (1967-68) Shelby
Mustang (1964½-66) GT350 (1965-66)
Taurus SHO GT350 & GT500 (1967-70)
Thunderbird & Cougar (1989-97)
Thunderbird & Cougar (1983-88) Subaru
Legacy 2.5GT (2005-12)
Genesis (2009-12) Toyota
Supra (all) (1986½-92)
Infiniti Supra (non-turbo) (1993-96)
228 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (FSP) Street Prepared
ESP (continued) F Street Prepared (FSP)
Volvo Acura
700 Series (all) Integra (1986-89)
800 Series (all) Legend
S60 & V70 Alfa Romeo
Volkswagen 1300 (all)
Passat W8 4Motion 1600 (all)
1750 (all)
“Catch-all”: 2000 (all)
American 6-cyl & V8 sedan or Alfetta GT
pick-up not otherwise classi- AMC
fied. (4-cyl, all)
Other sedan over 3.0L not other- Audi
wise classified. 80 (all)
(See Section 15.1.C for update/ 90 (all)
backdate limitations.) 100LS (all)
4000 (all)
America (all)
Mini & Mini Cooper (850, 970,
997, 998, 1071, & 1275, all)
Sprite (all)
100-4, 100-6, & 3000
1800ti & 1800 TiSA
1600-2, 1602, & 2002 (+ tii)
318i (8v, E30 chassis)
318i & 318is (E36 chassis)
318ti (E36 chassis)
320i (E21 chassis) (1975-83)
Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick,
Oldsmobile, Geo, & Suzuki
Beretta (4-cyl)
Camaro (4-cyl) (1982-86)
Cavalier (4-cyl OHV) (1992-
Chevette & T1000
Citation & Omega
Corvair (non-Yenko)
Fiero (4-cyl)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 229

Street Prepared (FSP) - Appendix A
FSP (continued)
Firebird (4-cyl) (1982-86) Fiat & Bertone
Metro & Swift (1985-88) 124 (1966-74)
Metro & Swift (1989-93) 128
Monza (NOC), Starfire, Omega, 131 & Brava
Astre, & Skyhawk (RWD) 850 Sedan
Phoenix & Skylark 850 Coupe & Spider
Prism Strada
S-10 (1994-2004) X1/9 (all)
Sonic (2012-18) Ford & Mercury
Spectrum (1.5L non-turbo) (1985- Capri II (1976-77)
89) Cortina
Spectrum (NOC) Escort, EXP, Lynx, & LN7 (1981-
Sprint & Sprint Turbo 90)
Storm (all) Escort, Escort GT, & Tracer
Sunbird (4-cyl) (1991-96)
Vega & Cosworth Vega Escort, ZX2, & Tracer (1997-
Chrysler, Plymouth, & Dodge 2002)
Acclaim (4-cyl non-turbo) Festiva
Arrow 1600, 2000, & 2600 Fiesta (1976-80)
Champ (non-turbo, all) Focus (all) (1999-2007)
Colt (non-turbo, FWD) Fusion & Milan (4-cyl)
Colt (8v non-turbo) Mustang II (4-cyl) (1974-78)
Colt (1600 & 2000, RWD) Mustang & Capri (4-cyl non-
Daytona (non-turbo) turbo)
Horizon, TC3, & Turismo (1.7L, Pinto & Bobcat (4-cyl)
1.8L, & 2.2L) Pinto Wagon (2000, 2300, &
Laser (non-turbo) (1989-99) 2600)
Neon (all) (1994-05) Probe (4-cyl non-turbo)
Omni, 024, & Charger Honda
Rampage (2.2L) Accord (1976-81)
Sapporo (1600, 2000, & 2600) Accord (1982-12)
Shelby (2.2L non-turbo) (1983- Civic (1973-79)
84) Civic (1980-83)
Spirit (4-cyl non-turbo) Civic & CRX (all) (1984-87)
Dodge, Mitsubishi, & Eagle Civic (1992-95) & Del Sol (1992-
Colt & Mirage (non-turbo) (1984- 97) (SOHC)
88) Civic (non-Si) (1996-2000)
Colt, Mirage, & Summit (non- Civic (non-Si) (2001-05)
turbo) (1989-92) Civic (non-Si) (2006-12)
Colt, Mirage, & Summit (non- Fit
turbo) (1993-96) Prelude (1979-82)
Eagle Prelude (1983-87)
Talon (non-turbo) (1989-99) Prelude (1988-91)

230 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (FSP) Street Prepared
FSP (continued)
Hyundai Midget (948, 1098, 1275, & 1500;
Elantra all)
Excel MINI
Scoupe Cooper (non-S) (2002-13)
NOC (all) Mitsubishi
Infiniti Cordia (non-turbo)
G20 Eclipse (1989-99) (non-turbo)
Isuzu Lancer (non-turbo)
I-Mark (1.5L non-turbo) Mirage (1997-2002) (non-turbo)
FWD models (1985-89) Tredia (non-turbo)
I-Mark RS (16v) (1985-89) Morgan
I-Mark (RWD) (1980-85) +4 (2138 cc; all)
Impulse (non-turbo) (1983-89) Nissan & Datsun
Stylus S (12v) (1990-93) 1200
Jensen-Healey 200SX (1976-79)
Kia 200SX (1980-83)
Forte (2008-11) 200SX (1984-88)
Forte (2012-18) 200SX SE-R
Spectra (1.8L 4-cyl) 210
Lancia 310
Beta & Zagato (1975-83) 510 (1968-73)
510 (1978-81)
323 (non-turbo) (1986-89)
323, MX-3 (4-cyl) & Protégé
NX2000, Pulsar, Sentra, & Sentra
626 (FWD, all)
SE-R (1991-94)
626 (RWD, all)
Pulsar & Pulsar NX (non-turbo,
Cosmo (all)
GLC (FWD, all)
Sentra (1.8L) (2000-06)
GLC (RWD, all)
Sentra (2.0L) (1995-99)
MX-6 (4-cyl non-turbo)
Stanza (all)
Protégé (1995-98)
Versa (2007-16)
Protégé (1999-2003)
R-100 Opel
RX-4 1900 & Manta
GT 1100
GT 1500 & 1900
1100, 1300 Sedan (all)
Kadett 1100
A (all)
Kadett 1500 & 1900
B & B GT (all)
C & C GT (all)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 231

Street Prepared (FSP) - Appendix A
FSP (continued)
Pontiac & Toyota Celica (FWD) (1986-89)
Corolla, Matrix, & Vibe (2003- Celica (FWD) (1990-93)
08) (NOC) Celica (1994-99)
Peugeot Corolla 1200
405 DL & 405 S Corolla (1600 & SR-5) (1970-79)
Corolla (1600 & 1800, RWD)
Corolla (AE86 chassis, all) (1984-
924 (Audi engine)
Corolla FX16
Renault Corolla GTS (AE92 chassis, FWD)
15 & 17 (all) (1990-91)
16 (all) Starlet
17 Gordini Tercel
18i (all) Yaris
Alliance, GTA & Encore
Fuego (non-turbo)
R-5 (NOC) & LeCar
Herald (all)
Saab Spitfire
Sonnet (1968-74) TR-2 & TR-3
Saturn TR-4 & TR-4A
SL (1991-95), SW (1993-95), & SC TR-250 & TR-6
(1991-96) TR-7
SL (1996-99), SW (1996-99), & Volkswagen
SC (1997-2000) Beetle (RWD)
SL (2000-02), SW (2000-02), & Cabriolet (1985-92)
SC (2001-02) Corrado (all)
Scion Dasher & Quantum (4-cyl, all)
tC Fox GL
Sunbeam Golf & Jetta (all, A2 chassis)
Alpine (all) (1985-93)
Subaru Golf, Jetta, & Cabrio (8v, A3 chas-
Turbo 4WD (all, NOC) sis) (1993-98)
Forester (non-turbo) Golf & Jetta (VR6, A3 chassis)
Impreza 2.0i (2012-13) Golf & Jetta (VR6, NOC, A4 chas-
Legacy & Legacy GT sis)
Suzuki Golf, Jetta, & Beetle TDI
Aerio Karmann Ghia
Passat (all, NOC)
Rabbit, Jetta, Scirocco, Cabrio-
Camry (4-cyl)
let, & Pickup (all, A1 chassis)
Celica (1970-77)
Celica (1978-81)
Rabbit (2.5L 5-cyl, A5 chassis)
Celica (1982-85)
232 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (FSP) Street Prepared
FSP (continued)
120 Series (all)
140 Series (all)
160 Series (all)
1800, P1800, & ES1800 (all)
240 Series (non-turbo, all)
260 Series (all)
700 Series (all)

Sedan under 1.7L not otherwise
4-cyl or rotary RWD mini-pickup
(See Section 15.1.C for update/
backdate limitations.)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 233

Appendix A - Street Modified
Engine Classifications
1. 4-stroke cycle and 2-stroke cycle naturally aspirated internal combus-
tion engines will be classified on the basis of actual piston displacement.
2. Supercharged/Turbocharged SM and SSM engines will be classified on
a basis of adding 1.4L to the actual displacement. Forced induction SMF
engines will add 1.0L to the actual displacement.
3. Rotary Engines (Wankel) – These units will be classified on the basis
of a piston displacement equivalent to 0.9 liters times the number of
rotors, plus the volume determined by the difference between the maxi-
mum and minimum capacity of the working chamber times the number
of rotors.
4. Electric Motors – Cars with electric motors, in whole or part of the
drivetrain, will run at class maximum weight (2900 lbs. for SSM, 3100
lbs for SM/SMF). Category weight adjustments (e.g., tire size) are al-
Weight Adjustments
Cars running tires with a rated width of 275 mm or less on all four
wheels may compete at a minimum weight 200 lbs. less than their cal-
culated weight.

Super Street Modified class (SSM)

Eligible Vehicles:
• All 2-seat cars not excluded below.
• All SM/SMF eligible sedans/coupes and those excluded from SM for
failure to meet weight requirements.
• All SM eligible vehicles.
• McLaren MP4-12C
• Porsche (all) GT3 (991) and Carrera GT
• Lotus Elise, Exige, Evora, & Esprit
Excluded Vehicles:
• Lotus (all except Elise, Exige, Evora, & Esprit)
• All 2-seat cars not eligible for Street Prepared Category.
• Vehicles not meeting specifications to have been delivered in the US
Minimum Weight Calculations without driver (lbs.):
• FWD....................................................................... 1350 + 125 per liter
• RWD......................................................................1600 + 200 per liter
• AWD......................................................................1600 + 300 per liter
• Supercharged/Turbocharged SSM engines:.........................................
..................................................... Add 1.4L to the actual displacement
• Rear wheel weight greater than 51%................................ +25 per liter
• Tire width 275 mm or less.............................................................-200
• Regardless of the weight formulas above, no car will be required to
weigh more than 2900.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 235

Street Modified - Appendix A
Street Modified class (SM)
Eligible Vehicles:
All sedans/coupes (models which were originally equipped with a mini-
mum of four seats and four factory seat belts), all FWD (front-wheel-
drive) cars, and pickup trucks (in compliance with Section 3.1 using SM
allowances and minimum weight calculation).
Sample Vehicles:
• Chrysler: Neon, Stratus/Breeze
• Ford: Contour, Escort, Probe, Mustang
• General Motors: Cavalier, Sunfire, Camaro
• Honda: Civic, Accord, Integra
• Hyundai: Elantra, Tiburon
• Mazda: Protege, MX-6, 626
• Nissan: Altima, Sentra
• Toyota: Celica, Corolla, Camry
• Volkswagen: Golf, Jetta
Excluded Vehicles:
• Porsche (all)
• JDM-spec cars
• Lotus (all)
• Triumph (all)
Minimum Weight Calculations without driver (lbs.):
• FWD....................................................................... 1550 + 125 per liter
• RWD......................................................................1800 + 200 per liter
• AWD......................................................................1800 + 300 per liter
• Supercharged/Turbocharged SM engines:...........................................
.................................................... Add 1.4L to the actual displacement.
• Rear wheel weight greater than 51%................................ +25 per liter
• Solid axle RWD.................................................................. -25 per liter
• Tire width 275 mm or less.............................................................-200
• Regardless of the weight formulas above, no car will be required to
weigh more than 3100 lbs.
Street Modified Front-Wheel-Drive class (SMF)
Eligible Vehicles:
• All FWD vehicles
Minimum Weight Calculations without driver (lbs.):
• All........................................................................... 1750 + 125 per liter
• Supercharged/Turbocharged SMF engines:.........................................
.................................................... Add 1.0L to the actual displacement.
• Regardless of the weight formulas above, no car will be required to
weigh more than 3100 lbs.
• Cars running in SMF using tires with a nominal width of 275 mm or
less will NOT receive the weight adjustment as stated in the SM class.

236 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (XP) Prepared
X Prepared (XP)
XP vehicles must conform to the rules in Section 17 except as noted herein.
This class is for almost any production car using almost any automobile
drivetrain. Any vehicle meeting the requirements of Section 17.A.2, listed
in another Prepared class, specifically listed in CP, DP, EP, FP, or listed at
the end, is eligible for XP.
1. Bodywork and Structure
a. Chassis components attached by removable fasteners (e.g., bolt-on
subframes) may be modified or replaced without penalty.
b. Front hoods, engine covers, trunk lids, hatches, front fenders, rear
fenders not part of chassis structure (unibody), front & rear fascias,
and side skirts may be modified or replaced, and may be attached
with removable fasteners. Associated hardware, including latches
and hinges, may be modified, removed, or replaced. Fenders may be
flared as per Section 17.2. Unibody fender may be replaced as de-
scribed in Section 17.2.S. Non-metallic fender liners may be modi-
fied, replaced, or removed. Body panels may be attached with remov-
able fasteners (e.g., Dzus®).
c. Aerodynamic Aids – Wings may be added, removed, or modified.
Non-OE wings may only be attached to the chassis or body behind
the centerline of the rear axle. The total combined surface area of all
wings shall not exceed 8 sq. ft. (0.7432 m2) as calculated per Section
12, Definitions. The number of wing elements is limited to 2. Wings
designed to be adjustable while the car is in motion must be locked in
a single position. Spoilers under 17.2.P and rear wings are mutually
exclusive such that a builder may use one or the other, but not both.
Wings, and any component thereof, may not extend beyond the ve-
hicle width as defined by the outermost portion of the vehicle doors,
less mirrors, door handles, rub strips, and trim. In addition, no por-
tion of the wing or its components may be more than 6” (15.24 cm)
forward of the rear axle, more than 0” (0.0 mm) beyond the rear-
most portion of the bodywork, or more than 6” (15.24 cm) above the
roofline of the vehicle, regardless of body style. Reinforcements to
the wing mounting area may be used, but may serve no other pur-
Wing endplate surface area is limited to 200 sq. in. (1290.3 cm2) each
and the number of endplates is limited to a maximum of 2. For con-
vertibles/roadsters with no roof and targas with no rear window, no
portion of the wing may be higher than 12” (30.48 cm) above the
highest point of the body that is behind the centerline of the rear
axle. In the event that a convertible/roadster with no roof or a tar-
ga-top with no rear window retains the OE windshield frame with a
windshield of any material that meets Section 17.2.K.1, the top of the
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 237
Prepared (XP) - Appendix A
XP (continued)
windshield frame shall be considered the top of the roofline and the
car may use the wing mounting rules in Appendix A.1.c for a closed
Canards are allowed and may extend a maximum of 6” (15.24 cm)
forward of front bodywork/fascia as viewed from above. No portion
of the canard may extend past the widest part of the front bodywork/
fascia as viewed from above. Canard area will be measured in the
same manner as wings using Section 12, Definitions. Canard area
may not exceed 1.2 sq. ft. (1114.8 cm²).
Front splitters are allowed and shall be installed parallel to the
ground (within ±3° fore and aft) and may extend a maximum of 6”
(15.24 cm) forward of the frond bodywork/fascia as viewed from
above. Splitters may not extend rearward past the centerline of the
front wheels. No portion of the splitter may extend beyond the wid-
est part of the front bumper as viewed from above.
The splitter and canards may have endplates. The endplates may
connect the splitter and the canard. The splitter and canard endplate
total surface area is limited to 100 sq. in. (645.2 cm2) for each side.
d. Steering wheel, pedals, and driver’s seat must be completely to the
left or right of vehicle centerline.
e. Exhaust may exit through the bodywork. Rocker panels may be mod-
ified for exhaust routing.
f. The transmission tunnel/cover may be altered to allow the installa-
tion of an alternate transmission and/or driveshaft. Cars originally
equipped with a removable transmission tunnel/cover may substi-
tute a tunnel/cover of an alternate material.
g. The shift lever opening in the body of the car may be altered to allow
the installation of alternate shift linkage.
h. Non-OE replacement bodies are allowable for the Factory Five Road-
ster/Challenge Car and Superformance MKIII. Replacement bodies
must not confuse the identity of the vehicle.
i. Minimum track width is 55” (139.7 cm).
2. Wheels
Any size wheel may be used. Wheel size does not affect minimum weight.
3. Shock Absorbers and Springs
a. Section 17.5.B, which restricts the type of shocks authorized by
17.5.C.3, does not apply.
b. Active/reactive suspension systems incur a minimum weight adjust-
ment, including standard parts.
4. Brakes
Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) may be added, replaced, removed, or

238 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (XP) Prepared
XP (continued)
modified. The use of ABS including original equipment incurs an ABS
weight adjustment. ABS providing traction and/or stability control in
any form will also incur a traction/stability control weight adjustment.
4. Suspension Control
Any front and rear suspension system type (MacPherson/Chapman
strut, double A-arm, live axle, etc.) may be used.
5. Electrical System
Any ignition system is permitted. The number of spark plugs may be
6. Engine and Drivetrain
a. Engines must be derived from production automobiles. Motorcycle,
snowmobile, marine, or other engines of non-automobile design are
not permitted.
b. Drivetrain and related systems (e.g., induction, ignition, fuel, electri-
cal, cooling, oiling) and components (e.g., mounts, clutch, flywheel)
are unrestricted except as noted.
c. The engine orientation (transverse stays transverse and longitudinal
stays longitudinal) and the engine bay location must not be changed
(front-engine stays front-engine, mid-engine stays mid-engine, and
rear-engine stays rear-engine).
d. Any traction or stability control systems are permitted, but incur a
minimum weight adjustment, including standard parts.
e. Air may be ducted to the induction system. Openings in the body-
work to allow air to be ducted are allowed provided they serve no
other purpose.
7. Minimum Weights
a. Engine Classifications
1. 4-stroke cycle and 2-stroke cycle, naturally aspirated, internal
combustion engines will be classified on the basis of actual piston
2. Turbocharged or supercharged versions of all engines will be clas-
sified on a basis of 1.6 times the actual displacement.
3. Rotary Engines (Wankel): These units will be classified on the ba-
sis of a piston displacement equivalent to twice the volume de-
termined by the difference between the maximum and minimum
capacity of the working chamber, times the number of rotors.
b. Minimum Weight Calculations
All listed weights are without driver. All weights are calculated based
on displacement as listed above. Example: Weight for a RWD car
with a 1796 cc Turbo engine and 51% of the weight on the rear axle is
1300 1350 + [(1.796 x 1.6) x (200 + 20)] = 1982 lbs.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 239

Prepared (XP) - Appendix A
XP (continued)
Forced Induction Engine Displacement (lbs.)
FWD..........................................................1300 1350 + 150 per liter
RWD........................................................ 1300 1350 + 200 per liter
AWD........................................................ 1300 1350 + 250 per liter
Normally Aspirated Engine Displacement less than 4.0L (lbs.)
FWD..........................................................1200 1250 + 150 per liter
RWD........................................................1200 1250 + 200 per liter
AWD........................................................ 1200 1250 + 250 per liter
Engine displacement of 4.0L or greater (lbs.)
FWD........................................................... 1600 1650 + 50 per liter
RWD........................................................ 1600 1650 + 100 per liter
AWD.........................................................1600 1650 + 150 per liter
Regardless of the weight formulas above, no car shall be required
to weigh more than 2300 lbs. before applicable weight adjust-
Weight Adjustments (lbs.)
ABS (anti-lock braking system)................................................ + 50
TSC (traction/stability control)................................................ + 50
Active/reactive suspension..................................................... + 100
Greater than 51% of weight on rear axle..................... + 20 per liter
c. Regardless of the Minimum Weight Calculations above (b), no car
with a supercharged or turbocharged engine shall weigh less than the
following minimum weights (lbs.):
FWD...........normally-aspirated: 1425......... forced-induction: 1625
RWD.......... normally aspirated: 1550......... forced-induction: 1900
AWD.......... normally-aspirated: 1675......... forced-induction: 1925

RT3 (all)
All with a minimum engine size of 4.5L normally aspirated or the
equivalent forced induction engine size and weight.
Factory Five Racing
Roadster & Challenge Car
Type 65 Coupe
All with a minimum engine size of 4.5L normally aspirated or the
equivalent forced induction engine size and weight.
All with a minimum engine size of 6.0L normally aspirated or the
equivalent forced induction engine size and weight.
240 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (XP) Prepared
XP (continued)
All with minimum engine size 2.9L with forced induction or 4.1L
normally aspirated.
All with minimum engine size 2.9L with forced induction or 4.1L
normally aspirated.
Cobra (1963-67)
Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe
All with a minimum engine size of 4.5L normally aspirated or the
equivalent forced induction engine size and weight.
Griffith Series 200 & Series 400

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 241

Prepared (CP) - Appendix A
C Prepared (CP)
Unless otherwise listed, the minimum weights will be determined from
the following tables according to engine type and displacement.
Minimum weight is based on actual engine displacement. The block may
be bored and/or sleeved to achieve allowed displacement.
Engine Coolant flow direction is unrestricted.
US-produced 4-cyl, 6-cyl, and 8-cyl engines are allowed alternate-stroke
crankshafts; crank angles must remain standard.
Naturally aspirated cars using US-market 6-cyl and 8-cyl engines manu-
factured by a particular corporation may use any naturally aspirated 6-cyl
or 8-cyl engine offered in a US-market vehicle by that corporation’s brands
as listed below:
Ford:.............................................................Ford, Mercury, and Lincoln
General Motors:........ Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, GMC, and Buick
Chrysler:.................................................Chrylser, Dodge, and Plymouth
Alternate engines for a particular model must locate the bell housing to the
block mounting surface in the same plane as the standard part. Vertical
position of the longitudinal axis of the crankshaft shall remain the same as
the original engine. Tolerance for both measurements is ±½” (±12.7 mm).
Alternate material (e.g., aluminum) engine blocks may be used on US-
produced 8-cyl engines. Any alternate engine block shall meet all other
requirements of Section 17.
Forced induction cars may not substitute the engine for any other nor may
forced induction engines be swapped into cars that the combination was
not offered.
Engine displacement changes are allowed.
Alternate iron or aluminum cylinder heads may be used on US-produced
4-cyl, 6-cyl, and 8-cyl engines. Any alternate cylinder head(s) shall be of of
the same configuration (number of valves per cylinder and valve actuation
method - e.g., OHV or OHC) as the original and shall be direct replace-
ment type.
The floor in the driver/passenger compartment may be replaced but must
maintain the basic shape and position of the original floor (i.e., flat and
horizontal, relative to the car and rocker panels). It may not be curved,
angled, recessed, or channeled between the rockers and may be made of
steel and/or aluminum only. Replacement floors may be modified per Sec-
tion 17.2.E.
The firewall between the engine compartment and driver/passenger com-
partment may be replaced but must be in approximately the same loca-
tion as the original and must create a sealed bulkhead between engine and
driver/passenger. Replacement firewalls may be made of steel and/or alu-
minum only and may be modified per Section 17.2.F.
An alternate hood is allowed which has a bulge no more than 4” (10.16
242 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (CP) Prepared
CP (continued)
cm), measured off of the original base model hood, for induction clear-
ance. The bulge may open to the front, to the rear, or to either or both
sides. If the original base model hood has a 2” (50.8 mm) bulge, then an
addition of 2” (50.8 mm) is allowed, if the base model has a 3” (76.2 mm)
bulge, then 1” (25.4 mm) is allowed, etc.
Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) may be added, replaced, removed, or
modified. The use of non-OE or modified OE ABS incurs an ABS weight
Traction control/stability control may not be added to a car which was not
equipped with an OE traction/stability control system. OE systems may
be retained, but may not be replaced or modified in any way other than
removal. Modifications to the OE ABS which also modify the OE traction/
stability system are not allowed.
The following weights apply unless a specific weight is indicated with the
model listing.
Minimum weight without driver (lbs.):
V8 engines greater than 5100 cc..................................................3000
V8 engines equal to or less than 5100 cc ..................................... 2700
6-cyl engines, maximum 4500 cc ................................................ 2450
Turbocharged 6-cyl engines, maximum 4500 cc ........................ 2550
4-cyl engines (all)......................................................................... 2450
Maximum weight on the rear axle of the car shall be 51% of the total
weight of the car. Exceptions: Corvair, Yenko Stinger.
Wheels may be replaced with a wheel having any diameter and any width
without weight adjustments.

AMX (1968-70)
Gremlin (8-cyl) (1970-78)
Javelin (1968-74)
Spirit (8-cyl) (1979-83)
Camaro (1967-69)
Camaro (1970-81)
Camaro (1982-92)
Camaro (1993-02)
Corvair & Corvair Turbo (1960-64); weight (lbs.):.......................... 1850
A water radiator may be substituted. Other modifications which
may be involved in its use are not permitted unless explicitly al-
lowed by the contents of Section 17.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 243

Prepared (CP) - Appendix A
CP (continued)
Corvair & Corvair Turbo (1965-69); weight (lbs.):........................... 1850
A water radiator may be substituted. Other modifications which
may be involved in its use are not permitted unless explicitly al-
lowed by the contents of Section 17.
Monza (1975-80)
Chrysler, Dodge & Plymouth
300 (all) (2006-17)
A-body – Valiant, Dart, Duster, Demon, etc., (1963-67), & Barracuda
Dakota 2WD (1987-96)
Dakota 2WD (1997-2004)
Challenger (non-supercharged) (2008-17)
Charger (non-supercharged) (2006-17)
E-body – Barracuda & Challenger (1970-74)
Ford & Mercury
Maverick & Comet (6-cyl & 8cyl) (1970-77)
Mustang (6-cyl & 8-cyl) (1964-69)
Mustang (6-cyl & 8-cyl) (1969-73)
Mustang II (6-cyl & 8-cyl) (1974-78)
Mustang (6-cyl & 8-cyl) (1979-93)
Mustang Turbo & SVO (4-cyl) (1979-93)
Mustang (w/o IRS) (1994-04)
Air may be ducted to the intake airbox through an opening in the
back of the hood, rectangular in shape, maximum width of 20”,
maximum length 3.5”. Opening may extend 1” into the wind-
Mustang (S197 chassis, non-supercharged) (2005-14)
Thunderbird (V6 & TurboCoupe) (1983-88)
Thunderbird (V6 & SuperCoupe) (1989-97)
General Motors (Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Oldsmobile, & Pontiac)
Chevelle, El Camino, Tempest, etc. (A-body) (1964-67)
Chevelle, Cutlass, El Camino, GTO, etc. (A-body) (1968-72)
CTS & CTS-V (2003-07)
LeMans, Cutlass, Chevelle, El Camino, etc. (A-Body) (1973-77)
Malibu, Cutlass, El Camino, etc. (A-body) (1978-81)
Monte Carlo, Grand Prix, Regal, El Camino, etc. (A-body)(1982-88)
S10, S15, & Sonoma (6-cyl) (1982-93)
S10 & Sonoma (6-cyl) (1994-04)
Capri (6-cyl & 8-cyl) (1979-93)
Capri Turbo (4-cyl) (1979-93)
Comet (6-cyl & 8-cyl) (1971-77)

244 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (CP) Prepared
CP (continued)
XR4Ti (1985-88)
Firebird & TransAm (1967-69)
Firebird & TransAm (1970-81)
Firebird & TransAm (1982-92)
Firebird & TransAm (1993-2002)
Trans-Am Turbo (1989)
GTO (2004-06)
Mustang (w/o IRS or forced induction) (1979-93)
GT350 & GT500 (1965-70)
Stinger (1965-69); weight (lbs.):...................................................... 1850
US Sedan (6-cyl or 8-cyl, NOC)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 245

Prepared (DP) - Appendix A
D Prepared (DP)
Weights are determined by the following formulas. Wheel sizes, valve siz-
es, and track dimensions are as per Section 17.
Minimum weights (without driver) are determined by engine displacement.
Increases in engine displacement resulting from legal overbore are not
considered in these calculations.
Wheels up to 10” wide are allowed with no weight increase; a maximum of
12” is permitted.
Weight formulas (lbs):
Engines with 3 or 4 valves per cylinder and displacement less than or
equal to 1667 cc:.............................................. 1.06 x displacement (cc)
Engines with 3 or 4 valves per cylinder and displacement greater than
1667 cc:........................................... 0.91 x displacement (cc) + 250 lbs.
Engines with 2-valves per cylinder:........ 1.00 x listed displacement (cc)
Engines with 2v/cyl are permitted a displacement change of +10%
via bore and/or stroke changes only and with the weight formula
accounting for the increased displacement.
Weight Adjustments (lbs):
51% or more of weight on the rear axle:.......+0.015 x displacement (cc)
Solid Axle:........................................................................................... -50
Wheel width greater than 10” up to 11”: ........................................... +50
Wheel width greater than 11” up to 12”: ......................................... +100
Alternate Engine Allowance:......................... + 0.10 x displacement (cc)

Alfa Romeo
1600 GTV (1974)
Alfetta GT (1976-79)
Alternate cylinder head: 19510.01053.04
Giuletta Sprint & Spider (1570 cc)
Giulia 1300 & 1300 Ti (1964-71)
GT 1300 Junior & GTA Junior (1966-77)
GTA (bore & stroke: 78 mm x 67.5 mm)
GTV 1750 & 2000 (1967-77)
Alternate cylinder head: 19510.01053.04 (twin plug)...........+100 lbs.
Junior Z
Spider Duetto 1750 Spider Veloce (1779 cc) (1969-70)
Alternate body part: Niki Lauda Edition Spoiler
Spider 2000 & Spider 2000 Veloce (1962 cc) (1971-76)
Alternate body part: Niki Lauda Edition spoiler
Sport Sedan
Alternate cylinder head: 19510.01053.04 (twin plug)...........+100 lbs.
Sedan or sports car (N/A, RWD, NOC)
246 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (DP) Prepared
DP (continued)
A110 1100
Austin-Healey & MG
100-4 (2660 cc)
Alternate part: louvered hood
Replace wood floorboards with metal.
MGA Twin Cam
Replace wood floorboards with metal.
Midget & Sprite
1600 (1966-77)
2002, 2002ti, & 2002tii (1968-76)
2000ti (1966-72)
3 Series E21 (4-cyl) (1975-83)
3 Series E30 (4-cyl) (1984-93)
3 Series & M3 (8v & 16v, E30 chassis)
530i (1975-78)
Z3 (4-cyl)
Sedan (N/A, RWD, NOC)
Vega & Cosworth Vega (1971-77)
1500 (SPL 310), 1600 (SPL 311/311U), & 2000 (SRL 311) Roadster
Dodge & Plymouth
Colt & Champ (1971-78)
Courier (1600, 1800)
ATB 7224 MGA axle housing assembly
Fiat & Bertone
124 Spider (1600, 2000) & 124 Spider Abarth (1995 cc)
124 Coupe & Sedan (1966-74)
124 Sport Coupe (1592 & 1608 cc)
131 & Brava (1974-84)
850 (all, including Abarth)
Ford & Mercury
Anglia Super (1962-67)
Capri (non-US) (1969-77)
Alternate 2.3L cylinder head: SVO M-6049-A230
Cortina (1964-68)
Escort Mexico

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 247

Prepared (DP) - Appendix A
DP (continued)
Escort Super & 1300 GT
Mustang II (2.3L) (1974-78)
Alternate 2.3L cylinder head: SVO M-6049-A230
Mustang & Capri (4-cyl non-turbo) (1979-93)
Alternate 2.3L cylinder head: SVO M-6049-A230
Pinto (1971-80)
Alternate 2.3L cylinder head: SVO M-6049-A230
Alternate body parts: spoiler D9FZ6440555-A; end piece
D9FZ6428010-A or D9FZ6428011-A
I-Mark (1981-84)
Impulse (non-turbo) (1983-89)
Jensen-Healey (1973 cc)
Alternate Parts: cast iron sleeves
Scorpion (1756 cc) (1976)
Fabric roof panel may be replaced with alternate materials.
7 & 7A (948, 997, & 1098 cc)
Alternate cylinder head: 26RD0703
Super 7 (1340 cc & 1498 cc)
Europa (Renault 1470 cc/1565 cc & Lotus-Ford Twin Cam 1558 cc)
Alternate cylinder head (Renault): casting R-16 Renault
Alternate cylinder head (Twin cam): 26RD0703
626 (RWD)
Cosmo (1976-78)
Alternate cylinder head: E515-10-100B
GLC (RWD) (1977-83)
Alternate cylinder head: E515-10-100B
MX-5 Miata (1.6L & 1.8L, non-turbo) (1990-2005)
MX-5 Miata (2006-15)
MX-5 Miata (2016-17)
190E (1983-93)
4/4 MkIV (2138 cc)
Replace wood floorboards with metal
4/4 MkV (2138 cc)
Replace wood floorboards with metal

248 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (DP) Prepared
DP (continued)
Nissan & Datsun
200SX (S10 chassis) (1977-79)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-22010, 11041-U0600-A,
11041-U0602-SV, 11041-21901, or 11041-N7120
200SX (S110 chassis) (1980-83)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-22010, 11041-U0600-A,
11041-U0602-SV, 1041-21901, or 11041-N7120
Alternate engine: L20B or NAPS-Z
200SX (S12 chassis) (1984-88)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-N7120.
Engine: L20B or NAPS-Z
210 (1397 & 1488 cc) (1979-82)
210 (B310 chassis; 1.4 L) (1978-82)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-H2303 or 11041-H5704
240SX (1989-98)
Alternate engine: L20B with cylinder head 11041-N7120/22010 or
Hood may be modified for engine clearance.
510 (PL510) (1595 cc)
510 (PL510 chassis; 1.6 L, 1.8 L, & 2.0 L) (1968-73)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-22010, 11041-U0600-A,
11041-U0602-SV, 11041-21901, or 11041-N7120
510 (A10 chassis) (1979-81)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-22010, 11041-U0600-A,
11041-U0602-SV, 11041-21901, or 11041-N7120
610 (1973-76)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-22010, 11041-U0600-A,
11041-U0602-SV, 11041-21901, or 11041-N7120
710 (1974-77)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-22010, 11041-U0600-A,
11041-U0602-SV, 11041-21901, or 11041-N7120
720 (2WD) (1980-86)
810 (1976-80)
810 Maxima (1981-83)
B110 (1171, 1237, 1288, 1397, & 1488 cc) (1970-73)
B210 (1171, 1237, 1288, 1397, & 1488 cc) (1974-78)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-H2300, 11041-25720, 11041-H1001,
11041-18001, 11041-H2303, 11041-H5704, or 11041-H9204
Ascona & Ascona SportWagon (1900 cc) (1971-75)
GT 1900
GT 1100
Kadett (1100 & 1900 cc) (1964-72)
Manta Sport Coupe & Manta Rallye (1900 cc) (1971-75)
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 249
Prepared (DP) - Appendix A
DP (continued)
Fiero (2.5L 4-cyl)
Alternate suspension: rear double A-arm
Air cleaner may protrude through engine hatch
Solstice (non-turbo)
356, except Carrera and 1500, 1600
912 & 912E (1600 & 1971 cc)
914 (4-cyl)
Cylinder barrels of alternate material allowed
924 (1984 cc, non-turbo)
Alternate cylinder: 933.104.302.50
Sky (non-turbo)
Celica (non-turbo) (1970-77)
Celica (non-turbo) (1978-81)
Celica (non-turbo) (1982-85)
Corolla (non-turbo) (1968-70)
Corolla (1588 cc) (1971-74)
Corolla (non-turbo) (1971-74)
Corolla (non-turbo) (1975-79)
Corolla (non-turbo) (1980-83)
Corolla (non-turbo, RWD) (1984-87)
MR2 (1587 cc, non-supercharged) (1985-89)
MR2 (2164 cc, non-turbo) (1991-95)
MR2 Spyder (1794 cc) (2000-05)
Starlet (non-turbo, 2WD) (1981-84)
Alternate engine: 4A-G 1.6L w/ cylinder head 11101-16010 or 11101-
GT6 (1998 cc)
Spitfire 1147
Spitfire 1296 MkIII
Spitfire 1296 MkIV
Spitfire 1493
TR-2 & TR-3
TR-4 & TR-4A (beam axle)

250 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (DP) Prepared
DP (continued)
TR-7 (1998 cc)
Alternate rear spoiler: V-775
Alternate crankshaft: 125 E
Vixen S2 (1599 cc)
Alternate cylinder head: Pierce aluminum casting
Beetle (1300) (1965-66)
Beetle (1300, 1500, & 1600) (1967-69)
Beetle (1600) (1970-77)
122S (1956-70)
Alternate part: front axle cross member
Alternate engine kit: 2127 cc
142S & 142E (1967-74)
Alternate part: front axle cross member
Alternate engine kit: 2174 cc
P-1800 (1780 cc)
P-1800 (1982 cc)
Sedans (N/A, RWD, NOC)
“Catch-all”: Other (4-cyl N/A, RWD, NOC)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 251

Prepared (EP) - Appendix A
E Prepared (EP)
Wheel size allowances are as per Section 17.4.
Minimum weights (without driver) are determined by engine displacement.
Increases in engine displacement resulting from legal overbore are not
considered in these calculations.
Wheels up to 10” wide are allowed with no weight increase; a maximum
width of 12” is permitted.
Weight Formulas (lbs.):
Piston Engines:................................................. 1.00 x displacement (cc)
Engines with 3 or 4 valves per cylinder and displacement less than or
equal to 1667cc: .............................................. 1.06 x displacement (cc)
Engines with 3 or 4 valves per cylinder and displacement greater than
1667cc: ........................................... 0.91 x displacement (cc) + 250 lbs.
Engines with 2-valves per cylinder: ................. 1.00 x displacement (cc)
Level 2 (Limited Prep) vehicles: ...................... 1.00 x displacement (cc)
Weight Adjustments (lbs):
Wheels greater than 10” wide up to 11” wide: ................................... +50
Wheels greater than 11” wide up to 12” wide: ................................. +100
Alternate Engine Allowance............................+0.10 x displacement (cc)
Regardless of the weight formulas above no car may weigh less than 1350
lbs. or be required to weigh more than 2400 lbs. prior to addition of
weight adjustments defined herein and in Section 17.

Integra (1986-89)
Integra (1990-93)
Alternate engine: 1590 cc
Integra (1994-2001)
RSX (2002-06)
Sedans (N/A, FWD, NOC)
4000S (non-turbo, FWD) (1980-87)
Sedans (N/A, FWD, NOC)
Austin & Morris
America (1968-71)
Mini Cooper S (1275 engine)
Alternate engine: 850, 970, 997, 998, 1071, or 1098 cc
Firewall modification for adjustable front track rod, front lower
suspension arm.
Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick, Oldsmobile, & Cadillac Equivalents
Beretta (4-cyl & V6) (1987-96)
Citation (1980-85)
Nova (FWD) (1985-88)
Sonic (non-turbo) (2012-17)
252 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (EP) Prepared
EP (continued)
Spectrum (1985-88)
Sprint (non-turbo) (1985-91)
Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Eagle, & Mitsubishi
Colt & Champ (non-turbo) (1979-83)
Colt & Mirage (non-turbo) (1984-88)
Colt, Mirage, & Summit (non-turbo) (1989-92)
Colt & Mirage (non-turbo) (1993-96)
Daytona & Laser (2.2 L non-turbo) (1984-90)
Eclipse, Laser, & Talon (16v & 8v non-turbo, FWD) (1982-90)
Neon (non-turbo) (1995-2005)
Omni, Horizon, 024, & TC3 (1978-90)
Shadow & Sundance (2.2 L) (1986-94)
Shelby Charger (pre-1979)
Shelby Charger (1983-87)
Spirit & Acclaim (4-cyl) (1989-95)
Sedans (N/A, FWD, NOC)
128 Coupe SL & 3P (1290 cc) (1969-79)
500 (2011-15)
Ford & Mercury
Escort (1997-2002)
Escort, EXP, Lynx, & LN7 (1982-88)
Escort GT & ZX-2 (1991-96)
Escort GT (1981-90)
Festiva (1984-97)
Fiesta (1976-83)
Focus (1998-2010)
Probe (non-turbo) (1989-92)
Probe (non-turbo) (1993-97)
Accord (4-cyl, non-turbo)
Alternate cylinder head: 12100-P05-010 or 12100-P05-020
Civic (1170 cc)
Civic (1237 cc)
Civic (1488 cc) (1980-83)
Alternate cylinder head: 12100-664-010 (2v per cyl)
Civic (1984-87)
Alternate cylinder head: 1342 cc - 12100-PE2-000, 121000-PE7-
000, or 12100-PE3-000; 1488 cc - 12100-PE3-010 or 121-XA1-
Civic & CRX (1988-91)
Civic (1992-95)
Civic (non-Si) (1996-2000)
Civic Si (1.6L DOHC VTEC) (1999-2000)
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 253
Prepared (EP) - Appendix A
EP (continued)
Civic (2001-05)
Civic (2006-10)
CRX (1984-87)
Alternate cylinder head: 1342 cc - 12100-PE2-000, 121000-PE7-
000, or 12100-PE3-000; 1488 cc - 12100-PE3-010 or 12100-XA1-
Alternate body parts: Mugen front bumper/spoiler, front fender,
rear fender, & rear bumper
DelSol (1993-96)
Fit (2007-18)
Prelude (1978-2001)
Alternate cylinder head: 12100-PC7-000, 12100-PC7-010, or 12100-
Sonata (1989-2005)
I30 (1996-2001)
I35 (2002-04)
I-Mark (1985-89)
Impulse (non-turbo) (1990-92)
Stylus (1991-93)
Beta (1975-82)
Zagato (1975-82)
323 & GLC (non-turbo, FWD) (1980-95)
626 (non-turbo, 2WD) (1982-2002)
Mazda2 (2011-15)
MX-6 (non-turbo, 2WD) (1988-97)
Sedan (N/A, FWD, NOC)
Cooper (non-S) (2002-10)
Cordia (non-turbo, FWD) (1982-90)
Alternate Specification: No split shift
Eclipse – see Chrysler
Galant (non-turbo) (1998-2002)
Mirage – see Chrysler
NX (B13 chassis) (1991-93)
Pulsar (N12 chassis) (1983-86)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-15M00

254 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (EP) Prepared
EP (continued)
Pulsar (N13 chassis; 16v) (1987-90)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-15M00
Alternate engine: A14
Sentra (B11 chassis) (1983-86)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-15M00
Sentra (B12 chassis; 1.6 L) (1987-90)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-15M00
Alternate engine: L16
Sentra (B13 chassis; 2.0 L) (1991-94)
Alternate cylinder head: 11041-H5704
Sentra & 200SX (B14 chassis) (1995-99)
Versa (2010-15)
Sedan (N/A, FWD, NOC)
405 (non-turbo) (1987-91)
Alliance, Encore, R-9, & R-11 (1982-89)
Alternate cylinder head: 77005972627
LeCar & R-5 (non-turbo, FWD) (1978-96)
Alternate cylinder head: 7700597627 (firewall/bulkhead modifica-
tions when using alternate head)
R17 Gordini (1971-77)
Sedan (FWD, NOC)
93 & 96 Sedan (843 cc, 2-stroke)
96 (non-turbo, FWD) (1960-80)
99 (non-turbo, FWD) (1969-84)
900 (non-turbo, FWD) (1979-94)
Sonett (1498 & 1699 cc)
Sedan (non-turbo, FWD, NOC)
S & L series (1991-2005)
ION (non-supercharged) (2003-07)
GL Coupe (non-turbo, FWD) (1980-89)
Sedan (non-turbo N/A, FWD, NOC)
Swift GA, GL, GTi, & GT (1985-2001)
Celica (non-turbo, FWD) (1986-89)
Celica (non-turbo, FWD) (1990-93)
Celica (non-turbo, FWD) (1994-99)
Celica (non-turbo) (2000-05)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 255

Prepared (EP) - Appendix A
EP (continued)
Corolla (non-turbo, FWD) (1984-87)
Corolla (non-turbo, FWD) (1988-92)
Alternate engine: 4A-C
Corolla (non-turbo) (1993-97)
Corolla (non-turbo) (1998-2002)
Corolla (non-turbo) (2003-08)
Paseo (non-turbo) (1991-97)
Tercel (non-turbo) (1980-82)
Tercel (non-turbo, FWD) (1983-86)
Tercel (non-turbo) (1987-90)
Tercel (non-turbo) (1991-94)
Tercel (non-turbo) (1995-99)
Yaris (2007-17)
Sedans (non-turbo N/A, FWD, NOC)
Corrado (16v, non-supercharged) (1988-95)
Corrado VR6 (1992-95)
Rabbit, Jetta, Scirocco, Cabriolet, & Pickup (A1 chassis) (1975-92)
Golf & Jetta (A2 chassis) (1985-93)
Golf, GTI, & Jetta (A3 chassis; 1.8 L & 2.0 L non-turbo) (1993-98)
Golf, GTI, & Jetta (A4 chassis; 2.0 L non-turbo) (1999-2005)
Golf, GTI, & Jetta (A5 chassis; 2.5 L 5-cyl) (2006-09)
New Beetle (2.0 L non-turbo & 2.5 L 5-cyl) (1998-2010)
Sedan (N/A, FWD, NOC)
Yugo (1986-92)
“Catch-all”: Other (4-cyl N/A, FWD, NOC)

Level 2 (Limited Preparation) Vehicles

This list of vehicles and the allowances below was developed from Level
2 (Limited Prep) vehicles listed in the Club Racing GCR under Produc-
tion Category. The goal is for these cars to be less expensive and easier
to prepare but allow them to be fully competitive with the cars currently
in Prepared class E (EP).
The following vehicles are classed in EP with the Level 2 (Limited Prep)
allowances per Section 17, Prepared Category, and the specifications
listed below.
Permitted optional carburetors, for single carburetor cars, are:
A. Weber 32DGV, 32DGAV, or 32DGEV
B. Weber 32/36DGV, 32/36DGAV, or 32/36DGEV
C. Weber 32/36DFV, 32/36DFAV, or 32/36DFEV
D. Weber 34DAT, 34DATR, 34DATRA, or 34DMTR
E. Holley-Weber 5200

256 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (EP) Prepared
EP (continued)
Model.................................................. Intake/Exhaust Valve Size (max.)
Engine displacement.............................................................Induction
Additional specifications
Fiesta (1978-80) ..................................................................... 1.41”/1.24”
1598 cc............................. (1) 40DCN, 40DCNF, or 40IDF carburetor
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.450”
Festiva (1988-93)....................................................................1.26”/1.10”
1324 cc........................................................carburetor or fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 10.5:1; valve lift (max.): 0.450”
Metro 13BA (1989-94)............................................................ 1.42”/1.18”
1298 cc............................................................................. fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.450”
Civic, Civic Si, CRX, & CRX Si (1984-87)...............................1.07”/1.30”
1488 cc.......................................................carburetor or fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.390”
Civic, (all) & CRX (all) (1988-91)........................................... 1.14”/0.98”
1493cc.............................................................................. fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.390”
1590cc.............................................................................. fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.390”
Alliance/Encore (1984-87).....................................................1.50”/1.28”
1721 cc.............................................................................. fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 10.5:1; valve lift (max.): 0.450”
Swift GA (1989-94)................................................................. 1.42”/1.18”
1298 cc............................................................................. fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.450”
Golf (GTI, GT, GL) (non-turbo)..............................................1.57”/1.30”
1780 cc............................................................................. fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 11.5:1; valve lift (max.): 0.420”
Jetta (1985-91)........................................................................1.57”/1.30”
1780 cc............................................................................. fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 11.5:1; valve lift (max.): 0.420”
Rabbit (1981-84).....................................................................1.34”/1.22”
1715 cc.............................................................................. fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.450”

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 257

Prepared (EP) - Appendix A
EP (continued)
Rabbit GTI (8v engine) (1983-84)..........................................1.57”/1.30”
1780 cc............................................................................. fuel injection
Compression ratio limited (max.): 12.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.420”
1588 cc........ (1) 40DCN or 40DCNF carb w/32mm chokes or fuel inj
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0; valve lift (max.): 0.450”
Scirocco (1981-84)..................................................................1.34”/1.22”
1715 cc.............................................................................. fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.450”
Scirocco (8v engine) (1983-88)..............................................1.57”/1.30”
1780 cc............................................................................. fuel injection
Compression ratio (max.): 12.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.420”
Scirocco ..................................................................................1.34”/1.22”
1457 cc........(1) 40DCN, 40DCNF, or 40IDF carb w/32mm chokes or fuel inj
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.450”
1471 cc............ (1) 40DCN, 40DCNF, or 40IDF carb w/32mm chokes
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.450”
1588 cc........ (1) 40DCN or 40DCNF carb w/32mm chokes or fuel inj
Compression ratio (max.): 11.0:1; valve lift (max.): 0.450”

258 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (FP) Prepared
F Prepared (FP)
Wheel size allowances are as per Section 17.4.
Minimum weights (without driver) are determined by engine displacement.
Increases in engine displacement resulting from legal overbore are not
considered in these calculations.
Wheels up to 10” wide are allowed with no weight increase; a maximum
width of 12” is permitted.
Weight formulas (lbs.):
Piston Engines:............................................... 0.750 x displacement (cc)
Rotary Engines:............................... 0.700 x specified displacement (cc)
Forced Induction:........................................+ 0.450 x displacement (cc)
Peripheral Port Rotary:............................... + 0.050 x displacement (cc)
Weight Adjustments (lbs):
51% or more of weight on rear axle:............ +0.040 x displacement (cc)
Wheel width greater than 10” up to 11”: ........................................... +50
Wheels greater than 11” wide up to 12” wide: ................................. +100
AWD:............................................................+ 0.100 x displacement (cc)
FWD:.............................................................- 0.100 x displacement (cc)
Solid Drive Axle:.......................................... - 0.050 x displacement (cc)
Alternate Engine Allowance:..........................+0.10 x displacement (cc)
Regardless of the weight formulas above no car may weigh less than 1900
lbs. (except that cars using 17.10.R, Engine Swap Allowance, must not
weigh less than 2100 lbs.) or be required to weigh more than 2700 lbs.
prior to addition of weight adjustments defined herein and in Section 17.
Weight Calculation Example:
Subaru WRX STI (2.5L) with 11” wheel width.
Actual displacement (before overbore): 2457 cc.
The formula would be: 0.750 (piston engine) + 0.450 (forced induc-
tion) + 0.100 (AWD) = 1.3 (total weight factor).
Calculated weight: 1.3 x 2457 = 3195 lbs. (exceeds maximum limit).
2700 lbs. (maximum allowed weight)
+ 50 lbs. (wheel width over 10” up to 11”)
= 2750 lbs. (total weight minimum).
NSX (1990-2005)
Alfa Romeo
GTV V6 (1981-86)
4000, 4000 Quattro, Coupe Quattro, Coupe (1981-87)
90 Coupe, 90 Quattro Coupe & Sedan (1990-91)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 259

Prepared (FP) - Appendix A
FP (continued)
3000 (1959-67)
100-6 (1956-59)
1 Series (6-cyl non-turbo, E82/E88 chassis) (2008-10)
3 Series (6-cyl 12v, E30 chassis) (1984-90)
3 Series (6-cyl 24v, E36 chassis) (1992-98)
3 Series (6-cyl all, E46 chassis) (1999-2005)
3 Series (6-cyl non-turbo, E90/E91/E92/E93 chassis) (2006-13)
Z3 (6-cyl) (1999-2002)
Z4 (6-cyl) (2003-08)
Sprint Turbo
Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Eagle, & Mitsubishi
Colt Turbo
Daytona & Laser (Turbo) (1984-89)
Omni Turbo
Shadow & Sundance (Turbo) (1987-94)
SRT-4 (Neon chassis) (2003-05)
Talon & Laser (Turbo, FWD & AWD) (1989-94)
Conquest & Starion Turbo
Dino 246
Dino 246 GT
308 (all)
124 Spider (2017-19)
500 (Turbo) (2013-19)
S2000 (2000-09)
I-Mark RS (16V & Turbo, FWD)
XKE (1961-74) (6-cyl)
XKE (1961-74) (V12)
IS300 (2001-05)
Elise & Exige (normally-aspirated) (1996-2010)
MazdaSpeed Protégé (2003)
MazdaSpeed MX-5 Miata (2004-05)
MX-6 (12A Rotary; no peripheral port allowed) (1988-97)
260 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (FP) Prepared
FP (continued)
MX-6 GT Turbo
RX-2 (1971-74)
12A engine....................................... specified displacement (cc): 2292
No peripheral port allowed.
RX-3 (1971-78)
12A engine....................................... specified displacement (cc): 2292
No peripheral port allowed.
RX-4 (12A or 13B) (1974-78)
12A engine....................................... specified displacement (cc): 2292
No peripheral port allowed.
13B engine........................................specified displacement (cc): 2616
No peripheral port allowed.
RX-7 (1986-91)
13B engine........................................specified displacement (cc): 2616
Alternate engine: Renesis................specified displacement (cc): 2616
Bridge or peripheral porting allowed in all engines.
RX-7 (1979-85)
12A engine....................................... specified displacement (cc): 2292
13B engine........................................specified displacement (cc): 2616
Alternate engine: Renesis................specified displacement (cc): 2616
Bridge or peripheral porting allowed in all engines.
RX-8 (bridge or peripheral porting allowed)
Renesis engine.................................specified displacement (cc): 2616
Alternate engine: 12A..................... specified displacement (cc): 2292
Alternate engine: 13B......................specified displacement (cc): 2616
Bridge or peripheral porting allowed in all engines.
Cooper S (2002-13)
Eclipse Turbo (FWD & AWD) (1990-98)
Lancer Evolution (2003-06)
Plus 8
Nissan & Datsun
240Z, 260Z, & 280Z (incl. 2+2) (1970-78)
Alternate part: headlight covers
280ZX (incl. 2+2) (1979-83)
Alternate part: headlight covers
300ZX (Z31 chassis) (1984-89)
Alternate part: headlight covers
300ZX (Z32 chassis; non-turbo) (1990-96)
Alternate part: rear facing hood scoop (3.5” max height)
350Z & 370Z (2003-17)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 261

Prepared (FP) - Appendix A
FP (continued)
Fiero (V-6 2.8L)
Alternate suspension: rear double A-arm
Air cleaner may protrude through engine hatch.
Solstice GXP
911 (3.6L & under, non-turbo)
Alternate cylinder heads: twin spark plug
914-6 (2.0L, 2.5L, 2.7L, & 2.8L 6-cyl air-cooled)
Alternate cylinder heads: twin spark plug
924 Turbo
924S (1986-88) & 944 (non-turbo, all) (1982-91)
Alt. cyl. head (2.5L only): #933.104.302.50 w/36 mm ex. valves
944 Turbo (1985-91)
968 (1992-95)
Boxster & Cayman (986 & 987) (1996-2012)
99 (1968-84)
900 Turbo & 900 SPG Turbo 16v (1979-88)
Sky Red Line
Impreza (AWD) & WRX (all)
SVX (1992-97)
Sedan/Coupe (Turbo, NOC)
Swift Turbo
Celica All-Trac (1988-89)
Celica All-Trac (1990-93)
Celica All-Trac (1994-99)
Celica Supra (1979-81)
Celica Supra (1982-86)
Supra (non-turbo) (1986½-92)
Supra (non-turbo) (1993-98)
MR2 Supercharged (Mk1 chassis) (1988-89)
Alternate chassis: 1985-89
MR2 Turbo (1991-95)
TR6 (1969-76)
TR8 (215 c.i. or 4L)
TR250 (1967-68)

262 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (FP) Prepared
FP (continued)
Corrado (1.8L Supercharged w/54 mm inlet restrictor) (1990-95)
Golf, GTI, & Jetta (A3 chassis; TDI or VR6) (1993-98)
Golf, GTI, & Jetta (A4 chassis; 1.8T, TDI, or VR6) (1999-2005)
Golf, GTI, & Jetta (A5 chassis; 2.0T or TDI) (2006-10)
New Beetle (1.8T or TDI) (1998-2010)
R32 (3.2L V6, AWD) (2004)
Sedan (4-cyl forced induction or 6-cyl engine, NOC)

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 263

Appendix A - (AM, BM) Modified
All listed weights are with driver except where noted otherwise. Weights
not listed default to the appropriate SCCA® Club Racing GCR (General
Competition Rules) reference. “Car” is defined in Section 12. In the Solo®
Rules Sections where preparation allowances are specified and if there are
conflicts with the GCR allowances, the Solo® Rules shall take precedence.
Modified class A (AM)
Cars with a minimum weight of 900 lbs. with driver and a minimum 72”
(182.9 cm) wheelbase, plus Formula SAE as specified in Section 18.5. Club
Racing GCR-compliant Formula S (FS) and A Sports Racer (ASR) vehicles
may compete in this class.
Modified class B (BM)
All Formula Cars or Sports Racers compliant under the current Club Rac-
ing GCR Sections 9.1.1.A.1 a-h or 9.1.8.D.1 A-H, unless specifically classed
elsewhere, with the following exceptions:
A. Spec tires are not required.
B. Minimum wheelbase of 80” (203.2 cm).
C. Sports Racers and all Open-Wheel Cars including Formula Atlantics:
1. Turbocharged and supercharged engines are not permitted.
2. May use any automobile-based 2v/cyl engine up to 1300 cc, any
2-stroke motor up to 900 cc, any 4v/cyl or more engine up to 1005
• Minimum weight with driver (lbs.):.........................................1020
3. May use any 2v/cyl automobile-based production engines up to 1615
• Minimum Weight with driver (lbs.):.........................................1110
4. May use any 4v/cyl or more engine up to 1615 cc. May use any
2-stroke up to 1300 cc or Mazda 12A rotary with any porting and
any carburetion. May use fuel injection without weight penalty as
required by the GCR.
• Minimum weight with driver (lbs.):......................................... 1180
5. May use any engine up to 3000 cc.
• Minimum weight with driver (lbs.):.........................................1285
6. Minimum rim width:.....................................................................none
7. Maximum allowed rim width (in.):................................................... 15
8. Transmissions – No restriction on mechanical shift sequence/pat-
tern, use of transverse types (motorcycle transmission or similar),
number of gears, or use of CVT in any vehicle.
9. Minimum width for all cars shall be no less than 57” as measured at
the narrowest end of the car at the tire outer sidewalls with a mini-
mum 14 psi of tire pressure.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 265

Modified (BM) - Appendix A
10.All prohibited cost control items in P2 per GCR Section 9.1.8.D.A ap-
ply to formula cars as well as sports racers with the following Solo®
changes to the list:
a. All chassis/tub over 75% composite are allowed and incur no
weight penalty unless under either 96” wheelbase or 66” rear
sidewall-to-sidewall outside width (measured with tire pressure
at least 14 psi), in which case minimum weight is increased by 50
b. Direct injection for non-automobile engines incurs a weight ad-
justment of an additional 25 lbs.
D. Formula 2000 and Formula Continental per GCR/FCS:
1. Minimum weight with driver (lbs.):.............................................. 1090
2. Rim width:..........................................................................unrestricted
3. Airfoil maximum size per Formula Atlantic rules.
E. Aerodynamic restrictions for Sports Racers:
1. The total area when viewed from the top of front and rear wings shall
not exceed 8 sq. ft. (0.743 m2). Area calculation is of a rectangle ful-
ly enclosing the airfoil element plan view and does not include flat
vertical side plates but does include footplates and similar aerody-
namic devices. Side plate area and element profile are unrestricted.
2. Cars with underbody features built in excess of P2 aerodynamic al-
lowances (2015 GCR Section 9.1.8.D and 9.1.8.E) must meet a weight
penalty of 50 lbs. and must be constructed within the following limi-
a. For the full width of the body the floor pan will be a minimum of
45% of the wheelbase; the lower surface (surface licked by the air
stream) shall not exceed ±1” (2.54 cm) deviation in any longitu-
dinal section through the plane forming the bottom of the tub or
chassis floor. The 45% minimum (of the wheelbase) dimension
is measured from the point that the surface meets the full width
of the body (behind the front wheel or in front of the rear wheel).
(This is not to be interpreted as requiring a floor pan beneath the

266 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (CM) Modified
motor, transaxle, transmission, or final drive housing.) See figure.
b. No aerodynamic devices (e.g. “skirts,” body sides, etc.) may ex-
tend more than 1 cm (0.394”) below this lower surface anywhere
on the car to the rear of the front axle. Seat bucket or other protru-
sions shall not circumvent this rule.
3. The current GCR P2 underbody aero specifications shall apply to all
sports racers and production cars as recognized in DM and EM run-
ning in BM as sports racers.
4. Production cars running in BM must have the tires as viewed from
above at least half covered. Cycle fenders may be used to comply with
a sports racer classification.
F. Aerodynamic restrictions for Formula Atlantic (all open-wheel in BM)
shall follow the current Club Racing GCR Formula Atlantic Preparation
Rules with the following Solo® allowances:
1. Wings and all other aerodynamic devices front and rear may match
but shall not exceed sports racer P2 GCR maximum height (45.25”
per P2 GCR 9.1.8.D.D.2 ).
2. Front wing width may match but shall not exceed overall front width
as measured at the tires. Front wing elements may not extend behind
the front wheel centerline.
3. Rear wing width shall not exceed the Club Racing FA specs with the
exception that endplate gurney lips are not included. Endplate Gur-
ney lips shall not exceed 7 cm (2.756”) additional width per side and
shall not deviate more than 10° from vertical. No part of the entire
rear wing assembly, including wing elements and end plates, shall
extend more than 1 m (39.37”) to the rear of the rear wheel center-
a. Except for cars meeting the dimensions of subsection F.3.b here-
in, the rear wing element assembly maximum plan view fore-aft
dimension shall not exceed 70 cm (27.56”).
b. For cars 66” wide or more at the rear tires and which also meet a
weight of 1180 lbs, the fore-aft dimension of the rear wing element
assembly plan view shall not exceed 90 cm (35.43”).
4. Side pod or other parts not considered chassis are not required to
attach or stay above a line situated 1 cm (0.4”) above the chassis bot-
tom (this is an exception to GCR 9.1.1.A.1.g.10).
5. Flexible ground sealing is permitted on cars 66” wide or more at the
rear tires and which also meet a weight of 1180 lbs.
Modified class C (CM)
A. Modified Class C (CM) allows the Solo® Vee and the following SCCA®
Club Racing GCR-compliant cars: Spec Racer Ford (SRF), Formula
F (FF). Within the limitations of the GCR, additional frame bracing,
suspension and steering changes, relocation of ancillary components
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 267
Modified (CM) - Appendix A
(radiators, batteries, etc.), and their associated mounting brackets is
permitted. Nothing in these rules is to be construed as overruling any
GCR construction requirements or limitations except for those safety
items which the Solo® Rules do not require. The purpose of these rules
is to maintain the value of these cars for Club Racing and therefore their
market value, and to prevent special Solo®-only Formula F vehicles.
Exceptions to the Club Racing GCR for all cars in this class:
1. Spec tire requirements do not apply.
2. Formula F (FF) weight with driver (min.):
Ford Cortina engine (lbs.).............................................................1050
Ford Kent and Honda Fit engines (lbs.)....................................... 1100
3. Only cars produced by the following manufacturers are eligible for
FF in this class: ADF, Alexis, Anson, Caldwell, Citation, Crossle, Du-
lon, Eagle, Elden, Forsgrini, Gemini, Hawke, Konig-Heath, LeGrand,
Lola, Lotus, March, Merlyn, Mondiale, Piper, PRS, Reynard, Royale,
Stohr, Swift, Tiga, Titan, Van Diemen, Winkleman, and Zink. The
SEB may add to this list at any time, effective upon notification of the
B. Other Club Racing GCR-compliant Formula Cars
1. Formula Vee (FV)
2. Formula First (FST)
C. Solo® Vee as per the following definition: Solo® Vee is based on Club
Racing Formula Vee (FV) and all cars shall meet all specifications de-
scribed in the Club Racing GCR Sections 9.1.1.C.1, C.2, C.3, C.4, C.6,
C.7, C.8, C.9, C.10, C.11 and C.12 except as amended in these rules. No
permitted or alternate component or modification shall additionally
perform a prohibited function.
1. Engine Choices
a. Any standard 1600 cc or smaller air-cooled automobile engine
manufactured by Volkswagen (VW) for sale in VW vehicles avail-
able to the general public for purchase in the US is allowed.
1. Solo® Vee engines may increase compression up to and includ-
ing 10:1 ratio with OE bore and stroke. Compression ratio may
be increased by additional machining of any factory machined
surface on the cylinder heads only. Fuel injection is prohibited.
Valve size may be increased to a maximum of 40.0 mm intake
and 35.5 mm exhaust. Port location may not be changed from
OE standard. Machining of any type in the combustion cham-
ber such as, but not limited to, valve unshrouding is prohibited.
Valve guide centers shall remain OE standard. OE standard
heads shall be used; however, alternate VW heads with cast-
ing numbers 040 101 355 or 043 101 375 may be substituted.
Any single carburetor (regardless of the number of venturis) is
268 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (CM) Modified
permitted. Multiple carburetion is restricted to a maximum of
two 44 mm carburetors with 28 mm ventures. If a balance tube
is used between manifolds runners, it shall be restricted to one
½” (0.500”, 50.8 mm) ID pipe. Any intake manifold not having
a plenum chamber is permitted.
2. Increase bore up to and including 94 mm maximum per cylin-
der, total displacement of 1915 cc. Machining to allow the in-
stallation of the cylinders is permitted. No other combustion
chamber machining (such as, but not limited to, unshrouding
of the valves) is permitted. Valve guide centers must remain
OE standard. Increased displacement engines up to 1915cc are
restricted to maximum valve sizes 39 mm intake and 32 mm
exhaust. Port location may not be changed from OE standard.
OE standard heads shall be used; however, alternate VW heads
with casting numbers 040 101 355 or 043 101 375 may be sub-
stituted. A maximum compression ratio of 9:1 is permitted.
Compression ratio may be increased by additional machining
of any factory machined surface. Any single carburetor may be
used. Multiple carburetors are prohibited is permitted. Dual
one-barrel carburetors are permitted. Any intake manifold
not having a plenum chamber is permitted.
b. There shall be no mixing of allowances (e.g., carburetors from 1
above and displacement from 2 above).
2. Engine Components
a. Mixing of parts between different air-cooled engine models is
permitted. All parts must meet VW specifications for engines de-
livered for use in the US in VW vehicles unless otherwise noted
b. Balancing of all moving parts is permitted provided balancing
does not remove more material than necessary to achieve balance.
c. Parts from alternate manufacturers or remanufactured parts are
permitted provided said parts are of the same material, are di-
mensionally identical, and meet all original VW specifications for
engines delivered for use in the US in VW vehicles. This would
include VW replacement heads as specified without raised ports
and aluminum engine cases. Aftermarket magnesium engine cas-
es may also be substituted.
d. The flywheel from either the alternate engine or from the 1200
cc engine may be used. Minimum flywheel weight is 12 lbs. Any
single-disc clutch may be used. The transmission housing may be
machined to provide clearance when using the alternate engine/
flywheel assembly.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 269

Modified (CM) - Appendix A
e. Any exhaust system which terminates more than 3” (7.62 cm) be-
hind the rearmost part of the body may be used.
f. Counterweighted crankshaft and 8-dowel pinned crankshaft-to-
flywheel mounting are allowed. All journal dimensions and rela-
tionships with each other must remain as standard. Crankshaft
journals may be ground undersize a maximum of 0.030” (0.762
mm) less than standard dimensions. Crankshaft pulley is unre-
g. Deep sump oil pan up to 2.5 qt. (2.37 L) additional capacity is
permitted. The installation of baffles housed completely within
the oil pan and crankcase is permitted. The use of any standard
VW oil pump is permitted. Dry sump systems are permitted. Re-
placement of oil gallery plugs with threaded plugs is permitted.
Oil filters and oil coolers are unrestricted provided that they are
securely mounted completely within the bodywork. A pressure ac-
cumulator (e.g., Accusump®) may be fitted.
h. Camshaft and valve train components are unrestricted with the
following exceptions:
1. Pushrods shall be made of metal.
2. Valve lifters (tappets) shall be dimensionally and functionally
identical to and made of the same material as the standard VW
3. Roller camshafts are prohibited.
4. Rocker arms shall be standard ratio VW.
5. Valve guide material is unrestricted provided that the distance
between valve centers and the angles of the valves does not
i. Porting, polishing, and machining of the intake and exhaust ports
is permitted. The addition of material in any form is prohibited.
Valve seat angles are unrestricted.
j. Compression ratio may be increased by additional machining of
any factory machined surface on the cylinder heads only. Instal-
lation of a spark plug hole repair utilizing standard thread repair
methods (e.g., Heli-Coil®) is permitted providing that the spark
plug centerline is not changed.
k. Complete or partial removal of any cooling duct component. Re-
moval of the fan and the fan housing is permitted. Any electric fan
is permitted for cooling the engine or engine oil.
l. Voltage regulator, generator, and/or generator stand may be re-
m. One or more batteries may be used.
n. Any ignition system that utilizes a distributor for spark timing and
distribution may be used. Distributor shall require no modifica-
270 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (CM) Modified
tion to the engine for installation. Internal distributor compo-
nents and distributor cap may be substituted.
o. Valve covers are unrestricted and may be bolted on.
p. Electric radiator/engine cooling fan(s) may be installed.
3. Transaxle
a. Aftermarket shift forks/shift rod/mounting parts and alterations
required for their installation is permitted with the intent of facili-
tating reliable H-pattern shifting.
b. This allowance does not include sequential shifting (push button
or single axis lever movement) mechanisms or electric/gas assist.
Cable/hydraulic actuating mechanisms are allowed.
c. Any primary or final drive gears of any origin may be used. This
does not allow the use of alternate transaxles. A reverse gear is not
d. A device for locking-out reverse gear may be used.
e. A limited-slip differential (LSD) is permitted.
4. Bodywork
Bodywork to the rear of the main roll hoop may be removed.
5. Front Suspension
The front suspension shall be standard VW Type 1 sedan H-beam
front suspension (i.e., link pin or ball joint) or an exact replica of one
of them and dimensionally identical. Aluminum H beams are pro-
hibited. The following modifications are permitted:
a. Lugs welded, brackets attached by welding or otherwise, and holes
drilled in the H-beam to permit attachment of the beam to the
chassis, and components wholly or partially to the beam. Brackets
may be welded to the torsion arms for the sole purpose of actuat-
ing the shock(s) and/or external mounted anti-roll bar and shall
perform no other functions.
b. Open springs. Torsion bars may be used in conjunction with coils
or may be removed entirely. “Coil-overs” are permitted.
c. Removal of the shock towers above the upper H-beam tube cen-
d. Relocation of the shock dampers. Shock dampers and their actua-
tion are free.
e. The use of any anti-roll bar or bars, internal or external, mounting
hardware, and trailing arm locating spacers. The anti-roll bar fit-
ted as part of the standard suspension may be removed. Anti-roll
bars may not be cockpit adjustable.
f. Replacement of torsion bar rubbers with spacers of another mate-
g. Installation of any ride height adjuster(s).
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 271
Modified (CM) - Appendix A
h. Removal of the drum brake backing plates.
i. In the link pin suspension, non-standard offset link pin bushings
in order to obtain desired negative camber. Clearancing of carrier
or trailing arm to prevent binding is permitted. The rubber por-
tion of the bump stop may be removed. Caster, camber, toe-in,
and link pin inclination are free.
j. In the ball joint suspension, the camber/caster adjusting replaced
with an aftermarket nut of different design. Caster, camber, and
toe-in are free.
k. Any wheel bearings that fit the VW sedan spindles and brake
drums or disc brake hubs without modification.
l. Steering column altered or replaced. Steering wheel is free and
may be detachable. Steering mechanism is free but tie rods must
attach to the spindle using existing steering arm, a modified steer-
ing arm, or a suitable new or modified bracket welded to the spin-
dle. Ball joints in the tie rods may be replaced with rod ends.
6. Wheels
a. Any wheels and tires are allowed. Resulting track changes are al-
lowed. Studs may be substituted for wheel attachment bolts in the
original location. Bolt pattern may be changed.
b. 4- or 5-lug wheel hubs may be used. Wheel mounting lug bolts
may be replaced with studs.
7. Rear Suspension
a. The rear axle and tube assembly shall be standard VW Type 1 se-
dan (up to 1966) swing axle (no outer pivot point for a half shaft)
with axle location provided by a single locating arm on each axle.
The rear axle tube may be rotated about its axis. The standard
shock mounting and brake pipe brackets may be removed.
b. The rear axle bearing retainer flange mating surface may be ma-
chined or shims may be installed under the rear axle bearing for
the sole purpose of adjusting bearing axial float.
c. Springs, shock dampers, their actuation, anti-roll bars, and cam-
ber compensating devices are unrestricted, as are cables, straps,
or other positive stops used to limit positive camber.
8. Braking System - Front and Rear
a. Standard VW Type 1-3 brake components, disc or drum, may be
used including any standard VW Type 1-3 original. Use of after-
market hubs, disc or drum brake components in the front or rear
of the vehicle, or any combination thereof is unrestricted as long
as the units chosen are deemed safe.
b. Caliper housing material may be removed on the outer radius sur-
face of the outer piston housing to clear the inside of the rotating
272 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (DM) Modified
c. Any type lining or pad material may be used.
d. Adapter plates may be fitted to allow mounting of front or rear
brake calipers.
e. Cross-drilling or grooving of rotors is permitted. Rotors made of a
ferrous material shall be used on both the front and rear of the car.
f. Caliper mounting is free. Rotors must be of ferrous material. Hubs
and hats may be made of ferrous material or aluminum.
g. The car shall be equipped with a dual braking system operated
by a single control. In case of a leak or failure at any point in the
system, effective braking power shall be maintained on at least 2
h. A separate hand brake is not required. Removal of the hand brake
and operating mechanism is permitted.
i. Brake lines may be of any suitable material, including steel braid-
ed lines.
9. Weight
Minimum weight with driver (lbs.):............................................. 1000
Modified class D (DM)
Modified Production and GT cars with internal combustion engine dis-
placement 2000 cc and under as follows:
A. The Mazda 12A and 13B Rotary engines are permitted in DM with the
following restrictions:
1. No replacement of cast iron engine case segments with aluminum.
2. On the 12A engine, only side and rotor housings from 1974-86 en-
gines shall be used.
3. No replacement of 12A or 13B sections, such as side plates, with those
from other series engines (i.e., Renesis-type parts).
4. On 12A engines: no peripheral-porting or J-porting is allowed.
Bridge-porting that does not cut into the water O-ring is permit-
ted. On 13B engines, 4- and 6-port: Maximum porting permitted is
street-porting. No bridge-porting, J-Porting, or peripheral-porting.
B. Weight with driver vs. computed displacement (lbs.):
• Piston engines, normally-aspirated up to & including 1800 cc...... 1280
• 12A rotary engines, normally-aspirated w/ porting restriction...... 1280
• Piston engines, normally-aspirated 1801-2000 cc.......................1380
• 13B rotary engines, normally-aspirated w/ porting restriction..... 1380
• Forced induction w/ displacements per 18.0.B, up to 2000 cc w/ in-
let restrictor...................................................................................1380
C. Performance Adjustments (lbs.):
• AWD........................................................................................ Add 200
• Modified Tub.............................................................................Add 40
2019 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 273
Modified (EM, FM) - Appendix A
• TCS.......................................................................................... Add 200
• ABS and/or SCS (no additional weight adjustment)..............Add 250
D. Weight Bias Adjustment with driver sitting in the driver’s seat (lbs.):
• RWD with less than 51% weight on drive wheels................ Deduct 35
• FWD......................................................................................Deduct 35
• AWD...................................................................................Not affected
Modified class E (EM)
Modified Production and GT cars as follows:
A. Weight with driver vs. Displacement (lbs.):
• Piston engine up to & including 3200 cc OHC.............................1700
• Piston engine up to & including 4500 cc pushrod/OHV..............1700
• 2-rotor rotary engine with unrestricted porting all configurations.1700
• 3-rotor rotary engine, normally-aspirated.................................1700
• Piston engine, unlimited displacement........................................ 1800
• 3-rotor rotary engine with unrestricted porting, forced induction. 1800
• Electric powerplant (non-hybrid)................................................ 1800
B. Performance Adjustments (lb.):
• AWD........................................................................................ Add 300
• Modified Tub.............................................................................Add 50
• TSC.......................................................................................... Add 300
• ABS and/or SCS (no additional weight adjustment).............. Add 375
C. Weight Bias Adjustment with driver sitting in the driver’s seat (lbs.):
• RWD with less than 51% weight on drive wheels................Deduct 50
• FWD......................................................................................Deduct 50
Modified class F (FM)
A. Club Racing GCR-compliant Formula 500 (F5) with the following ex-
ceptions (listed weights are with driver):
1. F5 cars manufactured prior to the current requirement for rubber
vibration isolation need not conform to the current GCR Section
2. F5 cars manufactured prior to January 1, 1990 need not comply with
crushable structures as defined in the current GCR Section 9.1.1.D.9.
3. F5 cars manufactured prior to January 1, 1990 which utilize a 73”
(185.42 cm) wheelbase may compete even though the driver’s feet
extend beyond the front edge of the wheel rims.
4. Minimum weights with driver (lbs.):
• Kawasaki engine..........................................................................725
• AMW engine...............................................................................800
• Rotax 493 & 494 engine.............................................................800
• Rotax 593 engine........................................................................ 850
274 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix A - (FM) Modified
• 600 cc motorcycle engine...........................................................875
• Wheelbase of 73” or less with 440 engine....................... Deduct 25
5. Rotax 493- & 494-powered cars are permitted to use 34 mm or 38
mm Mikuni round-slide carburetors. AMW powered cars may use
either the 38 mm AMW carburetors or update to the 38 mm Mikuni
round-slide carburetors. In order to accommodate the use of the ap-
proved Mikuni VM 38mm sidedraft carburetors on the AMW engine,
the use of the AMW intake manifold (part #2736-00) is permitted
as are the AMW rubber attachment boots, gaskets, and/or hardware
required for the use of this manifold. Competitors using the Rotax
494 RAVE engine are required to use the 494 non-RAVE rotary valve
(Rotax part #924509 or 924508, Ski Doo prefix 420, 147 degree des-
ignation that opens @ 135° BTDC and closes @ 64° ATDC) in their
engine. RAVE valves shall be blocked in the “full open” position or
left as delivered. No other alterations are permitted. 494 RAVE and
non-RAVE parts may not be interchanged between the two engines
unless specifically noted.
6. Competitors utilizing the Rotax 493 engine may leave the manu-
facturer’s specified intake balance tubes in place or, at their option,
completely remove the tubes and make the alterations required to
plug the remaining holes. No unnecessary alterations are permitted
if the competitor chooses to remove the tubes. The Rotax 493 engine
is limited to a Y-pipe exhaust manifold and single expansion cham-
ber as are the Rotax 494 and AMW engines.
7. F5 cars may utilize the Rotax 593 engine (1999 and up; bore: 76 mm,
stroke: 65.8 mm) using 38 mm Mikuni roundslide carburetors as an
alternate 2-cylinder, 2-cycle, liquid-cooled engine in FM. Such en-
gines must use inlet tract restrictors (Cometic gasket #MA0242S-
P1020A), one in each tract immediately after the carburetor. Use of
the 2003 and up “HO,” “SDI,” “RS,” and “E-TEC” 593 variants is not
8. External carburetor jetting devices may be used (such as Mikuni
Power Jet, Thunder Dial-a-jet, Thunder IntelaJet, Thunder Power-
Jet). They must be plumbed to the float bowl for the carburetor for
which they are installed. Remote float bowls are not allowed.
9. All F440 & F500 engines may use any water thermostat. It may be
modified or completely removed as necessary to aid water cooling.
The water bypass may be blocked and alternate water cooling plumb-
ing may be used. Electric water pumps may be used.
10.F440 & F500 cars in FM are not required in Solo® to have the side-
pods now mandated by Club Racing if they were manufactured prior
to 1984 in which that requirement was added to the GCR. Sidepods
may not be removed from a car which was originally manufactured
with them. The measurements for the height, the maximum width
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 275
Modified (FM) - Appendix A
(bodywork), and the distance from the tires to the sidepods as speci-
fied in the GCR, Bodywork D.9.C, shall have an allowance from the
GCR of ±1” (±25.4 mm). It is the intent of this allowance to maintain
the ability of the sidepod(s) to continue to hold such items as fuel
tanks, battery, and radiator(s), but not to allow sidepods to be used
for ground effects to achieve aerodynamic downforce on the vehicle.
11. Electric radiator/engine cooling fan(s) may be installed.
B. Dwarf Cars®, 600 Racing Inc Legends Cars®, and Baby Grand Cars®
Vehicles built and prepared to Western States Dwarf Car Associa-
tion® (WSDCA®), US Legend Cars International®, or MMRA® Baby
Grand® specifications are assigned to Modified Class F (FM).
Note: If any conflict exists between the WSDCA®, US Legend Cars®,
or Baby Grand® Rules and the Solo® Rules, the Solo® Rules shall take
1. Cars prepared to these specifications are required to comply with the
appropriate rules from their sanctioning body, except for the items
listed below:
a. Any tire (including recaps) meeting the applicable portions of Sec-
tion 3.3 are allowed.
b. Any differential and final drive gear ratio may be used.
c. Any shock absorber may be used.
d. Any wheel up to 10” wide and any diameter may be used.
e. Any anti-roll bar may be used.
f. Any air filter is allowed.
g. Any ballast is allowed provided it is mounted securely per the
Solo® Rules.
h. Any battery may be used.
i. Engine does not need to be sealed but must conform to the appro-
priate rule set.
j. Minimum weight with driver (lbs.):.........................................1250
2. WSDCA®, US Legend Cars®, and Baby Grand® specific items not
required are as follows:
a. INEX-approved manufactured metal seat. Mounting guidelines
still apply.
b. Seatbelt harness dating requirements.
c. Quick-release steering wheels.
d. Fire extinguishers.
e. Fire-retardant driver suit and gloves.
f. Neck braces.
g. Head and neck restraints (HNR).

276 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix A - (FM) Modified
3. Current Solo® Rules override WSDCA®, US Legend Cars®, and
Baby Grand® rules for the following items:
a. Helmets.
b. Car number and class designation.
c. Exhaust system, muffler, and tailpipe.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 277

Appendix B - Classic American Muscle (CAM)
Classic American Muscle (CAM)
Rationale: The purpose of CAM is to attract automobile enthusiasts who
are currently interested and/or participating in autocross events for
muscle cars and vintage vehicles manufactured in North America by
GM, Ford, Chrysler, and AMC. These avid enthusiasts would largely be
a new and different group to join us as SCCA® members and partici-
pants. Regions are encouraged to offer this great recruitment tool using
a single CAM class or more to encourage Classic American Muscle car
enthusiasts to join the fun at your SCCA® Solo® events!
Eligible Vehicles
• Must be either a domestic automobile or truck (pick-up or SUV) of front-
engine/rear-wheel-drive (FE/RWD) configuration (no electric-powered
• Must be licensed and insured, as well as fully “street legal” (working
lights, etc.).
• Must have “full-size” windshield similar to what came from the manu-
facturer. Side glass and rear must be present if original for the vehicle.
Lexan® or equivalent may be used.
• Must pass the mandatory Safety (Tech) Inspection of Section 3, Vehi-
cles, and must be in compliance with the Sound Measurement Proce-
dures, Appendix I, of the 2019 SCCA® National Solo® Rules.
• Excluded: Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 (2019); Dodge/SRT Viper (2013-
17); Jeep military/CJ/Wrangler.
Body Allowances
• Body panels may be modified or replaced in the original standard lo-
cations. Frame may be modified or replaced. Vehicle perimeter and
wheelbase must be full-scale to the original model. Incidental wheel-
base changes resulting from the allowed replacement of suspension
components/or modification of suspension design are allowed. This is
not an allowance to shorten or lengthen the chassis/body (e.g., change
the scale from the original). Lower rear body panels may incorporate the
“look” of a rear diffuser but may not extend forward more than 6.0”
past the exterior OE body panel(s).
• Front splitter, air dam, and/or spoiler may be added below the bumper,
but must not extend past the perimeter of and may extend a maximun
of 6.0” forward from the integral bumper as viewed from above or the
original body excluding non-integral bumpers except OE or equivalent
for the body style.
• Rear spoiler may be added, but may extend no more than 10” from the
original body nor past the perimeter of the body. No rear wings may be
added except OE or equivalent.
• Interior and exterior must have a “finished” look.
• Front seating may be replaced or modified. Rear seating may be re-
moved or modified. If removed, the rear seat bottom area must be fin-
ished (e.g., carpeted, metal). The driver’s seating area must not cross the
vehicle longitudinal centerline and not intrude into the OE rear seat
bottom cushion area.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 279
Classic American Muscle (CAM) - Appendix B
• Upholstered interior panels (door panels, kick panels, etc.) may be re-
placed with another upholstered or finished panel. Non-upholstered
interior panels may be replaced with a panel of any material. Alternate
panels must cover any opening(s) the OE panel(s) concealed.
• The dashboard may be modified but must cover the original area and be
“finished” and cover the original area.
• Headliner may be replaced or removed.
• Exposed metal interior surfaces must be covered, painted, and/or coat-
ed. (No “race car” interiors, please.)
• Fuel tank/cell may be modified or replaced and must be separated from
the driver/passengers as originally manufactured or by a metal panel/
bulkhead if the OE structure is modified. Fuel must not vent into the
driver/passenger compartment directly or indirectly.
• Body electrical system components and wiring are unrestricted.
Wheel and Tire Allowances
• Any wheels are allowed. Non-metallic wheels must be certified/ap-
proved from an appropriate, recognized standards organization (e.g.,
FIA, SFI, SAE, TUV, etc.).
• DOT tires with a UTQG Treadwear Grade of 200 or higher are permit-
ted. Excluded: Kumho Ecsta V720 ACR; Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 and
Pilot Sport Cup 2 ZP; Yokohama ADVAN A052.
Brake, Suspension, and Steering System Allowances
• Components, lines, hoses, and method of attachment are unrestricted.
Engine and Drive Train Allowances
• Components (internal and external) are unrestricted.
Supplemental Classes – offered at SCCA® National Solo® events
CAM C (Contemporary) (car and truck body styles from 2001-2019, plus
CAM T cars meeting CAM C minimum weight)
• Included: Chevrolet SS (2014-16); Pontiac G8 (2008-09) and GTO (2004-06).
• Sedans/coupes with seating originally for 4 or more adults and trucks.
• Interior floor covering(s) may be replaced, but not removed.
• Weight without driver, minimum (lbs.)........................................... 3300
• Additional weight for Lexan® windshield (lbs.)...............................+150
CAM T (Traditional) (car and truck body styles originating from 1948-2000)
• Examples: Chevrolet Camaro (-2002), Ford Mustang (-2004)
• Sedans/coupes with seating originally for 4 or more adults and trucks.
• Interior floor covering(s) may be replaced, but not removed.
• Weight without driver, minimum (lbs.)...........................................3000
• Additional weight for Lexan® windshield (lbs.)...............................+150
CAM S (Sports) (all eligible vehicles)
• Sports cars, sedans/coupes, trucks, and 1965-67 Cobra roadster replica
“kit cars” with seating for 2 or more adults.
• Interior floor covering may be removed.
• Weight without driver, minimum (lbs.):
–– Corvette (1984-19); Viper (-2012).................................................. 2900
–– All other cars................................................................................. 2500
• Additional weight for Lexan® windshield (lbs.)...............................+150

280 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix C - Roll Bars
A. Basic Design Considerations
1. The basic purpose of the roll bar is to protect the driver in case the ve-
hicle rolls over. This purpose should not be forgotten.
2. The top of the roll bar shall not be below the top of the driver’s helmet
when the driver is in normal driving position, and shall not be more
than 6 inches behind the driver. Exception: For Modified Category Spe-
cials (Section 18.4), the bar must extend at least 2.0” (50.8 mm) above
the driver’s helmet in the normal seated position and a head restraint
keeping the driver’s head from going under or behind the roll bar is
required. It is strongly suggested that all roll bars extend at least 3.0”
(76.2 mm) above the driver’s helmet. In case of two-driver cars, both
drivers must be within the roll bar height requirement, however only
one (1) driver must be within 6.0” (152.4 mm) of the roll bar. In a closed
car or an open car with a removable OE hardtop which is equipped with
a roll bar/cage, it must be as close as possible to the interior top of the
3. The roll bar must be designed to withstand compression forces result-
ing from the weight of the car coming down on the roll structure, and to
take fore-and-aft loads resulting from the car skidding along the ground
on the roll structure.
4. The two (2) vertical members forming the sides of the hoop shall not be
less than 15.0” (381 mm) apart (inside dimension). It is desirable that
the roll bar extend the full width of the cockpit to provide maximum
bearing area in all soil conditions during rollovers. The roll bar vertical
members on formula cars and other single seat cars with a center driver
position must be not less than fifteen inches apart, inside dimension, at
their attachment points to the uppermost main chassis member.
5. An inspection hole of at least 3/16" (0.1875”, 4.75 mm) diameter must be
drilled in a non-critical area of a roll bar member to facilitate verifica-
tion of wall thickness. This should be at least 3.0” (76.2 mm) from any
weld or bend.
6. It is recommended that steel gusset plates be used at all welds. Gussets
should be at least 2.0” (50.8 mm) long on each leg and 3/16" (0.1875”,
4.75 mm) thick.
7. It is recommended that roll bars be coated only with a light coat of paint.
If, however, a roll bar should be chrome-plated, it is recommended that
the structure be normalized.
8. Post or tripod types of roll bars are not acceptable.
B. Material
After 09/22/1985, aluminum is not an acceptable alternate material. Cars
using aluminum roll bars or roll cages must file proof with SCCA® Solo®
Department that the structure was approved prior to 09/22/1985 as pro-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules— 281
Roll Bars - Appendix C
vided in this Section.
1. The roll bar hoop and all braces must be of seamless ERW or DOM
mild steel tubing (SAE 1010, 1020, 1025) or equivalent, or alloy steel
tubing (SAE 4130). It is strongly recommended that roll bars not be
constructed of ERW due to quality and strength concerns. Docal R8 is
also considered an acceptable material (tube sizing and wall thickness
requirments are as per SAE 4130).
2. The size of tubing to be used shall be determined on the basis of the
weight and speed potential of the car. The following minimum sizes are
required and are based upon the weight of the car without the driver.
Tubing Size (min.)
Vehicle Weight (lbs.)
outside diameter x wall thickness (in.)
1.500 x 0.120
Over 2500 1.750 x 0.095
2.000 x 0.080
1.500 x 0.095
1501 - 2500
1.625 x 0.080
1.250 x 0.090
1000 - 1500
1.375 x 0.080
Under 1000 1.000 x 0.060
Dimensions are nominal. 0.005” (0.127 mm) variation in wall thickness
is allowed.
3. Each mounting plate shall be at least 0.080” (2.03 mm) thick if welded
and 3/16" (0.1875”, 4.75 mm) thick if bolted. A minimum of three (3)
bolts per plate is required for bolted mounting plates.
4. All bolts and nuts shall be SAE Grade 5 or better and 5/16" (0.3125”, 8.0
mm) minimum diameter.
C. Fabrication
1. One continuous length of tubing must be used for the hoop member
with smooth continuous bends and no evidence of crimping or wall fail-
2. All welding must be of the highest possible quality with full penetration
and will be subjected to very critical inspection. Arc welding, particu-
larly heliarc, should be used wherever possible.
D. Bracing
1. It is recommended that braces be of the same size tubing as used for the
roll bar itself.
2. All roll bars must be braced in a manner to prevent movement in a fore-
and-aft direction with the brace attached within the top one-third of the
roll hoop, and at an angle of at least thirty degrees (30°) from vertical.
It is strongly recommended that two such braces be used, parallel to the

282 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix C - Roll Bars
sides of the car, and placed at the outer extremities of the roll bar hoop.
Such braces should extend to the rear whenever possible.
3. It is suggested that roll bars include a transverse brace from the bottom
of the hoop on one side to the top of the hoop on the other side.
E. Mounting Plates
1. Roll bars and braces must be attached to the frame of the car wherever
possible. Mounting plates may be used for this purpose where desired.
2. In the case of cars with unitized or frameless construction, mounting
plates may be used to secure the roll bar structure to the floor of the car.
The important consideration is that the load be distributed over as large
an area as possible. A backup plate of equal size and thickness must be
used on the opposite side of the panel with the plates through-bolted
F. Removable Roll Bars
Removable roll bars and braces must be very carefully designed and con-
structed to be at least as strong as a permanent installation. If one tube
fits inside another tube to facilitate removal, the removable portion must
bottom on the permanent mounting, and at least two bolts must be used to
secure each such joint. The telescope section must be at least eight inches
in length.
G. Installation on Cars of Space Frame and Frameless
It is important that roll bar structures be attached to cars in such a way as
to spread the loads over a wide area. It is not sufficient to simply attach the
roll bar to a single tube or junction of tubes. The roll bar must be designed
in such a way as to be an extension of the frame itself, not simply an at-
tachment to the frame. Considerable care must be used to add as neces-
sary to the frame structure itself in such a way as to properly distribute the
loads. It is not true that a roll bar can only be as strong as any single tube
in the frame.
H. Roll Cages
It is recommended but not mandatory that all cars utilize a roll cage as de-
fined in the current Club Racing GCR Section 9.4, Roll Cages For GT And
Production Based Cars, or Section 9.4.5, Roll Cages For Formula Cars and
Sports Racing Cars.
I. Roll Bar Padding
Braces and portions of the main hoop subject to contact by the driver’s
or passenger’s helmet, as seated normally and restrained by seat belt and
harness, must be padded with a non-resilient material such as Ethafoam®
or Ensolite® or other similar material with a minimum thickness of 1/2"
(0.50", 12.7 mm).

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules— 283

Solo® Trials - Appendix D
I. Purpose
Solo® Trials provides a venue for SCCA® members who wish to expe-
rience higher speeds than the current Solo® program allows and/or for
whom the Time Trials program has not been available or desirable. Solo®
Trials is a program for regions and drivers with a lower level of speeds,
hazards, administrative complications and costs than Time Trials.
Background Motivation:
Several independent and marque autocross clubs, although considerably
less regulated, have offered this type of program for many years without
competition from SCCA®. Since region and member input indicated a
need SCCA® has developed this new program. An added incentive to for-
mulate this program for our membership was the potential to attract new
members from the independent clubs who run this type of event into the
SCCA® Solo® Program.
The Solo® Trials Program has three primary goals:
1. To be a venue for our members to compete in a safe, higher speed Solo®
2. To give SCCA® Regions, previously unable for various reasons to con-
duct Time Trials, a different type of Solo® event to offer current and
potential members; and
3. To develop a cadre of new competitors and organizers experienced in
Solo® Trials events who will be encouraged to consider involvement in
Time Trial Events. With the achievement of these three goals the Solo®
Trials Program will provide a more rounded Solo® program for our
II. Concept
The Solo® Trials Rules specified within this Appendix are an extension
of the Solo® Rules. They are exception or additions to those rules and as
such, if a subject matter is not specific herein, the Solo® Rules governing
that matter shall also govern a Solo® Trials event.
All Solo® Trials Events will generally be run on flat, expansive asphalt or
concrete pavement with very minimal fixed objects present on the course
site. Essentially, these events will be planned for sites such as airport fa-
cilities or very large parking areas that can have a defined perimeter to
control access and be protected from unwanted entry. This program is not
intended for racetrack facilities, which are used for Time Trials events or
shopping mall-type parking lots that are commonly used for Solo® events.
Extremely rare exceptions may be made for racetrack facility usage under
special circumstances when the course design and locations of hazards
present appropriate risks, such as an airport-based facility.
The course will be designated by pylons, and as in other Solo® events,
displacement of these pylons will penalize drivers.
284 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix D - Solo® Trials
Solo® Trials events can be characterized as introductory Time Trials
events, using pylon defined road courses and speeds in excess of those cur-
rently limited in the Solo® program are permitted but are more limited
than for Time Trials events. Approved course designs will not normally
permit potential vehicle speeds of the fastest Street, Street Touring®, or
Street Prepared Category vehicles to exceed 95 mph.
Solo® Trial events will fall under the authority of the Solo® Development
Coordinator (SDC) or designee and under the regulation of the National
Solo® Rules, except as exempted by these Solo® Trials Rules.
III. Procedure for SCCA® Sanction
Regions wishing to participate in the Solo® Trials Program shall comply
with the following:
1. Submit to the SCCA® National Office an event site approval, if appli-
cable, and request for sanction which includes a proposed scale course
design map with surrounding areas indicated.
2. All new sites are required to have an inspection to determine suitability
for this program. Prior approved sites do not need any subsequent in-
spections as long as there have been no changes to the surface or other
safety-related attributes since the initial inspection. Sanction will be
granted after successful completion of course site inspection.
IV. Site Selection and Course Design Approval
Courses shall be placed on relatively level, smooth pavement surfaces and
shall avoid incorporating elevation changes or abrupt high-speed maneu-
vers that could lead to loss of control.
The course design should limit straights (defined as a section of course
where full acceleration is possible, regardless of whether it is totally straight
or not) to a maximum of 1,200 feet, including the braking zone preceding a
subsequent maneuver. The intent of this requirement is for the top speed
of the fastest Solo® Street, Street Touring®, or Street Prepared Category
cars to not normally exceed 95 mph at any point on the course.
The course shall be designed to provide the Chief Steward and the Safety
Steward, or their designated representatives, a direct line of sight to all
portions of the course or radio communications must be provided between
all corner stations and those officials.
Prior event site inspection is mandatory and shall be coordinated with the
Solo® Safety Committee (SSC). The inspection shall be made by the Divi-
sional Solo® Safety Steward (DSSS) or a designated representative of the
SSC. This inspection will ensure that:
1. The proposed course pavement and overall event facility is capable of
supporting a safe event;
2. Proper worker safeguards are available and will be utilized; and
3. The event site can be appropriately secured from unwanted entry by
unauthorized individuals.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 285
Solo® Trials - Appendix D
A safety report on the acceptability of the site shall be filed with the SSC
with copies to the SCCA® National Office. This report shall form the basis
of SCCA® sanction and insurance issuance. Once a course site has been
approved, it need not be inspected again unless there have been changes
in pavement or to surrounding course areas. However, each subsequent
event must go through all other sanction requirements.
V. SCCA® Insurance
Liability and Participant Accident coverage will be provided as indicated
in the SCCA® Insurance Manual.
VI. Event Officials
The Chief Steward and Safety Steward shall be appointed by the Solo®
Chairman of the host Region but may be subject to review by the Solo®
Development Coordinator (SDC) or designee and/or the Divisional Solo®
Safety Steward (DSSS) if there is a need. All other officials may be ap-
pointed by the host Region without review.
All event officials must be SCCA® members in good standing. The selec-
tion of the Chief Steward and the Safety Steward shall be done with utmost
care reflective of the type of event. It is recommended that the Chief Stew-
ard and Safety Steward have Time Trials experience but, as a minimum,
these officials shall have five (5) years Solo® experience as an Event Chair-
man or a Safety Steward.
VII. Entrant Eligibility and Licensing
Drivers must be an SCCA® member, at least 16 years old, and possess a
“full privilege” operator’s (driver’s) license from their state of residence.
Novice drivers may not participate in any Solo® Trials event. Drivers in a
Solo® Trials event must have experience in at least four (4) parking lot-
type Solo® events within the last two (2) years. Proof may be in the form
of event results or a letter from a Regional Executive or a Divisional or
National Solo® Official attesting to the experience level of the prospective
VIII. Workers
Events will operate primarily utilizing competitors, who are not compet-
ing at the moment, as course workers. This practice will duplicate the pro-
cedures currently in place for the Solo® Program. However, it is highly
recommended that experienced Club Racing Flagging and Communica-
tions workers be used in a supervisory capacity. Prior to the beginning of
competition runs, a workers training session will be held in order that each
worker (driver) be familiar with what will be expected of them when they
are placed on station.
IX. Event Safety Requirements
1. A fire vehicle shall be provided that will be equipped to fight car fires.
This vehicle must carry a minimum of 60 lbs. total capacity dry chemi-
cal fire extinguisher(s).

286 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix D - Solo® Trials
2. An ambulance must be on call and available to respond within five (5)
minutes of a telephone call from the event site. A cellular phone must
be available on site to minimize response time in the event of an emer-
gency. At a minimum, one (1) individual certified in Advanced First Aid
by the American Red Cross, or equivalent, along with an extensively
equipped First Aid, kit must be present and available. If this individual
is also a competitor, another certified individual must be on duty while
he or she is competing. It is highly recommended that an ambulance be
stationed on site and staffed with qualified personnel for the duration of
the event.
3. A prearranged safety plan, approved by the SSC, must be in place to
cope with major emergencies.
4. At least 20 lbs. of dry chemical extinguisher (total capacity) must be
provided at each flagging station. Each station shall also be equipped,
at a minimum, with a red and a yellow flag.
5. Radio communication shall be provided from each flagging station to
event officials at the event control point.
6. At a minimum, each station shall have two workers.
7. Each flagging station shall be on the inside approach of its respective
corner and be placed a minimum of 75 ft. from the course edge. It is
highly recommended that the station be located behind a solid protec-
tion barrier such as, but not limited to, concrete, tire wall, or Armco.
X. Vehicle Safety Equipment Requirements
A vehicle safety inspection conducted in accordance with Solo® Rules
Section 3.3.3 must be successfully completed prior to competition.
Competitors and officials are reminded that this inspection must be con-
ducted with consideration to conditions of a Solo® Trials event. The Chief
Steward is authorized to prevent any vehicle from competing that he or
she believes to be inadequate. In addition, vehicles must meet the follow-
ing applicable requirements:
1. Vehicles prepared to Club Racing specifications must meet all current
GCR safety equipment requirements.
2. Vehicles prepared to Time Trials specifications must meet all current
Time Trials safety equipment requirements.
3. Vehicles prepared to Solo® specifications must meet the following ad-
ditional requirements:
A. Street Modified, Prepared, and Modified Category vehicles and all
open vehicles must have a roll bar meeting current Solo® Appendix
C standards. Exception: Open cars may substitute factory hardtops
equipped with bolt-in fasteners. The brace may be removable but
must be the same size/dimension as the tubing used for the hoop and
be attached at the highest possible point on one vertical leg of the roll
bar and the lowest possible point of the other vertical leg of the roll
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 287
Solo® Trials - Appendix D
bar. Bolt-in roll bars are permitted. It is highly recommended that all
Solo® prepared vehicles have roll cages meeting current Club Rac-
ing GCR requirements. Roll cages are highly recommended for all
vehicles and, if installed, must conform to the current GCR.
B. All drivers in SCCA®-sanctioned Solo® Trials events in which
a roll bar or roll cage is installed shall utilize either a five-, six-, or
seven-point restraint harness meeting the following specifications.
A 7-point restraint harness is recommended. Arm restraints are re-
quired on all open cars including open targatops, sunroofs, and T-
tops. The restraint system installation is subject to approval by the
Chief Technical and Safety Inspector.
1. A 5-point system for use in automobiles where the driver is seated
in an upright position consists of:
a. A 3-inch seat belt or an FIA or SFI 16.5 certified 2-inch seat
b. An approximately 3-inch shoulder harnesses or FIA or SFI 16.5
certified 2-inch shoulder harnesses only if the HANS Device is
used by the driver. Should the driver at anytime not utilize the
HANS Device, 3-inch shoulder harnesses are required.
c. An approximately 2-inch anti-submarine strap. A 5-point har-
ness is considered a minimum restraint system. 6- or 7-point
systems are highly recommended in all cars including automo-
biles where the driver is seated in an upright position.
2. A 6- or 7-point system recommended for use in all automobiles
consists of:
a. A 3-inch seat belt or an FIA or SFI certified 2-inch seat belt.
b. An approximately 3-inch shoulder harness or FIA or SFI 16.5
certified 2-inch shoulder harness only if the HANS Device is
used by the driver. Should the driver at anytime not utilize the
HANS Device, 3-inch harnesses are required.
c. 2 or 3 approximately 2-inch leg or anti-submarine straps.
3. The shoulder harnesses shall be the over-the-shoulder type. There
shall be a single release common to the seat belt and shoulder har-
nesses. When mounting belts and harnesses, it is recommended
that they be kept as short as reasonably possible to minimize
stretch when loaded in an accident. The shoulder harness shall
be mounted behind the driver and supported above a line drawn
downward from the shoulder point at an angle of 20° with the
horizontal. The seat itself or anything added only to the seat shall
not be considered a suitable guide. Guides must be a part of the
roll bar/cage or part of the car structure. Only separate shoulder
straps are permitted (Y-type shoulder straps are not allowed). H-
type configuration is allowed.

288 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix D - Solo® Trials
4. The single anti-submarine strap of the 5-point system shall be at-
tached to the floor structure and have a metal-to-metal connec-
tion with the single release common to the seat belt and shoulder
5. The double lag straps of the 6- or 7-point system may be attached
to the floor as above for the 5-point system or be attached to the
seat belt so that the driver sits on them, passing up between his/
her legs and attaching either to the single release common to the
seat belt and shoulder harnesses or attaching to the shoulder har-
ness straps. It is also permissible for the let straps to be secured
at a point common to the seat belt attachment to the structure,
passing under the driver and up between his/her legs to the seat
belt release or shoulder harness straps. All straps shall be free to
run through intermediate loops or clamps/buckles.
6. Each seat belt and shoulder strap of the harness (5-, 6-, or 7-point)
shall have an individual mounting point (i.e., 2 for each seat belt
and 2 for each shoulder strap minimum). 6- or 7-point system an-
ti-submarine straps may share a mounting point with one or both
seat belts. The minimum acceptable bolts used in the mounting
of all belts and harnesses are SAE Grade 5. Where possible, seat
belts, shoulder harnesses, and anti-submarine straps should be
mounted to the roll structure or frame of the car. Where this is not
possible, large diameter mounting washers or equivalent should
be used to spread the load. Bolting through aluminum floor pan-
els, etc., is not acceptable.
7. Unless specifically mentioned herein, compliance with all driv-
er restraint systems that comply with SFI 16.1, SFI 16.5, or FIA
8853/98 is highly recommended.
8. Harness threading must be assembled in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. Tech Inspectors are cautioned to in-
spect all belts and harnesses for wear, looking for abrasions, rips,
tears, or other issues which would make a belt/harness of ques-
tionable value for its intended purpose. Vehicles with such issues
will be prohibited from these events.
Street, Street Touring®, and Street Prepared category vehicles
not equipped with a roll bar or a roll cage may not use an upper
body restraint system other than the factory system.
C. A hand-held fire extinguisher adhering to the following standards is
highly recommended:
1. Halon 1301 or 1211; 2-lb. minimum capacity by weight.
2. Dry chemical; 2-lb. minimum with a positive indicator showing
charge. Chemical: 10BC UL rated – potassium bicarbonate (Pur-
ple K) recommended; 1A-10BC UL rated multipurpose – ammo-
nium phosphate and barium sulfate or Monnex.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 289
Solo® Trials - Appendix D
3. The fire extinguisher shall be securely mounted in the cockpit. All
mounting brackets shall be metal and of the quick-release type.
4. 125 cc shifter karts are permitted with the appropriate driver safety gear
as specified in the Solo® Rules. However, depending upon surface ir-
regularities of the site, the Divisional Solo® Safety Steward (DSSS) may
prohibit these karts. Formula Junior karts are not permitted.
XI. Driver Safety Equipment Requirements
The following equipment must be displayed for Tech Inspection and be
used during competition by all drivers:
1. A helmet meeting the current Solo® requirements as a minimum.
2. All open cars and closed cars that do not have original equipment roll
up windows must be equipped with a window net or the driver must
wear an approved arm restraint system. Vehicles with original equip-
ment roll up windows may compete without either a window net or a
driver arm restraint if the driver side window is rolled up during com-
3. Drivers of open cars shall wear goggles or face shields.
4. SCCA®-compliant fire resistant clothing as listed in the current Club
Racing GCR is highly recommended for drivers of Solo® Street Modi-
fied, Prepared, and Modified Category vehicles, and Club Racing GT,
Production, Formula, and Sports Racing vehicles. This includes suits,
gloves, socks, and shoes. Fire retardant clothing is highly recommended
for all drivers.
5. All drivers must wear 100% cotton (no blends) outer wear that effec-
tively covers the body from neck to ankles and wrists at a minimum. All
drivers must wear shoes that cover the entire foot.

290 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix E - Safety Steward
I. Introduction
A. Purpose
The Solo® Safety Steward (SSS) program is an ongoing training and
licensing program aimed at increasing the safety of SCCA® Solo®
events by highlighting the potential hazards of uncontrolled spectator
viewing areas, uncontrolled spectator movement adjacent to Solo®
courses, and driver/worker safety relative to course design or layout.
The SSS program is being expnaded to include a closer working rela-
tionship with the Junior Driver Program (Appendix H). It is the inten-
tion of the SCCA® that all material contained herein be reviewed with
all students during a Solo® Safety Steward Seminar.
B. Basics and Definitions
Since a major concern of this program is with spectator safety, the first
important item to address is the definition of “spectator.”
There are two groups of people that attend our events, non-participants
and participants. Non-participants are those individuals that have not
signed the SCCA® waiver and participants are those individuals that
have signed the waiver. The words “Non-Participant” and “Spectator”
can be interchangeable, as can the words “Participant” and Driver,
Worker, Crew, or Guest.
Therefore, for the purpose of the Solo® Events program, a spectator is
a non-participant who may be interested in viewing a Solo® event. A
non-participant may remain in a safe viewing area, as designated by the
SSS, without signing a waiver. However, a driver, worker, crewmember,
or anyone else who needs or wants to be in a “hot” area is considered a
participant and must sign the waiver to be in that “hot” area.
The SSS has the responsibility and authority to require that all individ-
uals be prohibited from congregating in areas surrounding the actual
course that would place them in jeopardy from competing vehicles or
entering any “hot” area if they have not signed the waiver.
Although it is imperative that event waivers be signed by anyone enter-
ing a “hot” area, it is not the responsibility of the SSS to execute this
function. This responsibility lies with the event Chairman, who must
reasonably assure that all participants entering a “hot” area sign the
required SCCA® waiver. However, it is the responsibility of the SSS
to confirm that the Chairman, the Waiver Chief, or his/her designee is
actively pursuing the SCCA® waiver requirement.
Participant and non-participant safety is accomplished by establishing
safe viewing areas and then controlling these areas through the use of
physical barriers or the deployment of event workers as Crowd Con-
trol Marshals. It is a reality that participants and non-participants will
typically congregate in areas adjacent to the course “where the action

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 291

Safety Steward - Appendix E
is.” Unfortunately, these action areas may also be the most dangerous
because individuals rarely realize the danger they place themselves in
when viewing a competition event. So they must, in effect, be protected
from themselves as is reasonably possible. Further, it is important that
it be understood that they can be very determined and will use every
available means to accomplish their goal. A SSS must be constantly on
the alert and prepared to act upon potential hazardous situations.
The benefit to be derived from non-participant and participant control
at Solo® events is not limited to safety alone but reaches out to other
areas of concern for SCCA®. It seems to be a fact of life that insurance
premiums continue to rise on a yearly basis. Just as individual personal
insurance policies are subject to rate increases, so are the insurance pol-
icies of SCCA®. The principle manner in which these rate increases can
be held to a minimum is by reducing the overall exposure to the policy.
Reduced exposure of the SCCA® policy equates to stable premiums.
This reduced exposure can be the result of safe event management.
SCCA® Solo® events have an excellent safety record and it is impor-
tant that it be kept that way. Therefore, the purpose of the SEB in initi-
ating the SSS program was twofold:
• to improve overall event safety and
• thereby stabilize insurance costs.
C. Junior Driver Program
The key components of the upgraded Junior Driver Program (JDP) are
focused in four areas; course standards, driver instruction, kart rules/
inspection, and event operations. While there will be some changes
in the Solo® Rules to support these upgrades, the primary tool in ac-
complishing the upgrades will be training programs and materials that
will aim to educate Region officials on Junior Driver best practices and
procedures. The completion of this training will result in the issuance
of licenses to Solo® event officials that will certify Regions to be sanc-
tioned to operate a JDP at their Solo® events. All SCCA® Solo® events
after February 1, 2018 that include a Junior Driver Program must have
licensed JDP officials for the event to be sanctioned.
The following licenses will be issued after training and are required for
sanctioning Solo® events with a Junior Driver Program after February
1, 2018:
• Solo Safety Steward/JDP: Current Solo Safety Stewards (SSS)
can have their license upgraded to include JDP after receiving the
training. The JDP training will be incorporated into ongoing SSS
training for new and renewing stewards, so after a few years we
will revert to just one SSS license instead of two licenses (SSS and
• JDP/Course Design License: If a member is only interested in de-
signing courses and not becoming a SSS, they can take this specif-
292 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix E - Safety Steward
ic part of the training for this license. If the Region does not have
at least one SSS/JDP license holder, they must have a JDP Course
Design license holder. If they do have a SSS/JDP license holder,
a JDP Course Design license holder is not required, although rec-
• Youth Steward License: The current Youth Steward licenses will
lapse as of February 1, 2018 and will be replaced with a license
that will be issued after receiving the upgraded training on driver
instructions and event operations.
• JDP/Tech License: This license will be issued after receiving
training on the proper procedures to do a technical inspection of
the unique components found on a kart.
II. Start of the SSS Program
In the spring of 1976, the SEB reviewed the procedures used to control
spectator-viewing areas. Previously, the efforts of SCCA® toward safety
had been primarily directed at the competitors (i.e., personal safety equip-
ment, vehicle safety equipment, and course safety design). Because of the
potential for non-participant injury resulting from an off-course excursion
of a competition vehicle, it became clear that greater emphasis should be
placed on the establishment of safe viewing areas and the control of these
areas during our events.
A SSS Sub-Committee was formed and, with the assistance of insurance
company representatives, a training program began that would result in
the licensing of SCCA® members in the specialty of spectator control.
Initially, the training program was aimed at Solo1® events and champion-
ship Solo® events. However, because the growth of the Solo® program
had resulted in increased spectator numbers at regional events, the Safety
Steward program was expanded to include every Solo® event sponsored
by an SCCA® Region.
With the success of the Safety Steward program established, the SEB ap-
proved a recommendation to expand a Steward’s area of responsibility
and authority to include driver and worker safety relative to course design.
A SSS must now assure that Section 2.2 (Course Safety and Layout Rules)
is being properly followed for Solo® events and that driver and worker
safety, per the SCCA® approved event site plan, is being followed for all
Solo® events. As with all recommendations made by a Steward for spec-
tator safety, recommendations made for driver or worker safety must be
addressed to the satisfaction of the Steward. Failure of the host region to
make adequate corrections may initiate procedures for cancellation of the
event for safety reasons and event insurance withdrawal.
Every Solo® event must have a licensed SSS on duty at all times. Since this
is necessary for insurance coverage, failure to meet this requirement will
void the host region’s insurance for the event.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 293

Safety Steward - Appendix E
III. Divisional Solo® Safety Steward
The Divisional Solo® Safety Steward (DSSS) is responsible for the train-
ing and license recommendations (new or upgrades) of members in his/
her division. Further, since it is mandatory for all Solo® regions to have a
Safety Steward in attendance at their events, it is the responsibility of the
DSSS to make sure that this requirement is being fulfilled.
IV. Appointment of SSS for Solo® Events
The appointment of a SSS for regional Solo® events is the responsibility
of the Regional Executive of the host region or his/her designee. In quite a
few regions, this authority for regional Solo® events is transferred to the
Region’s Solo® Chairman and this is an acceptable practice.
The SSC (Introductory Section I.5, Solo® Safety Committee) appoints
the SSS, and deputies as required, for all National Solo® Championship
events, subject to the approval of the Solo® Events Board (SEB).
The event manager will appoint the SSS for National Tour and ProSolo®
Events. The hosting region normally suggests candidates.
V. Procedures for Becoming a SSS
A. SSS Licensing Requirements
There are three grades of Solo® Safety Steward licenses.
1. Solo® Safety Steward (SSS)
2. Solo® Safety Instructor (SSI)
3. Senior Solo® Safety Steward (Senior SSS)
B. Interested members, 18 years of age or older, should communicate with
the DSSS of their division or their Regional Safety Steward/Instructor,
expressing a desire to become a SSS. An application will be forwarded
to the member, or the member can obtain the application from an in-
structor at a classroom seminar or at the SCCA® web site (www.scca.
This application must be completed and returned to the Divisional
Solo® Safety Steward (DSSS) following the completion of the training
C. Complete the SSS training. Training involves two phases:
1. Seminar (classroom) instruction: Seminar instruction is mandatory
for all members wishing to obtain a license and must be given by a
qualified Safety Steward authorized by the SSC as an Instructor.
2. Practical instruction: Act as assistant (Deputy) to a licensed Safety
Steward at two separately sanctioned Solo® events.
D. The DSSS may, based upon the qualifications of the applicant, approve
the license application. SCCA® Member Services shall be advised of
each approval and will issue each license.
E. SCCA® Member Services shall issue a renewal application every three
(3) years, pending completion of the appropriate number of events and
294 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix E - Safety Steward
continuing education as a Solo® Safety Steward. All requests for such
renewals shall be made by submitting a renewal application with the
appropriate number of events and the continuing education class date
recorded in the application. During each three-year licensing period,
the SSS must participate in one (1) continuing education seminar and
serve as a SSS at five (5) events. The DSSS shall be responsible for con-
firmation of participation in the continuing education process. The re-
newal date each third year is the same as membership renewal.
F. The requirements pertaining to licenses may be waived by the SSC,
except for the attendance at a seminar. Continuing education require-
ments for SSI may be satisfied by attending a SSS seminar conducted by
another instructor or conducting one seminar each year.
G. Senior Solo® Safety Steward (Senior SSS) License
Intent: A Senior Solo® Safety Steward license should be a tool for
keeping long-standing, experienced stewards involved with the pro-
gram even if they are not as active as a regular licensee is currently re-
quired. A Senior grade license shall be a specially appointed, restricted
license, wherein the annual work history is waived during a renewal.
The Solo® Safety Committee considers this license to be an emeritus
status. As such, the Senior Solo® Safety Steward licenses will be limited
to no more than five (5) persons per year who will be appointed by vote
of the Solo® Safety Committee (SSC). Renewal requests shall be made
to the SSC Chairperson.
The Senior SSS license shall be subject to the following restrictions:
1. A Senior grade license applicant shall be a currently licensed SSS
holding a “regular” or Instructor license.
2. The Applicant must have had a “regular” SSS license for at least 20
continuous years in order to apply for this license grade (SCCA® can
verify first license issuance date and continuous service).
3. After appointment, the license is valid for a 3-year term unless re-
scinded by the SSC. The requirement to serve as a SSS or SSI at
events during the license period is waived.
4. The Senior SSS licensee shall serve in SSS roles for emergency pur-
poses only (i.e., in case a region needs a SSS during an event heat
or an event heat when a regular license holder is not available). A
Senior SSS license holder cannot be named in the capacity as “Solo®
Safety Steward of Record” on a sanction application. A Senior license
holder cannot be used on a regular basis to address the inability of an
SCCA® Region to assign a “regular” SSS license holder.
5. Relative to an event Solo® Safety Steward of Record, a Senior SSS li-
cense holder shall act only in an advisory position and shall not have
the capacity to overrule the decisions of that named license holder.
6. Upon a request for renewal, the applicant must review “What is a
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 295
Safety Steward - Appendix E
Safety Steward?” and “Solo® Safety Steward Summary” as a refresh-
er course on the SCCA website and submit the results with their re-
newal application to the SSC Chairperson.
VI. Procedures for Becoming a SSS Instructor
A. A member that is a licensed SSS may obtain an application from their
Divisional Solo® Safety Steward (DSSS) or the SCCA® web site (www.
B. The application must be completed and sent to the DSSS along with a
letter of recommendation from an SEB member, a Director, an instruc-
tor who has worked with the applicant, or the applicant’s Regional Ex-
C. The DSSS may, or may not, approve the application and he/she will
forward it to the SCCA® National Office for distribution to the SSC. The
SSC will approve/deny the application based on the following criteria:
1. The applicant must have at least two (2) years of experience as a li-
censed SSS.
2. The applicant must have officiated as a SSS in at least five (5) events
in the past two (2) years.
3. The applicant must have received a positive letter of recommenda-
tion from his/her DSSS.
These requirements may be waived on an individual basis by the SSC.
Instructor licenses will be automatically renewed when the member’s
SSS License is renewed unless the SSC instructs the National Office oth-
VII. Solo® Events at Racing Facilities
With the dwindling availability of parking lot sites, some regions have
utilized racetracks. Go-kart tracks have been used quite successfully by
Solo® regions and, on occasion, so have some road racing or stock car rac-
ing tracks. Unfortunately, road racing and stock car racing tracks usually
offer hazards that are sometimes overlooked by the local region or, for that
matter, by Safety Stewards.
The word “hazard” is specifically mentioned in the Solo® Rules because it
is the word we use to define what is acceptable to the Solo® program from
a safety standpoint and what is not.
Solo® Rules Section 2.1 states in part that “... hazards must not exceed
those encountered in legal highway travel.” At many race facilities where
the racing surface is used for a Solo® event, there usually are guardrails,
concrete walls, fences and/or other structures in close proximity to the
intended path of competing vehicles. If proper course design has not been
followed, an incident may take place that can, at a minimum, result in
vehicle body damage.
Our competitors are rarely, if ever, asked to perform maneuvers such as
slalom during normal highway driving. When we do ask them to negotiate
296 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix E - Safety Steward
such a maneuver at a parking lot Solo® event, we do so in an environment
where they won’t injure themselves or damage their vehicles if they fail to
complete that aspect of the course. Simply put, there is nothing around for
them to hit if they lose control of their vehicle.
Section 2.2 states in part that, “The course boundary shall not pass clos-
er than 25 feet from solid objects” (walls, guard rails, fences, buildings,
poles). It should be noted that racing surfaces at most racetracks are not
much wider than 30-35 feet and normally do have solid objects on their
pavement edges. Therefore, in such situations where we ask competitors
to perform Solo® maneuvers; we may provide the potential for having
“hazards” that could exceed those that would be encountered under nor-
mal highway travel.
While race facilities are very well designed for the safety of workers and
spectators, the track itself is usually not well designed for Solo® events.
In order to maintain top speeds within the acceptable range for Solo®, it
is necessary to slow cars down with maneuvers such as offset gates or sla-
loms. Two problems occur with this. One is that the usually narrow track
affords very little runoff room between the course (i.e., edge of a gate or
pylon) and the edge of the pavement. Worse, often the edge of the track
at a road racing facility is an Armco barrier or cement wall. Secondly, the
two typical situations arising in the effort to maintain Solo® type speeds
are the placement of pyloned maneuvers just as vehicles reach danger-
ous speeds (resulting in the potential for cars to get out of control at high
speed) or the overabundance of pylons in an effort to keep speeds low re-
sulting in a “busy” and unpleasant course. One approach to solving this
dilemma is to control the exit speed of turns rather than the entrance.
Whatever solution is chosen, these problems must be dealt with carefully
by experienced Solo® Officials, in order to successfully meet the challenge
of designing a safe and fun Solo® course on a racetrack.
VIII. Responsibilities of a SSS
A SSS is responsible for non-participant and participant safety. In order
that this attention is directed toward event safety at all times, a Safety
Steward may not serve in any other official capacity during an event. In
fact, a Safety Steward may not compete in a Solo® event at which he/she
officiates unless another licensed Safety Steward is present to perform his/
her duties while he/she is competing.
Spectator safety at an event means spectator control. If a Solo® event is
run at an approved racing facility, the management of the facility has prob-
ably already addressed spectator control by the use of fencing, concrete
barricades, and/or the use of bleachers in protected areas. It is important
that the Divisional Solo® Safety Steward visit the event site prior to the
event to see if any physical barriers or Crowd Control Marshals are needed
and to designate safe spectator viewing areas.
The Divisional Solo® Safety Steward (DSSS), prior to the scheduled event,
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 297
Safety Steward - Appendix E
should make this advance visit with a representative of the host Region
or the event’s chairman so that ideas and recommendations for spectator
control can be implemented. If an event site is to be used many times dur-
ing the year, one visit to the site prior to the first event is usually all that
is needed.
Note: Spectator Solo® events must also have prior approval pertaining
to event safety and such approval and safety requirements are outlined
in a letter and/or Insurance Certificate sent to the host region by the SSC
Chairman and SCCA® Risk Management. Information and/or detailed
maps pertaining to spectator, driver, and worker safety requirements for
Spectator Solo® events can be obtained by contacting the event chair-
man. The SSS must implement such requirements prior to and during the
running of the event. However, this does not preclude further restrictions
mandated by the SSS as the need arises.
In viewing an event site prior to or during an event, a Safety Steward must
focus on taking proper precautions (those that would be taken by reason-
able, prudent people) to eliminate danger to spectators from competing
vehicles and to assure driver and worker safety through proper course
design and layout. With the addition of karts to the Solo® program, spe-
cial attention should be paid to potential low-lying hazards adjacent to
the course. In viewing all potential spectator areas adjacent to the course,
the Safety Steward should consider the probability of competing vehicles
entering this area due to driver error or mechanical failure. Consideration
should also be given to vehicle component explosions, (i.e., engine, fly-
wheel, and/or clutch) and proper precautions taken in this regard. If there
is a reasonable expectation of spectator danger, appropriate recommenda-
tions for the safety of spectators shall be made to the Event Chairman or
Chief Steward, whichever is applicable.
The Safety Steward’s recommendations may include the placement of a
restraining physical barrier in the spectator problem area, assignment
of Crowd Control Marshals for the area, moving spectators further back
from the course, completely eliminating the area as a spectator viewing
location, movement or redesign of the course, or the relocation of worker
stations. Discussions with the Event Chairman or Chief Steward should
include all of these options and a solution should be agreed upon prior to
the start of the event.
Although it should be noted that the Event Chairman or Chief Steward is
as concerned about safety as the Safety Steward, certain aspects of event
safety are the sole responsibility of the SSS. Therefore, a Safety Steward’s
final recommendation(s) for the control of spectators, and driver or worker
safety (relative to course design) becomes mandatory for the host region.
It is the responsibility of the host region to implement safety controls to
the satisfaction of the SSS. Failure of a region to implement these controls
can cause the cancellation of the event for safety reasons, which include

298 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix E - Safety Steward
loss of insurance coverage as outlined in the Introductory Section I.4.
A. The Use Of Deputy Solo® Safety Stewards
In order to increase safety control of Solo® Events or for training pur-
poses, Deputy Safety Stewards may be appointed by the SSS in charge
of the event. They may be trainees or licensed Safety Stewards. If train-
ees are used, proper instructions shall be given so that the students are
familiar with their responsibilities and duties. Remember however, a
trainee may not be utilized as a replacement for a licensed Safety Stew-
ard when that Safety Steward is competing, only a fully licensed Stew-
ard may be used in this situation. When Deputies are used at an event,
their license application, should be signed-off by the Safety Steward to
indicate the proper performance of the duties assigned.
B. Visiting Solo® Safety Steward
The officiating Solo® Safety Steward is responsible for his/her own
event. A visiting SSS has no authority to alter a decision of the offici-
ating SSS unless that visiting SSS is also the Divisional Solo® Safety
Steward for the Division in which the event is being held, or is a mem-
ber of the SCCA® National Solo® Safety Committee. Such intervention
on the part of the Divisional Solo® Safety Steward (DSSS) or SSC mem-
ber should be used infrequently and only after suggesting altered safety
procedures to the officiating SSS. It should be limited to a situation in
which the DSSS or SSC member identifies a serious safety risk, which
he/she feels is not being adequately addressed by the officiating SSS.
All visiting Safety Stewards should make their recommendations
known. However, these recommendations shall not be binding unless
issued by one of the parties listed above.
Note: It is the responsibility of every SSS to file a report concerning the
conduct of an event with the DSSS and the SCCA® National Office if
such conduct is sub-standard to the safety requirements of the Solo®
C. Minimum Viewing Distances
A minimum distance of 75 feet from the course edge shall be maintained
for all unprotected viewing areas (areas without adequate barrier pro-
tection such as concrete walls or highway dividers).
For Spectator Solo® events, minimum viewing distances and viewing
area locations have been predetermined by SCCA® after reviewing in-
formation submitted by the host region(s). It is the responsibility of the
officiating SSS to obtain this viewing restriction information prior to
the event and implement the stated requirements. However, the offici-
ating SSS may require additional restriction as the situation warrants.
In all cases when reviewing potential viewing boundaries, special atten-
tion should be paid to the START and FINISH areas, timing truck and
scoreboard areas, and any areas where a competitor is directed towards

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 299

Safety Steward - Appendix E
people, as well as turns near potential viewing locations.
D. Administrative Details On The Day Of The Event
1. Verify that the SCCA® Insurance Certificate for the event has been
issued and is posted in clear view of all competitors. This should be
done either by visual inspection of the certificate or by telephone
confirmation with SCCA® Risk Management.
2. Review course to ascertain that all reasonable precautions have been
taken with regard to non-participant and participant safety, that
driver safety relative to course design (Section 2.1) has been followed
and that all worker stations have been located in safe areas. At Spec-
tator Solo® events, assure compliance with the Course Inspection/
Approval Report.
3. Site boundaries should be designated by permanent barrier (fence,
wall, railing, etc.) and/or a temporary barrier (barricade tape,
streamers, barricades, rope, etc.). Such site designation would in-
clude course area and paddock. Event officials should control access
only to participants.
4. Review event operations with other key event officials.
5. Conduct a meeting with Crowd Control Marshals and/or course
workers prior to start of the event.
6. Make final course inspection just prior to the start of competition
each day or at resumption of competition when the event has been
stopped for any extended period.
7. Refer to Section 2.2.D and Appendix G.11.A.1 for rules on kart course
design and the authority and responsibility of the Solo Safety Stew-
8. In case of non-compliance with safety requirements, the following
steps shall be taken:
a. Advise the Chief Steward (Solo® Championship events) or Event
Chairman (Solo® Regional events) of infraction and request im-
mediate corrective measures is taken before next car runs.
b. If step a. above has not resulted in corrective action, inform the
Chief Steward or Event Chairman that the event is shut down until
such corrective action is taken.
c. If step b. above is not sufficient, advise the Chief Steward or the
Event Chairman that the insurance and sanction for the event is
SUSPENDED and continued operation of the event is at the in-
dividual’s own risk. All participants shall be notified by whatever
means possible. A copy of a memorandum of record (a hand-writ-
ten note) shall be given to the Chief Steward or Event Chairman
suspending the event for safety reasons.
d. If step c. above does not result in immediate corrective measures,
phone the appropriate persons to cancel the event for safety rea-
300 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix E - Safety Steward
E. Cancellation Of Event By A Solo® Safety Steward
As noted above, the SSS has the authority to cancel the event for safety
reasons if there is a lack of spectator control and spectator safety is in
jeopardy, if course design does not adhere to Section 2.2, or if partici-
pant safety is in jeopardy. Both SCCA® and its insurance broker give
this authority.
However, every attempt should be made to correct the safety problem
before cancellation of the event is contemplated. Insurance/sanction
cancellation is irrevocable and should only be utilized as a last resort.
If it becomes necessary to cancel an event for safety reasons, call
SCCA® Sanction:

1-800-770-2055 Option 6
F. Reporting An Incident
If one of the following incidents occur:
• Spectator or participant fatality
• Serious participant injury (requiring off-site medical treatment)
• Any spectator injury
1. Call the SCCA® Critical Incident Hotline immediately!

2. Complete and email (or fax) the SCCA® Incident Report Form (fill-
able electronically) and original waiver to:
• kk.claims@kandkinsurance.com (fax 312-381-9079)
• SCCAOnlineClaims@HSRI.com (fax 972-512-5816)
• Incident@scca.com (fax 785-232-7214)
• Divisional Solo® Safety Steward (DSSS).
3. Within one business day of the event, call your Divisional Solo®
Safety Steward (DSSS) and report incident.
If one of the following incidents occurs:
• Minor participant injury (no medical assistance required).
• Property damage (damage to a competition vehicle is considered
property damage).
1. Complete and email the SCCA® Incident Report Form (fillable) to:
• kk.claims@kandkinsurance.com
• Incident@scca.com
• Your Divisional Solo® Safety Steward (DSSS).
2. Within one business day of the event, call your Divisional Solo®

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 301

Safety Steward - Appendix E
Safety Steward (DSSS) and report incident.
Since the inception of the SSS program in 1976, a Solo® event has never
been canceled for safety reasons. This is a direct result of the understand-
ing by the membership of the importance of safety at our Solo® events.
The cooperation of all event officials toward the goal of having a safe event
has been most evident. However, the past safety record should never be
taken for granted or the safety concerns of SCCA® relaxed — the potential
for injury is always present.
Solo® Safety Stewards, Chief Stewards, Event Chairmen, and host regions
have the ability to reduce the possibility of injury and, by so doing, protect
the insurability of all future Solo® events. It is extremely important that
this ability be utilized to its maximum extent.
To enhance the safety of Solo® events by defining the responsibilities,
authority, and role of the SSS concerning spectators and participants at
all Solo® events.
Authority is per the SCCA® Solo® Rules Introductory Section I.4.
Solo® Safety Committee (SSC):
This committee administers the program.
Liability Of Solo® Safety Steward (SSS):
Each official is protected by being an additional insured under the
SCCA® liability insurance policy. SCCA® will stand by any action or
decision made by a SSS in the course of his or her duties.
Reasonable Action:
A SSS is responsible for taking reasonable action to protect the safety
of participants and non-participants. A SSS will not be held responsible
for any incident or hazard that could not be reasonably foreseen and
protected against.
Definition Of A Spectator:
A spectator is defined as any non-participant or one not signing the
Definition Of A Participant: Driver, Crew, Worker, Or Guest:
A driver, crewmember, worker or guest or any other individual who has
signed the waiver is a “participant.” Participant safety, other than driver
personal safety equipment or vehicle safety is the responsibility of the
Viewing Distance:
Except as noted below, the SSS for the event has the authority and re-
sponsibility to initiate and maintain safe viewing distances (75 feet min-

302 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix E - Safety Steward
imum) from the course. The exceptions to this authority and responsi-
bility regard Spectator Solo® events, which require prior approval by
the SSC and SCCA® Risk Management.
Overlapping Responsibility:
A SSS is responsible for his or her own event. A SSS visiting other re-
gional events has no authority or responsibility to alter a decision of the
officiating SSS in attendance unless that visiting SSS is the Divisional
Solo® Safety Steward for the Division in which the event is being held
or a member of the SCCA® National Solo® Safety Committee.
However, a visiting Safety Steward does have a responsibility to notify
SCCA® of any substandard safety related problems.
Plurality Of Duties:
A SSS may not hold any other positions while administrating the duties
of a Safety Steward.
Deputy Solo® Safety Steward:
A SSS may appoint a deputy or deputies to help in the administration of
his/her duties. SSS license applicants may be used in this capacity for
the purposes of training.
Crowd Control Marshals:
The Safety Steward’s recommendations may include the placement of a
restraining physical barrier in the spectator problem area, assignment
of Crowd Control Marshals for the area, moving spectators farther back
from the course, completely eliminating the area as a spectator view-
ing location, movement or redesign of the course, or the relocation of
worker stations. Discussions with the Event Chairman or Chief Steward
should include all of these options and a solution should be agreed upon
prior to the start of the event.
If Crowd Control Marshals are used, they do not need to be licensed
Solo® Safety Stewards or even Solo® Safety Steward trainees. They do,
however, need to be RESPONSIBLE adults - not minors. Crowd Control
Marshals shall be appointed by and responsible to the designated Event
Solo® Safety Steward and shall be briefed about their responsibilities
by that Safety Steward prior to the start of the event.
Crowd Control Marshals, if used, should be on duty during every heat
and should, if possible, wear some type of distinctive clothing (like
bright orange baseball caps, highly visible tee shirts, or reflective mesh
vests) to distinguish them from other workers or event officials.
Participation Log:
Solo® events which have been worked as a Solo® Safety Steward, a
Deputy Safety Steward, a Safety Steward trainee, etc. can be recorded
online at www.scca.com from the profile page.
General Disclaimer Of Liability:
The above Appendix E is not intended to be and shall not be a warranty
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 303
Safety Steward - Appendix E
or representation that its adoption shall mean that Solo® events are
free from hazards or risks. Solo® events are motorsports events that
involve activities that may be hazardous or dangerous to both specta-
tors and participants. All such participants and spectators attend and/
or participate in such events at their own risk. Further, SCCA® can not
and does not guarantee that the adoption of this Appendix shall mean
that any or all of its requirements will at all times be enforced or imple-
mented and SCCA® assumes no liability with regard to such enforce-
ment or implementation or lack thereof.

304 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix F - Clarifications
Whenever a competitor remains unsure of the legality of certain configu-
rations after studying the rules carefully, he/she is encouraged to obtain a
clarification by writing the Solo® Events Board. The SEB will attempt to
respond as soon as possible. If events require a deadline for a response,
the SEB will attempt to accommodate that deadline.
The requesting member must be aware that clarifications are general state-
ments of principle offered in good faith and are designed to clarify intent,
but they do not afford specific cars permanent protection from subsequent
protest and disqualification. Nor are the responses from the SEB invio-
lable instructions to protest committees. This is because in most cases the
SEB is responding to a specific or limited question and operating only on
information supplied by the interested party which cannot be guaranteed
by the SEB to be complete. Photos and descriptions provided for the SEB’s
consideration may not be clear or may not portray the information in the
full light of issues of information that may subsequently be considered by
a protesting party. Due to the volume of mail, the SEB cannot research
each item for the competitor. Even if it could, it could not assure that new
information would not be forthcoming at a future date.
The rules are constantly evolving as the pressures of competition induce
competitors to exploit each and every facet of the rules. Such competitors
may discover and act in good faith on an entirely new interpretation that
the SEB feels compelled to pronounce compliant according to the letter
of the rules but in fact circumvents the rulesmakers’ original intent and
may result in a long-term disservice to the majority of competitors if al-
lowed to stand. In these cases the SEB will revise the rule but only after
going through the required rules change process. Therefore it is always
in the competitor’s best interest to obtain a clarification before investing
large amounts of time, money and effort in an interpretation which may
be shortlived. Such rulings will be accompanied by the appropriate caveats
that the SEB is considering such a change.
In the extreme, some competitors feel the need to base their efforts largely
on clever re-interpretations of rules rather than driving prowess or en-
gineering skill based on common principles offered in good faith by the
SEB and accepted by the majority at face value. Such efforts are constantly
challenging the SEB and those who pursue this route must accept the risks
they take when they exploit loopholes that clearly are not in the best inter-
est of the membership at large. In such cases, the interests of the majority
must ultimately hold sway over “fairness” to the individual.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 305

Clarifications - Appendix F

37 37

7 CS


The illustration is intended as an example to help guide competitors in the
placement and sizing of their numbers and class letters.
The Official Times, which include copies of the Master Time Log with pen-
alties included and the Course Incident Reports, will be posted after each
run. If a computer malfunction occurs and a printout cannot be posted,
this will not delay the start of the next runs; however, every effort will be
made to have a computer printout of preliminary results after each run.
The Course Incident Report sheets will be picked up halfway through each
run from each corner station and posted as part of the Official Results.
These supersede the penalty portion of the Master Time Log if there is a
discrepancy in cone counts or DNFs. The reason for picking up the Course
Incident Report sheets halfway through each run is so that the competi-
tors who run in the beginning of the heat will be able to see the times and
cone counts before their next run.
Theoretically, downtime should only occur when the corner sheets are be-
ing picked up (approximately two minutes).
It is the competitor’s responsibility to bring any posting discrepancies to
the attention of the Chief of Course, who will then confer with the Chief of
Timing. This can be done without having to go through the Protest proce-
dures; however, if a competitor feels that he/she has not received a sat-
isfactory action or reply from the Chief of Course, the next step is to go
through the Protest procedure.

306 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix F - Clarifications
A Scott Russell linkage is a locating device similar to a panhard rod or a
Watts linkage, which generally accompanies a solid axle rear suspension.
Manufacturer documentation (e.g., catalog listing, original “Monroney”
window sticker) is considered sufficient to determine whether a tire meets
the UTQG Treadwear Grade requirement.
Acura RSX Type S Subwoofer
In accordance with Section 13.2.f, the Acura RSX Type S subwoofer may
be removed with the spare tire.
Air Conditioning
Street category cars with optional air conditioning are allowed to com-
pete without the belt in place. Additionally, the entire air conditioning
system may be removed, but any related components (springs, radiator,
etc.) that are part of an air conditioning package must be returned to
standard parts for the standard model (non-air conditioned). Removal
of part of the air conditioning system is allowed only if no other compo-
nents for the car differ between models equipped with and without air
conditioning (i.e., springs, radiator, etc).
Air conditioning may be added to any car as a “comfort and conve-
nience” item, provided it serves no other purpose and other compo-
nents are not added or deleted unless otherwise authorized by the cur-
rent Solo® Rules. If a factory option, may be removed and backdated
as an assembly or separate components of the system may be removed
(i.e., individual under-hood components only).
Air Filter Element
The engine air filter element may be removed or replaced provided the
air flow path remains as originally designed (i.e., no additional open-
ings). No other components of the air induction system may be re-
moved, replaced, or modified.
Chevrolet Corvette Spare Tire Cover
The spare tire cover on a Corvette (C4 chassis) may be removed when
the spare tire is removed as allowed by Section 13.2.F.
Coil Spring Perches
The intent of the Street Category allowance for alternate shock absorb-
ers is that the dimensional characteristics of the shock absorber and
spring location must remain consistent with those of the original units,
as per Section 13.5.A.3. In the case of coil spring perches on aftermar-
ket shocks, the vertical distance of the spring position above the lower
shock mounting point must be no less than the distance found on the
original equipment unit. If the characteristics of the shock (e.g., gas
pressure) are such that this positioning results in a change in the car’s
ride height, that change is permitted.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 307
Clarifications - Appendix F
Control Arm Spacers - Chevrolet Corvette (1984+)
The spacers located on the fasteners for the front upper control arms
may not be removed or modified to gain additional camber/caster. Only
the shims may be removed.
Dodge SRT-4 (2005) Front Strut Measurement
Per documentation from SRT, the correct front struts for a 2005 Dodge
SRT4 ACR have a lower knuckle hole to spring seat height of 229.6 mm.
The 2003-2005 non-ACR strut is 10 mm longer at 239.6mm.
Engine Modifications
Allowed engine modifications in the Street, Street Touring®, and Street
Prepared category:
The clarifications below reflect the basic premise of all the Solo® prep-
aration rules that only modifications specifically designated by the rules
are allowed.
a. Heads and/or blocks may only be trued (shaved) to the service limit
specified in the factory workshop manual. If a service limit is not
specified, then the head and/or block may not be trued (shaved) and
must be used at the specified original dimension.
b. Camshafts are not considered normally expendable items, therefore
they must not only meet original specifications but they must be
from the original manufacturer. Aftermarket units are not allowed.
Factory Recalls
Factory recalls fall under the requirements of Section 13.0, which states
“…Street category cars must be run as specified by the factory...” Re-
calls designated by the factory as being installed only in response to
complaints are considered optional and allow for both specifications
(pre- and post-recall) to be valid. However, if the manufacturer issues a
mandatory recall, only the most current specification is valid. The U.S.
government provides recall information via telephone.
GM ECU Reflash
The Technical Service Bulletin #06-06-04-051 regarding engine recali-
bration (i.e., an ECU reflash) of the Solstice ZOK and Cobalt SS is not le-
gal for Street category use since it is specified for competition purposes
and thus does NOT meet the requirements of Sections 3.8.A, 12.4, and
GM Steering Knuckles
The competition-only steering knuckles for the Cobalt, G5, and ION, as
specified in Service Information Document #1864485, do not meet the
requirements of the Street category.
Harness Bar
A harness bar which attaches only between the upper seat belt mounts
on the B pillars complies with Section 13.2.H provided the constraints

308 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix F - Clarifications
of Section 13.2.H are met.
Retractable headlights may only be positioned in configurations in-
tended by the manufacturer. This means that a partially-up position is
only permitted if it can be attained via a designed intermediate position
of the switch used to raise and lower the headlight pods.
Intercoolers may not be packed with any type of ice during runs.
Lotus Elise battery cover
The plastic Elise battery cover may be considered to be a “loose item” in
reference to Section 3.3.3.B.1 and may be removed during competition.
Lotus Elise Sport Pack
The Lotus Sport Suspension (known as the Sport Pack) is a factory op-
tion package for the Lotus Elise which is eligible for Street category
competition. It should not be confused with the 2006 Lotus Sport Elise,
which is a limited-production model (50 cars) developed by Lotus Sport
(a division of Lotus Cars which develops high performance upgrade
components for Lotus vehicles).
Lotus Elise Wheel Sensor Shims
The wheel speed/cruise control sensor “shims” on a Lotus Elise are
considered a dual-purpose item, since they also affect available camber
range and may not be removed.
Mazda Miata Anti-Roll Bar Mounts
For the purposes of Section 13.7, the upper (flat) and lower (U-shaped)
mounting brackets for the front anti-roll bar on a Miata are both con-
sidered to be anti-roll bar brackets.
Mazda Miata Bump Stop/Dust Boot
On a Mazda Miata with an integral bump stop/dust boot configuration,
the OE boot may be detached from the OE bump stop and removed,
replaced, or modified under the allowances of Section 13.5.D.
Mazda Miata Hardtop Brackets
A Miata in CSP may have the OE hardtop attached using Club
Racing Spec Miata brackets rather than the OE top latches per
Section 13.2.A allowances for comfort and convenience modifications.
Mazda Miata Option Conversions
Only the year model 2007 Miata may be converted to the MS-R pack-
MINI Cooper Jacking Pucks
The four black jacking pucks underneath Mini Coopers may be removed
before competition for safety reasons. These are considered somewhat
similar to a wheel center cap in the type of hazard they can present if
they come off the car at speed during competition.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 309
Clarifications - Appendix F
Porsche M96/M97 Engine Intermediate Shaft (IMS) Bearing
Replacement of the IMS bearing with a similar part which serves the same pur-
pose is compliant with the new Section 13.1 allowance for common-sense re-
Push Rod Guide Plates
Push rod guide plates are only allowed in Street, Street Touring®, or
Street Prepared when installed as original equipment by the vehicle
manufacturer or when the factory service manual allows push rod guide
plates as an acceptable repair method.
Seat Padding (applies to Solo® only)
Cushions may be used for the purpose of bringing the driver within
reach of the controls of a vehicle. The word “cushion” means a freestand-
ing pillow, towel, blanket, or similar article consisting of foam rubber,
feathers, or comparable materials. Such cushions may not be attached
either to the vehicle or to the driver’s body. Prohibited means of attach-
ment include, but are not limited to the following: straps, hooks, snaps,
loop-type fasteners (e.g., Velcro), adhesives, or similar aids. The intent
of this allowance is to enable the driver to more comfortably operate
the controls of the vehicle without enhancing the driver seat’s ability to
hold the driver in place.
Shock Absorbers
Section 13.5.D does not apply to the following aspect of this configura-
tion: The hole in the metal and rubber shock absorber bushing found at
the top of the shock absorber in the suspension of a Mazda Miata may
be enlarged to accommodate the diameter of the shaft of a replacement
shock absorber.
Shock Absorbers/Struts, Electronically-controlled
Section 13.5.A.5 permits electronically controlled shocks to be replaced
with non-electronically controlled shocks: Converting from Electronic
Shocks to non-electronically controlled shocks is permitted; Option
package conversions must be complete including ECU programing and
any/all applicable electronic components. You may disconnect or cut
a wire connection at the shock absorber but you may not remove or
reprogram any other related electronic components. A resulting error
message, code or dashboard light is allowed but it should be noted that
some cars performance may be limited post shock removal due to OEM
ECU or stability control programming. Non-OEM documented meth-
ods used to defeat any resulting fault/error codes are not permitted.
Devices may be added to satisfy the ECU that the OEM shock is still
installed; Such devices may perform no other function.
Shock Bushings
For BMW E36 and E46 models, Section 13.5.B permits the removal
of the shock bushing from the rear shock upper mounting plate (e.g.,

310 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix F - Clarifications
drilling, cutting, burning out the bushing) and replacing it with another
bushing. This also includes shock bushings located in control arms, etc.
This does not allow other modifications to the plate itself or use of an
alternate plate.
Spare Tire Covers
A spare tire cover which can be secured in place by original fasteners,
such as bolts, nuts, snaps, straps, etc., is not normally considered a
“loose item” and thus is not removable under the provisions of safe-
ty inspection requirements. Covers which cannot be secured by such
means may be removed. A cover which is secured to the spare itself, and
thus becomes a loose object when the spare tire is removed as allowed
by Section 13.2.F, may be removed with the tire. Competitors who are in
doubt as to whether such a tire cover is correctly viewed as a loose item
are advised to leave it in place.
Suspension Adjustment
The Street category suspension adjustment allowances do not allow
non-factory-authorized use of eccentric or smaller bolts. Factory autho-
rized crash repair methods may only be applied to the extent needed to
restore the suspension to within it specified range of adjustment. The
crash repair methods referred to would include such methods as frame,
unibody or suspension component straightening (bending) or unlim-
ited grinding of attachment holes.
Section 13.8 does allow the use of factory authorize methods of adjust-
ment for non-competitive use which have a specific, physical limit. Ex-
amples would include the alternate size bolts authorized by VW for the
Golf and the grinding of strut mounting holes to a specific dimension
authorized by GM for J-cars. Any alignment specifications resulting
from these authorized methods are allowed.
Subaru Impreza WRX and WRX Options
The following port-installed options on the Subaru WRX, are listed
when installed on the vehicle’s window sticker and pending evidence to
the contrary are considered compliant: carbon fiber trim, turbo boost
gauge, titanium shift knob, short throw shifter, rear diff protector,
spoilers, and arm rest extension.
“Third Spring” Shock Absorbers
The Penske “Hydraulic Third Spring” shock absorber configurations,
and any others like them, are not allowed by the Street category rules.
Welding and Option Package Conversion
Option package changes which require welding to be accomplished are
allowed provided they comply with the rule requiring that the option
package conversion be complete and supported by factory documenta-

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 311

Clarifications - Appendix F
Section 14.10.B specifically allows the modification of air intake tract
system components up to the engine inlet as defined therein. The same
rule specifically prohibits modifying the existing structure of the car to
accommodate the allowed intake tract system modifications. The facto-
ry partitions surrounding the MINI Cooper and MINI Cooper S air fil-
ter housing are considered to be separate vehicle structures not integral
to the air intake tract system. Therefore, it is not permitted to modify
these partition structures. These structures must be maintained in the
original OE configuration. This is in keeping with previous rulings on
this same subject for other vehicles.
BMW 3-Series (E30) Rear Camber & Toe Kit
The Dungeon Motorsport E30 alignment kit is not compliant for Street
Touring®. There are no allowances for modifying the suspension
mounting points.
BMW 3-Series Listings
For the purposes of Section 14.2.F.1, all BMW 3-series generations
(E30, E36, E46, etc.) are considered the same model, including “M”
BMW X-Brace
Cross reinforcement (X-brace) from 1995 BMW M3 (E36) Lightweight
and Convertible is not compliant for the M3 coupe. Cross reinforcement
was not available from the factory on eligible coupe models, nor does it
qualify as a standard part (Section 12.4) via parts manual supercession,
thus making it non-compliant for both Street and Street Touring® cat-
egory usage.
Engine "Piggyback" ECU Installation
1. The piggyback ECU must be used alongside the standard (per Sec-
tion 12.4) ECU/PCM. If a piggyback has been installed it is not al-
lowed to additionally modify the standard ECU/PCM in any way.
2. The piggyback ECU must be “supplemental” to the standard ECU/
PCM and as such the standard ECU/PCM must retain some func-
3. The piggyback ECU must be “plug-in compatible” with the standard
ECU/PCM. It must be possible to unplug the piggyback ECU and as-
sociated harness and the car must be able to run on the standard
Mazda Miata (1999-2005) Intake Baffles
The OE intake baffles (Mazda part #BP4W-13-204A) are considered to
be separate vehicle structures not integral to the air intake track system.
It is not permitted to modify these partition structures and such struc-
tures must be maintained in the OE configuration.
312 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix F - Clarifications
Mazda Miata Motor Mounts
All three pieces of a Miata motor mount (Engine Mount Rubber, Stop-
per Casing and Engine Bracket) are considered to be part of the “Engine
Mount” in Section 14.10.J and 15.10.J.
Mazda2 Anti-Roll Bar
The Mazda2 B-Spec “sway bar” by Tri-Point Engineering is not a sway
(anti-roll) bar as it does not meet the conventional definition.
Seat Belt Receivers
Seat belt receivers integral to standard seats do not have an allowance
for deletion and must be maintained if replacement seats are installed.
Steering Wheel
Steering wheel hub spacers and adapters are considered part of the
steering wheel and are allowed to be substituted with the steering wheel
per Section 14.2.D. The resulting change in steering wheel position is
Scion FR-S and Subaru BRZ
The pair of OE strut tower-to-firewall/bulkhead braces are not consid-
ered to be a strut bar per Section 12.18 and are not allowed to be re-
moved, modified, or substituted per Section 14.2.G.
Subaru WRX Heat Shield
For the 2002-2007 Subaru WRX, the heat shield attached to both the
turbo and downpipe is an exhaust heat shield and is therefore subject
to “minimal modification” allowed in Section 14.10.D, but not removal.
Air Bag, Passenger
Section 15.1.C does not permit the removal of a passenger-side airbag
from the dash of an airbag-equipped Miata. The entire dashboard may
be backdated to one which did not have an airbag, provided the require-
ments of Section 15.1 are met.
Bumper Units
The allowances of Section 15.2.I do not currently permit a replacement
non-standard front bumper/spoiler integral front fascia unit.
Engine Modifications
Allowed engine modifications in the Street, Street Touring®, and Street
Prepared category:
The clarifications below reflect the basic premise of all the Solo® prep-
aration rules that only modifications specifically designated by the rules
are allowed.
a. Heads and/or blocks may only be trued (shaved) to the service limit
specified in the factory workshop manual. If a service limit is not
specified, then the head and/or block may not be trued (shaved) and
must be used at the specified original dimension.
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 313
Clarifications - Appendix F
b. Camshafts are not considered normally expendable items, therefore
they must not only meet original specifications but they must be
from the original manufacturer. Aftermarket units are not allowed.
Ferrari Classification
The Ferrari F430 Scuderia is covered as an option package by the exist-
ing F430 listing in ASP.
Honda S2000 Hardtop / Soft Top
The soft top and hard top are equivalent parts and the tray and the ton-
neau equivalent parts. Per Section 15.1.C, the soft top can be swapped to
the hard top and/or the tonneau can be swapped to the tray.
Ignition System, Crank Fire
Section 15.9.A. For the purposes of triggering a crank fire ignition sys-
tem, which is an allowed modification in the Street Prepared category,
a trigger ring may be added to the crankshaft, or a crankshaft pulley
may be modified to serve the purpose of the trigger ring. Mounting of
the trigger ring, or modification to the crankshaft pulley may serve no
purpose other than to provide a means of triggering the ignition system.
The original distributor may be removed and the distributor mount-
ing hole covered with a plate. The location of electronic ignition control
modules is unrestricted.
Lubrication System, Rotary Engine
Any rotary engine model vehicle that has a lubrication system that in-
corporates an oil line injecting oil into the fuel system in the standard
configuration must maintain that arrangement in Street Prepared, even
if an alternate carburetor is used.
Mazda Miata Air Cleaner Kit / Plastic Shroud
On the MX-5 Miata (NC), a plastic shroud (PN 56-181L) interferes with
the routing of a “cold air kit” tube which facilitates air cleaner reloca-
tion; the plastic shroud is not an “air cleaner,” nor is it part of the “in-
take system.” Mazda calls this piece a “PLATE, SEAL-RAD. SHROUD.”
Mazda does not include it within the air-intake system in their factory
documentation. It may well divert airflow in a manner which affects the
standard airbox/air horn, but so does the bumper, radiator, etc. This
piece may not be removed or modified to facilitate the installation of an
intake kit.
Mazda Miata Hardtop / Soft Top
Per Section 15.1, the Miata covered by the listing in CSP may update/
backdate to the hardtop/soft top specifications of the Club Sport pack-
age, which permit the car to compete with the hardtop on, and/or with
the soft top on, or with both removed.
Mazda Miata Hardtop Brackets
The Miata NA and NB models may attach an OE hardtop using Spec
Miata brackets rather than the OE latches per Section 13.2.A (comfort
314 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix F - Clarifications
& convenience).
Mazda Miata Motor Mounts
All three pieces of a Miata motor mount (Engine Mount Rubber, Stop-
per Casing and Engine Bracket) are considered to be part of the “Engine
Mount” in Sections 14.10.J and 15.10.J.
Push Rod Guide Plates
Push rod guide plates are only allowed in Street, Street Touring®, or
Street Prepared category when installed as original equipment by the
vehicle manufacturer or when the factory service manual allows push
rod guide plates as an acceptable repair method.
Springs, Leaf
For vehicles originally equipped with leaf springs, either multi- or mo-
no-leaf springs may be substituted per Section 15.8.A.
The Street Prepared rear spoiler allowance was intended to allow com-
mon aftermarket body kits and spoilers that have no notable aerody-
namic effect at autocross speeds. Solo® Rules Section 15.2.I.2.b states
that, “The spoiler may not function as a wing.” For purposes of rule-
making and interpretation, a “wing” has been generally understood
to mean an aerodynamic device making use of air passing both over
and under a solid element to create aerodynamic force. A rear “spoiler”
is generally understood to be an aerodynamic device fixed to the rear
bodywork of the vehicle where air passes over, but not under, the solid
element to create aerodynamic force. The base of a “spoiler” is contigu-
ously attached to the bodywork (e.g., deck lid) of the vehicle to prevent
airflow underneath the spoiler element.
Some cars are equipped by the OEM with standard or optional body-
work elements that meet the definition of “wing” stated above, although
they may be identified in marketing material, owner’s manuals, shop
manuals, and/or parts lists as “spoilers.” These bodywork elements
may not be modified per Section 15.2.H.2.b, except to be replaced with
either a standard or optional OE element, or exact replica of a stan-
dard or optional OE element in an alternate material, as per Section
15.2.H.2.a. “Plugging” the underside opening of an OE wing by any
means, including but not limited to tape, cardboard, foam, etc. to turn
it into a spoiler and allow additional spoiler additions is not a compliant
modification. Examples of cars having such OE bodywork elements that
would be considered wings by definition include, but are not limited to,
the 1993+ Chevrolet Camaro, the Subaru Impreza WRX STI, numerous
Ford Mustang variations from 1987 on, Dodge SRT-4, and Mitsubishi
Lancer Evolution.
Note: Section 15.1.C is not affected by this clarification.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 315

Clarifications - Appendix F
Subaru Impreza Subframe Bolts
Subframe lock-down bolts (AKA Botox Bolts) are not compliant for use
in Street Prepared. Section 15.2.D only allows for replacement of sub-
frame bushings and does not provide any allowance for additional fas-
tening hardware.
Torque Arms
The longitudinal member which GM refers to as as “torque arm” on 3rd
and 4th generation Camaros, which controls differential movement, is
covered by the allowances of Section 15.8.E and may be substituted or
Bodywork, Front
The intent of the wording “front bodywork” in Section 16.1.M is to in-
clude all exterior body panels and attachments forward of the center-
line of the front wheels.
Fiat / Yugo Parts
Fiat and Yugo components may be mixed as permitted under Section
Lotus Elise clamshell (front)
Per Section 16.1.I, a Lotus Elise front clamshell may be replaced. How-
ever the entire rear clamshell may not be replaced, as there is no allow-
ance to replace the trunk lid.
Porsche Fascia
With regard to a Porsche 911, the fascia is the painted plastic part and
was not present on earlier years of the model. The attachment points
behind the fascia may only be modified per Section 16.1.O to permit
installation of an allowed alternate fascia. An early 911 may only use
a substitute fascia if the car can be legally updated per Section 15.1.C
(Street Prepared) to a later bumper configuration employing a fascia.
Ariel and Toniq
The Ariel Atom and Toniq may be eligible for BM or AM, if the car is in
compliance with the class rule set.
Pursuant to retaining consistency with the intent of Club Racing regu-
lations, the SEB is concerned about modifications to bodywork for the
purpose of enhancing downforce. CM Formula Ford competitors wish-
ing to make body alterations to their cars should request a ruling on the
desired configuration if there is any doubt as to its legality.
Club Racing ASR Vehicles
Vehicles prepared to the “new” Club Racing A Sports Racer (ASR) spec-
ifications defined in GCR/SRCS A.1.b are eligible to compete in AM.
316 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix F - Clarifications
Vehicles prepared to the “old” ASR specifications defined in GCR/SRCS
A.1.a remain eligible for BM.
Crash Structures
Club Racing GCR Section 9.4.5.G., regarding deformable crash struc-
ture in formula cars, does not apply in Solo®.
DM / EM Aerodynamics
Section 18.1.F.3 Front Aero, as it applies to the case of the Lotus Seven
and similar cars with irregular front top view profiles, for front spoiler/
splitter construction: As an example, the Lotus Seven has a narrow cen-
tral nosecone and separated front fenders. If a front spoiler wider than
the nosecone were added, it would hang in free air. Air would flow both
above and below the spoiler, meeting the definition of a wing, which
would be an illegal configuration. However, the rules allow the front
spoiler to be as wide as the rear bodywork of the car at axle height.
A front spoiler/splitter only as wide as the nosecone would be of lim-
ited aerodynamic value. Furthermore, front aero is needed to balance
rear aero; limiting one effectively limits the other. So, in the interest
of parity, the Seven and similar cars are allowed to add a full width
front spoiler. However, if the builder would add such a spoiler, he/she
must fill in the front bodywork, closing the gaps between the nosecone,
spoiler, and clamshell fenders, to avoid creating a “wing.” This will re-
quire adding bodywork filler panels for the car, and will change its look
as it changes its function. The temptation might be to further optimize
the cars front end for aero purposes, creating a sports racer-like wedge-
shaped front using angled ramps to join the fenders to the spoiler/split-
ter assembly. This would exceed the parity intended by this allowance
and is not allowed. Therefore, when a Lotus Seven or similar vehicle
uses a full-width front spoiler, the car’s spoiler/ air dam is required to
be vertical (between 80-100°) for the lower 8” of its extent.
The splitter is to be horizontal within ± 3/16” over its length. Outside
of these constraints, the builder may close off the front of the car in
any manner necessary. The change in top view outline caused by these
bodywork changes is allowed. The spoiler/air dam cannot be any wider
than the rear bodywork at axle height. Splitters can extend 6” forward of
the top view outline, but cannot extend wider than the top view outline.
DM / EM Progression
The CP-FP Prepared Category rules are the foundation for the prepara-
tion of a Modified Category DM or EM vehicle. The Modified rules are
a specified progression from Prepared Category and are intended to be
far less restrictive than the Prepared rules. Examples of areas where
CP-FP rules are not intended to be restrictive in Modified are as follows:
engine and drivetrain, wheelbase, track, and brake location.
The CP-FP rules are to be followed when they do not conflict with spe-
cific allowances or the intent of the Modified Category rules. This clari-
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 317
Clarifications - Appendix F
fication is to eliminate questions about the actual relationship between
the two categories, and to indicate the intent of that relationship.
Inclusive of that intent, if it doesn’t say you can, then you can’t.
Formula F Bodywork Restrictions
Members who have questions concerning the legality of a particular
car’s configuration should submit detailed photographs and/or draw-
ings of the car to the SEB (Solo® Events Board) in order to determine if
the specific bodywork of concern is considered compliant for CM.
Formula 440
FM class is for current year Club Racing GCR-compliant cars except as
amended by the Solo® Rules. The current GCR (Formula Car Specifica-
tions) requires that F440 be constructed with the driver’s feet behind
the front edge of the front wheels. Short wheelbase cars constructed
prior to this change are “grandfathered” and remain compliant even
though the driver’s feet extend beyond the front wheels.
Formula 500 Exhaust
Solo® Rules Section 3.5, Mufflers, overrides the F500 sound level
limit, but not the exhaust length limit in the Club Racing GCR Section
9.1.1.D.14.B (Formula 500 Specifications).
Motorcycle-Engined Production-Based Cars
Relative to an otherwise compliant DM/EM but motorcycle-engined
vehicle running in BM, it is the intent of the rules allowing such class
entry to permit the competitor to have two preparation options: the car
may be prepared to the appropriate Club Racing GCR/SRCS, or it may
continue to adhere to the DM/EM Solo® specifications.
However, in either case, the applicable displacement/minimum weight
shall be as listed in the Solo® BM rules. There shall be no mixing of the
two rule set allowances. EXAMPLE: Motorcycle-engined DM/EM cars
in BM may not utilize any Sports Racer aerodynamic allowances with-
out being mandated to fully prepare to all Solo® Rules requirements.
Solo® Vee / Formula Vee
The Solo® Vee and Formula Vee at Solo® events are not required to
comply with the Club Racing GCR Section 9.1.1.C.8.H (Formula Vee
Specifications) requiring additional panels to prevent the intrusion of
objects into the driver area. All other requirements are in effect.
Briggs and Stratton® Engine
The Briggs & Stratton® World Formula® engine as homologated by
CIK® is eligible for competition in JA and JB.
The EasyKart is considered compliant for KM provided its construction
meets the requirements of Section 19, particularly 19.1.D.2.
318 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix F - Clarifications
World Formula Chain / Sprocket / Gear
It is permissible to use an alternate chain/sprocket/gear (type 35) on
the World Formula® engine as used in the FJ classes.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 319

Karts - Appendix G
I. Approval Procedure
A. Regions conducting Solo® events which will have karts competing
must so indicate on the sanction application.
B. A post event report describing the kart portion of the event should be
submitted, but not required, with the usual Audit Report Form. These
event reports will be helpful to the SCCA® in more effectively evaluat-
ing the kart program.
II. Event Operations Procedures
A. 125 cc. shifter karts (KM) are the fastest karts allowed.
B. Karts will not be allowed to be driven under power through the pad-
dock; they must be pushed, either on the ground or on a portable stand.
C. A grid area must be established that is either separated from the regular
car grid or karts should grid with similar sized vehicles such as formula
cars. Traffic flow to and from the grid area must be controlled.
D. If karts are allowed which require a push-start, such as shifter karts, the
grid area must accommodate this need adequately.
E. All karts will be run as a group or grouped with formula cars, and not
intermixed on course with full-bodied cars. However, at the discretion
of the Solo® Safety Steward, the Event Chairman, and the Chief Stew-
ards, karts may be allowed on course with full-bodied cars if the course
design allows for safe separation, such as the start and finish areas be-
ing remote from each other.
F. Event procedures regarding karts will be announced at the drivers’
meeting and will also be in written form for posting.
G. Annual Safety Inspection (Section 3.3.3.A) is not permitted for Junior
Driver karts; they must be inspected at each event.
H. All hazards to karts around the perimeter of the course (Section 2.2.D,
Course Safety and Layout Rules) should be clearly marked and visible
to kart drivers. Examples include; light poles, fences, low hanging ob-
stacles or cables, and trees with low hanging limbs.
III. Kart Tech Inspectors
Any adult SCCA® member who has completed kart safety (tech) inspector
IV. Kart Course Designers
Any adult SCCA® member that has completed the Kart Course Designer
training. A course that has been approved by a Solo® Safety Steward who
has completed the Solo® Safety Training with the updated kart-specific
training does not require a specific Kart Course Designer.

320 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix H - Junior Drivers
I. Rules And Procedural Updates
As this program remains in the developmental phase, rule updates or clar-
ifications may appear periodically in the Fastrack® section of the official
SCCA® publication or www.scca.com.
II. Event Operation
A. All procedures described in Appendix G, Section II and in Section 19.2
would apply. The Junior Driver Program may either be run incorpo-
rated into an event, run concurrently on a separate course, run after an
event, or as a stand-alone event.
B. In addition to the above, the following procedures would apply:
1. Appointment of at least one Youth Steward. Two additional assistant
Youth Stewards are recommended. Duties are described below.
2. Conduct an additional driver’s meeting for the Junior Drivers. Re-
view safety procedures for drivers and have a written copy of proce-
dures available for each driver and adult.
3. Provide a small area for Junior Driver vehicle orientation.
4. Develop work assignments for Junior Drivers that are appropriate to
their individual ages and background. An alternate to a traditional
work assignment could be a safety training session. Either work as-
signments or training sessions will be under the supervision of the
Youth Stewards.
Note: Waiver duty is limited to persons above the age of majority
of the state in which the event is held, however, Junior Drivers may
assist an adult.
C. Youth Steward Duties
The Youth Steward is a licensed position and must be an SCCA® mem-
ber in good standing. License applications are available via the SCCA®
website (www.scca.com). Qualifications: a) 18 years of age or older;
and b) complete initial Youth Steward training. Every three (3) years,
a request for license renewal can be made to SCCA® Member Services
after completion of a Youth Steward continuing education course. All
requests must have the continuing education date recorded in the ap-
plication. Duties are as follows:
1. In conjunction with the event chairperson and event Solo® Safety
Steward, establish specific event procedures relative to schedule,
grid and site layout, special instructions, Junior Driver vehicle ori-
entation, etc.
2. Oversee the conduct of all Junior Drivers with the authority for dis-
ciplinary action including reprimand, time penalty, disqualification,
expulsion from the site, and driver suspension.
3. Conduct a Junior Drivers’ meeting that emphasizes safety, responsi-

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 321

Junior Drivers - Appendix H
bility and event procedures.
4. Conduct a Junior Driver vehicle orientation session prior to competi-
tion runs for inexperienced drivers.
5. Lead at least two (2) mandatory course walks for inexperienced Ju-
nior Drivers.
6. Oversee any adjustments to Junior Driver karts in grid that is cov-
ered under Kart Tech (Appendix G.V). Examples: driver accommo-
dation changes, pedal extension adjustments, weight mountings, etc.
D. Pilot Program for Younger Drivers
Selected Regions will be allowed to have drivers 5 years old and older
participating on Solo® courses using Cadet carts with 3HP engines, as
per WKF® rules. The Solo® course used could either be the regular
event course during or after the event, or a totally separate course. Re-
gions may only be approved for this pilot program if they have been
running a Solo® Formula Junior program for a minimum of one year,
with at least four events conducted with Junior Drivers. The SCCA®
National Office will issue the approvals to the Regions for participation
in this program.
III. Junior Driver Eligibility
A. SCCA® member.
B. For classing purposes, the minimum age is 8 years old (see below). It is
important that Solo® Rules Section 1.3.2.O be strictly adhered to when
Junior Drivers are participating. Formula Junior B (JB) drivers must
be 8 years old before being allowed to compete. Formula Junior A (JA)
drivers must be between 12 years old and 18 years old.
For sanctioning requirements the minimum age is 12 years old. How-
ever, the minimum age may be reduced to 8 years old for any SCCA®
Region which requests and is approved for an exception. Approval may
be granted only after the Region submits the name of its Youth Steward
and a written description of how the Junior Drivers will be adminis-
tered. Additionally, the Youth Steward will be required to contact the
Youth Steward in an experienced pilot program Region to learn of their
experiences and methods.
C. Completed minor competitor waiver.
D. Attendance at Junior Driver meeting and course walk.
IV. Junior Drivers Meeting Safety Talk
• All Junior Driver karts must undergo the tech (safety) inspection at
every event.
• Do not run the engine when the kart is on a stand without a person
operating the pedals.
• When the kart is on the ground, do not start the engine without the
driver sitting in the seat.

322 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix H - Junior Drivers
• Do not drive karts through the paddock.
• Drivers are responsible for wearing all required safety equipment: hel-
met, suit, neck brace, chest protector, gloves, and shoes.
• Drivers must stay focused and be aware of where they are going at all
times. Do not become distracted by issues with the kart such as un-
usual sounds from the engine, etc.
• Drivers must follow the prescribed path from grid to course and back
to grid. Drivers should look for grid workers and follow their instruc-
• When at the starting line, drivers should not start out on course if they
see a car on course. Bring the presence of the car to the attention of the
• If the kart stalls on course and will not restart, wait for instructions
from course worker(s). Drivers should look around and be aware of
any hazardous condition (i.e., a car approaching). (If the engine does
not restart, check the kill switch to see if was inadvertently turned off.)
• After final runs, drivers may be directed to the scales for weighing.
• Drivers (not adults) should shut off the engine after returning to the
• Drivers should be briefed on what to do in case of brake failure – put
the kart into a spin.
• Drivers should be briefed on what to do in case of a stuck throttle – hit
the brakes with full force, turn off the kill switch, and put the kart into
a spin.
• Drivers should be briefed on what to do in case a wheel comes off –
hang on and wait for the kart to come to a stop.

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 323

Sound - Appendix I
The maximum allowed vehicle sound level will be 100 dBA.
The measurement will be taken at a point where vehicles can reasonably be
expected to be under load at full throttle. The measuring point will be 50
feet from the edge of the course using an ANSI Type 2 sound meter set to
“A” weighting, “Slow” response. The microphone will be 3 to 4 feet above
ground level, positioned perpendicular to vehicle direction of travel. The
microphone will be away from structures (e.g., buildings) as is practical.
If a driver in a vehicle exceeds 96 dBA, the Chief Steward or his/her desig-
nated representative will be notified by the Sound Control Steward or rep-
resentative. The driver of any run producing a sound measurement over
96 dBA will be notified, as soon as reasonably possible following the run,
by the Chief Steward, Sound Control Steward, or representative.
If a driver in a vehicle exceeds 100 dBA, the driver will be allowed to at-
tempt a viable remedy to functionally alter the exhaust system to reduce
the sound level of the vehicle before his/her next run that day. (A “me-
chanical delay” per Solo® Rules Section 6.8.D may be used.) If the exces-
sive reading occurs on the driver’s last run of the day, the Chief Steward,
Sound Control Steward, or designated representative is authorized to im-
pose a DNF penalty on that run.
The use of an adjustable directional exhaust exit to laterally aim the ex-
haust output away from the sound meter position does not constitute a
viable remedy. Adjustable directional exhaust exits may only be aimed
straight up, straight down, or straight back.
If a viable remedy has been attempted in the judgment of the Chief Stew-
ard, Sound Control Steward, or representative, the driver will be allowed
to take his/her next run. If the driver declines any viable remedy or if the
change is deemed inadequate by the Chief Steward, Sound Control Stew-
ard, or representative, the driver will forfeit all subsequent runs in the ve-
hicle (unless an approved viable remedy is completed before the next run).
If the driver in the vehicle exceeds 100 dBA again on any subsequent run,
that run will be scored a DNF and all additional runs the for that driver
will be forfeited.
If a sound violation which would incur a DNF occurs on a run for which a
rerun would otherwise be granted (per Section 7.4), the sound-based DNF
will stand and there will be no rerun.
For the purposes of sound measurement and enforcement, a “run” is de-
fined as any attempt at driving through the course, whether or not it is
scored or a rerun is allowed.
Any functional remedies implemented to reduce the sound level of a ve-
hicle may not be removed (including the next day of the event) and may
be subject to re-inspection by the Chief Steward, Sound Control Steward,
324 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix I - Sound
or representative. If the remedy has deteriorated after passing the sound
level requirements at the measuring point, the sound level of the vehicle
must be functionally addressed again. The Chief Steward, Sound Control
Steward, or representative has the right to disallow a repeat of the same
remedy that deteriorated. The remedy may be changed or modified to im-
prove its quality and/or further reduce the vehicle sound level. Drivers
that receive a DNF for non-compliant sound levels implement additional
functional remedies to reduce the sound level to compliant readings be-
fore starting runs the next day.
These general sound level regulations will NOT override specific local area
and/or SCCA® Regional sound level requirements, regulations, and/or

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 325

Trademarks - Appendix J
AC .............Appeals Committee
DOT ..........Deparment of Transportation
DSSS .........Divisional Solo® Safety Steward
GCR ...........General Competition Rules (SCCA® Road Racing)
NAC ...........National Appeals Committee
NOC ..........not otherwise classified
OE .............Original Equipment
PC ..............Protest Committee
SEB ...........Solo® Events Board
SD .............Solo® Department
SDC ...........Solo® Development Coordinator (one per Division)
SR ..............Solo® Rules
SSC ............Solo® Safety Committee
Registered Trademarks
American Sedan®
Canadian American Challenge Cup®
Fast Five®
Fast Five Pacesetter Challenge®
Fast Masters®
Matters of the Moment®
National Racing School®
Pacesetter Challenge®
Press on Regardless®
Pro Sports 2000®
SCCA Pro Racing®
Solo I®
Spec Racer®
Street Touring®
Stylized N®
Super Solo®
Trans Am®
United States Road Rally Challenge®
Wire Wheel®
World Challenge®
Xtreme Racer®
326 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix K - Awards
Super Street (SS)
2019 Erik Strelieks Austin, TX Acura NSX
2018 Cam Withell Chestermere, AB, Canada Porsche Cayman GT4
2017 Scott Fraser San Jose, CA Porsche 911 GT3
2016 Scott Fraser San Jose, CA Porsche 911 GT3
2015 Pat Salerno Danbury, CT Porsche 911 GT3
2014 Chris Cox Morgan Hill, CA Porsche 911 GT3
Super Street-R (SSR) (formerly Super Stock - SS)
2019 Grant Reeve Sturbridge, MA Chevrolet Corvette GS
2018 Bryan Heitkotter Fresno, CA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2017 Sam Strano Brookville, PA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2016 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2015 Grant Reeve Sturbridge, MA Chevrolet Corvette
2014 GJ Dixon Scarsdale, NY Porsche 911 GT3
2013 GJ Dixon Scarsdale, NY Porsche 911 GT3
2012 GJ Dixon Scarsdale, NY Porsche 911 GT3
2011 Matthew Braun Northville, MI Lotus Elise
2010 Matthew Braun Northville, MI Lotus Elise
2009 Tom Kotzian Gladstone, OR Chevrolet Corvette
2008 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Porsche 911 GT3
2007 Ian Stewart Orlando, FL Porsche 911 GT3
2006 Matthew Braun Northville, MI Lotus Elise
2005 Erik Strelnieks Austin, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2004 Stacey Molleker Granite Falls, WA Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Pat Salerno Danbury, CT Chevrolet Corvette
2002 Erik Strelnieks Austin, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2001 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Chevrolet Corvette
2000 Curt Ormiston Kirkland, WA Chevrolet Corvette
1999 Erik Strelnieks Austin, TX Mazda RX-7
1998 Tom Kotzian Gladstone, OR Mazda RX-7
1997 Jeff Altenburg Catonsville, MD Mazda RX-7
1996 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Mazda RX-7
1995 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Mazda RX-7
1994 Jim Harnish York, PA Dodge Viper
1993 Roger E Johnson Hilliard, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1992 Tom Kotzian Gladstone, OR Chevrolet Corvette
1991 TC Kline Hilliard, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1990 Tom Kotzian Gladstone, OR Chevrolet Corvette
1989 Roger E Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
Super Street Ladies (SSL)
2019 Tara Shapowal San Jose, CA Porsche 911 GT3
2018 Jocelin Huang Edina, MN Porsche 911 GT3
2017 Laraine Wilkinson Atlanta, GA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2016 Kristi Brown Des Moines, WA Porsche Cayman GT4
2015 Jocelin Huang Edina, MN Porsche 911 GT3
Super Street-R Ladies (SSRL) (formerly Super Stock Ladies - SSL)
2019 Shelly Monfort Saratoga, CA Chevrolet Corvette GS
2018 Nicole Wong Moorpark, CA Chevrolet Corvette GS
2017 Stephanie Reeve Sturbridge, MA Chevrolet Corvette Z06

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 327

Awards - Appendix K
2016 Shelly Monfort Saratoga, CA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2015 Shelly Monfort Saratoga, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2013 Shelly Monfort Saratoga, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2012 Shelly Monfort Saratoga, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2011 Shelly Monfort Saratoga, CA Lotus Elise
2010 Shelly Monfort Saratoga, CA Lotus Elise
2009 Shelly Monfort Saratoga, CA Lotus Elise
2008 Danielle Engstrom Frankfort, IL Chevrolet Corvette
2007 Tristan Kotzian-Coulter Hillsboro, OR Porsche 911 GT3
2006 Lori Robertson Chinto Hills, CA Chevrolet Z06
2005 Carolyn Feigenspan Austin, TX Chevrolet Z06
2004 Leslie Cohen Encinitas, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Karen Rafferty Irwin, PA Chevrolet Corvette
2002 Laura Molleker Granite Falls, WA Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Leslie Cohen Encinitas, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2000 Beth McClure Leander,TX Mazda RX-7
1999 Lori Robertson Chino Hills, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1998 Jennifer Wilson Odenton, MD Mazda RX-7
1997 Rita Wilsey Lake Elsinore, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1996 Rita Wilsey Lake Elsinore, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1995 Rita Wilsey Lake Elsinore, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1994 Diane Moores Clinton, CT Chevrolet Corvette
1993 Shauna Marinus Folsom, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1992 Shauna Marinus Folsom, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1991 Laura Molleker Bothell, WA Chevrolet Corvette
1990 Jo Ann Lynch Woodland Hls, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1989 Diane Giddings Granite Bay, CA Chevrolet Corvette
A Street (AS)
2019 Josh Luster Charlotte, NC Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2018 William Bostic Simpsonville, SC Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2017 Jason Frank Mt. Pleasant, WI Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2016 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2015 James Yom Los Angeles, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2014 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Chevrolet Corvette
A Street-R (ASR) (formerly A Stock - AS)
2014 Brian Coulson Idaho Falls, ID Chevrolet Corvette
2013 Tony Savini Cochranville, PA Chevrolet Corvette
2012 Lane Borg San Angelo, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2011 Dave Ogburn San Angelo, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2010 Radomin Delgado Glendale, CA Porsche Cayman S
2009 Scott McHugh Santa Clarita, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2008 Gregory W Hahn St Augustine, FL Honda S2000
2007 Jason Collett Knoxville, TN Honda S2000
2006 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI Chevrolet Corvette
2005 Paul Kozlak Litchfield, ME Porsche 993
2004 Scott McHugh Santa Clarita, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Matthew Braun Farmington Hills, MI Chevrolet Corvette
2002 Scott McHugh Santa Clarita, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Andrew McKee San Jose, CA Porsche Boxster
2000 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Honda S2000
1999 Paul Kozlak Harleysville, PA Porsche 968
1998 Matt Murray Westport, CT Porsche 968
1997 Jeff Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA Porsche 944

328 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix K - Awards
1996 Bob Tunnell Boulder, CO BMW M3
1995 Kevin Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2 Turbo
1994 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1993 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1992 Jeff Altenburg Catonsville, MD Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1991 Russell Wiles Sioux Falls, SD BMW M3
1990 Michael Piera Danbury, CT Porsche 911S
1989 King Thompson Troy, MI Porsche 911E
1988 Greg Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 911T
1987 Randy Peck El Paso, TX Lotus Elan
1986 Randy Peck El Paso, TX Lotus Elan
1985 Michael Piera Bethel, CT Porsche 911S
1984 Tommy Saunders Roanoke, TX Lotus Elan
1983 Tommy Saunders Bedford, TX Lotus Elan
1982 John Havranek Cambridge, MA Porsche 914-6
1981 John Parsons Lombard, IL Porsche 914
1980 James Normile Kansas City, MO Lotus Elan
1979 John Fergus II Dublin, OH Porsche 911S
1978 John Fergus II Dublin, OH Porsche 911S
1977 John Fergus II Dublin, OH Porsche 911S
1976 E Paul Dickinson Huntington, WV Porsche 911T
1975 E Paul Dickinson Huntington, WV Porsche 911T
1974 E Paul Dickinson Huntington, WV Porsche 911T
1973 E Paul Dickinson Huntington, WV Porsche 911T
A Street Ladies (ASL)
2019 Lana Tsurikova Framingham, MA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2018 Jessy Gauthier Kirkland, WA Porsche Cayman
2017 Kandy Johnson Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2016 Rachel Baker Westford, MA Porsche Cayman S
2015 Jami Olerich Fairview, OR Chevrolet Corvette
2014 Lacey Otis Scappoose, OR Chevrolet Corvette
A Stock Ladies (ASL)
2013 Meredith Brown Los Alamos, NM Chevrolet Corvette
2011 Kristi Brown Seattle, WA Porsche Cayman S
2010 Stephanie Chang Morris Plains, NJ Porsche Cayman S
2009 Denise Cashmore New Berlin, WI Chevrolet Corvette
2008 Barbara Leroy Boehme San Diego, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2007 Carol Kolk White Lake, MI Pontiac Solstice GXP
2006 Denise Cashmore New Berlin, WI Chevrolet Corvette
2005 Juliann Pokorny Lake Forest, IL Honda S2000
2004 Jennifer Isley Mission Viejo, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Jennifer Isley Irvine, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2002 Kim Bullis Lake in the Hills, IL Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Anna Hedley Goeke Kirkland, WA Porsche Boxster
2000 Rita Wilsey Lake Elsinore, CA Honda S2000
1999 Marchell Fletcher Durango, CO Porsche 968
1998 Polly Mitchell Knoxville, TN Porsche 968
1997 Cathy Strathman Norfolk, VA Porsche 968
1996 Patty Tunnell Boulder, CO BMW M3
1995 Marchell Fletcher Durango, CO Toyota MR2 Turbo
1994 Shauna Marinus Folsom, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1993 Laura Molleker Snohomish, WA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1992 Stacy Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 329

Awards - Appendix K
1991 Susan Hagaman Kirkland, WA Porsche Carrera
1990 Susan Hagaman Kirkland, WA Porsche 911T
1989 Susan Hagaman Kirkland, WA Porsche 911
1988 Susan Hagaman Kirkland, WA Porsche 911
1987 Susan Hagaman Bellevue, WA Porsche 911
1986 Susan Hagaman Bellevue, WA Porsche 911
1985 Diane Thoman Ft Lauderdale, FL Porsche 911SC
1984 Beverly Saunders Roanoke, TX Lotus Elan
1983 Barbara McKee Bloomington, IL Lotus Elan
1982 Barbara McKee Bloomington, IL Lotus Elan
1981 Elsie Haninger Gahanna, OH Porsche 911
1980 Linda Blevins Melbourne, FL Lotus Europa
1979 Diane Thoman Ft Lauderdale, FL Porsche 911SC
B Street (BS)
2019 David Marcus Windermere, FL Tesla Model 3
2018 Jeremy Foley Carrollton, TX BMW 1M
2017 Ryan Clark Calgary, AB Porsche Cayman S
2016 Joseph Barbato Vernon, CT Chevrolet Corvette
2015 Andrew Smedegard Stevens Point, WI Honda S2000
2014 Lane Borg San Angelo, TX Chevrolet Corvette
B Stock (BS)
2013 James Yom Los Angeles, CA Honda S2000 CR
2012 Jadrice Toussaint Charlotte, NC Honda S2000 CR
2011 Jadrice Toussaint Charlotte, NC Honda S2000 CR
2010 Marc Pfannenschmidt Louisville, KY Honda S2000 CR
2009 Bryan Heitkotter Fresno, CA Mazda RX-8
2008 Jason Isley Ladera Ranch, CA Mazda RX-8
2007 Jason Isley Ladera Ranch, CA Mazda RX-8
2006 Jason Isley Ladera Ranch, CA Mazda RX-8
2005 Jason Isley Ladera Ranch, CA Mazda RX-8
2004 Jason Saini Lake Forest, IL Honda S2000
2003 Jason Saini Lake Forest, IL Honda S2000
2002 Andy McKee San Jose, CA Honda S2000
2001 Peter Raymond Erie, CO Mazda Miata
2000 Peter Raymond Erie, CA Mazda Miata
1999 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Mazda Miata
1998 George Doganis Big Bear Lake, CA Mazda Miata
1997 George Doganis Big Bear Lake, CA Mazda Miata
1996 Jeff Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA Porsche 944
1995 Jeff Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA Porsche 944
1994 Kevin Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2 Turbo
1993 Rich Fletcher Durango, CO Toyota MR2 Turbo
1992 Rich Fletcher Durango, CO Toyota MR2 Turbo
1991 Bob Smith Parma, OH Toyota MR2 S/C
1990 Ray Meesseman Holly, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1989 David Schnoerr Indianapolis, IN Porsche 944Turbo
1988 Roger E Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Grant Byers Ventura, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1986 Grant Byers Ventura, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1985 Keith Scala Fairfield, CT Mazda RX-7 GSL-SE
1984 Roger E Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1983 Roger E Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1982 Michael Martin Louisville, KY Chevrolet Corvette

330 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix K - Awards
1981 Roger E Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1980 Bruce Madden Atlanta, GA Jensen Healey
1979 Steve Eberman Overland Park, KS Chevrolet Corvette
1978 David Wright Chattanooga, TN Chevrolet Corvette
1977 Bruce Kalin St Joseph, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1976 Orin Butterick Memphis, TN Chevrolet Corvette
1975 Larry Lard Northborough, MA Jaguar XKE
1974 Steve Eberman Arlington Heights, IL Chevrolet Corvette
1973 John Anderson Austin, TX Chevrolet Corvette
B Street Ladies (BSL)
2019 Youmna Zalzal San Jose, CA Porsche Cayman S
2018 Shauna Rios Corona, CA Porsche Cayman S
2017 Tara Johns Milton, TN Chevrolet Corvette
2016 Kathy Grunenwald Hilliard, OH Chevrolet Corvette
2015 Barbara LeRoy-Boehme San Diego, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2014 Barbara LeRoy-Boehme San Diego, CA Mazda MX-5 Miata
B Stock Ladies (BSL)
2012 Emily Bashford Winnipeg, MB Honda S2000 CR
2011 Jocelin Huang Rochester, MN Honda S2000
2010 Christina Peterson Hillsborough NC Honda S2000
2009 Debbie Kerswill Reno, NV Mazda RX-8
2008 Gretchen Austin Minneapolis, MN Mazda RX-8
2007 Jennifer Isley Ladera Ranch, CA Mazda RX-8
2006 Anna Goeke Kirkland, WA Mazda RX-8
2005 Anna Hedly Goeke Kirkland, WA Mazda RX-8
2004 Annie Bauer Renton, WA Honda S2000
2003 Juliann Pokorny Lake Forest, IL Honda S2000
2002 Ann Vogel Tulsa, OK Honda S2000
2001 Kyung An Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2000 Kyung An Austin, TX Mazda Miata
1999 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Mazda Miata
1998 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Mazda Miata
1997 Katie Elder Kensington, CA Mazda Miata
1996 Yvonne Short Colorado Springs, CO Porsche 944
1995 Yvonne Short Colorado Springs, CO Porsche 944
1994 Marchell Fletcher Durango, CO Toyota MR2 Turbo
1993 Kay Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2 Turbo
1992 Kay Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2 Turbo
1991 Kay Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2 Turbo
1990 Sharon Meesseman Holly, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1989 Laura Molleker Bothell, WA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1988 Donna Swift Raytown, MO Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Donna Swift Raytown, MO Chevrolet Corvette
1986 Karen Bryant Defiance, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1985 Mary Rice Hollister, CA Mazda RX-7
1984 Jo Ann Lynch Woodland Hills, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1983 Barbara Mitchell Houston, TX Porsche 944
1981 Barbara Mitchell Houston, TX Porsche 924T
1980 Barbara Mitchell Houston, TX Jensen Healey
1979 Janet Saxton Hazel Crest, IL Jensen Healey
C Street (CS)
2019 Mark Scroggs San Ramon, CA Mazda MX-5 Miata
2018 Andrew Pallotta Holly Springs, NC Mazda MX-5 Miata

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 331

Awards - Appendix K
2017 Daniel McCelvey Houston, TX Mazda MX-5 Miata
2016 Daniel McCelvey Houston, TX Mazda MX-5 Miata
2015 Dave Ogburn III San Angelo, TX Scion FR-S
2014 Jeff Stuart Santa Barbara, CA Nissan 370Z
C Stock (CS)
2013 Daniel McCelvey Houston, TX Nissan 370Z
2012 Chris Fenter Appleton, WI Mazda MX-5 Miata
2011 Ryan Buetzer Hermosa Beach, CA Pontiac Solstice
2010 Bryan Heitkotter Fresno, CA Mazda MX-5 Miata
2009 Ryan Buetzer Long Beach, CA Pontiac Solstice
2008 Ryan Buetzer Long Beach, CA Mazda MX-5 Miata
2007 Ryan Buetzer Long Beach, CA Mazda Miata
2006 Kevin Dietz Seattle, WA Pontiac Solstice
2005 Chris Williams Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2004 Steve Telehowski Auburn Hills, MI Mazda Miata
2003 Steve Telehowski Novi, MI Mazda Miata
2002 Matthew Braun Farmington Hills, MI Mazda Miata
2001 Jonathan Roberts Savannah, GA Toyota MR2
2000 Ken Frey Greenwich, CT Toyota MR2
1999 Brian Priebe Powell, OH Toyota MR2
1998 Andrew McKee Santa Rosa, CA Toyota MR2
1997 Kevin Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2
1996 Michael Butler San Francisco, CA Mazda Miata
1995 Michael Butler San Francisco, CA Mazda Miata
1994 Bob Klingler Colo Springs, CO Mazda Miata
1993 Steve Compton Aurora, CO Porsche 914
1992 Jeff Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA Porsche 914
1991 Jeff Reitmeir Mountian View, CA Porsche 914
1990 Russell Wiles Sioux Falls, SD BMW M3
1989 Kenneth Hurd Hinesburg, VT Mazda RX-7 GSL-SE
1988 Kenneth Hurd Hinesburg, VT Mazda RX-7 GSL-SE
1987 Paul Kozlak Canton, CT Mazda RX-7 GSL
1986 Paul Kozlak Canton, CT Mazda RX-7 GSL
1985 Paul Kozlak Canton, CT Mazda RX-7 GSL
1984 Jim Garry Albany, NY Mazda RX-7
1983 John Parsons Lagrange Park,IL Porsche 914
1982 Leon McCaskill Coppell, TX Mazda RX-7
1981 Bill Madamba San Francisco,CA Mazda RX-7
1980 David Skelton Bartlett, TN Alfa Romeo Spider
1979 Steve Fallon Richardson, TX Porsche 911S
1978 Lowell Peabody Manchester, MA Porsche 914
1977 Steve Davis Marietta, GA Jensen Healey
1976 Jim Gray Louisville, KY Porsche 914
1975 Nick Strine Houston, TX Porsche 914
1974 Dean Smith Greenwood, IN Porsche 914
1973 Edwin Sandborn Reading, MA Porsche 914
C Street Ladies (CSL)
2019 Jessica Yeung Rosemead, CA Mazda MX-5 Miata
2018 Tara Johns Milton, TN Mazda MX-5 Miata
2017 Anne Robinson Highland, IN Mazda MX-5 Miata
2016 Deana Kelley Tempe, AZ Mazda MX-5 Miata
2015 Rachel Kerswill Reno, NV Mazda RX-8
2014 Rachel Kerswill Reno, NV Mazda RX-8

332 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

Appendix K - Awards
C Stock Ladies (CSL)
2013 Learic Cramer Columbia, MD Nissan 370Z
2012 Learic Cramer Columbia, MD Nissan 370Z
2011 Lynn Collins Berlin, MA Pontiac Solstice
2010 Jennifer Isley Coto De Caza, CA Mazda RX-8
2009 Sierra Danielle Pedroza Round Rock, TX Mazda MX-5 Miata
2008 Mary Bahr West Salem, WI Pontiac Solstice
2007 Annie Bauer Kent, WA Pontiac Solstice
2006 Shelbi Zigler Bothell, WA Pontiac Solstice
2005 Kyung Wootton Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2004 Kyung Wootton Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2003 Kyung Wootton Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2002 Kyung Wootton Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2001 Michelle Seelig Edmond, OK Mazda Miata
2000 Marchelle Fletcher Durango, CO Porsche 924S
1999 Chris McKinney Fresno, CA Toyota MR2
1998 Teresa Lommatzsch San Jose, CA Toyota MR2
1997 Kay Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2
1996 Renee Eady Carrolton, GA Mazda Miata
1995 Diane Moores Clinton, CT Mazda Miata
1994 Renee Eady Carrolton, GA Mazda Miata
1993 Marla Davis Laurel, MD Mazda Miata
1992 Michelle Reitmeir Cupertino, CA Porsche 914
1991 Stacy Reitmeir Mountian View, CA Porsche 914
1990 Stacy Lynd Reitmeir Mountian View, CA Porsche 914
1989 Stacy Lynd Mountian View, CA Porsche 914
1988 Renee Eady Carrollton, GA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1987 Stacy Lynd Los Altos, CA Porsche 914
1986 Mary Rice San Jose, CA Dodge GLH Turbo
1985 Renee Eady Carrollton, GA Mazda RX-7
1984 Debbie Barrett Sunnyvale, CA Mazda RX-7
1983 Sharon DeLara Sonoma, CA Mazda RX-7
1982 Marilyn McCaskill Coppell, TX Mazda RX-7
1981 Dee Schweikle Lexington, KY Alfa Romeo Spider
1980 Toni Ward St Louis, MO Mazda RX-7
1979 Barbara Mitchell Houston, TX Jensen Healey
D Street (DS)
2019 Mike Leeder Madison, WI Honda Civic Type R
2018 Javier Reynoso Austin, TX Honda Civic Type R
2017 Mark Scroggs San Ramon, CA Chevrolet Camaro LT
2016 Dennis Sparks Birmingham, AL Subaru WRX
2015 Richard Hayter Mission Viejo, CA Subaru WRX
2014 Michael Wood Alamo, CA Subaru WRX
D Stock (DS)
2013 Mark Smith Denver, CO Audi TT
2012 Mark Smith Denver, CO Audi TT
2011 Mark Smith Denver, CO Audi TT
2010 John Ma Fitchburg, WI MINI Cooper S
2009 Alex Muresan Santa Clara, CA Acura Integra Type R
2008 Patrick Smith Edmonton, AB Acura Integra
2007 Bartek Borowski Elmwood Park, IL Acura Integra
2006 Bartek Borowski Elmwood Park, IL Acura Integra
2005 GJ Dixon III Scarsdale, NY BMW 330i

2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 333

Awards - Appendix K
2004 Brian Fitzpatrick Omaha, NE Acura Integra Type R
2003 Ron Bauer Renton, WA BMW 330ci
2002 Kevin McCormick Lincoln, CA Acura Integra Type R
2001 Russell Blume Wichita, KS BMW 318is
2000 Danny Shields Valrico, FL Plymouth Neon
1999 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Dodge Neon
1998 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Dodge Neon
1997 Mark Chiles Palm Bay, FL Dodge Neon
1996 Brian Priebe Kettering, OH Plymouth Neon
1995 Bob Tunnell Superior, CO BMW 318
1994 Bob Smith Parma, OH Honda CRX Si
1993 Byron Short Colorado Springs, CO Porsche 914
1992 Bill Breedlov Salt Lake City, UT Datsun 240Z
1991 Mark Chiles Palm Bay, FL Nissan Sentra SE-R
1990 Neal Sapp Baltimore, MD Honda Civic Si
1989 Todd Rupp Carrollton, GA Pontiac Fiero
1988 Peter Raymond Larkspur, CO Toyota MR2
1987 David Schnoerr Schaumburg, IL Porsche 944T
1986 Peter Raymond Larkspur, CO Toyota MR2
1985 Joseph Darwal Bedford, OH Fiat X1/9
1984 Jonathan Bruce Milford, MA Fiat X1/9
1983 Rick Davis Perrysburg, OH Fiat X1/9
1982 William Johnson Topeka, KS MGB
1981 William Johnson Topeka, KS MGB
1980 Edward Haigh Brighton, MA MGB-GT
1979 Leon McCaskill Garland, TX Mazda RX-7
1978 George Schweikle Lexington, KY Alfa Romeo
1977 Dick Rasmussen Santa Clara, CA Datsun 260Z
1976 Stuart Rulka Burnaby, BC Morgan 4+4
1975 Stuart Rulka Burnaby, BC Morgan 4+4
1974 Dan Ripley Littleton, CO Alfa Romeo
1973 Stuart Rulka Burnaby, BC Morgan 4+4
D Street Ladies (DSL)
2019 Stephanie Reynoso Austin, TX Honda Civic Type R
2018 Stephanie Reynoso Austin, TX Honda Civic Type R
2017 Julie Heaton Omaha, NE Subaru WRX
2016 Julie Heaton Omaha, NE Subaru WRX
2015 Kristen Acharya Ramona, CA Subaru WRX
2014 Gwen Habenicht Bahama, NC Audi TT
D Stock Ladies (DSL)
2013 Gwen Baake Bahama, NC Audi TT
2012 Connie Smith Santa Fe, NM Audi TT
2011 Mindi Cross Phoenix, AZ MINI Cooper S
2010 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Acura Integra Type R
2009 Pamela Eames Meridian, ID Chevrolet Cobalt SS
2008 Beth McClure Strelnieks Cedar Park, TX BMW 135i
2007 Karen Kraus Frederick, MD Subaru Impreza
2006 Mary Medicus Lafayette, CO Acura Integra Type R
2005 Kathy Fitzpatrick McKinney, TX Acura Integra
2004 Kathy Fitzpatrick Omaha, NE Acura Integra
2003 Annie Bauer Renton, WA BMW 330ci
2002 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW 330ci
2001 Ann Heller Tulsa, OK Plymouth Neon

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Appendix K - Awards
2000 Lynn Collins Lockport, IL Dodge Neon
1999 Laura Molleker Snohomish, WA Dodge Neon
1998 Laura Molleker Snohomish, WA Dodge Neon
1997 Laura Molleke Snohomish, WA Dodge Neon
1996 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak Harleysville, PA Dodge Neon
1995 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak Philadelphia, PA Dodge Neon
1994 Ann Hollis Austin, TX Honda CRX Si
1993 Renee Eady Carrollton, GA Honda Civic Si
1992 Renee Eady Carrollton, GA Honda Civic Si
1991 Renee Eady Bremen, GA Honda Civic Si
1990 Renee Eady Woodstock, GA Honda CRX Si
1989 Jeanne Ross Rancho Palos, CA Toyota MR2
1988 Dorothy Raymond Larkspur,CO Toyota MR2
1987 Ann Hollis Baldwin, MD Honda Civic Si
1986 Dorothy Raymond Larkspur, CO Toyota MR2
1985 Mary Raden Toledo, OH Fiat X1/9
1984 Debbie Smith Parma, OH Volkswagen Rabbit
1983 Cindy Darwal Bedford, OH Fiat X1/9
1982 Heidi Wyse Toledo, OH Toyota Supra
1981 Kay Johnson Topeka, KS MGB
1979 Marty Walter Leawood, KS MGB
E Street (ES)
2019 Bartek Borowski Elmwood, Pard IL Mazda Miata
2018 Bartek Borowski Elmwood Park, IL Mazda Miata
2017 Michael Ron Waukegan, IL Mazda Miata
2016 Andrew Canak Milwaukee, WI Mazda Miata
2015 Andrew Pallotta Middleburg Heights, OH Toyota MR2 Spyder
2014 Eric Peterson Hillsborough, NC Toyota MR2 Spyder
E Street-R (ESR) (formerly E Stock - ES)
2014 Bartek Borowski Elmwood Park, IL Mazda Miata
2013 Bartek Borowski Elmwood Park, IL Mazda Miata
2012 Bartek Borowski Elmwood Park, IL Mazda Miata
2011 Bartek Borowski Elmwood Park, IL Mazda Miata
2010 Bartek Borowski Elmwood Park, IL Mazda Miata
2009 Jerry Jenkins Vancouver, WA Mazda Miata
2008 Jerry Jenkins Vancouver, WA Mazda Miata
2007 Brian Johns Murfreesboro, TN Mazda Miata
2006 Bryan Heitkotter Fresno, CA Toyota MR2
2005 Ryan Buetzer Redondo Beach, CA Toyota MR2
2004 Ryan Buetzer Topeka, KS Toyota MR2
2003 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI Toyota MR2
2002 Pat Salerno Danbury, CT Toyota MR2
2001 Robert Carpenter Knoxville, TN Honda CRX
2000 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI Toyota Celica ST
1999 Paul Eklund Tigard, OR Toyota Celica GT
1998 Paul Eklund Tigard, OR Toyota Celica GT
1997 David Pearson South Lyon, MI Saturn SC
1996 Bob Smith Parma, OH Toyota Celica
1995 Erik Strelnieks Atlantic Beach, FL Dodge Neon
1994 Steve Brolliar Madison, OH Plymouth Neon
1993 TC Kline Hilliard, OH BMW 318is
1992 Bob Tunnell Hermosa Beach,CA Volkswagen Jetta
1991 Alan McConnell Huntsville, AL Volkswagen GTI

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1990 Alan McConnell Huntsville, AL Volkswagen GTI
1989 Alan McConnell Huntsville, AL Volkswagen Jetta
1988 Danny Shields Valrico, FL Volkswagen Jetta
1987 Mark McGowan Toledo, OH Volkswagen Golf GTI
1986 Gene Wetzelberg Endicott, NY Volkswagen Scirocco
1985 Richard Varsell Bristol, CT Honda Civic S
1984 Ron Haase San Pedro, CA Honda CRX
1983 Randy Pobst Melbourne Beach, FL Volkswagen Rabbit
1982 Steven Roberts Kansas City, KS Fiat X1/9
1981 Bob Hayes Bowling Green, KY Fiat 124 Spider
1980 Bob Hayes Bowling Green, KY Fiat 124 Spider
1979 Bob Hayes Bowling Green, KY Fiat 124 Spider
1978 Bob Hayes Bowling Green, KY Fiat 124 Spider
1977 Larry Svaton Webster, TX FiatX1/9
1976 Jeff Garber Braintree, MA Austin Healey
1975 Kenneth Tripkos Lawrence, KS Triumph TR-4
1974 Philip Gott Northboro, MA Triumph TR-3
1973 Robert Nielson San Jose, CA Opel GT 1900
E Street Ladies (ESL)
2019 Casey Coughlin Prairieville, LA Mazda Miata
2018 Meredith Brown Los Alamos, NM Touota MR2 Spyder
2017 Jennifer Bedell Hillsborough, NC Toyota MR2 Spyder
2016 Meredith Brown Los Alamos, NM Toyota MR2 Spyder
2015 Christina Peterson Hillsborough, NC Toyota MR2 Spyder
2014 Jennifer Bedell Hillsborough, NC Toyota MR2 Spyder
E Stock Ladies (ESL)
2011 Tara Johns Murfreesboro, TN Mazda Miata
2010 Kyra Jenkins Vancouver, WA Mazda Miata
2009 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 944
2008 Meredith Brown Los Alamos, NM Toyota MR2
2007 Tara Johns Murfreesboro, TN Mazda Miata
2006 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 944
2005 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 944
2004 Meredith Brown Los Alamos, NM Toyota MR2
2003 Meredith Brown Los Alamos, NM Toyota MR2
2002 Mari Clements Alta Loma, CA Toyota MR2
2001 Debbie Fessler Sylvania, OH Toyota Celica
2000 Sara Meissner Mt Prospect, IL Toyota Celica ST
1999 Debbie Fessler Sylvania, OH Toyota Celica GT
1998 Debbie Fessler Sylvania, OH Toyota Celica GT
1997 Jean Kinser Conyers, GA Dodge Neon
1996 Wendi Allen Jacksonville, FL Dodge Neon
1995 Renee Eady Carrollton, GA Dodge Neon
1994 Jean Kinser Elgin, IL Dodge Neon
1993 Patty Tunnell Hermosa Beach, CA BMW 318
1992 Patty Tunnell Hermosa Beach, CA Volkswagen Jetta
1991 Tasha Goodale Conifer, CO Honda Civic
1990 Patty Tunnell Hermosa Beach, CA Volkswagen Jetta
1989 Kay Bailey Colo Springs, CO Volkswagen Golf GT
1988 Tina Kennedy Naugatuck, CT Honda Civic
1987 Marlene Alexander Columbus, OH Volkswagen GTI
1986 Tracy Whitworth St Louis, MO Triumph Spitfire
1985 Dorothy Raymond Larkspur, CO Opel 1900

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1984 Tracy Cook San Pedro, CA Honda CRX
1983 Linda Blevins Melbourne, FL Volkswagen Rabbit
1982 Cindy Darwal Bedford, OH Fiat X1/9
1981 Kathy Barnes Seabrook, NH Fiat X1/9
1980 Betty Kullman Bowling Green, KY Fiat X1/9
1979 Betty Wills Oklahoma City, OK Fiat X1/9
F Street (FS)
2019 Win-hou Chow Dublin, OH BMW M3
2018 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, Wi BMW M3
2017 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI BMW M3
2016 Ryan Otis Scappoose, OR Chevrolet Camaro
2015 Bryan Heitkotter Fresno, CA BMW M3
2014 David Corsaro Denville, NJ Chevrolet Camaro
F Stock (FS)
2013 Brian Burdette San Antonio, TX Ford Mustang GT
2012 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ Ford Mustang
2011 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Ford Mustang GT
2010 Sam Strano Knoxdale, PA Ford Mustang GT
2009 Sam Strano Knoxdale, PA Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2008 Sam Strano Knoxdale, PA Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2007 Sam Strano Knoxdale, PA Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2006 Jason Burns York, PA Ford Mustang
2005 Casey Weiss Garland, TX Chevrolet Camaro
2004 David Schotz Granada Hills, CA Ford Mach 1
2003 Mike Johnson Rutherford, NJ Chevrolet Z-28
2002 Paul Kozlak Harleysville, PA Chevrolet Camaro
2001 Paul Kozlak Harleysville, PA Chevrolet Camaro
2000 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls,CT Chevrolet Camaro
1999 Pat Salerno Danbury, CT Chevrolet Camaro
1998 Dean Sapp Catonsville, MD Pontiac Firebird
1997 Chris Ramey Cypress, TX Chevrolet Camaro
1996 Brian Goodner Des Moines, IA Chevrolet Camaro
1995 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Chevrolet Camaro
1994 Dean Sapp Cantonville, MD Chevrolet Camaro
1993 Paul Kozlak Broad Brook, CT Chevrolet IROC 350
1992 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Chevrolet IROC-Z
1991 Jeff Altenburg Catonsville, MD Pontiac Firebird
1990 GH Sharp Kernersville, NC Chevrolet IROC-Z
1989 Jeff Altenburg Orlando, FL Chevrolet IROC
1988 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang LX
1987 Bill Madamba San Francisco, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1986 Bill Madamba San Francisco, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1985 Jack Burns Rochester, MI Ford Mustang GT
1984 Bill Archer Plano, TX Pontiac Trans-Am
1983 Dennis Bay Livonia, MI Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1982 Mike Camicia San Jose, CA Ford Mustang
1981 Dave Kutney Cincinnati, OH Pontiac Trans-Am
1980 Bruce Dickey Battle Creek, MI Ford Mustang
1979 Warren Wetzelberg Endicott, NY Chevrolet Camaro
1978 Dave Kutney Cincinnati, OH Pontiac Trans-Am
1977 Ken Rupp Ft Walton Bch, FL Ford Mustang
1976 Dave Kutney Cincinnati, OH PontiacTrans-Am
1975 Warren Wetzelberg Endicott, NY Chevrolet Camaro

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1974 Ray Yergler Des Moines, IA Chevrolet Camaro
1973 Warren Wetzelberg Endicott, NY Chevrolet Camaro
F Street Ladies (FSL)
2019 Denise Cashmore New Berlin, WI BMW M3
2018 Cindy Duncan Lanesville, IN Ford Mustang GT
2016 Cindy Duncan Lanesville, IN Ford Mustang
2015 Teddie Alexandrova Fresno, CA BMW M3
2014 Jackie Mutschler Houston, TX Chevrolet Camaro
F Stock Ladies (FSL)
2013 Kandy Johnson Glen Allen, VA Ford Mustang GT
2011 Heather Everett East Amherst, NY Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2010 Kristi Brown Des Moines, WA Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2009 Laura Molleker Granite Falls, WA Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2008 Mary Pozzi Salinas, CA Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2007 Jennifer Merideth Westland, MI Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2006 Crissy Weaver Beavercreek, OH Ford Mustang Mach 1
2005 Crissy Weaver Beavercreek, OH Ford Mustang Mach 1
2004 Crissy Weaver Beavercreek, OH Ford Mustang Mach 1
2003 Diane Lapusnak Rutherford, NJ Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
2002 Eileen Lindberg Shelby Township, MI Ford Mustang Bullitt
2001 Heather Shehan Ypsilanti, MI Ford Mustang Bullitt
2000 Bea Regganie Joliet, IL Chevrolet Camaro
1999 Jean Alft Wichita, KS Chevrolet Camaro
1998 Jean Alft Wichita, KS Chevrolet Camaro
1997 Jackie Mutschler Houston, TX Chevrolet Camaro
1996 Teresa Lommatzsch San Jose, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1995 Belinda Endress Newbury Park, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1994 Jean Alft Wichita, KS Chevrolet IROC
1993 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak Broad Brook, CT Chevrolet IROC
1992 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak Broad Brook, CT Chevrolet IROC
1991 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak Broad Brook, CT Chevrolet IROC
1990 Mary Rice Salinas, CA Chevrolet IROC
1989 Mary Rice Salinas, CA Chevrolet IROC-Z
1988 Linda Smiley Kettering, OH Ford Mustang GT
1987 Mary Rice San Jose, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1986 Linda Smiley Kettering, OH Ford Mustang GT
1985 Ruth Crawford Waukesha, WI Pontiac Trans-Am
1984 Rita Parke Rochester, NY Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1983 Rita Parke Pittsford, NY Pontiac Trans-Am
1982 Rita Parke Pittsford, NY Pontiac Trans-Am
1981 Rita Parke Pittsford, NY Pontiac Trans-Am
1980 Donna Osthus Seattle, WA Pontiac Firebird
1979 Janice Rick Manchester, MA Pontiac Trans-Am
G Street (GS)
2019 Ron Williams Topeka, KS Honda Civic Si
2018 Lance Keeley Brookfield, WI Honda Civic Si
2017 Doug Rowse Phoeniz, AZ Ford Focus ST
2016 Andrew Pallotta Cary, NC Ford Focus ST
2015 Mark Scroggs San Ramon, CA Ford Focus ST
2014 Mark Scroggs San Ramon, CA Ford Focus ST
G Stock (GS)
2013 Michael Moran Fairfield, PA Toyota Celica GT
2012 William Loring Osceola, IN Toyota Celica GT
338 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix K - Awards
2011 William Loring Osceola, IN Toyota Celica GT
2010 Kevin Royce Lake Orion, MI Dodge SRT-4
2009 Anthony Savini Cochranville, PA MINI Cooper S
2008 Craig Wilcox Blue Springs, MO MINI Cooper S
2007 Ron Williams Topeka, KS MINI Cooper S
2006 Craig Wilcox Blue Springs, MO MINI Cooper S
2005 Mark Chiles Mount Joy, PA MINI Cooper S
2004 Robert Carpenter Knoxville, TN Toyota Celica
2003 Brian Priebe Mislawaka, IN Toyota Celica GT
2002 Brian Priebe Granger, IN Toyota Celica
2001 David Fauth Aurora, CO Acura Integra Type R
2000 David Fauth Aurora, CO Acura Integra Type R
1999 Bob Endicott San Pedro, CA Acura Integra Type R
1998 Mark Allen Jacksonville, FL Mitsubishi Eclipse
1997 David Schotz Phoenix, AZ Mazda MX-6
1996 John Hayes San Diego, CA Mazda MX-6
1995 Dan Cadenhead Alpine, CA Mazda MX-6
1994 Danny Shields Valrico, FL Mazda MX-6
1993 Danny Shields Valrico, FL Mazda MX-6
1992 Dean Sapp Catonsville, MD Chrysler Conquest
1991 Steve Brolliar Madison, AL Chrysler Conquest
1990 Steve Brolliar Madison, AL Chrysler Conquest
1989 Bruce Dickey Wichita Falls, TX Ford Mustang
1988 Russell Wiles Sioux Falls, SD BMW 325
1987 Russell Wiles Sioux Falls, SD BMW 325
1986 Randy Pobst Melbourne, FL Volkswagen Jetta
1985 Ken Rupp Carrollton, GA Pont Sunbird Turbo
1984 John Duane Bellingham, MA Pontiac Firebird
1983 Charles McCraryIII Smyrna, GA Mazda GLC
1982 Sam Bloom Chicago, IL Dodge Colt RS
1981 Barry Goldine Fremont, CA Volkswagen Scirocco
1980 Robert Monday Indianapolis, IN Dodge Colt RS
1979 Gene Wetzelberg Endicott, NY Volkswagen Scirocco
1978 Ed Berry Riverdale, GA Volkswagen Rabbit
1977 Ed Berry Riverdale, GA Volkswagen Rabbit
1976 Ken Alden White River Jct,VT Audi Fox
1975 John Meek Boulder, CO Honda Civic
1974 Frank Filiccicchia Chicago, IL Volkswagen
1973 John Meek Ft Collins, CO NSU TT
G Street Ladies (GSL)
2019 Annie Gill Renton, WA Honda Civic Si
2018 Barbara Seeger Pepperell, MA Honda Civic Si
2017 Barbara Seeger Pepperell, MA Ford Focus ST
2016 Maria Mayorga Cary, NC Ford Focus ST
2015 Laura Harbour Stamping Ground, KY Toyota Celica GT
2014 Laura Harbour Stamping Ground, KY Toyota Celica GT
G Stock Ladies (GSL)
2012 Wendi Allen Jacksonville Beach, FL Honda Civic Si
2011 Julie Heaton Omaha, NE MazdaSpeed Protégé
2009 Mindi Cross Phoenix, AZ MINI Cooper S
2008 Kristi Brown Des Moines, WA MINI Cooper S
2007 Wendi Allen Jacksonville Beach, FL MINI Cooper S
2006 Wendi Allen Ft Lauderdale, FL MINI Cooper S

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2005 Angie Rogers Granger, IN MINI Cooper S
2004 Wendi Allen Weston, FL MINI Cooper S
2003 Donna Frank Durham, NC Toyota Celica GT
2002 Mary Medicus Lafayette, CO Audi A4 1.8T
2001 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Acura Integra Type R
2000 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Acura Integra Type R
1999 Katy Endicott San Pedro, CA Acura Integra Type R
1998 Wendi Allen Jacksonville, FL Mitsubishi Eclipse
1997 Diane Remetta Clinton, CT Chevrolet Camaro
1996 Diane Moores Remetta Clinton, CT Chevrolet Camaro
1995 Keli Cadenhead Alpine, CA Mazda MX-6
1994 Kay Bailey Colo Springs, CO Mazda MX-6
1993 Keli Cadenhead Alpine, CA Mazda MX-6
1992 Marla Davis Laurel, MD Chrysler Conquest
1991 Marla Davis Laurel, MD Chrysler Conquest
1990 Lisa Kenas Cupertino, CA Chrysler Conquest
1989 Marchell Fletcher Durango, CO Chrysler Conquest T
1988 Marlene Alexander Columbus, OH BMW 325is
1987 J Diane Byrne Lee’s Summit, MO Ford Mustang SVO
1986 Maxine Bateman Pleasanton, CA Acura Integra
1985 Lou Albertson W Bloomfield, MI Pontiac Sunbird
1984 Betsy Blackburn Atlanta, GA Pontiac 2000
1983 Paula Mills N Little Rock, AR Ford Fiesta
1982 Mary Davis Perrysburg, OH Dodge Colt
1981 Janice Rick Manchester, MO Dodge Colt
1980 Molly Riley Omaha, NE Volkswagen Scirocco
1979 Signe Geist Wichita, KS Honda Civic
H Street (HS)
2019 Philip Mitchell White Lake, MI Ford Fiesta ST
2018 Mike King St. Johns, FL Ford Fiesta ST
2017 Mike King St. Johns, FL Ford Fiesta ST
2016 Robert Luis Rohnert Park, CA MINI Cooper
2015 Greg Reno Lawrence, KS MINI Cooper
2014 Greg Reno Lawrence, KS MINI Cooper
H Stock (HS)
2013 Greg Reno Lawrence, KS MINI Cooper
2012 Greg Reno Lawrence, KS MINI Cooper
2011 James Feinberg Cary, NC MINI Cooper
2010 Jimmy Crawford New Berlin, WI MINI Cooper
2009 Jimmy Crawford Milwaukee, WI MINI Cooper
2008 Ron Williams Topeka, KS MINI Cooper
2007 Jack Burns Hamilton, OH Mazda3
2006 Karter Bollmann Houston, TX MINI Cooper
2005 Karter Bollmann Friendswood, TX MINI Cooper
2004 Keith Brown Des Moines, WA MINI Cooper
2003 Mark Chiles Rocky Mount, NC MINI Cooper
2002 Matthew Murray Westport, CT BMW 318i
2001 Gerry Terranova Allen, TX Honda Civic Si
2000 Gerry Terranova Allen, TX Honda Civic Si
1999 Jeff Cashmore Glendale, WI Toyota Celica
1998 Rick McDaniel Holland, OH Toyota Celica
1997 Rick McDaniel Odenton, MD Toyota Celica
1996 Rick McDaniel Milwaukie, OR Toyota Celica

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Appendix K - Awards
1995 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Mazda MX-6
1994 Rick McDaniel Milwaukie, OR Toyota Celica
1993 Jeff Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA BMW 318
1992 Dan Cadenhead Alpine, CA Toyota Paseo
1991 Mal Kooiman Zeeland, MI Chev Cosworth Vega
1990 Ken Frey Cos Cob, CT Toyota Celica
1989 Steve Brolliar Madison, AL Dodge Shadow
1988 Todd Rupp Carrollton, GA Pontiac Sunbird
1987 Todd Rupp Carrollton, GA Sunbird Formula
1986 Chris Peterson Salt Lake City, UT Saab 900
1985 Alan Sheidler Holland, OH Plymouth Colt GTS
1984 Peter Cunningham Milwaukee, WI Saab 99
1983 John Duane Bellingham, MA Pontiac Firebird
1982 Garwood Anderson Lincoln, NE Chevrolet Corvair
1981 Charles McCrary Smyrna, GA Mazda GLC
1980 Charles McCrary Atlanta, GA Mazda GLC
1979 C Bud Henthorn Independence,KY BMW 320i
1978 Paul Bess Dayton, OH Fiat 850
H Street Ladies (HSL)
2019 Laney Blume Wichita, KA Honda Civic Sport
2018 Laney Blume Wichita, KS MINI Cooper
2017 Laney Blume Wichita, KS MINI Cooper
2016 Laura Harbour Stamping Ground, KY Honda Civic Si
2015 Holly Schwedler Lakewood, OH MINI Cooper
2014 Holly Schwedler Lakewood, OH MINI Cooper
H Stock Ladies (HSL)
2012 Gwen Baake Bahama, NC MINI Cooper
2011 Barbara Leroy-Boehme San Diego, CA MINI Cooper
2010 Barbara Leroy-Boehme San Diego, CA MINI Cooper
2009 Stephanie Chang Morris Plains, NJ MINI Cooper
2008 Wendi Allen Jacksonville Beach, FL MINI Cooper
2007 Cara Ness Medfield, MA Honda Civic Si
2006 Kristi Brown Des Moines, WA MINI Cooper
2005 Donna Cate Frank Durham, NC MINI Cooper
2004 Dawn Maxwell Phoenix, AZ MINI Cooper
2003 Dawn Maxwell Phoenix, AZ MINI Cooper
2002 Yvonne Short Scottsdale, AZ MINI Cooper
2001 Wendi Allen Jacksonville, FL Honda Civic Si
2000 Sharron Shields Valrico, FL BMW 318is
1999 Sharron Shields Valrico, FL Mazda MX-6
1998 Audrey Harnish York, PA Toyota Celica
1997 Elaine McDaniel Odenton, MD Toyota Celica
1996 Elaine McDaniel Milwaukie, OR Toyota Celica
1995 Ann Hollis Austin, TX Mazda MX-6
1994 Michelle Reitmeir Monte Sereno, CA Mazda MX-3
1993 Shelly Monfort Los Gatos, CA BMW 318
1992 Keli Cadenhead Alpine, CA Toyota Paseo
1991 Jane Vinton Bloomington, IL Mazda 323 SE
1990 Jane Vinton Bloomington,IL Mazda 323 SE
1989 Jane Vinton Bloomington,IL Mazda 323 SE
1988 Beverly Nichols Amelia, OH Saab 900S
1987 Tina Reeves Rochester, NY Dodge Colt
1986 Tina Reeves Rochester, NY Dodge Colt

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1985 Tina Reeves Rochester, NY Dodge Colt
1984 Deborah Sheidler Holland, OH Plymouth Colt
1983 Janice Rick Manchester, MO Dodge Colt
1982 Donna Katarzynski Harvey, IL Datsun 1200
1981 Dorothy Raymond Denver, CO Opel 1900
1980 Janice Barlow Clearfield, UT Datsun 1200
1979 Ellen Upshaw Atlanta, GA Mazda GLC
Solo Spec Coupe (SSC)
2019 Adam Benaway Fayetteville, NC Scion FR-S
2018 Adam Benaway Fayetteville, NC Scion FR-S
Solo Spec Coupe Ladies (SSCL)
2019 Jennifer Bedell Hillsborough, NC Scion FR-S
2018 Jennifer Bedell Hillsborough, NC Scion FR-S
Street Touring® Ultra (STU)
2019 Christopher Mayfield Menlo Park, CA BMW M3
2018 Bill Zerr Tacoma, WA Subaru WRX STI
2017 Bryan Heikotter Fresno, CA Nissan 350Z
2016 Bryan Heitkotter Fresno, CA Nissan 350Z
2015 Jeff Stuart Santa Barbara, CA Nissan 350Z
2014 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ Nissan 350Z
2013 Geoff Clark Monroe, WA Mitsubishi Evolution
2012 Tristan Littlehale Saratoga, CA BMW M3
2011 Geoff Clark Monroe, WA Mitsubishi Evolution
2010 Andrew Pollotta Cuyahoga Falls, OH Mitsubishi Evolution
2009 Thomas Kenna Irvine, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2008 Colin Fiedler Pewaukee, WI Subaru WRX
2007 James Paulson Portland, OR Subaru WRX STi
Street Touring® Ultra Ladies (STUL)
2019 Eileen Blando San Jose, CA Mitsubishi Evolotion
2018 Tasha Mikko Seattle, WA Mitsubishi Evolution
2017 Mina Ingraham Lake Oswego, OR Subaru WRX STI
2016 Crissy Weaver Beavercreek, OH Subaru WRX STI
2015 Mina Ingraham Lake Oswego, OR Subaru WRX
2014 Diane Bollenbecker San Diego, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2013 Gretchen Everett Kent, WA Mitsubishi Evolution
2012 Michelle Miller Federal Way, WA Mitsubishi Evolution
2011 Christy Carlson Papillion, NE Subaru WRX STI
2010 Kristi Gaus Wexford, PA Mitsubishi Evolution
2009 Diana Carris Kailua, HI Mitsubishi Evolution
2008 Annie Bauer Newport Beach, CA Subaru WRX
2007 Amy Fair Fairview, TX BMW M3
Street Touring® Roadster (STR)
2019 Brian Karwan Frederick, MD Mazda MX-5 Miata
2018 Jonathan Lugod Gardena, CA Mazda MX-5 Miata
2017 Ian Stewart Orlando, FL Mazda MX-5 Miata
2016 James Yom Los Angeles, CA Honda S2000 CR
2015 Nick Bjoin Burbank, CA Honda S2000
2014 Nick Barbato Wethersfield, CT Honda S2000 CR
2013 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ Nissan 350Z
2012 Jonathan Lugod Oceanside, CA Honda S2000

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Appendix K - Awards
2011 Robert Thorne Littleton, CO Honda S2000 CR
Street Touring® Roadster Ladies (STRL)
2019 Tara Johns Milton, TN Mazda MX-5 Miata
2018 Jessica Pao Alhambra, CA Mazda MX-5 Miata
2017 Laura Campbell Fort Lauderdale, FL Mazda MX-5 Miata
2016 Kate Fisher Chandler, AZ Honda S2000
2015 Kyung Wooten Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2014 Laura Campbell Paducah, KY Honda S2000 CR
2013 Annie Gill Renton, WA Honda S2000 CR
2012 Kyung Wooten Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2011 Kyung Wooten Austin, TX Mazda Miata
Street Touring® Xtreme (STX)
2019 Bryan Heitkotter Fresno, CA Subaru BRZ
2018 James Tatad Brooklyn, NY Subaru BRZ
2017 Jonathan Lugod Gardena, CA Subaru BRZ
2016 Craig Wilcox Grain Valley, MO MINI Cooper S
2015 David Marcus Fort Lauderdale, FL Subaru BRZ
2014 Andrew Pallotta Cuyahoga Falls, OH Scion FR-S
2013 Jeff Hurst Hicksville, NY Mazda RX-8
2012 Bryan Heitkotter Fresno, CA BMW 325is
2011 Jeff Wong Moorpark, CA Honda Civic Si
2010 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Honda Civic Si
2009 Bryce Merideth Ocoee, FL BMW 328is
2008 Greg McCance Toledo, OH Subaru WRX
2007 Chris Fenter Appleton, WI Subaru WRX
2006 Steve O’Blenes Garden Grove, CA Subaru WRX
2005 Joshua Sortor Glendale, AZ Subaru WRX
Street Touring® Xtreme Ladies (STXL)
2019 Kate Fisher Chandler, AZ Scion FR-S
2018 Kate Fisher Chandler, AZ Scion FR-S
2017 Nicole Wong Moorpark, CA Scion FR-S
2016 Annie Gill Renton, WA Scion FR-S
2015 Annie Gill Renton, WA Scion FR-S
2014 Annie Gill Renton, WA Scion FR-S
2013 Jordan Towns Birmingham, AL Mazda RX-8
2012 Debbie Kerswill Reno, NV Mazda RX-8
2011 Katelyn Johnson Plano, TX Honda Civic Si
2010 Ann Hollis Austin, TX Honda Civic Si
2009 Jennifer Isley Coto De Caza, CA Mazda RX-8
2008 Amy Coleman Renton, WA Subaru WRX
2007 Amy Coleman Renton, WA Subaru WRX
2006 Kathleen Fitzpatrick McKinney, TX BMW M3
2005 Ann Hollis Austin, TX Subaru WRX
Street Touring® Sport (STS) (formerly STS2)
2019 Eric Stoltz Buhl, ID Mazda Miata
2018 Adam Barber Minneapolis, MN Honda CRX Si
2017 Ron Williams Topeka, KS Honda CRX Si
2016 Jeff Wong Moorpark, CA Honda CRX Si
2015 Jason Frank Mount Pleasant, WI Honda CRX Si
2014 Andrew Canak Milwaukee, WI Mazda Miata
2013 David Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda CRX Si
2012 David Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda CRX Si
2011 Andrew Canak Milwaukee, WI Mazda Miata
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2010 Andrew Canak Milwaukee, WI Mazda Miata
2009 Matthew Glagola Atlanta, GA Honda CRX Si
2008 Mike King Jacksonville, FL Honda CRX Si
Street Touring® Sport Ladies (STSL) (formerly STS2L)
2018 Katie Crawford Hubertus, WI Honda CRX Si
2017 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Mazda Miata
2016 Nicole Wong Moorpark, CA Honda CRX Si
2015 Nicole Wong Moorpark, CA Honda del Sol
2014 Lily Liu Gardena, CA Honda CRX Si
2013 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda CRX Si
2012 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda CRX Si
2011 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda CRX Si
2010 Laura Harbour Stamping Ground, KY Mazda Miata
2009 Michelle Seelig Edmond, OK Honda CRX Si
2008 Michelle Seelig Edmond, OK Honda CRX Si
Street Touring Hatchback (STH)
2019 Alex Piehl Pittsburgh, PA Subaru WRX
2018 Samuel Krauss Dollard-des-Ormeaux, QC, Canada Eagle Talon TSi
Street Touring® Compact (STC) (formerly ST, STS)
2014 Ron Williams Topeka, KS Honda Civic Si
2013 Jason Frank Racine, WI Honda Civic Si
2012 Jeff Wong Moorpark, CA Honda Civic Si
2011 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Honda Civic Si
2010 Jeff Wong Moorpark, CA Honda Civic Si
2009 Bill Bounds Atlanta, GA Honda Civic Si
2008 Tim Smith Tucker, GA Honda Civic Si
2007 Jason Frank Racine, WI Honda Civic Si
2006 Jason Rhoades San Diego, CA Nissan 240SX
2005 Ken Motonishi Orange, CA Honda Civic Si
2004 Kevin McCormick Lincoln, CA Honda Civic Si
2003 Kenichi Motonishi Orange, CA Honda Civic Si
2002 Chris Shenefield Trucksville, PA Honda Civic Si
2001 Jason Tipple New Albany, OH Honda Civic Si
Street Touring® Compact Ladies (STCL) (formerly STL, STSL)
2014 Nicole Wong Moorpark, CA Honda Civic Si
2013 Nicole Nagler Moorpark, CA Honda Civic Si
2012 Nicole Nagler Moorpark, CA Honda Civic Si
2011 Nicole Nagler Moorpark, CA Honda Civic Si
2010 Leslie Cohen Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA Honda Civic Si
2009 Leslie Cohen Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA Honda Civic Si
2008 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Honda Civic Si
2007 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Honda Civic Si
2006 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Honda Civic Si
2005 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Honda Civic Si
2004 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Honda Civic Si
2003 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Honda Civic Si
2002 Kelley Mossgrove Hilliard, OH Honda Civic Si
2001 Linda Duncan Morrison, CO Subaru Impreza
Street Touring® Front-Wheel-Drive (STF)
2017 Daniel Gross Frederick, MD Mazda3
2016 David Whitener Fort Worth, TX Acura RSX Type S
2015 David Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda Civic Si
2014 Lee Chhit Huntsville, AL MINI Cooper
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Appendix K - Awards
2013 Eric Sienkiewicz Charlotte, NC Mazda3 S
2012 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Mazda2
Street Touring® Front-Wheel-Drive Ladies (STFL)
2015 Michelle Miller Federal Way. WA MINI Cooper
2014 Michelle Miller Federal Way, WA MINI Cooper
2013 Katelyn Johnson Plano, TX Toyota Corolla S
Super Street Prepared (SSP)
2019 Eric Stemler Peoria, IL Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2018 Mike Casino Charlotte, NC Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2017 Joe Tharpe State Center, IA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2016 Joe Tharpe State Center, IA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2015 Joe Tharpe State Center, IA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2014 Ryan Johnson Draper, UT Lotus Elise
2013 Joe Tharpe State Center, IA Chevrolet Corvette
2012 Joe Tharpe State Center, IA Chevrolet Corvette
Super Street Prepared Ladies (SSPL)
2015 Donna Littlejohn Columbia, SC Chevrolet Corvette
2014 Jocelin Huang Edina, MN Porsche 911 GT3
A Street Prepared (ASP)
2019 Tom Berry Rancho Cucamonga, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2018 Aaron Miller Auburn Hills, MI Mitsubishi Evolution
2017 Tom Berry Rancho Cucamonga, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2016 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2015 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2014 Bill Rogerson Seeleys Bay, ON Subaru WRX STI
2013 Aaron Miller Auburn Hills, MI Mitsubishi Evolution
2012 Aaron Miller Auburn Hills, MI Mitsubishi Evolution
2011 Courtney Cormier Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette
2010 Michael Johnson Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette
2009 Jason Collett Smyrna, TN Chevrolet Corvette
2008 Ken Motonishi Orange, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2007 Michael Johnson Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette
2006 Michael Johnson Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette
2005 James Gunn-Wilkinson San Diego , CA Porsche GT2
2004 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Daniel Popp Cincinnati, OH Chevrolet Corvette
2002 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Mark Huffman Avondale, AZ Lotus Elan
2000 Mark Huffman Avondale, AZ Lotus Elan
1999 Ren Marinus Folsom, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1998 Shauna Marinus Folsom, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1997 Charles Cave Carbondale, CO Lotus Elan
1996 Craig Nagler Agoura, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1995 Craig Carr Poland, OH Lotus Elan
1994 Dwight Mitchell Carmichael, CA Porsche 911
1993 Craig Carr Poland, OH Lotus Elan
1992 Charles Cave Las Cruces, NM Lotus Elan
1991 Ron Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1990 Dwight Mitchell Carmichael, CA Porsche 911
1989 Craig Carr Poland, OH Lotus Elan
1988 Scott Holley Noblesville, IN Porsche 911S
1987 Gary Milligan Vancouver, BC Lotus Europa
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1986 Dick Rasmussen Raleigh, NC Lotus Europa
1985 David Skelton Bartlett, TN Porsche 914/6
1984 Doug Maxcy Plano, TX Lotus Europa
1983 Dan Holm San Jose, CA Datsun 240Z
A Street Prepared Ladies (ASPL)
2015 Caitlin Snell Monroe, WA Mitsubishi Evolution
2014 Christine Grice Redondo Beach, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2013 Christine Grice Redondo Beach, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2012 Christine Grice Redondo Beach, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2011 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Nissan GT-R
2010 Jill Snell Puyallup, WA Lotus Exige
2009 Donna Littlejohn Columbia, SC Chevrolet Corvette
2008 Diane Johnson Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette
2007 Diane Johnson Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette
2006 Pilar Miranda Morgan Hill, CA Porsche GT2
2005 Karen Rafferty Northville, MI Chevrolet Corvette
2004 Bea Regganie Joliet, IL Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Bea Regganie Joliet, IL Chevrolet Corvette
2002 Su Brude Plano, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Gloria Carr Poland, OH Lotus Elan
2000 LiNay White Puyallup, WA Dodge Viper
1999 Lisa Carle West Chester, PA Lotus Elan
1998 Lisa Carle Coatesville, PA Lotus Elan
1997 Lisa Carle Coatesville, PA Lotus Elan
1996 Gloria Carr Poland, OH Lotus Elan
1995 Gloria Carr Poland, OH Lotus Elan
1994 Sally Brown Spring,TX Porsche 911
1993 Gloria Carr Poland, OH Lotus Elan
1992 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1991 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1990 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1989 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1988 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1987 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1986 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1985 Susan Hagaman Bellevue, WA Porsche 914
1984 Vicky Maxcy Plano, TX Lotus Europa
1983 Karen Babb Seattle, WA Mazda RX-7
B Street Prepared (BSP)
2019 Ron Bauer Seatac, WA Mazda MX-5 Miata
2018 Ron Bauer Seatac, WA Mazda MX-5 Miata
2017 Tom O’Gorman Mason, OH Honda S2000
2016 Anthony Porta Yorba Linda, CA MazdaSpeed Miata
2015 Steve O’Blenes Garden Grove, CA MazdaSpeed Miata
2014 Christopher Mayfield Fort Collins, CO Honda S2000
2013 Robert Thorne Littleton, CO Honda S2000
2012 Jason Uyeda Canoga Park, CA Honda S2000
2011 Corey Ridgick Allentown, PA Mitsubishi Evolution
2010 Craig Wilcox Blue Springs, MO Mitsubishi Evolution
2009 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2008 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2007 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2006 John Tak Clarkston, MI Mitsubishi Evolution

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Appendix K - Awards
2005 Rita Wilsey Lake Elsinore, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2004 Harold Olsen Folsom, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2002 Bill Buetow Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Vic Sias Mountain View, CA Datsun 240Z
2000 Ray Miller Citrus Heights, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1999 Daniel Popp Cincinnati, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1998 Andy Craig Fremont, CA Datsun 240Z
1997 Phil Currin Gainesville, FL Chevrolet Corvette
1996 Daniel Popp Cincinnati, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1995 Phil Currin Gainesville, FL Chevrolet Corvette
1994 Daniel Popp Cincinnati, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1993 Bruce Wentzel Milford, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1992 Tommy Saunders Southlake, TX Chevrolet Corvette
1991 Bruce Wentzel Milford, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1990 Tommy Saunders Roanoke, TX Chevrolet Corvette
1989 Bill Thompson Duncanville, TX Chevrolet Corvette
1988 Phil Currin Gainesville, FL Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Rod Derrick Salt Lake City, UT Chevrolet Corvette
1986 Tommy Saunders Roanoke, TX Chevrolet Corvette
1985 Bruce Wentzel Brighton, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1984 Bruce Wentzel Brighton, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1983 Bill Thompson Duncanville, TX Chevrolet Corvette
B Street Prepared Ladies (BSPL)
2018 Molly Thore Greensboro, NC MazdaSpeed Miata
2017 Kristen Rosenthal Fort Lauderdale, FL Honda S2000
2015 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA MazdaSpeed Miata
2014 Amanda Hahn Littleton, CO Honda S2000
2013 Amanda Hahn Littleton, CO Honda S2000
2011 Christine Berry Rancho Cucamonga, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2010 Christine Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2009 Lisa Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2008 Teresa Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2007 Christine Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2006 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3 LTW
2005 Lori Robertson Chino Hills, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2004 Angela Moffett Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Angela Moffett Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette
2002 Angela Moffett Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
2000 Patti Yeo Auburn, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1999 LiNay White Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette
1998 LiNay White Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette
1997 Linda Shelton Salt Lake City, UT Chevrolet Corvette
1996 Mary Wentzel Milford, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1995 Mary Wentzel Milford, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1994 Mary Wentzel Milford, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1993 Mary Wentzel Milford, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1992 Mary Wentzel Milford, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1991 Mary Wentzel Milford, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1990 Mary Brotz Livonia, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1989 Jo Ann Lynch Woodland Hills,CA Chevrolet Corvette
1988 Jo Ann Lynch Woodland Hills,CA Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Jo Ann Lynch Woodland Hills,CA Chevrolet Corvette
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1986 Mary Brotz Livonia, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1985 Jo Ann Lynch Wooodland Hills,CA Chevrolet Corvette
1984 Marsha Heckert Sacramento, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1983 Jeanne Ross Salinas, CA Pontiac FireAm
C Street Prepared (CSP)
2019 Billy Davis New Haven, CT Mazda Miata
2018 Neal Tovsen Apple Valley, MN Mazda Miata
2017 Billy Davis Auburn Hills, MI Mazda Miata
2016 Billy Davis New Haven, CT Mazda Miata
2015 Billy Davis New Haven, CT Mazda Miata
2014 Billy Davis New Haven, CT Mazda Miata
2013 John Hunter Omaha, NE Mazda Miata
2012 Scott Fraser San Jose, CA Mazda Miata
2011 Tim Aro Glen Allen, VA Mazda Miata
2010 Scott Fraser San Jose, CA Mazda Miata
2009 Matt McCabe Omaha, NE Mazda Miata
2008 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ Mazda MX-5
2007 Reijo Silvennoinen Seal Beach, CA Mazda Miata
2006 Matt McCabe Omaha, NE Mazda Miata
2005 George Doganis Lakeside, CA Mazda MX-5
2004 Tim Aro Richmond, VA Toyota MR2 Spyder
2003 Tom Ellam Livermore, CA Mazda RX-3
2002 George Doganis La Mesa, CA Mazda Miata
2001 Tom Ellam Livermore, CA Mazda RX-3
2000 David Palmquist Anaheim, CA Mazda Miata
1999 C Heath McMillan Woodstock, GA Honda CRX
1998 Tom Ellam Bloomingburg, NY Maxda RX-3
1997 Guy Ankeny Simi Valley, CA Mazda Miata
1996 Elliott Harvey Lakeland, FL Datsun SRL311
1995 Bob Endicott San Pedro, CA Honda CRX
1994 Lane Sanders Tareytown, NY Honda Civic
1993 Elliott Harvey Lakeland, FL Datsun SRL311
1992 Neil Kuhns San Diego, CA Honda CRX
1991 Elliott Harvey Lakeland, FL Datsun SRL-311
1990 Grady Wood, Jr Collierville, TN Honda CRX
1989 Rickey Hines Oakland, CA Pontiac Fiero GT
1988 Elliott Harvey Lakeland, FL Datsun SRL311
1987 Elliott Harvey Lakeland, FL Datsun SRL311
1986 Chuck Noonan Barre, MA Honda CRX
1985 Chuck Noonan Barre, MA Honda CRX
1984 Chuck Noonan Barre, MA Honda CRX
1983 Chuck Sample Fort Wayne, IN Fiat X1/9
C Street Prepared Ladies (CSPL)
2019 Katie Lacey Apple Valley, MN Mazda Miata
2018 Stephanie Humphries Elizabeth City, NC Mazda Miata
2017 Katie Lacey Apple Valley, MN Mazda Miata
2016 Tamra Hunt Shelton, CT Mazda Miata
2015 Tamra Hunt Shelton, CT Mazda Miata
2014 Gretchen Austin Minneapolis, MN Mazda Miata
2013 Sue Eckles Malcolm, NE Mazda Miata
2012 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Mazda Miata
2011 Sue Eckles Malcolm, NE Mazda Miata
2010 Kathy Wolfskill Nederland, CO Mazda Miata

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Appendix K - Awards
2009 Juliann Pokorny Ft Worth, TX Mazda MX-5
2008 Kathy Wolfskill Nederland, CO Mazda Miata
2007 Tami Daniels Gladstone, OR Mazda MX-5
2006 Danielle Engstrom Frankfort, IL Toyota MR2
2005 Danielle Engstrom Frankfort, IL Toyota MR2 Spyder
2004 Jennifer Lee Kailua, HI Mazda Miata
2003 Danielle Engstrom Frankfort, IL Toyota MR2 Spyder
2002 Denise Kugler Springtown, PA Honda CRX
2001 Denise Kugler Springtown, PA Honda CRX
2000 Audrey Harnish York, PA Honda CRX
1999 Audrey Harnish York, PA Honda CRX
1998 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
1997 Pilar Miranda San Jose, CA Mazda Miata
1996 Pilar Miranda Torrence, CA Mazda Miata
1995 Katy Endicott San Pedro, CA Honda CRX
1994 Debra Waddell Worchester, MA Honda Civic
1993 Katy Endicott San Pedro, CA Honda CRX Si
1992 Ginette Jordan Vernon, CT Honda Civic
1991 Ginette Jordan Vernon, CT Honda Civic
1990 Betsy Bryan Tinsley Kennesaw, GA Honda Civic
1989 Tina Kennedy Naugatuck, CT Honda Civic
1988 Laurie Davis Carlsbad, CA Honda CRX
1987 Pat Hines Oakland, CA Pontiac Fiero GT
1986 Debbie Barrett Hillsboro, OR Honda Civic Si
1985 Sharon Wallace Kent, WA Fiat X1/9
1984 Lavonne VanSickle Fairlawn, OH BMW 2002
1983 Vicky Mihara San Francisco,CA Mazda RX-2
D Street Prepared (DSP)
2019 Tamra Krystinik Middlefield, CT Mazda RX-8
2018 Evan Schickel Brooklyn, NY BMW 330Ci
2017 John Vitamvas Glenwood, MD BMW 330Ci
2016 Eric Campbell Canal Winchester, OH BMW 330Ci
2015 Doug Rowse Phoenix, AZ BMW 330i
2014 Doug Rowse Phoenix, AZ BMW 330i
2013 Bryan Heitkotter Fresno, CA BMW 325is
2012 Alex Shchipkov Clifton Park, NY BMW 330Ci
2011 Doug Rowse Phoenix, AZ BMW 330
2010 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ BMW 330i
2009 Ben Martinez San Jose, CA Merkur XR4Ti
2008 Doug Rowse Phoenix, AZ BMW 330i
2007 Mike Shields Temple, NH BMW 325is
2006 Mike Shields Temple, NH BMW 325is
2005 David Fauth Centennial, CO BMW 325is
2004 Derek Butts San Bruno, CA Lexus IS300
2003 David Fauth Centennial, CO BMW 325is
2002 Steve Hoelscher New Market, AL Fiat X1/9
2001 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Dodge Neon
2000 Steve Hoelscher New Market, AL Fiat X1/9
1999 Steve Hoelscher New Market, AL Fiat X1/9
1998 Steve Hoelscher New Market, AL Fiat X1/9
1997 Tom Ellam Bloomingburg, NY Mazda RX-3
1996 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mazda RX-3
1995 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mazda RX-3
1994 Bill Condrashoft Fiddletown, CA Fiat X1/9
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1993 Bill Condrashoff Fiddletown, CA Fiat X1/9
1992 Bill Condrashoff Fiddletown, CA Fiat X1/9
1991 Bill Condrashoff Fiddletown, CA Fiat X1/9
1990 Don Roberts Phoenix, AZ MGB
1989 Bill Condrashoff Concord, CA Fiat X1/9
1988 Jinx Jordan Vernon, CT Honda CRX
1987 Jinx Jordan Vernon, CT Honda CRX
1986 Chuck Sample Ft Wayne, IN Fiat X1/9
1985 Chuck Sample Ft Wayne, IN Fiat X1/9
D Street Prepared Ladies (DSPL)
2012 Olga Bogdanova Clifton Park, NY BMW 330Ci
2011 Olga Bogdanova Clifton Park, NY BMW 330Ci
2010 Katy Nicholls San Diego, CA BMW 330i
2009 Deanna Caraballo San Jose, CA Subaru Impreza RS
2008 Theresa Condict Lexington, MA BMW 325i
2007 Beverlee Larsson Anaheim Hills, CA BMW 325is
2006 Beverlee Larsson Anaheim, CA BMW 325is
2005 Beverlee Larsson Anaheim, CA BMW 325is
2004 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW 330Ci
2003 Kathy Leicester-Wolfskill Nederland, CO BMW 325is
2002 Kathy Leicester-Wolfskill Nederland, CO BMW 325is
2001 Tina Reeves Rochester, NY Fiat X1/9
2000 Tina Reeves Rochester, NY Fiat X1/9
1999 Tina Reeves Rochester, NY Fiat X1/9
1998 Lisa Krueger Midland, MI VW Rabbit
1997 Ginette Jordan Vernon, CT Honda CRX
1996 Ginette Jordan Vernon, CT Honda CRX
1995 Benita Asher Menlo Park, CA Fiat X1/9
1994 Pilar Miranda Palos Verdes Estates, CA Mazda RX-3
1993 Michelle Reitmeir Monte Sereno,CA Mazda RX-3
1992 Tina Kennedy Barre, MA Suzuki Swift GT
1991 Tina Kennedy Barre, MA Suzuki Swift GT
1990 Tina Kennedy Barre, MA Suzuki Swift GT
1989 Akkana Peck San Francisco, CA Fiat X1/9
1988 Ginette Jordan Vernon, CT Honda CRX
1987 Ginette Jordan Vernon, CT Honda CRX
1986 Ginette Jordan Vernon, CT Honda CRX
1985 Ginette Jordan Vernon, CT Honda CRX
E Street Prepared (ESP)
2019 Jeff Wong Moorpark, CA Chevrolet Camaro SS
2018 Devin Taylor Columbus, OH Chevrolet Camaro Z28
2017 John Laughlin Akron, OH Ford Mustang
2016 James Darden Brighton, CO Chevrolet Camaro Z28
2015 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ Ford Mustang
2014 Billy Brooks Park City, UT Subaru Impreza WRX
2013 Greg McCance Ramona, CA Subaru Impreza WRX
2012 Mark Madarash Red Oak, TX Pontiac Trans-Am
2011 Mark Madarash Red Oak, TX Pontiac Trans-Am
2010 Mark Madarash Red Oak, TX Pontiac Trans-Am
2009 Mark Madarash Red Oak, TX Pontiac Trans-Am
2008 Mark Madarash Red Oak, TX Pontiac Trans-Am
2007 Mark Madarash Red Oak, TX Pontiac Trans-Am
2006 Sam Strano Knoxdale, PA Chevrolet Camaro

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Appendix K - Awards
2005 Andrew Lieber Bay City, MI Mitsubishi Evolution
2004 Sam Strano Brookville, PA Chevrolet Camaro
2003 David Schotz Mesa, AZ Ford Mustang Cobra
2002 Sam Strano Brookville, PA Chevrolet Camaro
2001 Mark Madarash Ft Worth, TX Pontiac Trans-Am
2000 Bob Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
1999 Mark Madarash Ft Worth, TX Pontiac Trans-Am
1998 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang
1997 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Chevrolet Camaro
1996 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Chevrolet Camaro
1995 Dennis Riehle Savage, MN Chevrolet Camaro
1994 Ken Mitchell Roseville, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1993 Gary Thomason Vista, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1992 Gary Thomason Vista, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1991 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang
1990 Dan Livezey Huntington Beach, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1989 Dan Livezey Huntington Beach, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1988 Dave Kutney W Chester, OH Pontiac Trans-Am
E Street Prepared Ladies (ESPL)
2019 Nicole Wong Moorpark, CA Chevrolet Camaro SS
2018 Becca Nell Norwalk, CT Infiniti G35
2017 Jesse Gauthier Kirkland, WA Ford Mustang
2015 Carol Kolk White Lake, MI Ford Mustang
2014 Mandy Owen Phoenix, AZ Subaru Impreza WRX
2013 Mandy Owen Phoenix, AZ Subaru Impreza WRX
2011 Linda Ruschak Merrillville, IN Ford Mustang GT
2010 Bernadette Regganie Joliet, IL Chevrolet Camaro Z28
2009 Karen Kraus Harmans, MD Subaru Impreza WRX
2008 Lorien Feighner Howell, MI Ford Mustang
2007 Lorien Feighner Howell, MI Ford Mustang
2006 Lorien Feighner Howell, MI Ford Mustang
2005 Jennifer Merideth Westland, MI Ford Mustang
2004 Nancy Maloney Scottsdale, AZ Mitsubishi Evolution
2003 Jennifer Merideth Westland, MI Ford Mustang
2002 Jennifer Merideth Westland, MI Ford Mustang
2001 Lorien Feighner Howell, MI Ford Mustang
2000 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
1999 Eileen Lindberg ShelbyTownship, MI Ford Mustang
1998 Belinda Endress Newburg Park, CA Chevrolet Camero
1997 Karen Chabal Valencia, PA Ford Mustang
1996 Cathy Maltby Granville, OH Ford Mustang
1995 Teresa Lommatzsch San Jose, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1994 Teresa Lommatzsch San Jose, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1993 Jean Kinser Elgin, IL Chevrolet Camaro
1992 Marcella Mitchell Roseville, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1991 Marcella Mitchell Roseville, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1990 Linda Smiley Kettering, OH Chevrolet Camaro
1989 Mary Brotz Livonia, MI Chevrolet Camaro
1988 Judy Schoonmaker Walworth, NY Chevrolet Camaro Z28
F Street Prepared (FSP)
2019 Steven Duckworth Mt. Holly, NC Volkswagen Rabbit
2018 Randy Pobst Gainesville, GA Volkswagen Rabbit
2017 Dan Costello Omaha, NE Honda CRX

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Awards - Appendix K
2016 Steven Duckworth Gastonia, NC Volkswagen Rabbit
2015 Steven Duckworth Gastonia, NC Volkswagen Rabbit
2014 David O’Maley Greensboro, NC Mazda 323
2013 Kevin Wenzel Erie, CO Volkswagen Scirocco
2012 Ron Williams Topeka, KS Honda Civic
2011 Kevin Wenzel Longmont, CO BMW 2002
2010 Jinx Jordan Terrell, NC Honda Civic
2009 David Fauth Aurora, CO BMW 2002
2008 Kevin Wenzel Longmont, CO BMW 2002
2007 Jason Tipple Galloway, OH Honda Civic Si
2006 Kevin Wenzel Denver, CO Volkswagen Scirocco
2005 Kevin Wenzel Louisville, CO Volkswagen Scirocco
2004 Allen Kugler Springtown, PA Honda Demon
2003 Allen Kugler Springtown, PA Honda Demon
2002 Taka Aono Gardena, CA Toyota Corolla GTS
2001 J Brett Howell Suwanee, GA Honda Civic DX
2000 Kevin Wenzel Louisville, CO Volkswagen Scirocco
F Street Prepared Ladies (FSPL)
2019 Emily Danti Colorado Springs, CO Toyota Corolla GTS
2017 Andrea Albin Topeka, KS Volkswagen Rabbit
2016 Bailey Costello Omaha, NE Honda CRX Si
2015 Brittany Edwards Thomasville, NC Mazda 323
2014 Lisa Krueger-Burgess Midland, MI Volkswagen Rabbit
2013 Lisa Krueger-Burgess Midland, MI Volkswagen Rabbit
2012 Nikki Edwards Thomasville, NC Mazda Protégé
2011 Kathy Wolfskill Nederland, CO BMW 2002
2010 Ginette Jordan Terrell, NC Honda Civic
2008 Ginette Jordan Terrell, NC Honda Civic
2007 Lisa Krueger Midland, MI Volkswagen Rabbit
2006 Lisa Krueger Midland, MI Volkswagen Rabbit
2005 Lisa Krueger Midland, MI Volkswagen Rabbit
2004 Lisa Krueger Midland, MI Volkswagen Rabbit
2003 Yoshie Shuyama Gardena, CA Toyota Corolla GTS
2002 Yoshie Shuyama Gardena, CA Toyota Corolla GTS
2001 Lisa Krueger Midland, MI Volkswagen Rabbit
2000 Lisa Krueger Midland, MI Volkswagen Rabbit
Super Street Modified (SSM) (formerly SM2)
2019 Robert Thorne Newtown, PA Honda S2000
2018 Randall Wilcox Bowie, MD Mazda Miata
2017 Randall Wilcox Clarksville, TN Mazda Miata
2016 Robert Thorne Littleton, CO Honda S2000
2015 Jake Namer Brooklyn, NY Mazda RX-7
2014 Matthew Glagola Atlanta, GA Lotus Elise
2013 Carter Thompson Murfreesboro, TN Mazda RX-7
2012 Carter Thompson Murfreesboro, TN Mazda RX-7
2011 Andy McKee San Jose, CA Mazda RX-7
2010 Erik Strelnieks Cedar Park, TX Mazda RX-7 3-Rotor
2009 Dan Chadwick Smyrna, TN Mazda RX-7
2008 Erik Strelnieks Cedar Park, TX Mazda RX-7 3-Rotor
2007 Erik Strelnieks Cedar Park, TX Mazda RX-7 3-Rotor
2006 Andrew McKee San Jose, CA Mazda RX-7
2005 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Chevrolet Corvette Z06

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Appendix K - Awards
2004 Andrew McKee San Jose, CA Mazda RX-7
Super Street Modified Ladies (SSML) (formerly SM2L)
2019 Amanda Thorne Newtown, PA Honda S2000
2013 Kyung Wooten Austin, TX Mazda MX-5
2012 Tara Johns Murfreesboro, TN Mazda RX-7
2011 Tonya Langley Umatilla, OR Chevrolet Corvette
2010 Tonya Langley Umatilla, OR Chevrolet Corvette
2009 Sue Eckles Malcolm, NE Honda S2000
2008 Sue Eckles Malcolm, NE Honda S2000
2007 Beth McClure-Strelnieks Cedar Park, TX Mazda RX-7 3-Rotor
2006 Angela Moffet Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2005 Angela Moffet Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2004 Lori Robertson Chino Hills, CA Chevrolet Corvette
Street Modified (SM)
2019 Marshall Grice Redondo Beach, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2018 Dallas Cutler Tigard, OR Mitsubishi Evolution
2017 David White Rutland, MA Nissan 240SX
2016 Christopher Mayfield Aurora, CO BMW M3
2015 David White Chicopee, MA Nissan 240SX
2014 Todd Kean Bristol, CT Nissan 240SX
2013 David White Chicopee, MA Nissan 240SX
2012 Mike Simanyi Santa Ana, CA BMW M3
2011 David White Chicopee, MA Nissan 240SX
2010 Christopher Mayfield Fort Collins, CO Mitsubishi Evolution
2009 Mike Simanyi Santa Ana, CA BMW M3
2008 Andrew Lieber Bay City, MI Mitsubishi Evolution
2007 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Mitsubishi Evolution RS
2006 Bob Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
2005 Vic Sias Santa Clara, CA BMW M3
2004 Vic Sias Santa Clara, CA BMW M3
2003 Jeff Reitmeir Los Altos, CA BMW M3
2002 Jeff Reitmeir Los Altos, CA BMW M3
Street Modified Ladies (SML)
2017 Christy Carlson Navarre, FL Subaru Impreza
2016 Stephanie Reeve Sturbridge, MA Nissan 240SX
2014 Laurie Hyman Fall City, WA Nissan GT-R
2013 Laurie Hyman Fall City, WA Nissan GT-R
2012 Lana Tsurikova Framingham, MA BMW M3
2010 Connie Smith Santa Fe, NM Volkswagen R32
2009 Katy Nicholls San Diego, CA BMW M3
2008 Christine Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution IX
2007 Denise Kugler Springtown, PA Honda Herman
2006 Elise Sias Santa Clara, CA BMW M3
2005 Katie Lacey St Paul, MN Volkswagen Scirocco
2004 Debbie Fessler Sylvania, OH Honda Civic
2003 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
2002 Karen Rafferty Irwin, PA Toyota Supra
Street Modified Front-Wheel-Drive (SMF)
2019 Craig Wilcox Grain Valley, MO Honda Civic
2018 Brian Kuehl Dover, NH Honda CRX
2017 Robert Thorne Littleton, CO Honda Civic
2016 Jinx Jordan Terrell, NC Honda Civic
2015 Brian Kuehl Durham, NH Honda CRX
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Awards - Appendix K
2014 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Honda CRX
2013 Chris Haydu Dallas, PA Honda Civic
Street Modified Front-Wheel-Drive Ladies (SMFL)
2019 Monique Forsythe Englewood, CO Honda Civic Si
2018 Ginette Jordan Terrell, NC Honda Civic
2017 Kristell Janusz Hunlock Creek, PA Honda Civic
2016 Jenny O’Maley Loveland, OH Honda Civic
2015 Ginette Jordan Terrell, NC Honda Civic
2014 Rachel Baker Westford, MA Honda CRX
X Prepared (XP)
2019 Andrew McKee Livermore, CA Mazda RX-7
2018 Andrew McKee Livermore, CA Mazda RX-7
2017 Fred Zust Tempe, AZ Lotus Elise
2016 Andrew McKee Livermore, CA Mazda RX-7
2015 Fred Zust Tempe, AZ Lotus Elise
2014 Fred Zust Tempe, AZ Lotus Elise
2013 Fred Zust Tempe, AZ Lotus Elise
2012 Andrew McKee San Jose, CA Mazda RX-7
2011 Fred Zust Tempe, AZ Lotus Elise
2010 Fred Zust Tempe, AZ Lotus Elise
2009 Fred Zust Tempe, AZ Lotus Elise
2008 Fred Zust Tempe, AZ Lotus Elise
2007 Robert Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
2006 David Newman Allentown, PA Porsche 911
X Prepared Ladies (XPL)
2018 Amanda Hahn Newtown, PA Honda S2000
2011 Katie Lacey Apple Valley, MN Subaru Impreza
2010 Rebecca Zacharda Sherwood, OR MINI Cooper S
2009 Diane Deanovic Tempe, AZ Lotus Elise
2008 Valerie Lieber Bay City, MI Mitsubishi Evolution IX
2007 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
2006 Barbara Beecher Davie, FL Porsche 911 RSR
A Prepared (AP)
2005 Guy Ankeny Simi Valey, CA Chevrolet Camaro
2004 Gordon Kinney Columbus, OH Sunbeam Tiger
2003 Gordon Kinney Columbus, OH Sunbeam Tiger
2002 Gordon Kinney Columbus, OH Sunbeam Tiger
2001 Sam Platt Chesterfield, MO Chevrolet Corvette
2000 Gordon Kinney Columbus, OH Sunbeam Tiger
1999 Greg Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 911 3.8RSR
1998 Ron Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1997 Ron Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1996 Ron Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1995 Bill Martin Ridgecrest, CA Lotus Europa TC
1994 Bill Martin Ridgecrest, CA Lotus Europa TC
1993 Bill Martin Ridgecrest, CA Lotus Europa TC
1992 Joe Darwal Richfield, OH Lotus Europa
1991 Bill Martin Ridgecrest, CA Lotus Europa TC
1990 Norm Maasshoff Warren, MI Lotus Elan
1989 Bill Martin Ridgecrest, CA Lotus Europa TC
1988 Norm Maasshoff Sterling Heigts,MI Lotus Elan
1987 Norm Maasshoff Sterling Heigts,MI Lotus Elan
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Appendix K - Awards
1986 Chris O’Donnell Irvine, CA Lotus Elan
1985 Chris O’Donnell Irvine, CA Lotus Elan
1984 Ronald Flier Glendale, MO Lotus Europa
1983 Gary Milligan Richmond, BC Lotus Super 7
1982 Jerry Fink Media, PA Lotus Super 7
1981 Ronald Flier Ellsville, MD Lotus Europa
1980 E Paul Dickinson Huntington, WV Lotus 7 Series IV
1979 Ronald Flier Ladue, MO Lotus Europa
1978 Ronald Flier St Louis, MO Lotus Europa
1977 Tip Franklin Fairfax, VA Lotus 7
1976 Bill Shenk Centreville, VA Lotus 7 Series IV
1975 Harry Gompf Lawrenceburg, IN Porsche 914/6
1974 Richard Reese Columbus, OH Lotus Super 7
1973 Harry Gompf Lawrenceburg, IN Porsche 914/6
A Prepared Ladies (APL)
2005 Mary Ankeny Simi Valley, CA Chevrolet Camaro
2004 Shelley Beckett San Diego, CA Lotus Elan
2003 Shelley Beckett Valley Center, CA Lotus Elan
2002 Sharron Shields Valrico, FL Porsche Boxster
2001 Sandra Castro Clover, SC Porsche Boxster
2000 Paulette Nagler Oaks Park, CA BMW M3
1999 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 911 3.8RSR
1998 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1997 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1996 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1995 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1994 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1993 Susan Hagaman Kirkland, WA Lotus Europa
1992 Jenny Rogers Durango, CO Lotus Europa
1991 Jenny Rogers Durango, CO Lotus Europa
1990 Jenny Rogers Durango, CO Lotus Europa
1989 Jenny Rogers Durango, CO Lotus Europa
1988 Jenny Rogers Durango, CO Lotus Europa
1987 Katie Kelly Pleasanton, CA Lotus 7A
1986 Mary Thomas Catoosa, OK Lotus Europa
1985 Vicki Flier Glendale, MO Lotus Europa
1984 Mary Rice Hollister, CA Shelby Cobra
1983 Wanda Angelomatis Vancouver, BC Lotus Super 7
1982 Muriel Banker Rockford, IL Datsun 240Z
1981 Mary Rice Salinas, CA Datsun 240Z
1980 Mary Rice Salinas, CA Datsun 240Z
1979 Saundra Kline Baltimore, MD Porsche 914/6
B Prepared (BP)
2006 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA Mazda RX-7
2005 Stan Whitney Frisco, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2004 Sam Platt Chesterfield, MO Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Steve Oblenes Garden Grove, CA Mazda RX-7
2002 Steve Oblenes Garden Grove, CA Mazda RX-7
2001 Steve Oblenes Garden Grove,CA Mazda RX-7
2000 Sean Breese Penryn, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1999 Randy Herrick Topeka, KS Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1998 Bill Fleig Carmichael, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1997 Ken Yeo Auburn, CA Chevrolet Corvette

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Awards - Appendix K
1996 Sam Platt Chesterfield, MO Chevrolet Corvette
1995 Sam Platt Chesterfield, MO Chevrolet Corvette
1994 Mike Poupart Metairie, LA Chevrolet Corvette
1993 Barry Schonberger Evansville, IL Sunbeam Tiger
1992 Larry Park Milpitas, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1991 Larry Park Fremont, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1990 Bob Matthews Fairfax, VA Chevrolet Corvette
1989 Larry Park Fremont, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1988 Larry Park Fremont, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Bill Herron Sacramento, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1986 Claire Ball Wheeling, IL Chevrolet Corvette
1985 Barry Schonberger Evansville, IN Sunbeam Tiger
1984 Jesus Villarreal San Lorenzo, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1983 Lou Anderson Vista, CA Griffith 200
1982 Lou Anderson Vista, CA Griffith 200
1981 Jesus Villarreal San Lorenzo, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1980 Gerald Kuhn W Berlin, NJ Chevrolet Corvette
1979 Larry Park San Jose, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1978 John Seiler Fresno, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1977 Jack McDonald Vallejo, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1976 Ron Faller Huron, OH Sunbeam Tiger
1975 LC Bohrer Tukwila, WA Sunbeam Tiger
1974 LC Bohrer Tukwila, WA Sunbeam Tiger
1973 Craig Johnson San Francisco, CA Chevrolet Corvette
B Prepared Ladies (BPL)
2006 Shawn Kiesel Poway, CA Mazda RX-7
2005 Janis Knudsen Napa, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2004 Su Brude Frisco, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Barbara Beecher Ft Lauderdale, FL Porsche 944T
2001 Patti Yeo Auburn, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2000 Jeannine Breese Penryn, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1999 Amy Rose Herrick Topeka, KS Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1998 Amy Rose Herrick Topeka, KS Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1997 Patti Yeo Auburn, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1996 Patty Lee New Orleans, LA Chevrolet Corvette
1995 Patti Yeo Auburn, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1994 Patty Lee New Orleans, LA Chevrolet Corvette
1993 Patty Lee New Orleans, LA Chevrolet Corvette
1992 Pati Park Milpitas, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1991 Pati Park Fremont, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1990 Vickie Tessier Springfield, VA Chevrolet Corvette
1989 Pati Park Fremont, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1988 Pati Park Fremont, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Pati Park Fremont, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1986 Marsha Heckert Sacramento, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1985 Buni Freutel Columbus, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1983 Pati Park San Jose, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1982 Pati Park Miltipas, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1981 Chris Kuhn W Berlin, NJ Chevrolet Corvette
1980 Chris Kuhn W Berlin, NJ Chevrolet Corvette
1979 Kelly Hansen Fresno, CA Chevrolet Corvette
C Prepared (CP)
2019 Tommy Pulliam Duluth, GA Ford Mustang

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2018 Tommy Pulliam Duluth, GA Ford Mustang
2017 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ Ford Mustang
2016 Mike Maier Livermore, CA Ford Mustang
2015 Mike Maier Livermore, CA Ford Mustang
2014 Mike Maier Livermore, CA Shelby GT350
2013 Mike Maier Livermore, CA Ford Mustang
2012 Mike Maier Livermore, CA Ford Mustang
2011 Todd Farris Bryan, TX Chevrolet Camaro
2010 Mike Maier Livermore, CA Shelby GT350
2009 Mike Maier Livermore, CA Shelby GT350
2008 Mike Maier Livermore, CA Shelby GT350
2007 Darrel Padberg Muskego, WI Ford Mustang
2006 Darrel Padberg Muskego, WI Ford Mustang
2005 Ron VerMulm Winterset, IA Chevrolet Camaro
2004 Mike Maier San Ramon, CA Ford Mustang
2003 Darrel Padberg Muskego, WI Ford Mustang
2002 Buddie Jasman Linwood, MI Ford Mustang
2001 Ron VerMulm Winterset, IA Chevrolet Camaro
2000 Jesus Villarreal San Lorenzo, CA Ford Mustang
1999 Kurt Janish Plano, TX Chevrolet Camaro
1998 Frank Stagnaro Petaluma, CA Shelby GT350
1997 Frank Stagnaro Petaluma, CA Shelby GT350
1996 Buddie Jasman Kawkawlin, MI Ford Mustang
1995 Buddie Jasman Kawkawlin, MI Ford Mustang
1994 Mike Zickuhr Hobart, IN Chevrolet Camaro
1993 Frank Stagnaro San Leandro, CA Shelby GT350
1992 Frank Stagnaro San Leandro, CA Shelby GT350
1991 Buddie Jasman Kawkawlin, MI Ford Mustang
1990 Buddie Jasman Kawkawlin, MI Ford Mustang
1989 Grayden Obenour Ft Wayne, IN Ford Mustang
1988 Charlie Clark Lenexa, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1987 Charlie Clark Lenexa, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1986 Charlie Clark Lenexa, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1985 Grayden Obenour West Chester, OH Ford Mustang
1984 Mark Ruden Los Altos, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1983 Bill Foster Porterville, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1982 Gene Hanchett Madera, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1981 Bill Foster Sierra Madre, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1980 Bill Foster Sierra Madre, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1979 Gene Hanchett Madera, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1978 Gene Hanchett Madera, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1977 Gene Hanchett Madera, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1976 Gene Hanchett Fresno, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1975 Gene Hanchett Fresno, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1974 Gene Hanchett Fresno, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1973 Keith Feldott Hinsdale, IL Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
C Prepared Ladies (CPL)
2019 Tracy Lewis Tallahassee, FL Ford Mustang
2018 Tracy Lewis Tallahassee, FL Ford Mustang
2016 Tracy Lewis Tallahassee, FL Ford Mustang
2015 Brianne Maier Livermore, CA Ford Mustang
2014 Tracy Lewis Tallahassee, FL Ford Mustang
2013 Brianne Maier Livermore, CA Ford Mustang
2012 Donna Bartling Katy, TX Chevrolet Camaro
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2011 Donna Bartling Katy, TX Ford Mustang
2010 Brianne Maier Livermore, CA Shelby GT350
2009 Brianne Maier Livermore, CA Shelby GT350
2008 Desiree Padberg Muskego, WI Ford Mustang
2007 Donna Bartling Katy, TX Ford Mustang
2006 Desiree Padberg Muskego, WI Ford Mustang
2005 Brandy Sandberg Magnolia, IL Plymouth Barracuda
2004 Susan Delzell Pittsburgh, PA Ford Mustang
2003 Susan Delzell Pittsburgh, PA Ford Mustang
2002 Susan Delzell Pittsburgh, PA Ford Mustang
2001 Susan Delzell Pittsburgh, PA Ford Mustang
2000 Susan Delzell Pittsburgh, PA Ford Mustang
1999 Susan Delzell Pittsburgh, PA Ford Mustang
1998 Liz Berger Kansas City, KS Shelby GT350
1997 Susan Delzell Pittsburgh, PA Ford Mustang
1996 Susan Delzell Pittsburgh, PA Ford Mustang
1995 Liz Berger Kansas City, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1994 Cathy Earle Valiparaiso, IN Chevrolet Camaro
1993 Barbara Ogg Mill Valley, CA Shelby GT350
1992 Susan Delzell Pittsburgh, PA Ford Mustang
1991 Liz Berger Kansas City, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1990 Cathy Earle Valparaiso, IN Chevrolet Camaro
1989 Marlene Obenour Ft Wayne, IN Ford Mustang
1988 Cathy Earle Valparaiso, IN Chevrolet Camaro
1987 Suzanne Berger Overland Park, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1986 Suzanne Berger Overland Park, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1985 Suzanne Berger Overland Park, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1984 Shauna Farley Los Altos, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1983 Mary Rice Hollister, CA Shelby GT350
1982 Mary Rice Hollister, CA Shelby GT350
1981 Kelly Hansen Fresno, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z28
1980 Kelly Hansen Fresno, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z28
D Prepared (DP)
2019 Mike Maier Livermore, CA Toyota Starlet
2018 Todd Roberts Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2017 Christopher Dorsey Littleton, CO Toyota Corolla GTS
2016 Christopher Dorsey Littleton, CO Toyota Corolla GTS
2015 Christopher Dorsey Littleton, CO Toyota Corolla GTS
2014 Ron Bauer Seatac, WA Mazda Miata
2013 Drew VanderPloeg Pflugerville. TX Mazda Miata
2012 Drew VanderPloeg Pflugerville, TX Mazda Miata
2011 Drew VanderPloeg Pflugerville, TX Mazda Miata
2010 Steve Hoelscher Harpers Ferry, WV Toyota MR2
2009 Lloyd Wilson Bowling Green, KY Toyota MR2 Spyder
2008 Charles Shelton Salt Lake City, UT Mazda Miata
2007 Keith Brown Des Moines, WA Mazda Miata
2006 Steve Hoelscher St Augustine, FL Toyota MR2
2005 Steve Bollinger Granger, IN Austin-Healey Sprite
2004 Chris Lindberg Farmington Hills, MI Mazda Miata
2003 Chris Lindberg Utica, MI Mazda Miata
2002 Chris Lindberg Shelby Township, MI Mazda Miata
2001 Stan Whitney Grapevine, TX Mazda Miata
2000 Grady Wood Heber Springs, AR Honda CRX
1999 Steve Bollinger Granger, IN Austin-Healey Sprite
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1998 Steve Bollinger Granger, IN Austin-Healey Sprite
1997 Grady Wood Heber Springs, AR Honda CRX
1996 Randy Herrick Topeka, KS Fiat X1/9
1995 Randy Herrick Topeka, KS Fiat X1/9
1994 Wade Scannell Griswold, CT Austin-Healey Sprite
1993 Adam Malley Conyers, GA Honda Civic
1992 Bill Swan Clovis, CA Honda 1200
1991 Chuck Sample Ft Wayne, IN Fiat X1/9
1990 Randy Herrick Topeka, KS Austin-Healey Sprite
1989 Randy Herrick Topeka, KS Austin-Healey Sprite
1988 Steve Bollinger Chesterfield,MO Austin-Healey Sprite
1987 Randy Herrick Topeka, KS Austin-Healey Sprite
1986 Randy Herrick Topeka, KS Austin-Healey Sprite
1985 Wayne Snyder Grand Rapids, MI Triumph Spitfire
1984 Michael Odell Monterey, CA MG Midget
1983 Paul Rice Gilroy, CA MG Midget
1982 John Kelly Pleasanton, CA Lotus 7A
1981 John Kelly Pleasanton, CA Lotus 7A
1980 John Kelly Pleasanton, CA Lotus 7A
1979 Dan McKay Dallas, TX Austin-Healey Sprite
1978 Jeff Kornet Abington, MA Austin-Healey Sprite
1977 Daniel Sheehy Birmingham, AL Austin-Healey Sprite
1976 Charlie Clark Overland Park, KS Yenko Stinger
1975 Carl Coman Tulsa, OK MG Midget
1974 James Harrington Sheffield, OH Datsun 510
1973 Kevin Cooper Brookfield, IL Austin-Healey Sprite
D Prepared Ladies (DPL)
2014 Anne Robinson Highland, IN Toyota MR2 Spyder
2013 Anne Robinson Highland, IN Toyota MR2 Spyder
2012 Tami Daniels Gladstone, OR Mazda Miata
2011 Anne Robinson Highland, IN Toyota MR2 Spyder
2010 Anne Robinson Highland, IN Toyota MR2 Spyder
2009 Kim Wilson Bowling Green, KY Toyota MR2 Spyder
2008 Kim Wilson Bowling Green, KY Toyota MR2 Spyder
2007 Kim Wilson Bowling Green, KY Toyota MR2 Spyder
2006 Kim Bullis Bowling Green, KY Toyota MR2 Spyder
2005 Kim Bullis Crystal Lake, IL Toyota MR2 Spyder
2004 Tina Reeves Rochester, NY Mazda Miata
2003 Paula Whitney Sherwood, AR Mazda Miata
2002 Paula Whitney N Little Rock, AR Mazda Miata
2001 Paula Whitney Irving, TX Mazda Miata
2000 Pam Kannan Orangevale, CA Honda CRX
1999 Kim Bollinger Granger, IN Austin-Healey Sprite
1998 Kim Bollinger Granger, IN Austin-Healey Sprite
1997 Paula Whitney Irving, TX Honda CRX
1996 Kim Bollinger Chesterfield, MO Austin-Healey Sprite
1995 Kim Bollinger Chesterfield, MO Austin-Healey Sprite
1994 Kim Bollinger Chesterfield, MO Austin-Healey Sprite
1993 Kim Bollinger Chesterfield, MO Austin-Healey Sprite
1992 Kim Bollinger Chesterfield, MO Austin-Healey Sprite
1991 Kim Bollinger Chesterfield, MO Austin-Healey Sprite
1990 Kim Bollinger Chesterfield, MO Austin-Healey Sprite
1989 Rene Dunham Woodstock, GA Triumph Spitfire
1988 Janice Rick Manchester, MO Datsun 1200
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1987 Rene Dunham Woodstock, GA Triumph Spitfire
1986 Sharon Gilbert Castro Valley, CA MG Midget
1985 Janice Barlow Layton, UT Datsun 1200
1984 Kelly Hansen Fresno, CA MG Midget
1983 Kelly Hansen Fresno, CA MG Midget
1982 Debbi Eley Tuscaloosa, AL Triumph Spitfire
1981 Patricia Kelly Pleasanton, CA Lotus 7A
1980 Patricia Kelly Pleasanton, CA Lotus 7A
1979 Susan Anderson Florissant, MO Alfa Romeo Guilia Veloce
E Prepared (EP)
2019 Patrick Washburn Wausau, WI Honda Civic
2018 Ryan Field Nashua, NH Honda Civic
2017 Brian Kuehl Dover, NH Honda Civic
2016 Allen Kugler Springtown, PA Honda CRX
2015 Tim Smith Atlanta, GA Honda Civic
2014 Christopher Dorsey Littleton, CO Toyota Corolla GTS
2013 Christopher Dorsey Littleton, CO Toyota Corolla GTS
2012 Christopher Dorsey Littleton, CO Toyota Corolla GTS
2011 Christopher Dorsey Littleton, CO Toyota Corolla GTS
2010 Tom Ellam Livermore, CA Mazda RX-3
2009 Christopher Raglin Findlay, OH Honda Civic
2008 Christopher Raglin Findlay, OH Honda Civic
2007 Tom Ellam Livermore, CA Mazda RX-3
2006 Tom Ellam Livermore, CA Mazda RX-3
2005 Todd Green Hebron, IN Datsun SRL311
2004 Christopher Dorsey Colorado Springs, CO Honda CRX
2003 John Thomas Tampa, FL Honda Civic
2002 John Thomas Meridian, MS Honda Civic
2001 John Thomas Meridian, MS Honda Civic
2000 John Thomas Tampa, FL Honda Civic
1999 John Thomas Tampa, FL Honda Civic
1998 John Thomas Meridian, MS Honda Civic
1997 John Thomas Meridian, MS Honda Civic
1996 John Thomas Meridian, MS Honda Civic
1995 John Thomas Meridian, MS Honda Civic
1994 John Thomas Memphis, TN Honda Civic
1993 John Thomas Memphis, TN Honda Civic
1992 Howard Wolf San Jose, CA Ford Escort Mexico
1991 Tom Anker San Jose, CA Datsun 510
1990 Chuck Noonan Barre, MA Honda Civic
1989 Chuck Noonan Barre, MA Honda Civic
1988 Chuck Noonan Barre, MA Honda Civic
1987 Randolph Welch Salt Lake City, UT Datsun 510
1986 Randolph Welch Salt Lake City, UT Datsun 510
1985 Randolph Welch Salt Lake City, UT Datsun 510
1984 Chet Hansen Fresno, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
1983 Tom Bootz Evansville, IN Datsun 1200
1982 Tom Bootz Evansville, IN Datsun 1200
1981 Tom Bootz Evansville, IN Datsun 1200
1980 Howard Wolf San Jose, CA Fiat 850 Spider
1979 Craig Way San Jose, CA Fiat 850 Spider
1978 Gary Gooch Union City, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
1977 Gary Gooch Union City, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
1976 George Phillips Richmond, IN Triumph Spitfire
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1975 David Lacy Houston, TX MG Midget
1974 David Lacy Houston, TX MG Midget
1973 Chet Hansen Fresno, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
E Prepared Ladies (EPL)
2014 Deanna Caraballo Modesto, CA Toyota Starlet
2013 Deanna Caraballo Patterson, CA Toyota Starlet
2012 Amy Smith Tucker, GA Honda Civic
2010 Charina Hansen Canton, MI Honda Civic
2009 Amy Lee Kailua, HI Mazda RX-3
2008 Denise Kugler Springtown, PA Honda Fester
2007 Jennifer Lee Honolulu, HI Mazda RX-3
2006 Jennifer Lee Kailua, HI Mazda RX-3
2005 Kristin Tipple Galloway, OH Honda Civic
2004 Martha Lou Haddon Chesterfield, MO Honda CRX
2003 Kathy Barnes Tolland, CT Honda Civic
2002 Kathy Barnes Tolland, CT Honda Civic
2001 Betsy Bryan-Tinsley Kennesaw, GA Honda Civic
2000 Betsy Bryan-Tinsley Kennesaw, GA Honda Civic
1999 Tonya Duplice New Castle, CO Mazda RX-2
1998 Betsy Bryan-Tinsley Kennesaw, GA Honda Civic
1997 Tonya Duplice New Castle, CO Mazda RX-2
1996 Betsy Bryan-Tinsley Kennesaw, GA Honda Civic
1995 Betsy Bryan-Tinsley Kennesaw, GA Honda Civic
1994 Betsy Bryan-Tinsley Kennesaw, GA Honda Civic
1993 Betsy Bryan-Tinsley Kennesaw, GA Honda Civic
1992 Joy Cottier Bellevue, WA BMW 2002
1991 Betsy Tinsley Kennesaw, GA Honda Civic
1990 Kathleen Barnes Tolland, CT Honda Civic
1989 Kathleen Barnes Tolland, CT Honda Civic
1988 Sheila Breedlove Salt Lake City, UT Datsun SRL311
1987 Shelly Monfort Los Altos, CA Datsun SRL311
1986 Terry Talley Shreveport, LA MG B
1985 Nadine Barr San Jose, CA Mazda RX-3
1984 Nadine Barr San Jose, CA MG Midget
1983 Nadine Barr San Jose, CA MG Midget
1982 Martha Haddon Maryland Hgts, MO Austin-Healey Sprite
1981 Rene Dunham Washington, IL Triumph Spitfire
1980 Pat Hines Oakland, CA Datsun 1200
1979 Pat Hines Oakland, CA Datsun 1200
F Prepared (FP)
2019 Tom O’Gorman Mason, OH Honda S2000
2018 Jason Frank Mt. Pleasant, WI Porsche Boxster
2017 David Montgomery Montgomery, OH Porsche 914/6
2016 Tom O’Gorman Mason, OH Porsche 914/6
2015 Dave Montgomery Cincinnati, OH Porsche 914/6
2014 Dave Montgonery Cincinnati, OH Porsche 914/6
2013 Tom O’Gorman Mason, Ohio Porsche 914/6
2012 Henry Bjoin Burbank, CA BMW 328is
2011 Toby Larsson Anaheim, CA BMW 328is
2010 John Thomas Tampa, FL Datsun 240Z
2009 John Thomas Tampa, FL Datsun 240Z
2008 John Thomas Tampa, FL Datsun 240Z
2007 John Thomas Tampa, FL Datsun 240Z

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2006 John Thomas Tampa, FL Datsun 240Z
2005 Chris Cox Morgan Hill, CA BMW M3
2004 Chris Cox Morgan Hill, CA BMW M3
2003 Chris Cox Morgan Hill, CA BMW M3
2002 Greg Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 914
2001 Greg Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 914
2000 Greg Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 914
1996 Barry Schonberger Evansville, IN Sunbeam Tiger
1995 Andy York Nashville, TN Porsche 914
1994 Craig Nagler Agoura, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1993 Craig Nagler Agoura, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1992 Criag Nagler Agoura, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1991 John Thomas Oxford, MS Datsun 240Z
1990 John Aitken Lexington, KY Porsche 911
1989 Gary Wigglesworth, Sr Dover, PA Porsche 914/6 GT
1988 Andrew Craig Fremont, CA Datsun 280Z
1987 Andrew Craig Fremont, CA Datsun 240Z
1986 Jim McKamey Portage, IN Triumph TR8
1985 Andrew Craig Fremont, CA Datsun 280Z
F Prepared Ladies (FPL)
2018 Laraine Wilkinson Atlanta, GA Honda S2000
2017 Amy Dilks Pleasant Valley, NY Honda S2000
2016 Jennifer Parker Kailua, HI Datsun 280Z
2011 Beverlee Larsson Anaheim, CA BMW 328is
2010 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 914/6
2009 Beverlee Larsson Anaheim Hills, CA BMW E36
2008 Elizabeth Leckey Ann Arbor, MI Lotus Elise
2006 Stephanie Chang Morris Plains, NJ Porsche 911
2005 Pilar Miranda Morgan Hill, CA BMW M3
2003 Pilar Miranda Morgan Hill, CA BMW M3
2002 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 914
2001 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 914
2000 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 914
1996 Debbi Eley Tuscaloosa, AL Mazda RX-7
1995 Claudia Lyons Sausalito, CA Porsche 914
1994 Ellen Ferguson Boulder, CO Porsche 914/6
1993 Ellen Ferguson Boulder, CO Porsche 914/6
1992 Debbi Eley Tuscaloosa, AL Mazda RX-7
1991 Pilar Miranda Torrance, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1990 Debbi Eley Tuscaloosa, AL Mazda RX-7
1989 Claudia Lyons Sausalito, CA Porsche 914-6 GT
1988 Joan Colman Sausalito, CA Datsun 280Z
1987 Debbie Fehn Grapevine, TX Mazda RX-7
1986 Luinna Kelly Littleton, CO Mazda RX-7
1985 Joan Colman Sausalito, CA Porsche 914/6
G Prepared (GP)
2014 Steve Bollinger Austin-Healey Sprite
2013 Allen Kugler Springtown, PA Honda CRX
2012 Allen Kugler Springtown, PA Honda CRX
2011 Fred Robertson London, OH Honda Civic
2010 Allen Kugler Springtown, PA Honda CRX
2009 Steve Bollinger Granger, IN Austin-Healey Sprite
2008 Randy Herrick Topeka, KS Fiat X1/9

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Appendix K - Awards
2007 Bo Rader Wichita, KS Austin-Healey Sprite
2006 Bo Rader Wichita, KS Austin-Healey Sprite
G Prepared Ladies (GPL)
2012 Denise Kugler Springtown, PA Honda CRX
2011 Denise Kugler Springtown, PA Honda CRX
2010 Denise Kugler Springtown, PA Honda CRX
2009 Denise Kugler Springtown, PA Honda CRX
2008 Christine Cutrer Topeka, KS Fiat X1/9
2007 Christine Cutrer Topeka, KS Fiat X1/9
2006 Rene Dunham Woodstock, GA Triumph Spitfire
A Modified (AM)
2019 David O’Malley Loveland, OH PSS
2018 Marshall Grice Redondo Beach, CA ACME Special
2017 Marshall Grice Redondo Beach, CA ACME Special
2016 Marshall Grice Redondo Beach, CA ACME Special
2015 KJ Christopher Redondo Beach, CA ACME Special
2014 Dan Wasdahl Massillon, OH BBR/Phantom DVS-1
2013 Dan Wasdahl Massillon, OH BBR/Phantom DVS-1
2012 Dan Wasdahl Massillon, OH BBR/Phantom DVS-1
2011 Gary Milligan Richmond, BC, Canada Vancouver Special
2010 Dan Wasdahl Massillon, OH BBR/Phantom DVS-1
2009 Dan Wasdahl Massillon, OH BBR/Phantom DVS-1
2008 Dan Wasdahl Massillon, OH Special AM
2007 George Bowland Mill Spring, NC BBR Shark
2006 Todd Bowland Huntersville, NC BBR Shark
2005 George Bowland Mill Spring, NC BBR Shark
2004 Chuck Sample Fort Wayne, IN BBR Shark
2003 George Bowland Tyron, NC BBR Shark
2002 Gary Milligan Richmond, BC, Canada Phantom Special
2001 John Engstrom Mt Prospect, IL Correlian Pod Racer
2000 Gary Milligan Richmond, BC Phantom Extreme R20
1999 William Goodale Milford, MA Dragon F1
1998 Gary Milligan Richmond, BC Canada Rapid Log Phantom
1997 Joe Cheng Burnaby, BC, Canada Phantom Special
1996 Gary Milligan Burnaby, BC, Canada Phantom Special
1995 George Bowland Columbus, OH BBR Special
1994 George Bowland Gahanna, OH BBR Special
1993 George Bowland Gahanna, OH BBR Special
1992 William Goodale Milford, MA Tui SuperVee
1991 Jim McKamey Portage, IN MRC T-5
1990 Todd Bowland Blacksburg, VA BBR Special
1989 William Goodale Milford, MA TUI-BG5
1988 George Bowland Fairfax, VA Legrand SuperVee
1987 Barry Goldine Santa Clara, CA Tui BH3
1986 Bud Grocki Worcester, MA Banshee BG-2
1985 William Goodale Milford, MA Lola B85
1984 Tim Berry San Anselmo, CA Tui BH3
1983 Bud Grocki Worcester, MA Banshee BG-2
1982 Bud Grocki Worcester, MA Banshee BG-2
1981 Bud Grocki Worcester, MA Banshee BG-2
1980 Jim McKamey Portage, IN Taurus
1979 Laurent Gagnon Wethersfield, CT Brabham BT21

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1978 Laurent Gagnon Newington, CT Brabham BT21
1977 Laurent Gagnon Hartford, CT Brabham BT21
1976 Kim Baker Wibraham, MA Super Vee
1975 John MacDonald Marlboro, MA Brabham BT29
1974 Gary Lownsdale Livonia, MI Lotus Elan
1973 Stan Cox Mooresville, NC Beech FSV
A Modified Ladies (AML)
2011 Carol Wong Vancouver, BC Vancouver Special
2010 Carol Wong Vancouver, BC Vancouver Special
2007 Jenny Williams Canal Winchester, OH Prototype S/S
2006 Jenny Smith Canal Winchester, OH Prototype S/S
2004 Karen Christoff Oxford, MS Honda Civic
2003 Kristi Gilliland Billings, MT Avenger Mk II
2002 Angela Hamilton Arlington, TX UTA FSAE
2000 Paula Fortini Libertyville, IL Corellian RT-4
1998 Kelly Bowland Schaumberg, IL BBR Special
1997 Sam Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Ralt RT
1996 Trudi McKamey Portage, IN MRC T-5A
1995 Erin Cox Shreveport, LA JW Special
1994 Trudi McKamey Portage, IN MRC T-5A
1993 Trudi McKamey Portage, IN MRC T-5A
1992 Kiersten Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Lola T-252
1991 Kiersten Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Lola T-252
1990 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Legrand MK18
1989 Kiersten Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Lola T-252
1988 Gerry Wilson Boise, ID Lotus SI
1987 Sam Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Brabham BT35
1986 Sam Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Brabham BT35
1985 Sam Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Brabham BT35
1984 Sam Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Brabham BT35
1983 Joyce Carey Reynoldsburg, OH TCR Snark F5000
1982 Dorothy Boxhorn Brookfield, WI Lola T-204
1980 Susan Anderson Florissant, MO Brabham BT21
1979 Sharon Gompf Lexington, KY Porsche 914/6
B Modified (BM)
2019 Matthew Ellam Boulder Creek, CA Omnifab Cheetah
2018 Matthew Ellam Livermore, CA Omnifab Cheetah
2017 Tom Ellam Livermore, CA Omnifab Cheetah
2016 Tom Ellam Livermore, CA Omnifab Cheetah
2015 Matthew Ellam San Jose, CA Omnifab Cheetah
2014 Clemens Burger Noblesville, IN LeGrand Mk18
2013 Dan Cyr Libertyville, IL Lamm Mk5
2012 Clemens Burger Noblesville, IN LeGrand Mk18
2011 Brianne Corn San Marcos, TX LeGrand Dragon
2010 Clemens Burger Noblesville, IN LeGrand Mk18
2009 Clemens Burger Noblesville, IN LeGrand Mk18
2008 Tommy Saunders Southlake, TX Legrand Dragon
2007 Evan Brauch Littleton, CO Omni-Fab SR1
2006 Tommy Saunders Southlake, TX Legrand Dragon
2005 Stuart Lumpkin McKinney, TX Dragon SR1-B
2004 Tommy Saunders Southlake, TX Dragon SR1
2003 Tommy Saunders Southlake, TX Dragon SR1
2002 Tom Bootz Evansville, IN Legrand Mk25

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Appendix K - Awards
2001 Tom Bootz Evansville, IN Legrand Mk25
2000 Eric Pettigrew Louisville, KY Ralt RT-4
1999 Bruce Domeck Louisville, KY Ralt RT-4
1998 Bruce Domeck Louisville, KY Ralt RT-4
1997 Bill Gendron Monson, MA LeGrand Mk25G
1996 Bruce Domeck Louisville, KY Ralt RT-4
1995 Tom Bootz Evansville, IN Legrand Mk25
1994 Tom Bootz Evansville, IN Legrand Mk25
1993 Tom Bootz Evansville, IN Legrand Mk25
1992 Bruce Domeck Louisville, KY Brabham BT-38
1991 David Thompson Ogden, UT Ralt Super Vee
1990 Ron Flier Glendale, MO Lola T460
1989 Jesus Villarreal San Lorenzo, CA March 722FA
1988 Jim McKamey Portage, IN MRC T-5
1987 John Neighbors Houston, TX LeGrand Mk27B
1986 John Neighbors Houston, TX LeGrand Mk27B
1985 Bruce Cambern Birmingham, MI NobelshelI
1984 Ed Haigh Quincy, MA Lotus Haigh
1983 John Neighbors St Louis, MO LeGrand Mk27B
1982 Jim McKamey Portage, IN MRC Taurus II
1981 Gary Walton Mountain View ,CA Tui BH3
1980 John Brandon Tulsa, OK Caldwell D9 Super Vee
1979 William Goodale Milford, MA Deserter GS
1978 William Goodale Milford, MA Deserter GS
1977 Wallace Sinclair Fremont, CA Lotus Super 7
1976 William Goodale Milford, MA Deserter GS
1975 John Haftner N Vancouver, BC Dune Buggy
1974 Bob Pickering Hollywood, CA MG B
1973 Charles VanNostrand Honolulu, HI Lotus Phoenix
B Modified Ladies (BML)
2016 Mary Bahr West Salem, WI Legrand
2011 Briget Sawatsky Winnipeg, MB LeGrand Mk18
2009 Jane Willis Irving, TX Dragon SR-1
2008 Brianne Corn San Marcos, TX Legrand Dragon
2007 Kiersten Scharnberg-Koch Stilwell, KS Ralt RT-5
2006 Kiersten Scharnberg-Koch Stilwell, KS Ralt RT-5
2005 Kiersten Scharnberg-Koch Stilwell, KS Ralt RT-5
2004 Kiersten Scharnberg-Koch Stilwell, KS Ralt RT-4
2003 Kiersten Scharnberg-Koch Stillwell, KS Ralt RT-5
2002 Donna Swift Raytown, MO Ralt
2001 Betsi Lyle Harleysville, PA Dragon
2000 Kiersten Scharnberg Lenexa, KS Ralt RT-5
1999 Kiersten Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Ralt RT-5
1998 Kiersten Halverson Cathedral City, CA Ralt RT-5
1997 Kiersten Halverson Urbandale, IA Ralt RT-5
1996 Vicki Flier Glendale, MO Ralt RT-4
1995 Kiersten Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Ralt RT-5
1994 Vicki Flier Glendale, MO Lola T-460
1993 Vicki Flier Glendale, MO Lola T-460
1992 Vicki Flier Glendale, MO Lola T-460
1991 Vicki Flier Glendale, MO Lola T-460
1990 Vicki Flier Glendale, MO Lola T-460
1989 Vicki Flier Glendale, MO Lola T-460
1988 Trudi McKamey Portage, IN MRC T-5
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Awards - Appendix K
1987 Susan Anderson Florissant, MO Brabham BT21
1986 Trudi McKamey Portage, IN MRC T-5
1985 Susan Anderson Florissant, MO Brabham BT21
1984 Susan Anderson Florissant, MO Brabham BT21
1983 Toni Ward St Louis, MO Elden Mk10
1982 Cheryl Neighbors St Charles, MO LeGrand Mk27B
1981 Sam Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Brabham BT35
1980 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Autodynamics
1979 Frances Sinclair Fremont, CA Lotus Super 7
C Modified (CM)
2019 Anthony Porta Yorba Linda, CA Van Diemen-Honda
2018 Ben Martinez San Jose, CA Van Diemen RF84
2017 David Fauth Rogue River, OR Van Diemen-Honda
2016 Brandon Lavender Marysville, OH Van Diemen RF85
2015 Joshua Parker Rindge, NH Reynard 85FF
2014 Brandon Lavender Indianapolis, IN Van Diemen RF85
2013 Nick Myers Danville, IN Swift DB-1
2012 Brandon Lavender Indianapolis, IN Dulon MP15
2011 Donald Elzinga Waterford, MI Reynard FF
2010 John Engstrom Lisle, IL Swift DB-1
2009 Peter Calhoun Westmont, IL Swift DB-1
2008 Jim Garry Delmar, NY Citation FF
2007 Jim Garry Delmar, NY Citation FF
2006 Gary Godula Farmington Hills, MI Reynard 88FF
2005 Barry Ott Centennial CO Reynard FF
2004 Andy Aust Boulder, CO Reynard FF
2003 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Reynard FF
2002 Stuart Lumpkin McKinney, TX Swift DB-2
2001 Gary Godula Lake St Louis, MO Reynard 88FF
2000 Tommy Saunders Southlake, TX Swift DB-1
1999 Guy Ankeny Simi Valley, CA Tiga S2000
1998 Tommy Saunders Southlake, TX Swift DB-1
1997 Bruce Dickey Wichita Falls, TX Crossle 70F
1996 Josh Sirota Mountain View, CA Citation FF
1995 Tommy Saunders Southlake, TX Van Dieman RF88
1994 Peter Raymond Erie, CO Citation FF
1993 Peter Raymond Erie, CO Citation FF
1992 Peter Raymond Erie, CO Citation FF
1991 Jeffrey Watson Albuquerque, NM Lola T-540
1990 Stuart Lumpkin Beaumont, TX Lola T-342
1989 Tom Bootz Evansville, IN LeGrand Mk25
1988 Mark Snell Puyallup, WA LeGrand Mk18
1987 Mark Snell Puyallup, WA LeGrand Mk18
1986 Dan Cole Fremont, CA Silver Fox
1985 Tom Bootz Evansville, IN LeGrand Mk25
1984 Dan Cole Fremont, CA Silver Fox
1983 Dan Cole Fremont, CA Silver Fox
1982 Dan Cole Fremont, CA Silver Fox
1981 Dan Cole Fremont, CA Silver Fox
1980 Charles Levesque Wilton, NH Brahma
1979 Charles Levesque Wilton, NH Brahma
1978 David Looman Holland, MI Autodynamics FV
1977 Dave Nuss Patton, PA Zink
1976 Nick Reese Delaware, OH Knievel Mini Indy
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C Modified Ladies (CML)
2018 Sue Eckles Malcolm, NE Reynard FF
2017 Sue Eckles Malcolm, NE Reynard FF
2015 Krystal Lavender Marysville, OH Van Diemen RF85
2012 Avril Morrison Vancouver, BC Swift DB-1
2009 Beverly Carlile Warner, OK Citation FF
2008 Dawn Odoi Palatine, IL Raynard FF
2007 Linda Smiley Dayton, OH Tiga FF
2006 Stacey Sawyer Rindge, NH Reynard FF1600
2005 Linda Smiley Dayton, OH Tiga FF
2004 Linda Smiley Kettering, OH Van Diemen FF
2003 Linda Smiley Kettering, OH Van Diemen FF
2002 Linda Smiley Kettering, OH Van Diemen FF
2001 Tamara McDaniel St Louis, MO Reynard FF
2000 Tamara McDaniel Novi, MI Reynard FF
1999 Linda Smiley Kettering, OH Van Diemen
1998 Donna Swift Raytown, MO Reynard FF
1997 Jane Willis-Dickey Wichita Falls, TX Crossle 70F
1996 Donna Swift Raytown, MO Reynard FF
1995 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Dulon MP21
1994 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Dulon MP21
1993 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Dulon MP21
1992 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Dulon MP21
1991 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Dulon MP21
1990 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Puma Formula Vee
1989 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA LeGrand Mk18
1988 Jill Snell Puyallup, WA LeGrand Mk18
1987 Jill Snell Puyallup, WA LeGrand Mk18
1986 Sandy Cole Fremont, CA Silver Fox
1985 Sandy Cole Fremont, CA Silver Fox
1984 Sandy Cole Fremont, CA Silver Fox
1983 Sandy Cole Fremont, CA Silver Fox
1982 Sandy Cole Fremont, CA Silver Fox
1981 Sandy Cole Fremont, CA Silver Fox
1979 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Autodynamics FV
D Modified (DM)
2019 Eric Prill Topeka, KS Locost 7-Acura
2018 Bob Tunnell Superior, CO Locost 7
2017 Mark Huffman Litchfield Park, AZ Lotus Elan
2016 Mark Huffman Litchfield Park, AZ Lotus Elan
2015 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI Lotus 7-Honda
2014 Mark Huffman Litchfield Park, AZ Lotus Elan
2013 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI Lotus 7-Honda
2012 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI Sprinto YC-3
2011 Mark Huffman Litchfield Park, AZ Lotus Elan
2010 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI Sprinto YC-3
2009 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI Sprinto YC-3
2008 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI Sprinto YC-3
2007 Mark Huffman Litchfield Park, AZ Lotus Elan
2006 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Lotus Europa
2005 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Lotus Europa
2004 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Lotus Europa
2003 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Lotus Europa
2002 Jeff Ellerby Marion, IA Westfield SER
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2001 Jeff Ellerby Marion, IA Lotus 7
2000 Christopher Bernard Woodstock, NY Caterham S-7
1999 Chris O’Donnell Laguna Beach, CA Lotus Elan
1998 Chris O’Donnell Laguna Beach, CA Lotus Elan
1997 Jeff Ellerby Marion, IA Westfield SE
1996 Chris O’Donnell Irvine, CA Lotus Elan
1995 Chris O’Donnell Irvine, CA Lotus Elan
1994 Kim Knapp Denver, CO Caterham 7
1993 Chris O’Donnell Irvine, CA Lotus Elan
1992 Chris O’Donnell Irvine, CA Lotus Elan
1991 Chris O’Donnell Irvine, CA Lotus Elan
1990 Chris O’Donnell Irvine, CA Lotus Elan
1989 Chris O’Donnell Irvine, CA Lotus Elan
1988 Ronald Flier Glendale, MO Lotus 7
1987 Ronald Flier Glendale, MO Lotus 7
1986 Ronald Flier Glendale, MO Lotus 7
1985 William Johnson Stuart, FL Lotus Super 7
1984 Charles Levesque Wilton, NH Turner 1500
1983 Harold Knobel Valdosta, GA Austin Mini
1982 Gary Milligan Richmond, BC Lotus 7
1981 Bill Martin Ridgecrest, CA Lotus Europa
1980 Bud Grocki Worcester, MA Banshee BG2
1979 Bob King Fresno, CA Tui Super Vee
1978 Bud Grocki Worcester, MA Banshee
1977 Bob Garnett Delta, BC Brabham
D Modified Ladies (DML)
2019 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO Locost 7-Acura
2015 Denise Cashmore New Berlin, WI Jeep CJ
2013 Denise Cashmore New Berlin, WI Minardi
2012 Ericka Pieracci Livermore, CA Caterham 7
2011 Diane Austin Tallahassee, FL Austin Mini
2010 Denise Cashmore New Berlin, WI Sprinto 7 YC-3
2009 Diane Wood Austin Tallahassee, FL Austin Mini
2008 Denise Cashmore New Berlin, WI Toyota MR2 Spyder
2007 Daisy Huffman Litchfield Park, AZ Lotus Elan
2006 Susan Anderson Florissant, MO Lotus Super 7
2005 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
2004 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
2003 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
2002 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
2001 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
2000 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1999 Karen Babb Renton, WA Lotus Elan
1998 Susan Anderson Florissant, MO Lotus Super 7
1997 Kim Bollinger Chesterfield, MO Austin-Healey Sprite
1996 Susan Anderson Florissant, MO Lotus Super 7
1995 Vicki Flier Glendale, MO Lotus 7
1994 Katie Kelly Pleasanton, CA Lotus 7
1993 Katie Kelly Pleasanton, CA Lotus 7
1992 Judy Gallagher Sandy, UT Lotus 7
1991 Janice Rick Manchester, MO Datsun 1200
1990 Susan Anderson Florissant, MO Lotus 7
1989 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Formula Vee1600
1988 Vicki Flier Glendale, MO Lotus 7
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1987 Vicki Flier Glendale, MO Lotus 7
1986 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Autodynamics FV
1985 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Autodynamics FV
1984 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Autodynamics FV
1983 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Autodynamics FV
1982 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Autodynamics FV
1981 Joyce Looman Holland, MI Autodynamics FV
1980 Charlotte King Fresno, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
1979 Charlotte King Fresno, CA Tui Super Vee
E Modified (EM)
2019 Jeff Kiesel Powat, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2018 Ron Ver Mulm Winterset, IA KFR Turbo Sprite
2017 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA Kiesel Sprite
2016 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA Kiesel Sprite
2015 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA Kiesel Sprite
2014 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2013 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2012 Jeff Kiesel Poway, Ca KFR Turbo Sprite
2011 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2010 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2009 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2008 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2007 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA 3-Rotor Sprite
2006 Jeff Christianson Mechanicsville, IA Westfield SEi
2005 Gerald Fink Media, PA Lanover Viking
2004 Wendell Karr-Ake Yukon, OK Mazda Miata
2003 Bill Fleig Carmichael, CA Austin-Healey 100/8
2002 Scott McQueen Humble, TX Austin-Healey Sprite
2001 Scott McQueen Humble, TX Austin-Healey Sprite
2000 Barry Spencer Hayward, CA Lotus Europa
1999 Mal Kooiman Zeeland, MI Triumph Spitfire
1998 Steve Tamandli South Bend, IN Pontiac Fiero
1997 Scott McQueen Hamble, TX Austin-Healey Sprite
1996 Steve Tamandli South Bend, IN Pontiac Fiero
1995 Steve Tamandli South Bend, IN Pontiac Fiero
1994 Gary Milligan Richmond, BC, Can Lotus Europa
1993 Steve Tamandli South Bend, IN Pontiac Fiero
1992 Steve Tamandli South Bend, IN Pontiac Fiero
1991 Fred Miranda Ventura, CA Triumph Spitfire
1990 Fred Miranda Ventura, CA Triumph Spitfire
1989 Bryan Kinser Elgin, IL Austin-Healey Sprite
1988 Steve Tamandli South Bend, IN Austin-Healey Sprite
1987 Bob King Fresno, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
1986 Bob King Fresno, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
1985 Steve Tamandli South Bend, IN MRC Sprite
1984 Gary Walton Mountain View, CA Porsche 914/4
1983 Gary Walton Mountain View, CA Porsche 914/4
1982 Gary Walton Mountain View, CA Porsche 914/4
1981 Bob King Fresno, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
E Modified Ladies (EML)
2019 Shawn Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2018 Shawn Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2017 Shawn Kiesel Poway, CA Kiesel Sprite

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2016 Shawn Kiesel Poway, CA Kiesel Sprite
2015 Shawn Kiesel Poway, CA Kiesel Sprite
2014 Shawn Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2013 Shawn Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2012 Shawn Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2011 Shawn Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2010 Shawn Marie Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2009 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
2008 Shawn Marie Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2007 Ann Vogel Tulsa, OK Mazda Miata
2006 Ann Vogel Tulsa, OK Mazda Miata
2005 Debbie Pruett Kansas City, MO Lotus 7
2004 Kim Bollinger Granger, IN Pontiac Fiero
2003 Debbie Pruett Kansas City, MO Lotus 7
2002 Debbie Pruett Kansas City, MO Lotus 7
2001 Debbie Pruett Kansas City, MO Lotus 7
2000 Debbie Pruett Kansas City, MO Lotus Super 7
1999 Gretchen Everett Renton, WA Mazda RX-7
1998 Gretchen Everett Renton, WA Mazda RX-7
1997 Joy Kreick Renton, WA Mazda RX-7
1996 Joy Kreick Bellevue, WA Mazda RX-7
1995 Susan Hagaman Kirkland, WA Lotus Europa
1994 Joy Kreick Bellevue, WA Mazda RX-7
1993 Gretchen Everett Renton, WA Mazda RX-7
1992 Pilar Miranda Redondo Beach, CA Triumph Spitfire
1991 Jean Kinser Elgin, IL Sprite RX-Z
1990 Jean Kinser Elgin, IL Austin-Healey Sprite
1989 Donna Anderson Oceanside, CA Griffith 200
1988 Charlotte King Fresno, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
1987 Charlotte King Fresno, CA Sprite Mazda
1986 Charlotte King Fresno, CA Sprite Mazda
1985 Charlotte King Fresno, CA Sprite Mazda
1984 Charlotte King Fresno, CA Sprite Mazda
1983 Charlotte King Fresno, CA Sprite Mazda
1982 Charlotte King Fresno, CA Sprite Mazda
1981 Charlotte King Fresno, CA Sprite Mazda
F Modified (FM)
2019 Zak Kiesel Poway, CA Raptor F-500
2018 Zak Kiesel Poway, CA Raptor F-500
2017 Jason Hobbs St. Michael, MN NovaKar J9
2016 Jason Hobbs St. Michael, MN NovaKar J9
2015 Jason Hobbs St. Michael, MN NovaKar J9
2014 Darren Seltzer Orlando, FL Raptor F500
2013 Darren Seltzer Orlando, FL Raptor F500
2012 Jeff Colegrove Rochester, NY Red Devil F500
2011 Jeff Colegrove Rochester, NY Red Devil F500
2010 Keith Beumer Farmington, MN Demon F500
2009 Salvatore DiPompo Berlin, NJ Dare Devil F500
2008 Brian Ciarlei Manlius, NY Red Devil F400
2007 Gary Kramar Arlington, TX Red Devil F500
2006 Gary Kramar Arlington, TX Red Devil F500
2005 James Libecco Bedford, OH KBS Mk7
2004 Scott Nardin Grandville, MI Solo® Vee Werks
2003 Chuck Voboril Fountain Hills, AZ Zink Z-19
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2002 Chuck Voboril Fountain Hills, AZ Zink Z-19
2001 John Whitling Cincinnati, OH Red Devil F500
2000 Scott Nardin Grandville, MI Solo® Vee Werks
1999 Gary Kramar Arlington, TX Red Devil
1998 John Engstrom Mt Prospect, IL Red Devil
1997 John Engstrom Mt Prospect, IL Red Devil
1996 Chuck Voboril Fountain Hills, AZ Zink Z-19
F Modified Ladies (FML)
2019 Kencey Christopher Rowlette, TX NovaKar J9
2018 Andrea Albin Topeka, KS Doof Wagon
2017 Michelle Quinn Land O’ Lakes, FL KBS Mk7
2016 Michelle Quinn Trinity, FL KBS Mk7
2015 Michelle Quinn Trinity, FL KBS Mk7
2014 Michelle Quinn Dublin, OH KBS Mk7
2013 Tonya Langley Umatilla, OR Dig It Special
2012 Michelle Quinn Dublin, OH KBS Mk7
2011 Michelle Quinn Dublin, OH KBS Mk7
2010 Michelle Quinn Oswego, NY KBS Mk7
2009 Beth Smith Vermilion, OH KBS Mk4
2008 Robin Lumb Plymouth Meeting, PA Raptor F500
2007 Christina Libecco Warren, OH KBS Mk7
2006 Elizabeth Lyle Flemington, NH KBS Mk7
2005 Christina Libecco Warren, OH KBS Mk7
2004 Jessica Gray Blue Springs, MO Caracal B
2003 Christina Libecco Niles, OH KBS Mk7
2002 Christina Libecco Warren, OH Zink Z-19
2001 Christina Libecco Warren, OH Zink Z-19
2000 Dawn Odoi Palatine, IL Solo® Vee Bobsy
1999 Bea Regganie Joliet, IL Solo® Vee Bobsy
1998 Jane Willis Wichita Falls, TX Red Devil
1997 Danielle Engstrom Mt Prospect, IL Red Devil
1996 Danielle Engstrom Mt Prospect, IL Red Devil
Kart Modified (KM) (formerly F125)
2019 Larry MacLeod Ypsilanati, MI Tony Kart-Honda
2018 Larry MacLeod Ypsilanati, MI Tony Kart-Honda
2017 Daniel Wendel Advance, NC Praga Dragon
2016 Daniel Wendel Burlington, NC Praga-TMK9
2015 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2014 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2013 Paul Russell San diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2012 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2011 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2010 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2009 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2008 Biff Frisch Livonia, MI Renspeed-Honda
2007 Jeremiah McClintock Commerce Township, MI Renspeed
2006 Jeremiah McClintock Commerce Township, MI Renspeed
2005 Tom Harrington Las Vegas, NV CRG Road Rebel-Honda
2004 Paul Russell San Diego, CA CRG Heron-Honda
2003 Dan Cyr Madison, WI MBA-Honda
Kart Modified Ladies (KML) (formerly F125L)
2019 Dana Gill Topeka, KS KGB-Honda
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2018 Kate Reggannie Joliet, IL Honda
2017 Kate Reggannie Joliet, IL Honda
2016 Kensey Christopher Redondo Beach, CA Energy Kart-Honda
2015 Kensey Christopher Redondo Beach, CA Energy Kart-Honda
2014 Kate Regganie Joliet, IL Honda
2013 Suzanne Segal Las Vegas, NV Zarnardi KZ1-Honda
2012 Suzanne Segal Las Vegas, NV Tony Kart-Honda
2011 Lisa Garfield Mount Airy, MD CTS-Honda
2010 Suzanne Segal Las Vegas, NV Birel CR32SP
2009 Karen Craner Idaho Falls, ID GP Racing CR125
2008 Suzanne Segal Las Vegas, NV CRG Heron
2007 Suzanne Segal Las Vegas, NV Birel CR32 Motorsport
2006 Suzanne Segal Las Vegas, NV Birel CR32 Motorsport
2005 Suzanne Segal Las Vegas, NV Birel-Honda
2004 Suzanne Segal Las Vegas, NV Birel-Honda
2003 Kristi Blunt Pittsburgh, PA Tony Kart-Honda
2018 Mike King St. Johns, FL Ford Fiesta ST
2017 Mark Scroggs San Ramon, CA Chevrolet Camaro LT
2016 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2015 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Chevrolet Corvette
2014 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2013 Nick Barbato Wethersfield, CT Honda S2000
2012 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Mazda2
2011 Matt McCabe Omaha, NE Mazda Miata
2010 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Honda Civic Si
2009 Sam Strano Knoxdale, PA Ford Shelby Mustang
2008 Billy Brooks Park City, UT Subaru Impreza
2007 Mike Johnson Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2006 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2005 Erik Strelnieks Austin, TX Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2004 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2002 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Steve Mieritz Ft Wayne, IN Honda CRX
2000 David Palmquist Anaheim, CA Mazda Miata
1999 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Dodge Neon
1998 Curt Ormiston Huntington Beach, CA Porsche 911
1997 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Mazda RX-7
1996 Dean Sapp Catonsville, MD Chevrolet Camaro
1995 Danny Shields Valrico, FL Mazda MX-6
1994 Steve Brolliar Madison, AL Dodge Neon
1993 John Thomas Memphis, TN Honda Civic
1992 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang
1991 Dwight Mitchell Carmichael, CA Porsche 911
1990 Chuck Sample Ft Wayne, IN Fiat X1/9
1989 Roger Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1988 Bob King Fresno, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
1987 Steve Brolliar Highlands Ranch, CO Dodge Shadow
1986 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang GT
2018 Jordan Towns Auburn, AL Subaru WRX
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2017 Jordan Towns Auburn, AL Subaru WRX
2016 Christine Brice Redondo Beach, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2015 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda Civic Si
2014 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda Civic Si
2013 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda CRX Si
2012 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda CRX Si
2011 Christine Berry Rancho Cucamonga, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2010 Christine Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2009 Leslie Cohen Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA Honda Civic Si
2008 Carrie Snyder Elizabethtown, PA Toyota MR2
2007 Christine Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2006 Beth McClure-Strelnieks Austin, TX MINI Cooper S
2005 Beth McClure-Strelnieks Austin, TX MINI Cooper S
2004 Beth McClure-Strelnieks Austin, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Teresa Neidel McKee San Jose, CA Lexus IS300
2002 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW 330Ci
2001 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Acura Integra Type R
2000 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
1999 Wendi Allen Jacksonville, FL Acura Integra
1998 Renee Eady Carrollton, GA Eagle Talon
1997 Kay Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2
1996 Renee Eady Carrollton, GA Mazda Miata
1995 Keli Cadenhead Alpine, CA Mazda MX-6
1994 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak Broad Brook, CT Chevrolet Camaro
1993 Stacy Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA Porsche 914
1992 Stacy Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA Porsche 914
1991 Stacy Reitmeir Mountain View, CA Porsche 914
1990 Ann Hollis Baldwin, MD Honda CRX
Super Street (SS)
2018 G. J. Dixon Scarsdale, NY Porsche 911 GT3
2017 Monty Pack San Francisco, CA Porsche 911 GT3
2016 Ken Motonishi Trabucco Canyon, CA Porsche 911 GT3
2015 Pat Salerno Danbury, CT Porsche 911 GT3
A Street (AS)
2018 Vivek Goel Austin, TX Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2017 Matt Jones San Diego, CA Chevrolet Corvette GS
2016 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2015 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Chevrolet Corvette Z06
B Street (BS)
2018 Doug Rowse Phoenix, AZ BMW M2
2017 Jeremy Foley Carrollton, TX BMW 1M
2016 Justin Barbry Thomasville, NC Chevrolet Corvette
2015 Evan Schickel Brooklyn, NY Chevrolet Corvette
C Street (CS)
2018 Charles Krampert Huntsville, AL Mazda Miata
2017 Rick Cone Lawrenceville, GA Mazda Miata
2016 Julian Garfield Mount Airy, MD Mazda Miata
2015 Chris Fenter Greenville, WI Mazda Miata
D Street (DS)
2017 Mark Scroggs San Ramon, CA Chevrolet Camaro LT
2016 Kit Gauthier Kirkland, WA Subaru WRX
2015 Dennis Sparks Birmingham, AL Subaru WRX

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E Street (ES)
2018 Paul Brown Los Alamos, NM Toyota MR2 Spyder
2017 Michael Ron Waukegan, IL Mazda Miata
2016 Paul Brown Los Alamos, NM Toyota MR2 Spyder
2015 Andrew Pallotta Cuyahoga Falls, OH Toyota MR2 Spyder
F Street (FS)
2018 Jeff Wong Moorpark, CA Chevrolet Camaro
2017 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI BMW M3
2016 Ryan Otis Scappoose, OR Chevrolet Camaro SS
2015 John Laughlin Akron, OH BMW M3
G Street (GS)
2017 Doug Rowse Phoenix, AZ Ford Focus ST
2016 Lance Keeley Waukesha, WI Volkswagen GTI
2015 Mark Scroggs San Ramon, CA Ford Focus ST
H Street (HS)
2018 Mike King St. Johns, FL Ford Fiesta ST
2017 Philip Mitchell White Lake, MI Ford Fiesta ST
2016 Philip Mitchell Livonia, MI Ford Fiesta ST
2015 Trevor Jones Dublin, OH Ford Fiesta ST
Solo Spec Coupe (SSC)
2018 Kinch Reindl Castle Rock, CO Subaru BRZ
Super Street-R (SSR) (formerly Super Stock - SS)
2018 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ Chevrolet Corvette GS
2017 Matthew Braun Plymouth, MI Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2016 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2015 Sam Strano Brookville, PA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2014 Sam Strano Knox Dale, PA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2013 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Dodge Viper
2012 Matthew Braun Northville, MI Chevrolet Corvette
2011 Matthew Braun Northville, MI Lotus Elise
2010 Matthew Braun Northville, MI Chevrolet Corvette
2009 Patrick Salerno New Milford, CT Lotus Elise
2008 Matthew Braun Northville, MI Lotus Elise
2007 Ian Stewart Orlando, FL Porsche 911 GT3
2006 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Porsche 911 GT3
2005 Erik Strelnieks Austin, TX Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2004 Erik Strelnieks Austin, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Chris Ramey Katy, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2002 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Erik Strelnieks Austin, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2000 Erik Strelnieks Austin, TX Mazda RX-7
1999 Jerry Hodge Pocatello, ID Mazda RX-7
1998 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Mazda RX-7
1997 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Mazda RX-7
1996 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1995 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Mazda RX-7
1994 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1992 Jeff Altenburg Catonsville, MD Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1991 Bruce Wentzel Milford, MI Chevrolet Corvette
Street Touring® Ultra (STU)
2018 Doug Mikko Seattle, WA Mitsubishi Evolution
2017 Bill Zerr Tacoma, WA Subaru WRX
2016 Martin Kriz Troy, VA Subaru WRX
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2015 Mark HIll Lawrence, KS Mitsubishi Evolution
2014 Mark Hill Lawrence, KS Mitsubishi Evolution
2013 Geoff Clark Monroe, WA Mitsubishi Evolution
2012 Robert Irish Austin, TX Subaru Impreza WRX STI
2011 Geoff Clark Monroe, WA Mitsubishi Evolution
2010 Geoff Clark Monroe, WA Mitsubishi Evolution
2009 Corey Ridgick Allentown, PA Mitsubishi Evolution
2008 Max Hayter Trabuco Canyon, CA Subaru Impreza WRX
2007 Corey Ridgick Allentown, PA Mitsubishi Evolution
2006 Richard Hayter Trabuco Canyon, CA Subaru Impreza WRX
2005 Ian Stewart Lake Mary, FL BMW M3
2004 Kiko Seibt Coconut Creek, FL Subaru Impreza WRX
Street Touring® Roadster (STR)
2018 Brian Karwan Frederick, MD Mazda Miata
2017 Brian Karwan Frederick, MD Mazda Miata
2016 James Yom Los Angeles, CA Honda S2000 CR
2015 Ricky Crow Bulverde, TX Honda S2000 CR
2014 Nick Barbato Wethersfield, CT Honda S2000
2013 Jonathan Lugod Riverside, CA Honda S2000
2012 Marc Pfannenschmidt Louisville, KY Honda S2000 CR
2011 James Yom Los Angeles, CA Honda S2000
2010 Ken Motonishi Chino Hills, CA Mazda MX-5 Miata
Street Touring® Xtra (STX)
2018 Kyle Herbst Hudson, OH Scion FR-S
2017 Craig Wilcox Grain Valley, MO MINI Cooper S
2016 Craig Wilcox Grain Valley, MO MINI Cooper S
2015 Kyle Herbst Broadview Heights, OH BMW 128i
2014 Craig Wilcox Blue Springs, MO MINI Cooper S
2013 Andrew Pallotta Cuyahoga Falls, OH Scion FR-S
2012 Jeff Hurst Hicksville, NY Mazda RX-8
2011 Jeff Wong Moorpark, CA Honda Civic Si
2010 James Wilson Houston, TX Subaru Impreza WRX
2009 Mihai Surubariu N Hollywood, CA Subaru Impreza WRX
2008 Greg McCance Toledo, OH Subaru Impreza WRX
2007 Greg McCance Toledo, OH Subaru Impreza WRX
2006 Billy Brooks Park City, UT Subaru Impreza
2005 Joshua Sortor Glendale, AZ Subaru Impreza
2004 Joshua Sortor Glendale, AZ Subaru Impreza
2003 Keith Casey Somerset, MA Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon
2002 Keiko Seibt Coconut Creek, FL Subaru WRX
Street Touring® S (STS)
2018 David Whitener Fort Worth, TX Mazda Miata
2017 David Whitener Fort Worth, TX Mazda Miata
2016 Jeff Wong Moorpark, CA Honda CRX Si
2015 Ben Wagstaff Pelham, NH Mazda Miata
2014 Jason Frank Mt Pleasant, WI Honda CRX Si
2013 Ian Baker Herndon, VA Honda CRX Si
2012 Tom O’Gorman Mason, OH Honda CRX Si
2011 Ian Baker Herndon, VA Honda CRX Si
2010 Ian Baker Herndon, VA Honda CRX Si
2009 Ian Baker Herndon, VA Honda CRX Si
2008 Mike King Jacksonville, FL Honda CRX Si
2007 Ian Baker Herndon, VA Honda CRX Si

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Awards - Appendix K
2006 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2005 Robert Seelig Edmond, OK Honda CRX Si
2004 Jonathan Roberts Richmond Hills, GA Mazda Miata
Street Touring® Front-Wheel-Drive (STF)
2017 David Hedderick Pearland, TX Acura RSX Type S
2016 David Whitener Fort Worth, TX Acura RSX Type S
2015 David Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda Civic Si
2014 Preston Jordan Minneapolis, MN Ford Focus
2012 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Mazda2
Street Touring Pony Car (STP)
2017 Jonathan Warlof Willmar, MN Ford Mustang
2016 Chris Cox Morgan Hill, CA Ford Mustang
Street Touring® Compact (STC)
2014 Kinch Reindl Castle Rock, CO Honda Civic Si
2013 Kinch Reindl Castle Rock, CO Honda Civic Si
2012 Jason Frank Racine, WI Honda Civic Si
2011 Jason Frank Racine, WI Honda Civic Si
2010 David O’Maley Greensboro, NC Honda Civic Si
2009 Tim Smith Tucker, GA Honda Civic Si
2008 Kevin McCormick Lincoln, CA Honda Civic Si
2007 Nathan Whipple Marlborough, MA Honda Civic Si
2006 Jason Rhoades San Diego, CA Nissan 240SX
2005 Ken Motonishi Orange, CA Honda Civic Si
2004 Kevin McCormick Lincoln, CA Honda Civic Si
2003 Kevin McCormick Lincoln, CA Honda Civic Si
2002 Richard West Richmond, VA Subaru Impreza RS
2001 Richard West Richmond, VA Subaru Impreza RS
2000 Steve Wynne Redmond, OR Plymouth Neon
1999 Steve Wynne Redmond, OR Plymouth Neon
1998 Matt Grainger Florrisant, MO Oldsmobile 442
Super Street Prepared (SSP)
2017 Mitch Fagundes Clovis, CA Audi R8
2016 Joe Tharpe State Center, IA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2015 Ryan Johnson Draper, UT Lotus Elise
2012 Joe Tharpe State Center, IA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
A Street Prepared (ASP)
2017 Tom Berry Rancho Cucamonga, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2016 Tom Berry Alto Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2015 Tom Berry Rancho Cucamonga, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2012 Tom Berry Rancho Cucamonga, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2011 Mike Johnson Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2010 Eric Stemler Peoria, IL Chevrolet Corvette
2009 Eric Stemler Peoria, IL Chevrolet Corvette
2008 Michael Johnson Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2007 Michael Johnson Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2006 Michael Johnson Glen Allen, VA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2005 James Gunn-Wilkinson San Diego, CA Porsche 911 GT2
2004 Danny Popp Cincinnati, OH Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2002 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Curt Ormiston Kirkland, WA Ferrari 360 Modena
2000 Mark Huffman Avondale, AZ Lotus Elan
1999 Doug Hebenthal Redmond, WA Porsche 911 RS
376 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix K - Awards
1996 Craig Nagler Agoura, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1995 Craig Nagler Agoura, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1994 Dwight Mitchell Carmichael, CA Porsche 911
1993 Dwight Mitchell Carmichael, CA Porsche 911
1992 Scott Holley Fishers, IN Porsche 911
1991 Scott Holley Noblesville, IN Porsche 911
1990 Jack Turner Paducah, KY Porsche 911
1989 Jack Turner Paducah, KY Porsche 911
1988 Jack Turner Paducah, KY Porsche 911
1987 Bill Breedlove Salt Lake City, UT Datsun 240ZX
B Street Prepared (BSP)
2017 Anthony Porta Yorba Linda, CA MazdaSpeed Miata
2016 Anthony Porta Yorba Linda, CA MazdaSpeed Miata
2015 Steve O’Blenes Garden Grove, CA MazdaSpeed Miata
2012 Jason Uyeda Canoga Park, CA Honda S2000
2011 Tom Berry Rancho Cucamonga, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2010 Corey Ridgick Allentown, PA Mitsubishi Evolution
2009 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2008 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2007 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2006 Harold Olsen Folsom, CA Chevrolet Corvette GS
2005 Lee Piccione Severn, MD BMW M3
2004 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2002 Bill Buetow Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Bill Buetow Kent, WA Chevrolet Corvette
2000 Daniel Popp Cincinnati, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1999 Scotty White Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette
C Street Prepared (CSP)
2017 Billy Davis Auburn Hills, MI Mazda Miata
2016 Billy Davis New Haven, CT Mazda Miata
2015 Billy Davis New Haven, CT Mazda Miata
2012 Scott Fraser San Jose, CA Mazda Miata
2011 Matt McCabe Omaha, NE Mazda Miata
2010 Scott Fraser San Jose, CA Mazda Miata
2009 Scott Fraser San Jose, CA Mazda Miata
2008 Scott Fraser San Jose, CA Mazda Miata
2007 Reijo Silvennoinen Seal Beach, CA Mazda Miata
2006 Eric Clements Alta Loma, CA Mazda Miata
2005 George Doganis Lakeside, CA Mazda Miata
2004 George Doganis Lakeside, CA Mazda Miata
2003 Tom Ellam Livermore, CA Mazda RX-3
2002 Tom Ellam Livermore, CA Mazda RX-3
2001 David Palmquist Anaheim, CA Mazda Miata
2000 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mazda RX-3
1999 Jason Harnish York, PA Honda CRX
1998 Bob Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
1997 Bob Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
1996 Neal Sapp Reistertown, MD Honda CRX Si
1995 Stacey Despelder Greenville, MI Honda Civic
1994 Bob Endicott San Pedro, CA Honda CRX Si
1993 Bob Endicott San Pedro, CA Honda CRX Si
1992 Bill Lamkin Louisville, KY Honda Civic

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Awards - Appendix K
1991 John Hayes San Diego, CA Honda CRX
1990 Grady Wood Collierville, TN Honda CRX
1989 Dennis Shell Salt Lake City, UT Chevrolet Corvette
1988 Bruce Wentzel Milford, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Rod Derrick Salt Lake City, UT Chevrolet Corvette
1986 Bruce Wentzel Howell, MI Chevrolet Corvette
D Street Prepared (DSP)
2017 Sam Strano Brookville, PA BMW 330Ci
2016 Eric Campbell Canal Winchester, OH BMW 330Ci
2015 Eric Campbell Canal Winchester, OH BMW 330Ci
2012 Doug Rouse Phoenix, AZ BMW 330
2011 Eric Campbell Canal Winchester, OH BMW 330Ci
2010 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ BMW 330i
2009 Mark Alan Smith Denver, CO Volkswagen R32
2008 Alex Shchipkov Albany, NY BMW 325i
2007 Alex Shchipkov Albany, NY BMW 325i
2006 David Fauth Centennial, CO BMW 325is
2005 David Fauth Centennial, CO BMW 325is
2004 David Fauth Centennial, CO BMW 325is
2003 Derek Butts San Bruno, CA Lexus IS300
2002 David Fauth Centennial, CO BMW 325is
2001 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Dodge Neon
2000 Jim Susko Findlay, OH Fiat X1/9
1999 Geoffrey Zimmer Concord, NC Volkswagen Rabbit
1996 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mazda RX-3
1995 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mazda RX-3
1994 Chris Cox San Jose, CA Mazda RX-3
1993 Bill Condrashoff Fiddletown, CA Fiat X1/9
1992 Bill Condrashoff Fiddletown, CA Fiat X1/9
1991 Jim Susko Findlay, OH Fiat X1/9
1990 Erik Strelnieks Memphis, TN Volkswagen Scirocco
1989 Elliott Harvey Lakeland, FL Datsun SRL311
1988 Elliott Harvey Lakeland, FL Datsun SRL311
1987 Randy Pobst Melbourne, FL Toyota FX-16
1986 Chuck Noonan Barre, MA Honda CRX
E Street Prepared (ESP)
2017 Bryan Mancuso Terryville, CT Infiniti G35
2016 Eric Simmons Macungie, PA Ford Mustang
2015 Brian Peters Litchfield Park, AZ Ford Mustang
2014 Greg McCance Ramona, CA Subaru WRX
2013 Greg McCance Ramona, CA Subaru WRX
2012 Samuel Krauss Montreal, QC Eagle Talon TSi
2011 Mark Madarash Red Oak, TX Pontiac Trans-Am
2010 Greg McCance Toledo, OH Subaru WRX
2009 Mark Madarash Red Oak, TX Pontiac Trans Am
2008 Mark Madarash Red Oak, TX Pontiac Trans Am
2007 Mark Madarash Red Oak, TX Pontiac Trans Am
2006 Sam Strano Knoxdale, PA Chevrolet Camaro
2005 Navid Kahangi Saratoga, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2004 Conor Botkin Jamul, CA Chevrolet Camaro Z28
2003 David Schotz Mesa, AZ Ford Mustang Cobra
2002 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Chevrolet Camaro
2001 Steve Eguina Laguna Hills, CA Chevrolet Camaro

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Appendix K - Awards
2000 Bob Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
1999 Joel Schotz Phoenix, AZ Pontiac Firebird
1998 Jamey Aebersold Floyd Knobs, IN Toyota Supra
1997 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Chevrolet Camaro
1996 Rob Pickrell Salina, KS Chevrolet Camaro
1995 Kenneth Mitchell Roseville, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1994 Kenneth Mitchell Roseville, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1993 Gary Thomason Vista, CA Chevrolet Camaro
1992 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang
1991 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang
1990 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang
1989 Dan Livezey Huntington Beach, CA Chevrolet Camaro
F Street Prepared (FSP)
2017 Steven Duckworth Volkswagen Rabbit
2015 Sir Van Townsend Arvada, CO Chevrolet Turbo Sprint
2012 Kevin Wenzel Longmont, CO BMW 2002
2011 Kevin Wenzel Longmont, CO BMW 2002
2010 Jinx Jordan Terrell, NC Honda Civic
2009 Jinx Jordan Terrell, NC Honda Civic
2008 Lorin Mueller Newark, CA Ford Focus
2007 Lorin Mueller Newark, CA Ford Focus
2006 Allen Kugler Springtown, PA Honda Demon
2004 Jim Harnish Prescott Valley, AZ Honda Civic
2003 Taka Aono Gardena, CA Toyota Corolla GTS
2002 Taka Aono Gardena, CA Toyota Corolla GTS
Super Street Modified (SSM)
2017 Jake Namer Brooklyn, NY Mazda RX-7
2016 Randall Wilcox Clarksville, TN Mazda Miata
2015 Randall Wilcox Clarksville, TN Mazda Miata
2014 Erik Strelnieks Cedar Parl, TX Mazda 3-Rotor RX-7
2013 Carter Thompson Murfreesboro, TN Mazda RX-7
2012 Erik Strelneiks Cedar Park, TX Mazda 3-Rotor RX-7
2011 Erik Strelneiks Cedar Park, TX Mazda 3-Rotor RX-7
2010 Erik Strelneiks Cedar Park, TX Mazda 3-Rotor RX-7
2009 Erik Strelnieks Cedar Park, TX Mazda 3-Rotor RX-7
2008 Erik Strelnieks Cedar Park, TX Mazda 3-Rotor RX-7
2007 Erik Strelnieks Cedar Park, TX Mazda 3-Rotor RX-7
2006 Erik Strelnieks Austin, TX Mazda 3-Rotor RX-7
2005 Andy McKee San Jose, CA Mazda RX-7
2004 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2003 Scotty White Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2002 Rene Cardenas Wrightsville Beach,NC Chevrolet Corvette
Street Modified (SM)
2017 Daniel Stainback Northport, NY Subaru WRX STI
2016 Daniel Stainback Northport, NY Subaru WRX STI
2015 David White Chicopee, MA Nissan 240SX
2014 Eric Hyman Fall City, WA Nissan GT-R
2013 Eric Hyman Fall City, WA Nissan GT-R
2012 Eric Hyman Redmond, WA Nissan GT-R
2011 Corey Ridgick Allentown, PA Mitsubishi Evolution
2010 Craig Wilcox Blue Springs, MO Mitsubishi Evolution
2009 David White Chicopee, MA Nissan 240SX
2008 Christopher Travis Carmel, NY Honda Civic

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Awards - Appendix K
2007 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Mitsubishi Evolution
2006 Bob Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
2005 Vic Sias Santa Clara, CA BMW M3
2004 Vic Sias Santa Clara, CA BMW M3
2003 Bob Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3
2002 Dennis Grant Windsor, ON, Canada Eagle Talon AWD
2001 Corey Smith Santa Clara, CA Audi S4
2000 Kent Rafferty Irwin, PA Toyota Supra
Street Modified FWD (SMF)
2017 Chris Haydu Dallas, PA Honda Civic
2016 Travis Robuck Grabill, IN Honda Civic
2015 Brian Kuehl Durham, NH Honda CRX
2012 Mike Forsythe Littleton, CO Honda Civic
2011 Tom Kotzian Gladstone, OR MINI Cooper S
2010 Brian Karwan Frederick, MD Honda Civic
Classic American Muscle Index (CAM)
2018 John Laughlin Nashville, TN Ford Mustang GT500
2017 Ryan Otis Scappoose, OR Chevrolet Camaro
2016 Dennis Healy Lake Oswego, OR Ford Mustang
Street Index 1 (S1 - Street Modified Cagegory Classes)
2018 Erik Strelnieks Cedar Park, TX Nissan GT-R
Street Index 2 (S2 - SSP, ASP, BSP, and CSP)
2018 Billy Davis Orion, MI Mazda Miata
Street Index 3 (S3 - DSP, ESP, FSP, and STP)
2018 Ryan Otis Scappoose, OR Chevrolet Camaro
Street Index 4 (S4 - DS, GS, and STH)
2018 Mark Scroggs San Ramon, CA Chevrolet Camaro
Race Index 1 (R1 - Modified Category Classes)
2018 Jason Hobbs St. Michael, MN Novakar J9
2017 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2016 Tom Ellam Livermore, CA Omnifab Cheetah
2015 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2014 Darren Seltzer Orlando, FL Raptor F500
2013 Jonathan Clements Alta Loma, CA Monidale FF
2012 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2011 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2010 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2009 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
Race Index 2 (R2 - Prepared Category)
2018 Robert Lewis Tallahasse, FL Ford Mustang
2017 Fred Zust Tempe, AZ Lotus Elise
2016 Erik Strelnieks Cedar Park, TX Porsche Boxster
2015 Christopher Dorsey Littleton, CO Toyota Corolla GTS
2014 Troy Acosta Austin, TX Porsche Boxster
2013 Fred Zust Tempe, AZ Lotus Elise
2012 Christopher Dorsey Littleton, CO Toyota Corolla GTS
2011 Christopher Dorsey Littleton, CO Toyota Corolla GTS
Kart Modified (KM)
2018 Ryan Lower State College, PA CRG Road Rebel-Honda
2017 Larry MacLeod Ypsilanti, MI Tony Kart-Honda
2016 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2015 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
380 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix K - Awards
2014 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2013 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2012 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2011 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2010 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Tony Kart-Honda
2009 Alan Sheidler Rochester Hills, MI Renspeed-Honda
2008 Deric “Biff” Frisch Livonia, MI Renspeed-Honda
2007 Russell Blume Wichita, KS Birel CR32
2003 Tom Harrington Las Vegas, NV CRG RoadRebel-Honda
2002 Tom Harrington Las Vegas, NV CRG Heron-Honda
2001 Paul Russell San Diego, CA Mac-Honda
2000 Alan Sheidler Rochester Hills, MI Renspeed-Honda
Ladies 1 (L1)
2018 Tamra Hunt Middlefield, CT Mazda RX-8
2017 Shelly Monfort Saratoga, CA BMW 330Ci
2016 Christine Grice Redondo Beach, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2015 Christine Grice Redondo Beach, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2014 Christine Grice Redondo Beach, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2013 Laurie Hyman Fall City, WA Nissan GT-R
2012 Beth McClure-Strelnieks Cedar Park, TX Porsche Boxster
2011 Barbara LeRoy-Boehme San Diego, CA MINI Cooper
2010 Leslie Cohen Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA Honda Civic Si
2009 Leslie Cohen Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA Honda Civic Si
2008 Karen Kraus Harmans, MD Subaru Impreza
2007 Jennifer Merideth Westland, MI Ford Shelby Mustang
2006 Meredith Brown Los Alamos, NM Toyota MR2
2005 Beth McClure-Strelnieks Austin, TX MINI Cooper S
2004 Dawn Maxwell Phoenix, AZ MINI Cooper
2003 Annie Bauer Renton, WA BMW330Ci
2002 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW 330Ci
2001 Katie Elder Folsom, CA Acura Integra Type R
2000 Renee Eady Carrollton, GA Honda Civic
1999 Jerrette Zoner Clinton, CT Dodge Neon
Ladies 2 (L2)
2018 Jordan Towns Auburn, AL Subaru WRX
2017 Jordan Towns Auburn, AL Subaru WRX
2016 Jordan Towns Birmingham, AL Subaru WRX
2015 Jordan Towns Birmingham, AL Subaru WRX
2014 Jocelin Huang Edina, MN Porsche 911 GT3
2013 Learic Cramer Columbia, MD Nissan 370Z
2012 Learic Cramer Columbia, MD Nissan 370Z
2011 Teresa Neidel-McKee San Jose, CA Mazda RX-7
2010 Christine Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2009 Annie Bauer Renton, WA BMW 2002
2008 Annie Bauer Newport Beach, CA Subaru WRX
2007 Christine Berry Alta Loma, CA Mitsubishi Evolution
2006 Beverlee Larsson Anaheim, CA BMW 325is
2005 Danielle Engstrom Frankfort, IL Toyota MR2
2004 Paula Whitney Sherwood, AR Mazda Miata
2003 Kathy Leicester-Wolfskill Nederland, CO BMW 325is
2002 Beth McClure Leander, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Beth McClure Leander, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2000 Patty Tunnell Superior, CO BMW M3

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Awards - Appendix K
1999 Jodi Fordahl Bremerton, WA Porsche 911
Ladies 3 (L3)
2018 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Mazda Miata
2017 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Mazda Miata
2016 Tasha Mikko Seattle, WA Mitsubishi Evolution
2015 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda Civic Si
2014 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda Civic Si
2013 Kim Whitener Fort Worth, TX Honda CRX Si
2012 Leslie Cohen Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA Honda Civic Si
Ladies 4 (L4)
2018 Jennifer Bedell Hillsborough, NC Scion FR-S
Formula Junior A (JA)
2018 Mason Herrick McPherson, KS CRG Santana
2017 Mason Herrick McPherson, KS CRG Kart
2016 Riley Heaton Omaha, NE Birel Kart
2015 Zak Kiesel Poway, CA Tony Kart
2013 Zak Kiesel Poway, CA Tony Kart
2012 Julian Garfield Mount Airy, MD Arrow AX-9 4S-KT100
2011 Julian Garfield Mount Airy, MD Arrow AX-9 4S-KT100
2010 Julian Garfield Mount Airy, MD Arrow AX-9 4S-KT100
2009 David Curtis Salt Lake City, UT Kosmic Lawnmower
2008 Jonathan Clements Alta Loma, CA CRG Santana
Formula Junior B (JB)
2018 Carter Heaton Omaha, NE Tony Kart
2017 Carter Heaton Omaha, NE Tony Kart
2016 Mason Herrick McPherson, KS CRG Santana
2015 Mason Herrick McPherson, KS CRG Santana
2013 Trey White Glen Allen, VA Invader Kart
2012 Zak Kiesel Poway, CA Nelson Special
2011 Zak Kiesel Poway, CA Nelson Special
2010 Zak Kiesel Poway, CA Nelson Special
2009 Julian Garfield Mount Airy, MD CRG Cadet KT100
2008 Julian Garfield Mount Airy, MD CRG Cadet KT100
Street-R Rear-Wheel-Drive (SRR)
2014 Tony Savini Cochranville, PA Chevrolet Corvette
Street All-Wheel-Drive (SA)
2014 David Spratte Raleigh, NC Audi TT
Street Rear-Wheel-Drive (SR)
2014 Eric Peterson Hillsborough, NC Toyota MR2 Spyder
Street Front-Wheel-Drive (SF)
2014 Trevor Jones Onalaska, WI Ford Focus ST
Street Prepared class A (SPA) (SSP, ASP, & BSP indexed)
2014 Tom Berry Mitsubishi Evolution
Street Prepared class B (SPB) (CSP, DSP, FSP, & SMF indexed)
2014 Brian Kuehl Honda CRX
Stock/Street Index 1 (S1 - SSP, ASP, CSP)
2013 Joe Tharpe State Center, IA Chevrolet Corvette
Stock/Street Index 2 (S2 - BSP, DSP)
2013 Eric Campbell Canal Winchester, OH BMW 330Ci
Stock/Street Index 3 (S3 - GS, STF, FSP, SMF)
2013 James Darden Brighton, CO BMW 2002

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Appendix K - Awards
Stock/Street Index 4 (S4 - AS, FS)
2013 Tom O’Gorman Mason, OH Chevrolet Corvette
Stock/Street Index 5 (S5 - CS, DS, ES)
2013 Joe Barbato Wallingford, CT Nissan 370Z
Road Tire 2WD Stock Index (RT2)
2013 Stephen Hui Bellevue, WA Honda S2000
Road Tire AWD Stock Index (RT4)
2013 Paul Dodd Albuquerque, NM Subaru Impreza WRX
B Stock (BS)
2014 Lane Borg San Angelo, TX Chevrolet Corvette
2013 Nick Barbato Wethersfield, CT Honda S2000
2012 James Yom Harbor City, CA Honda S2000 CR
2011 Scott McHugh Canyon Country, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2010 Paul Kozlak Litchfield, ME Pontiac Solstice GXP
2009 Bryan Heitkotter Fresno, CA Mazda RX-8
2008 Carter Thompson Murfreesboro, TN Mazda RX-8
2007 Matthew Braun Northville, MI Mazda RX-8
2006 Joe Goeke Kirkland, WA Mazda RX-8
2005 Ron Bauer Renton, WA Porsche 968
2004 Jason Saini Lake Forest, IL Honda S2000
2003 Andy McKee San Jose, CA Honda S2000
2002 Andy McKee San Jose, CA Honda S2000
2001 Tim Aro Richmond, VA Toyota MR2
2000 G Warren Hahn Boca Raton, FL Mazda Miata
1999 Peter Raymond Erie, CO Mazda Miata
1998 Kevin McCormick Roseville, CA Mazda Miata
1997 Joe Goeke Bothell, WA Mazda Miata
1996 Jeff Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA Porsche 944
1995 Jeff Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA Porsche 944
1994 Rich Fletcher Durango, CO Toyota MR2
1993 Mark Jones Rancho Santa Margarita, CA Toyota MR2 Turbo
1992 Eric Eckman Indianapolis, IN Pontiac Fiero
1991 Eric Eckman Indianapolis, IN Pontiac Fiero
1990 Mike Losert Holly, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1989 Ray Meeseman Holly, MI Chevrolet Corvette
1988 Rob Faulkner Anaheim, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1987 Paul Kozlak Broad Brook, CT Mazda RX-7 GSL
1986 Roger Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
C Stock (CS)
2014 Jeff Stuart Santa Barbara, CA Nissan 370Z
2012 Kenneth Baker Aledo, TX Mazda MX-5 Miata
2011 Kenneth Baker Aledo, TX Mazda RX-8
2010 Bryan Heitkotter Fresno, CA Mazda MX-5 Miata
2009 Dan Pedroza Round Rock, TX Mazda MX-5 Miata
2008 Daniel Stone Sheridan, IN Pontaic Solstice
2007 Darrin DiSimo Coral Springs, FL Mazda MX-5 Miata
2006 Joe Tharpe Marshalltown, IA Pontiac Solstice
2005 Kyung Wootton Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2004 Steve Telehowski Auburn Hills, MI Mazda Miata
2003 Steve Telehowski Novi, MI Mazda Miata
2002 Matthew Braun Farmington Hills, MI Mazda Miata
2001 Barry Ott Centennial, CO Toyota MR2
2000 Randy Chase San Diego, CA Toyota MR2
2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules — 383
Awards - Appendix K
1999 Michael Eckert Powell, OH Toyota MR2
1998 Kevin Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2
1997 Kevin Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2
1996 Jeff Altenburg Columbia, MD Mazda Miata
1995 Joe Goeke Bothell, WA Mazda Miata
1994 Michael Butler San Francisco, CA Mazda Miata
1993 Eric Eckman Indianapolis, IN Pontiac Fiero
1992 Neal Sapp Catonsville, MD Honda CRX Si
1991 Bill Breedlove Salt Lake City, UT Datsun 240Z
1990 Eric Eckman Indianapolis, IN Pontiac Fiero
1989 Todd Rupp Carrollton, GA Pontiac Fiero
1988 Peter Raymond Larkspur, CO Toyota MR2
1987 Peter Raymond Larkspur, CO Toyota MR2
1986 Alan McConnell Millington, TN Honda Civic Si
H Stock (HS)
2013 Greg Reno Lawrence, KS MINI Cooper
2012 Greg Reno Lawrence, KS MINI Cooper
2011 Greg Reno Lawrence, KS MINI Cooper
2010 Jeff Jacobs Philadelphia, PA MINI Cooper
2009 Ron Williams Topeka, KS MINI Cooper
2008 Tim Whalen Williamsville, NY Mazda3
2007 Matt Murray Westport, CT BMW 318i
2006 Marshall Cone Sterling, VA MINI Cooper
2005 Alan Dahl Federal Way, WA Audi 90 quattro
2004 Michael Potocki Kenmore, NY MINI Cooper
2003 Mark Chiles Rocky Mount, NC MINI Cooper
2002 Brian Garfield Eldersburg, MD MINI Cooper
2001 Chris Kline St Charles, MO Honda Civic
2000 Heyward Wagner Kernersburg, NC Honda Civic
1999 Todd Swensen Stow, OH Toyota Celica
1995 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Mazda MX-6
1994 Jack Burns Sylvania, OH Mazda MX-6
1993 Jeff Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA BMW 318i
A Stock (AS)
2012 Anthony Savini Cochranville, PA Chevrolet Corvette
2011 Anthony Savini Cochranville, PA Chevrolet Corvette
2010 Radomin Delgado Glendale, CA Porsche Cayman S
2009 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI Chevrolet Corvette
2008 Jonathan Roberts Richmond Hills, GA Subaru Impreza WRX STI
2007 Jonathan Roberts Richmond Hills, GA Subaru Impreza WRX STI
2006 Jonathan Roberts Richmond Hills, GA Subaru Impreza WRX STI
2005 Scott McHugh Santa Clarita, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2004 Paul Kozlak Harleysville, PA Porsche 911
2003 Matthew Braun Farmington Hills, MI Chevrolet Corvette
2002 Scott McHugh Santa Clarita, CA Chevrolet Corvette
2001 Carter Thompson Murfreesboro, TN Toyota MR2 Turbo
2000 Carter Thompson Murfreesboro, TN Toyota MR2 Turbo
1999 Thomas Harrington Las Vegas, NV Toyota MR2 Turbo
1998 Carter Thompson Murfreesboro, TN Toyota MR2 Turbo
1997 Carter Thompson Kingsport, TN Toyota MR2 Turbo
1996 Stacy Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA Porsche 911
1995 Kevin Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2 Turbo
1994 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Mazda RX-7

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Appendix K - Awards
1993 Roger Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1992 Jamey Aebersold New Albany, IN Toyota MR2 Turbo
1991 Jamey Aebersold New Albany, IN Toyota MR2
1990 Roger Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1989 Roger Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1988 Roger Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Roger Johnson Fostoria, OH Chevrolet Corvette
1986 Jim Thompson Kingsport, TN Porsche 911E
D Stock (DS)
2012 Craig Wilcox Blue Springs, MO MINI Cooper S
2011 Eric Simmons Macungie, PA Subaru Impreza WRX
2010 James Feinberg Cary, NC Acura Integra Type R
2009 Alex Muresan San Jose, CA Acura Integra Type R
2008 James Feinberg Cary, NC Subaru Impreza WRX
2007 Justin Rest Westminster, MD Subaru Impreza
2006 Kinch Reindl Denver, CO Acura Integra Type R
2005 Mark Smith Denver, CO Volkswagen Golf
2004 GH Sharp Kernersville, NC BMW 330ci
2003 Kevin Youngers Greeley, CO BMW 330ci
2002 Kevin McCormick Lincoln, CA Acura Integra Type R
2001 Russell Blume Wichita, KS BMW 318is
2000 Danny Shields Valrico, FL Plymouth Neon
1999 Timothy Dennison Wappinger Falls, NY Dodge Neon
1998 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Dodge Neon
1997 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Dodge Neon
1996 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Dodge Neon
1995 Bob Tunnell Superior, CO BMW318is
1994 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Honda CRX Si
1993 Derek Francis East Windsor, NJ Honda Civic
1992 Bob Tunnell Hermosa Beach, CA Volkswagen Jetta
1991 Alan McConnell Huntsville, AL Volkswagen GTI
1990 Neal Sapp Baltimore, MD Honda Civic Si
1989 Alan McConnell Huntsville, AL Volkswagen Jetta
1988 Todd Rupp Carrollton, GA Pontiac Fiero
1987 Dick Varsell Bristol, CT Volkswagen GTI
E Stock (ES)
2012 Bartek Borowski Elmwood Park, IL Mazda Miata
2011 Scott Thursby Portsmouth, RI Mazda Miata
2010 Robert Carpenter Knoxville, TN Toyota MR2
2009 Nick Flynn Morgantown, WV Mazda Miata
2008 Robert Carpenter Knoxville, TN Toyota MR2
2007 Robert Carpenter Knoxville, TN Toyota MR2
2006 Paul Brown Los Alamos, NM Toyota MR2
2005 Paul Brown Los Alamos, NM Toyota MR2
2004 Paul Brown Los Alamos, NM Toyota MR2
2003 Jeff Cashmore New Berlin, WI Toyota MR2
2002 Randy Noll Oakland, CA Toyota MR2
2001 Robert Carpenter Knoxville, TN Honda CRX
2000 Ken Rupp Carrollton, GA Toyota Celica GT
1999 Mike Johnson Richmond, VA Honda Civic Si
1998 Steve Brolliar Melbourne, FL Plymouth Neon
1997 Steve Brolliar Melbourne, FL Dodge Neon
1996 Steve Brolliar Cocoa Beach, FL Dodge Neon

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Awards - Appendix K
1995 Erik Strelnieks Atlantic Beach, FL Dodge Neon
1994 Steve Brolliar Madison, AL Dodge Neon
1993 TC Kline Hilliard, OH BMW 318
1992 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z
1991 Jeff Altenburg Catonsville, MD Pontiac Firebird
1990 Jeff Altenburg Orlando, FL Chevrolet Camaro IROC
1989 Jeff Altenburg Orlando, FL Ford Mustang
1988 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang LX
1987 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang LX
1986 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang LX
F Stock (FS)
2012 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2011 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2010 Sam Strano Knoxdale, PA Ford Mustang GT
2009 Sam Strano Knoxdale, PA Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2008 Sam Strano Knoxdale, PA Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2007 Sam Strano Knoxdale, PA Ford Mustang Shelby GT
2006 Jason Burns York, PA Ford Mustang
2005 David Schotz Simi Valley, CA Chevrolet Camaro
2004 David Schotz Granada Hills, CA Ford Mustang
2003 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak Harleysville, PA Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
2002 Sam Strano Brookville, PA Chevrolet Camaro
2001 Paul Kozlak Harleysville, PA Chevrolet Camaro IROC
2000 Kevin Youngers Greeley, CO Pontiac Turbo TransAm
1999 Alek Tziortzis Glenview, IL Chevrolet Camaro
1998 Alek Tziortzis Skokie, IL Chevrolet Camaro
1997 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak Harleysville, PA Chevrolet Camaro
1996 Scott McHugh Santa Clarita, CA Pontiac Firebird
1995 Mark Daddio Seymour, CT Chevrolet Camaro
1994 Dean Sapp Catonsville, MD Chevrolet Camaro
1993 Dean Sapp Catonsville, MD Chevrolet Camaro
1992 Dean Sapp Catonsville, MD Chrysler Conquest
1991 Steve Brolliar Madison, AL Chrysler Conquest
1990 Steve Brolliar Madison, AL Chrysler Conquest
1989 Paul Brown Los Alamos, NM Plymouth Conquest
1988 Steve Brolliar Madison, AL Dodge Daytona T
1987 Steve Brolliar Madison, AL Dodge Shadow
1986 Randy Pobst Melbourne, FL Volkswagen Jetta
G Stock (GS)
2012 Mark Valera Fresh Meadows, NY Chevrolet Cobalt SS
2011 Morgan Trotter Temecula, CA Dodge SRT-4
2010 Kenny Sorenson Prince Frederick, MD Nissan Sentra SE-R
2009 Anthony Savini Cochranville, PA MINI Cooper S
2008 Anthony Savini Cochranville, PA MINI Cooper S
2007 Ron Williams Topeka, KS MINI Cooper S
2006 GH Sharp Kernersville, NC MINI Cooper S
2005 Brian Garfield Mount Airy, MD MINI Cooper S
2004 Mark Chiles Rocky Mount, NC MINI Cooper S
2003 Brian Priebe Mislawaka, IN Toyota Celica
2002 Brian Priebe Granger, IN Toyota Celica
2001 David Fauth Aurora, CO Acura Integra Type R
2000 Kevin McCormick Rocklin, CA Acura Integra Type R
1999 John McIver Northville, MI Mitsubishi Eclipse

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Appendix K - Awards
1998 Mark Allen Jacksonville, FL Mistubishi Eclipse
1997 David Schotz Phoenix, AZ Mazda MX-6
1996 Dean Sapp Catonsville, MD Chevrolet Camaro
1995 Danny Shields Valrico, FL Mazda MX-6
1994 Danny Shields Valrico, FL Mazda MX-6
1993 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Probe GT
1990 Andy Hollis Baldwin, MD Honda CRX Si
1989 Steve Brolliar Madison, AL Dodge Shadow
Ladies 4 (L4)
2012 Linda Duncan Topeka, KS MINI Cooper
Road Tire Stock Class (RT)
2012 Andrew Barrette Old Greenwich, CT Subaru Impreza WRX
2010 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Honda Civic Si
2009 Ian Baker Herndon, VA Honda CRX Si
2008 Kevin McCormick Lincoln, CA Honda Civic
2007 Joe Tharpe Marshalltown, IA Honda S2000
2006 Andy Hollis Austin, TX Mazda Miata
2005 Joshua Sortor Glendale, AZ Subaru Impreza
2004 Vic Sias Santa Clara, CA BMW M3
2002 Dennis Grant Windsor, ON, Can Eagle Talon AWD
2001 Corey Smith Santa Clara, CA Audi S4
Prepared 1 (P1)
2008 Keith Brown Des Moines, WA Mazda Miata
2007 Keith Brown Des Moines, WA Mazda Miata
2006 Tracy Ramsey Hinckley, IL Toyota MR2
2005 John Brown Maynardville, TN Toyota MR2
2004 John Brown Maynardville, TN Toyota MR2
1998 John Thomas Meridian, MS Honda Civic
1997 John Thomas Meridian, MS Honda Civic
1996 John Thomas Meridian, MS Honda Civic
1995 Wayne Snyder Grand Rapids, MI SRE Spitfire
1994 Craig Nagler Agoura, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1993 Craig Nagler Agoura, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1992 Craig Nagler Agoura, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1991 Mark Shuler West Hills, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
1990 Kevork Derderian Lake Forest, IL Triumph TR-8
1989 Kevork Derderian Lake Forest, IL Chevrolet Corvette
1988 Kevork Derderian Chicago, IL Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Kevork Derderian Barrington, IL Chevrolet Corvette
1986 Bob Jardine West Covina, CA Sunbeam Tiger
Modified 1 (M1)
2008 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA KFR Turbo Sprite
2007 Jeff Kiesel Poway, CA 3 Rotor Sprite
2006 Gary Godula Farmington Hills, MI Reynard 88F
2005 Gary Godula Farmington Hills, MI Reynard FF
2004 Tom Harrington Las Vegas, NV CRG/Honda
1998 Guy Ankeny Simi Valley, CA Tiga S2000
1997 John Engstrom Mt Prospect, IL Formula 500
1996 Josh Sirota Mountain View, CA Citation FF
1995 Guy Ankeny Simi Valley, CA Ralt RT-5
1994 Guy Ankeny Simi Valley, CA Ralt RT-5
1993 George Bowland Gahanna, OH BBR Special
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Awards - Appendix K
1992 Bud Imming Sierra Vista, CA Ralt RT-5
1991 George Bowland Fairfax, VA Special
1990 Colan Arnold Des Moines, IA Lola T-252
1989 Todd Bowland Fairfax, VA Legrand Supervee
1988 George Bowland Fairfax, VA Legrand Supervee
1987 Bill Goodale Milford, MA TUI BG-5
1986 Bill Goodale Milford, MA Lola JF-85
Bonus Challenge
2006 Harold Olsen Folsom, CA Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport
A Prepared (AP)
2003 Chris Cox Morgan Hill, CA BMW M3
B Prepared (BP)
2003 Steve Oblenes Garden Grove, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
2002 Steve Oblenes Garden Grove, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
2001 Steve Oblenes Garden Grove, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo
C Prepared (CP)
2003 Tracy Sandberg Winterset, IA Chevrolet Camaro
2002 Vesko Kazarov Salt Lake City, UT Ford Mustang
2001 Tommy Regan Leander, TX Chevrolet Camaro
D Prepared (DP)
2003 Chris Lindberg Utica, MI Mazda Miata
2002 Chris Lindberg Shelby Township, MI Mazda Miata
2001 Stan Whitney Grapevine, TX Mazda Miata
2000 Stan Whitney Grapevine, TX Mazda Miata
1999 Stan Whitney Grapevine, TX Honda CRX
E Prepared (EP)
2003 Chris Dorsey Colorado Springs, CO Honda CRX
2002 John Thomas Meridian, MS Honda Civic
2001 John Thomas Meridian, MS Honda Civic
2000 Tom Lombardo Oxford, MS Honda Civic
1999 Grady Wood Heber Springs, AR Honda CRX
C Modified (CM)
2003 Gary Godula Farmington Hills, MI Reynard FF
2002 Gary Godula Lake St Louis, MO Reynard FF
2001 Gary Godula Lake St Louis, MO Reynard FF
2000 Gary Godula Novi, MI Reynard FF88
1999 Gary Godula Novi, MI Reynard FF88
D Modified (DM)
2003 Kyle Watkins Broomfield, CO Lotus Super 7
2002 Del Long Cedar Rapids, IA CMC Locost 7
E Modified (EM)
2003 Benny Dement Bonnerdale, AR Mazda/Healey Sprite
2001 Benny Dement Bonnerdale, AR Mazda/Healey Sprite
F Modified (FM)
2003 Chuck Voboril Fountain Hills, AZ Zink Z19
2002 Chuck Voboril Fountain Hills, AZ Zink Z19
Street Touring® R (STR - R-Compound Tire)
2001 Grady Wood Heber Springs, AR Honda Civic Si
2000 Grady Wood Heber Springs, AR Honda Civic SI
1999 George Perinis Leesburg, VA Nissan Sentra SE-R

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Appendix K - Awards
A Modified (AM)
2001 John Engstrom Mt Prospect, IL Corellian Pod Racer
1999 Nat’l Series - Glen Hernandez Bothell, WA Porsche 924S
1998 Scotty White Puyallup, WA Chevrolet Corvette
1997 Kumar Viswalingam Cincinnati, OH Mazda Miata
1996 Open - Rad Vach Plymouth, MI Mazda Miata
Ladies - Beverly Vach Plymouth, MI Mazda Miata
Pro 1 (P1)
1999 John Thomas Tampa, FL Honda Civic
Pro 2 (P2)
1999 Tom Berry Alta Loma, CA Mazda RX-3
Pro 3 (P3)
1999 Gary Thomason Oceanside, CA Chevrolet Corvette
Pro 4 (P4)
1999 Carter Thompson Murfressboro, TN Toyota MR2 Turbo
Pro 5 (P5)
1999 Alan Dahl Federal Way, WA Mazda Miata
Pro 6 (P6)
1999 Mark Daddio Beacon Falls, CT Dodge Neon
Pro ST (PST)
1999 Mark Allen Jacksonville, FL Acura Integra
B Modified (BM)
1999 Paul Russell San Diego, CA MAC
Ladies Class (L)
1999 Kay Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2
1998 Kay Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2
1997 Kay Bailey Colorado Springs, CO Toyota MR2
1996 Renee Eady Carrollton, GA Mazda Miata
1995 Sally Brown Danville, CA Porsche 911
1994 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak Broad Brook, CT Chevrolet Camaro
1993 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak Broad Brook, CT Chevrolet Camaro
1992 Stacy Reitmeir Sunnyvale, CA Porsche 914
1991 Stacy Reitmeir Mountain View, CA Porsche 914
Index Street Prepared (ISP)
1998 Curt Ormiston Huntington Beach, CA Porsche 911
1997 Daniel Popp Cincinnati, OH Chevrolet Corvette
Club Class:
1996 Open - John Engstrom Mt Prospect, IL Red Devil 440
Ladies - Katie Elder Kensington, CA Mazda Miata
Modified 2 (M2)
1994 Peter Raymond Erie, CO Citation Formula Ford
1993 Jeff Altenburg Catonsville, MD Ralt RT-5
1992 David Johnson San Diego, CA Tiga S2000
1991 Peter Raymond Erie, CO Citation FF
1990 Fred Miranda Ventura, CA Triumph Spitfire
1989 Bryan Kinser Elgin, IL Austin-Healey Sprite
1988 Bob King Fresno, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
1987 Bob King Fresno, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
1986 Harry Gompf Lexington, KY Porsche 914/6

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Modified 3 (M3)
1994 Wayne Snyder Grand Rapids, MI SRE Spitfire
1993 Peter Raymond Erie, CO Citation FormulaFord
Prepared 2 (P2)
1993 John Thomas Memphis, TN Honda Civic
1992 Bill Cadenhead Hespera, CA Volkswagen Bug
1991 Chuck Sample Ft Wayne, IN Fiat X1/9
1990 Leonard Baptiste Hacienda Heights, CA Datsun 510
1989 Chuck Sample Ft Wayne, IN Fiat X1/9
1988 Randy Herrick Topeka, KS Austin-Healey Sprite
1987 Wayne Snyder Grand Rapids, MI Triumph Spitfire
1986 Bill Cutrer Topeka, KS Fiat X1/9
Mini Sport (MS)
1992 Dan Cadenhead Alpine, CA Toyota Paseo
Truck Sport (TS)/Solo® Truck (ST)
1991 Tony Mashburn Carrollton, GA Toyota Pick-up
1990 Tony Mashburn Carrollton, GA Toyota Pick-up
SSGT Solo I®
1990 Paul Davis Chevrolet Camaro Z-28
1990 Ron Baker Carson City, NV Ford Mustang
SSB Solo I®
1990 Mark Ishikawa San Francisco, CA Honda CRX Si
SSB Solo II®
1990 John Beckwith Oakland, CA Honda CRX Si
1990 Eric Eckman Indianapolis, IN Pontiac Fiero
1990 Rob DeBardeleben Orlando, FL Mazda RX-3
1989 Luis Rivera Littleton, CO Mazda RX-2
1986 Louise Langdon Northridge, CA Mazda RX-3
1990 Ken Kimbell Ford Fiesta
1989 Rob Heiser Toyota Corolla
A Street Prepared
1990 Scott Holley Noblesville, IN Porsche 911S
1986 Bill Breedlove Salt Lake City,UT Datsun 240Z
B Street Prepared
1990 Tommy Saunders Roanoke, TX Chevrolet Corvette
1986 Joseph Ulman Mississauga, Canada Chevrolet Corvette
C Street Prepared
1990 Jinx Jordan Vernon, CT Honda CRX
1986 Mark Chiles Palm Bay, FL Dodge Omni GLH
D Street Prepared
1990 Kevin Taylor Dolton, IL Suzuki Swift GT
1986 Donald Gerhard Weatherly, PA MG B
E Street Prepared
1990 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang

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Appendix K - Awards
B Prepared
1990 Barry Schonberger Evansville, IN Sunbeam Tiger
1986 Rodney Derrick Salt Lake City, UT Chevrolet Corvette
F Prepared
1990 Gary Wigglesworth, Sr Dover, PA Porsche 914/6
1986 Hal Kelley St Petersburg, FL Porsche 911
A Modified
1990 Robert Maurer Pella, IA Lola T-320
E Modified
1990 Corky Sayles Amarillo, TX Porsche 914/6
1986 Bob King Fresno, CA Austin-Healey Sprite
1990 Craig Nagler Agoura Hills, CA Mazda RX-7 Turbo II
1989 Larry Park Fremont, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1988 Larry Park Fremont, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Kevork Derderian Barrington, IL Chevrolet Corvette
1986 Rob DeBardeleben Orlando, FL Porsche 911
1990 John Aitken Lexington, KY Porsche 914/6
1989 Scott Holley Noblesville, IN Porsche 911S
1987 Tony Giordano Overland Park, KS Datsun 240Z
1986 Ray Hill Union City, GA Mazda RX-7
1990 Charlie Clark Lenexa, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1989 Bob Langdon Lacanada, CA Mazda RX-4
1988 Charlie Clark Lenexa, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1987 Charlie Clark Lenexa, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1986 Charlie Clark Lenexa, KS Chevrolet Corvair
1990 Chuck Noonan Barre, MA Honda Civic
1988 James Harvey Oliver Springs, TN Datsun 510
1987 James Harvey Oliver Springs, TN Datsun 510
E Production
1989 Ken Kimball Alfa Romeo Spider
F Production
1990 Duane Dunham Woodstock, GA Triumph Spitfire
1989 Duane Dunham Woodstock, GA Triumph Spitfire
1988 Randy Herrick Topeka, KS Austin-Healey Sprite
G Production
1990 Duane Dunham Woodstock, GA Triumph Spitfire
1989 Duane Dunham Woodstock, GA Triumph Spitfire
1988 Duane Dunham Woodstock, GA Triumph Spitfire
1987 Duane Dunham Woodstock, GA Triumph Spitfire
1986 Duane Dunham Woodstock, GA Triumph Spitfire
Formula Atlantic
1990 Greg Scharnberg Urbandale, IA Ralt RT-5
1989 Scott Liebler Manhattan, KS Swift
1988 Scott Liebler Manhattan, KS Ralt RT-4
1987 Scott Liebler Manhattan, KS Ralt RT-4
1986 Bruce Cambern Birmingham, MI March 78B

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Formula Ford
1990 Danny Thomas Autodynamics
1988 Joe Ketcherside Kansas City, MO Citation
1987 Tom Crawford Fairway, KS Hawke
Formula Vee
1990 Larry Metz Fishers, IN Albatross 78
1989 MD Rogers Nederland, TX Caldwell D-13
1988 Bob Qualkinbush Blue Springs, MO Lynx B
1987 MD Rogers Nederland, TX Caldwell
1986 MD Rogers Nederland, TX Caldwell D-13
Formula 440
1990 John Kinney Zink Z-19
1989 Bill Fisher Tucson, AZ KBS Ramblebee
C Sports Racer
1990 Joe Garner LolaT440
1989 Ken Steffens Preston
1988 Harry Mann Merrimack, NH Brama
1987 Randy Pobst Melbourne, FL Toyota FX-16
D Sports Racer
1990 Charles Smith Pleasant Hill, MO LeGrand
1989 Ken Steffens Wichita, KS Preston
1987 Mike Wright Des Moines, IA Lotus 7
1986 Duck Waddle Hutchinson, KS
1989 Eric Eckman Indianapolis, IN Pontiac Fiero
1986 Grant Byers Ventura, CA Chevrolet Corvette
1989 Greg Amy Shelby CSX
1986 Chris Berns Fleetwood, PA Dodge Omni GLH
1989 David Muramoto Parker, CO Honda CRX Si
1986 David Guinn Dodge City, KS Chevrolet Citation
1989 Gene Mezger South Bend, IN Porsche 914 2.0
1986 Bob Booth Oakland, CA Mazda RX-7
1989 David Guinn Volkswagen Rabbit
1986 Randy Pobst Melbourne, FL Volkswagen Rabbit
A Sports Racer
1989 Bill Pratt Ralt
1988 Colan Arnold Des Moines, IA Lola T252
1987 Colan Arnold Des Moines, IA Lola T252
Stock 1
1988 Steve Zink Farmington, UT Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Grant Byers Ventura, CA Chevrolet Corvette
Stock 2
1988 Lindsay Lowe Marietta, GA Porsche
1987 David Muramoto Denver, CO Honda CRX Si
Stock 3
1988 Ruth Ann Plut Bountiful, UT Datsun 280Z
1987 Lindsay Lowe Marietta, GA Porsche 944

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Appendix K - Awards
Stock 4
1988 Erick Eckman Indianapolis, IN Pontiac Fiero
1987 Mark McGowan Toledo, OH VW Golf GTI
Stock 5
1988 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang LX
1987 John Ames Colorado Springs, CO Ford Mustang LX
Stock 6
1988 Mark Ishikawa San Francisco, CA Ford Mustang SVO
1987 Mark Ishikawa San Francisco, CA Ford Mustang SVO
Street Prepared 1
1988 Scott Holley Noblesville, IN Porsche 911S
1987 Scott Holley Noblesville, IN Porsche 911S
Street Prepared 2
1988 Wilson Wright Stockbridge, MA Chevrolet Corvette
1987 Rod Derrick Salt Lake City, UT Chevrolet Corvette
Street Prepared 3
1988 Elliott Harvey Lakeland, FL Datsun SRL311
1987 Bill Breedlove Salt Lake City, UT Datsun 280ZX
E Prepared
1988 Bill Breedlove Salt Lake City, UT Datsun
1986 Bob Langdon Lacanada, CA Mazda RX-3
Formula Continental
1988 Jack Tovey Plainfield, IN Dream T-86
Spec Racer
1988 Terry Templeton Kearney, MO
B Stock
1986 Lindsay Lowe Marietta, GA Porsche 944
E Stock
1986 Danny Shields Valrico, FL Volkswagen Rabbit
G Stock
1986 Bob Osborne Springfield, IL Toyota Supra
H Stock
1986 Art Trier Port Jefferson, NY Dodge Colt
D Prepared
1986 Rocky Entriken Salina, KS Triumph Spitfire
Sports 2000
1988 Bob Henson Lee’s Summitt, MO Tiga
Ladies A
1978 Charlotte King Fresno, CA Tui Super Vee
1977 Jeanie Brandon Tulsa, OK Caldwell D9
1976 Cindy Hart Galloway, OH Tojiero FB
Ladies B
1978 Saundra Kline Baltimore, MD Porsche 914/6
1977 Saundra Kline Baltimore, MD Porsche 914/6
1976 Saundra Kline Baltimore, MD Porsche 914/6
Ladies C
1978 Rene Dunham Metamora, IL Triumph Spitfire
1977 Patricia Kelly Pleasanton, CA Lotus 7A
1976 Judy James Lakewood, NJ Honda Civic
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Ladies D
1978 Sandra Schneider Plantsville, CT Chevrolet Corvette
1977 Kathy Martin Ridgecrest, CA Lotus Europa
1976 Elsie Haninger Gahanna, OH Porsche 911S
Ladies E
1978 Dee Schweikle Lexington, KY Alfa Romeo
1977 Hillary Allen Marion, TX Porsche 914
1976 Pam Sanborn Needham, MA Porsche 914
Ladies 1
1975 Karen Flippo Oklahoma City,OK Porsche 911T
Ladies 2
1975 Karen Gurley Huntsville, AL Porsche 914
Ladies 3
1975 Jane Haymie Tulsa, OK Austin Cooper S
Ladies 4
1975 Patricia Kelly Pleasanton, CA Lotus 7A
Ladies Class
1974 Saundra Kline Baltimore, MD Porsche 914
1973 Dee Schweikle Lexington, KY Alfa Romeo
Solo® Cup Recipients
To the SCCA® member who has made an outstanding contribution to the Solo®
Events Program. The winner is selected by the Solo® Events Board from nomina-
tions submitted by the membership at large.
2019 Jim Garry
2018 Steve Hudson
2017 Paul Brown
2016 Berry family – Tom & Theresa, Christine, Heather, and Lisa
2015 Eric & Mari Clements
2014 Robert Chrismas
2013 Doug Gill
2012 Marcus Merideth
2011 Jeff Jacobs
2010 Bill Goodale
2009 Sandi Brown
2008 Raleigh & Velma Boreen
2007 Bob Tunnell
2006 Paula Baker
2005 Lynn DeHart
2004 Al Mitchell
2003 Roger H. Johnson
2002 Lindsay Wilson
2001 Kathy Barnes
2000 Chuck & Jeanette Sample
1999 Tasha Goodale
1998 Colan Arnold
1997 Ron & Karen Babb
1996 TC Kline
1995 Andy Andrews
1994 Greg & Sam Scharnberg
1993 Howard Duncan
1992 Gregg Lee
394 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix K - Awards
1991 John & Pat Kelly
1990 Phil Schmidt
1989 Roger Johnson
1988 Dave and Joyce Looman
1987 Terry Bassett
1986 Lloyd Loring & Jeanne Ruble
1985 Charlie Clark
1984 Art Trier
1983 Bob Leard
1981 Rocky Entriken
1980 Pete Woodruff
1979 Bill Miller
1978 Marc Gerstein, Grant Reynolds, & Vern Jacques
Solo® Driver of Eminence Award
To the Solo® driver who has consistently demonstrated excellence behind the
wheel, and an exemplary degree of sportsmanship, dedication and unselfishness.
The winner is selected by the Solo® Events Board from nominations submitted by
the membership at large. Previous winners may not be nominated again.
2019 Frank Stagnaro
2018 Tom Ellam
2017 Mike Maier
2016 Jinx Jordan
2015 Brian Peters
2014 Shelly Monfort
2013 Mark Madarash
2012 Sam Strano
2011 Mike “Junior” Johnson
2010 Jeff Cashmore
2009 Tom Berry
2008 Andy McKee
2007 Erik Strelnieks
2006 Tommy Saunders
2005 George Doganis
2004 Gary Thomason
2003 John Thomas
2002 Bob and Patty Tunnell
2001 Grady Wood
2000 Mark Daddio
1999 Roger Johnson
1998 Tom Bootz
1997 Gary Milligan
1996 Chris O’Donnell
1995 John Ames
1994 Paul Kozlak
1993 Jim McKamey
1992 Chuck Sample
1991 Bill Martin
1990 Karen Babb
1989 William Goodale
1988 Ron Flier
1987 Grant Byers
1986 Claire Ball
1985 Mary Rice
1984 Joyce Looman
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Awards - Appendix K
Solo® Driver of the Year
To the Solo® driver who has demonstrated exceptional skill or has overcome major
obstacles to produce an outstanding performance at the Solo® National Champion-
ship. The winner is selected by the Solo® Events Board from nominations submit-
ted by the membership at large.
2018 Jonathan Lugod
2017 Daniel McCelvey
2016 Cindy Duncan
2015 Carol Kolk
2014 Andrew Pallotta
2013 Tom O’Gorman
2012 Scott Fraser
2011 Brianne Corn
2010 Jinx Jordan
2009 Clemens Burger
2008 Sam Strano
2007 Ian Stewart
2006 Kevin Wentzel
2005 Ryan Buetzer
2004 Tim Aro
2003 Matthew Braun
2002 Andy McKee
2001 Paula Whitney
2000 Eric Pettigrew
1999 Kurt Janish
1998 Shauna Marinus
1997 John Thomas
1996 Brian Priebe
1995 Michael Butler and Jane Willis-Dickey
1994 Wade Scannell
1993 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak
1992 Bruce Domeck
1991 Tom Kline
1990 Stuart Lumpkin
1989 Bruce Dickey
1988 George Bowland
1987 Elliott Harvey
1986 Charlie Clark
1985 Wayne Snyder
1984 Ed Haigh
Solo® Rookie of the Year
Outstanding performance at a first Solo® National Championship by a driver with
limited competition experience. The winner is selected by the Solo® Events Board
from nominations submitted by the membership at large.
2018 Ryan Field
2017 Mark Dudek
2016 Nicholas Chu
2015 Tamra Hunt
2014 Mark Scroggs
2013 Darren Seltzer
2012 Tristan Littlehale
2011 Jonathan Lugod
2010 Andrew Pallotta
2009 Katy Nicholls
396 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules
Appendix K - Awards
2008 Stephen Yeoh
2007 Jason Collett
2006 Bryan Heitkotter
2005 GJ Dixon
2004 Andy Aust
2003 Shawn Mundis
2002 Mary Medicus
2001 Randy Noll
2000 Kyung An
1999 Lori Robertson
1998 Kelly Bowland
1997 Mike Maier
1996 Rob Luis
1995 Michael Plumer
1994 Kim Knapp
1993 Richard Coffey
1992 Roy Melling
1991 Mal Kooiman
1990 Tom Kotzian
1989 Steve Hoelscher
1988 Mark Daddio
1987 Stacy Lynd
1986 Dan Livezey
1985 Lou Albertson
1984 Betsy Blackburn
Triad Award
A driver must accomplish three feats in a single class: win one of the States Cham-
pionship National Tour, win a Tire Rack® Divisional Championship (2009-11) or a
regular Tire Rack® National Tour (2012), and win the Tire Rack® Solo® National
Championship events.
2019 Jenefer Bedell, Brian Karwan, Mike Leeder, Josh Luster, David Marcus,
Philip Mitchell, Alex Piehl, Grant Reeve
2018 Jeremy Foley, Tara Johns, Jonathan Lugod, Larry MacLeod, Andrew Pol-
lotta, Randall Wilcox
2017 Mike King, Jonathan Lugod, Daniel McCelvey, Brian Peters, Mark Scroggs,
Sam Strano, Randall Wilcox
2016 Jinx Jordan, Deanna Kelly, Daniel McCelvey, Dennis Sparks, Robert Thorne,
James Yom, Jeff Wong
2015 Laura Harbour, Rachel Kerswill, Steve O’Blenes, Dave Ogburn, Brian Peters,
Patrick Salerno, Mark Scroggs
2014 Lane Borg, Lee Chhit, Gwen Habenicht, Laurie Hyman, Dave Montgomery,
Eric Peterson
2013 Geoff Clark, Learic Cramer, Jason Frank, Jeff Kiesel, Aaron Miller, Shelly
Monfort, Nick Myers, Tom O’Gorman, Brian Peters, Joe Tharpe, Carter
Thompson, Robert Thorne, David Whitener, Kim Whitener, Fred Zust
2012 Lane Borg, Bartek Borowski, Clemens Burger, Andy Hollis, Tara Johns, Jeff
Kiesel, Mark Madarash, Shelly Monfort, Joe Tharpe, Carter Thompson, Kim
2011 Bartek Borowski, Geoff Clark, Donald Elzinga, Jeff Kiesel, Mark Madarash,
Andy McKee, Doug Rowse, David White, Fred Zust
2010 Bartek Borowski, Clemens Burger, Matthew Braun, Jeff Cashmore, John
Ma, Brian Peters, Sam Strano, Dan Wasdahl, Craig Wilcox
2009 Clemens Burger, Jeff Cashmore, Mark Madarash, Michelle Seelig

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Awards - Appendix K
Johnson Spirit of the Sport Award
To the SCCA® Solo® community member that brings the spirit of fun to their fellow
members, as symbolized by the message engraved on the perpetual award: “Johnson
Spirit of the Sport Award, presented annually by the Royal Order of the Sheep to
a member of the flock that upholds the spirited virtues of FUN, CAMARADARIE,
and TOM-FOOLERY. This award is named in honor of the inaugural recipient, the
Exalted Grand Shepherd, Roger E. Johnson.” The award is selected annually by the
previous three recipients.
2019 Bryan Hayes
2018 The Eh Team
2017 Tim White
2016 Eric & Laurie Hyman
2015 Perry Bennett
2014 Van Townsend
2013 Charlie Davis
2012 Danny Kao
2011 Atlanta Brotherhood
2010 Road Trip Racing Team
2009 Mike McClintock
2008 Tommy Saunders
2007 Ron Bauer and Kevin Dietz
2006 Team Underdog
2005 Howard Duncan
2004 Scotty B White
2003 Mike “Junior” Johnson
2002 Patty Tunnell
2001 Dean Sapp
2000 Dick Berger
1999 Sandi Brown-Wood
1998 Roger H Johnson
1997 Roger E Johnson
Dick Berger Perseverance Award
The award recognizes someone each year who is undaunted by limited success over
many National Championship events, but keeps coming back to enjoy the camara-
derie, community, and hopes for a trophy in competition.
2019 Raleigh Boreen
2018 Bob Barone
2017 Charlie Davis
2016 Rocky Entriken
2015 Dick Berger and Jim Murphy
Kelly Cup
To the SCCA® member who has shown extraordinary dedication and contribution
to a Regional Solo® Events Program. The Kelly Cup is named in honor of John and
Pat Kelly for their tireless leadership efforts in developing a strong and sustainable
Solo® program in the San Francisco Region. Kelly Cup finalist are chosen by the
Solo® Development Coordinators from nominations submitted by the membership
at large, with the recipient selected by the Solo® Events Board. The award is to be
presented at the Region’s annual banquet, Regional convention, or other similar
event in the recipient’s Region.
2017 Lloyd Loring
2016 Perry Aidelbaum
2015 John & Pat Kelly

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Appendix K - Awards
Rothney-Kozlak Cup
This award is presented annually to the top finishing female driver participating in
an open class at the SCCA® Solo® National Championships. The recipient will ei-
ther have the widest margin of victory in an open class (if one or more female drivers
win) or the closest margin to the winner of an open class (if no female driver wins an
open class) regardless of where she placed in the class.
The cup is named in honor of Lynne Rothney-Kozlak for her leap of faith into open
class competition at the SCCA® Solo® National Championships in 1994, decades of
sustained competition in open classes, and mentoring other women to advance their
driving skills by competing against the top drivers in SCCA® Solo®.
2018 Tamra Hunt
2017 Tamra Hunt
Solo® Nationals FTD Trophy presented by Small Fortune Racing
2018 Larry MacLeod
2017 Marshall Grice
2016 Marshall Grice
2015 Matthew Ellam
2014 Dan Wasdahl
2013 Dan Wasdahl
2012 Dan Wasdahl
2011 Michael Stanley
2010 Dan Wasdahl
2009 Clemens Burger
2008 Dan Wasdahl
2007 Jeremiah McClintock
2006 Todd Bowland
2005 George Bowland
2004 Chuck Sample
2003 George Bowland
2002 Gary Milligan
2001 John Engstrom
2000 Gary Milligan
1999 William Goodale
1998 Gary Milligan
Solo1® Event of the Year
To the host region of an event of singular high quality, including inventive and
enjoyable concept, smooth organization and execution, and consideration for the
competitor. The winner is selected by the Solo® Events Board from nominations
submitted by the membership at large.
1997 Solo® Trials Nationals Colorado Region
1995 Chimney Rock Hillclimb Central Carolinas Region
1994 Central Carolinas Region
1989 Blue Mountain Region
1987 Central Carolinas Region
1985 Atlanta Region
Solo® Divisional of the Year
To the host region of an event of singular high quality, including inventive and
enjoyable concept, smooth organization and execution, and consideration for the
competitor. The winner is selected by the Solo® Events Board from nominations
submitted by the membership at large.
2011 Southern Pacific Division California Sports Car Club
2010 Great Lakes Division
2009 Central Division

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Awards - Appendix K
2008 Northern Pacific & Southern Pacific Div California Sports Car Club
2007 Great Lakes Division
2006 Northeast Division Finger Lakes & Western New York Regions
2005 Southwest Division Texas Region
2004 Midwest Division Oklahoma Region
2003 Northern Pacific Division Reno Region
2002 Northeast Division
2001 Central Division
2000 Midwest Division St Louis Region
1999 Central Division
1998 Midwest Division Kansas Region
1997 Southwest Division Delta Region
1996 Northeast Division New England Region
Southeast Division Atlanta Region
1995 Northern Pacific Division San Francisco Region
Southeast Division Dixie Region
1994 Northern Pacific Division Northwest Region
Southwest Division Lone Star Region
Midwest Division Salina Region
1991 Midwest Division Des Monies Valley Region
1990 Southwest Division Texas Region
1989 Central Division Southern Indiana Region
1988 Southern Pacific Division California Sports Car Club
1987 Midwest Division Nebraska Region
1986 Northeast Division Susquehanna Region
1985 Central Division Milwaukee Region
Regional Solo2® of the Year
1986 Speed Week Opener Glen Region
Street Solo2® of the Year
1986 Bayfield Grand Prix Colorado Region
Vallejo Grand Prix San Francisco Region
1985 Rabbit Fest Copperas Cove Texas Region

400 — 2020 SCCA® National Solo® Rules

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