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BS 812-105.2 1990

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Testing aggregates —
Part 105: Methods for determination of
particle shape —

Section 105.2 Elongation index of coarse


UDC [625.07+691.22]:620.168.36
BS 812-105.2:1990

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Cement,

Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Policy Committee
(CAB/-) to Technical Committee CAB/2, upon which the following bodies were

Aggregate Concrete Block Association

Association of Consulting Engineers
Association of Consulting Scientists
Association of Lightweight Aggregate Manufacturers
Brick Development Association
British Aggregate Construction Materials Industries
British Cement Association
British Ceramic Research Ltd.
British Civil Engineering Test Equipment Manufacturers’ Association
British Geological Sciences
British Precast Concrete Federation Ltd.
British Ready Mixed Concrete Association
British Steel Industry
Building Employers’ Confederation
Calcium Silicate Brick Association Limited
Chartered Institute of Building
Concrete Society
County Surveyors’ Society
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency)
Department of Transport
Department of Transport (Transport and Road Research Laboratory)
Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
Institute of Concrete Technology
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Highways and Transportation
Institution of Structural Engineers
Institution of Water and Environmental Management (IWEM)
Mortar Producers’ Association Limited
This British Standard, having Sand and Gravel Association Limited
been prepared under the
direction of the Cement, Society of Chemical Industry
Gypsum, Aggregates and
Quarry Products Standards
Policy Committee, was
published under the authority
of the Board of BSI and comes Amendments issued since publication
into effect on
30 June 1990
Amd. No. Date Comments
© BSI 12-1998

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference CAB/2
Draft for comment 86/10160 DC

ISBN 0 580 18351 3

BS 812-105.2:1990


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Principle 1
4 Sampling 1
5 Apparatus 1
6 Preparation of test portions 1
7 Procedure 1
8 Calculation and expression of results 3
9 Test report 3
Table 1 — Particulars of test sieves 1
Table 2 — Minimum mass of test portion 1
Table 3 — Data for determination of elongation index 3
Figure 1 — Metal length gauge 2
Publications referred to Inside back cover

© BSI 12-1998 i
BS 812-105.2:1990


This Section of BS 812, prepared under the direction of the Cement, Gypsum,
Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Policy Committee, is a revision of 7.4
of BS 812-1:1975 which will be deleted by amendment.
Part 105 comprises two separately published Sections:
105.1 Flakiness index of coarse aggregate
105.2 Elongation index of coarse aggregate
The associated test for angularity number given in the 1975 edition of BS 812-1
is no longer included in this revision because of lack of use. It is intended that
BS 812 test methods should be called up by other British Standards as the basis
of compliance. Nevertheless, it is not intended that all aggregates should be
subjected regularly to all the listed tests. Specifications in other standards will
refer only to the relevant test methods.
Some of the tests in other Parts of this standard are of limited application, and
advice on the use of simpler tests is given, for example when they can be used for
a preliminary sorting of aggregates to see whether more expensive testing is
No data for the precision of this test was available at the time of publication.
Precision trials are however being undertaken and precision data will be
incorporated by amendment when the trials have been completed and the data
Reference should be made to BS 812-101 for general guidance on testing
aggregates, precision of test methods and variance arising from sampling errors.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 4, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

ii © BSI 12-1998
BS 812-105.2:1990

1 Scope Table 1 — Particulars of test sieves

This Section of BS 812 describes the method for Nominal aperture sizes
determining the elongation index of coarse (Square hole perforated plate
aggregate. 450 mm or 300 mm diameter)

NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard mm

are listed on the inside back cover. 50.0
2 Definitions 37.5
For the purposes of this Section of BS 812 the 28.0
definitions given in BS 812-101 and 102 apply. 20.0

3 Principle 14.0
Aggregate particles are classified as elongated when
they have a length (greatest dimension) of more 6.30
than 1.8 of their mean sieve size, this size being
taken as the mean of the limiting sieve apertures 5.5 A mechanical sieve shaker (optional)
used for determining the size fraction in which the 5.6 Trays, of suitable size, which can be heated in
particle occurs. The elongation index is found by the ventilated oven (5.2) without damage or change
separating the elongated particles and expressing in mass.
their mass as a percentage of the mass of sample 5.7 Metal length gauge, of pattern shown in Table 1.
NOTE The incorporation of a hardwood base is not mandatory;
The test is not applicable to material passing other durable materials may be used to form a stable base for the
a 6.30 mm test sieve or retained on a 50.0 mm test metal length gauge.
6 Preparation of test portions
4 Sampling Reduce the sample by the procedures described in
The sample to be used for the test (the laboratory clause 6 of BS 812-102:1989 to produce a test
sample) shall be taken in accordance with the portion that complies with Table 2 with due
procedures described in clause 5 of allowance for the later rejection of particles retained
BS 812-102:1989. on a 50.0 mm test sieve and passing a 6.30 mm test
sieve. Dry the test portion by heating at a
5 Apparatus temperature of 105 ± 5 °C to achieve a dry mass
which is constant to within 0.1 %. Allow to cool and
5.1 A sample divider, of size appropriate to the weigh.
maximum particle size to be handled or
alternatively a flat shovel and a clean, flat, hard Table 2 — Minimum mass of test portion
horizontal surface, e.g. a metal tray for use in Nominal size Minimum mass of test portion after
quartering. of material rejection of oversize and undersize
NOTE A suitable divider is the riffle box illustrated in
BS 812-102:1989. mm kg

5.2 A ventilated oven, thermostatically controlled to 40 15

maintain a temperature of 105 ± 5 °C. 28 5
5.3 A balance, or balances, of suitable capacity 20 2
accurate to 0.1 % of the mass of the test portion.
14 1
NOTE In general two balances, one of approximately 5 kg
capacity accurate to 1 g and the other approximately 500 g 10 0.5
capacity accurate to 0.1 g will suffice. If aggregate of larger
than 28 mm nominal size is to be tested a balance of 50 kg
capacity accurate to 10 g will also be required. 7 Procedure
5.4 Test sieves, of the sizes and apertures 7.1 Carry out a sieve analysis in accordance with
appropriate to the specification of the material clause 7 of BS 812-103.1:1985 using the test sieves
being tested, complying with BS 410 for square hole given in Table 3. Discard all the aggregate retained
perforated plate and with the appropriate sizes of on the 50 mm test sieve and all the aggregate
lids and receivers. passing the 6.30 mm test sieve.
NOTE A set of sieves of sizes and apertures given in Table 1 will
cover most applications of the method.

© BSI 12-1998 1
BS 812-105.2:1990

7.2 Weigh each of the individual size fractions 7.3 From the sums of the masses of the fractions in
retained on the test sieves, other than the 50.0 mm the trays (M1) calculate the individual percentage
test sieve, and store them in separate trays with retained on each of the various test sieves. Discard
their size marked on the trays. any fraction whose mass is 5 % or less of mass M1.
NOTE Where the mass of any size fraction exceeds the Record the mass remaining (M2).
minimum mass given in Table 3, the fraction may be subdivided 7.4 Gauge each fraction as follows. Select the length
by the methods described in clause 6 of BS 812-102:1989,
provided the mass of the subdivided fraction is not less than half gauge appropriate to the size fraction under test
the minimum mass given in Table 3. Under such circumstances (see Table 3) and gauge each particle separately by
the rest of the procedure should be suitably modified and the hand. Elongated particles are those whose greatest
appropriate correction factor applied to determine the mass of
elongated particles that would have been obtained had the whole
dimension prevents them from passing through the
of the original size fraction been gauged. gauge, and these are placed to one side.
7.5 Combine and weigh all the elongated particles
NOTE If required, an elongation index may be determined
separately for individual size fractions by recording separately
the masses of each of the individual size fractions and the masses
of elongated particles in each size fraction.

Figure 1 — Metal length gauge

2 © BSI 12-1998
BS 812-105.2:1990

Table 3 — Data for determination of elongation index

Aggregate size fraction Gap between pins of length Minimum mass for
a subdivision
Test sieve
100 % passing 100 % retained
mm mm mm kg
50.0 37.5 78.7 ± 0.3 35
37.5 28.0 59.0 ± 0.3 15
28.0 20.0 43.2 ± 0.3 5
20.0 14.0 30.6 ± 0.3 2
14.0 10.0 21.6 ± 0.2 1
10.0 6.30 14.7 ± 0.2 0.5
This dimension is equal to 1.8 times the mean test sieve size.

8 Calculation and expression of results 9 Test report

The value of the elongation index is calculated from The test report shall affirm that the elongation
the expression: index was determined in accordance with this
M Section of BS 812, and whether or not a certificate of
Elongation index = --------3- × 100 sampling is available. If available, a copy of the
M2 certificate of sampling shall be provided. The test
where report shall include the following additional
M2 is the sum of the masses of fractions that
a) sample identification;
have a mass greater than 5 % of the total mass.
b) elongation index;
M3 is the mass of all the elongated particles.
c) sieve analysis obtained from this test.
Express the elongation index to the nearest whole

© BSI 12-1998 3
4 blank
BS 812-105.2:1990

Publications referred to

BS 410, Specification for test sieves.

BS 812, Testing aggregates.
BS 812-101, Guide to sampling and testing aggregates.
BS 812-102, Methods for sampling.
BS 812-103, Methods for determination of particle size distribution.
BS 812-103.1, Sieve tests.
BS 812-105, Methods for determination of particle shape.
BS 812-105.1, Flakiness index.

© BSI 12-1998
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