The video below will demonstrate how to use the action and how you can customize the
look of your final composition after the action has finished. The video covers some
important techniques that you will want to use after the action has finished.
This action has been tested and working on Photoshop (any language) CS6, CC 2014,
CC 2015, CC 2017, CC 2018, CC 2019+.
Main action works with CS3 and newer versions of PS, and the Animation action works
with CS6 and newer versions of PS.
3. Press B to select the Brush tool. On the top toolbar, make sure Mode is Normal,
and both Opacity and Flow values are set to 100%.
4. Avoid using small resolution images. For the best results, use Photos between
2000px - 5000px high/wide and 72-300 dpi resolution.
If you have a lower resolution image, go to "Image" > "Image Size..." and change them to the
specified dimensions. After the action has finished rendering, you can always reduce to your
original size.
5. On the Layers panel, click on the menu icon on the top-right corner. Go to Panel
Options…, and make sure that the Use Default Masks on Fill Layers and Add
“copy” to Copied Layers and Groups are checked.
This option applies only to CS5 and later versions of Photoshop.
If you are experiencing errors, try resetting your Photoshop preferences. To do this, hold down Alt,
Ctrl, and Shift keys (for Windows) or Command, Option and Shift keys (for Mac) while starting up
Photoshop. A dialog box will appear asking if you wish to delete the preferences/settings file.
2. Inside the Open window, navigate to the main Animated Architecture Sketch
Photoshop Action folder which you downloaded.
2. Create a new layer above the image layer to mark the main subject
3. With the subject layer selected, brush/trace the areas of your photo that you
want to apply the effect to.
Press B to select the Brush tool. On the top toolbar, make sure Mode is Normal,
and both Opacity and Flow values are set to 100%.
4. And play the 1. Main action. This will generate a static Architecture Sketch
5. Next, you can run the second action 2. Animated effect to animate the result
generated after the first action.
Please REMEMBER to follow the below IMPORTANT points before running the second animate
Please refer to the video tutorial if you need assistance with these steps.
If you need any help with the action, please comment on the item page or send an
email from the profile page.
If you are getting any error messages, please email the error screenshots with the below
details in the snap-
1. The very first error message that pops up
2. The command (expand the action) where the action first breaks
3. Layers generated in the Layers panel till the action breaks
Will be happy to help you.