aep-33306 handout 2024_25
aep-33306 handout 2024_25
aep-33306 handout 2024_25
Economics of Agribusiness
Universiteit Wageningen
Wageningen University
Period: 1
Brightspace: Available
Learning outcomes
After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:
• reproduce microeconomic descriptions and theories that are relevant for agribusiness;
• solve and interpret the results of microeconomic exercises on agribusiness;
• analyse behaviour of agents in agribusiness;
• explain economic phenomena using microeconomic and institutional theory.
5. Organisation
The course consists of five parts:
1. First, there are lectures on Monday and Tuesday. At each lecture one chapter of the syllabus will
be discussed. In the first week on Tuesday a highly recommended refresher in mathematics and
economics is provided.
2. Second, there is a computer practical on Wednesday (except in the first week). At the computer
practical you have to work on an exercise that involves simulations with an economic model in
Excel that relates to the topic of that week. There are two groups, it will be announced on
Brightspace at the end of the first week in which group you are. The practical is compulsory and
is an important tool to help you to master the (often complicated) material. Please work in pairs
and bring your own computer with you. In week 1 there is no computer practical on
Wednesday but a lecture (see point 5).
3. Third, there is a tutorial on Thursday where solutions to exercises will be discussed. This is an
essential part of the course. Doing the exercises weekly is the best guarantee to pass the course.
4. Fourth, there is a test each Friday (also in the first week). The tests cover the material discussed
during the lectures, computer practicals and tutorials. The test will be put on Brightspace Thursday
afternoon late, and is scheduled to take 40 minutes. The answers will be made available Friday
after 14.00hrs on Brightspace. The test is not compulsory, will not be corrected and marked and
should be viewed as a way to help you to master the (often complicated) material. It is strongly
recommend to do the test, it helps you to be up to date and the questions resemble the exam
questions closely.
5. Finally, in the first week on Wednesday 4 September 8.20-9.50hrs there will be a lecture on the
nitrogen crisis. The lecture gives insight in this complicated issue and will introduce many of the
topics discussed in this course.
Graphical/scientific calculators and mobile telephones are not allowed at the exam. Only simple
calculators are allowed. This is the general policy of all chair groups in economics.
8. Course schedule
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.20-9.50hrs 8.20-9.50hrs Group 1: 8.20-9.50hrs morning
Group 2: Home, outcomes
10.00-11.30hrs are available on
Except in first Brightspace
week after 14.00hrs
2 Lecture Ch. 2 Lecture Ch. 3 Computer Tutorial Ch.2 and 3 Test Ch. 2 and 3
R: B3031/3032 R: B3031/3032 practical Room B3031/3032
Gehrke Gehrke R: B5015 Gehrke
3 Lecture Ch. 4 Lecture Ch. 5 Computer Tutorial Ch. 4 and 5 Test Ch. 4 and 5
R: B3031/3032 R: B3031/3032 practical R: B3031/3032
Gehrke Gehrke R: B5015 Gehrke
4 Lecture Ch. 6 Lecture Ch. 7 Computer Tutorial Ch. 6 and 7 Test Ch. 6 and 7
R: B3031/3032 R: B3031/3032 practical R: B3031/3032
Peerlings Peerlings R: B5015 Peerlings
5 Lecture Ch. 8 Lecture Ch. 9 Computer Tutorial Ch. 8 and 9 Test Ch. 8 and 9
R: B63 R: B9010 practical R: B3031/3032
Peerlings Peerlings R: B5015 Peerlings
6 Lecture Ch.10 Lecture Ch. 11 Computer Tutorial Ch. 10 and Test Ch. 10 and 11
R: B3031/3032 R: B3031/3032 practical 11
Peerlings Peerlings R: B5015 R: B3031/3032