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1. The study of the structure of cells and 8. Kidneys are located mainly in the region:
their components is called:
(a) Histology (a) Cervical
(b) Applied Anatomy (b) Thoracic
(c) Cytology (c) Sacrum
(d) Systemic Anatomy (d) Lumbar
2. Body parts that are present at the front 9. The outer zone of the kidney is called:
side and back side are called: (a) Cortex
(a) Ventral / Anterior (b) Bowman’s Capsule
(b) Ventral / Posterior (c) Glomerulus
(c) Ventral / Superior (d) Renal Tubules
(d) Dorsal / Posterior 10. ______ Anatomy is the basis for the
3. Body parts that are present at the Upper physical examination of the body to reach
side and Lower side are called: a physical diagnosis:
(a) Superior and Inferior (a) Gross
(b) Superior and Deep (b) Surface
(c) Superior and Superficial (c) Microscopic
(d) Superior and Lateral (d) Applied
4. A reference point used in anatomy is 11. How many bones are there in the
called a: forearm?
(a) Fixed Point (a) One
(b) Deep Point (b) Two
(c) Moveable Point (c) Three
(d) None of these (d) Four
5. Bending the elbow is an example of: 12. Mandible is related to which of the
(a) Flexion following?
(b) Extension (a) Skull
(c) Planter-flexion (b) Cheeks
(d) Dorsi-flexion (c) Jaw
6. How many phalanges are there in the (d) Eyes
foot? 13. Femur is the part of:
(a) 14 (a) Leg
(b) 28 (b) Thigh
(c) 30 (c) Foot
(d) 33 (d) Arm
7. Which human body part contains the 14. How many regions of the vertebral
frontal bone? column are there?
(a) Ribs (a) 5
(b) Abdomen (b) 13
(c) Skull (c) 23
(d) None of them (d) 33

15. Alveoli are in close contact with:

(a) Capillaries
(b) Veins
(c) Heart (c) 90,000
(d) Lungs (d) 100,000
16. Causes of Vibrio cholera are: 25. Molds are _______ fungi?
(a) Malaria (a) Unicellular
(b) Typhoid (b) Bi-cellular
(c) Cholera (c) Multicellular
(d) Both a & b (d) None of these
17. Which of the following are helical- 26. In which cycle do microorganisms
shaped? transform plant residues into CO2?
(a) Spirilla (a) C-cycle
(b) Vibrios (b) N-cycle
(c) Prions (c) Urea cycle
(d) Virions (d) Water cycle
18. Pasteur and Koch used which of the 27. Approximately, how much nitrogen gas is
following media? present in the atmosphere?
(a) Beef broth (a) 78%
(b) Chicken broth (b) 79%
(c) Both a & b (c) 80%
(d) None of them (d) 81%
19. Viruses of rabies and tobacco mosaic 28. Microbial content of indoor air depends
viruses have: upon:
(a) Symmetry (a) Ventilation rate
(b) Asymmetry (b) Crowding
(c) Helical symmetry (c) Individuals
(d) Both a & b (d) All of these
20. The icosahedron is a polyhedron with: 29. The area of the hospital where chronic
(a) 20 triangular faces and 12 corners disease patients are admitted is called:
(b) 20 angular faces and 12 corners (a) General ward
(c) 20 triangular faces and 12 sides (b) Emergency ward
(d) 20 biangular faces and 12 corners (c) Paeds ward
21. The spikes often contain _______ to assist (d) Sanatoria
the attachment of viruses to host cells: 30. Killing or removing microorganisms from
(a) Lipids any preparation is called:
(b) Proteins (a) Sterilization
(c) Enzymes (b) Fermentation
(d) Catalyst (c) Calcination
22. Puffballs and mushrooms refer to which (d) Tyndallization
of the following? 31. Physical methods of sterilization include:
(a) Fungi (a) Dry heat sterilization
(b) Bacteria (b) Wet heat sterilization
(c) Virus (c) By Radiation
(d) Protozoa (d) All of these
23. The structure of a fungus is called: 32. In dry heat sterilization for unwrapped
(a) Thallus objects, how much temperature is
(b) Ellipsoidal required? (a) 60°C
(c) Filamentous (b) 90°C
(d) None of these (c) 190°C
24. How many species of fungi have been (d) 120°C
described? 33. The incineration process is used for:
(a) 50,000 (a) Hospital waste
(b) 80,000 (b) Infectious materials
(c) Both a & b (a) Germs
(d) None of these (b) Foreign substances
34. Bulk quantities of surgical dressings are (c) Antigens
sterilized by: (d) All of these
(a) Dry heat sterilization 43. In which immunity does the immune
(b) Moist heat sterilization system attack the body's own tissues or
(c) By Radiation organs?
(d) All of these (a) Autoimmunity
35. Tyndallization process is named after (b) Natural immunity
which scientist? (c) Immunity
(a) Smith Tyndall (d) Passive immunity
(b) John Tyndall 44. Movement of a bone towards the upper
(c) MacCarty Tyndall side is called:
(d) Schwann Tyndall (a) Superior
36. Select rays used for sterilization of (b) Elevation
disposable medical equipment: (c) Depression
(a) Gamma rays (d) Inferior
(b) UV rays 45. Depression refers to:
(c) IR beams (a) Bone movement
(d) X-rays (b) Lower side bone movement
37. The following agglutination test is (c) Upper side bone movement
performed to diagnose different diseases: (d) Forearm movement
(a) Widal test 46. Leg and hand distance decreased refers
(b) TPA Test to:
(c) Coombs test (a) Planter Flexion
(d) All of these (b) Dorsi flexion
38. In which test does the reaction take place (c) No one
between a soluble antigen and a solution (d) Both a & b
of its homologous antibody? 47. The process of cell division in which the
(a) Agglutination test number of chromosomes is halved is:
(b) Precipitation test (a) Mitosis
(c) Complement fixation test (b) Meiosis
(d) None of these (c) Binary fission
39. The immune system is also called: (d) Germination
(a) Police force 48. Which organ is primarily responsible for
(b) Resistance filtering blood?
(c) Dormancy (a) Heart
(d) All of these (b) Kidneys
40. Resistance of the body to a certain disease (c) Liver
is called: (d) Lungs
(a) Autoimmunity 49. Which part of the brain controls balance
(b) Natural immunity and coordination?
(c) Immunity (a) Cerebrum
(d) Passive immunity (b) Cerebellum
41. Antibodies are made up of: (c) Medulla Oblongata
(a) Organs (d) Hypothalamus
(b) Cells 50. Which of the following is the largest
(c) Proteins organ of the human body?
(d) All of these (a) Heart
42. Antibodies are destroyed by: (b) Brain
(c) Skin (c) Circulation
(d) Liver (d) Excretion
51. The basic unit of heredity is: 56. What part of the cell contains the genetic
(a) Gene material?
(b) Chromosome (a) Mitochondria
(c) DNA (b) Nucleus
(d) Protein (c) Ribosomes
52. The process by which cells divide to form (d) Cytoplasm
two identical daughter cells is called: 57. What is the function of red blood cells?
(a) Mitosis (a) Carry oxygen
(b) Meiosis (b) Fight infection
(c) Fertilization (c) Aid in clotting
(d) Binary fission (d) Transport nutrients
53. Which of the following is a characteristic 58. Which of the following is a function of the
of the endocrine system? liver?
(a) It uses electrical impulses to (a) Producing insulin
transmit messages (b) Filtering blood
(b) It uses hormones to transmit (c) Regulating heartbeat
messages (d) Producing bile
(c) It is faster than the nervous system 59. Which type of tissue connects muscles to
(d) It has no effect on growth and bones?
development (a) Ligaments
54. Which type of muscle is found in the (b) Tendons
heart? (c) Cartilage
(a) Skeletal muscle (d) Nerve tissue
(b) Smooth muscle 60. Which organ is primarily responsible for
(c) Cardiac muscle the production of insulin?
(d) Epithelial tissue (a) Stomach
(b) Kidneys
55. The process of breaking down food into (c) Pancreas
smaller components is called: (d) Heart
(a) Respiration
(b) Digestion


1. Explain Bone terminologies in detail?
2. Write down the parts name of Upper limb and Lower limb?
3. Name the types of Anti Sera with examples?
4. Define fermentation. Write its two uses?
5. Explain physical method of sterilization?
6. Write down structure of viruses in detail?

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