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Opportunities for fish processing

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Available online at http://www.journalcra.com

International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 7, Issue, 08, pp.19336-19339, August, 2015



*Fredrik Rieuwpassa, Alfonsina M. Tapotubun, Matrutty, E. A. A. and Raja B. D. Sormin
Department of Fish Processing Technology, Faculty of Fish and Marine Science,
Science Pattimura University
University, Indonesia


Article History: Seafood is an excellence of sea commodities, it content a great compound of protein, minerals and
Received 08th May, 2015 unsaturated fatty acids, that carachterize by the very high biological value so it is good for health.
Received in revised form This excellence can be used to diversify the variety of processed products both for food and non-food
05th June, 2015 products such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Optimizing the marine products utilization as a raw
Accepted 25th July, 2015 material of various healthy products can impact onn the increase of income and living standards of the
Published online 31st August, 2015 fishermen and communities along the of sore.. The aim of this study was to inventory the potency of
marine products in Southeast Maluku district in order to know the opportunity of seafood processed
development Research method used in this research was descriptive or exploratory, by survey
Key words:
approaches, field observation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Southeast Maluku have an
Opportunities, ecological dynamics, so it enabled to arise a wide variety of ecosystems with a distingtive diversity
Seafood, and character, however, there were no the balance of fishing, ng, aquaculture production compared to
Development, processed product.
product. It was not any attention of the government to the fishing and farmers communities
Southeast Maluku District.
in mentoring them on how to manufacture the processed product from the catches or aquaculture.
While the
t potency of the seafood commodities in Southeast Maluku district is abundant both the
types and the numbers (fish and non-fish
non fish including endemic species), in fact, the processing aspect of
the product is still very low. The total of fiheries production in Southeast Ma
Maluku District recorded in
2011 were 82,233.00 tons consist of catch fisheries and aquaculture production 39,010.00 and
38,350.00 tons respectivelly. Meanwhile, the processed product were still very low at around
4,873.00 tons. Development opportunities of seafood processing is still promising, considering a
plenty of raw materials available and the competition of processed product in the market is still low.
Copyright © 2015 Fredrik Rieuwpassa et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Att
Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Citation: Fredrik Rieuwpassa, Alfonsina M. Tapotubun, Matrutty, E. A. A. and Raja B. D. Sormin,, 2015. “Opportunities of seafood
District International Journal of Current Research, 7, (8), 19336
processing development in southeast Maluku District”, 19336-19339.

On the other hand, seafood commodities is categorize as
perishable food so that it is necessary the proper postharvest in
Geographically, the Southeast Maluku District is consisting of order to avoid the food and financial losses that ruin the fishing
many small Islands, most of the region is coastal. This region economies. Proper postharvest handling activities and the
have function as a buffer zone, the habitat for many types of diversification of processed products based on marine products
biota, a spawning place, growth ground, feeding ground and including endemic commodities was an effort to optimize its
shelter for many species of marine life and beaches. This is utilization in order to provide the value add
added of the family
possible because in general, coastal areas have a high fertility and society economics. Recent policies, the priority on
rates and a source of organic matter as an important component fisheries exploitation in order to increase the Sustainable
in the cycle of the marine food chain. The excellence of Maximum Yield (MSY) have not really been impacting the
seafood is lies on its protein, minerals and unsaturated fatty improving of the living standard of fishermen but instead
acids existences with a very high biological value so it is good reduced the productivity of marine products as a result of an
for health. This exellencies can be used to diversify the variety imbalance of exploitation and sustainable. The recent
of processed products both for food and non-food
non products phenomenon on weakness of fisherman and coastal society has
such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.. Optimizing the taken the stakeholders to optimally utilize the abundant marine
utilization of marine products as raw material of various resources for the welfare of the society. At least, by optimizing
healthy products resulted of income and living standards the utilization of marine products
products, it stimulate the development
increased of fishermen and coastal communities.
communities of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and industries
based seafood becomes the supporting pillars to break out of
*Corresponding author: Fredrik Rieuwpassa,
the poverty phenomenon whichh are hindering communities and
Department of Fish Processing Technology, Faculty of Fish and
Marine Science, Pattimura University, Indonesia coastal fishermen over the years. The purpose of this study was
19337 Fredrik Rieuwpassa et al. Opportunities of seafood processing development in southeast Maluku district

to inventory the marine products potency in Southeast Maluku mackerel (Rastrelliger spp), ‘tembang’ fish ((Sardinela spp),
District in order to know the opportunities of processed flying fish (Cypsilurus spp) and others. The dominant species
products development. of large pelagic found in the Southeast Maluku District waters
Thunnus albacares
are yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), skipjack (Katsuwonus
MATERIALS AND METHODS pelamis, Euthynus affinis, Auxis thazard
thazard) and others. Whereas,
the demersal resources es that economically important include:
Research method was descriptive or exploratory, by survey ‘baronang’, ‘sikuda’, ‘lencam’, ‘bambangan’, grouper, red
approach, field observation and Focus Group Discussion snapper, ‘bubara’, ‘samandar’ and others. There are found
(FGD). The research was focused on six sub districts in about 50 species of macro algae. From the number of species
Southeast Maluku District, at each district chosen four Chlorophyta) (26 species) is the
found, the green algae (Chlorophyta
potential villages, the number of respondents for each village greatest species, followed by the red algae (Rhodophyta) (18
were 12 respondents. The research was held on August until species) and the brown algae (Phaeophyta
(Phaeophyta) (6 species). Macro
September 2012. algae is rarely found, nevertheles, there are several genus
found like Caulerpa, Gracilaria and Hypnea that are
RESULT AND DISCUSSION economically very valuable. The most well cultivated
macroalgae are Gracilaria and Eucheuma, however, the others
Seafood commodities have an opportunities to be cultivated like Gelidium and
Hypnea. The valuable non-fish fish resources which can be
Southeast Maluku have an ecological dynamic,
dynamic there are arise developed by the marine cultur culture activities were mollusks
a wide variety of ecosystems. There is the upwelling (gastropods and bivalves); echinoderms (scrub, pineapple
pineapple, and
occurrence that greatly affected the condition of the waters milk sea cucumbers). There is a kind of small-sized shrimp
oceanographic. Based on the data obtained from the commonly called ‘rebon’ and crabs (mud crab). This
Department of Marine and Fisheries (2011), it is known that in commodities can be found a year-round because they are
Small Kei Islands are existed 103 species, 40 familia, and 2 naturally available in the field, however a good harvest season
classes of mollusks, gastropods and bivalves. Gastropod class is on the east wind season from April to July
consists of 80 species that representing 25 familias, while
bivalves consisted of 23 species that representing 15 familias. There are found three types of turtle namely Hawksbill turtle
And based on the information from the local society and the (Eretmochelys imbricata), ), green turtle ((Chelonia mydas) and
erature study, an amount of 72 of the 103 species of Dermochelys coriacea
the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). The presence of
mollusks were obtained from Small Kei Islands, they had been leatherback turtles in this coastal waters coincide with the
potentially utilized them, while 31 other species had not been blooming of jellyfish as its main feed source. Those three types
utilized yet. Most mollusks used as food (55 types). In of turtle are included in protected marine species reptiles,
addition, molluscs was found potentially using as a decorating, because their population inn the wild has dropped dramatically
souvenirs, ornaments and clothing accessories (31 types), due to human hunted to meet the various needs of life and
building (4 types), blades (Cypraea spp.. and Ovula ovum), traditional rituals. On the other hand, the frequency of the sea
money (genus Cypraea), and bioactive (genus Conus) turtle presence in the coastal areas and small islands of this
materials. district has been reduced because of the quantity and quality
declining of coral reefs and sea grass beds due to the
Moreover, some of them have becomee a major trading environmental and utilization pressures. Therefore, it is needed
commodities of marine nonfish sector in the waters an effort to conserve the sea turtle and its habitat. There are
surrounding the islands of the Kei Kecil (7 types) (Rieuwpassa certain types of marine specific commodities (endemic
et al,, 2012). There are found the small pelagics included commodities) abundantly available, they are: ‘‘laor’ (Wawo
anchovy (Stolephorus spp), trevally (Selaroides
Selaroides spp),
spp ‘layang’ worms), ‘lat’ (sea wine), ‘kian’ (sea worms) and ‘wor’ (caviar)
(Decapterus spp), (Figure 1).

‘Laor’ ‘Lat’ ‘Kian’ ‘Wor’

(wawo worm) (sea grape) (sea worm) (caviar)

1. Endemic commodities in Southeast Maluku District
19338 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 7, Issue, 08, pp.19336-19339, August, 2015

Laor’ is local name for sea worm of Phylum Anelida found in float in the sea in the large quantities. People consumed fresh
coral waters. These worms appear on the surface of the sea at or processed ‘wor’.
certain period once a year. They appear in a large quantity
every April, during high tides (full moon), in that time the Potency of Marine culture
people droved to catch these worms by using small net.
However, there is an exception in many villages like in Small The calm condition of the most Southeast Maluku District
Kei name Wearlilir, the ‘laor’ arise every month in the full waters, protectioned throughout the season (year), is very
moon eventhough the number is not as much as in April. potential for marine culture or fishing grounds. The future of
‘Laor’ contain high nutrients, especially protein and minerals marine culture activities suggested are seaweed, fish, sea
so that they are very good food for people consumption cucumbers and pearl cultivation. Recently, marine culture
(Latumahina et al., 2007). Generally, people in this region activities that spread almost in 40 % of the area is seaweed
consumed the processed ‘laor’, namely ‘bekasang’ (fermented farming. The condition of the water and its quality are the
‘laor’) and ‘lawar’ (spicy ‘laor’). Laor is also found around the main requirements for the seaweed farming activities in order
Ambon and Lease Islands. The nutrient composition of ‘laor’ to achieve the best production and business development.
derived from Latuhalat waters (Ambon city) and Wearlilir
(Southeast Maluku District) shown in Table 1. The production of dried seaweed in Southeast Maluku District
faced a significant increase in the recent five (5) years (Marine
Table 1. Nutrition composition of ‘Laor’ and Fisheries affair of Southeast Maluku District (2012).
Production of dried seaweed in Southeast Maluku District
Compostition (%) Source of ‘Laor’
Latuhalat Wearlilir
shown in Table 3.
Water 81.51 76.71
Protein 13.92 13.85 Table 3. Seaweeds Production in Southeast Maluku
Fat 1.01 0.11
Ash 2.41 2.40
Source: Latumahina et al. (2007) Years Production (Ton)
2007 44.10
Lat’ is local name for sea grapes the genus Caulerpa usually 2008 381.12
found in a great number in sandy coral substrate and its 2009 3,285.00
2010 4,870.60
existence does not depend on the season. It is harvested by 2011 7,944.00
hand. The difference between ‘Lat’ and other seaweed is ‘lat’ Source : Marine and Fisheries affair of
can be consumed uncooked but not for others. Because of the Southeast Maluku (2012)
abundant of ‘lat’ in this district, it can be developed into
various processed products such as jelly candy, jam, ‘dodol’, Continuous improvement of the dried seaweed production
meatballs, ‘otak-otak’, dragon foot, rollade and others indicated the great chance of marine culture in this region.
(Tapotubun et al., 2013). Physical and chemical properties of Murdinah (2008), states that the region of both Large and
fresh ‘laor’ shown in Table 2. Small Kei is the best region in Maluku for seaweed cultivation.
Geographically, the position of the Kei Islands is the most
Table 2. The characteristics and physico-chemist profile of ‘Lat’ profitable than other regions in the province of Maluku for
seaweeds farming industrial. The high potency of seaweed can
Physic-chemist Composition be developed for a variety of refined products. It is intended to
Water (%) 94.84 increase the income of sea farming in Indonesian especially in
Ash (%) 3.29 Southeast Maluku District. Seaweed can be used as the raw
Protein (%) 1.29
Fat (%) 0.76
material for many product like food, health, cosmetics and
Iodin (g) 0.0047 other product, also as a source of medicine and a powerful
Crude fiber (%) 0.002 toxin (Angka and Suhartono, 2000). Anggadiredja (2010)
Gel strength (g/cm ) 8.00 stated, development strategy of seaweed in Indonesia is to
Viscosity (Cps) 11.60
overcome the technologies formulation in order to produce the
Source: Tapotubun et al. (2013)
ready use of processed products include food, beverage,
pharmaceutical and so on.
‘Kian’ is local name for sea worm non segmented, the phylum
Sipuncula, found on muddy sand substrate, or muddy coral.
Potency of Fisheries
These animals appears at any time and when the low tide.
Bamboo pointy stick is used to harvest ‘Kian’. ‘Kian’ is
In general, the fishermen of Southeast Maluku District carry
consumed while the bad weather in the east wind season, in
out the fishing activities surrounding the waters of this
that time the fisherman activities are arrested by the bad
territorial. The wide of Southeast Maluku waters are 432.30
weather. ‘Kian’ also can be used as fish bite. ‘Wor’ is the
km2, but the fishermen also doing fisheries activities until the
local name for caviar, the eggs of flying fish, found in the deep
limit of 4-12 nautical mile territorial waters which mean that
sea in the region of the Great Kei. ‘Wor’ is found in a great
the fishing ground can be covered the waters area of 116.20
number of bundles during the east wind season when the
km2.. The types of fishing gear used by the fishermen are
wind is blowing hard and the waves carried the ‘wor’ from the
purse seine, lift net, drift gill nets, encircling gill net, angling
open sea (Arafura Sea) toward the coast in the region of the
gear and set net. Most of the people in Southeast Maluku have
Big Kei. This time the fishermen are compete to get the ‘wor’
their own fishing gear. The number of respondents act as a
19339 Fredrik Rieuwpassa et al. Opportunities of seafood processing development in southeast Maluku district

fishing gear owner were 182 people and only a few of them, and supermarkets in the district of Southeast Maluku, because
about 10 people, are the freelance, while the remaining about most fishery activities in the village are fishing and marine
15 people are a permanent employees (Figure 2). culture. Fish processing, generally, is only practiced for daily
consumption not for sale. Selayar village is an exception, in
this village it is practiced in a big scale; the mean product is
dry anchovy which is processed traditionally. This condition is
an opportunity that should be exploited as good as possible,
especially through the attention of stakeholders in this district.
The people must be given an understanding to realize that the
refined product is more economically valuable than the fresh
product, especially if it produced in a great number. Handling
and processing intended to inhibit the decomposition process,
in order to avoid the food waste, and to improve the income
and welfare of society.
Fig.2. Ownership status of the fishing gear
The people have a great desire to pursue a job as fishermen and
farmers, but they have the low ability to buy the fishing gear The potency of the seafood commodities in Southeast Maluku
and marine culture aids. They only have a simple fishing gear district is abundant both the types and the numbers (fish and
with a small fishing capacity. All the respondent have a long non-fish including endemic species), however, the processing
line for seaweed culture, but its capacity varies depend on their aspect of the product is still very low. The development
buying power. opportunities of the seafood processed technology is still high
considering the availability of raw material and also because of
The opportunities of Processed Product Development the less competition of the processed products in the local and
external market.
The abundant of marine product commodities in Southeast
Maluku District are potencial to be developed into a variety of REFERENCES
valuable refined products, although in fact the fish processing
is still low (Marine and Fisheries affair Southeast Maluku Anggadiredja, J.T., A. Zatnika, H. Purwoto, S. Istini. 2010.
District 2012). Table 4 shows the fish production in Southeast Seaweeds: Marine culture, Processing and Marketing of
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Table 4. Fish Production of Southeast Maluku District 2011 Angka, S.L., and M.T. Suhartono. 2000. Marine Product
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Fish Sources Total (Ton) Bogor Agricultural Institute.
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Source: Marine and Fisheries affair Southeast Maluku District (2012) Marine and Fisheries Affair of Southeast Maluku District..
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On the other hand, the number of wasted fish is reaching more Marine and Fisheries Affair of Southeast Maluku District..
than 4 tons on a fishing season and is more ironic that the fish 2012. Marine and Fisheries Profile; Annual Report.
is damaging before landing. This is indicating the worse of Murdinah. 2008. Prospect of Nori Product Development,
post-harvest activities. The post-harvest handling practiced Based on Seaweed Types in Indonesia.
limited to chill using ice buying from local ice producer in the http://www.bbrp2b.kkp.go.id/publikasi/prosiding/2008/
small shop around the village. There is only one cold storage brawijaya/prospek%20pengembangan%20produk%20nori
so it is not enough to accommodate the fish production. %20berbasis.pdf
Postharvest applied to the seaweed only by using the dryer Rieuwpassa, F., A.M. Tapotubun., Th.E.A.A.Matrutty., M.R.
rack or by spreading them on the net on the ground. Seaweeds Wenno dan Bernita br. Silaban. 2012. Development
are marketed when it has been dried and contained in the sack Strategy of Sea Product Commodities Exellency in
with a capacity of 50 kg per sack. The seaweed is bought by Southeast Maluku District for Food Security Supported.
the traders who come directly to the village. The seaweeds Research Report of National Priority on Acceleration and
marketing channel involves four institutions namely producers, Expansion Masterplan of Indonesian Economic
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At the moment, it is doing the seaweed processing plant Tapotubun, A.M., F.Rieuwpassa., Th.E.A.A. Matrutty. 2013.
situated in the Letvuan Village, it will process seaweed into The Opportunity of Sea Grape “Lat” (Caulerpa spp)
ATC (alkali treated cottonii). By the seaweeds processing Processing Development. The 9th International Conference
plant building, the people expected to sell their dry seaweed On Small Island Cultures (ISIC 9th). Jointly Organized by
easier, to create the new job, and to increase the revenue. Pattimura University and Southern Cross University
Nothing seafood processed products sold in traditional markets Australia. Tual and Langgur 10 – 13 July 2013


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