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HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level: Grade 10

Teacher: ROSE ANN P. BIAG Learning Area: Mathematics
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Days/Time MONDAY T0 FRIDAY Quarter: First
6:00 AM-12:20 PM


(August 26) (August 27) (August 28) (August 29) (August 30)
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sequences, polynomials and polynomial equations.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences, polynomials and polynomial equations in different disciplines
through appropriate and accurate representations.
C. Learning Competencies/ The learner The learner The learner The learner illustrates
Objectives determines geometric determines the sum of the determines the sum other types of
(write the LC code for each) means. terms of a given finite of the terms of a given sequences (Harmonic,
(M10AL-ld-2) geometric sequence. infinite geometric Fibonacci) (M10AL-If-
(M10AL-Id-3) sequence 1)

II. CONTENT Geometric Means Geometric Series of a finite Geometric Sequence of Problem Solving
Geometric Sequence an Infinite Geometric Involving Geometric and
Sequence Arithmetic Sequence
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Regular holiday
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages National Heroes Day Mathematics Learners Mathematics Learners Module Mathematics Learners Mathematics Learners
Module K to 12 Curriculum K to 12 Curriculum Grade 10 Module K to 12 Module K to 12
Grade 10 p. 30 p. 42 Curriculum Grade 10 Curriculum Grade 10 p43
4. Additional Materials From Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resources Self Learning Module Self Learning Module Quarter Self Learning Module
Quarter 1 Week 4p 1 Week 4 Quarter 1 Week 4
A. Reviewing previous lesson The teacher asks the students to The teacher asks the students to The teacher conducts a A. Checking of the
or presenting the new lesson answer the activity below. give some essential ideas about review of the different assignment.
Determine the common ratio geometric sequences. formulas for S n . Find the sum of the infinite
and the next term of the Varied answers from students geometric sequence 6,1, 1/6
geometric sequence below. , 1/36,…
Then Answer: 36/5
answer the questions that B. The teacher introduces
follow. the new topic by letting a
1. 2, 4, 8, ___ student play a guitar. Let
2. 3, -9, 27, -81, ___ him select a string and pluck
3. 4, 2, 1, ___ it. Let them listen to the
A. How did you determine the pitch of the sound. Let
next term of the sequence? them compare the sound
B. Suppose, you were ask to produced if the length of the
determine the 10 th term of string is shortened to
each sequence how will you half of the original length;
solve it? 1/3 of the original length; ¼
Answer Key: of the original length; and
1. r=2, 16 so on.
2. r=-3, 243 The teacher says that “You
3. r = ½ , ½ will notice that the
Possible Answers in the frequency or the number of
questions: vibrations a string makes
A. Multiplying the previous per second is related to the
term by the common ratio of length of string. Thus, if a
the sequence. set of strings of uniform
B. By keep on multiplying the tensions and whose lengths
previous terms with the are proportional to 1, ½,
common ratio until we reach 1/3, ¼,… are sounded
the 10 th term. together, the effect is
“harmonious” to the ear, so
word harmonic is used to
describe the sequence.”
B. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher says: “Do you know The teacher says: “Now, we will The teacher asks: “Is it The teacher says “Today’s
lesson that there is another way on learn how to find the sum of the possible to get the sum of lesson we will learn more
how to find the nth term of a first n terms of a an infinite number of about harmonic
sequence? And we are going to geometric sequence.” terms in sequences.”
discover it in the next activity.” a geometric sequence?
Let’s find out.”
C. Presenting examples/ The teacher lets the students, in The teacher lets the students do The teacher presents Part Tell whether the following
instances of the new lesson groups of three, do Activity 4: Activity 6: Want Sum? On page 31 2 of Activity 6: Want Sum? sequence arithmetic,
“The Rule of a Geometric of LM. On pages 34-35 of LM. geometric or neither.
Sequence”, found on page 28 of Consider the sequence … 1. 1,2,3,4,5,..
the Learner’s Module. Can the formula S n = be 2. 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5,…
used? What are the first 5 3. 2, 4,8,16,32,..
values of S n ? 4. 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16,…
Make a table and observe. Answer Key
What happens to the value 1. Arithmetic
of S n as n gets larger and 2. Neither
larger? 3. Geometric
The teacher discusses how 4. Neither
to find the sum of the
given sequence + by
illustrating it on the
number line. (Refer to
page 35 of LM for the
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher discusses with the The teacher discusses with the The teacher discusses the Consider sequence 1 and 2
practicing new skills #1 students the process of arriving students how to derive the derivation of the formula in C above, ask the following
at the answer of each exercise formulas for the sum of the first n for Sum to Infinity found questions.
in Activity 4. Furthermore, terms, S n of a geometric on page 35 of LM and 1. What have you observed
he/she asks the students about sequence as thoroughly discussed gives the following in sequence 1 and 2?
the mathematical skills that on page 32-33 of LM and examples: 2. How does sequence 1
they used to derive the formula gives the following example: 1. What is the sum to relate to sequence 2?
of the nth term of a geometric infinity of Possible Answers
sequence. What is the sum of the first 5 2. Now, let the students 1. Sequence number 1 -
terms of 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, …? find the sum to infinity of terms are whole numbers
Answer: 93 3, -1, + and arithmetic
Answers: sequence while sequence
1. 1 number 2- terms are
fractions and not
arithmetic nor geometric
2. They are reciprocal to
each other.
 The teachers says, “The
reciprocal terms of an
arithmetic sequence forms
a harmonic sequence.
 Is sequence number 4 in C
No, since the terms are not
reciprocals of an arithmetic
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher discusses and By pair, the teacher lets the Let the students answer.
practicing new skills #2 illustrates thoroughly the students apply the derived Fill in the missing term/s.
process of finding the nth term formulas in the following: 1. 1/2, 1/4, ____, 1/8, 1/10
of a 1. Given the sequence 4, 12, 36, 2. 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, ____, _____,
geometric sequence using the 108,…, find S 5 ? 1/18
general rule as presented on 2. What is the sum of the first 10 3. 2/3,_____, 2/5
page 28 and 29 of the Learner’s terms of 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + …? 4. 1/5, _____, _____, 1/20
The teacher guides the
Module. 3. How about the sum of the first students to answer the Answer
11 terms of the sequence 5, -5 + 5 following questions: 1. 1/6
-5 + …? 1. What is the common 2. 1/12, 1/15
Answers: ratio of the given 3. 1/2
1. 484 sequence? 4. 1/10, 1/15
2. 10(3) = 30 2. What happens to the Guide Questions.
3. 5 values of S n as n 1. How did you get the
increases? missing term/s?
3. Does the given infinite 2. Which item is difficult to
sequence have a finite solve? Why
sum? 3. What formula did you use
Answers: in finding the missing
1. r = 2 term/s?
2. As n increases, S n Answer
increases without bounds 1. By inspection or by
3. No, the sequence has no getting the reciprocals of the
finite sum. terms and using the formula
for arithmetic sequence
2. Varied answers
3. The formula of the
arithmetic sequence, the
teacher will expound why.
F. Developing Mastery Working in pairs, the teacher Individually, the teacher asks the Does the infinite The teacher lets the
(Leads to Formative lets the students answer the students to give 3 examples of geometric sequence 5, -25, students in groups of three
Assessment) exercise below. geometric sequence and 125, -625,… have a finite answer the following:
1. What is the 7 th term of the determine the sum of the first 10 sum? 1. Find the 12 th term of the
sequence 3, -6, 12, 24,...? terms. Explain your answer. harmonic sequence 1/ 9,
2. What is the 10 th term of the Varied answers from students The teacher asks: “For 1/12, 1/ 15,…
sequence 64, 32, 16, ...? what values of r will the 2. Given the arithmetic
3. What is the 8 th term of the sum of an infinite sequence -20, -26, -32, -38,..,
sequence , , 1, ...? geometric find the first 8 terms
Answer Key sequence does not exist?” of the corresponding
1. 192 Whenever, │r│≥ 1, which harmonic sequence.
2. 1/8 is r ≥ 1 or r ≤ -1, the sum of 3. Insert a harmonic mean
3. 32 the terms of an infinite between 1/3 and 1/9.
geometric sequence does
not exist. Answer Key
1. Find the 12 th term of the
harmonic sequence 1/ 9,
1/12, 1/ 15,…
Solution: Note that the
reciprocals form an
sequence so we may first
find the 12 th term of an
sequence 9, 12, 15,… and
then get its reciprocal. Using
A n = A 1 + (n- 1)d
A 12 = 9 + (12- 1)3
A 12 = 9 + (11)3 A 12 = 9
+33 A 12 = 42
The reciprocal is 1/42.
2. Given the arithmetic
sequence -20, -26, -32, -
38, .., find the first
8 terms of the
corresponding harmonic
Solution: Completing the 8
terms of the given sequence,
have -20, -26, -32, -38, -44, -
50, -56, and 62. Therefore,
the first
8 terms of the harmonic
sequence are -1/20,-1/26, -
1/32, -
1/38, -1/44, -1/50, -1/56,
and 1/62.
3. 1/6
G. Finding practical application In real life situations, where can
of concepts and skills in daily the concepts of geometric
living sequence be applied? Cite
Validate students’ answers
H. Making generalizations and The teacher summarizes the The teacher emphasizes the The teacher emphasizes The teacher summarizes the
abstractions about the lesson mathematical skills or different formulas for finding the the following: lesson to come up with the
principles used to solve for the sum of the n terms of a If r ≥ 1, the values of S n following:
nth geometric sequence. are not guaranteed to Harmonic sequence is a
term of a geometric sequence S n = or if r ≠ 1 approach a finite number sequence such that the
through questions like: S n = na 1, if r = 1. as n reciprocal of the terms form
1. What did you do to determine In particular, if r = -1, approaches infinity. Also, an
the nth term of a geometric S n = 0, if n is even and if r ≤ -1, the values of S n arithmetic sequence.
sequence? S n = a 1 , if n is odd are not guaranteed to Harmonic means are terms
2. Were there mathematical approach a finite number. between two numbers in a
skills or principles used to harmonic sequence.
determine the nth term of a
geometric sequence?
3. What is the formula of the nth
term of a Geometric sequence?
Answers shall be drawn from
the students.
Possible response:
1. Look for pattern or use the
formula a n = a 1 r n-1
2. yes, multiplication, and
division were used to get the
next term and we can also
use the nth term of a Geometric
sequence to find its unknown

3. The nth term of a geometric

sequence is defined by a n = a 1
r n-1 , where a 1 is the first
term , r is the common ratio and
n is the position of the term.
I. Evaluating learning The teacher lets the students For the given geometric Activity 11: Sum of Terms The teacher lets the
answer individually the sequence, find the sum of the in a Geometric Sequence students answer
formative assessment.Below are first: on page 42 of LM. individually the formative
geometric sequences find the 1. 6 terms of 3, -6, 12, -24, …? Find the sum to infinity of assessment.
next term and the indicated 2. 6 terms of -3, 3, -3, 3, …? each geometric sequence, A. Tell whether the given
term in each item.. 3. 7 terms of -3, 3, -3, 3, …? if it exists. sequence is harmonic or
1. 1, 3, 9, 27, _____ 4. 8 terms of , …? 1. 64, 16, 4, 1, … not.
What is the next term? Answers: 2. , … 1. 3, 7, 11, 15, 19
What is the 7 th term? 1. -63 3. , … 2. 2/15, 2/10, 2/5,..
2. -2, 4, -8, , _____ 2. 0 4. 3. 1/24,1/20,1/16,1/12
What is the next term? 3. -3 5. , 2, 2… B. Find the 10 th term of the
What is the 10 th term? 4. 6 Answers: sequence 1, 1/2, 1/3,1/4,…
3. 16, 8, 4, 2, _____ 1. C. Given the arithmetic
What is the next term? 2. sequence 2,4,6,8,…, find the
What is the 9 th term? 3. 15 th term of the
4. x , 2x 2 , -6x 3 , _____ 4. corresponding harmonic
5. S n does not exist since r sequence.
What is the next term?
> 1. D. Insert two harmonic
What is the 7 th term?
means between 1/6 and -
Answer Key
A. 1. Not 2. Harmonic
B. 1/10
C. 1/30
D. 1/2 and -1/2
J. Additional activities for For NMP class addition of fractions was given as an For NMP class addition of decimals was given
application or remediation activity. as an activity.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities or
remediation who scored below
80 %.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localize
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Grade 10, Mathematics Teacher TIC, Mathematics Department Principal II

Date: Date: Date:

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