Whistleblowing and Employee Loyalty
Whistleblowing and Employee Loyalty
Whistleblowing and Employee Loyalty
Employee Loyalty
An employee, former employee, or
member of an organization, especially a
business or government agency, who
reports misconduct to people or
entities that have the power and
presumed willingness to take corrective
The misconduct may be a violation of a
law, rule, regulation and/or a direct threat
to public interest, such as fraud,
health/safety violations, and corruption.
“Whistleblowing… violate(s) a prima
facie duty of loyalty to one’s
“You may succeed in silencing one man but the howl of protest from around the
world will reverberate, Mr. Putin, in your ears for the rest of your life. May God
forgive you for what you have done, not only to me but to beloved Russia and its
Alexander Litvinenko