Levelling and Contouring
Levelling and Contouring
Levelling and Contouring
Everytime all the points on the surface of the earth do
not lie at the same level. Different places have different
heights. Then complete topographical maps are made
to represents these heights. Then the heights of these
points from Datum (A point whose height assumed) is
known as elevation and represented by reduced levels.
The instrument used in this process is called heel and
process is known as levelling.
Some important terms
Level Surface – A surface parallel to the surface of the earth at
every point, example : still water of a lake.
It is of two types
Single observation method
Method of simultaneous observations
Single observation method- In this single instrument
is taken to different stations and observation on temp.
and pressure are made. This results in error due to
variation in atmospheric parameters.
Method of simultaneous observations- In this case
minimum two sets of instruments, the barometer and
thermometer are used. One set of thermometer and
barometer can be kept at a base station. The other set
is taken to different stations whose elevations are to be
determined. This gives better results than single
It uses a hypsometer based upon the boiling point of
the water but can only give the rough indication of
heights. This works on the principal that the boiling
point of liquid depends upon the atmospheric
pressure. The liquid used is water.