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Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis in An Online Lending Forum

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To Develop natural language
processing (NLP), sentiment
analysis and data mining
technologies to build a
public opinion analysis
system to serve enterprises'
need of online public
opinion detection.
Goals & Objectives
■ To build a public opinion analysis system for money lending
■ To analyze the data using various visualization techniques.
■ To develop a system that helpful for businesses to pay more
attention to the impact of their public online on their corporate
image and take various decisions.
■ Public opinion is the sum of multiple emotions, wishes, attitudes and ideas among individuals
and various social groups in a certain historical stage and social space. Internet public opinion
can be developed from online speech and is a specific form of public opinion. Whether Internet
speech can develop into Internet public opinion largely depends on whether the topic of Internet
speech has strong activeness and sensitivity. Online public opinion is diversified, spread quickly
and interactive, which has the incomparable advantages over traditional media. Online public
opinion has positive and healthy aspects, as well as negative and decadent aspects
■ Public opinion entails emotions, wishes, attitudes and ideas among individuals and various social
groups in a certain historical stage and social space. This research aims to employ natural
language processing (NLP), sentiment analysis and data mining technologies to build a public
opinion analysis system to serve enterprises' need of online public opinion detection. By using
the data set from an online peer-to-peer (P2P) lending forum with 4148 reviews, we analyzed the
data with data visualization techniques.
Existing System
■ In current scenario, Decisions not taken based on public
■ data growing by the day, it’s impossible to manually analyze
this mass of information.
Proposed Architecture
■ Opinion Mining also called sentiment analysis is a process of finding user's
opinion towards a topic or a product. Opinion mining concludes whether
user's view is positive, negative, or neutral about product, topic, event etc.
■ Opinion mining and summarization process involve three main steps, first is
Opinion Retrieval, Opinion Classification and Opinion Summarization.
■ Review Text is retrieved from review websites. Opinion text in blog,
reviews, comments etc. contains subjective information about topic. Reviews
classified as positive or negative review.
■ Opinion summary is generated based on features opinion sentences by
considering frequent features about a topic.
What is Opinion Mining/Sentiment Analysis?
■ Sentiment analysis, also referred to as opinion mining, is an approach
to natural language processing (NLP) that identifies the emotional tone
behind a body of text. This is a popular way for organizations to
determine and categorize opinions about a product, service or idea. It
involves the use of data mining, machine learning (ML) and artificial
intelligence (AI) to mine text for sentiment and subjective information.
■ Opinion mining has been used to know about what people think about
the topic in social media platforms. Many users share their opinions on
different aspects of life every day, due to this many companies and
media organizations increasingly seek way to mine information for
their use.
Project Features

■ Pre-processing is done to improve accuracy of Data.

■ Fast and High Accuracy.
■ AI and ML is used to improve the accuracy of System.
■ Allows much more detailed sentiment analysis on each entity
■ Allows much more detailed sentiment analysis on each entity
Software required
■ Programming language – Python
■ Libraries – NumPy, NLTK,
■ Tool – PyCharm, FileZilla, PuTTY(SSH client)
■ Database - MySQL
■ Web – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP
Upselling opportunities

Adaptive customer service

Advantages Reduce customer churn

Tracking overall customer satisfaction

Detect changes in customer opinion


■ Detection of spam and fake reviews.

■ Detection of spam and fake reviews.
■ Domain-independence
■ Natural language processing overheads
■ Purchasing Product or Service
■ Marketing Research
■ Opinion Spam Detection
■ Policy Making
■ Decision Making

Opinion miming/detection is an emerging field of data mining to extract the

knowledge from huge volume of data that may be customer comments, feedback and
reviews on any product or topic etc. Research has been conducted to mine opinions in
form of document, sentence and feature level sentiment analysis It is examined that
now opinion mining trend is moving to the sentimental reviews of twitter data,
comments used in Facebook on pictures, videos or Facebook status. Thus this system
discusses about an overview of Challenges and application area in opinion mining and
the techniques and tools used for opinion mining and help online Lending Business.
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