Turnaround Management, CSR
Turnaround Management, CSR
Turnaround Management, CSR
◦ Once analysis is completed, a long term strategic plan and restructuring plan
are created.
◦ Note: Often, this strategy is employed when the business is under financial stress. However, it is not
necessary to wait till the situation becomes too complicated to commence the turnaround Management
Why do business fails
Businesses fail because of mismanagement. Sometimes it is denial, sometimes negligence, but it
always results in loss. Mismanagement is most often seen in more than one of multiple areas:
o Autocratic Management, Overextension
o Ineffective, Non-existent Communications
o High Turnover Neglect of Human Resources
o Inefficient Compensation & Incentive Programs
o Company Goals Not Achieved or Understood
o Deteriorating Business, No New Customers
o Inadequate Analysis of Markets & Strategies
o Lack of Timely, Accurate Financial Information
o History of Failed Expansion Plans
o Uncontrolled or Mismanaged Growth
Stages of Turnaround Management Situation
Management (Collard Change Stage
Analysis Stage
Emergency Business
Action Stage Restructuring
[Crisis Control] Stage [Change]
Return to
Normal Stage
Repositioning- The repositioning strategy, also known
◦ Key CSR issues: environmental management, eco-efficiency, responsible sourcing, stakeholder engagement, labour
standards and working conditions, employee and community relations, social equity, gender balance, human rights, good
governance, and anti-corruption measures.
Different Names of CSR
What is CSR?
• Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating
business model that helps a company be socially ◦ The CSR provision requires affected companies to spend at
accountable—to itself, its stakeholders, and the least 2 percent of their average net profits made in the
public. By practicing corporate social responsibility, also preceding three years on CSR. Companies must set up a
called corporate citizenship, companies can be conscious “CSR Committee,” including at least one independent
of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of director who will be appointed to the company's board.
society, including economic, social, and environmental.
• The idea of CSR first came up in 1953 when it became ◦ COVID-19 SCENARIO- Amid the COVID-19
an academic topic in Howard R Bowen’s “Social (coronavirus) outbreak, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Responsibilities of the Business” book. World Business has notified that companies’ expenditure to fight the
Council for Sustainable Development defined CSR as pandemic will be considered valid under CSR activities.
“the continuing commitment by business to behave Funds may be spent on various activities related to
ethically and contribute to economic development while COVID-19 such as promotion of healthcare including
improving the quality of life of the workforce and their preventive healthcare and sanitation, and disaster
families as well as of the local community and society at management.
Four Broad areas of CSR
Examples of CSR initiatives
◦ Levi Strauss - Workers Well Being (Levi Strauss is a company dedicated to change this by focusing on empowering
workers financial, health, and family well-being.
◦ And that’s the premise of the Workers Well Being initiative launched by the company in 2011)
◦ Tata Group
◦ The Tata Group conglomerate in India carries out various CSR projects, most of which are community improvement and
poverty alleviation programs.
Types of CSR
◦ According to Geoffrey Lantos:3 main types of CSR.
◦ Ethical CSR: It’s about the responsibility to avoid harms or social injuries.
◦ Altruistic CSR: Contributing to the common good at the possible expenses of the
business for altruistic, humanitarian or philanthropic causes.
◦ Strategic CSR: It’s about firm’s social welfare responsibilities that benefit both
the corporation and stakeholders.
◦ The potential benefits of CSR to companies include:
◦ better brand recognition
◦ positive business reputation
◦ increased sales and customer loyalty
◦ operational costs savings
◦ better financial performance
◦ greater ability to attract talent and retain staff
◦ organizational growth
◦ easier access to capital
◦ CSR is the heart and soul of modern corporations and is an important standard
for corporate governance. CSR is an indispensable mechanism for both
increased corporate accountability, profitability and environmental
sustainability. CSR is the pole star for modern corporations in order to
maintain the integrity of moral fabrics both inside and outside the corporation
while conducting socially responsible business.
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