Continuity and Energy Equations

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continuity and energy equations

Learning Outcome 4 Ashraf Al Shalalfeh

Al Ain Men’s College 1
LO 5 - Sub Learning Outcomes

• Sub-outcome 1: Apply continuity and energy equations. 

• Sub-outcome 2: Use Bernoulli and continuity equations to solve problems

involving pressure, velocity and elevation in a circular pipe system and draw the head
grade line. 

• Sub-outcome 3: Measure the fluid flow rate and apply continuity and
Bernoulli equations between two points of interest.
Learning Outcome Objectives:

1. Write the equation for the buoyant force.

2. Analyze the case of bodies floating on a fluid.
3. Use the principle of static equilibrium to solve for the forces
involved in buoyancy problems.
4. Define the conditions that must be met for a body to be stable
when completely submerged in a fluid.
5. Define the conditions that must be met for a body to be stable
when floating on a fluid.
6. Define the term metacenter and compute its location.
Flow rate Measurement (Flow Meters):
• The majority of flowmeter technologies operate on the principle of
interpreting fluid flow based on the velocity of the fluid.

• Magnetic, ultrasonic, turbine, and vortex flowmeters are prime examples,

where the sensing elements (of each meter type) respond directly to fluid

Volumetric Flow Rate:

• Translating fluid velocity into volumetric

flow is quite simple, following this

𝑄= 𝐴𝑣

  = Volumetric flow rate (m3/sec)
  = Cross-sectional area of flowmeter throat ( m2)
= Average fluid velocity at throat section (m3)
Mass Flow Rate:
𝑚= (in the units of kg/sec.)
But from definition of density: 𝑀ass = (in the units of kg.)
= (in the units of sec.)
𝑀=𝜌 𝑉
And From definition of Volumetric flow rate,

⇒ 𝑚=𝜌
˙ 𝑄
Weight Flow Rate:

• The Weight flow rate (W) is related to volumetric flow rate (Q) by:

𝑊 =𝛾 𝑄

Weight flow rate (in the units of N/m3)

= Specific weight of fluid(in the units of N/m3)
= Volumetric flow rate(in the units of m3/sec.)
Continuity Equation:

𝝆𝟏 𝑨𝟏 𝒗 𝟏= 𝝆𝟐 𝑨 𝟐 𝒗 𝟐
Continuity Equation:

• The method of calculating the velocity of flow of a fluid in a closed

pipe system depends on the principle of continuity.

• Fig 3.1 shows the portion of a fluid distribution system showing

variations in velocity, pressure, and elevation.
• This can be expressed in terms of the mass flow rate as:

𝑴 𝟏= 𝑴 𝟐
As , we have:

𝝆𝟏 𝑨𝟏 𝒗 𝟏= 𝝆𝟐 𝑨 𝟐 𝒗 𝟐 (𝟏) 9
Continuity Equation Derivation:

Important Notes About Continuity Equation:

• Equation (1) is a mathematical

statement of the principle of
continuity and is called the
𝝆𝟏 𝑨𝟏 𝒗 𝟏= 𝝆𝟐 𝑨 𝟐 𝒗 𝟐 (𝟏)
continuity equation.

• It is used to relate the fluid density,

flow area, and velocity of flow at two
sections of the system in which there
is steady flow.

• It is valid for all fluids, whether gas

or liquid.
Important Notes About Continuity Equation:

• The continuity equation applies to all fluids:

-compressible and incompressible fluids.
-Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.

• It expresses the law of conservation of mass at each point in a fluid

and must therefore be satisfied at every point in a flow field.

Continuity Equation for compressible and Incompressible fluids:

• For Incompressible fluids:

𝝆𝟏= 𝝆𝟐
• So the Continuity Equation will
reduce to:

𝑨𝟏 𝒗 𝟏 = 𝑨𝟐 𝒗 𝟐
Example #1:

Example #1 - Solution:

Example #2 – In-class Activity:

If the diameter at section 1 is 30 mm and at section 2,

40 mm and the mean velocity at section 2 is 3 m/s.
Calculate the velocity entering the diffuser?

Example #3:

A 150 mm diameter pipe carries 0.072 m3/s of water. The pipe

branches into two pipes, as shown in figure below. If the velocity in
the 50 mm pipe is 12 m/s, what is the velocity in the 100 mm pipe?

Example #3 – Solution:


Q1 = 0.073 m3/s
d1 = 150 mm, d2 = 100 mm and d3 = 50 mm
v3 = 12 m/s
1   2   3  

Using the Continuity principle;

 Q1  Q2  Q3
Example #3 – Solution:

A1v1  A2v2  A3v3

Calculate the area and flow rate at pipe 3 (50 mm


 (0.05
A3  2  1.96 3 2 m
m) 4
Q  A v  (1.96 103 m2 )(12 m/s)  0.024
3 3 3

Example #3 – Solution:

And we know that,

Q2  Q1  Q3
 0.072 - 0.024  0.048 m3/s

Determine the velocity in the 100 mm pipe,

Q2 0.048 m3/s
v2   2
 6.11
A2 m/s (0.10 m)

Continuity Equation – Simulation : In-Class Activity
Bernoulli’s Equation: Demonstration Video #1:

What Do You Think?

Bernoulli’s Equation: Demonstration Video #2:

Bernoulli’s Equation:

For Steady flow, The velocity, pressure, and elevation of an

incompressible and non viscous fluid related by an equation discovered by
scientist Daniel Bernoulli.

Bernoulli’s Equation – Derivation:

Bernoulli’s Equation – Derivation:

All together now:


We get:
Bernoulli’s Equation Summary:

“The Bernoulli equation is an approximate relation between pressure, velocity, and

elevation, and is valid in regions of steady, incompressible flow where net frictional forces
are negligible. Despite its simplicity, it has proven to be a very powerful tool in fluid


v: is the fluid flow speed at a point on a streamline,

g: is the acceleration due to gravity,
h: is the elevation of the point above a reference plane,
with the positive z-direction pointing upward –
so in the direction opposite to the gravitational acceleration,
P: is the pressure at the chosen point, and
: is the density of the fluid at all points in the fluid.
Bernoulli’s Equation Restrictions:

1. It is valid only for incompressible fluids because the specific weight of the
fluid is assumed to be the same at two sections of interest.

2. There can be no mechanical devices between the two sections of interest

that would add energy to or remove energy from the system, because the
equation states that the total energy in the fluid is constant.

3. There can be no heat transferred into or out the fluid.

4. There can be no energy lost due to friction.

Venturi Effect:
Bernoulli Equation:
1 2 1 2
𝜌 𝑔 h1 + 𝜌 𝑣 1 + 𝑃 1=𝜌 𝑔 h 2+ 𝜌 𝑣 2 + 𝑃 2
2 2
For const. Height:
1 2 1 2
𝜌 𝑣 1+ 𝑃1 = 𝜌 𝑣 2+ 𝑃 2 Venturi Effect
2 2

Example: Venturi Meter

The inside diameters of the larger

portions of the horizontal pipe in the
figure are 2.50 cm. Water flows to the
right at a rate of 1.80 x 10–4 m3/s.
Determine the inside diameter of the

Solution: flow rate 1.80  10 m 3 s
1. The velo-city from the left: v1    0.367 m s
  2.50  102 m  4
Example: Venturi Meter

2. Difference in pressures:
P1  P2   g  h1  h2    g  5.00 cm 
3. Bernoulli’s principle:
v22  v12   P1  P2   v12  2 g  h1  h2  , which yields;

0.367 m s   2  9.80 m s   5.00  10 2 m   1.06 m s

v2 
4. Xsec. area flow rate 1.80  10 m 3 s
at 2: A2    1.71  104 m 2
v2 1.06 m s
5. Diameter:
4 A2 4 1.71  104 m 2 
d2    1.47  102 m  1.47 cm
 
Bernoulli’s Equation - Applications:

1. Water Tower: The higher the water level, the higher

the speed of the hose.
Bernoulli’s Equation:
1 2 1 2
𝜌 𝑔 h1 + 𝜌 𝑣 1 + 𝑃 1=𝜌 𝑔 h 2+ 𝜌 𝑣 2 + 𝑃 2
2 2
The pressure in the tower and outside
the hose are equal:
1 2 1 2
𝜌 𝑔 h1 + 𝜌 𝑣 1=𝜌 𝑔 h2 + 𝜌 𝑣 2
2 2
The speed of water in the tank is 0.
1 2
𝜌 𝑔 h1 =𝜌 𝑔 h 2+ 𝜌 𝑣 2

Solve for v:
𝑣 2= √ ¿ ¿
Bernoulli’s Equation - Applications: (Cont.)

2. Using Pitot tubes to measure the

speed of the fluid:

The fluid enters a tube that is

closed on one end.
The fluid comes to a complete
stop at the closed end.
From the pressure difference
between the closed end of the
tube and the outside, the fluid
speed can be determined.

⇒𝑣 2 =√ ¿¿¿ 34
Bernoulli’s Equation - Applications: (Cont.)

2. Lift on airplanes:

Bernoulli’s Equation - Applications: (Cont.)

Bernoulli’s Equation - Applications: (Cont.)

Bernoulli’s Equation – Simulation : In-Class Activity
Example #4
Assuming that there are no energy losses in the system, calculate the
volume flow rate through the siphon and the pressure at points B-E.

Example #4 – Solution:

Bernoulli’s equation for points A and F:

Because the stream is exposed to atmospheric pressure, the pressure pF = 0 Pa.

Example #4 – Solution:

Bernoulli’s equation for points A and B:

Example #4 – Solution:

Example #4 – Solution:

Bernoulli’s equation between points A and C:

Example #4 – Solution:

PD = -4.50 kPa. This is the same as PB because the elevation and the velocity
at points B and D are equal.

Bernoulli’s equation between points A and E

Example #4 – Solution:

Example # 5:
The venturi meter shown in the figure below carries water at 60°C. The specific gravity of the gage fluid
in the manometer is 1.25. Calculate the velocity of flow at section A and the volume flow rate of water.

Example # 5 - Solution:

Example # 5 - Solution:

Example # 5 - Solution:

Example # 6:

Compute the velocity of flow from the

nozzle for a fluid depth h of 3.00 m.

Torricelli’s theorem

Example # 7:

Compute the required air pressure above the

water to cause the jet to rise 12.2 m from the
nozzle. The depth h = 1.83 m.

Example # 8 – In-Class Activity:

Maximum water stream height– Part 1:

A sealed water tank is filled with 12 m. of water

and air at 150 kPa gage pressure. The tank
connected to a hose with nozzle that shoots the
water straight up.

What is the maximum height that the water

could reach?

Answer: h=27.3 m & v4 = 23.14 m/sec

Example # 8 – In-Class Activity:
Maximum water stream height– Part 2:

Remove the
pressurized air above
water in tank, then add
pump as shown

-Will water reach same height?

-How to modify Bernoulli’s equation


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