Mri Artifacts

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Dr. Marc Michael M. Dela Cruz

MR Artifacts

 Artifacts manifest as positive or negative signal

intensities that do not accurately represent the
imaged anatomy.
 Although some artifacts are relatively insignificant
and are easily identified, others can limit the
diagnostic potential of the exam by obscuring or
mimicking pathologic processes or anatomy.
MR Artifacts

Classified into THREE broad

Based on the Machine
Based on the Patient
Based on the Signal Processing
Machine-Dependent Artifacts

 Magnetic field inhomogeneities are either

global or focal field perturbations that lead
to the mismapping of tissues within the
image, and cause more rapid T2 relaxation.
 Causes:
Ferromagnetic objects
Nonferromagnetic conducting materials
Machine-Dependent Artifacts

Proper site planning
Self-shielded magnets
Automatic shimming
Preventive maintenance
Machine-Dependent Artifacts

 Susceptibility Artifacts
 Gradient Field Artifacts
 RF Coil Artifacts
 RF Artifacts
 K-Space Errors
Susceptibility Artifacts

 MagneticSusceptibility is the ratio of the induced internal
magnetization in a tissue to the external magnetic field.
 Aslong as the magnetic susceptibility of the tissues being
imaged is relatively unchanged across the field of view,
then the magnetic field will remain uniform.
 Any metal (ferrous or not) may have a significant effect
on the adjacent local tissues due to changes in
susceptibility and the resultant magnetic field distortions.
Susceptibility Artifacts

 Magnetic susceptibility artifacts / Susceptibility

 They are especially encountered while imaging near
metallic orthopedic hardware or dental work, and result
from local magnetic field inhomogeneities introduced by
the metallic object into the otherwise homogeneous
external magnetic field.
 These local magnetic field inhomogeneities are a property
of the object being imaged, rather than of the MRI unit
Susceptibility Artifacts

Types of magnetic susceptibility:

 Diamagnetic
 Water

 Paramagnetic
 concentrate local magnetic forces and thus increase
the local magnetic field = have increased magnetic
Susceptibility Artifacts

 Superparamagnetic
 Contain particles with a much stronger magnetic
susceptibility than that of paramagnetic materials
 Ferromagnetic
 Containlarge solid or crystalline aggregates of
molecules with unpaired electrons
 Exhibit“magnetic memory”, by which a lingering
magnetic field is created after their exposure to an
external magnetic field.
Susceptibility Artifacts
Susceptibility Artifacts

 Magnetic susceptibility can be quite helpful in some

 Most notable is the ability to diagnose the age of a
hemorrhage based on the signal characteristics of the
blood degradation products, which are different in the
acute, subacute, and chronic phases.
Susceptibility Artifacts

 Acute Stage
 T2 shortening occurs due to the paramagnetic susceptibility of the organized
deoxyhemoglobin in the local area
 Without any large effect on the T1 relaxation time.
 Subacute Stage
 RBCs lyse
 Hemoglobin is altered into Methemoglobin
 Spin-lattice relaxation is enhanced with the formation of a hydration layer, which shortens
T1 relaxation, leading to a much stronger signal on T1-weighted images.
 Increased signal intensity on T1-weighted images not found in the acute stage of
hemorrhage identifies the subacute stage.
Susceptibility Artifacts

 Chronic stage
 Hemosiderin
 Found in the phagocytic cells
 Disrupts the local magnetic homogeneity
 Causes loss of signal intensity
 Leads to signal void
 Produce a characteristic dark rim around the hemorrhage site.
Susceptibility Artifacts
Gradient Field Artifacts

 Magnetic field gradients spatially encode the location of the signals
emanating from excited protons within the volume being imaged.
 Proper reconstruction requires linear, matched, and properly sequenced
 The slice select gradient defines the volume (slice). Phase and frequency
encoding gradients provide the spatial information in the other two
 Since the reconstruction algorithm assumes ideal, linear gradients, any
deviation or temporal instability will be represented as a distortion.
Gradient Field Artifacts

 Gradient strength has a tendency to fall off at the

periphery of the FOV.
 Consequently, anatomic compression occurs, especially
pronounced on coronal and sagittal images having a
large FOV, typically greater than 35 cm.
Gradient Field Artifacts
Gradient Field Artifacts

 Minimizing the spatial distortion entails either reducing the FOV:
 Lowering the gradient field strength
 By holding the gradient field strength and number of samples
constant while decreasing the frequency bandwidth.
 Gradient calibration must be periodically verified.
 The phase and frequency encoding gradients should be assigned
to the smaller and larger dimensions of the object
RF Coil Artifacts

 RF surface coils produce variations in uniformity across
the image caused by RF excitation variability,
attenuation, mismatching, and sensitivity falloff with
 Proximal to the surface coil - receive signals are intense
 Distal to the surface coil - signal intensity is attenuated
RF Coil Artifacts

 Automatic shimming calibration is not done
 Negative impact on image quality occurs.
 RF quadrature coils is imbalanced
 A bright spot in the center of the image, known as a center
point artifact, arises as a “0 frequency” direct current offset.
 Variations in gain between the quadrature coils
 Ghosting of objects diagonally in the image.
RF Coil Artifacts
RF Coil Artifacts

 Continuous measurement and consistent calibration of
their response
RF Artifacts

 RF pulses and precessional frequencies of MRI instruments occupy the

same frequencies of common RF sources, such as TV and radio
broadcasts, electric motors, fluorescent lights, and computers.
 Stray RF signals that propagate to the MRI antenna can produce
various artifacts in the image.
 Narrow-band noise creates noise patterns perpendicular to the
frequency encoding direction.
 The exact position and spatial extent depends on the resonant frequency
of the imager, applied gradient field strength, and bandwidth of the
RF Artifacts

 Zipper Artifact
 Narrow band pattern of black/white alternating noise produces
a “zipper” artifact.
 Herringbone Artifact
 With diffuse, contrast-reducing
 Broadband RF noise disrupts the image over a much larger
area of the reconstructed image
RF Artifacts
RF Artifacts
RF Artifacts

 Appropriate site planning and the use of properly
installed RF shielding materials reduce stray RF
interference to an acceptably low level.
K-Space Errors

 Errors in k-space encoding affect all areas of the

reconstructed image, and cause the artifactual
superimposition of wave patterns across the FOV.
 Each individual pixel value in k-space contributes to all
pixel values in image space as a frequency harmonic
with a signal amplitude.
 One bad pixel introduces a significant artifact, rendering
the image suboptimal
K-Space Errors
Patient-Dependent Artifacts

Motion Artifact
Motion Artifacts

 The most ubiquitous and noticeable artifact

 Arise with patient motion, including voluntary and involuntary movement, and flow (blood,
 Although motion artifacts are not unique to MRI, the long acquisition time of certain MRI
sequences increases the probability of motion blurring and contrast resolution losses.
 Motion artifacts occur mostly along the phase encode direction, as adjacent phase encoding
measurements in k-space are separated by a TR interval that can last 3,000 ms or longer.
 Even very slight motion can cause a change in the recorded phase variation across the FOV
throughout the MR acquisition sequence.
 The frequency encode direction is less affected, especially by periodic motion, since the
evolution of the echo signal, frequency encoding, and sampling occur simultaneously over
several milliseconds.
Motion Artifacts
Motion Artifacts

Motion compensation methods:

1. Cardiac and respiratory gating—signal acquisition at a particular cyclic location synchronizes the phase
changes applied across the anatomy
2. Respiratory ordering of the phase encoding projections based on location within the respiratory cycle
3. Signal averaging to reduce artifacts of random motion by making displaced signals less conspicuous
relative to stationary anatomy.
4. Short TE spin echo sequences (limited to proton density, T1-weighted scans, fractional echo acquisition.
Note: Long TE scans (T2 weighting) are more susceptible to motion.
5. Gradient moment nulling to help rephase protons that are dephased due to motion.
6. Presaturation pulses applied outside the imaging region to reduce flow artifacts from inflowing protons, as
well as other patient motions that occur in the periphery.
7. Multiple redundant sampling in the center of k-space to identify and remove those sequences contributing
to motion, without deleteriously affecting the image.
Based on Signal Processing

Chemical Shift Artifacts

Ringing Artifacts
Wraparound Artifacts
Partial Volume Artifacts
Chemical Shift Artifacts

 Chemical shift - refers to the difference between
precessional frequencies of water and fat.
 Chemical shift artifact – the displacement of
signal intensity due to this difference
Chemical Shift Artifacts

Electron Shielding
 Amount of protection a nucleus has from its
electron cloud
 Affectsthe molecules susceptibility to the
external magnetic field and this affects
precessional frequencies
Chemical Shift Artifacts
Chemical Shift Artifacts

 Due to more shielding of the nucleus, fat molecules experience weaker local
magnetic field and will resonate at a lower frequency or spin more slowly
than water.
 When we put a patient in the magnet and apply a gradient, fat and water
molecules precess at difference frequencies:
At 1.5T = 223Hz difference
At 3T = 447Hz difference
 Application:
Breast imaging
Chemical Shift Artifacts

Types of Chemical Shift:

1. Chemical Shift of the First Kind
2. Chemical Shift of the Second Kind
Chemical Shift Artifacts

Chemical Shift of The First Kind

 Mismapping artifact
 Most commonly seen around water containing structures
surrounded by fat
 Occurs in the Frequency Encoding Direction on SE
 Artifacts appears as a dark band on one side of the
water/fat interface and a bright band on the other side.
Chemical Shift Artifacts

Imagine our patient

is in the scanner and
we take a slice
through the
Chemical Shift Artifact

Water Fat Water

Signal shifts to the neighboring pixel

Chemical Shift Artifact
Chemical Shift Artifact

 Increase bandwidth
Chemical Shift Artifacts

Chemical Shift of The Second Kind

 Black Boundary or India Ink Artifact
 Seen on GE sequences, In/Out phase imaging
 Occurs in both Phase and Frequency Directions
 Can be seen as a black line in all directions at Fat and Water interfaces
 Occurs when TE is selected in which fat and water spins out of phase,
cancelling each other out
 Used in chest and abdominal imaging
Chemical Shift Artifacts
Ringing Artifact

 also known as Gibbs phenomenon

 occurs near sharp boundaries and high-contrast transitions in the
 appears as multiple, regularly spaced parallel bands of alternating
bright and dark signal that slowly fades with distance
 Cause:
 insufficient sampling of high frequencies inherent at sharp
discontinuities in the signal.
 Images of objects can be reconstructed from a summation of
sinusoidal waveforms of specific amplitudes and frequencies
Ringing Artifact

 As the number of higher frequency harmonics increase, a better

estimate is achieved, although an infinite number of frequencies
are theoretically necessary to reconstruct the sharp edge perfectly.
 For 256 pixels, 128 discrete frequencies are depicted, and for 128
pixels, 64 discrete frequencies are specified (the k-space matrix is
symmetric in quadrants and duplicated about its center).
 A lack of high-frequency signals causes the “ringing” at sharp
transitions described as a diminishing hyper- and hypointense
signal oscillation from the transition.
Ringing Artifact
Ringing Artifact
Wraparound Artifacts

 Result of the mismapping of anatomy that lies outside of the FOV but within the slice volume.
 The anatomy is usually displaced to the opposite side of the image.
 Caused by nonlinear gradients or by undersampling of the frequencies contained within the returned signal
 Frequency signals will “wraparound” to the opposite side of the image, masquerading as low-frequency
(aliased) signals.
 In the phase encode direction, aliasing artifacts can be reduced by increasing the number of phase encode steps
(the trade-off is increased image time).
 Another approach is to move the region of anatomic interest to the center of the imaging volume to avoid the
overlapping anatomy, which usually occurs at the periphery of the FOV.
 An “antialiasing” saturation pulse just outside of the FOV is yet another method of eliminating high-frequency
signals that would otherwise be aliased into the lower frequency spectrum.
 This example of wrap-around artifact is easy to interpret. In some cases, the artifact is not as well delineated
(e.g., the top of the skull wrapping into the brain).
Wraparound Artifacts
Partial Volume Artifacts

 Partial volume artifacts arise from the finite size of the voxel over which the signal is
 This results in a loss of detail and spatial resolution.
 Reduction of partial volume artifacts is accomplished by using a smaller pixel size
and/or a smaller slice thickness.
 With a smaller voxel, the SNR is reduced for a similar imaging time, resulting in a
noisier signal with less low-contrast sensitivity.
Partial Volume Artifacts
Thank you for listening
Thank you!

 References:
 Bushberg – The Essential Physics for Medical Imaging
 Radiopaedia
 Osborn

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