Wireless Charging of AUV

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Inductive Wireless Power Transfer (IWPT)

[1] Allen, Ben, Tom Austin, Ned Forrester, Rob Goldsborough, Amy Kukulya, Greg Packard, Mike

[2] Shi, J. G., Li, D. J., & Yang, C. J. (2014). Design and analysis of an underwater inductive
Purcell, and Roger Stokey. "Autonomous docking demonstrations with enhanced REMUS

coupling power transfer system for autonomous underwater vehicle docking applications. Journal of
Direct Electrical Contact (DEC) based Charging [1] Inductive Wireless Power Transfer [2]

technology." In OCEANS 2006, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2006.

Zhejiang University SCIENCE C, 15(1), 51-62.

Pros: Pros:
 High efficiency (> 90%)  Mis-alignment tolerant
 Less load (weight) on AUV  Reduces cost
Cons:  Coil heating can reduce bio-fouling
 Uses expensive wet mate connectors Cons:
 Requires precise alignment for mating  Lower efficiency (> 80% reported)
 Corrosion, bio-fouling, maintenance  Weight

Aim: To design a compact, high power density and high efficient IWPT system for AUV application.
IWPT Circuit Structure Design Stages

 Inverter Design
 Compensation Network Design
 Coil Design
 Control Design

Design Aspects for High Efficiency

 Low loss device (SiC MOSFET)

 Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS)
operation for switching loss
 Optimal coil design

Design Aspects for High Power Density

 Analysis of power loss and

appropriate sizing of heatsink
 Higher switching frequency
operation at 80 kHz to 90 kHz
(reduces passive component size)
Goal / Outcome
 A 1 kW IWPT system will be developed with the following specifications:
Parameter Value
Power 1 kW
Voltage 48 V
Current 20 A (max)
Switching Frequency 80 kHz to 90 kHz
Efficiency > 80 %

 The IWPT system will be incorporated in the Planys Technologies’ AUV

 The prototype will be tested in sea water condition
 The specification is expected to charge the AUV in 2 hours for a 4 hour voyage

A 1 kW prototype IWPT system for AUV to be developed and tested.

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