Reproductive and Endocrine System: Role of Hormones in The Male and Female Reproductive System

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Reproductive and Endocrine system:

Role of Hormones in the Male and

Female Reproductive System

Describe the role of hormones involve in

the male and female reproductive system



4 Fallopian Tube
Letter C
Letter C



E Testis


• What is your idea about
are chemical messengers.

travel through your bloodstream to tissues or organs.

work slowly and affect body processes from head to

toe. These includes:

Growth and development

HORMONES Metabolism - digestion, elimination, breathing, blood

circulation and maintaining body temperature

Sexual function


a “master” hormone, according to the textbook
“Human Physiology,”

Gonadotropin- Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) is a tropic

Releasing hormone produced by a part of the brain called the
While GnRH isn’t directly responsible for male or
female sexual behavior or characteristics, it
nevertheless proves incredibly important, because it
causes the release of two other hormones of the
male or female reproductive system.
Produced in a part of the brain called the
anterior pituitary, follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH) proves active in both male and female
reproductive systems.

Follicle- The name comes from the hormone’s action in

females—males don’t produce follicles—but the
Stimulating same hormone responsible for development of a
mature egg in women stimulates the production
of sperm in the testes of men.
FSH is released in response to the stimulation of
the anterior pituitary by GnRH.
Luteinizing Hormone

Also like FSH, LH is produced by

women as well and named for
Like FSH, luteinizing hormone
its action in the female
(LH) is released by the anterior
reproductive cycle—men don’t
pituitary in response to the
experience luteinization, which
action of GnRH.
is the release of a mature egg
from the ovary during ovulation.

In men, LH causes the interstitial

cells of the testes to produce
the hormone testosterone.
Ages 9-12
• Secondary sex characteristics
Ages 11-14
• Menstrual cycle begins
Late 20-30's
• Peak sexual urges

Ages 45-55
• Menopause (cycle stops, but sex
urge continues)

There are two key groups of
hormones which control and
coordinate the reproductive system:
• Pituitary hormones (FSH and LH)
are released from the anterior
pituitary gland and act on the
ovaries to develop follicles
• Ovarian hormones (estrogen and
progesterone) are released from
the ovaries and act on the uterus
to prepare for pregnancy
• responsible for the
secondary sex
characteristics and the sex
Estrogen drive in females.
• spurs the onset of puberty
and is responsible for
• Progesterone
builds up the
lining of the
uterus called the
Progesterone endometrium in
preparation for
the fertilized
Hormones in the Female Reproductive System
Hormones in the Female Reproductive System
Hormonal regulation of the female
reproductive system involves hormones
from the hypothalamus, pituitary, and

Role of
GnRH secreted by the hypothalamus
hormones in stimulates the release of FSH, which
the female stimulates the growth of egg cells, and LH,
which signals for the the ovulation of an
reproductive egg from its follicle.
The ovaries, in turn, secrete hormones that
play a role in female sexual characteristics.
• Erections begin

Ages 11-14
• Secondary sex characteristics appear

Ages 13-16
• Sperm produced in adult amounts (puberty)

Late teens
• Peak sexual urges for boys

Throughout life
• If good health is present, there is the sex
urge and ability to father children
This hormone produces and
maintains the secondary sexual
Made in the testes, testosterone
characteristics of the male—
enters systemic circulation in
enhanced musculature, facial and
relatively constant concentrations in
body hair, thickened larynx and
a healthy, reproductive-age male.
deepened voice and enlargement of
the genitals.

The Cleveland Clinic notes that while

low testosterone levels in aging men
contribute to loss of sex drive and
It’s also responsible for the sex drive
some secondary sexual
and works with FSH to stimulate the
characteristics, hormone
production of sperm.
replacement leads to increased risk
of prostate cancer and
are male sex
hormones that
increase at puberty.
Androgen develop into a
sexually mature
adult who can

The hormone inhibin is produced

If sperm levels are high, making
by cells in the testes that are
nutrients for the developing sperm
responsible for monitoring the
scarce, the testes release inhibin.
health and maturation of sperm.

In the absence of GnRH, FSH and

LH levels fall and sperm production
The inhibin travels through the slows. This is one of the major
bloodstream to the brain, where it mechanisms whereby male
prevents the secretion of GnRH. hormones are maintained at
relatively constant concentration.
The male reproductive system depends upon the
action of many different hormones or chemicals,
produced by various body glands and enter
systemic circulation.

Role of Some of these hormones, called “tropic”

hormones, cause other hormones to release.
Hormones in
the Male
Reproductive Other hormones have direct effects upon organs
or body systems, emotions and production of
System semen.

Unlike women, men don’t experience cyclic

hormone fluctuation throughout the month--
instead, their hormone levels stay relatively
constant throughout their reproductive years.
Why are hormones
The follicle stimulating hormone
and luteinizing hormone stimulate
In female reproductive system, the growth of about 15 to 20 eggs
hormones assist the growth and in the ovaries, each in its own
maturation of egg cell. "shell," called follicle and
stimulates the ovaries to produce
estrogen and progesterone.

These hormones help to develop

and maintain female sex
characteristics and play an
important role in the menstrual
cycle, fertility, and pregnancy.
In male reproductive system, follicle-stimulating hormone is necessary for
sperm production (spermatogenesis), and luteinizing hormone stimulates
testis to produce testosterone, which is also needed to make sperm.

The production of sperm cells and the release of semen can also be
regulated by other hormones.

These hormones keep the reproductive system properly functioning.

For example, the prostate glands, bulbourethral gland and seminal vesicle.
Chemicals from these glands nourish the sperm cells and help them
Hey….That’s Mine!
• Estrogen
• Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone
• Testosterone
• Inhibin
• Progesterone
• Follicle Stimulating Hormone
• Androgen
• Luteinizing Hormone

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